Comparison Chamaeleo dilepis dilepis + Lachesis mutans


[Debora Moore]



Chamaeleo dilepis dilepis

Lachesis mutans


Number of similarities with Lach.

Sleepiness with an inability to sleep at night, overactive mind, irritability, confusion and most especially the anxiety, dejection, sadness, melancholy, despair and aversion to company with no desire to mix with the world.

“As if floating in the air”/”As if having two wills”.

Some degree of competitiveness and an anger that is intense and passionate.

Depression and despair seem to be more pronounced.




Delusions of paralysis.

Absent jealousy and fanaticism/intense sexuality.

Not the same intensity in matters of spirituality and sexuality.


Strong qualities of competitiveness, aggressiveness, attractiveness, clairvoyance, deceit and venomous.

Loquacity, suspiciousness and jealousy. Sleepiness with

an inability to sleep accompanied by an overactive mind (at night), strong minded and opinionated, disputative, egocentric and haughty; intense and passionate often going to extremes with some degree of fanaticism

(spiritual matters). Can have a lot of irritability and confusion of mind, also mental dejection and

melancholy, despair with a desire for suicide, sadness and anxiety with no desire to mix with the world and an aversion to company. “As if floating in the air”/”As if having two wills”.

Intens conflict in matters of spirituality and sexuality

Cataleptic attacks



Vertigo especially accompanied by tiredness.

Vertigo (< in the morning/from movement)/“As if would fall”


Sense of fullness or congestion and heaviNESS of the head.

Very pronounced headache symptoms.

Pain in occiput, eyes and nose. It has the same concomitant symptoms of pain and stiffness in the neck and its own  concomitant of numbness in the tongue. > warmth/wrapping the head.

Sense of fullness or congestion and heaviNESS of the head.

Pain through the head on waking, head pain ext. neck and shoulders with tension of muscles, pain > warm applications/wrapping the head tightly, pain over

the eyes and in the occiput, accompanied by stiff neck and paralysis of the tongue, pain ext. to the eyes and to the nose.

Pain > by any of discharge and often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, pain is typically throbbing.


Eyes: lachrymation, photophobia, pupils unequally dilated, turning in of eyeballs during fit, dilated vessels in the eye, hazy vision on reading.

Eyes: lachrymation, photophobia and twitching. Pupils  first contracted then dilated (turning upward in an epileptic fit). Dilated vessels in the eyeball.

Vision is affected such that reading becomes difficult.



Increased sensitivity to sounds.

Increased sensitivity to sounds.



Eye symptoms somewhat more pronounced than in




Watery discharge with some sneezing, congestion of the nose and no epistaxis or eruptions.

Coryza, sneezing and epistaxis with offensive bloody discharges and vesicular eruptions about the nose.



Bloating of the face with a mottled appearance or dark red/purplish colour, pain in the lower jaw, stiffness of the upper lip, lips dry and cracked and swollen cervical and submaxillary glands without the dark mottled colour and the bloating limited to a sensation of puffiness.

Bloating of the face with a mottled appearance or dark red/purplish colour, pain in the lower jaw, stiffness of the upper lip, lips dry and cracked and swollen cervical and submaxillary glands.


Tongue affected: numb in various areas, markedly dry and with pain.

Tongue affected being swollen, dry, red, burning, ulcerated, stammering and difficult to move.



Increase in salivation. Teeth are affected to a

greater degree.


Increase in salivation. Teeth affected.



“As if a lump” in the throat and general throat pain.

Sensation of emptiness and the presence of a hollow tube in the throat.


“As if a lump” in the throat and general throat pain. More in Lach.


Abdomen: sensation of bloating.

Abdomen: sensation of bloating (more pronounced) and intolerance of tight clothing.



Female organs: many symptoms


Sensitivity of the thoracic region. Need to take slow,

deep breaths with difficult laboured breathing and a sense of oppression in the chest. Sense of compression or constriction of the chest.

Feeling of cold in the chest

Cardiovascular symptoms/a wide range of heart symptoms: palpitation, pain, “As if the heart is too large” irregular beating. More symptoms in Lach.


Sensitivity of the thoracic region. Difficult respiration, feeling as though constantly obliged to take deep breaths, asthma and suffocating dyspnoea.

Sense of compression or constriction of

the chest. Venous congestion. Feeling of heat in the chest

Cardiovascular symptoms/a wide range of heart symptoms: palpitation, pain, “As if the heart is too large” irregular beating. More symptoms in Lach.


Sensitivity about the neck and occiput.

Stiffness and pain of the neck very pronounced. not the same sensitivity to external pressure.

SENsitivity about the neck and occiput. Stiffness of the neck with pain and extreme sensitivity to any touch/pressure (more in Lach.).



Back affected less in Lach.

Pain, stiffness, numbness, fatigue and paralysis in its limbs.

Awkwardness of gait.

Cold in the hands and feet.

More symptoms relating to the nervous system such as tingling, pain, numbness and trembling.



Pain, stiffness, numbness, fatigue and paralysis in its limbs. Awkwardness of gait.

heat and

Burning in the hands and feet.

Mottling of skin, varicosities and swelling of the limbs.


Sleep: sleepiness with inability to sleep, feeling wide awake in the evenings, many dreams with frequent waking, restless sleep, unrefreshing sleep, waking at

night without being able to sleep again and sleeping into aggravation.

Lack of sleep due to overexcitability of the mind and senses. Waking during the night 3 h.


Sleep: sleepiness with inability to sleep, feeling wide awake in the evenings, many dreams with frequent waking, restless sleep, unrefreshing sleep, waking at

night without being able to sleep again and sleeping into aggravation. Lack of sleep is often due to anxiety or fear of death.



Skin: itching, eruptions (trunk) and great sensitivity to cold (draft).


Skin: discolouration and mottling with ulcerations, carbuncles, much bleeding of wounds and general decomposition.


Generals: cold-blooded with sensitivity/< to cold.

Sensitivity to light and touch/general weariness.


Generals: warm-bloodedness, venous congestion, purple discolouration, a tendency to left-sided

complaints, a great sensitivity to touch and constricting pressure, < warm wet weather/> any discharge.

Sensitivity to light and touch/general weariness.













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