Fagopyrum esculentum Anhang


Depression. of spirits, irritability, inability to study, or to remember what has been read.

Its effects upon the head are deep-seated and persistent. There is vertigo, confusion, severe pain, in many parts of head, with upward, pressure described as of a bursting character.

Pain: in forehead, back of eyes, through temporal region on either side, pressive/bursting. For congestive headaches as valuable as Belladonna, Glonoine, Nux vomica or Sepia.

In and about the eyes there is itching smarting, swelling, heat and soreness ; the itching ; being especially marked and usually regarded as characteristic. The last named symptom is no less prominent in affections of the ears, as has often been shown in the efficacy of buckwheat flour in frost-bites, or erysipelas of those useful organs, from time immemorial (Agar.).

The nose does not escape. It is swollen, red, inflamed, and sore. There is at first fluent coryza with sneezing, followed, by fullness, dryness, and the formation of crusts.

Nor is the burning absent which has been elsewhere noted. There is much soreness and somewhat persistent pain from even gentle pressure.

Face: pale or unevenly flushed, with dark semicircles below the eyes. Later, the face becomes swollen, hot and dry, as though severely sun burnt, and the lips art cracked and sore.

Mouth: dry and hot, and yet saliva is not wanting. Soreness and swelling of roof of mouth and the tongue is red and fissured along its edges. The bad taste in the morning (Puls.).

Throat: soreness with pain just back of the isthmus of the fauces, a feeling of excoriation and soreness ext. deep down in the pharynx. The uvula is elongated, tonsils swollen and red,

there is a sensation of rawness in the throat strikingly (Phyt.).

Externally, there is scarlet redness of the neck below the mastoid process, throbbing of the carotids, the neck feels tired, the head heavy and the parotid glands are swollen and painful. It is unnecessary to name the remedy having similar symptoms.

While the symptoms produced on the digestive tract are not characterized by that intensity noted elsewhere, they are still valuable. Persistent morning nausea which should lead us to study this remedy in the vomiting of pregnancy.

Contrary to Lycopodium and Nux moschata the appetite is improved by eating. The empty or "all-gone" feeling at the stomach is like that of Sepia.

Abdomen: fullness and pain but no rumbling. Discharges of flatus are frequent and annoying. The region of the liver is painful, tender and there is aggravation from pressure, compelling to lie on the l. side.

Stool: pappy, or watery, profuse, offensive, and followed by tenesmus.

Urine: scalding, and pain ext. from testicles to abdomen.

Male genital organs: profuse perspiration of an offensive odor.

Female genital organs: acts with force upon the r. ovary, producing pain of a bruised or burning character, noted particularly when walking.

Pruritus with slight yellow leucorrhoea, the discharge being more noticed when at rest than when exercising. So far as known this latter symptom does not occur under the action of any other remedy.

Chest: heavy, pulsating pain ext. to all its parts. This is persistent, < from a deep inspiration. Around the heart there are dull pains with oppression and occasional sharp pains passing through the heart.

Pressure with the hand increases the oppression. The pulse is increased but is extremely variable. There is reason to believe that Cactus grandiflora, or Spigelia are often given in affections of the heart, where Fagopyrum, if given, would accomplish better results.

Back + Limbs: In bold relief. Stiffness and soreness of all the muscles of the neck, with pain, and “As if the neck would hardly support the head”.

Pains ext. from occiput to back of neck, > bending the head backward. There are dull pains in small of back, with stitching pains in the region of the kidneys. Pains with occasional sharp stitches extend from the arms to muscles of both sides of chest.

Rheumatic pains in the shoulders of a dull aching character. Stinging and burning pains extend the whole length of fingers, < by motion. Streaking pains pass through arms and legs with sharp pains ext. feet.

Pains in hips ext. small of back, and these also frequently run down to the feet. In the knees there is dull pain and weakness, while deep in the limbs there is burning and stinging.

There is numbness in the limbs, with dragging in the joints, especially r. knee, hip and elbow. Stooping to write causes constant severe pain through chest and in region of liver.

This group of symptoms gives Fagopyrum a striking individuality and establishes it in an uncontested position among the long list of remedies prescribed for rheumatic complaints.

The sleepiness is unlike that of Bell., Nux-v., Sep., or Sulph., occurring early in the evening and characterized by stretching and yawning. It is not profound, and when the mind,

Sleep: diverted the patient gets wide awake, but soon relapses unless conversation is continued. In bed, sleep is disturbed by troublesome dreams and frequent waking.

Skin: Intense itching of the arms and legs, becoming < toward evening. Blotches like flea-bites appear in many localities, sometimes all over the body, are sore to the touch and are multiplied by scratching. These eruptions are persistent and the itching is intense.

Blind boils may be developed and attain a large size. The itching of the face is especially marked about the roots of the whiskers. Itching of the hands which is "deep in" is persistent and annoying, this condition being supposed to be the result of irritation of the coats of the arteries.

<: after retiring/ascending stairs/from deep inspiration/walking in br. sunlight/lying on r. side/riding in cars/stooping/writing;

>: after taking coffee/from cold applications/from motion in cold air/sitting still in warm room;


[TF Allen]

Mind: Emotional. In an exceedingly happy state of mind (45th day). Don’t want to speak or be spoken to, in the afternoon (15th day). Mind depressed (11th, 12th, 13th day). Never before felt much depression of spirits (27th day). Irritable (17th day). Great irritability of mind (9th day). Feel cross and irritable all the evening (6th day). Have not felt so cross and irritable since I can remember (5th day). Intellectual. Mind active, at 5 h. (32rd day). Have less inclination than usual to mental exertion, cannot settle my mind on one thing, cannot think clearly. Undertook to study this afternoon, but could not,

I felt so uneasy (2nd day). At 23 h. do not feel as much like study as usual (1st day). No inclination to mental labor (29th day). Can’t fix my mind on anything, or remember what I read even for a few minutes (25th day). Am unable to study, in the evening (19th day). Have for several days been entirely unable to listen to lectures (27th day). Mind clouded, at 13 h., > eating (23rd day).

Vertigo: Confusion and Vertigo. Head confused (48th day). Confusion of head, in the afternoon (41st day). Head confused and some of the old feeling of suffocation, in the forenoon (31st day). Feeling of confusion of the whole head (5th day). Whole head feels confused, in the afternoon (34rd day). Vertigo and confused feeling in the head (5th day). Vertigo and fullness of the head upon rising, > sitting still, at 22 h. (16th day). Slight vertigo, with nausea (6th day). Dizzy feeling, and dull pain all through the head (5th day).

Head: Head feels heavy (17th day). Head tired and confused, at 10.30 h., headache at 15 h. (33rd day). Pain in the head (26th day). Severe pain in the head, ext. from the irritated surface of the nose through back of the eyes to the forehead (5th day). Pain through the whole head and occiput, to the back of the neck, > pressure and gentle motion [in the cool air (5th day)]. Feeling of head in the head, and

“As if the head was too heavy”; temporary > bending the head back, but soon followed by pulsating and pressure in the head. At 14 h. the heat seems to increase, and yet but little redness of the face

(6th day). Head hot (43rd day). Head hot and neck tired; dull pain all through the head in the evening (30th day). Heat of head and pain remaining in the forehead until evening, when it went to the vertex also. Late in the evening it ext. root of the nose (45th day). For a few minutes a feeling of fullness in the head (2nd). Bursting pains in the heard and prostration, lasting for some time (8th day). Pain in the head, bursting outward all afternoon; bursting pressure [temples and forehead (5th and 30th days). During the afternoon and evening, bursting out headache as usual, with inability to apply the mind on account of its increasing the pressure in the head (9th day). Headache during the afternoon, pressing outward (occiput), > about 22 h. (3rd day). Pressure outward in the head, with steady pain in the morning (8th day). After retiring head feels “As if it would split” (33rd day). Head feels congested and aches, in the afternoon (7th day). Congestive headache after eating, in the afternoon (4th day). Feeling of congestion and “As if the eyes were pressed out from behind” (5th day). Through the day, aching of the head, more in the forehead (back of the eyes), pressing outward (6th day). Dull aching through the whole head, in the morning (6th day). Woke with headache and pain behind the eyes (8th day). Soon after rising, headache came on (10th, 11th, 12th, 13th day). Headache with pressure, in the morning

(51st day). Headache increased after retiring (15th night). Headache at 13 h., > eating (23rd day). Headache and pain in my eyes come on; this is severe; slightly > cold application, in the morning (43rd day). Dull headache (13th and 21st day). Dull headache and pains through the chest, in the afternoon (51st day). Dull headache comes on at 8.20 h.; increased at 16 h.; neck feels very tired, and constant heavy aching pain from occiput down the neck, and dull pressing-out pain in the head (thirty- second day). Dull headache, and pain extending down the back of my neck, which feels very tired (forty-ninth day). Pressure in the head (23rd and 37th days). Pressure and fullness in the head (5th day). Pressure in the head and dull pain in the occiput, in the morning (24th day). Pressure in the head, < by mental exertion; difficult to listen, but not so difficult as yesterday, at 17 h. (7th day). After retiring pressure in the head and some headache (13th day). Pressure and heat in the head, at 15.50 h. (23rd day). Pressure in head; occasional sharp pains through the head, more through the r. eye and temple, in the forenoon (40th day). Pressing headache (back of the eyes) (7th day). Pulsating in head severe, and nearly the whole scalp feels “As if raised by the throbbing” (53th day). Throbbing all through my head, which now has a sharp aching pain all through, ext. eyes, and through them; < stooping, at 20.30 h. (31st day).

Head feels weary, at 14 h. (41nd day). Head feels weary; dull pain from back of the eyes through the head and occiput, in the forenoon; pain in the occiput and severe pressure through the head and back of the eyes, in the eyes, in the afternoon (20th day). 22.30 h., have a weary feeling in my head, also, at 23 h., a tensive feeling in the whole upper part of the head (first day). Surging through the head, which feels hot (5th day). All head symptoms < bending the head forward (7th day). Head and eyes < motion or reading (15th day). Head symptoms > walking in the open air, in the afternoon (4th day).

Forehead. Intolerable headache ext. the forehead to the roots of the nose (9th day). Fulness of the front and upper part of the head (1 hour after 2nd dose, 6th day). Fulness in the forehead, somewhat < by study (15th day). Arose with a slight fullness in the forehead, which soon passed away (9th day). Sense of fullness in forehead and occiput, in the morning. Sharp, short-lasting pain in l. temporal region off and on during the day; on walking out in afternoon, experienced a feeling of fullness in l. frontal eminence (11th day). Up all night, which brought on congestive headache, frontal (34th night).

Congested headache and fullness in the front part of the head, with nausea; slightly > after a light-brown soft stool, with much flatus, in the afternoon (15th day). “As if the blood rushed to the forehead”

(44th day). Aching in the forehead, about the eyes and back of them, in the afternoon (3rd day). Frontal headache; head feels hot (28th day). Frontal headache, with fullness and heat (30th day). Slight frontal headache in the morning upon waking, and when first moving around (14th and 46th day). Slight frontal headache commencing soon after taking the drug, worse in afternoon, and still < in evening

(45th day). Severe headache back of the eyes; head hot and full, in the afternoon (8th day). On first day of menstruation a severe frontal headache, more on l., congested and < movement (65th day).

Pressure in the forehead and back of the eyes < bending forward, also by mental application (6th day). Dull pressing pain in the forehead, temples, and back of the eyes, at noon (7th and 10th day).

Tonight throbbing headache in the l. frontal region, < by movement (54th day). About 22 h. a sharp cutting from the outer angle of the frontal bone, left side, backward and inward (2nd day).

Pain in the temples and back of the eyes, r. < l., at 19.30 h. (2nd day). Pain in the temples and back of the head upon rising, > bending the head back, < by stooping. Pressive headache, starting sometimes with shooting from the back of the eyes to the back of the neck, in the afternoon (fourteenth day). Feeling of fullness in the temples, lasting about three hours (after ½ hour, 1st day). Feeling of fullness in the temples, and an occasional darting pain back of the l. eye (after 20 minutes, 2nd day). Pressing out in the temples (6th day). Pressing out in the temples and some pain back of the eyes, at 17 h.

(7th day). Darting pain in r. temple (after 4 hours, 5th day). Bruised sore feeling of left temple, and pain on opening the mouth, at 13 h. (30th day).

Vertex. Pain in top of head during the soon (32nd day). Pressing-out pain in top of the head, soon (31nd day). Parietals. Head, pain l., through l. eye and in l. parietal bone, all from within outward.

Dull pain all through the l. side of the head, greatly < sitting still or thinking; > in the open air, also by talking (5th day). Dull pain in the l. side of the head; pain ext. from the l. eye through into the occiput, and down the l. side of the neck (13th day). Slight headache, pressing outward in the frontoparietal region, lasted about an hour (after 1 hour, 1st and 2nd days).

Occiput. Back of head tired (48th day). Pain in the occiput, with sense of weariness in the back of the neck (5th day). A sharp and sticking pain in the occiput, r. side especially (5th day). Sharp darting pain in the l. occipital region radiating to the left side, very persistent and very marked (2nd day).

External Head. Sharp threadlike pains of scalp (49th day). Itching creeping sensation of the scalp, momentarily > scratching, but followed by aggravation; lasted nearly 2 hours (after 1½ hour, 3rd day). Itching of the scalp occurred frequently, with a sense of heat (1st day). Itching of the scalp (mastoid processes) (6th day). Itching of the scalp (back of the ears), at noon (2nd day). Itching about the occiput (5th day). Itching of scalp, occipital portion, and of nose, which has become more swollen and excoriated (4th day). Occasional itching of the scalp (occipital portion). This comes on while sitting still in a warm room (2nd day). Terrible itching of the scalp, at 19 h. (2nd day).

Eye: Objective. Eyes red and swollen, but not agglutinated in the least (18th day). Eyes get red and smart in the morning (32nd day). Eyes red, sting, and itch in the morning (28th day). Eyes red and lids somewhat swollen as yesterday; outer canthi itch, as also the margins of the lids, in the morning (8th day). Eyes red; lids swollen; pain through the back part of each eye (l.); itching of the eyes upon motion and of the margins of the lids, in the morning (6th day). Eyes swollen (21st morning). Eyes inflamed and hot, some itching and smarting (6th day). Subjective. Eyes feel dry and smarting (external canthi),

all the time, as if I had not slept enough (13th day). Eyes feel dull; not as sore as yesterday, but have dark rings around them (6th day). Eyes feel hot and congested in the morning (7th day). Eyes hot, burning, and glassy; eyeballs “As if covered with tears in the evening” (17th day). Pain in eyes and temples on rising (5th day),. Dull, oppressive pain in the left eye (2nd day),. Pain in eyes sharp and continued, ext. r. ear, in the evening (19th day). Eyes feel sore and hot (3rd day). Eyes sore and smarting, closing them hurts, more under lid of left eye (33rd day). Smarting of eyes and lids commencing yesterday afternoon; may be owing to March wind (44th day). Eyes feel sore on moving them; hot and watery; pressure back of them in the afternoon (8th day). Eyes feel tender to the touch (16th day).

The eyes feel sensitive on closing them tightly, and there is roughened feeling upon motion of the lids (l.) (1st day). Eyes, roughened feeling; conjunctive reddened, more of l. eye; itching of the outer canthi (5th day). Eyes feel as if roughened; external canthi sore, with constant burning irritation, > moving the lids very slowly (2nd day). Eyes feel as if filled with sand about 21 h. (33rd day). Itching in both eyes (18th day). Eyes itch (l.) (4th day). During morning, eyes itch and look watery (40th day). Eyes < after a walk in the afternoon, probably from the brightness of the sun (4th day). Orbit. Some pain back of the eyes in the evening (33th day). Occasional darting pain back of the l. eye, lasting about 3 hours (after ½ hour, 1st day). Not much headache, but some indefinite pains back of the eyes and in the occiput

(7th  morning). Lids. Lids swollen in the evening (19th day). Lids swollen and itch, but never agglutinated in the morning (17th day). Has granular lids (36th day). Meibomian glands of l. lower lid inflamed; lids of both eyes very red and sore in the afternoon (34th day). During the proving, I had drooping of the r. eyelid, which I hardly think came from this, but it has now disappeared (33rd day). Lids feel much swollen; objects blurred, as if a thin secretion over the eyes obstructed the light; still the eyes feel dry and are red; have a kind of glassy look (17th day). Eyelids sore and itch at 9 h. (20th day). Smarting of the eyelids in the forenoon (4th day). Itching of the lids, arms, etc., at 17h. (7th day). Itching of the eyelids; smarting of the eyes at night, < reading; redness of the eyes (6th day).

Acute itching of the margins of the lids (6th day). Sharp, cutting pain over external canthus of l. eye (5th day). Outer canthi itch (8th day). The outer canthi itch and smart at 23 h. (7th day); outer canthi itch, and the margins of the lids (8th day). Lachrymal Apparatus. Eyes watery and swollen on rising, burning and sore; some bland lachrymation (l.), does not flow over cheek, but eyes have a watery look, at

9 h.; hot, itch and smart; margins of lids smart; tears increased by reading; eyes feel sore, and as if passed out, but held back by cords, at 22 h. (14th day). R. eye watery in the evening, with smarting of the lids of both eyes, as if I had a cold in the head (16th day). Conjunctiva. Conjunctive reddened (11th day). Ball. Aching pain deep within the eyeballs, and a pressing outward; also many shooting pains of short duration, both within and around the eyes; conjunctiva reddened; itching of the edges of the lids and burning; things seem obscure and wavy (5th day). Feeling as if the eyes were pushed out and at the same time held back by cords (6th day). Sharp stitches deep within the eyeballs (6th day). Vision. Eyes feel blurred, and objects appear indistinct (6th day).

Ear: External. Left ear hot and burning, itches within (13th day). Neuralgic pain in the ear (tragus) early in the evening (11th day). Shooting pain in the region of the r. ear, going back to the occiput at 19.30 h. (2nd day). Internal. Pain from r. ear to throat in the afternoon (34th day). Dull pain ext. l. ear to the throat upon swallowing (17th day). Sharp pain in the r. ear in the forenoon (33rd day). At 20 h., sharp pain, ext. from the r. ear down the Eustachian tube to the submaxillary gland; this continued several minutes (20th day). Soreness of l. ear within the auditory canal; sensitive to the touch (8th day).

Ears itch, and sounds seem muffled and wavy, but only for a few minutes at a time (5th day). Itching of the auditory canals in the forenoon (40th day). Itching of the r. auditory canal at 14 h. (23rd day). Itching of external auditory meatus (16th day). Itching of l. external auditory meatus (17th day). Itching from r. ear along the Eustachian tube in the afternoon (40th day).

Hearing: A momentary buzzing in the r. ear at noon; ringing in the l. ear at 15 h. (7th day). Ringing in the l. ear at 15 h. (7th day).

Nose: Objective. Nose is red and sorer outside (45th day). Septum nasi deeply cracked, and has a peculiar gnawing sensation, in the evening (34th day). Sore in the r. nostril, just within the nasal bone

(16th  day). The sore in the r. nostril noticed two days ago has been growing <, in an ulcer, and has discharged some today (18th day). Crusts in the nose, which is still somewhat sore, in the morning

(17th day). Crusts form in the nose, which is very sensitive, and bleeds when they are removed (28th day). Fluent coryza (9th day); (soon), (14th day). Have a watery coryza, which soon passes off, before rising (42nd day). Fluent coryza from the nose; sneezing, from tickling sensation in the nose; nose sore internally, more upon left side; raw feeling throughout the nose, on rising (fourteenth day). Before rising, had a fluent coryza, which passed off about 7.30 h., and my nose feels dry again; the whole inner surface of my nose, as far back as can be seen, is ulcerated; occasionally a white mucous discharge, but soon dry again, in the afternoon; constant gnawing and heat; from it a bad feeling extends through the head (forty- third day). A sudden, most persistent fluid coryza, wholly from the left side, with burning, stinging pain in the left nostril, high up and very severe (2nd day). Slight watery coryza in the forenoon (fourth day). Through forenoon occasional thick, white coryza; at 13 h., nose very dry, and mucous membrane feels as if contracted (46th day). Coryza a little bloody in the morning (8th day). Slight epistaxis soon after rising (38th and 39th day). Subjective. Nose feels stopped up, as if I had taken cold, in the morning (2nd day). Upon rising, nose soon becomes stuffed and full, with a feeling of pressure behind the eyes and through the anterior portion of the head; nose is alternately stuffed and clear through the day (14th day). Nose feels dry and is much sorer (17th day). Whole internal surface of nose feels dry, and as if contracted; gnawing as before, at 14 h. (42nd day). Whole inner surface of nose far back feels dry and as if parched; itches and burns; occasionally a watery flow, which dries up immediately (18th and 19th day). Pain from the interior of the nose to the eyes, which feel rough; motion aggravates (11th, 12th, 13th day). Pain, ext. from the inner surface of the nose up behind the eyes upon inhalation, in the morning (8th day). Pain in the nose, caused by breathing cool air, not sharp, but aching pain (5th day). Pain from the raw dry surface of the nose up through the back of the eyes; nose hot and swollen, and filled with dry crusts, in the forenoon (31th day). Nose burns, and there is a stinging gnawing pain; can hardly keep my hands from it, in the forenoon (36th day). Whole inner surface of my nose burns, with a gnawing and stinging, especially the septum nasi, in the forenoon (41st day).

Nose and throat sore at 7 h. (23rd day). Nose sore, more on r. side, in the evening (52nd day). Nose sore internally (12th day). Nose sore and excoriated within, slightly swollen (2nd day). Nose sore; formation of dry crusts in the nostrils, although a loose cold in the head constantly (20th and 44th day). Nose still sore and filled with crust, which are easily removed, but this is followed by itching and burning

(5th day). A sore nose for nearly 3 weeks; it is dry and parched, and the mucous surface ulcerated for back; fills with dry crusts; it improves, and then gets worse again (30th day). Nose quite sore, and burns (7th and 8th day). Nose is very sore, and pain ext. to the head (17th day). Nose very sore, swollen, and hot, with a burning sensation, in the evening (30th day). Nose is very sore again; it never get quite well; the whole internal surface far back is sore and covered with dry crusts (thirtieth day). Inner surface of nose continues sore, also septum far back; touch causes burning and itching (fifth day). Nose sorer at 21.30 h., which this afternoon seemed nearly well; cannot sit still on account of the dull pain and peculiar uneasy feeling it occasions (24th day). Nose not as sore inside, but becoming so outside; nose usually less sensitive in the morning, but becomes sorer in the middle of the forenoon, and still sorer during afternoon (44th day). Soreness in the nostrils, which are dry, at 16 h. (13th day). Can hardly touch the nose; the whole interior surface is dry and hot, and feels as if raw (17th day). Upon breathing the cold air, a bruised pain ext. from the sore interior surface of the nose up behind the eyes (10th day). Itching of the alae nasi, both ex- and internally; sore and excoriated internally, also hot and swollen; septum nasi begins to be similarly affected (3rd day).

Face: Objective. Face flushed (13th day). Uneven redness of the face in the afternoon (44th day). Face pale, at times flushed; dark under the eyes (27th day). Face swollen, with heat (18th day).

Subjective. Face feels hot and dry, and as if it would peel all over, in the evening (3rd day). Neuralgic pain of the l. side of the face (9th day); in the face, with a bruised sensation on closing the teeth firmly, or on moving the jaw (10th day). Cheeks. The left malar bone becomes sore, and also the temporal region, towards evening. This causes pain and pressure in l. eye upon closing the jaws firmly, as during mastication (18th day). Lips dry, they crack and peel (3rd day). Lips dry, cracked, and painful, crack ext. longitudinally on the upper lip (17th day). Lips are dry, cracked, and sore, in the afternoon (43rd day). Lips become sore and festered; afterwards dry and scaly; black as ink (61th day). Burning of the lips (27th day). Corner of mouth, r. sore, dry, hot, and deeply cracked, in the afternoon (31st). The upper lip has an itching and drawing sensation, as if the skin were too tight, at 23 h. (7th day).

Mouth: A sore and bruised feeling on closing teeth tightly together at any time during the day; hurts to open the mouth (9th day). Great sensitiveness of l. incisor on brushing teeth with cold water; never so before; obliged to use warm water (54th day).

Tenderness of gums of l. side in region of lower molars (13th day) Soreness of the alveolar process behind the lower incisor teeth; also swelling of the gums; gums bleed at the slightest provocation (6th day).  Tongue very red, as it has been all the time, in the morning (16th day). Tongue bright-red; moist and fissured deeply along its edges, at 14 h. (23rd day). Tongue bright-red, also isthmus of fauces and soft palate (17th day). Tongue scarlet, so fauces, in the afternoon 19th day). Tongue coated in the morning (2nd day). Thin white coating of tongue (18th day); (in the morning), (21st and 22nd day).

General A swelling in the roof of my mouth from the edge of the palate-bone forward; a diffuse swelling, not very sore, but feeling unpleasantly, in the afternoon (41st to 43rd day). Have vesicles on the lips and in the mouth, and yet have no indications of a cold (25th day). For 2 mornings and evenings, dryness of the mouth and pharynx; also the lips are dry and scaly (61st sixty-first day). Dry mouth, with tough mucus in its back part, at 16 h. (13th day). The inner surface of the mouth feels as if dry and parched, and yet more than an ordinary amount of saliva (5th day). Have a swollen sore spot in roof of mouth (17th day). In the afternoon, a rough, sore feeling of the whole roof of the mouth back to the pharynx (4th day). Scraped feeling of the palate (2nd day). Saliva. Saliva in the mouth at 23.30 h.

(24th day). Saliva in the mouth; incipient nausea (16th day). Saliva collects in the mouth, with gaping and belching of wind (5th day). Accumulation of water in the mouth in the afternoon (15th day). Considerable secretion of saliva (sixty-first day). Saliva flows freely (eighth and tenth day). Taste. Bad taste in mouth in morning (second day); (thirteenth day); (twenty-second day); in afternoon

(20th day). Sour, disagreeable taste in the mouth in the morning (8th day). Bitter taste in the mouth (13th day). Tasting of ingesta after dinner (18 h.)., with eructations (16th day).

Throat: Objective. Thick mucus collects in the throat, on rising (14th day). Subjective. Throat sore and dry (13th day). Throat is sore and aches just back of the isthmus of the fauces; “As if raw) and a bruised aching pain extends downwards (fifth day). Throat is sore and feels as if excoriated; swallowing aggravates (fifth day). Throat sore; stiffness and swelling of the fauces; feeling as if swallowing would relieve the soreness, but find it difficult, and also that it greatly increases the pain. Dull aching pain, extending to the pharynx. Throat very sore and inflamed (thirteenth day). Throat sorer and aches, (upper part of the pharynx), during the afternoon (15th day). Throat is quite sore, commencing on l. side, apparently at upper part of the oesophagus; “As though a lump were in the throat”; hurts to swallow. Cannot say it is pathogenetic (41st day). Throat very sore, not far back, but isthmus of fauces “As if raw”; constant aching pain < swallowing; this pain seems to diffuse itself through the head, especially affecting the ears (20th day). Throat very sore (soft palate and the pillars of the fauces); this soreness does not extend back into the pharynx; there is an irritation which provokes swallowing, but this occasions a sore scraping sensation and a kind of dull pain (20th day). Great soreness and aching of the throat, which gets dry, and upon swallowing feels as if raw (seventeenth and eighteenth days).

Dry soreness in the throat and back nasal fossae, in the afternoon after eating (4th day). Dry soreness in the throat; submaxillary glands are swollen (seventh day).

Uvula elongated, and granular appearance of the soft palate (4th day); the granular appearance lasts until 21st day; (had nothing of the kind before). Feeling of constriction and a darting pain in the soft palate (after 2nd dose, 2nd day). Smarting of the under surface of the soft palate when swallowing, at 16.30 h.; a feeling of dryness of the soft palate when swallowing, at 4.30; a feeling of dryness of the under surface of the palate and back part of the mouth, soon after 3rd dose; painful raw sensation of the palate while swallowing, at 23 h. (1st day). Tonsils swollen and red (13th day). About 4 h., great soreness in region of r. tonsil. Succeeded in throwing off a hard, offensive, cheesy mass about the size of a pea; at 8 h., soreness much diminished (40th day).

Feeling of dryness in the fauces and posterior nares, causing an almost constant desire to swallow (after 20 minutes, 2nd day). In evening, great dryness of the fauces, commenced at 8, and lasted for an hour or two (19th day). Isthmus of fauces very sore, in the evening (22nd day). Fauces feel scraped and sore, < swallowing (17th day). Rising of sour fluid in the oesophagus, after retiring (23 h)., (29th day). Burning in the oesophagus, at 13 h. (14th day). Swallowing. Frequent desire to swallow, in the afternoon (1st day).

External Throat. Scarlet redness of neck below the mastoid process, in the afternoon (44th day). Swelling of the size of a pea over the trachea, which is very sore and hard; has continued for several days (33rd day). Carotids throb (6th and subsequent days). Throbbing of the carotids plainly seen by one observing, on rising in the morning (20th day). Can look in the glass and count the pulse by throbbing

of the carotids, at 14 h. (23rd day). Carotids throb violently, and even a light pressure over them causes a bursting pressure in the head; neck feels tired and head heavy; pressure increased by going upstairs,

in the afternoon (19th day). Submaxillary glands are enlarged (5th day). Parotid glands swollen and very painful (13th day). Stiffness of the neck, left side, on bending the head backward (13th day). Pain from the l. submaxillary gland, which is sore to the ear, at 16.40 h. (31nd day). Occasional pains from the submaxillary glands down the neck; the glands are sore (15th day). Frequent sharp pains down the left anterior portion of the neck, with a feeling of soreness (53rd day). Sticking pain in the region of the parotid glands (r.)., in the afternoon (4th day). Soreness in the region of the submaxillary glands,

more (l.) (5th day). Submaxillary glands sore, more on l. side (in the afternoon), (52nd day); (53rd and 54th day).

Stomach: Appetite good, and temporary relief of symptoms while eating supper, but soon return (5th day). Canine hunger soon after eating; easily satisfied by eating a small amount of food (13th day). Appetite not so good as usual (5th day). Appetite is a little capricious, but comes on as I eat, so that I eat very heartily (10th day). No appetite at first, but after beginning to eat it became excessive

(8th day). No appetite for breakfast (14th day). Eat dinner, but have no desire for it (31st day). No special desire for dinner, but like to eat after once beginning; this has been so generally since taking Fagopyrum esc. (17th day). Thirst commencing at 21 h.; drink large quantities (45th and 46th day). Some thirst, in the morning (25th day). Very thirsty, in the evening (43rd day). drank two goblets of water in about five minutes (39th day). Excessive thirst all day (7th day). Excessive thirst in the evening; drink large quantities (20th day). Excessively thirsty in the evening (also at meals); drank 2 - 3 goblets of water at short intervals, and still somewhat thirsty (11th day). Thirsty at night (33rd day). Eructations in the afternoon (28th day). Eructations, with general disturbed feeling of the stomach (seventh day). During the day, occasional eructations of scalding, acid, watery substance coming up into the pharynx, and so hot as to almost cause strangulation (second day). Eructations of an offensive taste (6th day). Belching of wind follows the taking of the preparation (12th day). Belching of wind and gaping (6th day). Watery regurgitation, at 10 h. (4th day). Heartburn and acidity of the stomach all day long, in stomach

ext. up through the whole length of the oesophagus (12th day). Feel nauseated and sick all through, at 10.40 h. (31st day). Nausea every morning at breakfast (65th day). Nausea and heat, during forenoon (25th day). Nausea and weariness (17th day). Nausea and heat in the stomach, ext. throat; faintness and heat in the stomach later; in the afternoon (8th day). Frequent nausea almost to vomiting, and a sore feeling in the stomach; all > belching wind (6th day). Soon felt a slight nausea, which may have been from tasting the alcohol, at 7 h. (1st day). Slight nausea during most of the day (16th and 48th days). Slight nausea every day, with thirst at night regularly (54th day). Slight nausea, with itching here and there all over the body (44th day). Slight nausea in the abdomen, felt more or less continuously (4th day). Faint nausea after dinner, at first slight, but increased towards evening; became excessive upon witnessing an operation which enlisted sympathies very much. Nausea extended down into the bowels, with griping-cutting pains, followed by a diarrhoeic stool. Eating > the nausea (34th day). Faint nausea without hunger, in the evening (28th day); morning, afternoon, and evening, without desire for food (29th day). Faint nausea at epigastrium each night, at a late hour. The pain passes down into the bowels, and is wholly and invariably > discharge of flatus (28th and preceding days). Incipient nausea (at 11.30 h)., (24th day). Stomach feels unsettled (at 9 h.), (20th day); (34th day). Stomach feels unsettled, in the forenoon; have nausea and am hardly able to sit, at 17 h.; some nausea at 1.30 h. (20th day). Stomach feels uneasy (8th day). A peculiar sensation of uneasiness in the stomach bordering upon nausea, in the evening (tenth day). Disagreeable sensation at epigastrium

(7th  day). Stomach feels distressed, at noon (5th day). Feeling of emptiness in the pit of the stomach (13th day). At 12 h. stomach feels badly; an empty feeling, and as if something to eat would relieve

(5th day). An empty faint feeling in the stomach, at 18 h. (13th day). Empty hot feeling in the stomach at noon (7th day). Empty burning feeling in the stomach, flatulent distension, at 13 h. (14th day).

Heat and empty feeling in the stomach; heat ext. up the oesophagus to the mouth, at 18 h. (4th day). Burning in the stomach, and a chill in the back soon after stool, in the afternoon

(15th day). Stomach and back symptoms relieved by eating, but there is a great sense of fullness, at 14 h. (7th day). Dull aching pain through the stomach and abdomen, which becomes severe as the stomach becomes empty; > eating, but soon followed by a bruised pain, at times severe, lasting all the evening, greatly < sitting still; relieved by motion (27th day). Stomach feels oppressed and as if empty, at 23 h. (7th day). Stomach feels oppressed and as if empty, yet no desire for food, at 12 M. (16th and 17th day). Stomach oppressed, and an empty feeling, in the afternoon (24th day). Oppression of stomach very great, before rising (43rd day). Oppression in the stomach, as if it had received some hot substance, no real pain; a bruised sensation and uneasiness (after 1 hour); it continues through the evening and (after 4 hours) it is almost impossible to remain sitting; a feeling as if something to eat would relieve. After belching wind this feeling passes off in part, but soon returns. Do not remember belching wind before; it is an entirely new symptom to me (3rd day). Feeling as if my breakfast rested heavy and undigested in my stomach, disappearing, but returning in a few minutes (2nd day). Cutting pain in my stomach after eating an apple, at 21 h. (24th day). Symptoms mostly > walking in the open air, but the stomach feels as if something was moving in it, causing a sore distressed feeling; belching wind relieves; never had a similar feeling before; it continues until retiring (5th day). Tenderness over the stomach, in the morning (24th day). Some bruised pain in the stomach (16th day). Stomach “As if bruised and hurt”; oppression of the stomach and gnawing, no hunger > eructation (5th day). A bruised sore feeling in the stomach, almost immediately (10th day). I believe the whole digestive tract is affected (28th day) After breakfast feel much better; > coffee (43rd day).

Abdomen: Hypochondria. Pain in region of liver upon stooping, and a bruised, sore feeling, at 10 h. (32nd day). Lying on r. side, quite severe pain in region of liver, and soreness (33rd night). Occasional sharp pain in the region of the liver in the forenoon (46th day). Sharp sticking pain through the liver from behind forwards (8th day). Distension of the abdomen, with flatulence (9th day).

Abdomen distended: have to loosen my clothes, as pressure increases the pain and uneasiness through the body; also the suffocative feeling, which believe starts from the heart, at 11.30 h. (24th day)/and tympanitic over r. side in the evening (31st day)/pain > moving, and I believe would be by lying, in the afternoon (34th day)/tympanitic over the caecum and ascending colon, elsewhere dull; aching pain deep in, and as if it might originate in the arteries; it extends to the region of the heart, and < by stooping, in the forenoon (24th day). Abdomen very much distended, but no rumbling of wind, in the afternoon (19th day). Occasional distension of the abdomen, and very little of the former feeling of suffocation (30th day). Excessive tympanites (2nd day). Flatulence (5th day); (16th day). Flatulence, after eating, in the afternoon (4th day). Great flatulence (after 10 days). Much flatus, distending the abdomen, in the afternoon (17th day). Troubled with passage of flatus early in the evening (11th day). Constant discharge of flatus (45th day). Feeling of uneasiness in the abdomen; heavy, aching pain in the region of the r. ascending colon, also transverse colon; pains extend through to the small of the back; dull, throbbing pain (thirteenth day). At 17 h., unpleasant feeling and rumbling in the intestines (15th day). Sick feeling in the abdomen before rising, relieved by discharge of flatus downward (eleventh and twelfth days). Immediately after urinating, indefinite pain in the small intestines, in the evening (first day). Fulness of the abdomen, >> belching gas, in the evening (3rd day). Aching pain through the abdomen, which came on after a large pappy stool, at 20 h. (20th day). Aching pain through the abdomen, with severe tenesmus, at 10.40 h. (31st day). Aching pain through the whole abdomen and thorax, (region of the diaphragm, and up through the l. side); have to loosen my clothes; have a sense of suffocation, not at all > by inspiration, in the morning (24th day). Continued and uneasy aching pains in the abdomen (8th day). Severe aching pains through the abdomen, with tenesmus; they come in paroxysms, with nausea; also hot flashes, with moisture over the body, lasting 15 minutes, at 11 h., disappearing while walking; on sitting down tenesmus, with other pains, returns at once (31st day). About 6 h., had a severe aching pain in the abdomen, which forced me to rise and go to stool; stool, dark and pappy, forcibly expelled, preceded and followed by tenesmus (26th day). Sharp pain through the abdomen after retiring (23rd day). Severe cutting pain through the abdomen, obliged to sit down, lasting about ten minutes, in the evening (39th). Sore feeling in the abdominal region (33rd day). A sore feeling across the middle of the abdomen, remaining all day (31st day). Abdomen tender upon pressure in the afternoon (34th day). Tenderness around the heart (27th day),. Pains >, but cannot bear any pressure upon the abdomen; have to loosen my clothes, at 12.30 h. (31st day). Hypogastrium. Sore, bruised feeling in the hypogastric region when moving about in the abdomen (33rd day). Sharp pain through the hypogastric region, ext. into the left inguinal region, in the evening (11th day).

Rectum and Anus: Rumbling of wind in rectum (45th fifth day). Uneasy feeling in the rectum, with desire for stool, in the evening (45th day). For several days part, feeling at times as of ascarides in the rectum and around the anus (20th day). Burning in the rectum, after stool, in the afternoon (14th day). Great urgency to go to stool at an hour earlier than usual (11th day). Ineffectual desire for stool, with a creeping sensation in the anus (31st day). Tenesmus (in the morning), (17th day); (14 h.)., (31st day).

Stool: Slight diarrhoea, with flatulence (5th day).

Stool, at 6 h., with tenesmus; during forenoon, two stools more; all thin, and the last watery, with great tenesmus (25th day). Bowels quite free twice a day (65th day). Stool at 8.30 h. as usual, but a little loose; at 11 h., with severe pain in the rectum, ext. down the thighs and legs to the heels (8th day). One stool today, brown and soft, easily expelled (16th day). Stool at 8 h., large, dark, and soft, easily expelled; soon after, a dull pain through the abdomen, dark stool at 9.15 h.; after it, pressure in the head somewhat increased (21st day). A pappy stool, rather large (fifth day). Stool abundant; at first pappy and then watery; passed with force, and followed by severe tenesmus for ten minutes (8th day). Stool rather soft (13th day). Stools pappy, with flatulence (5th day). Soft, pappy stool, with flatulence; very little tenesmus during stool, but after, it becomes quite severe at 11.30 h., again at 15 h., but smaller and thinner; had the usual stool at 8 h. (31st day). Thin, pappy, and almost watery stool, with tenesmus (after 2 hours, 4th day). Watery stool, with considerable flatulence (4th day). Stools very offensive, but normal in amount; oily look; easily voided; cadaverous smell of the discharge (5th day). Frequent desire for stool, which was of a peculiar oily consistency, and extremely fetid, at 8 h.; stool the same, except more offensive, a smell of rotten eggs, in the evening (5th and 6th day). Constipation. Hard, difficult stool, at first light and then dark brown, in the afternoon (14th day).

Urinary organs: Urethra. At 10.30 h., a cutting pain in the urethra, feeling as if a knife was entering (2nd day). Micturition. Urine rather increased (5th day). Urine rather increased in amount, chlorides abundant, slightly acid (20th day). Urine has been slightly increased all through (13th day). Urine more profuse than usual, very light color (5th day). Quantity of urine normal, but frequent desire; difficulty in voiding the last few drops; think I am done, and then several drops pass, wetting my linen, lasting 4 days; urine light-colored and clear (13th day).

Sexual organs: Male. Profuse sweating of the genital organs, and a very offensive odor (8th day). Before proving this, I had been troubled with an offensive perspiration of the genital organs; this is now very slight, and not at all offensive (26th day). The urine seemed to irritate, causing an erection, in the evening (1st day). Pain from r. testicle up through the abdomen at 21 h. (34th day). Pain from the left testicle to abdomen at 15 h. (33rd day).

Female. On walking in afternoon, a severe pain in the region of r. ovary (thirtieth day). In the evening, on walking about, a burning fullness in the r. ovary (thirty-third day). After taking drug, a bruised pain in region of r. ovary when moving about the house (thirty-first day). Suffered with pruritus (15th and forty-fifth days). Pruritus, relieved by cold water (thirty- third day). Pruritus most of the time, with slight leucorrhoea, tinging the linen yellow (sixteenth day). Intense pruritus after going to bed (seventeenth day). Slight leucorrhoea all the time, noticed more when sitting quietly (fifty-fourth day). Leucorrhoea, yellow color, not profuse (seventeenth day). Leucorrhoeal discharge, tinging the linen yellow; lately the discharge is passed sensibly, never before (forty-fifth day). Considerable leucorrhoeal discharge of a bland nature, staining linen yellow; noticed more when quiet (twentieth day). Menses two days earlier than usual, and not so profuse; usually suffer with pruritus directly after menstruation, but this time came on during the third evening; > bathing the parts in cold water (ninth day). Menses two days ahead of time, with colicky pains in abdomen (usual), but this time very much intensified, and came on just after the flow, usually not until several hours after the flow is established; unable to keep the body or hands quiet while the pains lasted; flow lasts the same length of time, but not so profuse as common (thirty-second day). Menses delayed two days, with nausea at the breakfast table; discharge normal, profuse; mammae not sore until the day before, and then only slightly; usually tender and very sensitive a week previous (sixty-first day).

Respiratory organs: Touching the neck just under the lobe of the r. ear occasions a cough, with a smarting sensation extending to the ear and throat, in the afternoon (twenty-eighth day). Very offensive breath in the morning (13th day). Feel as if I must take a long, deep inspiration, and yet this does not satisfy; have to loosen my clothes; soreness up through the left side, upon inspiration, at 5.20 h.; can breathe with more satisfaction, and yet, upon deep inspiration, a sore pain in the left side; occasionally, also, in the r. side, at 18.30 h. (23rd day).

Chest: Heavy feeling in the chest; pulsating pain all through, deep seated (13th day). Slight pain in the left lung, on inspiration, at noon (7th day). Stooping two write causes constant severe pain through

the chest and in the region of the liver at 11 h. (38th day). Dull aching all through the chest at 23 h. (33rd day). Sharp pain, just below the left clavicle, at 16.40 h. (32nd day). Occasional sharp pains in l. lung (20th day). During afternoon, shooting pains in l. lung (28th day). Bruised feeling ext. chest; this bruised pain < deep inspiration, towards 18 h. (34th day). Sides. Pain through both sides of chest when writing (53rd day). A few pains in my left side (2nd day). Pain of upper inner side of l. side (44th day). Neuralgic pains in l. side of chest in evening (48th day). Constant dull, aching pains through both sides of my chest (heart), at 13 h. (46th day). Oppression of l. side of chest (49th day). Occasional dull, sticking pains in the l. side, not affected by inspiration, in the evening; at 20.30 h., sharp sticking pains in the l. side, which come suddenly and go suddenly, a kind of kink in the side, not affected by respiration (2nd day). Sharp stitches on l. side of chest (44th day). Severe twinges of pain under the arm

(65th day). After retiring (11.30), a severe sticking pain through the breast from the nipple backward, > pressure (1st day). Stitches in the r. breast on inspiration (after 3½ hours, 5th day). Sharp stitch, like the prick of a needle, in the r. breast on inspiration, at 9 h. (9th day). Severe twinges of pain streaking up and down the left breast, outer side (65th day).

Heart and Pulse: Precordium. Sense of uneasiness in the region of the heart, at 5 P.M. (seventh day). Pain in the region of the heart on stooping to write; pains < by going upstairs (sixth day). Dull pains in the region of the heart, which cause general depression of spirits (seventeenth day). Pain in the region of the heart dull and continued, at 10 H. (thirteenth day). Pain around the heart (at 9 P.M)., (thirty-fourth and fortieth days). Pain around heart; was obliged to lie upon my back (thirty-third night). Have pain around the heart come on soon after rising; this continues at intervals through the day. Comes on while sitting still, or while walking rapidly (fiftieth day). Pains around the heart come on while walking, also while sitting; relieved by gentle motion (fifty-sixth day). Pains around the heart upon walking far or sitting long (sixty-first day). Pain around the heart, and heat of head, greatly < by riding on the cars, in the afternoon (55th day). Occasional pains around the heart, in the forenoon; stinging pain on waking from sleep; oppression around it in the afternoon. Belching wind always relieves it temporarily (43rd day). Much pain around the heart and through both sides of the chest, in the morning

(38th day). During the afternoon a great deal of pain around the heart (36th day). Pressure upon the abdomen, from suddenly sitting down, causes severe pain around the heart, at 15 h. (42nd day). Severe pain, which seems to pass through the heart, soon after waking (fifty-first day). Slight constrictive feeling around the heart (twentieth day). Dull pain around the heart, soon after rising (twentieth morning). Aching pains around the heart (fifty-fourth day). Dull aching pain around the heart, relieved by slight pressure, at 3 P.M. (thirtieth day). Gnawing pains around the heart, with quite severe stitches, at 8 P.M., relieved upon belching wind (thirty-third day). Gnawing and sometimes stinging pains around the heart, extending to the elbow, in the forenoon (36th day). Oppression about the heart, in the afternoon (twenty-eighth day). Oppression around the heart, and sharp aching pain, at 9 h. (31st day). On walking out in the afternoon felt a slight oppression over the base of the heart, lasting only a few minutes (twenty-eighth day). Have to press hand over the heart, as it relieves the oppression and pain (37th day). Pain in the region of the heart, extending to the left shoulder and arm; pain sharp (13th day). Sharp pain in the region of the heart, seeming to go directly through it, at 11.30 h. (32rd day). Have occasional pains around the heart, causing great depression of spirits,

at 20 h.; in ten minutes they become quite sharp, and are increased by inspiration (thirtieth day). Occasional shooting pains in the region of the heart (fifth day). Immediately upon rising in the morning, frequent and severe shooting pain seemed to pass directly through my heart, and my pulse at once became very irregular. Many pains around the heart during the forenoon (41st day). After retiring (midnight), suffered with sharp sticking pains at the apex of the heart, which lasted for 15 - 20 minutes, < deep inspiration. Did not dare move, but finally turned over on my l. side, and the pain gradually disappeared (12th day). Sharp stitches in the region of the heart (5th day). A feeling of soreness in the region of the heart, in the forenoon (36th day).

Heart’s Action. Throbbing of the heart and pressure in the head (6th day). Great throbbing of the heart and all the arteries comes on after retiring, even those of my lips; soon become covered with perspiration. Throbbing becomes intense; can heart it. Am finally obliged to get up and sit in a chair until 3 H. While sitting the pain and throbbing diminish (forty-seventh day). Palpitation of the heart upon rising after walking slowly, at 8.30 h. (31st day). Palpitation of heart, with oppression, at 10.30 h. (33rd day), Heart’s action irregular (36nd day). Feel the heart beat; and occasional double beat, and

a feeling of about the heart, at 15.50 h. (23rd day).

Neck: Stiffness of the neck and soreness of all the muscles of the neck (13th day). Neck tired, at 13 h., > eating (32rd day). Neck feels tired and “As if hardly able to support the head”, in the afternoon

(20th day). Pain in the back of the neck ext. forward (5th day). Pain in the back of the neck, extending from the occiput; constant feeling of heat (3rd day). Dull pain in the back of the neck, at the base of the occiput, > bending the head back, in the afternoon (87th days).

Back: 23 h. a tensive pain under the scapulae, more the left, > moving the arms, or drawing the shoulders back (2nd day). Pain in lumbar region, in afternoon (5th day). Pain in the small of the back (6th day). Dull aching pain in small of the back (8th day). Stitching pains in the region of the r. kidney, at 13 h. (7th day).

Limbs: Weakness of and dull pain in the elbows and knees (4th day). Limbs feel numb upon remaining in one position for a few minutes; this symptom has occurred several times before (17th day). Numbness throughout the r. arm and leg (after 4 hours, 5th day). Feeling of lameness and uneasiness in the limbs, > gentle motion (5th day). Pain in extremities (13th day). Muscular pains in shoulders and calf of r. leg, < by motion (15th day). Numbing pains in the axillae and knees, on rising (15th day). Aching pains deep in the limbs, more in r. arm, extending to the hands at 16.40 h. (31rd day). Dragging pain in the joints; the r. knee, hip, and elbow, and the l. shoulder, most affected, in the evening (16th day). Streaking pains in hands and legs, and sharp pains in feet during the entire day (48th day). Superior Extremities Pain through the r. arm, in the afternoon (34th day). Dull pains through the arm, also through both sides of the chest, with an occasional sharp stitch, in the morning (51st day). Shoulder. Numbness in the r. shoulder and arm (after 31/2 hours, 5th day). Awoke about 6 h. with pain in my shoulders (51st day). Woke between 5 and 6 h. with pain in my shoulders, going off on rising (43th day). Awoke early with pain in shoulder and around heart (47th day). Awoke with some pain in the shoulder, but not severe during the forenoon (53rd day). Pain in my shoulders every morning, greatly < by getting the least chilly (40th day). Pain in l. shoulder, ext. side

(5th day). Slight pain in shoulders before rising (55th day). Severe pain in l. shoulder and elbow (10th day). Rheumatic pain in the shoulder (spine of the r. scapula). A sore bruised feeling when moving the arm. Early in the evening a sharp pain in superior angle of l. scapula. Rheumatic pains in shoulders, felt more when quietly studying (16th day). Since taking Fago., have had rheumatic pain in my shoulders, towards morning, increased by getting cold, when severe moving relieves the pain. One year ago had similar trouble, > Rhus-t.; have not noticed this before, as

I had it last year (29th day). Awoke at 5 h. with severe rheumatic pain in my shoulders, which passed off after rising (31st day). Aching pain in shoulders, which goes off after rising, in the morning

(32nd day). Dull aching pains in the shoulder, about 4 h.; which go off upon rising (38th day). Tired aching pain in the shoulders after retiring at night (17th day). From 17 – 18 h. pain in the l. axilla, extending down the biceps muscles, and also into the pectoral muscles (fourth day). Dull numbing pain in the left axilla, extending down the arm, in the afternoon (seventeenth day). Tearing pain in the left axilla, extending into the muscles of the breast and arm (one hour after 2nd dose, 6th day). Forearm. Pain through the arm, at 9 h. (20th day). Pain occasionally along the course of the radial artery (28th day). Slight pressure from taking the pulse causes pain to extend up the arm and through the hand (twentieth day). Writing causes pain along the arteries of the r. arm, from the elbow to the hand, at 9 P.M. (twenty-fourth day). Wrist. Twitching of the tendons on the ulnar side of the wrist (first day). Hands. Carotids do not throb violently this morning, and yet can see very distinctly the pulsating of the arteries on the back of my r. hand, and some of the time can feel the throbbing so distinctly that I can count the pulse without looking or applying the fingers (twenty-fourth day). Twitching of muscles on ulnar side of the hand (sixteenth day). Pain through my hands and arms, at 11.30 h. (twenty-fourth-day). Feel pains through my hands and arms, which seem to be in the arteries; these pains are of a peculiar stinging character; have felt them often before, especially when noting the pulse, at 7.30 h. (twenty-fourth day). During the evening pain in my hands, deep in, as if in the bones, forcing me to move them often (fifty- first day). Pain in my hands extending the whole length of the fingers, on both sides of the fingers, following the whole course of the arteries; can’t keep my hands still, and the slightest motion is followed by great aggravation of the pain, a stinging burning pain. Throbbing of the arteries upon the back of my r. hand. Upon flexing the arm, pain extends from the shoulder to the hand (twenty-eighth to thirty-first days). Itching pains along the palmar arch upon writing, and down the fingers, at 4.40 P.M. (thirty-second day). Fingers. Fingers get tired while writing and ache (sixth day). Pain along radial side of index finger in writing (thirty-third day). Gnawing, stinging pains from the ends of the fingers extending up the arms, more the left; cold table causes pain in my hand and arm as I write, in the forenoon (36th day).

Limbs: Pain from the hips up to the small of the back, also down to the feet (13th day). After retiring at night great burning of the limbs, which seems deep in (feet: heel hot); this burning causes intense restlessness; can’t keep my limbs still (29th day). Dull aching pain in the legs. Stiffness of the cords of the legs; pain whole length of the legs when walking (8th day). Dull aching pain in l. leg, through its whole extent, at 22 h. (1st day). Hip. An especially marked pain in the l. hip, in the evening (2nd day). Feeling in r. thigh in the afternoon and evening, “As if the limb was going to drop off”; a tired heavy feeling (49th day). Slight twinge on under surface of l. thigh, (16th day). Dull pain in the r. knee (after 4 hours, 5th day). At 16 h. tearing pain in the r. knee, ext. through the hip to the lumbar region

(14th  day). Invariably feel the pain in the r. popliteal space, when walking in the open air (17th day). Numb legs, in the afternoon (14th day). A diffuse pain in left leg from knee down (5th day). Aching in the tibia of the l. leg (13th day). On walking in the afternoon, out of doors, experienced a tired aching pain in the calf of the r. leg, which extended up to the popliteal space; after I rested for while it passed off; when walking out in the evening it came on again with renewed force, and on seating myself, felt a sore bruised feeling in the part affected, which did not pass of until after retiring; also experienced again on rising in the morning (14th day); also on going out, though I rode in a carriage (15th day). Foot. Feet numb and pricking pain through them (toes). Upon crossing the legs feel the popliteal artery beat, so that it becomes necessary for me to change my position. Feet go to sleep, in the afternoon (23rd day). Pain in os calcis of left foot (13th day). My heel has blistered and suppurated; exceedingly sensitive to the touch and on walking; not felt at other times (61st day). For the past few days, on walking, a feeling in the r. little toe as if a fine cord was cutting it through at the base of the nail (30th day).

Generals: Objective. Arteries throb during the evening (48th day). Usually walk a great deal every day, but lately desire to ride everywhere I go (29th day). Lassitude of body all day (2nd day). Lassitude at noon (14th day). Lassitude in the afternoon (15th day). Lassitude and sleepiness in the afternoon, could hardly keep awake (3rd day). Extreme lassitude throughout (7 – 10 day). Awoke in the morning very tired, and have feeling of great lassitude (3rd and 4th day). Awoke tired, with dull headache and slight vertigo (7th day). For several night past get tired and want to retire early (unusual); feel unusually tired tonight, and yet have neither studied nor walked out today (20th day). Very tired and languid at 22 h. (16th day). Walk to the upper lecture-room in the college, and am fully exhausted 35th day). When walking slowly upstairs, become greatly exhausted, in the forenoon (52nd day). Restless mind and body (27th and 28th day). Am restless; have to walk around my room (43rd day). During the afternoon, restless, hot, and cannot sit easy; dull pain all through the body (l.); pain from behind the stomach to the heart and shoulder, < stooping or compressing the abdomen (24th day). Become very restless

(55th day). Very restless after retiring and through the night (37th day). Very restless before rising (44th day). Am uneasy in mind and body; seem to grow < rather than >, in the forenoon (28th day).

Can hardly sit still; at noon, have to walk constantly (38th day). Subjective. Languid, tired feeling throughout (5th day). Did not feel as if I could get up, and afterwards felt languid to an excessive degree (6th day). During afternoon, constant sense of weariness (51st day),. Sick, tired feeling, which I cannot describe (6th day). Upon rising, feel very tired, and have headache, fever, and sweating of hands,

< from 10.30 till near 11 h., then less severe (34th day). Feeling of great exhaustion upon going upstairs (46th day). Feel completely exhausted (37th day). Have had, during the evening, the restless, uneasy feeling of last night, with dull pain, < still (25th day). Feel very restless during the evening; soon get hot, itch, and become more restless after retiring (47th day). Feel uneasy and cannot sit still in the forenoon (51st day). During the evening, feel uneasy; upon retiring, limbs have a feeling of restlessness all through (50th day). Have felt badly all day (26th and 28th day). Feel very badly at 17 h. (20th day). Pains all through the body; feel as if I had been sick a long time, in the morning (20th day). From 16 - 18 h., pain all through the body; a bruised, aching pain from left testicle up through the left side

(25th day). Occasional pain along the arteries; this starts up upon putting my hands into cold water, or upon bringing them into contact with anything cold, in the afternoon (13th day). Indefinite, wandering pains throughout the body, which seem neuralgic, in the evening (2nd day). Rheumatic pains, awaking me at 18 h., then going off after rising, returning when sitting still at 10.30 h. (33rd and subsequent days). Dull pains through the body at 12.30 h. (20th day). Pains of a dull character through the body and around the heart at 10 h. (33rd and 51st day). During forenoon, pain of a dull character through various parts of the body upon sitting still (27th day). Aching through the body between 17 - 18 h. (30th day). Many aching pains through the head and body from 17 - 18 h.; relieved at 18 h. but come on again after eating (31st day). Tired, aching pain through the body upon sitting, as if caused by its weight, during the afternoon (34th day). Cannot sit still, as it starts stinging pains along the course of such arteries as are compressed, in the forenoon (twenty-fourth day). Feel sore and bruised all through the body; have been stooping, which increases it, at 11 P.M. (thirty-second day). Feel as if bruised all over, and a slight blow occasions great soreness (17th day). Get better and then get worse again (36th day). An aggravation between 10 - 11 h. (17th day). All symptoms < from 15 - 16 h. (16th day). Symptoms

< between 15 - 17 h. (6th day). < comes on at 16 h. (19th day). Throughout the proving there has been a daily < 15 - 18 h. All symptoms, so far, < in the evening (2nd day). < after retiring (18th day).

During afternoon, all symptoms < by mental work (20th day). Symptoms < immediately upon attempting to study, and render it impossible to do so, in the morning (24th day). < from riding on the cars

(56th and 57th day). All symptoms > motion in the open air (10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th Day). All symptoms > eating (8th and 17th day) (supper) (17th day). All symptoms > motion (5th day).

Skin: Objective. The skin of the arms and legs has a peculiar red appearance, as if it would all break out in an eruption, and the itching gets more severe, in the evening (34th day). Red papillae upon the face, which seems swollen, and also over the body (15th day). During the evening, upon the radius of the l. arm, the papillae became red, hot, and elevated over a surface 2 by 3 inches; itching persistent

(1st day). Eruptions, Dry. 22 h., a red, itching eruption along the back and on the limbs, in fact, all over the body; generally, several red flea-bite elevations together. Scratching causes others to appear, until the surface is covered; they appear on the forehead and face; at 23 h., itching intense; skin abraded by scratching; red, elevated points (18th day). Flea-bite eruptions; itching exceedingly (9th day, continuing until 17th day). Sore, red blotches, which do not fester, but itch and induce scratching, which < 11 - 16th day). Several red blotches upon the neck, which are sore and irritable (5th day). Upon the face there is a red eruption upon an oedematous base; face swollen around; is hot, itches, and burns, if touched, in the afternoon (14th and 15th  day). During this proving an eruption which had been on my face and forehead for a long time has disappeared. Eruption looked like flea-bites, red, raised spots, very sore, but no suppuration (8th day). More eruption on the back, and itching very persistent and severe, in the evening (33th day). Papular eruption on the thigh, hot, itching, and burning (9th day). A swelling has appeared on the back of my neck the size of a hen’s egg, and another on my l. shoulder just above the clavicle. Besides these I have several smaller ones. I suffer so much from them that I am obliged to discontinue the proving (3rd day). These swellings appear to be blind boils, and are now gradually disappearing, having no signs of suppuration. They, however, have occasioned great inconvenience, and in order to continue my business I have been obliged to secure a driver (11th day). A little pimple, very sensitive to the touch, making its appearance on the chin (16th day). Eruptions, Pustular. Some old swellings, which had nearly gone, seem to have a very little pus in them, in the forenoon (40th day). Burning and itching after retiring (39th day). Papillae of the skin feel sore and itch; < touch and > motion, and in the open air (10th day). A peculiar crawling feeling over various parts of the body (10th day). Feeling in afternoon, as if rubbed with rough flannel over the body (48th day). Itching in general (11th - 16th day). Itching over all parts of the body (back, scalp, and eyes); scratching is followed by aggravation (5th day). Itching over the whole body. Severe itching on the scalp, also on the upper lip. Tickling crawling feeling in spots over the body. Itching not relieved by scratching, sometimes relieved for a moment, and then followed by smarting and burning (5th day). At 18 h., itching severe (back and over pubic bone) (19th day). After retiring the itching is < (5th and 15th day). General itching after retiring, < by scratching (third day). Before taking he was troubled with an itching after retiring at night, which has now ceased (second day). Upon retiring at 11 P.M., the same burning, itching, and terrible restlessness came on; this affects the lower extremities most (30th day). Sit down in a warm room, and general itching starts up, at 18 h. (30th day). The itching is increased on sitting by a warm fire, in the evening (22nd day). Itching in various parts of the body through the day (l. arm and of the alae nasi) (3rd day). Itching of the scalp and of the face at the roots of the whiskers (3rd, 4th and 12th day), also of the back of the neck and along the back, in the afternoon (3rd day). Nose itches and has been sore on the inside for more then 24 hours (4th day). Itching of the pubes was so great that he feared pediculi, and removed the hair and searched for them (17th day). Itching about the r. nipple (after 4 hours, 5th day). Itching below the scapula, on the inside of the forearm, and in the thigh; all r. side, in the evening (16th day). Itching of the limbs in the afternoon; of the knees and elbows upon sitting; in the evening (52nd day). After retiring, itching and excessive burning of the limbs (27th day). Itching around the larger joints (53rd day). Itching of l. arm continuous, also frequent along the back and lower extremities, at 18 h. (2nd day). Some itching around the elbows; papillae raised (58th day). Itching in the hands, which seems deep in; heat great, and great aggravation of the itching by scratching or pinching the parts. I believe this stinging-itching feeling is in the coats of the arteries. This is a very persistent symptom (26th day). Itching of the r. thigh, both arms, and axillae, also scalp and left ear, at 17 h. (9th day). Legs and feet cool, but itch, in the afternoon (19th day). Slight itching of dorsum of hand (16th  day). Excessive itching in the scalp and in the l. ear, at 17 h.; unbearable itching of the head and face, lasting about an hour, at 19 h. (17th day). Dreadful itching of the face at the roots of the whiskers; also of all parts of the body and limbs (hairy part), at 17 h. (13th day).

Sleep: Sleepiness. From 17 - 18 h., a constant desire to yawn and stretch the limbs (2nd day). Drowsy at 22 h., which is unusual (11th day). Sleepiness, in the afternoon (15th day). Get sleepy very early in evening. If mind is diverted by conversation get wide awake (33rd day). Very sleepy; sleepy early in the evening (29th day). Go to sleep while sitting up (10th day). Get to sleep in my chair. After retiring becomes restless; dream; am in trouble all night; wake (nineteenth night). Slept during afternoon (twenty-ninth day). Sleeplessness. Slept none during the night (forty-second night). Restless after retiring, dreamed continually (17th night). Restless through the night and dreamed, but all dreams terminated pleasantly (11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th day). Restless, in the morning (29th day). Cannot get to sleep for some time, and wake often through the night (40th and 41th day). Wakeful after retiring, at 23 h.; after getting to sleep dreamed until wakening (23rd day). Retired at 1 h., but did not get to sleep for two or three hours; mind crowded with ideas (47th day). Slept but little through the night (39th day). Awoke at 5 h., but slept again; rose at 7 h. with a severe headache (16th day). Awoke at 5 h., and slept but little more (23rd and24th days). Woke at 5 h., and cannot get to sleep again (13th and 15th day). At 5 h., mind active and cannot sleep again; bed feels hard (20th day). Awoke between 3 h. and 4 h.; restless in mind and body; slept no more (42nd day).

Dreams: Dream through the night (20th day). Dream all night, waking frequently (10th day). Unpleasant dreams during morning sleep (2nd day). Early in morning dreamed of prescribing for a person with wind colic, and of having it myself; shortly afterwards waked out of a sound sleep, about 3 h., with the most excruciating, griping, cutting pains in the hypogastric region. The whole abdomen felt sore to the touch. The pain lasted for over an hour; relieved a little by doubling myself up and pressing hard on the parts. With this severe colic the sharp pains of the heart come one, and last for ten minutes, though not so severe as before. Could not keep my feet quiet a moment during the paroxysms of pain (13th day). In trouble all night; dreamed constantly (21st and 22nd day). Dream that everything goes wrong (46th night).

Fever: Chilliness. Cold all over (hands and feet) at 10 h. (23rd day). Retired very late; am very cold, but soon get hot; burn and itch (42nd night). Chills along the back, in the afternoon (15th day). Hands

and feet become cold at 10 h. (33rd day). Hands ache with cold (46th day). Hands cold in the morning, but becomes hot and perspire about the middle of the forenoon; at 16 h. very hot, and finally perspire (51st day). Feet cold and damp, in the forenoon (24th day). Heat. Sense of heat over the body (5th day). Heat through the body (hands, which at times are moist, and soon after dry; usually moist from 11 to 1 h. and from 4 - 6 h.; feet hot (24th day). Heat increased, followed by slight perspiration (16th day). Heat increases from 17 - 18 h. (31st day). Heat, with moist hands, in the afternoon (19th day).

At 16 h. heat increased, and soon a perspiration over the body (hands, which feel uneasy all through) (17th day). Heat after retiring (32nd and 34th day). Heat and restlessness after retiring (29th and 52nd  day). Feel hot, restless, and itch (10th night). At times feel hot, and again cold; have done so all along. Hands and feet perspire. Get into a perspiration in the evening. Am cold upon retiring, but soon get hot, especially my limbs, which burn and itch (fiftieth day). Feel very hot and restless, and soon a slight moisture over the body (thirteenth day). Feeling of intense heat through the body, especially the head, neck, and hands (5th day). Hot flashes and a slight moisture over the body; as this moisture comes on, heat continues for some time in the afternoon (twenty-eighth day). After retiring great burning and restlessness; my chum complains of the heat; even if my limbs are cold before retiring, they get very hot and burn soon after; this has been so every night for some times (40th day). Heat in the head and back of the neck, which feel tired, at 17.20 h. (23rd day). Heat in the back of the neck, at 15.50 h. (23rd day). Heat and sweating of the hands; a feeling of heat through the body, in the afternoon (23rd day). After rising, feverish heat of head, with cold hands (11th day). Head and neck hot (20th day). Hands feel as if hot; all through burn and feel uneasy (6th day). Hands get hot and sweat; feet still cold, but moist, at 11 h.; hands sweat from 15 - 20 h. (33rd day). Hands hot and sweaty, between 10 - 11 h. (24th day). Hands feel hot and dry (7th 8th morning). Hands and feet hot # cold, on rising at 7 h; hands cold at 7.40; hands hot at 8 h.; r. hand cold and pain through the arm; l. hand warm at 9 h.; l. hand cold and r. hand burning, at 10.30 h.; hands hot, but no moisture, at 17 h.; feet cold at 23 h. (20th day).

After retiring limbs very hot and more restless (51st day). Hands very hot at 8 h., and in a perspiration at 10 h; great heat and burning in the fingers and hands, cannot keep them still, in forenoon; at 11 h. heat increases, hands dry, but soon get moist. At 12, not as much heat. During the afternoon great burning in the hands, with stinging pain from ends of fingers upward; ends of fingers very hot and red (36th day). Face, head, and hands burn, in the afternoon (19th day). Back of neck and face burn, in the afternoon (19th day). Hands, although moist and cool to another, burn all through, in the afternoon (19th day). Sweat. Perspiration and heat (17th day). Walked slowly to the college and back to my room; am in a perspiration and heat, also feel exhausted; suffocative feeling, which seems to refer itself to my heart, at 8.30 h. (24th day). Sweating profuse from 15.30 to 17 h. (11th day). Cold clammy sweat at night, very profuse (13th day). Perspiration of the hands (afternoon), (19th and 28th day). Sweating of the palms of hands (6th, 7th and 10th day). Moisture of palms of hands (unusual), (18th day). Hands cold, yet perspire (43rd day). Hands are covered with perspiration from 15 h. until late in the evening

(5th day). Sweating of the hands at 9.15 h.; feet cold, hands hot, and both covered with perspiration at 10.30; feet ache with cold but are damp, at 11 h.; hands burn and soon become moist, from 17 - 18 h.; hands perfectly dry at 23 h. (32st day). Hands sweat, as they do every day, at varying intervals; they are always dry upon rising; feet cold but perspire; they are now usually cold through the day. After retiring, soon get hot (limbs from the knees down) (41st day). Hands moist, but soon dry, in the afternoon (52nd day). Dryness and heat of the hands (21st day). For some time past have noticed a moisture of the soles of the feet (very unusual); also disagreeable odor under the arms (20th day).


<: (Morning), On rising, mucus in throat; at breakfast, nausea; pains in shoulders.

(Afternoon), Soreness of nose; from 3 to 4 o’clock, all symptoms; from 3 to 6o’clock daily, the symptoms; from 5 to 6 o’clock, heat.

(Evening), Thirst; all symptoms.

(Night), At 23 h., after retiring, rising of fluid in oesophagus; thirst; after retiring, pain in shoulders; upon retiring, burning in limbs; after retiring, itching; after retiring, heat, etc.

(Walking in open air), Pain in popliteal space; pain in calf of leg.

(Ascending stairs), Pain in region of heart.

(Bending forward), Head symptoms.

(Getting cold), Pain in shoulders.

(Compressing abdomen), Pain from behind stomach to heart, etc.

(After eating), Headache; flatulence.

(Feeling pulse), Pains through hands, etc.

(Inspiration), Pain through breast; pains around heart.

(Deep inspiration), Feeling through chest; pains at apex of heart.

(Walking in bright sunlight), Symptoms of eye.

(Lying on r. side), Pain in region of liver.

(Mental exertion), Pressure in head; fulness in forehead; pressure in forehead, etc.; pain through side of head; all symptoms.

(Motion), Symptoms of head and eyes; smarting of eyes; pains in fingers.

(Riding in cars), Pain around heart, etc.

(Scratching) Itching over body.

(Sitting still), Pain through side of head; pain in stomach; dull pain.

(Stooping), Pain in region of liver; pain in abdomen; pain through region of heart; pain from behind stomach to heart, etc.; sore feeling, etc. through body.

(Quiet study), Pains in shoulders.

(Witnessing surgical operation), Nausea.

(Walking, Pain in legs; feeling in little toe.

(Warmth), General itching.

(When writing), Pain through sides of chest.


(Morning), After rising, pain in shoulders.

(Open air), Pain in side of head; soreness, etc., of skin.

(Bending head back), Pain in temples, etc.; pain in back of neck.

(Coffee), Stomach symptoms.

(Cold applications), Headache, etc.

(Cold water), Pruritus vaginae.

(Motion in cool air), Pain through head; head symptoms; most of the symptoms.

(Conversation), Sleepiness.

(Eating), Cloudiness of mind; headache; nausea; symptoms of stomach, etc.; fatigue of neck.

(Eructation), Pain in stomach.

(Motion), Pain in stomach; pain in abdomen; pain in shoulders; all symptoms; soreness, etc., of skin.

(Gentle motion), Pains around heart; feeling in limbs.

(Pressure), Pain through head; pains through breast; pain around heart.

(Sitting still), Vertigo, etc.; pain, etc., of heart.

(Stool), Congestive headache.

(Talking), Pain in side of head.

(Walking), Pains through abdomen, etc.

(Sitting still in warm room), Itching of scalp.


[Raymon Sevar]

I prescribed Fagopyrum esculentum with great success for Edith, a 78 year­old who made a deep impression on me. Our first consultation was in October 2002. She told me that she had suffered from

a constant and terrible itch inside her skin for nine months and it was getting steadily worse, but she had no rash. Her whole body was itching and the itch got worse in waves during which she felt very hot.

When she asked her husband to feel her skin, he was most surprised to find how hot she actually felt to the touch. The itch would get worse if she wore tight clothes, especially if made from synthetic materials, and a little less if she wore cotton or silk. The itch tended to get steadily worse through the day and by evening and night­time it was terrible.

She tried very hard not to scratch but the itch was so bad she just had to. Scratching did not really make the itch better. She tried hard not to scratch so much that she made her skin raw or made it bleed. Like many other people she’d had a tendency to dry skin since childhood and had to be careful what she put on her skin and vigilant about which detergents she laundered her clothes with or she would get a prickly heat type rash – she even took her own pillowcase on holiday or she would wake with a rash on her face.

While her itch was very severe, Edith’s symptoms so far were fairly common and do not help much in showing which medicine might be best indicated – so I asked her what was the most striking or unusual thing about her itch.

“The worst thing is,” Edith told me, “that I cannot lean my back on a chair. As soon as I do the itch gets terrible and I cannot bear it – I have only been able to sit straight upright for months. I can only sleep on my tummy because if I roll onto my back the itch is just terrible and then I am awake for ages.”

This really is a most strange, rare and peculiar (SRP) symptom -one I had never come across before- and therefore highly useful in finding the best homeopathic medicine for her. Such an SRP symptom suggests one of the so­called “small” remedies – a remedy which is less frequently prescribed but as powerful and deep acting as a “polycrest” like Graphites or Sulphur.

At this point I looked in my com­puter repertory at the rubrics for itching worse from pressure and lying down, itching without eruptions, itching in old people and itching at night and at the generals chapter for pressure aggravates. A computer repertory is often useful for holding and comparing lists and look­ing at the small remedies within the rubrics which have her SRP symptom. I saw the remedy Fagopyrum esculentum. The computer repertory programs can also quickly search all the symptoms of a remedy to see whether it might cover the case – and Fagopyrum esculentum was listed for many skin symptoms of itching with and without eruptions.

Other factors

Now, of course, it was important to learn if there was anything else that troubled Edith and to try and understand something of her unique nature, about her life and how she has lived it. She explained she had some osteoarthritis of her hands, neck and right hip which < cold draft and > swimming – she still swam many lengths regularly to keep supple. She had high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Her right carotid artery was narrowed and she had had a tiny stroke and one attack of angina pectoris. She had fully recovered from both without treatment, indeed she was “not one to take tablets” and had refused all medication for her conditions except the glaucoma for which she did use the eyedrops prescribed.

In the past she’d had the usual childhood illnesses, was found to have only one kidney and had several urinary infections. She “sailed through child­birth twice and the menopause” without any problem. She comes from “good old-­fashioned stock” and all her family are long­-lived – her parents both died aged 94 and her sister died aged 90 and she was glad to nurse them through their final illnesses.

I noticed when she spoke of “child­birth twice” there was a little falter in her voice and a slight pause and her husband looked up from reading. I chose to wait and raise the matter later in the consultation while moving onto lighter but important matters of sleep, energy and food.

The lack of sleep from the itch had gradually eroded her previously high energy and lately it had gone down to only ten out of an ideal 100. She had not drunk tea for 40 years as it gave her diarrhoea, hated oysters and slimy things and liked “old-­fashioned good quality freshly prepared food – I like bread and butter and marmalade best”.

The most personal and private details of a person’s life are usually their sex lives and their religious faith. I could see no reason to question a 78 year­old woman about her love life, so asked about her faith.

“I have a strong Christian faith -my husband and I still go out doing Christian work every morning- we don’t preach to people, we just give practical help where required. We have a little sleep after lunch and feel better. I pray a lot and it helps me. My faith is a great comfort to me…”

Again, there was the little falter in her speech and now a tear glistened in the corner of her eye.

“My third child was stillborn and I still think of her every day. I know that I will see her again.” A tear escaped and ran down her cheek.

I believe it is important at such times for the physician to stop: stop writing, stop moving, to sit still in silence to honour the memory. Also, I have found that, when the healing sighs and tears abate, suggesting to the mother that lighting a candle on the anniversaries appears to be beneficial whether the patient has a religious faith or not.


I prescribed Fagopyrum esculentum LM1 30ml, one drop in a full glass of water, one mouthful as a daily dose.

The follow-­up

At the next consultation six weeks later Edith looked happy and reported, “The itch got a bit worse at first so I stopped the drops for a few days then I started again with a smaller dose as you suggested and gradually got better. For the past three weeks it is like a miracle – it is amazing. The itch has gone from my whole body. There is some itch left in the vulva where it all started but it is less than it was.

I can lean back on chairs, it is so wonderful. I sleep right through the night now. I was so exhausted by the itch before but now my energy is definitely better – 50/100 – the arthritis is much the same.”

I advised her to continue Fagopyrum esculentum LM1 1 drop in a third of a glass of water, taking a mouthful daily as before till “well” then occasionally when required. I have found that patients who are improving with the LM potencies daily often do well to decrease the size of dose and the frequency of dose once healing is established – this avoids a later aggravation.


Edith truly impressed me. She was calm with a kind of quiet serenity despite her severe constant itching. Her religious faith was effective, quiet, unassuming, deep, warm and undemanding of others – she seemed to almost shine with grace. Since I was, at that time, struggling with my own illness and my own faith, I asked her to share with me a little of her wisdom and asked her if she felt there really was meaning to suffering. After a pause she said, “If our life really does pose us a question, then perhaps the answer is our whole life.”

I receive a Christmas card from Edith every year. Her itch resolved and her arthritis became much less troublesome. She takes the remedy occasionally whenever the itch returns or her joints are a bother and both are relieved quickly.



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                   Impressum