Comparison Chamaeleo dilepis dilepis + Phosphorus


[Debora Moore]                               



Chamaeleo dilepis dilepis



Similarities: the provers initially experienced a feeling of light-headedness, floating, feeling „spaced-out, incompetent and scattered, which reflects the well known

spaciness and diffusion of Phosphorus. There was an increased sensitivity to the environment (sounds). In the majority of provers this „spaced-out state was soon followed by depression, hopelessness and despair, indifference and apathy. Also decreased concentration and lack of focus. These latter symptoms reflect the fourth stage of Phosphorus. namely indifference, seeming dazed or in a stupor, a sense that everything looks dark, feeling weary of life, gloomy and dejected.

Some increased sensitivity to the plight of others it has not  near the intensity seen in Phosphorus, no desire for company; with an aversion to company, antisocial feelings and an emotional coldness and hardness. Also aggression and anger.


mental themes of diffusion; sympathetic, affectionate, outgoing nature; exceptional sensitiv; extroverted, suggestible, self-centred, scattered, attention seeking

behaviour; desire to travel; great anxiety and


1. relates primarily to physical pathology, in which is

seen the typical symptoms of easy bleeding, increased thirst, burning pains, craving for salt, sweets and chocolate and easy > sleep.

2. subsidence of the physical symptoms and increase in anxieties and fears, typically regarding their health and the safety of others.

3. anxieties and fears become overwhelming and it becomes increasingly difficult to relax, until the anxiety

becomes constant and „free-floating. The symptoms are still somewhat > by company and reassurance.

4. mind has broken down completely, resulting in a poor

concentration, inability to think coherently and poor comprehension. Body and mind become weak and the patient is indifferent to company and surroundings. This is a state characterised by depression, despondency and indifference. desire for company and strong sympathy for others.



Vertigo accompanied by fatigue and lethargy.


Vertigo related primarily to cardiovascular

disturbances with feeling “As if all the blood rushed to the head accompanied by faintness and nausea”.


Headaches: pain is less of a throbbing, pulsating nature and the pain is more localised around the eyes

and the occiput, ext. neck.


Headaches: congestive and throbbing, feeling as though the blood goes to the head. > cold/< heat. Often accompanied by great hunger, hot flushed face, nausea, vomiting and stiffness in the muscles of the face and

Jaws. Pain in the forehead and ext. root of the nose and upper eyelids, or extends into the bones of the face.



Eyes: Redness, burning, lachrymation, heaviness and sleepiness. Twitching and trembling in the eyelids, photophobia and a pronounced sensation of fullness of the lids with swelling = more of a puffiness of the upper lids.

More tiredness.

Redness, burning, lachrymation, heaviness and sleepiness. Twitching and trembling in the eyelids, photophobia and a pronounced sensation of fullness of the lids with swelling of the upper lids = true oedema.

Greatly affected with the eyeballs feeling large,

“As if heated”, burning, heaviness in the eyes, lachrymation and paresis of external ocular muscles. Much congestion of the blood vessels and redness of the eyes. As well as thrombosis of retinal vessels.



Vision: considerably affected with diplopia, blindness, objects appearing red, blue, grey or green, flashes, halos, black spots and narrowing of visual fields.




Ear: shooting pain in the ears, difficulty in

Hearing: difficult the human voice



Nose: coryza in the nose/epistaxis. Nose colds descend easily to the chest and commonly accompanied by some bleeding;

Smell: sensitiv to smells and foul imaginary odours.



Ears: some pain in the ears and Eustachian tubes

and sensations of fluttering and pulsations. Coryza with

thin, watery discharge, nasal congestion and burning.

Epistaxis and descending of colds to the chest of Phosphorus are absent.




Face: pain (jaw)/burning and heat of the face with a desire to wash with cold water, bloating and puffiness.

Tingling and sensations of heaviness and tiredness.

Face: shooting, tearing facial pains (orbits and the jaw-bones). Neuralgia (involving the jaws). There may be flushes of heat to the face, the face appears swollen and puffy or it may be flushed or pale.




Tongue smooth and dry, and THIRST for cold water.

Similar Phos.: evere toothache < cold/eating/chewing/swallowing with inflamed gums.

Tongue smooth and dry, and THIRST for cold water.

Tooth: PAIN > warmth/< talking/eating; may be caries of the lower jaw. Pain may be on the l. side and extend up the cheek to the temple.

Used in treating gums that bleed easily/for stopping bleeding after tooth extraction.




Throat: raw, rough and scraping.


Throat: raw, rough and scraping.




Stomach: pronounced thirst for COLD water insatiable at times. Capricious appetite with hunger.

Abdomen: may be distended and flatulent.


Stomach: pronounced thirst for COLD water insatiable at times. Capricious appetite with hunger (Phos. known for symptoms of hypoglycaemia).

Abdomen: may be distended and flatulent.Burning in Phosphorus as well as a greater sensitivity of the liver.








Chest: tubercular miasm/chest an area of great sensitivity. Respiration oppressed, heaviness “As if a great weight on the chest”, respiration difficult and the chest feels heavy and full.




Breathing: symptoms of oppression, difficult, fullness in the chest, pain over the sternum ext. upper limbs and accompanied by numbness and tingling. Palpitations

with difficult respiration, ext. throat, arrhythmia and increasing heart rate. The cough symptoms are less pronounced than Phos. and sensation of extreme coldness in the internal chest rather than burning and heat.


Cough: symptoms pronounced with tickling in the throat, < cold air/a hacking, hard, dry tight cough. Pneumonia and Tb. Stitching pain ext. throat and arms, heat and burning in the chest and congestion of the chest with crepitations (= clicking, rattling, or crackling noises that may be made by one or both lungs of a human with a respiratory disease). Sensations of warmth about the heart, pressure over the sternum and about the heart and pains ext. r. arm. Palpitations (accompanied by anxiety).




Back: many pronounced symptoms especially pain and stiffness of the neck, shoulders and lumbar spine. Perspiration along the spine accompanying fever and tingling running up the spine and radiating out, stiffness of the vertebrae and “As if the back would break”.


Back: many symptoms: stiffness and in the back of the neck, between the scapulae, and in the small of the back.

Heat running up the spine and burning between the scapulae. “As if the back would break” as well as of weakness.



Limbs: stiff and sore, tingling and numb, pain shooting in the upper limbs accompanied by tingling. Great

deal of weakness and heaviness of (both upper) and lower limbs. Legs feel weak, tired, shaky and jittery and “As if they would just give way”. Unstable movement with difficulty balancing and a feeling “As if the l. foot sticks to the ground” periodically.


Limbs: “As if the limbs were as heavy as lead”, there is sensory and motor paralysis and formication of the hands and feet. Arms and hands become numb, the r. arm “As if paralysed”, weakness and trembling of the upper and lower limbs, hands cold, lower limbs heavy, weary and weak in lower limbs. Feet feel “As if stuck to the ground. Movement difficult with trembling on beginning to walk, stumbling a great deal and catching the feet on the floor.





Sleep: disturbances: restless, feeling tired on waking, difficulty falling asleep due to excitement and thoughts of the day and being sleepy by day and sleepless at night;

great deal of

waking frequently throughout the night (3 h.).


Sleep: disturbances: restless, feeling tired on waking, difficulty falling asleep due to excitement and thoughts of the day and being sleepy by day and sleepless at night; somnambulism




















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