Oleum jecoris aselli  (Ol-j) = Lebertran u.a. von Gadus. morrhua/= Dorsch/= Kabeljau


Vergleich: Enthält: I + Br + Ca + P + Ph-ac + But-ac; Bac. (= Ol-j-a-ähnlich). Gad. (Ol-j = hergestellt aus Gad).

Siehe: Pisces + Tierische Fetten + Öle + Anhang: (Sally Fallon/Mary G. Enig) + Tuberkulose Anhang 2


= Tub. + Drüsen/Gelenken/Knochen/Haut, eitrige/erstickende AUSfluss/= Tub. + Unruhe/= Tub + nasses Klima/= Tub - aggressiv /= Ol-j-a.-ähnlich/= Puls.;

= Chol.-ähnlich/= Gink.-ähnlich/= Bac.-ähnlich;

Gebrauch: Lebendigkeitsverlust/schwache Beinen/unsicherer Gang/Muskelschwund o. Bindegewebezuwachs/Knochenschmerz/Kalkablagerung in Gefäße/Lebervergrößert/ DURST/Harndrang/Nieren/Lungen/Haarausfall/Haut schuppig/juckend, Sehen unscharf;


Negativ: Kopf/Außenseite schmerzhaft, Herzklopfen + andere Beschwerden, Husten, DURST, Frost, << Milch, < Luftzug, Leberschmerz, plötzlichen Herzschmerz, Schilddrüse; Auszehrung und Abmagerung, Schmerzen brennend. Verdauungssystem, Würmer, Parasiten;

Hergestellt aus verfaulte Kabeljauleber.

[Dr. Manisha Bhatia]

Hepar Sulph – allergic to cod liver oil

[Robin Murphy]

Ailments from faulty nutrition. Atrophy of infants, emaciation with hot hands and head, restless and feverish at night. Cannot tolerate milk.

Pain in liver region. Beginning stages of tuberculosis. <: motion/touch/stooping/draft of air;

A nutritional supplement derived from liver of cod fish. As with most fish oils, it has high levels of the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. Cod liver oil contains vitamin A

and vitamin D. Historically taken because of its vitamin A and vitamin D content. It was once commonly given to children, because vitamin D has been shown to prevent rickets and other symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

Traditionally manufactured by filling a wooden barrel with fresh cod livers and seawater and allowing the mixture to ferment for up to a year before removing the oil.

Modern cod liver oil is made by cooking the whole cod body tissues of fatty fish during the manufacture of fish meal.

Therapeutic uses: easing pain and joint stiffness + arthritis. May have a positive effect on heart, bone, as well as helping to repair wounded skin, hair, nails, and teeth.

Cod liver oil and fish oil are similar, but cod liver oil has higher levels of vitamins A and D. People consuming cod liver oil as a source of omega-3 fatty acids should pay attention to how much vitamin A and vitamin D this adds to their diet.

Cod liver oil may be an effective complementary measure for long-term treatment of multiple sclerosis.

Use of cod liver oil during pregnancy associated with lower risk of Type I diabetes in the offspring. This effect was found only in mothers taking cod liver oil, not in mothers

taking multivitamin supplements. Cod liver oil taken by nursing mothers improves the breast milk by increasing the amount of fatty acids, which promotes brain development,

and the amount of vitamin A helping to prevent infections, but the level of vitamin D is unchanged.

A Norwegian study of more than 68.000 women reported that female cancer patients who took daily cod-liver oil supplements had significantly reduced mortality (25% for

all cancers, 45% for lung cancer) compared to women who did not take such supplements.

Per tablespoon (13.6g), cod liver oil contains 136% of the established Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for Preformed Vitamin A (Retinol). Vitamin A accumulates in body

fat, and can reach harmful levels sufficient to cause hypervitaminosis A. Pregnant women may want to consider consulting a doctor when taking cod liver oil because of the

high amount of natural forms of vitamin A such as retinol. High doses of synthetic vitamin A (retinoids) have been shown to cause birth defects.

risk of hypervitaminosis and of exposure to environmental toxins such as mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins, and other contaminants, are reduced

when purification processes are applied to produce refined fish-oil products, which consequently contain raised levels of omega-3 fatty acids, such as EPA and DHA.

A high intake of cod liver oil by pregnant women is associated with a nearly fivefold increased risk of gestational hypertension, although this study did not control for mercury, which can be present in harmful amounts in fish and which is another cause of hypertension.

Some warn for taking cod liver oil and other fish-based supplements since they may contain elevated levels of toxins such as mercury and PCBs found in fish.

Some supplement companies regularly test cod liver oil for purity. Consumerlab.com tested 44 fish and cod liver oil supplements and found that all were free of detectable

levels of mercury;

[Dr. Jongh]

Obtained from the liver of the common cod: the process is thus described by Dr. Garrod: "The livers are collected daily, so that no trace of decomposition may have occurred:

carefully examined, so as to remove all traces of blood and impurity, and to separate any inferior livers: they are then sliced and exposed to a temperature not exceeding 180° F

till all the oil is drained from them.

This is filtered, afterwards exposed to a temperature of about 50° F in order to congeal the bulk of the margarine, and again filtered, and put into bottles well secured from

the action of the air." The best oil comes from Norway.

Cod-liver oil is the only agent in which the old school have any confidence as a curative agent in tuberculosis. Principal constituents of these oils are oleate and margarate of

glycerine, possessing the usual properties, but they also contained butyric and acetic acid, the principal constituents of the bile as fellenic, carbolic and hillifellinic acids and

bilifalvin, a peculiar substance soluble in alcohol, or ether; iodine, chlorine, and traces of bromine; phosphoric and sulphuric acids; phosphorus; lime; magnesia, soda and iron.

These were found in all the varieties, though not in equal proportions in all, yet it is quite uncertain whether the difference had an relation to their degree of efficacy.

This analysis gives us a compound of 20 different remedies, all of which, act especially upon the great sympathetic or vegetative nervous system, the grand centre for the

action of the tubercular poison, and, it will be 'seen, are the principal remedies used by our school for the cure of tubercular consumption.

Oleum jecoris in Tb = (Cod-liver oil) is known as a great remedy in scrofulosis tuberculosis and debility. There are chills running down the back, hoarseness, and soreness

through the chest. You will see these symptoms as the beginning of tuberculosis!;

Repertorium:                                                                        [Herbert Millinger]

Gemüt: Angst/Furcht (vor Geisteskrankheit)


Ruhelos (nachts)

Wahnideen (sei geisteskrank/ Fehleinschätzung i.B. auf die eigene Identität/Verstand zu verlieren, verrückt werden)

Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

Kopf: Hautausschläge - Krusten, Schorfe/Milchschorf

Schmerz [< Husten (berstend)/Hinterkopf (erstr. Stirn)/Hinterkopf und Stirn/Scheitel (und Stirn)/in Schläfen (l. erstr. r.)/Stirn [< hustend (berstend)/über den Augen nach



Auge: skrofulös entzündet

Granulierte Lider

Schmerz [< lesend (Wehtun)]

Schweregefühl in Lider


Sehen: Verlust des Sehvermögens während Frost

Ohr: Absonderungen (stinkend/übelriechend)


Hören: Schwerhörig (l.)

Taubheit, Verlust des Gehörs (l.)

Nase: Katarrh

Nasenbluten bei Amenorrhoea/< Bücken/durch unterdrückte Menses

Schnupfen (mit/ohne Absonderung/chronisch, lang anhaltend)

Bewegung in Nasenflügel “Wie Fächer)



Gesicht: Ausdruck - alt aussehend/kränklich



Haarwuchs bei Kindern/bei Frauen am Kinn/auf Oberlippe

Mund:  Zunge gelb

Geruch faulig

Innerer Hals: Entzündet - chronisch

Schleim gelb

Würgen, Zusammenziehen < Hinlegen

Äußerer Hals: Kropf/geschwollene Schilddrüse

Magen: Appetit - fehlend mittags/Heißhunger

Durst (vor/während Frost)



Würgen mit Husten

Bauch: Kälte

Schmerz [krampfartig/stechend/wund schmerzend/Hypochondrien (r.)/Leber(gegend)]

Tabes mesenterica

Vergrößert (Mesenterium)

Beschwerden der Leber und Lebergegend/Pankreas

Rektum: Durchfall (morgens)

Stuhl: Unverdaut

Nieren: Addison Syndrom

Blase: Wasser lassen unwillkürlich

Urin: Eiweißhaltig/rot

Sediment - rosa

Harnröhre: < beim Stuhlgang (brennend/stechend)

Weibliche Genitalien: Fluor (gelb)

Menses - fehlend/zu häufig/reichlich/schmerzhaft/unregelmäßig

Ovarien (wund schmerzend)

