Farben Anhang 3


[Ambika Wauters]                                               

The Homeopathic Color Remedies

These remedies were developed in 1990 in the north of England by the author. They correspond to the energy centers in the human energy system known as chakras.

The chakras are vortices of energy connected to the etheric forces of the subtle bodies which exist in the auric field of a person, animal of plant. They relate to all life

matter. Each chakra nourishes a particular center that, in turn, feeds energy into the ductless glands of the physical body.

The physical body is the repository of energy that comes up from the earth and down from the cosmos. The earth forces are the magnetic forces that work to ground

and anchor us physically, emotionally and mentally into life. They pull us down and stabilize us.

The cosmic forces lift our spirit up. They have sway over our mind and emotions. They work in conjunction with the earth forces to create a flow of energy that we use

in our daily life to fulfill our tasks and live out our destiny.

The homeopathic color remedies work at the level of the chakras to decongest, stimulate and tonify them. They come in three different potencies of 6x, 12c and 30c

and in ten different colors. The colors relate to the chakra, the endocrine gland and the life issues of that center.

By adding the potentized color the chakras find their balance and encourage healing.

How are the color remedies made?

Homeopathic color remedies are made by taking pure water in glass tumblers and placing them in the sun. Auspicious days are chosen such as the winter solstice and

summer solstice, days of maximum and minimum light on which to make these remedies.

The tumblers are placed in a quiet place without much commotion and colored theatrical gels or colored silks are placed on top of and around the glasses. The glasses

are placed on small mirrors to maximize the color vibrating in the glass.

The glasses are left in the day light for approximately four hours. The solution is fixed with alcohol and then potentized in the homeopathic fashion in one drop of

solution to ten drops of alcohol for each dilution. Remedies are standardized in C 6, C 12 and C 30 potency and have been made at Helios Pharmacy in Tumbridge Wells, Kent, UK.

How to use these remedies and warnings:

These remedies are meant to be used in a homeopathic fashion, meaning less is more. Use them to gently stimulate the system. They are not vitamins or supplements.

If you have a serious medical condition, please see your doctor immediately. These remedies, though they can be a powerful healing tool, do not heal pathology.

They only stimulate the energy system.

Homeopathic Color Remedies: their chakras,  and Qualities


RED.: The first color in the homeopathic color remedies is RED. It is the densest of all colors. It has the longest wavelength and lowest energy level of all the visible colors.

It is the first color the human eye sees and is often associated with passion, violence, life force, danger and vitality.  We use it for grounding and rooting in to life. Red is the color of life.

It is used in the homeopathic color remedies to help anchor the spirit in the physical plane. Whenever a person goes through life changes that take them away from their safety zone, or level of accustomed comfort this color grounds them soundly in their experience. Red is a color that has density and gravity. It works well when people are recovering from long term or acute illness, surgery, life change such as divorce, deaths of loved ones, shocks, traumas or house or job moves.

Chakra: The Root Chakra: The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine. It nourishes the adrenal cortex of the kidneys, which contains the fight or flight function of the kidneys. It deals with life challenges that focus on survival, community and family. Whenever we fall into the Victim archetype we lose our ground of being. Constellating the Mother archetype, learning to be our own good parent, sustaining a positive outlook to whatever our situation is, comes from a strong Root chakra. The qualities of the Root Chakra are: Patience, Security, Stability, Structure, Order and the Ability to make our dreams manifest into reality.

Mentals: This is a good remedy for people who are recovering from illness, going through a life change, or coming out of a serious shock. It is suited to spiritually involved people who do not live or think in a practical, rhythmic manner, people who are very detached from reality. It helps the dreamers, and indolent to refocus their attention on

the world around them.

Contraindications: This remedy is not to be used where there is suppressed rage or anxiety. If you have a serious medical condition, please consult your doctor immediately.

Physicals: Can raise blood pressure and is good for weak , lifeless people who are exhausted, have poor circulation, are constipated, have piles, or varicose veins, rectal or urinary problems, are going into childbirth, are anemic, weak, slow to recuperate or immuno-deficient.

Contraindications: This remedy is not to be used for people with high blood pressure or who are violent or aggressive by nature. Do not repeat often and keep the potency below C 30.  If you have one of these conditions listed above see your doctor.

General Symptoms: Red addresses a lack of connection with physical life. It works well for people who feel they are disconnected from family, community, and tribe.

It brings one back to life with a greater certainty about one’s purpose and place. It helps foster patience to let one’s good unfold, it can be used for deep depression, even suicidal tendencies.

Contraindications: Do not give to people who have a history of violence. Consult a doctor for physical and mental conditions that may need treatment.

Promotes grounding. It anchors the spirit in the physical body. It can, however, create anger and aggression if used too often or too high a potency. This color helps with

issues of constipation, problems of mobility and coordination. The only cautionary advice is to be careful not to inflame the emotions by constant repetition. Do not give

red to an angry child.


ORANGE.:  This color works to enliven, rejuvenate and heal. It is the color of youth and vitality. We can tap into its energy whenever we eat food that is orange, such as squash, citrus, carrots. This food carries the vibration of the color and feeds the energy center that has to do with movement, emotions, and well being.

The homeopathic color remedy orange is used to revivify and revitalize worn down and exhausted systems. It focuses on the life energy systems of the body and supplies energy to the sexual organs which create life.

Orange is a stimulating color that offers excitement and joy as part of its components. When we need a lift this is the color to use to raise our spirits and move us forward.

If you have a serious medical condition, please consult your doctor.

Chakra: The Sacral Chakra is governed by the color orange. It stimulates this vital center located two inches below the navel and two inches inside the body. It brings healing energy, vitality and warmth to the lower abdomen. It deals with the issues of ease, well being, abundance and acceptance. Whenever we are not connected with the truth of this center we fall into the Martyr archetype where we become too strict and punishing, leaching sweetness out of our lives. When we find balance we embody the Empress

or Emperor archetype. This archetype has a proportionate sense of balance and sweetness in its life which makes them joyful and easy to be around.

The qualities of the Sacral Chakra are:  physical well being, self acceptance, ease and pleasure, and abundance.

Mentals: This is a remedy suited for anyone lacking a sense of personal well being. It offers people who have a negative attitude towards their bodies and sexuality an opportunity to open up and develop a healthy degree of self acceptance. It brings a real sense of pleasure and stimulates an appetite for life. It can also stimulate a sense

of creativity, playfulness and fun.

Contraindications: Orange is not to be used by people who are persistently restless or anxious, nor should it be used at night. If you have a serious medical condition, please consult your doctor.

Physicals: Orange is a remedy that can be used for bowel problems, infertility, period irregularities, slow onset of menstruation, anorexia, appetite disorders, when people have little or no appetite or are having food cravings. It is good for post viral infections, auto-immune deficiency disease and the after effects of shock or trauma. If you have any

of these conditions please consult your doctor.

Contraindications: It should not be used by people who have an excess of rage or anger. It is not suited to someone with an abundance of energy or who have trouble resting

or finding a quiet space. It can over-stimulate their vitality and lead to restlessness. Consult your doctor if you have a serious condition before attempting this treatment.

General Symptoms:  This is a color that can be used to boost the immune system by repeated use for several weeks in a medium or low potency. It has helped people to regain their energy when they have been stressed or exhausted.

Contraindications: Do not give to people who are overly stimulated or who have a serious medical condition and are on medication.

Gives vitality and energy. It stimulates the body towards activity and the emotions towards happiness. When given in conjunction with pink gives joy. Do not give this in

the evening as it stimulates the system and can impede sleep.


YELLOW.: the color with the brightest light. It is associated with the sun and with the metal gold, the object in physical reality which shines the brightest. It is a diffuse energy and can create confusion because it has no boundaries. People can become disoriented when in the presence of too much light.

It is the color associated with personal power and triumph. It is linked to worth and value. Yellow lightens a dark mood or a dark day. It can generate feelings of euphoria after the heaviness of red of the energy buzz of orange.

It is associated with the element of fire that aids digestion and assimilation. It is interesting that yellow foods all are important to digestion such as lemon, grapefruit and corn. If you have a serious medical condition, consult your doctor before taking these remedies.

Chakra: The Solar Plexus:  This chakra is located in the nerve ganglions between the stomach and the sternum. It is a center that revolves around our sense of personal identity and issues of personal power and worth.  When people acknowledge their self worth they begin to negotiate in the world as a Warrior archetype and no longer fall into the Servant archetype. They take personal responsibility for how they want their lives to unfold and are no longer at the mercy of how and what others dictate.

The qualities of the Solar Plexus chakra are: self worth, self esteem, confidence, personal power, and freedom of choice.

Mentals:  Yellow is the color of gut responses, or lower intelligence. This color can stimulate the mind to be clear and focused. It charges the gut responses and carries this impulse into the higher mind to be analyzed and thought over.  Yellow can help increase the memory and thinking processes, and provide a rich potential for clarity and effectiveness.

Contraindication:  Too much yellow can cause a dissociated feeling from an over expansive mind. Do not take this color remedy if you have a serious medical condition.

Please consult your doctor.

Physicals: Yellow relates to the organs of digestion and can help with physical problems of breaking down food content. If the liver or gallbladder is weak this color can add additional strength. If there is chronic weakness from any form of liver disease, or gallbladder problems this color can tonify the area with energy and vitality. It is an excellent remedy for acid stomach, Celiac disease, which is the inability to breakdown gluten, and can be used concurrently with other remedies. If you have a serious medical condition, please consult your doctor before using this treatment.

Contraindications: Yellow should be used as an astringent and a decongestant. It should be used in daytime only as it can cause sleep disturbance by bringing too much energy into the system.

General Symptoms: Yellow is a color that can be used by anyone with lack of confidence (BB: Miml-g.), problems with self worth or personal identity. It is well suited to people who give their life force over to others for their approval or affection.  Yellow strengthens the egoic forces and stimulates confidence and encourages personal empowerment.

Contraindications: This remedy should not be used by people who are overly confident or have an excessively developed ego. It should not be used at night.

Do not use this remedy if you have a serious medical condition. Please consult your doctor.

Works on the digestion and helps tonify the digestive organs. It has been used to support assimilation and detoxification. At the emotional level it builds self confidence and inner strength. This is a good remedy for children with ASD and DD.


GREEN.: color of balance. It is neither hot nor cold, but neutral in the realm of visible color.  It is the most prevalent color in nature and soothes and comforts us when we are tired and weary. It relates to our emotional balance and the healing power of nature. It is the easiest color for the eye to see. The lens of the eye focuses green light almost exactly on the retina. It is a tonic for the eye, which explains why eye shades and sunglasses are in this color. Medieval engravers used green Beryl to contemplate on and relax their eyes after the intensity of their work.

Green is a natural detoxifier and helps drain the body of toxins. It acts as a diuretic for congestion, particularly to the heart. It is also the color associated with decay. There is duplicity to this color. On the one hand it is the color of life and also the color of decay.  Its dual nature is linked to its ability to fit both the top and bottom part of the visible spectrum.  Do not take this remedy without consulting your doctor if you have a serious medical problem.

The Chakra: The Heart Chakra:  This is the center of the human energy system. Its emotional component, love, is the center of our life. It is concerned with all aspects of love and joy. It works on two levels, just as the color itself does. On one level it is the heart protector which acts as a shield against the negative and hurtful. It relates on a physical level to the Pericardium. On the second level this shield protects the purity and innocence of the human heart from exposure to harsh or unloving experiences. The heart protector provides a shelter for the heart itself and sustains the core of our being from hurt or abuse. Its positive archetype is the Lover, the person who loves life and others unconditionally. Its negative archetype is the Actor or Actress, who loves only through imitation and makes love a conditional experience.

The qualities of the Heart Chakra are: love, joy, peace, sister and brotherhood, and unity.

Mentals: Green is the color for those who suffer from nervous tension. It is good for those who are highly strung and hysterical. It is has the ability to soothe shattered nerves, and helps create a more balanced nervous system so that clear thinking can occur. It provides a stronger sense of happiness and inner harmony.

Contraindications: It is not to be given to indolent people who need their energy. It is not indicated for night use because it acts as a diuretic and can keep people up running to the toilet. Do not take this remedy if you have a serious medical condition. Please consult your doctor before taking this remedy.

Physicals: Green has been used successfully to drain excess fluid from the body. Where there is edema, inflammation, or congestion, this color removes toxic fluids that cause stagnation.  It has been used for PMS when women become engorged and retain fluids. It has helped with lumpy breasts and eased pain in the left breast.

It has been used along with heart remedies, for congestive heart failure to tonify the heart and stop fluid from building up around the heart. The relief is quick but not long lasting.

It has also been used for tired eyes and headaches where there is congestion. It can be used for inflammation of the breasts, testicles or soft tissue swelling.

Contraindications: If there has been a serious loss of fluid from diarrhea, vomiting, or kidney failure green is not indicated. It should not be given at night.

If you have a serious medical condition, please consult your doctor before using this treatment.

General Symptoms:  Green has been used successfully for patients who lack stability and equilibrium in their emotional lives, who barely manage to cope with problems and when their resources are drained they are tired and exhausted. It is good for people undergoing major life changes. It helps to restore emotional balance and provides an opportunity for detachment.

Contraindications: It should not be given to people who need stimulation as it is more of a tranquiller and sedative than a stimulator. It is not to be given at night.

Sooths the energy system. Increases the release of fluid in the body and is good for all forms of fluid retention. It calms the nerves, promotes relaxation. Can be given day or night.

Do not take this remedy if you have a serious medical condition. Please consult your doctor.


TURQUOISE.: color of creative expression. It is a mixture of green and indigo. It represents all forms of creativity, communication, truth and will power. It is the color associated with spiritual healing and values. It is associated with the veil of the Virgin Mary. Many cultures prize this color and value the stone by the same name. The color received its name from the turquoise blue seas around Turkey.

Turquoise has the ability to soothe our nerves and relieve the body of physical pain. It works well for many conditions from tooth ache to sore throat. It can calm an inflamed earache and ease congestion in the sinuses. If you have a serious medical condition, please consult your doctor before taking this remedy.

Chakra: The Throat Chakra: This is the center for personal expression. It is related to our capacity to express our needs and be creative with our life energy. Matters of personal will power are affected by the strength of this chakra. Will allows us to strengthen our character and develop maturity and presence.

This chakra is also meant to be the center of truth. This applies to how we express our truth as well as how we ingest it in terms of our consciousness and awareness.  The Throat Chakra controls the sense of hearing and speaking. When we hear the truth it resonates in our being. When we speak the truth we open a channel for healing between ourselves and others.

It s archetype is the Communicator, that person who expresses their truth to the best of their ability. The negative aspect of this color is represented by the archetype of the Silent Child, the person who suppresses their feelings and is afraid to say their truth.

The qualities of this color are: integrity, communication, will, truth, both your personal truth and the higher truth, and creativity.

Mentals: The mental symptoms associated with Turquoise all focus around our ability to hear and express the truth. People have resistance to saying what they think or feel and many opportunities for healing are lost because of fear of repercussions. This remedy can be used to heal closed minds with fixed ideas and when people have difficulties hearing what is being said to them.

Contraindications: Do not take this remedy if you have a serious medical condition without consulting your doctor.

Physicals: This remedy can bring healing to inflammation, particularly around the throat and gums. It has been used successfully to alleviate toothache. It can be used for mouth ulcers, ear infections, sore throats, and bronchial inflammations. It is good for treating obesity when the thyroid is under active and the patient has low energy, tires quickly and is apathetic.

Contraindications: It is not recommended for people on medication or taking drugs. It would be best to wait for several weeks after taking medication to take this color remedy. If you have a serious medical condition, please consult your doctor before taking this treatment.

General Symptoms: Wherever there is a problem with self expression and a need to stimulate communication skills this remedy works very well. It strengthens the Throat Chakra that may have been weakened by allopathic or recreational drugs, over or under eating, smoking or drinking.  Any time the will needs to be engaged this color works to strengthen and fortify a person.

Contraindications:  This remedy is not a substitute for communication, but it helps to relieve tension in this sphere where it is blocked. Please consult your doctor if you have a serious medical condition before taking this remedy.

Helps with self expression. It stimulates the will function and aids in communication. It helps with sore throats, tooth ache and problems in the throat.


INDIGO.: cool and chilly. It represents the intellect and symbolizes emotional detachment. It influences the Pituitary gland, which stimulates grown and controls reproductive cycles in the body.  It is the color of the higher mind and heals what is inflamed and impassioned.

It acts as an anesthetic, and soothes and gives cooling relief from inflammation.

It is the color that is most favored in the world for fashion and decoration. It is known as the color of discernment.  It calms frayed nerves and anxious states. It is used to cleanse the psychic forces of the body.  If you have a serious medical condition, please consult your doctor before taking this remedy.

Chakra: The Brow Chakra:

Located between the eyebrows in the middle of the forehead. Functions as an antenna allowing access to both inner truth and perceived awareness about people and situations.

It controls many vital functions and is our conscious link to the life choices we make for ourselves. It helps us cultivate wisdom from the trials and sufferings of our lives, and find the good, the truth and the freedom we need to consciously evolve.

The Brow chakra rules our ability to discern who and what are for our highest good. It s primary archetype is the Wise Person who is able to harness knowledge and make wholesome choices for their good and the good of those for whom they are responsible.

The negative archetype of this chakra is the Intellectual, the one who only wants the facts of the situation and avoids knowing their inner truth, or intuitive perception.

The qualities of the Brow Chakra are: wisdom, discernment, knowledge, intuition and imagination.

Mental; This color remedy is useful for those who need clarity and organization in their thinking. It helps the mind focus and elucidates matters which weigh on the mind. It is good for tired and overused minds, as it brings in other dimensions besides thinking into the choice process.

Contraindications: It is not suited for people who analyze constantly, and who are always in their heads. It would only accentuate this. If you have a serious medical condition, please consult your doctor before using this treatment.

Physical: This remedy can lower blood pressure and act as a clamant. It can work as an anesthetic and help relieve pain. It acts as natural blood purification and can alleviate lymphatic congestion which causes inflammation. It is useful for swollen ankles, boils, carbuncles, skin irritations, and can soothe wounds.

Contraindications: If you have a serious medical condition, please consult your doctor before taking this treatment.

General Symptoms: Indigo homeopathic remedy is used for anxiety and fear states, or whenever the emotions run high. It cools, relaxes, and helps the emotions become detached. It is good for agitated emotional states.

Contraindications: It is not good for depressed states and can make a person more depressed and dissociated from her /his feelings and body. Please do not take this remedy if you are depressed. Please consult your doctor.

Works to calm the mind. It stimulates thinking and aids cognitive abilities. It creates a level of detachment when the emotions are inflamed and engaged. Indigo helps to focus the mind. 


VIOLET.: associated with serenity, beauty and spirituality. It soothes calms and brings comfort, and on the physical plane it acts as a purifier and anesthetic.  It is associated with the Pineal gland located at the top of the skull. Oriental teachers share a belief that this gland opens the Crown center, or the gateway to the spiritual realm. Violet is found in nature amongst the most delicate and beautiful flowers of spring and summer.  It is sometimes disorienting to physical reality and can create a sensation of “otherworldliness” or disorientation.

Chakra: The Crown Chakra:

This center sits at the top of the head. It governs our communication with the spirit realm, and becomes strengthened with meditation, inner reflection and prayer. It governs our aesthetic sense and connects us with that place within ourselves where we find tranquility and serenity. When the Crown Chakra is impaired it affects our health by creating such problems as epilepsy, brain tumors, strokes and disjointed mental patterns. When there are physical problems in this chakra there is often a problem with growth, maturity and development.

The archetype that empowers this chakra is called The Guru. It is when we become our wise teacher and learn from our life experiences that we live in the Source, and the Source lives within us. The negative archetype is called the Egotist, and refers to the person who thinks they are responsible for everything that happens. There is no spiritual connection to a higher Source at all.

The qualities of the Crown Chakra are: serenity, beauty and bliss.

Mental: Violet gives a person a spiritual or higher outlook in life. It can ease our egotism and is useful when people struggle with personal growth issues.

Contraindications: Use judiciously with people who do not have developed egos as it may make them uncertain and create instability. Do not use this remedy if you have a serious medical condition without consulting your doctor.

Physical: This color can be used to help with disorders such as alcoholism, epilepsy, and neurosis. It is good for stopping pains and can be used for menstrual cramps, headaches, and pain around the head, neck and shoulders.

Contraindicated: It is not to be used by people who are too sensitive to life. It can make them feel uneasy or irritable. Do not use this remedy if you have a serious medical condition. Please consult your doctor.

General Symptoms: Violet can be used to open up realms of spiritual understanding, ease the emotions, and bring the gift of peace and spiritual insight in to a person’s life. Violet can be emotional stability to violent minds and relief to neurotic states of anxiety and chronic worry.

Contraindications: Use in limited dosage. Give the remedy and wait to see how it affects a person before repeating it. Be cautious with overly sensitive people. Do not use this remedy if you have a serious medical condition. Please consult your doctor.

This color, along with pink, creates serenity, love and beauty. This is good for sleep insomnia.


PINK.: color of universal mother love. It is often the favorite of children and is a color associated with love of all sorts. It pertains to the purity and innocence of the human heart and helps our capacity to give and receive love. It refers to the rosiness and vitality of life. It is suggestive of what is sweet, good and vital in our relationships.  It makes people feel good to be around pink. They find their problems are less acute, and they manage their problems better.

Chakra: The Heart Chakra

Pink is another aspect of the love energy which flows through the Heart Chakra. It helps us develop qualities of love and releases our pain, sorrow and grief at the same time. The Heart Chakra is fueled by love; it is its reason for functioning and our reason for living.

We nourish the heart, both its physical and spiritual aspects, by cultivating a loving outlook and a lovely way of being in the world. Each time we come from love we radiate that energy out into the world around us. People who love their lives, their work, their friends and relationships actually glow with the essence of love. They spread that goodness and teach us all to love ourselves, one another and the world around us.

Mental: Pink can be used to add an emotional element to the harsh light of the mind. It offers sweetness and a refreshing quality to the hard edges of our lives.

Contraindications: Do not take this remedy if you have a serious medical condition. Please consult your doctor.

Physical: Pink can be used for heart problems and is excellent for reviving vitality without the aggression of red or orange. It can be used to help overcome shock, such as trauma, injury or grief. It is a general toner and helps people through difficult times of change when they feel tired, fed up or exhausted. It can be used for skin conditions which suggest a person may be somatizing feelings of rejection and feeling unloved.

Contraindications: Do not use this remedy if you have a serious medical condition. Please consult your doctor.

General Symptoms: Pink is a color associated with love. Whenever there is a hardening or an emotional closing down, the color can add softness and a gentle quality to a person’s life. It is good for heartache, loss and emotional suffering, especially in association with loss of motherly or feminine love.

Contraindications: Pink is not only a woman’s remedy. It can be given to any sex, of any age, whenever there is loss of love or grief. When combined with orange it adds vitality and a sense of joy to any situation. Do not take this remedy if you have a serious medical condition without consulting your doctor.

Helps self expression. It stimulates the will function and aids in communication. It helps with sore throats, tooth ache and problems in the throat.

Color of mother love. It gives a sense of love and of being loveable. It is wonderful when nerves are frayed and parents or child are unhappy. It is used with orange to promote joy and with violet to help sleep.


MAGENTA.: highest level of creativity and is associated with the realm of the collective unconscious. It is a mixture of red, green and violet, and encompasses the energy of the life force of red, the peace and harmony of green and the serenity of violet. It is a color that is used in healing to stimulate the adrenals, the heart and sexuality. It is said to strengthen the heart muscles and stabilize the heart’s rhythm. It is the color which helps people find their spiritual insight and realistically view their problems from an elevated perspective. Do not take this remedy if you have a serious medical condition without consulting your doctor.

Chakra: The Alta Major Chakra

This chakra sits about one foot above the head. It relates to our link to the collective mind of humanity, both in its most powerful way and in its most negative. The Alta Major Chakra hold information about the past , in particularly past life karma, and the contractual agreements we made with our higher self and others before incarnating in this life time.  This chakra is our telepathic link to all knowledge and activity and acts as a communication link which makes our ideas and thoughts interchangeable. It is the center higher truth.

Mental; Great thinkers gravitate to this color. It awakens latent creativity, and at the same time stimulates the sexual realm. This energy can be transmuted into creative expression through this color. It elevates the thinking towards the higher realms of awareness while maintaining a grounded and realistic approach to life.

Contraindications:  Do not take this remedy if you have a serious medical condition. Please consult your doctor first.

Physical: This is a good heart tonic. It is good for impotency, and is used for frigidity and low libido.

Contraindications:  Magenta should not be used on hysterical patients or anyone with a serious medical condition. Please always consult your doctor before taking a remedy...

General Symptoms: Magenta is given when there is lack of insight or when the emotions are too strongly engaged and an overview of the presenting problems is necessary. It suits people who have trouble envisioning a larger horizon.

Contraindications: None known

Helps to develop insight and creativity. It can be used in place of red from grounding. This color aids creative expression and supports understanding.


SPECTRUM.: This is a combination of all the colors in the homeopathic color remedy kit. It is the rainbow of colors and brings a multitude of energy and healing with it. It offers the stimulation, tonification and sedation that all the colors bring. It has a special affinity to auto-immune breakdown and helps revive tired, stressed out systems. It can be taken daily for many months to help recover from chronic illness or injury.

It combines the energy of all the chakras. Do not take this remedy without consulting your doctor first.

Mental: this remedy is good for reviving tired minds and is excellent for recovering one’s equilibrium after taxing work experiences, or stressful events where one would feel drained and empty.

Contraindications: Do not take this remedy without consulting your doctor before hand.

Physical: This remedy has been used to boost energy in many different disease states. It has helped in pregnancy, labor, and post partum care. It is given for any degenerative disease state and helped people with immunosuppressive diseases have more vitality at their command. Anyone with a long term chronic disease, where severe pathology exists, feels better from taking this remedy.

Contraindications: Do not take this remedy without consulting your doctor first.

General Symptoms:  This remedy is useful for people who suffer from nervous exhaustion and emotional upset. It is a remedy that offers relief. It helps people handle change and trauma in their lives.

Used for chronic low energy, fatigue or exhaustion. It should not be used at night.

Contraindications:  Because of the stimulating colors it may be best to take this remedy in the morning or during day light. Do not take this remedy without consulting your doctor first.



Die Farben in der Homöopathie

Rainer Ginolas: Herr Dr. Müller, Farben haben in Ihrer Fallaufnahme eine besondere Bedeutung erlangt. Glauben Sie, daß eine Vorliebe für eine Farbe zeigen kann, welches Arzneimittel in Betracht kommen kann?

Dr. H.V. Müller: Natürlich.


■ Frage: Wie bestimmen Sie die Farben? Legen Sie dem Patienten Farben vor, und lassen ihn dann eine Auswahl treffen?

Dr. H. V. Müller: Ja. Bei Kindern nehme ich nur sieben oder acht. Da habe ich so kleine Hunde, die sind gefärbt, Kinder ab drei Jahren haben die sicherste Wahl.

Bei Frauen ist es ein bisschen schwieriger, aber ich habe eine große Auswahl von Ringen, denn ich weiß, daß Frauen immer die Ringe tragen, deren Farbe ihnen am besten gefällt. Ich darf Frauen nie fragen: "Welche Lieblingsfarbe haben Sie?" Denn dann nennen sie mir immer die Farbe, die sie am liebsten anziehen - aber das ist ja nicht ihre Lieblingsfarbe. Sie ziehen die Farbe an, die ihnen am Besten steht. Aber bei den Ringen ist es etwas anderes - bei den Ringen kommt es wirklich auf die Steine an.


■ Frage: Das heißt, wenn jemand sich für einen Lapislazuli entscheidet, dann hat er auch ein Faible für die Farbe blau?

Dr. H.V. Müller: Ja, genau.

■ Frage: Wie ist das bei den Kindern? Herrschen hier bestimmte Farbvorlieben vor?


Dr. H. V. Müller: Nein, das kann man nicht sagen. Man sollte meinen, die Kinder hätten nur gerne rot oder blau, aber das stimmt nicht. Kinder haben ebenso gerne braun oder weiß.


■ Frage: Entscheiden sich die Kinder schneller und sicherer für eine Farbe als Erwachsene?

Dr. H.V. Müller: Eigentlich ja - am besten und am schnellsten entscheiden sich die Kinder. Dann kommen die Männer, und am schwierigsten habe ich es bei Frauen. Die Erwachsenen überlegen viel und verzetteln sich damit. Ich möchte Ihnen noch kurz einen Tipp geben, bei Erwachsenen: Ich habe eine Auswahl von Bildern, von Malereien, und wenn jemand blau als Lieblingsfarbe hat – dann wählt er nur die alten Meister.

Und diejenigen, die rot als Lieblingsfarbe haben – die wählen nur moderne Malerei. Rot ist ja die Farbe der Zukunft, die Farbe der Revolution. Das ist ziemlich einfach zu testen. Und wenn jemand im Grünen ist, der wählt beides: Der wählt alte Meister und moderne Malerei. Damit komme ich bei jedem Patienten sehr schnell und sehr gut weiter.


■ Frage: Menschen, die oft rot und blau wählen, beschreiben Sie in Ihrem Buch "Die Farbe als Weg zur Simillimumfindung" als Menschen, die meist eher realistisch sind...

Dr. H.V. Müller:... Ja, das stimmt.


■ Frage: Und Sie differenzieren diese dann noch einmal in verschiedene Wesensmerkmale: Rot, als aktiv und dynamisch, und blau, als eher etwas abwartend und passiv.

Dr. H.V. Müller: Rot ist die Farbe der Revolution. Die Roten leben in der Zukunft, die wollen weiterkommen, und die sind an und für sich sehr viel aktiver als die Blauen.

Die Blauen, das sind die besseren Beamten, die bleiben eher bei dem, was sie gelernt haben, was sie erfahren haben, während die Roten ja den Fortschritt wollen.


■ Frage: Welche Farben haben denn die Träumer?

Dr. H. V. Müller: Das ist verschieden, grün manchmal, aber auch lila, das kann man aber nicht so genau unterscheiden.


■ Frage: Seit wann beschäftigen Sie sich mit der Möglichkeit, die Farben als Weg zur Mittelfindung einzusetzen?

Dr. H.V. Müller: Seit 15 bis 20 Jahren.


■ Frage: Wie sind sie auf die Idee gekommen?

Dr. H. V. Müller: Ja, das ist eine interessante Geschichte. Ich hatte einen Patienten, der kam nur in schwarzer Kleidung. Und er hat mir dann erzählt, daß er zuhause auch alles schwarz angestrichen hat.

Ich fand im synthetischen Repertorium (Band 1 nach Barthel) bei dem Symptom "Flieht das Licht" nur ein dreiwertiges Mittel, nämlich Conium. Der Patient sprach auf das Mittel Conium sehr gut an. Schwarz ist die Farbe für die Leute, die viele Ängste haben. Diese Menschen werden sehr schwer und sehr spät mit sich selbst fertig. Die Schwarzen haben oft kein einheitliches Ziel, es handelt sich hier oft um Nachtmenschen. Jede Farbe hat eben immer besondere Eigenschaften und Eigenheiten.


■ Frage: Verstehe ich Sie richtig: Wenn also ein Patient erscheint, und eine ganz bestimmte Farbvorliebe hat, z. B. schwarz, dann würden Sie das Mittel Conium immer in die Fallaufnahme ein beziehen?

Dr. H. v: Müller: Ja, Conium, aber ich habe natürlich auch noch eine Reihe anderer Mittel, die im Schwarzen liegen.


■ Frage: Würden Sie die auch nennen?

Dr. H.V. Müller: Ja, gerne. Da ist Aeth. und Arg-n., und den anderen Argentum-Salzen, Bad., Cic., Graph., Grind., Lycp-v.

Ich kann sagen, daß ich etwa 90% der Mittel bereits in Farben eingeteilt habe.


■ Frage: Gibt es hier bestimmte Mittel, die zuerst in Frage kommen? Oder kann man sagen, alle kommen gleichermaßen in Betracht?

Dr. H.V. Müller: Die kommen alle in Betracht, also man kann nicht sagen, daß es vorrangig bei schwarz nur zwei, drei Mittel gibt. Das machen die Homöopathen, die sich noch nicht viel damit befaßt haben. Wenn die meinen, dass es blau ist, dann nehmen die also ein Mittel, das im Blauen ist, und das genügt für sie.


■ Frage: Darf ich Ihnen eine weitere Farbe nennen: Gelb!

Dr. H.V. Müller: Hellgelb: Da habe ich Gels., aber auch Gnaph., Hyos., Nux-m., Cann-i. und Cann-s.

Warme Gelb: Bell., Clem., Ham., Op., Puls.

Indisch-gelb, das ist schon fast im Roten, zählt aber noch zum Gelben: Cham., Hell., Ip., Morph., Myris., Olnd., Verat-v. und Verb.


■ Frage: Sie unterscheiden also zusätzlich Farbtöne?

Dr. H.V. Müller: Ja, natürlich.


■ Frage: Könnten sie auch Mittel für die Farbe blau nennen?

Dr. H.V. Müller: Mittelblau: Anthrac., Cop., Cupr-met. und Cuprum-Salze (Cupr-acet./Cupr-ars./Cupr-br./Cupr-cy.

Gerade mit dem Cuprum habe ich sehr schöne Erfolge bei der Schizophrenie. Sie wissen, daß die Leute mit den Nervenkrankheiten, besonders Schizophrenie, aber auch der MS, meistens im Blauen liegen.


■ Frage: Und die reagieren gut auf Cuprum?

Dr. H.V. Müller: Ja.


■ Frage: Bei Cuprum denkt man von der Symptomatik her zunächst an Krämpfe. Spielt es da eine Rolle, wenn der Patient gar keine Krämpfe hat?

Dr. H.V. Müller: Bei psychischen Krankheiten spielt das keine Rolle. Aber das ist wichtig: Ich muß genau das Cuprum-Salz anwenden, das bei dem Patienten angebracht ist. Ich hatte einen Patienten mit einer ganz schweren Schizophrenie, der acht Jahre lang in Kliniken war, und dem half nur Cupr-cy. Also, das ist wichtig, man muß schon das genaue Salz finden.


■ Frage: Wie ist es dem Patienten ergangen?

Dr. H.V. Müller: Der ist vollkommen gesund. Er ist vor 15 Jahren das erste Mal bei mir gewesen, hat sein Mittel bekommen, in einer 1000er Potenz. Und er ist kerngesund, auch heute noch.


■ Frage: Wie sah seine Behandlung vorher aus?

Dr. H.V. Müller: Er war zuvor in einer Kölner Klinik, dort ist er natürlich ständig mit Medikamenten behandelt worden.

Seine Frau hat sich darüber aufgeregt, er selbst war überhaupt nicht mehr ansprechbar, und dann hat sie ihn auf eigenen Wunsch herausgeholt und brachte ihn zu mir.

Ich habe ihn mir angeschaut, und er konnte sich wenigstens für blau entscheiden. Ich habe drei Monate lang suchen müssen, bis ich das Mittel gefunden hatte.

Die Frau mußte bei ihm zuhause die Fenster vernageln, damit er nicht hinaus sprang. Sie mußte sämtliche Messer wegtun, denn er wollte sich ein Messer in die Kehle stechen usw.

Ich habe das Mittel Cupr-cy. C 1000 einmal gegeben, 5 Globuli, und von dem Zeitpunkt an war der Mann gesund.


■ Frage: Wann stellte sich die erste Reaktion ein, der dann die Heilung folgte?

Dr. H.V. Müller: Nach 1-2 Tagen


■ Frage: Und er brauchte keine anderen Medikamente mehr?

Dr. H V. Müller: Er braucht keine anderen Medikamente mehr. Ich habe eine ganze Menge solcher Fallbeispiele.


■ Frage: Ich würde gerne nach einer weiteren Farbe fragen: Weiss.

Dr. H.V. Müller: Alet., Alum., Apoc-c., Arn., Crot-t., Dirc., Solidago und Eupatorium spp.




Color theory has occupied philosophers and scientists from a variety of disciplines throughout the ages (Valberg, 2005:275). Today, the study of colour vision has become central in an effort to understand the behaviour of the neural networks of the human brain, and in this context, has aroused a rather passionate debate regarding the role of colours in our understanding of nature and of ourselves (Valberg, 2005:275). Though colour and light are quite distinct intellectually, both the natures of light and of colour are almost always inextricably bound and closely related in theory (Lamb and Bourriau, 1995:66).

According to modern physics, light is either regarded as a ‘‘wave-form“, a concept which is attributed to the investigations of Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695), or as stream of particles (photons) as asserted through the experiments of Sir Isaac Newton (1642-27). Unfortunately however, modern physics is still in a quandary when attempting to ‘‘explain“ what precisely light is - as both theories are still considered to be in conflict even today. Therefore, modern science does not have any good unifying alternatives to this dualistic concept to ‘‘explain“ light and have thus begun to use either the ‘‘particle“ or the ‘‘wave-form“ analogy depending on which one suits best at that moment in time. Light - 18 -

is considered to be a part of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation which consists of everything from radioactive radiation to radio waves (See Diagram 1). Light – or visible radiation – is only a small ‘‘window“ in this much greater spectrum that allows us to see with our eyes. Normal eyes can detect radiation with wavelengths ranging between 380 and 760 nanometres (nm), whereas wavelengths below 380nm and above 780nm do not lead to a visual impression (Valberg, 2005:35).

Diagram 1: The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Colored light is produced through the refraction of white light as it passes through a medium that causes it to disperse into its different component wavelengths. When viewed in darkness and at moderate intensity, these wavelengths will appear as colours in a sequence going from red (760-600nm), orange (600-580nm), yellow (580-560nm), green (540-490nm), turquoise (490-480nm), blue (480-460nm) to violet (450-380nm) (Valberg, 2005:47).

All colours are said to have three dimensions that define the parameters of the colour being perceived: hue, saturation and lightness/darkness (See Diagram 2). Hue is the term that describes what we usually think of as ‘colour’ e.g. red, blue, green and so on. Saturation on the other hand is the measurement of a colours’ „purity“ i.e. of how different it is from grey, for instance, a green mixed

with more green becomes more colourful – and less grey. The lightness/darkness of a colour, also known as the „value“ of a colour, determines whether a colour remains „pure“ or whether it is altered to an intermediate colour ranging between the above seven spectral colours, for example, if red is lightened and de-saturated with white – it becomes pink.


The history of colour medicine or ‘‘chromotherapy“ is as old as that of any other medicine still in use today; evidence suggests that the use of colour as medicine stretches as far back as to ancient Egypt, India, China and Greece where people placed immense faith in colour as a healing modality while being fully unaware of the scientific facts of colour as medicine.

According to the doctrine of chromotherapy, the human body is basically composed of colours, and colours were therefore responsible for the correct working of the various systems that function in the human body. Each organ and cell is said to have had its own unique vibrational pattern or frequency that was harmonized by the frequencies of a correspondingly appropriate colour that had been ascribed to that particular organ or system. Therefore, every organ had an energetic or vibrational frequency at which it functioned at its level best. This meant that any departure from that vibratory rate in those organs or systems resulted in pathology or „dis-ease“ that would in turn require the restoration of the appropriate frequencies, through the use of chromotherapy, in order to re-establish balance and healing.

In the hermetic traditions, the ancient Egyptians and Greeks utilized appropriately selected coloured minerals, stones, crystals, salves, oils and dyes as remedies – as well as painted treatment sanctuaries in various shades of colours.

India: the ancient medicinal system of Ayurveda also heavily stressed the importance of sunlight, which contained the entire spectrum of colours as

white light, to treat a variety of disorders. Colour was thus intrinsic to healing, which involved restoring balance to an ailing system. Avicenna (AD 980) advanced the healing use of colour in his time as he made clear the vital importance of colour in both diagnosis and treatment.

Avicenna: used colour treatment with the view that red moved the blood, blue or white cooled it and yellow reduced muscular pain and inflammation.

Pleasanton: (1876) used only blue and stated that blue was the first remedy in the case of injuries, burns or aches; it was also said that he cured certain diseases and increased fertility, as well as the rate of physical maturation in animals by exposing them to blue light. The same methodology of employing the colour blue was adopted by Hassan (1999), who also found blue to be very useful as a first-line treatment in injuries as well as for burns.


Edwin Babbitt: regarded as the pioneer of modern chromotherapy, presented a comprehensive theory of healing with colour. Babbitt believed that all the vital organs had a direct connection to the skin via the arterial and venous blood supply, and therefore coloured rays of light could affect the entire blood stream through circulation and elimination of toxins. Babbitt identified the colour red as a stimulant, notably of blood and to a lesser extent the nerves; yellow and orange as nervous stimulants; and blue and violet as soothing to all systems and as having anti-inflammatory properties. Accordingly, he prescribed red for paralysis, physical exhaustion, and chronic rheumatism; yellow as a laxative, emetic, and purgative; blue for sciatica, meningitis, headache, nervous instability and sunstroke. He is also said to have developed various „colour elixirs“ by irradiating water with sunlight filtered through coloured lenses, and claimed that this „potentised water“ had remarkable healing powers once ingested. However Babbitt fails to explain the energy changes in water and how different kinds of vibrations affect water. He also does not explain what is meant by the potency of his ‘‘potentised water“.

More modern applications in the use of chromotherapy include the use of blue light in the treatment of the once potentially fatal neonatal jaundice, rheumatoid arthritis, burns and various lung pathologies. Bright white full-spectrum light is also now being used in the treatment of cancers, seasonal affective disorders, anorexia nervosa, bulimia, insomnia, jet-lag, and alcohol and drug dependency. At the other end of the colour spectrum, red light has been shown to be effective in the treatment of cancer, constipation and in the healing of wounds. Chromotherapy is now also used to improve the performance of athletes; whereas red light appears to help athletes who need short, quick bursts of energy, blue light seemed to assist in performances that require a steadier output of energy. By comparison, pink light has been found to have a tranquilizing and calming effect within minutes of exposure as it seems to suppress hostile, aggressive and anxious behaviour in individuals. Pink holding cells are now widely used to reduce violent and aggressive behaviours and tendencies amongst prisoners – with some sources going so far as to report a reduction of muscle strength in inmates within 2.7 seconds following exposure to the colour pink. In contrast, yellow should be avoided in such contexts because it has been found to be highly stimulating, with a possible relationship being drawn between violent street crimes and sodium yellow street lighting.

This work has given a new dimension to chromotherapy, and the use of colour is now fast becoming widely accepted as a therapeutic tool with various medical applications. This is especially true since research has now confirmed that certain parts of the brain are not only light sensitive, but are actually able to respond differently to different wavelengths (colours). It is now also believed that different colours of radiation interacts differently with the endocrine system to stimulate or reduce hormone production, thus having far reaching effects on the entire human organism as a whole – both on a psychological, as well as on a physiological approach.



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