sarmentosum (Stroph-s) = Kletterpflanze
I first
encountered Strophanthus about 25 years ago from my primary teacher, Otto
Wolff, MD. He was passionate about Strophanthus, even having gone so far as to
make a few treks into the African jungles to observe
the habits
of this tremendous creeping vine firsthand. He observed the indigenous native
tribesmen who dipped their arrows into a slurry made of an extract of the seeds
of Strophanthus, which they used to temporarily
their prey. The Strophanthus seeds were found to contain an oily substance with
a chemical called oubain, which was found to be a potent cardiac inotrope, even
stronger that digitalis.
enthusiasm for strophanthus as a medicine was tempered when it was claimed that
the oubain could not be absorbed into the body through the oral route. As time
went on, much to Dr. Wolff’s disappointment, it was
abandoned as a medicine. Then a few studies were done in association with the
one remaining manufacturer of oubain, the medicine now being called Strodival.
One study of patients with angina showed 81% of patients
complete remission of their anginal (chest pain) symptoms, as compared to 72%
of the control group who did not take Strodival and their angina worsened
(World Research Foundation report). A second study showed that
after MI,
the use of Strodival decreased the evidence of progression of the MI - often
within minutes - in 85% of the subjects, a remarkable result. It was found
that, as with digitalis, the heart uses oubain in its endogenous communication
system. It is as if digitalis and strophanthus contain exact copies of the
hormones that the heart uses to regulate its own beat and elasticity.
Luckily for
us, the fears of my dear teacher Otto Wolff may not come to pass. A number of
cardiac clinics and hospitals in Europe have rediscovered the cardiac tonic
effect of strophanthus as well as its swift onset of action.
It is said
that a sublingual dose of Strodival will often stop angina within minutes and
can also have a positive effect on developing MIs again within a very brief
period of time.
Negativ: Herz/Rheuma;
Gemüt: Angst/Furcht [berührt zu werden (an Brustwand)]
Kopf: Schmerz [< bei Bewegung/(heftig) pulsierend]
Magen: Aufstoßen/Art des Aufstoßens: sauer
„Wie Klumpen“
Schmerz [> Druck/krampfartig]
Übel < Bewegung/< nach Essen
Bauch: Auftreibung (unter Nabel)
Schmerz [> Bewegung/< Sitzen/zusammenschnürend/in Leistengegend > Liegen/in Nabelgegend (> Zusammenkrümmen)/unter dem Nabel (zusammenschnürend)]
Stuhl: Riecht „Wie Obst“/riecht übel/riecht „Wie Pferdeharn“/hart
Blase: Wasser lassen häufig
Urin: blass/riecht „Wie Pferdeharn“/reichlich
Atmung: Atemnot, Dyspnoe, erschwertes Atmen
Verlangt tief zu atmen
Brust: Herz „Wie vergrößert“
Völle < Beugen
Pulsieren [Herz (erstr. Kopf/< Steigen]
Schmerz viele
Beschwerden der Mitralklappe
Rücken: Kälte (einschließlich Frost) [in Lumbalregion (nach vorne beugend/< Gehen/< Liegen/< Sitzen/< Stehen)]
Schmerz [>/< Liegen/< Sitzen/> Stehen/> Bewegung/< Gehen/wund schmerzend/Wehtun/+ Schwäche in Lumbalregion/unter Schulterblättern/< nach vorne beugend]
Glieder: Verlangt sich zu strecken
Kälte (< Laufen, Rennen/> Ruhe/< Stehen/< Steigen)
Krämpfe [< Steigen/Waden (< Laufen, Rennen/> Ruhe/< Stehen/< Steigen)]
Ruhelos (Füße)
Schmerz [l./nachts im Bett/< Liegen/< Sitzen/> Bewegung/< Gehen/< Stehen/Wehtun/wund schmerzend/schießend/stechend/in Gelenke]
Schwäche [Beine/< Heruntergehen von Treppen/in Unterschenkel < Stehen]
Schweregefühl (Unterschenkel < Stehen)
Steifheit (Handgelenke/Oberarme - Deltoid/Schultern)
Allgemeines: l.
< körperliche Anstrengung/< Bewegung/< Stehen/> Liegen/> Ruhe
Laborergebnisse - Elektrokardiogramm - P-R Intervall verlängert
Schmerz [Gelenke/stechend/Muskeln]
< Rasieren
Schwäche + Kälte in Lumbalregion
Komplementär: Ign.
Vergleich: Enthält: Ouabin; Acon. Bry. Cortison (hergestellt aus Stroph-s). Kali-c. Lach. Sarcol-ac.
Vergleich: Adon + Conv + Stroph + Dig + Puls + Ran-b;
Siehe: Gentianales + Cortison- + Herzgruppe
Unverträglich: Dig./Fieber
Allerlei: tropisch Afrika/Kletterpflanze Oleum strophantii ist nicht giftig
Vorwort/Suchen Zeichen/Abkürzungen Impressum