Kalium carbonicum Anhang


[Frans Vermeulen]

Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.

[James Tyler Kent MD]

The face becomes puffed, the eyes seem to protrude and then there is that which is commonly present in Kali c., swelling between the eyelids and eyebrows that fills up when coughing.

[William Penn]

Potassium is a member of group 1 [formerly IA] of the periodic table, along with Lithium, Sodium, Rubidium, Caesium, and Francium. The Latin name kalium comes from Arabic qali, alkali. Potassium is never found free in nature. The element was long thought to be of organic origin for potash, potassium carbonate, was obtained by leaching wood ashes and evaporating the solution for dryness. Since the process was carried out in iron pots, the name of the element came from 'pot' and 'ashes'.

Discovered in 1807 by the British chemist Davy, who obtained it from caustic potash, this was the first metal isolated by electrolysis. It is the 7th most abundant and makes

up about 2,5% by weight of the earth's crust. Most potassium minerals are insoluble and the metal is obtained from them only with great difficulty. Potassium exists in three natural isotopes, with mass numbers 39,40, and 41. Potassium-40 is radioactive and has a half-life of 1.28 billion years. Several radioactive isotopes have been artificially prepared. Potassium is essential for plant growth and found in most soils.

Potassium's main mining areas are Germany, Spain, Canada, USA, Italy, and Mexico. It is also found in oceans, where, compared to sodium, it is present in small amounts only. Occurs in many minerals, with sylvite, carnallite, alunite, feldspar and orthoclase being its chief ores. Orthoclase mined on a large scale for porcelain, ceramics and glass.

Potassium is one of the most reactive and electropositive of metals. It reacts vigorously with oxygen, and with water even at minus 100° C. It reacts also with acids, and with the halogens, igniting with bromine and iodine. Except for lithium, it is the lightest known metal. It is soft, easily cut with a knife, and is silvery in appearance immediately after a fresh surface is exposed. It rapidly oxidizes in air and should be preserved in a mineral oil. As with other metals of the alkali group, it decomposes in water with the evolution of hydrogen. It catches fire spontaneously on water. Potassium and its salts impart a violet colour to flames.

The greatest demand for potassium is as fertilizer [potassium carbonate]. Total annual production of potassium fertilizers is in excess of 25 million tons, with Canada as the leading producer, followed by Russia, Belarus, Germany, and the U.S. Other uses include synthesis of inorganic potassium compounds; organic syntheses involving condensation, dehalogenation, reduction, and polymerisation reactions; manufacture of photoelectric cells; heat transfer medium together with sodium.

Potassium carbonate, also termed salt of tartar or pearl ash, is a hygroscopic, odourless, caustic granular powder that readily dissolves in water. When it contains the full amount of water [16.36%] it is not hygroscopic. Used in the manufacture of soap, glass, pottery, smalts and many potassium salts; in process engraving and lithography; tanning and finishing leather; liquid shampoos; for removal of water from organic liquids; in analytical chemistry. 2 Also used in freckle lotions, vanishing creams, setting lotions, and permanent-wave lotions. In the food industry used in confections and cocoa products [E 501].

The 3rd most abundant in the human body, after calcium and phosphorus, potassium constitutes 5% of the total mineral content of the body. An adult weighing 65 kg has a body potassium content of about 140 g. Of this, only 3 g is present in the extracellular fluid; the remaining 137 g occurs inside body cells and of this, 4/5 is present in

skeletal muscles. Together with sodium, potassium regulates the sodium-potassium balance which affects water retention and stimulates kidney function. Potassium is involved in nerve transmission and muscle contraction and is essential for protein synthesis and for the conversion of blood sugar into glycogen. It activates a number of enzymes, particularly those connected with energy production. In addition, it promotes the disposal of the body's wastes. Absorption of dietary potassium takes place in the small intestine; absorption is insufficient when food moves rapidly through the bowel. The kidneys are the main regulators of body potassium, maintaining blood levels by controlling excretion. Some potassium is excreted in sweat. Digestive juices contain significant amounts of potassium but most of this is re-absorbed in the lower intestine. Potassium depletion causes the body to retain more fluid in response to a large dose of salt. High levels of potassium may enhance the excretion of sodium, thus decreasing blood volume and blood pressure.

