Hydrogen peroxidatum (?) = Wasserstoffperoxid (H2O2)
Clinical results underline the ability of this homeopathic remedy to improve and even to recover functional and structural intellectual deficit. Results show that the remedy could be important
in the therapy of degenerative diseases of CNS, which are currently strongly increasing. In this case, the homeopathic therapy might be useful where traditional medicine have no chances.
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is the simplest stable peroxide 1,2.
Chemical point of view: a powerful oxidizing agent.
At a room temperature, it is a fluid, colourless, viscous and unstable substance, spontaneously exploding. Because of its explosive temper it is not available in its raw state.
The danger of explosion is due to its tendency to dissociate, turning in water and oxygen through an exothermic reaction.
It is normally produced within the cells with a critical concentration. If present at non physiological concentrations, it causes oxidative damages to biological molecules.
It is also considered a significant signal molecule inside nervous cells.
Low concentrations of it are normally present in the air.
Low dose toxic effects: eye, throat, respiratory tract and skin irritation. Ingestion can cause vomit, gastrointestinal damages and embolism.
Free radicals
Free radicals are molecules or pieces of molecules showing a unmatched electron. They can build up within the cells as products of enzymatic reactions. They are highly reactive, so that they tend to catch an atom of hydrogen from different molecules, inducing a chain reaction.
Their action on fats of the cellular membrane and on nuclear proteins can cause severe damage on cells, breaking up their membranes and nucleus. Free radicals are one of the basic causes of cancer, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, Alzheimer, Parkinson disease and autoimmune diseases. They are the main cause of the cell ageing process.
Free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS)
O.-2 – superoxyde anion
It can be quickly transformed into H2O2 by the action of the superoxide dismutase enzyme (SOD) = hydrogen peroxyde
It is not a free radical, but it can cause their production, for instance in the presence of metals.
OH. – hydroxyl: It is the most dangerous and reactive free radical.
Hydrogenium peroxidatum produces slow, long lasting and persistent symptoms. Mental symptoms affect the deepest area of the individual (her/his vitality), creativeness and attention, producing:
• Sluggishness • Loss of interest in everything
• Asthenia • Lethargy
• Sleepiness • Numbness
• Blunting • Loss of memory
• Confusion
• Degeneration
Clinical use in man
At the moment, 12 patients benefited from Hydrogenium peroxidatum. All experienced clearness of mind, intellectual vividness, proactivity.
L. P., man, 51. He is using H. p. for 11/2 year. He’s a writer, who came to me because of depression, total lack in initiative, together with severe spondylitis and herpes genitalis. He’s now working at full rate, and his improvement and clear-headedness are striking.
S. T., woman, 86. She basically forgets everything, even what she just said and she feels a hollow feeling in her head. She took twice H. p. 200K. When I saw her again I found her memory considerably improved. Unfortunately she suffered from a tormenting eruption of her lower limbs, a complaint that she never had before. The patient benefited at a mental level, but experimented the strong pathogenetic power of the substance (limb eruptions).
M. E., woman, 77. She is assuming the remedy since 15 months and the results suggest it could be her Simillimum. She is overweight, prone to misanthropy, depressed, sad, suffering from hypertension. Carb-a. improved her once. When we last met after Carb-a. she said: The old age came crush about me!
I don’t feel like doing anything, I don’t go out for days. I don’t feel like anyting, I don’t even feel like reading. Recently, she got a very itchy eruption in her legs.
She took Hydrogenium peroxidatum 200K, one dose every month and a MK three month ago. I know her since 15 years and I never saw her so in shape. Eruptions are gone, hypertension is under control without medicines.
D.D., man, 75. He soon run into a very quick ageing process, forgetting what he was going to say, expressing himself in an unintelligible way, retiring into himself and unburdening his frustration with members of his family. H.p., progressively diluted and administered during eight weeks, made him regain his clearness of mind.
H2O2 - Hydrogenium peroxidatum
• Cerebral disconnection
• Loss of sense of direction
• Inability to react, with impossibility to act upon previously made decisions
• Loss of hearing
• Rinithis
LULU’, 13-years old cross-breed female dog.
She’s suffering from a mammary neoplasia, she’s excessively sleepy, indolent, polydipsiac. I prescribed H.p. 200 K. A week later the dog was more joyful and lively, she retrieved her ball,
but was still easily tired. She urinated much more, even if she reduced liquid intake. Two weeks later she played ever more with the ball. I prescribed again the remedy. A month later I noticed a rise in her energetic level: she was lively, running and playing more and more. An old dermatitis reappeared. I prescribed again H.p. 200K and two months later she was still lively and eager to play and jump. Her cataract cleared up.
