Kalium bichromicum Anhängsel


[Frans Vermeulen]

Why do you have to be a non-conformist like everybody else?

[James Thurber]

Nasal discharge: stingy.

TOXICITY Contact with skin may causes burns, eczema, or ulcers; can be fatal if absorbed through skin. Ulcerations at first may be painless, but may penetrate to the bone producing 'chrome

holes.' Known to be a human carcinogen. Internally a corrosive poison. When inhaled, extremely destructive to tissues of the mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract. May cause ulceration

and perforation of the nasal septum. Symptoms may include sore throat, coughing, shortness of breath, and laboured breathing. May produce pulmonary sensitization or allergic asthma. Higher exposures may cause pulmonary oedema. Swallowing can cause severe burns of the mouth, throat, and stomach, leading to death. Can cause sore throat, vomiting, diarrhoea. May cause violent gastroenteritis, peripheral vascular collapse, dizziness, intense thirst, muscle cramps, shock, coma, abnormal bleeding, fever, liver damage and acute renal failure.

PROVINGS ••  Drysdale - 17 provers [11 males, 6 females], 1844; method: doses of 1-100 drops of saturated solution, several times daily for periods varying from several days to 2-3 weeks; also repeated doses of 1st, 2nd and 3rd dils.

••  Austrian proving - 13 provers [11 males, 2 females], 1845; method: repeated doses of solution, and of several C- or D-potencies.


MUCOUS MEMBRANES [air passages; NOSE; pharynx; stomach; duodenum]. Fibrous tissue. Ligaments. JOINTS. Skin. Circulation. Kidneys. Root of nose, tongue, penis, etc. R  side. L. side.

<: MORNING/after sleep/2-3 h./COLD [damp/open air/spring/undressing/winter]/protruding tongue/hot weather/beer/alcohol/suppressed catarrh;

>: Heat/cold weather [> skin symptoms]/eating/vomiting/short sleep/motion;

Main symptoms

[Morrison] "Something gluey about them; carries the properness of the Kali's a little bit further; goes into DETAILS; the perfect bureaucrats."

Everything on a REGULAR basis.

[dinner, sex, going out, fishing, procedures, tempo, life].

KEEP REGULAR HOURS. Conformist. Living according to a routine.

Goes by the book. RULES. Narrow-minded.

Aversion to troubles.

Sucking up. Self-occupied.

• "Mostly interested in their own little existence." [Morrison]

Like to be with family.

• "Kali bich. patients are quite closed into their own world. They neither seek nor need company. They have emotions, of course, but they do not show them. A Kali bich. man feels perfectly content to stay alone, or only with his wife. He could be a literary man, focussed on his own particular field, and content to remain so. He doesn't want any kind of interference. Even if someone comes to the door and rings the bell, he may not answer it. The Kali bich. patient wants to spend time only with his family. He will be unlikely to have many friends outside the family, and whatever friend he may have he will welcome visits only infrequently. Taken to the extreme, then, Kali bich. patients become misanthropic and antisocial. They close themselves into their narrow world.... There is a peculiar characteristic of the mental state which I have noticed in Kali bich. patients; because of their narrowness and lack of social contact, they seem to become excessively conscientious in explaining things to others.... He is trapped in his narrow, step-by-step, routinized way of thinking, and he naturally assumes that others think the same way." [Vithoulkas]


< Becoming COLD. G Increased thirst. G Desire for BEER. Yet < from beer. • "The chronic beer drinker is fairly typical of Kali-bi." [Borland] • "One also finds it repeatedly stressed in the materia medica that beer is not well tolerated and from this association it has said that Kali bichromicum is particularly suitable for the gastritis of beer drinkers." [Leeser] [Beer yeast has a high chromium content.] G Eating > mental symptoms; may also > in general.

• "Feeling of cold, trembling and hunger, > eating." [Hughes]

<: WARM WET weather/SUMMER/spring/autumn/summer < fibrositis, skin irritation, acne, sciatica. Spring and autumn < respiratory affections, bronchitis, asthma, dysenteric diarrhoea. < 2-5 h.;


Pains appear and disappear SUDDENLY.

Pains shift rapidly form one part to another [e.g. wandering rheumatic pains]. Pains appear every day at the same hour [regular basis].

Pain in SMALL SPOTS. Ulcers look punched out. Sore spot in stomach. THICK, STRINGY, yellow [or white] DISCHARGES.

Sensation of a HAIR [tongue, nostril, palate, etc.]. Rheumatic affections [fibrositis] # digestive disorders.


• "In the industrial poisoning in the English factories it is always striking [Drysdale] that fat and light haired people are especially susceptible to Kali bi., which can serve as a constitutional sign. [Leeser]

Likewise in these workers in chrome factories the modality of aggravation of many symptoms in hot weather was observed."

[This may be linked to the fact that there is wide geographical variation as to adult body content of chromium (Europeans and N. Americans 6 mg in body content, African natives 7.45 mg,

Middle East inhabitants 11.8 mg, Far East inhabitants 12.5 mg.]

Migraine, pain in a SMALL SPOT. Preceded by visual disturbances [blindness, blurred vision, dim vision]. Starts at night. Pain > firm pressure [on root of nose], warmth.

< Cold, stooping. And Nausea and vomiting of white, ropy mucus. And Aversion to light and noise.

• "Feeling well all day till about 19 h., when I had sudden feeling as if a black plate were placed before both eyes at a distance of about ten paces, so that

I was unable to recognise any object at that distance. As I was looking through a closed window I thought that might be the cause of difficulty, but on turning round and speaking to a person standing about two paces from me I was unable to recognise him, vision being so obscured; this lasted about 10 minutes, when obscuration gave way to sensation as if a veil were hanging before

eyes, and were drawn upwards and downwards; this, however, soon disappeared, and the former condition returned. I washed the eyes in cool water, hoping thereby to find relief (eyes had

already begun to be painful), but it was of no avail; after lasting about 15 minutes obscuration disappeared, and a kind of vertigo set in [quite similar to that which follows too large an amount

of alcoholic stimulants].

[Hughes] This lasted 2 or 3 minutes, when it disappeared, giving place to a violent headache  (frontal and orbital regions), at times associated with sticking pains in eyes and tearing in ears;

whole attack lasted till 21 h. "

Important remedy for sinusitis. [pressure and fullness at root of nose, stringy and yellow discharge when acute, stringy and white when chronic].

Colds extending to sinuses.

P Digestion. Stomach upset by simplest of foods. Repletion after only a few mouthfuls of food. Sudden nausea. Stomach pains - in a small spot - coming on between 2 h. and 5 h. Heartburn immediately or soon after eating. Heartburn at night; awakes with/from it. Marked < starchy food (potatoes).

And tongue thick yellow coated.  Mervyn, Vitamins and Minerals. Rubrics Mind Anxiety, before menses. Confusion, at night on waking.

Delusions, has committed a crime, he will become insane from pain. Mental symptoms > when eating. Fear of death before menses. Indifference, to external things. Aversion to reading. Desires rest.


> Tea/warm soup.


Pain, comes and goes with the sun, > epistaxis, periodical (every day at the same hour), > tea forehead, middle, frontal sinuses from chronic coryza sides, in a small spot pressing, vertex, as from a weight.


Lachrymation, from tobacco smoke. Sensation as if loose. Pain, burning, from looking steadily at an object, from tobacco smoke. Winking, during epilepsy.


Blurred, before headache. Colours, red, yellow. Diplopia, vertical.

Hearing: Impaired, cannot tell direction of sound.

Nose: Sense of fulness at root of nose. Heat, expired air feels hot; in root. Obstruction, alternating sides, in warm wet weather. Odours, imaginary, of putrid eggs. “As if nose were made of parchment”. < Pressure of glasses. Mouth Ropy mucus during epileptic convulsions. Ropy saliva. Taste, sweetish, after smoking. Throat Choking, < clothing, on waking from nightmare. Pain, > after swallowing constrictive, when moving jaw from side to side.

Stomach: Eructations, salty. Heaviness, after beer, after chocolate, after meat. Nausea, < coffee. Vomiting, after coffee, after milk, < stooping; tendency to vomiting from slightest pressure on pit of stomach. Rectum Diarrhoea, after beer. Female Prolapsus, uterus, in hot weather. Chest Sensation of coldness in region of heart. Back Pain, cervical region, on blowing nose, < raising arms, < turning head; sacral region, during coition; coccyx, in morning on waking, > after rising [in morning], < sitting. Dreams Of someone sitting crosswise over chest and belly, which caused choking sensation. Suffocation. Perspiration Profuse, while sitting quietly. Skin Eruptions, in summer. Itching, > cold air.

Generals: Lying, pain goes to side not lain on. Slow motion >. Pain, bones as if broken; in small spots.

Food and Drinks:

Aversion to: Beer/meat/water/fruit/drinks/smoking/sour;

Desire: Beer/sour drinks/cold drinks/pickles/sour/wine;

< Beer/sight of food (meat)/meat/sour drinks/chocolate [= heaviness in stomach, and meteorism]/coffee/farinaceous food/fruit/ice/milk/tea;

>: Soup/tea;


[Farokh Master]

Compare the materia medica of Chromic acid.x


Conscientious and develops a guilt feeling easily. (Rubric - delusions, crime, had committed a crime;)

Easily vexed; vexation in any form leads to anginal pains, migraine, rheumatism and gastric ulcers. (Rubric - Indifference, apathy after the least vexation, with distress or pain in

stomach; Sadness after vexation).

Family oriented person, who prefers to spend most of their time at home.

Frequently gets late for everything because of the compulsions.

Keeps covering his mouth with hands when talking (Rubrics - Gestures, makes - hands; involuntary motions of the - covering - mouth with hands).

Endogenous depression due to anxiety out - of proportion from minor disputes or vexations.

Depression is characterized by: - Anxiety, waking on. - Business, aversion to. - Business, incapacity for. - Indifference to external things. - Laziness.

- Loathing for life. The depression is temporarily better after meals.

Man of details wants details from others and explains everything in great details to others.

Reserved, quiet individual; avoids any form of socialization. - Fear of open space. - Misanthropy.


Fat person and chubby children.

Alternating symptoms - rheumatism with gastric symptom or rheumatism with amoebic dysentery or rheumatism with sinusitis or rheumatism with catarrhal headache.

Lack of vital heat, sensitive to cold climate, cold air.

Neuralgic pain in small spots that can be covered with the tip of the finger.

Pains appear and disappear suddenly.

Quick wandering pains that finally affect the stomach.

Tough, lumpy and stringy discharge that adheres to the part and can be drawn out in the strings.

Yellowness - yellowish discharges, yellow tongue, yellow vision and yellow discoloration of the eyes.


<: 2.30 h./Beer/meat/cold damp weather/after eating/touch/sitting and stooping;

>: Warmth of bed/in open air;


[M.L. Tyler]

      One spots Kali-bi. by its stringiness, its spottiness, its yellowness.

      In Crocus the haemorrhages draw out into long black strings; but with Kali-bi. it is the purulent, or mucous discharges, from whatever source, that draw out into long strings (strings even "from mouth to floor"). Stringy discharges from nose/throat/ear/eye/chest/vulva/urethra - "urine alkaline and ropy"; vomit of like character, even the milk looking like "Stringy matter and water", suggest Kali-bi. Though the drug also tends to produce "lumpy masses" (mucous), tough and of all degrees from bland to very offensive; white - yellow - green.

      Its most characteristic pains appear in spots. The characteristic pains of Berb. radiate from a centre: those that suggest Kali-bi. occur in small spots which can be "covered with the tip of a finger". Such pains occur in some of its headaches (semilateral headaches in small spots/dull pain or stitches in r. chest over a circumscribed spot/in r. hypochondrium: just to l. of ensiform cartilage: in sacrum). Though it has also shooting and stitching pains.

      Ulceration typically round-deep-looking as if punched out. In mucous membranes (stomach/skin/eyes/bones). Scars they leave are of like character-depressed, round, "as if punched out".

      Yellow : vision (Cina)/sclerotics (Chel., etc.)/discharges (ear/nose/eye)/vomit/sputum.

Tongue may be glazed, red, cracked, or "coated as with yellow felt". Clarke (Dictionary) makes a great point of its usefulness where large quantities of yellow watery fluid are vomited (these occur in the provings) and he gives cases.


      HERING gives a case of the vomiting of pregnancy cured by Kali-bi. "Sudden nausea; yellow coated tongue; inward coldness and heat of face; constipation; violent abdominal pains; faintness." Again, "Long, and continued vomiting during pregnancy; can retain no food in stomach; great emaciation and debility".


      KENT (Lesser Writings) details a stomach case cured by Kali-bi., where "There were no catarrhal symptoms of nose or chest, and no thick, ropy discharges, therefore Kali-bi. was neglected. The stomach symptoms alone guided to its use, as he had no other symptoms of importance." "Here the patient looked over the provings, and underscored such symptoms as he had suffered from".

      Among them, "Weak digestion; stomach disordered by mildest food (as with chrome washers). Incarceration of flatulence in stomach and lower abdomen. Feeling of emptiness in stomach, with want of appetite at dinner. Wakes in the night with great uneasiness in stomach, and soreness and tenderness in a small spot to left of xiphoid appendix. Sudden violent burning constrictive pain in anterior surface of stomach. Repletion after a mouthful of food, not helped by Lycopodium. Also, cutting as with knives: unable to digest potatoes or starchy foods".

      Among other characteristics: rheuma: wandering in type: or # with catarrh/with stomach troubles.

      UseFUL in diseases of mouth and throat, in tonsillitis, diphtheria, croup; in asthma, bronchitis, whooping-cough, and in stomach troubles (ulceration) the round variety. But everywhere it cures specifically mucous membranes affected in its own peculiar way, and finding them thus, proceeds to mend them.

      Effect on the workers in chrome. "For the first few days there is discharge of clear water from the nose, with sneezing, chiefly on going into the open air; then soreness and redness of nose with sensation of fetid smell. Then PAIN and tenderNESS, most at the junction of the cartilage, and the septum ulcerates quite through, while the nose becomes obstructed by the repeated formation of hard, elastic plugs (called by the workmen clinkers). Finally, the membrane loses its sensibility and remains dry, with the septum gone, and frequently loss of smell for years. HUGHES (Pharmacodynamics).


      KENT (Lectures): Its principal use is in diseases of mucous membranes catarrhal affections with its peculiar symptoms. It has been able to bring out in its provings symptoms from all the mucous membranes of the body. Slow, but intense inflammations of mucous membrane wherever it attacks. Of course he gives the thick, ropy or stringy, yellowish or yellow-green discharges eye, ear, nose, throat, trachea, etc.

      Pains < coughing.

      Mouth, often foul odour: teeth loose; gums sore, oozing blood. Tongue ulcerated, becomes thick, dry, smooth, red, cracked, shines like glass bottles. Tongue, thick, dry, bright red.

      Pains wander, shoot, tear: wander form joint to joint and bone to bone, sometimes felt deep in the bones.

      < beer: morning diarrhoea, < beer.

      Besides the round ulcers, Kent notices, ragged, eating ulcers (old leg ulcers). The peculiar feature being that when the old ulcer heals in heals with a depressed surface, deep in, “As if it had had

a false healing”.

      Stomach like a leather bag. Digestion seems to have ceased. Food lies in stomach like a load.

      Pains most violent in a spot you could put your finger on. Headache of that spot: patient says it is all there-at that spot - or that it begins there, or spreads from there.

      Complaints alternate or move. When rheuma in on, the other complaints cease. As the gouty state increases the catarrhal state of diarrhoea disappears.


      [Farrington] especially illuminating in regard to Kali-bi.

      While there are evident general resemblances to the Kalis, there are decided differences arising from the acid combined with it. Chromic acid is a highly irritating acid: a powerful escharotic destroying animal tissues very rapidly, and penetrating quickly into the part, producing a deep ulcer.

      Acts on fat persons, on fat, chubby children more than on adults.

      Possesses great virtues in inflammations of mucus surfaces, with tendency to plastic exudation and pseudo-membrane. Causes on mucous membranes first violent inflammation with much redness and swelling, and produces an excessive amount of mucus rapidly turned into a fibrinous exudate: tending to formation of false membranes. This character of exudation gives us the well-known characteristic of Kali bi. - discharges ropy and stringy in pharyngitis, laryngitis, in coryza, in the vomited matters of gastric catarrh: in leucorrhoea and discharges from urethra. In the children it

helps, where there are tenacious, stringy and purulent ear discharges, with stitching pains shooting into head and down into neck: glands (the parotid of that side swollen), while pains shoot down into that parotid gland.

      Useful in diphtheria, with thick, yellow-looking membrane like wash-leather, and stringy discharges.

      Specific ulcers on the fauces, which tend to perforate, surrounded by coppery-red colour.

      Nasal catarrh: first dry with tickling and sneezing; < in open air: the secretion ropy and stringy, collects in posterior nares: may or may not be offensive.

      Or in ozaena: with plugs, or "clinkers". Lumps of hard green mucus are hawked form posterior nares (morning). Ulcers carry out the penetrating character of Chromic acid, and tend to perforate.

      Croup in light-haired, fat and chubby children, with smothering spells which wake them from sleep, choking. Membrane forms thickly in larynx, narrowing it. Expectoration tough and stringy with pieces like boiled macaroni. < from 3 - 5 h. May extend down to bronchi: not common but very dangerous. Farrington says he remembers a patient who, after taking Kali-bi. expectorated pieces looking like vermicelli and having numerous little branches - probably casts of the ramifications of the bronchial tubes. (Ip.)

      Then the effect of Kali-bi. on the mucous membrane of the stomach. The drug is so irritating as to produce gastritis. Its symptoms vary in severity from those of simple indigestion to those of malignant disease. Dyspepsia with supra-orbital headache, or with a peculiar headache. The patient is affected with blindness-objects becoming obscured and less distinct, and then the headache begins. It is violent: < for light and noise, and sight returns as headache grows <. He says, there are a number of remedies having blinding headache Caust. (but it does not diminish as headache increases).

      With this headache, Farrington says, the face is apt to get blotched and bloated and covered with pimples or acne. It is also sallow and yellowish, “As if the patient were bilious”.

The stomach seems to swell up after a full meal, like Lycopodium.

      Gastritis: the vomited matter sour, mixed with clear mucus, or bitter, from admixture with bile. Renewed with every attempt at eating or drinking, with distress and burning rawness about the stomach. With this kind of vomit you may give Kali-bi. in the vomiting of drunkards, and in the round, perforating ulcer of the stomach.

      He notices the rash like measles, for which it has been used. May follow Pulsatilla, useful in the milder cases. "Kali-bi. is one of the best for measles" with the catarrhal symptoms of Puls., eyes, ears, mouth, with watery, yellowish-green secretions, only <, and advancing to ulceration.

      It produces papules, hard; tend to develop into pustules, and even into ulcers.

      Puls. when the catarrhal symptoms are prominent and we have coryza and profuse lachrymation.

      Kali-bi. is to be used when, instead of simple catarrh of the eyes, you have pustules developed on the cornea. The throat is swollen and pains go from the throat into the ears, the salivary glands are swollen, and there is catarrhal deafness.



      Nose: Septum narium completely ulcerated away.

      Entire cartilaginous septum destroyed, and the whole nasal mucus membrane in a state of purulent inflammation: the disease had been mistaken for syphilis.

      Nose very dry with a feeling of pressure in the nasal bones.

      Dryness of nose.

      Formation of plug in nostrils.

      Pressive pain in root of nose.

      Nose stuffed up, especially upper part; difficulty in detaching thick mucus, which more readily passes by posterior nares.

      Clinkers in nose; if allowed to remain a few days can be easily detached; if pulled away too soon, leave soreness at root of nose and intolerance to light.

      Discharge of tough green masses, or hard plugs.

      Mucus tough, ropy, green, bloody; in clear masses; violent pain from occiput to forehead if discharge ceases.

      Fetid smell from nose.

      Ear: Chronic suppuration; membrana tympani perforated; secretion is often more mucus than pus; discharge yellow, thick, tenacious, so that it may be drawn through perforation in strings; lancinations, sticking sensations.

      Mouth: Tongue smooth, red and cracked.


      Syphilitic affections of mouth and fauces.

      Hawking of thick gelatinous mucus in the morning.

      Hawking of a considerable quantity of tenacious mucus in a.m.

      On root of uvula, right side, an excavated sore, half the size of a split pea, with a reddish areola, containing a yellow tenacious matter.

      Deep-eating ulcers of fauces, often syphilitic.

      Diphtheria: pseudo-membranous deposit, firm, pearly, fibrinous; apt to extend downwards to larynx and trachea: bladder-like appearance of uvula, much swelling, little redness.

      Stomach: Complete loss of appetite.


      Nausea and vomiting of drunkards.

      Diarrhoea-like stool consisting of brown frothy water (with excessively painful pressure, urging and tenesmus.

      Bad effects of over-indulgence in beer; great weight in pit of stomach; flatulence;.

      Prolapsus uteri, seemingly from hot weather.

      Rough, hoarse voice.

      Cough: (in early hours) with expectoration of which mucus "as tough as pitch", which could be drawn out into strings.

      Expectoration of very tough mucus, so viscid that it drew in strings down to the feet.

      Cough with pain, from mid-sternum through to back; severe stitching, or weight and soreness in chest.

      Cough (in early hours) on waking, with dyspnoea; > lying down.

      Cough hoarse, metallic, in croup (membranous) or diphtheria; expectoration of tough mucus or fibro-elastic casts.

      Expectoration is very glutinous and sticky; adhering to fauces, teeth, tongue and lips, finally leaving mouth in long, stringy and very tenacious mass.

      Back: Sharp, stinging pain in region of kidneys.

      Pain in coccyx while sitting.

      Neuralgia every day at the same hour.

      Pains appear rapidly and disappear suddenly. (Bell.).

      Pains in small spots which can be covered with the point of finger.

      Pains attack first one part, then reappear in another.

      Affections of any mucous membranes, with discharges of tough, stringy, adherent mucus, or can be drawn out into long strings.

      Ulcers; deep yellow, dry, oval, edges overhanging, bright red areola; base hard, corroding; becoming deeper; blackish spot in centre; cicatrix remaining depressed; deep as if cut out with a punch, edges regular.

      Complaints < in hot weather.


      Milk, as it flows from breasts, has appearance of being composed of stringy masses and water.

      As if head would burst: as if nose would burst.

      Nose feels too heavy.

      As if loose bones rubbed against each other in nose.

      As of a hair high up in left nostril.

      Insular large patches on tongue.

      A hair on back of tongue.

      Pains in spots, can be covered with finger tip.

      Or pains mostly stitching and shooting.

      Burning headache with vertigo, during which all objects appeared to be enveloped in a yellow mist.

      Pain in head at a point.

      Periodic attacks of semilateral headaches on small spots that could be covered with point of finger.

      Blindness followed by violent headache, must lie down; aversion to light and noise. Slight returns with increasing headache.

      Various colours and bright spots before eyes.

      Objects seem to be covered with a yellow veil.

      Corneal ulcers; tend to bore in without spreading laterally. Twanging like wires in left face and neck.

      Tongue coated, as with thick yellow felt.

      Pug in throat, not relieved by swallowing.

      Ulcers in fauces-in pharynx: discharging cheesy lumps, often offensive.

      Dislike to meat.

      Longing for beer: for acid drinks.

      Secondary bad effects from malt liquors (larger beer).

      Feeling of coldness, stomach and bowels.

      Food lies in stomach like a load. Digestion suspended.

      Pains and uneasiness in stomach alternate with pains in limbs.

      Choking, as if something hard all down oesophagus: then jumping and shaking, as if stomach jumped up.

      Round ulcer of stomach.

      Nausea with burning pain in anus.

      Nausea and vomiting of drunkards.

      Gastric pains relieved by eating and rheumatic pains reappear; when gastric pains reach to any height, rheumatic pains subside.

      Curious sensation as if something eating in bowels.

      Gulping up of food unchanged, not sour, with pain across middle of back.

      Vomiting of greenish, watery mucus in morning.

      Dull pain or stitches in right hypochondrium, especially when limited to a small spot.

      Spasmodic attacks resembling those accompanying gall stones.

      During emission of wind, sweat all over body, especially face, from which it runs in streams.

      Urine alkaline and ropy.

      Tough mucus nearly strangles him.

      Sensation of lump, upper part of trachea and hairs across base of tongue, which neither hawking, swallowing nor eating relieves.

      Profuse yellow, stringy expectoration and much sweating.

      Violent paroxysms of cough with scanty expectoration of stringy mucus: or much viscid expectoration in grey lumps.

      Wakes with heaviness on chest, as from a weight. Sensation of choking, on lying down.

      Whooping-cough; mucus so viscid that it stretched in long strings from mouth to ground.

      Itching behind sternum, causing violent, racking paroxysmal cough.

      Cold sensation about heart; tightness chest; Dyspnoea.

      When stooping, sensation as if something cracked across sacrum.

      Cannot stoop or move from pain.

      Violent aching; pain in a small spot in sacrum. < at night.

      Pain in coccyx.

      Pustules on arms; swelling on arm, turned into large ulcer with overhanging edges.

      Dry eruption like measles.

      Small pustules over body like small pox disappear without bursting.

      Pustules as large as a pea, with small black scab in centre on inflamed parts of skin.

      Suppurating, solitary skin tubercles, forming deep holes.

      Itching, forearms and hands, then intolerable pain and formation of numerous ulcers, from which above a dozen nearly solid masses of matter fell on

            striking the arm firmly, leaving ulcers clean dry cavities.

      Ulcers on wrist, oozed for several months, left a cicatrix depressed as if scooped out.

      Hands completely covered with depressed cicatrices which look as if they had been punched out with a wadding cutter.

      Small pustules on roots of nails. Fluid became thickened to a yellow tough mass.

      Pains in shin bones (syphilitic periostitis).

      Rheuma # periodic gastric symptoms; one appearing in the Fall, the other in the Spring.

      Could hardly sit down: sensation of plug in anus. (Anac.).

      < at 2 h. – 3 h.

      Pains fly rapidly from one place to another, not continuing long in any place, and intermittent.


      Diphtheritic formations in nose, mouth, fauces, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, uterus, vagina.

      Affections of any mucous membranes with discharges of tough, stringy, adherent mucus, or can be drawn out into long strings.

      Rheumatic pains, alternating with catarrh: with (above) gastric symptoms.

      Bones : joints.

      Eruption, covering nearly the entire scalp: consists of a number of minute vesicles, closely crowded, and filled with a transparent viscid fluid, which

      burst and form thick, laminated crusts of a dirty grey colour; or swelling of skin between patches of eruption: much itching: agglutination of lids and

      discharge of purulent material from inner canthus: patches on face and thick crusts around nostrils: external ears greatly swollen, red and glazed

      behind ears excoriated with profuse discharge patches of eruption deeply fissured in folds of neck with sero-purulent discharge fretful sucks with

      difficulty, from stuffing of nostrils; emaciation; green, slimy diarrhoea.

      Eruption began one ar and spread over half the head; greenish crusts, with oozing of whitish, thick matter.


[Verena Berger]

Kalium bichromat ist eine toxische Substanz, sie besteht aus orangefarbenen Kristallen oder Pulver. Der Kontakt mit anderen Materialien kann, aufgrund seiner Neigung zu Oxidation, Feuer auslösen, es wirkt brandfördernd oder gar explosiv. Kalium bichromat findet vielfältig Verwendung, in der Gerberei, in der Fotographie, bei bestimmten Druckverfahren u.a. Bei Hautkontakt entstehen Verbrennungen oder tiefe, „fressende“ Geschwüre.

Allgemeine Wirkrichtung

Bei Atemwegserkrankungen, Schnupfen und Entzündungen der Nasen-Nebenhöhlen. Von untergeordneter Rolle int die Behandlung von Schmerzen (Kopf, Gelenke, Weichteile“).


Typische Symptome

Auslöser (Kälte, Entkleiden, aber auch warmes Sommerwetter)

Empfindung / Erscheinung

Nase: Absonderungen:  zäh, dick, fadenziehend - meist gelb, gelb-grün, auch weißlich

    Krusten und Borken in der Nase, Nasenbluten beim Ablösen, hinterlassen rohe, wunde Stelle

    oder „elastische Pfröpfe“ in der Nase

    Trockenheit, Verstopfung, Bedürfnis zu schnäuzen, ohne Erfolg

    drückender Schmerz und Völlegefühl im Bereich der Nasenwurzel

Schmerzen (Gelenke, Kopf)

    erscheinen sehr pünktlich zur gleichen Zeit

    erscheinen und vergehen plötzlich

    an kleinen, eng begrenzten Stellen

    wandern, wechseln schnell den Ort

weitere Empfindungen


    die ausgeatmete Luft fühlt sich heiß an

<: morgens/erwachend/Kälte/Abkühlen/Entblößen;

Weitere Symptome

Bei der Konstitutionellen Behandlung spielt das Wesen von Kalium bichromicume: konservativ, regelhaft, geordnet, hält sich an Vorschriften, Regeln und festgelegte Zeiten und Rituale. 


Kalium bichromicum ist eine wichtige Arznei für akute „Infekte“ im Bereich der Nase und der Nasen-Nebenhöhlen. Leitend ist die zähe, fadenziehende Absonderung, die trockene, verstopfte Nase mit dem Völlegefühl im Bereich der Nasenwurzel und die Borken und Krusten in der Nase.

Die Verwendung der Arznei bei rheumatischen Beschwerden und bei Kopfschmerz und Migräne spielt ebenfalls eine Rolle, sie reicht allerdings in die konstitutionelle Behandlung hinein.


    Nase verstopft, trocken

    zäher, fadenziehender Schnupfen, weißlich oder gelb, gelb-grün

    reichlich Krusten und Borken in der Nase, blutend und wund schmerzend beim Ablösen

    Verschlechterung am Morgen, beim Erwachen

Entzündung der Nasen-Nebenhöhlen

    Absonderung wie beim Schnupfen (siehe oben)

    drückender Schmerz und Völlegefühl im Bereich der Nasenwurzel

    auch zäher Schleim im Rachen möglich, Räuspern, klebt beim Versuch auszuspucken fest

    Gesichtsschmerz an kleinen, eng umschriebenen Stellen

    Verschlechterung am Morgen, beim Erwachen


    erscheint sehr pünktlich zur gleichen Zeit

    erscheint und vergeht plötzlich

    an kleinen, eng begrenzten Stellen

    wandert, wechselt schnell den Ort

    oft in Zusammenhang mit Entzündungen der Nasen-Nebenhöhlen



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                   Impressum