Symptoms of severe potassium deficiency - hypokalemia - include fatigue, vomiting, abdominal distension, acute muscular weakness, paralysis, pins and needles, loss of appetite, low blood pressure, intense thirst, drowsiness, confusion and eventually coma. Muscle spasms, tetany, heart arrhythmias and muscle weakness can also be caused by increased nerve excitability associated with inadequate intake of potassium. Causes of potassium deficiency include high sodium diets; excessive intake of liquorice; surgical operations involving the bowel; extensive burns and injuries; diabetes; Cushing's syndrome; excessive excretion of aldosterone; chronic diarrhoea which limits gut re-absorption of potassium; persistent vomiting; influenza; inflammatory bowel disease; anaemia; ulcerative colitis; kidney disease; heart disease; chronic respiratory failure; prolonged fasting; therapeutic starvation; anorexia nervosa; chronic laxative abuse or clay ingestion; alcoholism; cystic fibrosis [potassium losses in sweat]. The sudden death that can occur in fasting, anorexia nervosa or starvation is often a result of heart failure caused by potassium deficiency. High intakes of alcohol, coffee, tea and sugar may lead to potassium deficiency.

Potassium excess -hyperkalemia- may occur when acidosis [cellular potassium can be displaced by hydrogen ions; an excess of hydrogen ions results in acidity, low pH], hyperglycaemia [from insulin deficiency] moderately heavy exercise, digitalis intoxication, acute intravascular haemolysis, or hyperkalemic familial periodic paralysis produces a shift of potassium out of cells into the intracellular fluid; or as a consequence of potassium excess. Potassium excess is particularly common in acute oliguric states [acute renal failure] associated with severe crush injuries, burns, bleeding into soft tissues or the gastrointestinal tract, or adrenal insufficiency [but not when secondary to pituitary hypofunction]. If sufficient potassium chloride [as electrolyte replenisher] is ingested orally or rapidly given parenterally, severe hyperkalemia may result, even with normal renal function. Other drugs that may limit renal potassium output, thereby producing hyperkalemia, include cyclosporine, lithium, and heparin. Excess of potassium causes effects first on the muscles of the skeleton and of the heart, giving rise to muscular weakness and mental apathy.

A rare group of autosomal dominant disorders of unknown cause characterised by episodes of flaccid paralysis with loss of deep tendon reflexes and failure of the muscle to respond to electrical stimulation. There is no alteration in consciousness.

3 forms have been described:

a. hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (= also known as adynamia episodica hereditaria);

b. hypokalemic periodic paralysis;

c. normokalemic periodic paralysis. The onset of the hyperkalemic form occurs in infancy; attacks are frequent but relatively mild, and myotonia is often present.

In the hypokalemic variety, attacks usually begin between the ages of 7 and 21 years. The day after vigorous exercise, the patient often awakens with weakness, which may

be mild and limited to certain muscle groups or involve all four limbs. Oropharyngeal and respiratory muscles are spared. The weakness lasts 24 to 48 hours. The attacks may also be precipitated by exposure to cold, high carbohydrate meal, or alcohol. The normokalemic form, sometimes considered as the same as the hyperkalemic form, has an

onset that usually occurs between the ages of 2 and 5 years; there is often severe quadriplegia, which is usually improved by the administration of sodium salts.

