Husten Repertory


[Vera Resnick]


Dry cough                                                                                                       Acon. Nux-v. Bell. Hyos. Cham. Bry. Caps. Rhus-t. Sulph. Calc. Caust. Ign. Kali-c.

Loose cough early in the morning. Dry at night and in the evening           Cham. Nux-v. Calc. Sil. Sulph. Ars. Lyc. Puls. Ph-ac.

Racking cough                                                                                               Bell. Nux-v. Merc. Calc. Kali-c. Phos. Stann-met. Sulph. Carb-v. Rhus-t. Sil. Puls. Ign.

Deep. hollow cough                                                                                       Dros. Hep. Verb. Verat. Sil. Caust. Bell. Staph.

Titillating cough                                                                                            Hyos. Bell. Ip. Merc. Rhus-t. Ph-ac. Sulph. Lach. Nux-v. Staph. Verat.

“As from dust in the throat”                                                                          Bell. Ign. Calc. Chin. Ars. Puls.

Spasmodic cough                                                                                           Hyos. Bell. Carb-v. Puls. Nux-v. Cina. Dros.

Rough. hoarse scraping cough                                                                        Nux-v. Puls. Ign. Verb. Hep. Stann-met.

Suffocative cough                                                                                         Ant-t. Ip. Sil. Cupr. Ars. Nux-v.

Starts from throat pit                                                                                     Cham. Ign. Bell. Lach. Chin. Ip. Staph. Stann-met. Calc. Caust.

From the chest                                                                                               Caust.

From the stomach                                                                                          Bry. Puls. Sep.

If there’s much expectoration                                                                        Sulph. Calc. Puls. Ph-ac. Staph. Stann-met. Carb-v. Ip. Hep. Bry. Sil. Chin. Lyc

Expectoration only early in the morning                                                          Nux-v. Cham. Puls. Bry. Phos. Ph-ac. Sep. Calc. Carb-v.

Expectoration tastes bitter                                                                            Puls. Dros. Cham. Merc. Nux-v.

Expectoration is putrid. foul                                                                         Puls. Ferr-met. Carb-v. Lyc. Stann-met.

Like old catarrh                                                                                             Puls. Sulph.

Has sweetish taste                                                                                          Phos. Calc. Stann-met. Sulph.

Sour taste                                                                                                       Calc. Chin. Nux-v. Puls. Phos.

Salt taste                                                                                                         Lyc. Ars. Sulph. Puls. Stann-met. Phos. Sep.

Foul smelling                                                                                                 Puls. Sulph. Sep. Carb-v. Stann-met. Calc. Sil.

Mucus expectoration                                                                                    Chin. Staph. Ph-ac. Sulph. Puls. Ip. Lach. Lyc. Sil. Stann-met. Calc. Dulc. Phos. Carb-v.

Bloody mucus                                                                                                Chin. Merc. Acon. Bell. Carb-v. Ferr-met. Staph. Sil. Bry. Ars

Pure blood                                                                                                      Acon. Arn. Chin. Ip. Phos. Bry. Ferr-met. Ars. Sulph.

Lumpy expectoration in little fragments                                                       Sil. Calc. Lyc. Lach. Hep. Sulph. Kali-c. Stann-met.

Watery expectoration or consisting of thin mucus                                           Hep. Carb-v. Chin. Puls. Merc. Ars. Ferr-met. Sulph.

Thick mucus                                                                                                   Puls. Sulph. Calc. Phos. Sil. Stann-met

Purulent mucus                                                                                              Dros.  Staph. Calc. Puls. Sil. Chin. Carb-v. Ferr-met. Merc. Phos. Sep. Stann-met. Lyc. Sulph

Yellowish                                                                                                       Puls. Bry. Carb-v. Sulph. Lyc. Phos. Calc. Ph-ac. Staph. Dros. Sep. Stann-met

Gray. grayish                                                                                                  Carb-v. Lyc. Ars. Sep.

Green. greenish                                                                                              Puls. Sulph. Calc. Ferr-met. Merc. Carb-v. Lyc. Sil. Ars. Stann-met.

Whitish                                                                                                           Carb-v. Ph-ac. Sil. Calc. Sulph. Lyc. Phos. Sep. Puls.

Tough. firmly adherent                                                                                 Sulph. Sil. Nux-v. Chin. Ars.

Copious                                                                                                          Puls. Dulc. Sulph. Sep. Stan. Sil.

Matter detached by coughing cannot be expectorated                                  Caust. Sep.


Exciting cause and time cough starts:

From every effort                                                                                          Ip.

From every movement of the body                                                                Bry. Nux-v. Ferr-met. Chin. Phos. Sil.

From moving the chest                                                                                  Nux-v. Chin. Phos. Stann-met.

From a cold                                                                                                   Dulc. Carb-v. Sep. Cham. Puls. Hep.

Worse from cold air                                                                                      Dulc. Lach. Ip. Rhus-t

In the cold generally                                                                                      Carb-v. Ars. Hep. Caust. Phos.

Worse in the open air                                                                                   Phos. Sulph. Ars. Rhus-t.

Excited by eating                                                                                          Bry. Lach. Nux-v. Phos. Ars. Calc.

Excited by laughing                                                                                      Dros. Phos. Stann-met. Chin.

While reading                                                                                               Nux-v. Phos. Stann-met.

While lying down                                                                                         Hyos. Dulc. Puls. Sulph. Ars. Phos. Sil. Sep.

While reflecting                                                                                             Nux-v.

After sleeping every time                                                                              Lach.

From talking                                                                                                 Chin. Lach. Stann-met. Cham. Hep. Sil. Phos.

Worse in a room                                                                                            Puls. Dulc.

Excited by a deep inspiration                                                                        Dulc.

Brought on again by drinking                                                                        Ars. Chin. Hep. Lach. Bry.

From the warmth of the room                                                                        Puls. Bry. Dulc.

Better in the open air                                                                                     Puls. Dulc.

When raising oneself in bed                                                                          Hyos.

By warmth. getting warm                                                                              Cham.

Cough starts or gets worse in the evening                                                           Carb-v. Caps. Rhus-t. Calc. Ars. Phos. Stann-met. Hep. Puls.

In the evening in bed after lying down                                                   Hyos. Ign. Ars. Calc. Carb-v. Puls.

At night. generally                                                                                        Merc. Caps. Rhus-t. Sil. Sulph. Stann-met. Dros. Cham. Hyos. Bell. Kali-c. Puls. Sep.

Before midnight                                                                                            Carb-v. Rhus-t.

After midnight                                                                                              Kali-c. Dros. Bell. Nux-v.

During sleep                                                                                                  Cham. Calc. Lach. Merc. Verb.

Worse after sleeping                                                                                      Lach.

Early in the morning and evening                                                                        Lyc. Phos.

Only early in the morning                                                                             Ign. Nux-v. Chin. Ars. Stann-met. Lyc.

Day and night                                                                                                Calc. Carb-v. Lyc. Phos.


Accessory Affections (concomitants)

With congestive symptoms around the head                                              Bell. Bry. Nux-v. Sulph

With headache                                                                                              Nux-v. Arn. Bry. Sulph. Calc. Ip.

“As if head would flies to pieces”                                                                        Nux-v. Sulph. Bry. Caps. Bell.

Sensation of stitches in the head                                                                        Arn. Calc.

Throbbing in the head                                                                                   Ip. Puls. Ars. Lyc.

Retching and vomiting                                                                                 Ip. Nux-v. Puls. Carb-v. Dros. Bry. Ferr-met. Calc. Sil. Stann-met. Sulph. Caps. Rhus-t.

Affections of partly digested food (ingesta)                                             Ip. Nux-v. Calc.Carb-v. Dros. Puls. Bell. Calc. Lyc.

Previous to a paroxysm                                                                                 Bell.

Painfulness of chest (centre and sides) epigastrium and hypochondria Nux-v. Puls. Arn. Bry. Lyc. Dros. Hyos. Phos.

Sensitiveness in area of liver                                                                        Chin. Bry. Lyc. Bell. Lach.

Painfulness of umbilical region                                                                        Ip. Nux-v.

Involuntary urination with every cough                                                  Caust. Puls. Staph. Phos. Nat-m. Caps.

Inguinal hernia is painful                                                                              Nux-v. Vert-a. Sil. Sulph.

Larynx is painful                                                                                           Acon. Arn. Bell. Hep. Caust. Calc. Carb-v. Arg-met. Phos. Lach.

Spasm in larynx                                                                                             Ip. Ign. Hyos. Bell.

Pains in the chest                                                                                           Acon. Bry. Bell. Ip. Carb-v. Chin. Staph. Ph-ac. Kali-c. Nit-ac. Nit-ac. Caust. Lyc. Phos. Puls.


Burning in the air passages                                                                           Carb-v. Caust. Spong. Sulph.

Pressure in affected parts                                                                              Bell. Sulph.

Ulcerative pain in these parts                                                                        Calc. Sil. Phos. Hep. Kali-c. Lach.

Stitches in those parts                                                                                   Bry. Bell. Sulph. Verat-a. Ars. Phos. Petrol. Caps.Carb-v. Kali-c. Nit-ac.

Pain “As if sore”, raw in these parts                                                                Caust. Nux-v. Ip. Sulph.Carb-v. Phos. Bell. Stann-met. Arg-met.

Mucous rales                                                                                                 Ip. Ant-t. Calc. Caust. Cham. Bell. Puls.

Arrest of breathing                                                                                       Ip. Cina. Cupr. Ars. Ant-t. Dros. Bell. Sil.

Wheezing in the air passages                                                                        Lach. Bry. Chin. Sulph. Kali-c. Dros.

Palpitation of the heart                                                                                  Puls. Ars. Sulph. Arn. Calc. Nit-ac. Nat-m

Shortness of breath                                                                                       Sulph. Rhus-t. Sil. Calc. Ars. Arn. Carb-v. Caust.

Dyspnoea                                                                                                       Ip. Sulph. Kali-c. Lach. Cupr. Lyc. Sep. Puls.

Rheumatic pains in limbs                                                                              Caust. Puls. Bry. Acon. Caps. Rhus-t. Sulph.

Night sweats                                                                                                   Chin. Carb-v. Arn. Sil. Rhus-t. Kali-c. Phos. Sulph. Calc.

Sweating hands                                                                                              Ant-t.

Sweat about the head                                                                                    Ant-t. Ip.

Great weakness and lassitude after paroxysms                                             Ip. Chin. Verat-a. Ars.

Moaning. weeping                                                                                        Arn. Hep. Cina.

Sneezing                                                                                                        Bell. Hep. Cina.


Cough remaining after acute catarrh

Dry chronic cough    

                                                                                                                      1. Sulph. Caust. Calc.

2. Carb-v. Sil.

Cough after catarrh

Copious expectoration of mucus           

                                                                                                                      1. Puls. Dulc. Chin. Ferr-met.

2. Ph-ac. Sil. Sulph. Calc. Carb-v.

Cough with chronic hoarseness

Burning and soreness in chest                                                                        Caust.

Throat is not so very painful                                                                         Sulph. Phos. Calc. Carb-v.


Gastric cough: (worms, chronic weakness of digestion, liver complaints)

If cough results in vomiting which gives relief                                          Puls. Ip. Nux-v. Sulph. Sil. Ferr-met. Calc.

Worms; Irritation from teething                                                                        Cina. Merc.


Nervous, spasmodic or irrative cough:                                                            Bell. Hyos. Ip. Cina. Puls. Ambra. Con. Verat. Cupr-met.



Vorwort/Suchen.                               Zeichen/Abkürzungen.                                  Impressum.