BILLY, 13-year old Miniature Poodle male dog.
When he came on my couch, he looked dazed, then he didn’t know which way to get down. He’s hard of hearing and he doesn’t answer when somebody calls him. I prescribed H.p. 5CH drops,
1x daily per 14 days. 2 weeks later he was quicker and sprightly. He continued the remedy 2 weeks more, then H.p. 30 CH drops once a week. 2 months later he was even more lively,
less sleepy, eager to play again. He did not suffer anymore from cervical pains. Hearing was better. Eight months later the dog looked really younger: he was wearing well 13 years.
He regained his joi de vivre. His hearing is good.
AQUILA, 6-years old Border Collie male dog.
Very active subject: he often exercises and takes part in agility competitions. After a food poisoning he showed lack of reactivity. He stayed in a corner and slept all the day long. When somebody called him, he refused to go out. Though he always was a bold subject, he looked fearful, stayed close to his owner, marking with urine his sit. Since four weeks he got tired at the least effort, and three throws of the ball were enough to make him breathing rapidly and exhausting him. H.p. 30 CH drops, a dose every other day for one week. Seven days later he went back to his habits.
LUCHY, 13-years old cross-breed male dog.
The dog is suffering from hepatoid adenoma in the anal area. The owner brought him because of influenza syndrome, with sneezes. He is out of sorts, not so bright, more tired, and he doesn’t answer when called. H.p. 30 CH drops, one daily dose per three days. The dog recovered within two days and 4 months later he was still very well, very bright considering his age.
NITRO, 13-years old cross-breed male dog.
The dog is suffering from severe atlas-axis arthritis, advanced mental ageing and reduced hearing capacity. Not very bright: when he sees a cookie or the leash in his owner hands, he bites them. H.p. 5 CH drops, once daily for 21 days. At the follow-up his state was inaltered. H.p. 30 CH once a day for 3 days, then one dose every other day for 3 weeks. Three weeks later he was positively brighter, took the initiative and run without getting tired.
VINCENT, 16-years old Yorkshire Terrier male dog.
Suffering from a widespread vertebral spondylosis, hepatic encephalopathy, blindness, extensive signs of ageing. Since 14 months he is taking Conium maculatum, his first homeopathic remedy, successful in improving his ambulation. Since five months, though, he is lost, apathetic, his reaction to stimuli are reduced. Furthermore he shows a ritualistic behaviour. He lost his sense of direction: he sleeps in a corner and he is not able anymore to get out by himself. H.p. 200K drops, one dose every five days. 12 days later he was more reactive, he turned round if somebody called him, but still didn’t recognise the source of that sound. His mobility was improved in spite of the severe vertebral sponylosis; he felt less the cold; he didn’t show tiredness after light exercise. Some problems were still persisting: loss of the sense of direction (at home he spun without reaching his room), staring a spot of the wall (the main symptom of hepatic encephalopathy). I though advisable to use a lower potency, so I prescribed H.p. 5CH drops, one dail-y dose for 14 days, then C 30 1 dose every 7 days. Two months later: He didn’t spin around himself anymore, directed his activity, he still stared at a spot, but just when he stayed still. He got more confidence in carrying out movements. Hearing’s recovery is confirmed.
Six months later hearing’s recovery was maintained, as well as observed improvements.
Our research about properties of H2O2, and particularly its capacity to produce free radicals, therefore actively participating to cell ageing process, suggested that the homeopathically prepared substance Hydrogenium peroxidatum could show symptoms related to this sphere and consequently have an effect on similar pathologies. The data obtained so far are confirming such hypothesis and opening up wide horizons.
An excellent remedy in approaching problems of ageing. Our patients referred a return of mental brightness and joie de vivre, interest and active participation in life; signs of mental and physical decline were also removed. We should also underline the recovery of damaged hearing capacity in two old patients, as well as in two dogs. The use of Hydrogenium peroxidatum in animals, where objectivity of symptoms and recovery are incontestable, enriches our case record, allowing us to use it in some serious cases. We especially confirm the recovery of decision-making
of ill subjects, and the restoration of significant neurological symptoms.
Eruptions on limbs, bothersome and persistent, extreme weakness, coryza + with sensory dullness must also be emphasized.
To obtain a whole pathogenetic and clinical picture, to a greater extent, and therefore more detailed indications, we should complete the data so far collected. We would be expecting that our colleagues, human and veterinary homoeopaths, begin to use Hydrogenium peroxidatum and let us know about their results. That will be a further chance of treating severe pathologies whose traditional treatment is currently inadequate.
Comparison Chamaeleo dilepis dilepis + Hydrog.
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