Comparison Chamaeleo dilepis dilepis + Hydrogenium


[Debora Moore]




Chamaeleo dilepis dilepis




Contrasting symptoms of opposite polarities. The main mental theme seems to focus around a feeling of reality versus unreality. There are a lot of sensations of being out of reality, out of the body, separated from the self, „spaced-out, objects being far away, feeling as if in another dimension and not fitting into the environment. There is a sense as if time were warped – either sped up or slowed down. There is a polarity of confusion of

mind with poor concentration, making many mistakes, clumsiness, muddled, forgetfulness in contrast to mental clarity, feeling unusually alert, efficient and mentally active. Polarity of manic happiness and severe depression. Ridiculous laughter, feeling relaxed, calm, happy, bouncy, elated, exhilarated, and bubbly compared to feeling low, indifferent, depressed, suicidal, despairing, distant, indifferent, apathetic, introverted and disconsolate. There are also

symptoms of feeling very sympathetic and connected with humanity versus feeling isolated, silent, cut off and morose. These negative feelings may be accompanied by paranoia and suspiciousness).

Feeling of being relaxed, calm, positive and peaceful versus anxiety, apprehension, „butterflies and fearfulness. Also irritability, quarrelsomeness, anger, aggression and „snapping. There is much theorising, philosophising, turning towards religion and searching for meaning. Symptoms relating to sex and sexuality: a delusion of being pregnant, feeling as if had

given birth, ambivalence about sexual orientation and increased or decreased libido.



feeling of being „spaced-out accompanied by feeling disorientated and disconnected – from others, from the surroundings and as if mind and body are disconnected.

Sense of being on another plane of reality and a difficulty in concentration and focussing as well as light-headedness and a feeling “As if floating”. It has symptoms of feeling withdrawn, antisocial and distant from people and there is also a feeling of being emotionally cold and hard to others. There is some degree of poor self-image and very

pronounced symptoms of depression, hopelessness and despair (easy weeping). Exhaustion, apathy and

indifference. There is anxiety that is accompanied by tiredness and is felt on waking, with a sense of inexplicable foreboding; aggression, explosive

anger and pronounced irritability. There is a heightened sensitivity (sounds) and an over-excitability of the mind on attempting to sleep. Some degree of feeling relaxed and calm, especially occurring in provers that are normally easily „stressed.

A greater extent of depression and negativity than there is of positive emotions.

No paranoia, theorising and sexuality

Feeling of being „spaced-out accompanied by feeling disorientated and disconnected – from others, from the  surroundings and as if mind and body are disconnected. There is a sense of being on another plane of reality and

a difficulty in concentration and focussing as well as light-headedness and a feeling “As if floating”. Symptoms of feeling withdrawn, antisocial and

distant from people and there is also a feeling of being emotionally cold and hard to others. Some degree of poor self-image and very pronounced symptoms of depression, hopelessness and despair (easy weeping). Exhaustion, apathy and indifference. Anxiety that is accompanied by tiredness and is felt on waking, with a sense of inexplicable foreboding; aggression, explosive

anger and pronounced irritability. There is a heightened sensitivity, especially to sounds and an over-excitability of the mind on attempting to sleep. There is some degree of feeling relaxed and calm, especially occurring in provers that are normally easily „stressed.

Equally strong symptoms of a positive nature as well as a negative nature.

paranoia, theorising and sexuality



Dizziness and vertigo, with headache accompanied by tiredness.

Dizziness and vertigo, with headache.


Tingling, pins and needles and numbness.


Feeling of „fuzziness and dreadful heaviness of the head.

A great deal of pain in both remedies, (around and behind the eyes and in the occiput).

primarily focussed around the eyes and occiput and ext. to

the neck.


Many symptoms in the head. Formication on the scalp.

Tingling, pins and needles and numbness.

Feeling of „fuzziness and dreadful heaviness of the head.

A great deal of pain in both remedies, (around and behind the eyes and in the occiput).

additional focus of pain in the forehead, vertex and feeling of pain emanating from the centre of the brain.



Sensation of heaviness and the photophobia, watering and swelling of the upper lids, and this last is accompanied by a feeling of them being full to bursting. It also has dryness

of the eyes, redness, burning, soreness and a feeling of great tiredness of the eyes.


Sensation of heaviness in the eyes, a feeling of grit in the eyes, much watering, stinging and photophobia. There may be pustules on the margins of the lids and swelling of the upper lids.



Some blurring of vision.

Vision affected with black spots, floating specks of light and colours appearing brighter and more beautiful.



Ear: sensations of buzzing, fluttering, some pain/cold


Ear: pain, ringing, formication, blocking and itching/cold.



Nose is stuffy and congested with or without watery discharge. burning and roughness felt inside.


Nose is stuffy and congested with or without watery discharge. Thick mucous discharge, a lot of sneezing, tingling and itching.



Face: tingling and numbness throughout, burning and heat of the face, pain and aching (jaws). Dry lips

Puffiness and bloating/sinus pain and stiffness of the muscles.

Face: tingling and numbness throughout, burning and heat of the face, pain and aching (jaws). Dry lips ext. to the skin.




Mouth: very dry accompanied by great thirst. Numbness and smoothness of the tongue and increased salivation.

Pain in teeth of the l. lower jaw and the incisors.

Pain < any cold/talking/eating/swallowing.

Mouth: very dry accompanied by great thirst. Numbness and smoothness of the tongue and increased salivation.

Spots and ulcerations in the mouth and tongue.

Pain in teeth of the l. lower jaw and the incisors, pain in the upper r. side. Pain may be severe enough to wake one from sleep > from cold water/< eating.



Throat with thick mucus covering the back, accompanied by a sensation of dryness and increased thirst with enlargement of cervical glands.

Scratchiness and grittiness.


Throat with thick mucus covering the back, accompanied by a sensation of dryness and increased thirst with enlargement of cervical glands.

Sensations of burning and rawness.



Increase and a decrease in appetite seen, increased thirst for cold drinks, thirst seems more pronounced.

Some nausea and gaseousness of the stomach,


Increase and a decrease in appetite seen, increased thirst for cold drinks, thirst seems more pronounced.

Some nausea and gaseousness of the stomach,



Stomach: some nausea and gaseousness (more pronounced).

Feeling of „butterflies.


Stomach: some nausea (more pronounced) and gaseousness.

Feeling of „butterflies.



Gnawing pain throughout as well as feeling over-distended, full and bloated.

Loose, soft, mushy stools predominate.


Gnawing pain throughout as well as feeling over-distended, full and bloated. Sharp or aching pain, mostly in the lower abdomen or groin.

Pronounced constipation.


Contradictory bladder symptoms of either excessive urination in comparison to the amount of liquid consumed or the opposite of increased urination with decreased drinking.


Full bladder but passing little urine and frequent urination drinking little.



Symptoms of the female genitalia incl. discharge, heavy +/o. early menses.



Respiration notably affected.

Phlegmy cough with less expectoration.


Some difficult respiration and a little wheezing.

With dry, hacking, barking, tickling cough < in morning.


Pains in the pectoral muscles, over the sternum with by numbness and tingling of the upper limbs and as “As if needles” were thrown against the internal surface of the lungs. A feeling of a hollow tube in the chest, as well as in the throat, freezing cold internally and compression and oppression of the chest.

Many symptoms of palpitations, arrhythmia, feeling

as though the heart is pumping against thickened blood and increasing pulse rate.


Symptoms of anxiety felt about the heart, tightness of the

chest, palpitations and chest pains < at sternum.



Similar to Hydrogen with more lumbar pain and more severe neck pain ext. from the occiput and not between the scapulae. More stiffness of back and neck.

“As if”  though the back would break, perspiration and tingling up the spine.

Pain and aching in the back (back of neck and between the scapulae). Stiffness and tension of the neck and shoulders.

Weakness in back.


Legs: feeling wobbly and having to place them carefully,

clumsiness of movement, numbness and tingling of arms and fingers, numbness and coldness of hands – feeling icy cold, legs and feet feeling icy cold, as if frozen.

Legs: feeling wobbly and having to place them carefully,

clumsiness of movement, numbness and tingling of arms and fingers, numbness and coldness of hands – feeling icy cold, legs and feet feeling icy cold, as if frozen.

Extremities: suppuration of wounds and formation of pustules on the hands.



Weakness, tiredness and heaviness of the lower and upper limbs, more pronounced symptoms of heaviness and tiredness of the limbs.

Pain of the extremities. more severe pain: aching, tingling, shooting, excruciating, cramping and stiff.



Weakness, tiredness and heaviness of the lower limbs.

Pain of the extremities. burning, shooting and throbbing


Warmth of the l. foot, warm glowing hands, hot thighs, burning of the upper limbs and soles, athlete’s foot, chilblain and cracking of the skin of the feet.



Restless sleep, difficulty falling asleep and frequent waking.


< on waking/evening; > daytime.

Feeling of being „fluey and a tendency to get colds.

Increased extreme cold sensitivity.


Symptoms of weakness, tiredness (more), lethargy and

Numbness (more).

> sunlight and warmth.



Restless sleep, difficulty falling asleep and frequent waking a lesser degree. deep, refreshing sleep/less tiredness during the day.

< on waking/evening; > daytime.

feeling of being „fluey and a tendency to get colds

Sensations of increased heat and flushes of heat as well as increased sensitivity to the cold.

Symptoms of weakness, tiredness, lethargy and


< wet weather.



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