Erste Hilfe auf anthroposofische Basis


Vergleich: Siehe: Warm-Kalt


[Elizabeth Renkert, M.D.]

"The true cause of ill health, disease or constitutional infirmity, is disharmony, i.e. some infraction of nature's laws on some plane or other, either in this or a previous life,

which the universal spirit of harmony seeks to adjust by getting rid of the discordant element. This can only be got rid of by being thrown downward and outward, by

being precipitated, as the chemist would say, into the physical plane and then filtered out of the nature, for the true seat of disease is in the mind. "

ALAN LEO, How to Judge a Nativity, 1917

Prepared by Weleda, Thanks to our consultants, Elizabeth Renkert, M.D., Dr Olaf Koob, and Mary Carmichael, of Home Care Essentials, who contributed to these suggestions.



Natürliche Hilfe bei Blutergüssen, Prellungen, Quetschungen oder Zerrungen

Bewegung tut gut – und manchmal auch weh. Egal, ob Sie nur schnell einkaufen gehen oder Sport treiben. Leicht kann man mit einem Fuß umknicken, sich einen Finger verstauchen, sich einen Muskel zerren oder mit einem Mitspieler zusammenprallen. Die betroffene Körperpartie schmerzt sofort, schwillt an und verfärbt sich bald darauf, wenn es zu Blutergüssen kommt. All diese Missgeschicke werden als „stumpfe Verletzungen“ bezeichnet, weil sie das Gewebe unter der Haut betreffen, während die

Haut selbst in der Regel intakt bleibt. Präparate mit Arnika helfen bei diesen stumpfen Verletzungen, indem sie die Regeneration des Gewebes unterstützen und schmerzlindernd wirken. Sie sind in ganz unterschiedlichen Darreichungsformern erhältlich:

Das WALA Arnika Wundtuch etwa eignet sich für die Erste Hilfe bei stumpfen Verletzungen wie Zerrungen, Quetschungen oder Blutergüssen, die beim Spielen, Toben

und auch beim Sport entstehen.

Es wirkt kühlend, abschwellend und schmerzstillend, es lindert die Bildung von blauen Flecken und ist als hygienisch einzeln verpacktes Feuchttuch besonders praktisch für unterwegs – passend für jede Hand- oder Sporttasche und Reiseapotheke. Zudem eignet es sich für die gesamte Familie , vom Säugling bis zur Großmutter.

Legen Sie im Falle eines Falles schnellstmöglich ein Tuch auf die schmerzende Stelle und bewegen Sie die betroffenen Gliedmaßen so wenig wie möglich. Sie können das Tuch auch nach einiger Zeit mit ein wenig Wasser befeuchten. Nach etwa halbstündiger Anwendungsdauer kann die Auflage bei Bedarf mit einem neuen Tuch fortgesetzt werden. Bitte die Tücher nicht luftdicht abdecken, nicht auf offene Wunden legen und in der Stillzeit nicht im Bereich der Brustwarzen anwenden.

WALA Arnica e planta tota D6, Globuli leisten ebenfalls Erste Hilfe bei stumpfen Verletzungen und stillen den Schmerz.

Auch sie wirken abschwellend und fördern die Rückbildung von Blutergüssen. Dieses Arzneimittel können Sie unmittelbar und auch noch einige Tage nach dem kleinen Unfall einnehmen. Es unterstützt den Heilungsprozess von innen. Die Globuli velati helfen übrigens auch bei Muskelkater. Gleichzeitig können Sie die betroffenen Stellen

mit einem arnikahaltigen Körperöl einreiben.

Die Globuli sind frei von Alkohol, Gluten und Laktose und wie die Arnika Wundtücher für die gesamte Familie geeignet.

WALA Arnika Salbe lindert den Schmerz bei stumpfen Verletzungen und hilft dem Gewebe, sich zu regenerieren. Sie bietet sich für die Nachbehandlung an. Anders als die kühlenden Wundtücher hat die Salbe einen eher wärmenden Effekt und regt so die Regeneration des Gewebes und die Rückbildung von Blutergüssen an. Das Arzneimittel enthält auch Beinwell, was insbesondere bei Beteiligung von Sehnen und Bändern die Heilung fördert. Die Arnika Salbe wirkt zudem abschwellend und entzündungshemmend.

Sie ist frei von künstlichen Duft-, Farb- und Konservierungsstoffen und geeignet für Erwachsene und Kinder ab 1 Jahr sowie nach Rücksprache mit dem Arzt auch für Schwangere und Stillende.


Stomach Cramps- A chamomile compress:


Equipment: Boiling water, chamomile flowers, strainer, silk cotton wrap, wring­ing towel, bowl, wool wrap, fork, wool blanket.

Contraindications: Do not use when there is a fever or infection in any other place other than the belly.


• Put a handful of chamomile in the strainer. Roll the silk wrap from both ends and place it in the bowl.

• Pour boiling water over the chamomile into the bowl with the wrap.

• Take the wrap out with a fork and put into the wringing cloth. Wring until dry.

• Patient should lie on the wool wrap. Apply the chamomile wrap as tolerated, but do not burn.

• Start at the back and unroll the wrap as you move around to the sides and the front.

• Quickly cover with the wool wrap and then the wool blanket. Be sure that none of the hot wrap is exposed to the air.

• Leave on for 15 minutes. You may then remove the entire wrap or just the wet wrap.


Stomach Upsets - fennel tea, and a hot water bottle. Also fresh ginger, squeezed out in a garlic press and added to ginger ale for nausea and getting rid of bubbles.


Stomach Flu - Homeopathic Sabad. is effective.


Intestinal Parasites - garlic boiled in milk (ugh) is effective.


Gas in the lower intestine - Carbo betulae tablets D3 (birch charcoal tab­lets).


Vomiting - cold black tea. If you drink it hot it stirs up further distress. Drink it sip by sip.


Travel Sickness - Nux vomica for nausea.


Gall Bladder Distress - Peppermint tea: a small amount. Do not drink too much because it can be aggressive.


Bladder Infection - Horsetail tea and hot foot baths .


Acute Diarrhea - Eat boiled carrots, white apple sauce, or blueberries.

            Note: The body casts out as diarrhea a substance it rejects. This is the body's own healing method and should not be suppressed. However it can be guided and



Please Note: these remedies are suggestions for first aid use only. All illnesses should be treated in conjunction with your physician.

Weleda medicines support digestion: We have more and more individual food sensitivities, or allergies. To alleviate these, the entire organism needs strengthening.


Choleodoron (Rx) stimulates gall formation and secretion. Chelidonium and Curcuma are the active healing plants ingredients.


Melissengeist. Combines alcohol destillates of various healing herbs and spices, for nausea and stomach pains.


Pinella Herb Tea: Contains the bitters, resins and etheric oils of various healing herbs. Used for every kind of stomach upsets.


Amara Drops: composed of healing herbs for functional disturbances such as lack of appetite, feeling of fullness, nausea and weak digestion.


Carvon: active components are caraway oil and birch charcoal. Used for gas, cramps and digestive disturbances.

            Also take Gelsemium 4-6X, 5-10 drops several times daily.


Digestive weaknesses are often balanced over time with the "Type-remedy" Digestodoron (Rx), which stimulates metabolic activity.


[Laura Josephson and Jeanne Schirm]

The art of providing first aid stands in a distinctive position among the healing arts. It requires not only a caregiver's knowledge and skill, but also the courage to step into unforeseen circumstances with the will to offer aid to another human being.

Among our health care needs, the treatment of trauma and injury is universal to the human condition. Traumatic events carry the element of the unexpected and the need for immediate care, highlighting the importance of preparedness. If we are not prepared to meet such events, the results can be devastating. Therefore, a working knowledge of first aid should be the domain not only of health care professionals: anyone who wishes to be of service to his fellow man, regardless of his occupation or station in life, would do well to take up this art as a practical and life-affirming skill.

The impulse to come to another's aid in times of distress is exemplified in the image of the Good Samaritan, who reminds us of our human capacity to love our neighbor -- irrespective of nationality, bloodlines, or geographical borders. This love exists not only as a feeling, but becomes an active deed of service.

Historically, the establishment of an organized system of first aid arose during the 19th century, out of the work of Jean Henri Dunant, a Swiss humanitarian. So taken by the horrors of war and seeing the suffering of those injured and left on the battlefield to die, he organized emergency services to aid both Austrian and French wounded at the Battle of Solferino in June 1859. Credited with founding the Red Cross, he proposed the formation of international voluntary relief services at the Geneva Convention in 1864 and helped to establish the first multilateral agreement among governments for the care of the war wounded, whether enemy or friend. The Red Cross would later become an international movement, its scope extending beyond aid to soldiers, prisoners, and civilian victims of war. Today it is also renowned for providing worldwide humanitarian relief to victims of natural disasters, instruction in first aid and accident prevention, and water safety training.

Shortly after the outbreak of World War I, Rudolf Steiner addressed the sufferings of war and care for the wounded through a series of lectures and practical first aid courses, given on the stage of the first Goetheanum. One such, known as the Bandage Course, 1 was given in 1914 out of a need to bring hope and spiritual insight to the events of the war. The themes resounding from these lectures are that, above all, one must trust in the force and power of the spirit, and that from this, one will be guided toward the right action in times of emergencies. Steiner also spoke of the necessity to imbue man's spiritual striving with a feeling of brotherly love, so that the Christ impulse may work in us. Through this kind of spiritual striving combined with practical skill, we prepare for what life brings. One may say, "Wherever these events may take us, whatever they will demand from us, we will act in confidence of the victory of the spirit." These themes are just as relevant today as they were nearly a century ago.

Among the many homeopathic first aid remedies, Arnica stands as the universal trauma remedy and has often been referred to as "the helios of the gods." Wonderfully healing for a wide range of first aid conditions, Arnica may be applied externally in various forms, as well as taken internally. Hypericum, Symphytum, Rhus fox and Calendula are also great healers and, along with Arnica, are among some of the best remedies for conditions such as strains, sprains, fractures, bruises, and cuts. Remedies for emotion trauma and acute distress include Ignatia, Aconite, Rescue Remedy, and Melissengeist.



Standard Materials:

Sterile gauze pads 2x2 and 4x4 Roller gauze

Triangular bandages (to hold dressings in place or to make an arm sling)

Band-aids in assorted sizes


Antiseptic wipes

Scissors and tweezers

Instant cool packs

Disposable gloves

Resuscitation mask or face shield

Saline eyewash

Syrup of ipecac

Activated charcoal

Rescue blanket

Flashlight (with extra batteries in a separate bag)

Antibiotic ointment

Homeopathic Additions:

Homeopathic internal remedy kit

Rescue Remedy drops

Arnica ointment

Arnica essence

Melissengeist drops

Calendula ointment or

Hypercal ointment (blend of Hypericum and Calendula)

Hypercal tincture

Burn Care gel

Sting gel

Euphrasia tincture (for eye irrigation)



By combining the best of conventional, classical homeopathic and anthroposophical first aid healing principles, Jean Schirm, and Laura Josephson have developed a unique, artful, and lively training program that aims to impart the knowledge, skill, and confidence needed for anyone to provide first aid effectively.

Informed in part by Rudolf Steiner's Bandage Course, the two-day training offers hands-on practical skills, including the art of bandaging, applying compresses, immobilizing an injured limb, and stopping bleeding. Vital emergency assessment skills are also taught, enabling participants to recognize and treat conditions such as shock, heat exhaustion, and many types of injuries. A variety of classical homeopathic and anthroposophical remedies are presented in detail so that participants can administer them effectively in a wide range of emergency conditions. Live first aid scenarios are enacted, inviting participation from volunteers.



Keep on hand for more urgent conditions

Acon.: ANXIETY, fright, panic attacks, restless, FEAR of DEATH; EMOTIONAL SHOCK, from trauma or seeing frightful events; EYE INJURY, also SUDDEN ONSET OF FEVER, often with thirst, after exposure to cold or wind; first stage of COLDS or flu.

Apis.: INSECT BITES, ALLERGIC REACTIONS, HIVES; much swelling of affected area, heat, redness, stinging and burning pains; < heat, > cool applications.

Arn.: TRAUMA, physical (or emotional); from a FALL, BLOW, ACCIDENT, many types of INJURIES; traumatic SHOCK; fractures, bruising, bleeding; achiness and injuries from physical exertion. Person says, "I'm fine" when evidently not.

Ars.: Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting; FOOD POISONING; FLU-like symptoms accompanied by weakness, restlessness, and anxiety; CHEMICAL POISONING; Chilliness, thirst for small sips often; fearful to be alone and worried expression.

Bell.: INFLAMMATION; SUDDEN ONSET OF FEVER, hot, red, dry, skin; HEAT STROKE with red face; HEADACHE, throbbing; SORE THROAT, TONSILLITIS, EARACHE; pulsating pains; feels better lying in the dark.

Canth.: SCALDS AND BURNS, where BLISTERS form that burn and itch; severely painful burns; also for urinary tract infection with marked burning pains.

Carb-v.: FAINTING, COLLAPSE; WEAKNESS, difficult breathing; DROWNING; ASPHYXIATION; wheezing; blueness of skin, coldness, with a desire to be fanned: "air hunger;" Carbon gas poisoning, lack of oxygen; also BELCHING, flatulence, bloating after eating with strong desire for fresh air.

Hyper.: NERVE PAIN from trauma, especially to fingers, toes, teeth; crush injuries, puncture wounds, or superficial wounds with sharp, shooting pains; SPINAL INJURY, WHIPLASH; sharp pains in teeth following dental procedures.

Led.: First remedy for most PUNCTURE WOUNDS (vaccination), many insect bites including lyme-ticks; tetanus; Affected part often feels cold and > cold applications; Also for eye trauma.

Rhus-t.: BACK STRAINS, SPRAINS, overexertion injuries; to joints, tendonitis; pains are worse during first movements after rest, and feel > after continued gentle motion; "rusty gate" syndrome, with restlessness; also POISON IVY rash.



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