OXYGEN Potassium is most abundant where oxygen is present, i.e. where the metabolism is very active and the breathing deep - thus, in fully active tissue. "It is necessary

to keep in mind the reaction Na + O = K, in order to understand that endogenous potassium is possible only if it has access to oxygen for its formation. ... Broyer showed

that a small amount of oxygen increases the potassium content in the roots of barley, tomatoes and rice. The same is true of man and animals, where the potassium content is directly proportional to breathing activity or to the activity of the tissues which require much oxygen. That is why cancerous tumours are richer in potassium, a fact having been verified in man and in the sarcoma of the chicken. An increase in potassium content leads to an elevation of arterial tension, to the activation of the vasomotor reactions. An increase of potassium from an injection in the cerebrospinal liquid provides an intense breathing stimulation. An animal is put to sleep with an injection of magnesium and awakened with potassium [by an injection in the infundilubary area, with no effect in other areas of the brain]. Oxygenation slows down during sleep or under the influence of narcotics. Potassium does the same. During sleep the metabolism is slowed down. There are less exchanges, less oxygen, and thus less potassium; this reduction of potassium at the end of the sleeping period can attain to 16.6% in the plasma."

Potassium is found in highest amounts in fresh, unprocessed food. Good sources are fresh fruits [dried fruits contain even more potassium], green leafy vegetables, potatoes (boiled in the skin), tomatoes, soy flour, shellfish, beans, nuts, cereals, cocoa powder, coffee, tea.

Potassium is one of the three primary macronutrients for plants, along with nitrogen and phosphorus. It is required in large amounts by most plants, i.e. the 1999 U.S. corn crop removed more than 2 billion pounds of potassium from farmed fields. The mineral is essential for plant functions such as photosynthesis, respiration, protein formation, and water use. Movement of potassium ion is a principal factor in plant movements, such as opening and closure of stomata and the sleep movements, or daily changes in the orientation of leaves. Potassium is frequently deficient in sandy soils because of its high solubility and the ease with which potassium leaches out of sandy soils.

Potassium supplementation is recommended for prevention and treatment of hypertension. Numerous random, controlled trials focusing on the effect of potassium supplements have demonstrated that potassium is particularly effective among African Americans and people who ingest a lot of salt. Some participants in the trials suffered adverse effects from taking potassium in pill form, primarily abdominal pain, belching and flatulence, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

PROVINGS - •• Hahnemann - 6 provers; method: unknown.

•• Smith - 9 provers, 1978; method: unknown.



Muscles, ligaments [HEART; uterus; LUMBAR].. Serous and mucous membranes [CHEST (right lower); joints]. Eyes. Blood. * Right side. Left side.


<: COLD [AIR/water/drafts/changes/after overheating/after exertion/damp weather]. Time [2-3 h.; winter; before menses]. Lying [on painful or left side]. Loss of fluids. After labour. Coition. Suppressed menses.

>: Warmth/sitting with elbows on knees [> difficult respiration]/open air/eructations/getting warm/dry warm weather/while moving;

Main symptoms

Common traits of all Kali's: conservative, regular, proper, down to earth.

Kali-c. is the prototype, where the mind rules the emotions.

• "Their usual complaint is that they are heading for a breakdown." [Borland]

Strong mental CONTROL. Fear of LOSING CONTROL [weeping when telling of her sickness].


• "Since they are unemotional, unimaginative people, Kalis live in and through their intellect. They are the most rational of all people. Like a computer, Kali will calculate the logical way to live his life, the logical way to plan his day, even the logical thing to say in response to his wife's complaint that he is so unemotional. Kali tends to have a plan for everything, and they follow it to the last detail. Experimental scientists with their painstaking experimental designs are often Kalis, as are bank managers. Wherever cold logic and attention to detail is required, Kali will do well. ...

Kalis have a very characteristic way of engaging in conversation. This involves considering the logic [or lack of logic] of whatever the other person says, and then analysing it out aloud." [Bailey]

Strong sense of DUTY.

Doing what has to be done.

Emotions felt in STOMACH [like a blow] [solar plexus], esp. fear and fright.

Sensitive to and STARTING from TOUCH.

Cannot be touched at small of back and soles of feet.


• "The subconscious picks up everything; it is very suppressed, and they start talking - probably the main remedy for talking to oneself." [Morrison]


• "Very marked hoarding instinct. Essentially POSSESSIVE. Hold on to everything, to life [afraid of dying], to their partner [even when they appear to dislike him/her], to their children ]even when they appear to be nothing but a worry to them and when they treat them none too well], and to their money." [Borland]

Possessive of members of the family, yet are unpleasant to them and MAKE LIFE DIFFICULT for them [Desire for company, yet treats them outrageously].


• "Is averse to solitude; wants company but not sympathy. At times may appear witty and whimsical, but is inclined to be at variance with everybody and everything. Is both uninterested and uninteresting, both weary and wearisome." [Gibson]

Unassertive: • "Surprising inability to stand up for themselves. They get very irritable, but if they themselves are attacked, particularly if they are unjustly accused, they tend to become silent and cannot make any reply. They feel miserable and hurt, but cannot fight back." [Borland]

M Emotional INSTABILITY, terrible mood swings BEFORE menses.


Extremely sensitive to DRAFTS.

Very susceptible to catching cold after overheating [due to profuse perspiration].

• "Kali carbonicum belongs to the cold remedies which seems to be characteristic for all compounds with cation preponderance. The Kali-c. patient is especially sensitive to cold, perceives the slightest draft, seeks the warm room. He feels the cold to a certain extent in the nerves, they pain in the cold. He also complains about cold in single parts, especially neuralgias which shoot here and there with pain in the cold parts; by the application of heat they move to other parts. ... The head is sensitive to cold: headache on walking in cold wind, desire to cover the head outside of warm rooms, headache on forced inspiration through the nose with burning pain in the region of the frontal sinus. In cold wind the nose opens, dries and burns and headache develops. On re-entering a warm room the nasal secretion from nasal and postnasal catarrh recurs and the headache ceases and the patient feels better." [Leeser]

Weakness before menses.

Important remedy for FLUID RETENTION.

Flushes of HEAT when eating WARM FOOD.

Flushes of heat and palpitation.

PERSPIRES easily; on slight exertion.

Craving for SWEETS.

< 2-4 h./BEGINNING of DURING menses/BEGINNING of SLEEP/Lying on RIGHT side; STITCHING, sharp pains.

> During menses.

Swollen UPPER eyelids.

Excessive FLATULENCE. [stomach - everything seems to be converted into gas -, abdomen]

Backache drives the patient out of bed in the morning. Backache ext. to nates and lower limbs, < LEFT. Everything affects the small of the back, or pains start there. Backache [lumbar region] since parturition or abortion.


Mind: Antagonism with herself. Anxiety, when hungry. Closing eyes >. Desire for company, yet treats those who approach him outrageously. Delusions, of an abyss behind him, whole body is hollow. Dullness, > closing eyes, while speaking. Too much sense of duty. Fear, of death, when alone in evening in bed. Frightened easily, from touch. Indifference, while in company. Quarrelsome, with her family. Weeping, when telling of her sickness.

Vertigo: When hungry. Proceeding from stomach. Walking sideways.

Eye: Swelling, lids, during menses; under the lids; of upper lids. Weak, after coition.

Vision: Floating balls. Colours, black points while reading; white falling drops on looking at snow; yellow shiny tremulous mist. Dim, after washing in water. Objects seem inverted.

Ear: Noises, after cold drinks. Pain, stitching, > shaking head.

Hearing: Acute, in evening in bed.

Nose: Obstruction, > cold air/walking in open air;

Face: Swelling, above eyes, around eyes, under eyes.

Mouth: Taste, putrid, during menses; sweetish, morning on waking.

Stomach: Eructations, sour, before menses. Loathing of food, after emotions. Pain, pressing, > bending backward. Vomiting, after fried fish. “As if stomach full of water”.

Female organs: Pain, labour pains, weak, but pain in the back.

Respiration: Asthmatic, during menses, > rocking.

Chest: Palpitation, during hunger.

Dreams: Amorous, after coition, before menses. Prophetic, prophesying death. Quarrels with dead relatives.

Skin: Eruptions, Urticaria = Nesselsucht., before menses, during menses.

Food and Drinks:

Aversion to: Bread (brown/rye)/meat/sweets/cabbage/fat/milk/soup;

Desires: Sour/sugar/sweets/delicacies/warm drinks;

<: Bread black/cold drinks when heated/cold drinks during hot weather/cold food/milk/pancakes/pastry/vegetables/warm food/legumes/cabbage/coffee/cold drinks/corn/ farinaceous food/fat/fish/food (flatulent/sight of/hot)/ice/fresh meat/soup;


[Farokh Master]

Dark haired with strong tendency towards obesity (Am-c./Graph.).

Mind: Dogmatic, will not compromise easily.

Dresses in an orthodox way.

Family oriented.

God fearing.


< Music (piano/violin);

Optimistic in spite of weakness.


To proper.

Responsible and duty bond



Issues of morality are very strong. (Education following strict religious and moral principles)

Hence a lot of feelings are suppressed, which latter comes out in the form of dreams, like amorous dreams.

Discontented with everything and himself, due to overwhelming mental and physical weakness.

Materialistic holding on to everything (a sort of clinging) will not let go things easily due to insecurity and hence strong anxiety of losing them (holding on to relationships

or material things).

Need for support is quite substantial at emotional as well as physical level

Insecurity is exhibited in the form of anxiety, fear, excitability, hurriedness, and restlessness.

The above feelings are aggravated

- After a chill.

- From flatulence

- Lying on the right side.

- Waking at night.

- Waking up in the morning.

- When hungry.

Anxiety, excitement and fear are usually felt in the chest, stomach and abdomen.

Hurried and impatient mentally and physically, this behavior is also the offshoot of his anxiety.

- Hurry eating

- Hurry movements

- Hurry occupation

Excitability is a manifestation of nervousness that arises from feeling of helplessness and inability to cope with the situation for

- Startled easily,

- Startled at trifles,

- Excitement from bad news,

- Excitement from hunger.

Fear is the external manifestation of his inner anxiety. The fear of solitude over-rides almost all other fears, he fear that he will die if he is left alone, fears that when he is sleeping alone in

the bed he is going to die, he is terrified of a sudden death that can come from being alone

- Fear of death at night

- Fear of death in evening

- Fear of death while lying in bed.

Other fears like fear of ghost or evil, disease also indirectly represents death.

Anger and irritability stems from incapability on his part to free himself from dependency on others (own family).

Constant antagonism with himself to free him from being dependent on others at the same time fears that people around him will forsaken or desert him and he will be alone.

(‘Money’ is a vulnerable spot in the Kali-c psyche.

Antagonism can also manifest in other ways. One ill is moral, righteous, and proper, not allowing any compromise on morality, but there is another will that is immoral and antagonistic to the first one.

Hence a Kali-c will have problems doing business. On one hand he does not want to compromise on his principles, righteousness, but he has to submit to a bigger will because material gains are also very ‘enticing’, Fear of poverty is an important symptom of Kali-c, So these 2 wills can produce a break in the unity of the psyche of Kali-c and make him a neurotic.)

He feels angry on waking because he is easily distressed of having to leave the protection of his bed (bed is symbolic representation of mother) and in the evening from exhaustion

- Abusive

- Anger absent person when think of the

- Anger alternates with mildness

- Anger morning

- Anger morning waking on

- Anger violent

- Quarrelsome

- Striking at imaginary objects

- Shrieking at trifles

Many of the sub rubrics of irritability and anxiety are almost similar like

- Aggravation on waking up in the morning.

- Aggravation before menses.

- Aggravation in the evening.

- Aggravation after coitus.

- Aggravation consolation from (because their ego is hurt)

He is capricious, quarrelsome and bad-tempered frequently having fights either at his place of work or with his family members.

Various delusions represented in the repertory are nothing but the distorted image of his perceptions of reality. These delusions are loaded with symbols of important significance.

- Delusion bed is sinking directly connects with fear of solitude. Here the bed is the symbol of maternal protection. (Mother can be represented in many symbolic ways. Authentic symbols of the mother are

bowl, cave, cavity, chalice, church (Mother church) or city (Jerusalem), cupboard, furrow, house, ocean, sea, vessel, water, vase, ocean, or anything that is horizontal.

Sinking could refer to the descent into the unconscious in this case.

- Delusion that someone is calling him again expresses his feeling of dependency and forsaken.

- Delusions of birds (Lac-c./Bell.) express great desire for freedom from his suffering and his dependency.

- Delusion neck is too large; the meaning is that his head, which is loaded with anxieties and helplessness, is joined with the body, which is weak and fragile, by a strong and large neck.

In dreams also we find this reflection, which expresses both the fear and the anger.

- Dreams of ghosts

- Dreams of specters

- Dreams of death approaching,

- Dreams frightful

- Dreams stone lying on him

(Interpretations of stone lying on him could be burden of his poor state of health, which he has to carry, or the burden of his dependency)

- Dream as if he is calling out for help (This is another expression of helplessness and support.)

- Dreams of snakes

(Could be an attempt to come to terms with his or herself; this has to do with the recognition and harnessing of energies which have been suppressed and thwarted.

Psychologically the snake has meanings, which are protean. Theriomorphic symbols are common manifestations of dreams and fantasies of the unconscious. Further snakes are the commonest manifestation of the collective psychic substratum. It points to the content in question, i.e. this content is as far from human consciousness as the psyche of the animal. It points to the degree of unconsciousness. Jung says warm and cold-blooded animals represent this degree of unconsciousness. In some cases it can represent the ‘shadow’ or it can also be a ‘fear or anxiety’ symbol.)

- Dreams of robber (Could be interpreted as a symbol of the loss of an emotional support.)

His perpetual state of anxiety makes his responses hyper reactive to external stimulus (startled easily with every trifles, on falling asleep, during sleep). The stimulus could be fright, noise or unexpectedly touch.

Ill humor and depression always < in open air/when alone.

Tears are release mechanism to express the discontentment and grief, he will cry if comforted. He may cry with his old disappointment in love, or about the neglected feeling he receives from his family. Weeps when telling his sickness or causeless without knowing why or he weeps when he is remonstrated.

He is tormented by unpleasant memories when lying alone in the bed at night.

Eventually depression overtakes and he loses all interest in life even those things which he use to enjoy


< Early morning is characteristic.

Indicated after the loss of fluid, or where the vitality is affected after any acute or chronic disease (Ph-ac. Chin. Phos. Psor.)

Extreme weakness felt all over the body (heart/back/joints/intellect).

Weakness characterized by relaxations giving rise to prolapse, dislocation and degeneration, which compels the patient to either lie down, or to lean on something which is hard for support.

Chilly patient; sensitive to slightest change of temperature or draft of cold air.

Giving out sensation is one of the common symptoms for e.g. giving out sensation in the back, knees etc.

Never well since

- Acute or chronic debilitating illness.

- After closing any sinuses in the body.

- After applications steroid ointments.

- After operation for fistula in ano.

- after Labor

- Miscarriages

- Suppressed skin eruptions

Old people with tendency towards dropsy and paralysis.

Pains are very sharp, stitching and throbbing and are better by motion and lying on affected side

Tubercular diathesis.

T. F. Allen: Kali-c. or any salt of Kali should not be used in fever, but I have repeatedly used it with great success, with the following totality

- Chilliness extreme

- Chill comes in the evening between 17 - 18 h.

- Chill immediately after eating

- Chill without thirst

- Chill followed by nausea, vomiting and pains all over.

- Chills compels the person to lying down

- During fever the face is red and hot to touch but feet are cold

- Shortness of breath with fever

- Fever with external chilliness

- Fever without thirst

- Fever with tongue coated white

- Perspiration on upper part of the body

- Perspiration does not give any relief

T.F. Allen: one of the best remedies, following the labor or any complications after the labor, or in cases of debilitated states arising after the miscarriage.

Throbbing pains, which leads to numbness or coldness of the single parts?

Trio of perspiration, lumbago and prostration.

Very ticklish cannot bear to be touched; startles even when touched even lightly on the feet.


[H.C. Allen]

For diseases of old people, dropsy and paralysis; with dark hair, lax fibre, inclined to obesity.

After loss of fluids or vitality, particularly in anaemic.

Pains, stitching, darting, worse during rest and lying on affected side (stitching, darting, > during rest and lying on painful side.

Cannot bear to be touched; starts when touched ever so lightly (feet).

Great aversion to being alone

Bag-like swellings between the upper eyelids and eyebrows.

Weak eyes; after coition, pollution, abortion, measles.

Nose: Nosebleed when washing the face in the morning.

Mouth: Toothache only when eating; throbbing; < when touched by anything warm or cold.

Stomach: distended, sensitive; feels as if it would burst; excessive flatulency, everything she eats or drinks appears to be converted to gas.

Abdomen: Constipation: stool large, difficult, with stitching, colic pains an hour or two before.

Back: Backache, sweating, weakness; after abortion, labor, metrorrhage; when eating; while walking feels as if she must give up and lie down.

Larynx: Difficult swallowing; sticking pain in pharynx as of a fish-bone; food easily gets into the windpipe; pain in back when swallowing.

Cough: dry, paroxysmal, loosens viscid mucus or pus which must be swallowed; spasmodic with gagging or vomiting of ingesta; hard, white or smoky masses fly from throat when coughing [Bad./Chel.]

Female organs: Feels badly, week before menstruation; backache, before and during menses.

Labor pains insufficient; violent backache; wants the back pressed.

Chest: Asthma, > sitting up/bending forward/by rocking; < 2 to 4 h.

Persons suffering from ulceration of the lungs can scarcely get well without this anti-psoric – Hahnemann.

Heart: tendency to fatty degeneration ( Phos. ); as if suspended by a thread ( Lach.

Generals: Very much inclined to take cold.

Will bring on the menses when Nat-m. though apparently indicated, fails – Hahnemann.


Ursachen: akute Beschwerden von Lumbago (Hexenschuß), wie bei einem Bandscheibenvorfall.

Auffällige seelische/emotionale Veränderungen und Symptome:

Verlangt Gesellschaft, behandelt die Anwesenden aber unfreundlich/aggressiv

starkes Pflichtgefühl; will Gefühle mit dem Intellekt kontrollieren; daher sehr schreckhaft bei plötzlichen (unkontrollierbaren) Geräuschen oder Berührung.

Auffällige allgemeine Veränderungen und Symptome:

fröstelig und sehr zugluftempfindlich, besonders, wenn erhitzt

Auffällige körperliche Veränderungen und Symptome:

deutliche Schwellung der Oberlider. Magenschmerz bei Furcht oder Schreck

Atembeschwerden/Husten mit Stechen in der Brust,

Rückenschmerz während der Wehen +/o. nach der Entbindung

<: zwischen 2 - 4 h., muß sich dabei im Bett aufsetzen/Kälte/Winter/Liegen auf der schmerzhaften Seite;

>: Wärme/vorübergebeugt Sitzen (Atemnot)/frische Luft/Bewegung;



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum