

Vergleich: Siehe: Lanthaniden + Aids


[Scholten] Homeopaths often have an aversion to conventional medicine and doctors. This aversion to doctors is known for certain remedies like Arnica.

In Arnica, we see the symptom “he says he is well and sends the doctor away.” This attitude is a Lanthanide attitude. The Asteraceae. have a high content of Lanthaniden.

and have the picture of the Lanthanides as part of their own picture. A strong motivation to become a homeopath is that one can treat oneself and is not dependent on conventional medicine anymore.


What is Iquilai and what is it used for?

Iquilai is a potentized mineral supplement that supports the body’s natural healing capacity and is used for people with a damaged immune system.

The natural remedy Iquilai was developed to boost the damaged immune system and to help fight infections, lack of appetite, emaciation and weakness.

The remedy focuses on returning the body to its natural state of balance.

What effects can be expected?

Iquilai improves the appetite, resulting in weight gain and greater strength. You feel energized and experience an increase in your sense of well-being.

Resistance to infections grows due to the potential increase in the number of CD4 cells in the blood.

A reduction in the side effects of anti-retroviral treatment may be seen.


Iquilai is easy to use and is safe for babies and children.

There are no known conditions for which you may not use Iquilai.

How to take Iquilai

Place one granule under the tongue and let it dissolve in the mouth. Wait 15 minutes before and after eating or drinking when using Iquilai or dissolve one globulus

in water put extra alcohol in the bottle and take drops.

Start of treatment with Iquilai

Adults + children over age 10

Take one granule on each of the first five days and then one granule at the start of each of the following five months. Treatment lasts a total of six months.

Babies + children under age 10 Take one granule on each of the first three days and then one granule at the start of each of the following five months. Treatment lasts a total of six months.

Side Effects

Currently the remedy has shown no side effects.

In view of the nature of the remedy, side effects are not expected to arise during the treatment.

Use of Iquilai with other medicines

There is no known interaction with other medicines.

Ongoing treatment with anti-retroviral drugs or medication to combat malaria or tuberculosis, for example, may be continued.

What to do if too many granules have been taken?

No effect is expected if too many granules have been taken.

What can you expect when treatment is stopped?

There are no effects expected after stopping treatment. When, after a period of positive response, complaints return, an additional dose of one granule may be taken.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

Iquilai may be used safely during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Follow the recommended dose.

How to keep Iquilai: Store the strip in a dry place, away from electronic equipment.


A new remedy, called Iquilai, has been developed in the search for a treatment for the devastating effects of the disease AIDS. This remedy is homeopathic in origin and focuses on restoring the patient’s damaged immune system. It had shown very impressive clinical improvements in patients treated earlier.

To study the effect in patients infected with HIV, a pilot study was conducted in Kenya.


A total of 228 HIV-positive patients formed a group of AIDS patients in different stages of the disease. Patients in the advanced or very advanced stage of the WHO classification (CD4 <200) formed 78% of the total tested group. (59% of the patients had CD4 tested). About half the patients were already using regular anti-retroviral treatment (ART-monotherapy).

The patients who did not get ART had a CD4 cell count >200, were not tested yet or had no acces to regular treatment. Also individual patients had stopped ART because of the side effects.

Each patient was given a total of five doses of the Iquilai remedy over a period of five consecutive days.

The follow-up was recorded over a period of between four and nine months.

Clinical parameters as well as the laboratory results of the CD4 cell count were recorded. As a primary outcome the Karnofsky score was taken, as in earlier treated patients the clinical improvement was very impressive.

The CD4 was tested to see if the improvement could also be seen in laboratory tests. It was tested only in about 59% of the patients out of cost considerations. For the same reason no viral load was tested.


Although anti-retroviral therapy is becoming more widely available for HIV infected individuals, most of the population of Sub-Saharan Africa has no access to this treatment.

In addition, compliance and side effects constitute a major challenge in the treatment of the AIDS pandemic.

Pregnant women and children constitute an additional problem within regular treatment. This is a vulnerable group, and for children there is no adequate therapy available.

Jan Scholten, an MD from Utrecht, the Netherlands, has developed the homeopathic remedy Iquilai. His aim was to develop a treatment for the devastating effects of AIDS, to restore the damaged immune system and postpone the need for costly ART.

This homeopathic remedy is prepared according to the homeopathic principle of ‘potentising’.

When potentising the basic medicinal materials (botanical, animal or mineral), the healing quality of the materials is transferred to the remedy.

For the Iquilai remedy, as from homeopathic remedies in general, no side effects are known and the remedy can be taken safely by all HIV/AIDS patients, including pregnant women and children. Homeopathic remedies are easy to administer. The saccharose granules dissolve in the mouth.


A pilot study was started in 2006 and carried out at two locations in Nyanza province in the west of Kenya. This rural area is highly infected by HIV/AIDS.

Patients in Yala were contacted within an existing home based care programme for AIDS patients set up by the Kenyan MD James Ombaka, dermatologist and microbiologist of the Ganjoni Medical Centre in Mombassa. Elsewhere, a separate program was conducted in Ndhiwa by nurse Mrs. Linnet Omole.

Patients who did not know their status were voluntarily tested for HIV.

All patients were counselled at the local health centre. Seven days after treatment, all patients were seen either at home or at the clinic and their condition was reviewed. Subsequently reviews were performed every month. The patient population consisted of patients already treated with ARV’s (anti-retrovirals) as well as untreated patients. About half the patients were already using ART.

Patients in the advanced or very advanced stage of the WHO classification (CD4 <200) formed 78% of the total tested group. (59% of the patients were tested)


At each visit, the following data was recorded:

-Anorexia, weakness, diarrhea, fever, infections, skin problems, breathing problems, pain, depression, malaria, dementia (on a scale of 0 to 5*).

-Weight was measured in kilos.

-The Karnofsky score* gave an indication of the quality of life (on a scale of 0 - 100).

-Age, sex, marital status, number of children, profession, existence of malaria and tuberculosis and ART were also registered.

Of the total number of 228 patients, 51 had their CD4 cell count taken at three intervals and 85 at two intervals.

The first measurement was prior to the treatment. The follow up took place after either one, four or seven months.



Each patient was given a total of five doses of the Iquilai remedy over a period of five consecutive days.

Dosage form: Three granules, orally, dissolved in the mouth.


Patients: n=228

118 patients were male, 110 female.

The average age of the patient was 34 years.

Age groups were:

age 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 >60

n 6 12 58 81 55 12 4

ART: About half the group (n= 110) was also using ART-monotherapy and stayed on the same regimen. No difference was seen between users and non-users.

Clinical data (On a scale of 0-5*)

Weakness: the mean value fell from 2.9 to 0.2

Diarrhea: the average score for diarrhea reduced from 2.1 to 0.

Pain: reduced from 2.4 to 0.5

Infections: a clear reduction of opportunistic infections was seen after one week. This reduced from 2.1 to 0.1.

Skin eruptions: reduced from 1.9 to 0.1.

Appetite: all patients (100%) saw their appetite significantly improve after the treatment, often within the first week.


Table of results

The total results are shown in the table below. The number of patients is 228.

Not all the results are recorded for all patients, so the number of results

differs per score. The statistical tests are done on the difference between the start and the end of the treatment. It assumes that there would have been no change if the patients were not treated, which is on the conservative side since it is known that most HIV/AIDS patients deteriorate quite quickly in Africa. In this case, all the results are significant. The probability of this being by chance is below 0.001.

For most results it is far lower, less than one in 10 to power of minus 20.


The mean weight increase was 3.1 kg. (see table, n=138)

IQUILAI 17 Type Score Number Mean Mean Stand. deviation T-Test Wilcoxon Significance Difference

start end start end ART- ART+

Anorexia 0-5 227 2.38 0.97 1.50 1.63 13.57 10.42 <10-25 -1.31 -1.29

CD4 cells /ml 126 160.64 284.23 93.47 125.63 -12.66 -9.74 <10-22 120.59 126.61

Depression 0-5 217 2.75 1.39 0.82 1.49 17.35 9.16 <10-22 -1.43 -1.42

Diarrhea 0-5 227 2.15 0.07 1.53 0.44 31.82 11.26 <10-27 -2.41 -1.84

Dyspnoea 0-5 227 2.00 0.07 1.58 0.40 29.37 10.80 <10-25 -1.91 -1.78

Eruptions 0-5 226 1.95 0.09 1.68 0.46 26.13 10.62 <10-25 -1.72 -1.77

Fever 0-5 215 1.93 0.06 1.43 0.44 29.33 10.77 <10-25 -1.94 -1.65

Infections 0-5 226 2.19 0.10 1.48 0.46 32.39 11.36 <10-27 -2.38 -1.78

Karnofsky 0-100 223 60.78 80.97 11.76 10.41 -27.2 -12.67 <10-28 21.32 18.61

Lymph problems 0-5 190 1.96 0.04 1.47 0.31 29.74 10.46 <10-25 -1.71 -1.94

Stomach 0-5 191 2.27 0.03 1.34 0.31 37.52 11.03 <10-26 -2.22 -2.15

Weakness 0-5 227 2.86 0.19 1.36 0.69 39.25 11.92 <10-26 -2.74 -2.51

Weight kilo’s 138 56.02 59.01 11.81 12.17 -2.93 -7.82 <0.003 3.19 2.65

Weight in kilos


Karnofsky score*

The Karnofsky score measures the quality of life on a scale of 0 - 100.

All patients showed an improvement averaging 20 points.

The average starting point was 60 (‘requires occasional assistance but is able to care for own needs’).

The 20-point improvement brought most of the patients back to a level of being able to perform normal duties (>80).

The Karnofsky score is a good indicator of the economic consequences of the treatment in this study. Most patients could return to their old status in a working environment and thus provide care or an income for their family.



The results of the treatment shown by 5 patient examples.

It shows the rapid decrease in the clinical symptom diarrhea.

The second measure point is after one week of treatment, the third is after one month and the fourth measurement is after about 4 months.



More than 90% of the patients showed a positive response to the remedy:

• There was a strong improvement in their health status. Opportunistic infections healed without further intervention.

• 65% of the patients who were requiring assistance, (Karnofsky score < = 60) changed their status to being able to perform their normal duties again (Karnofsky >= 80).

• The CD4-cell count of the tested group showed a significant increase, averaging 123 points after 3 month and 218 after 7 months.

• The difference in responce between the group treated with ARV’s and the group without ARV’s was not significant.

• Those patients who did not get retroviral treatment and had a CD4-cell count below 200 could postpone this regular intervention due to a significant gain in cell count.

• Side effects from regular anti-retroviral therapy, such as skin eruptions and joint pain, were reduced.

Placebo effects

We have considered the possibility of placebo effects to explain the impressive responses as seen in this study. These seem unlikely because placebo effects are not expected to be so dramatic in a severe disease such as AIDS

and also not to be so long lasting. We have not come across any studies of AIDS with such strong ‘placebo’ effects.

Side effects

Side effects were not seen. This is in accordance with our experience with homeopathic treatment. This makes this treatment safe also for children, babies and pregnant women.

Long-term effect

We do not as yet know in what way this treatment could help AIDS patients in the long term. In this study, the longest term that patients were reviewed, was nine months. Further research is required.

Viral load

Due to high laboratory costs, viral counts were only performed on one occasion with a selected group seven months after treatment. They showed low levels of the virus.

Further research is required. Yet it may be expected that this viral reduction will occur after treatment since it is known that homeopathic treatment improves the self-defence mechanism of the organism.



Vorwort/Suchen.                               Zeichen/Abkürzungen.                                    Impressum.