Kehlkopf und Trachea: Kitzeln in Luftwege

Schleim im Kehlkopf (morgens)

Stimme - heiser, Heiserkeit

Atmung: Asthma, asthmatische Atmung/Atemnot, Dyspnoe, erschwertes Atmen


Auswurf: Dick/gelb/grünlich/schleimig (morgens/blutig/weiß/zäh)

Husten: Morgens (6 - 9 h)/nachts (22 - 6 h)

Anfallsweise morgens


Husten > wenn Fieber erscheint

Gelöst, locker

< Heben der Arme/< Lachen/< Zugluft, Luft 


Hustenreiz in Brust (obere Teil)/Reizhusten, steter Reiz


Kitzelhusten, durch Kitzeln

< liegend (nachts)

Stört/verhindert Schlaf

Trocken [nachts (< liegend)/stört den Schlaf]

Brust: Beschwerden an einzelnen Stellen

Lungen blutun/entzündet


Beklemmung (nachts während Frost/im Herzen)


Herzklopfen (< hustend)

Schmerz [abends - 19 h/< bei Bewegung/< reitend/brennend/wund schmerzend/brennend/stechend/wandernd/< Heben beide Arme/< Husten/< hustend/

erstr. Rücken/seitlich l./in unterer Teil/in Zwischenrippenmuskeln]


Tb. im engeren Sinne (Anfangsstadium)

Rücken: Flattern - beginnt im Sakrum und steigt allmählich zum Hinterkopf auf

Kälte (einschließlich Frost) erstr. den Rücken nach oben/unten/Sakralregion erstr.  Hinterkopf

Schmerz [dumpf/wund schmerzend/Wehtun/unter den Schulterblätter/in Lumbal-/Sakralregion/Sakroiliakalgelenke/Sakrum/Wirbelsäule]


Glieder: Abmagerung des schmerzhaftes Bein

Abszess - Knie/in Knöchel/Fistelmund an Gelenke

Gefühllose, taube Arme

Heiße Hände (Handflächen/nachts)/Knie

Hüftgelenk entzündet

Kalte Füße

Schmerz [rheumatisch/brennend/Wehtun/wund schmerzend/in Ischiasnerv (mit Atrophie des Beines)/in Gelenke (chronisch/gichtig)/< Druck/in Knöchel/Wachstumsschmerz]

Schweiß (an Arme nachts)

Geschwollen - Knie bei Gelenktuberkulose/Knöchel

Steifheit in Gelenke

Trockene Hände

Schweiß: Nachts (22 - 6 h)

nach Fieber/nach Kälte


Schlaf: Schlaflos  (während Hitze/hustend/hinlegend)

Träume: Gespenster/lebhaft

Fieber: Hitze im Allgemeinen

Nachts (22 - 6 h)

Hektisches Fieber/intermittierendes, chronisches Fieber, Wechselfieber

Frost: Frösteln - abends/nachts

Haut: rote Flecken

Hautausschläge - Herpes/schuppig - Ichthyose/Tinea


Allgemeines: 19 h./l.

Abmagerung (+ heiße Hände/+ heißen Kopf/während Durchfall/bei (Klein)Kindern]

Abszesse, Eiterungen (chronisch/”Wie Kälte”/an Gelenke)/Geschwüre in Drüsen

Ameisenlaufen in äußere Teile



Fisteln (an Gelenke/der Knochen)


Karies der Knochen


Leistungsfähigkeit erhöht


Ruhelos nachts

Schmerz - l./rheumatisch (+ chronische Steifheit)/innerlich (brennend)

Speisen und Getränke: Abgeneigt: Milch; <: Milch;

< Zugluft, Luftzug

Zwergwuchs (abgemagerte Babies)


”Wie Kraft, Durchhaltevermögen”

Durch Schlafmangel

Matt/Schwäche (progressiv)

Geschwollene Drüsen (mit Abmagerung)

Symptome treten an einzelnen Stellen auf

Tb. (in Anfangsstadium/Lupus vulgaris/in Lymphdrüsen)

Verkürzte Muskeln und Sehnen


Antidotiert: Ars. Hep.                        

Antidotiert von: Iris-v. Lyc.                Gebrauch: Hep.


Wirkung: ringwormoid/choleirisch/psorisch/sycotisch/tuberkulin

Allerlei: Dorsch entwickelt ein Antifrostsubstanz um in Wasser um Gefrierpunkt leben zu können.



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum