Lacs allgemein Anhang


[Amati Holle]




Lac-c.:Lac-cap. Lac-d. Lac-e.

Lac elefantis asiatica

Lac felinum


Lac leoninum. = Löwemilch

Lac-loxodonto. Farina = Elefantenmilch

Lac lupinum. = Wolfsmilch

Lac-or. = Kaninchenmilch

Lac-o. = Schafsmilch

Lac owleum (Lac-o) .

Lac oryctolagi cuniculi,

Lac-pv. = Seehundemilch

Lac simiae.

Lac suilinum. = Schweinemilch

Lac ursinum. =

Lac-v.: = Kuhmilch/= Lac-d-ähnlich + Rheuma, lustlos, verstopft, Beschwerden beidseitig + gleichseitig


Lac vaccinum flos. = Sahne/= Schmutz (Schweiz)

Lac-vh = H-Milch

Lac-vs: = Lac-d-ähnlich + Rheuma

Lac-vaccinum buthyraeum: depressiv, Zukunft hoffnungslos, Blähungen von After + Gebärmutter

Orot-ac. = Uracil-6-carbonsäure/= Molkensäure

Sacch-l. = Milchzucker


Lac-a. = Lacticum acidum    Milchsäure  C3H6O3

Milchsäure wird in der Regel durch Gärung aus Lactose (Milchzucker), Stärke, Saccharose (Rohrzucker) oder Molke hergestellt. Sie verursacht u.a. das Sauerwerden

von Milch. Sie wird bei der Herstellung von Käse, Sauerkraut, alkoholfreien Getränken (z. B. Limonaden) und anderen Nahrungsmitteln eingesetzt.

Angst Erwachsen zu  werden und Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Sich über den “Ernst des Lebens“ hinweg schwindeln.

Beschwerden durch: Geschäftliche Schwierigkeiten

GG:     Trägheit, Abneigung gegen Arbeit, Abneigung Lesen, Macht Fehler buchstabierend; schreibend; lässt Worte aus, Gedächtnisschwäche.

Träume: Von einem bodenlosen Abgrund.

Körperliche Symptome: Versorgung, Muttermilchbezug, Morgenübelkeit. Diabetes, Wirbelsäulenschmerz, Seekrankheit, licht- und geruchsempfindlich, kindliche Stimme, Stimmverlust, Ohnmachtsneigung.

Schmerz: Schwellung, Steifheit und Empfindlichkeit der Gelenke,

schlimmer durch Bewegung, flüchtige Schmerzen in den Gliedmaßen,

Schmerzen entlang des rechten Ischiasnervs. Übelkeit, Erbrechen,

Brennen und Gefühl eines Gewichtes.

Anhaltende Übelkeit; Übelkeit, beim Erwachen, vor dem Aufstehen;

Empfindlich gegen Licht und Geruch

Besserung: durch Essen

Ergänzt: psor


Lac-as. Lac asinum    Eselsmilch

Von allen als gutmütiger Esel (Trottel) ausgenutzt.

Beschwerden nach: Demütigungen, beschämt werden

GG: hält sich für einen Dummkopf,

Mitgefühl mit allen Ausgestoßenen, liebt Pferde.

Gutmütiger “Trottel”, treu, freundlich und sympathisch.

Lässt sich ausnutzen. arbeitet schwer und wird dennoch beschimpft.

Lastenträger, Prügelknabe, als „Depp“ schikaniert werden.

Lässt alles mit sich machen.

Ängste: in engen Fahrzeugen, vor Fehltritten, Feuer, Wasser

Träume: Schlägerei, geprügelt werden, verfolgt werden, Schlachtszenen, Messer,

Rebellen, „es geht ihnen der Gaul durch“

Körperliche Symptome:    Verletzungsfolgen, Diabetes, Allergie,

Warzen an den Händen

Abneigung     gegen geistige Anstrengung, begreift nur langsam.

Verlangen nach deftigen Speisen. Schnitzel, Brot.

DD.: Barium, Eselsdistel = Onopordon


Lac-c. Lac caninum        Rottweiler- Hundemilch  

„Ich muss mich unterordnen oder mächtig sein, damit ich den Respekt nicht verliere“.

GG: muss sich richtig (unterwürfig) verhalten, um nicht aus dem Rudel ausgeschlossen zu werden.

Hierarchie, Daseinsberechtigung, Verlassenheit, Selbstverachtung.

Beschwerden nach: Abstillen, Diphtherie, Missbrauch, Verlust von Vater, Mutter, frühe Verlassenheit, Isolation, als Kind im Krankenhaus. Ausgestoßen aus der Gruppe.

Ängste: vor dem Tod, vor Ohnmacht, um die Gesundheit. Es könnte etwas geschehen.

„Ich bin wertlos, hässlich sonst würde ich doch nicht ausgeschlossen sein“.

Körperliche Symptome: Seitenwechsel der Symptome.

Rheuma, Diphtherie nach Verlust der Mutter, PMS, Stillprobleme,

Warze am Finger,

Persönlichkeiten:    Kaspar Hauser, Moogli, Rambo, Charles Bronson, Sylvester Stallone.


Lac-cap. Lac caprinum            Ziegenmilch

Durch Position mit Durchsetzungskraft nach oben kommen.

Dort einen sicheren Ort finden. Ehrgeiz.

“Man darf sich keine Blöße geben oder Anstoß erregen”.

GG: Ertragen keine Beeinträchtigung oder Unterbrechung durch andere. Können ungeduldig und nörglerisch sein, verbergen viel Ärger. Schlagen aus Zorn,

Reizbar über Kleinigkeiten.

Misstrauisch, Konflikte. Verlangen nach hoher, gesellschaftlicher Position, um Gefühl der Verletzbarkeit zu kompensieren.

Ängste: was andere über sie sagen, einträgliche, sichere Position verlieren. Überrascht zu werden und keine Möglichkeit zur Flucht zu haben, Herzinfarkt mit Todesahnung.

Äußerer Hals wird als verletzlich empfunden.

Körperliche Symptome: Hals zugluftempfindlich, knackende Gelenke,

Kopfschmerzen mit regelmäßigem Niesen und Augenzwinkern, steifer Nacken,

Schweißfüße. Wandernde Schmerzen, linksseitig; brennende Magenschmerzen nach dem Essen.

Verlangen:    Gebratenes, kalte Milch, Gewürze, Süßigkeiten.

Träume:    vom Gericht und Gerichtssälen, mit Freunden zu streiten.

hintergangen zu werden.


Lac-h. Lac humanum        Muttermilch    Frauenmilch

Mutter-Kind Beziehung, Versorgung, Fürsorge, Starke Verlustängste,

Verbindung zum Göttlichen und Menschlichen. Wer bin ich als Mensch? Besondere Rolle zwischen Gott und Tier.  Große Ansprüche auf höhere Entwicklung. Menschliche Instinkte

sind nicht erwünscht.

Gemeinschaft, Gerechtigkeit, Moral, Ethik u. a.,  Spannungsfeld: materiell und ideell.

„Ich darf an Geld nicht anhaften“.

„Ich muss so tun, als ob ich niemanden brauchte“.

Konflikt von Abhängigkeit und Unabhängigkeit.

Beschwerden nach:    Tod der Mutter,  einer geliebten Person oder eines Haustiers, nach dem Abstillen, Ungestillt sein. Fühlt sich danach isoliert und Verlassen. Abstillen, unerfüllter Kinderwunsch, Missbrauch, unerwünschtes Kind sein, unterdrückter Zorn, Missbrauch, unterdrückter Zorn.

GG:    Grübeln, Brüten. Abneigung gegen Gesellschaft, Verlangen nach Einsamkeit. Traurigkeit, kann nicht weinen, stiller Kummer. Nichts gelingt, fühlt sich unglücklich. isoliert. Hast, Eile. Mangel an Selbstvertrauen. Hilflosigkeit, Gleichgültigkeit allem gegenüber. Entrüstung, Empörung. Liebt Kinder.

Wahnidee:    hält sich für wertlos; außen vor gelassen.

Wahnidee, allein zu sein, keine Freunde zu

haben, oder von Freunden und Verwandten vernachlässigt zu werden. Zwei Willen.

Träume : von Kindern, Neugeborenen.

Körperliche Symptome:    Milcheiweißallergie, Mastitis, verfrühte Menses.


Abneigung:    gegen Reden, Gleichgültigkeit gegen Essen / Trinken. Gefühl von innerer Leere,

autoaggressive Züge, Verletzt sich selbst.

DD.:     Nat-m. Sep. Rhus-t. Staph. Andere Mittel: Carc. Puls.


Lac leoninum                    Löwenmilch

Zugehörigkeit zur Familie oder der soziale Position durch besondere Leistung erbringen.

Beschwerden nach:     Autoritärer Erziehung/ Bezugsperson

GG:     Diktatorisch, selbstgerecht, Will Macht und Gefallen finden. Ehrgeizig. Entrüstung, wenn man durch Leistung nicht den Erfolg hat oder sich falsch beschuldigt fühlt.

Aggressiv gegen hilflose Personen; Konkurrenz gegen Chef, fordert Respekt, hoher Selbstanspruch.

Ängste: Versagen, Höhenangst, Insekten, Beklemmung in engen Räumen.

Träume:Dirigiert, tötet. Vom Fallen, von Löwen.

Körperliche Symptome:    Kopfschmerz mit Verwirrung,

Fußsohlenschmerz, besser beim Gehen. Harte Nägel,

Empfindung wie schweben, taube Extremitäten im Schlaf.

DD.:      Iuba leonis = Mähne des Löwenmännchens

Löwenbezug: Lotus corniculatus, Physostigma venenosum


Lac defloratum            Entrahmte Kuhmilch

Suche nach verlässlicher Bindung und sicherem Platz, braucht Gemeinschaft und Familie.

Beschwerden nach:    Flucht und Vertreibung. Adoptierte Kinder.

In der Schwangerschaft sitzengelassen worden sein.

GG:    Fühlt sich verlassen und ausgeschlossen,  im Stich gelassen.

Träge, mild, Sanft (Puls), fühlen sich ausgelacht; nicht gesättigt sein

Winterdepression, (Hyp. Helianthus), Heimweh; fühlt sich überall fremd.

Ängste: eingeschlossen oder ausgeschlossen zu sein, vor geschlossenen Räumen,

gezwungen werden, verwickelt sein und nicht raus können. Höhenangst. Den Rest des Lebens allein zu bleiben.

Träume:    Verschleppt werden, Zugfahrten, Entführung,

Körperliche Symptome:    verfroren, Kopfschmerz und Migräne besser durch Bandgieren mit frösteln. Reisekrankheit, Winterdepression (Hyp. Helianthus).

Ohnmacht nach Pockenimpfung, Neurodermitis, Hornhaut an den Fersen, verdickte Fußsohle. Schwangerschaftserbrechen, versiegende Milch nach der Geburt,

Stillprobleme, Schrumpfen der Brust.

Abneigung:    Sahne

Verlangt: satt zu sein/genug zu bekommen; Unverträglichkeit von Kuhmilch.

Äußerliche Merkmale:    Neigung zu Korpulenz. Klosterfrauen.

DD.: Carb-a. Fel tauri, Puls.


Lac delfinum                 Delphinmilch

„Die Gemeinschaft gibt Schutz und erfüllt mit Lebensfreude,

Getrennt sein ist Not“.

Beschwerden nach:    Von der Mutter benutzt werden. Zwei Mütter haben (dazwischen stehen) .In der Gruppe sein und nicht in Sicherheit. Schreck und Furcht,

GG: Lebensfreudig, heiter, ausgelassen, kommunikativ; will Teil der Gruppe werden,

Zugehörigkeit gibt Sicherheit und Selbstvertrauen.

Helfer. Jemanden retten wollen. Lenkt sich vor drohenden Gefahren ab;

freundlich, hellsichtig, gern in Gesellschaft ( phos, carc).

Beachtung, Berührung bringt Gemeinschaftsgefühl. Störungen darin machen Depressiv verschlossen.

Ängste:      von Familie oder Gemeinschaft ausgeschlossen zu sein.

Furcht einer drohenden Gefahr allein nicht gewachsen zu sein, Kontakt zu verlieren.

Vor Räubern, Haien, Kraken, Unfällen, Menschenmenge, Platzangst.

Abneigung ins tiefe Wasser zu tauchen.  

Wahnidee: von Schuld, verantwortlich für das Leiden (der Mutter ) anderer zu sein.

Von der Welt getrennt, alleine zu sein, in Gefahr zu sein.

Körperliche Symptome:     wiederkehrende Nebenhöhlenentzündung mit Schwindel, Lungenentzündung. Magenschmerz nach Essen. Kopfschweiß.

Überempfindliches Gehör beim Einschlafen.

Empfindlich: gegen Chlorwasser, Hautjucken.

Verlangen:     Kapern, Schokolade, Eiscreme, gebackene Zwiebelringe, kalte Getränke.


Lac felinum                Katzenmilch

Unabhängig sein, selbst bestimmen.

Beschwerden nach:    Vernachlässigung und Missbrauch

GG:    Bindungsängste, aber auch Eifersucht. Wollen sich selbst befreien, indem sie gegen die Norm verstoßen, unabhängig sein wollen. Gefühl der Wertlosigkeit, krankhaft gewissenhaft.

Coole Erwachsene und gleichzeitig Babysprache.

Ängste:    In Enge zu ersticken, wenn etwas von ihnen erwartet wird, vor dummen Fehlern in der Prüfung. Vor spitzen Gegenständen, Entwürdigung und Beschämung. Um die Sicherheit der Familie. Verfolgt zu werden, Furcht die Treppe herunter zu fallen (ohne Schwindel).

Träume: von Hunden od. Ratten verfolgt zu werden, zu putzen, zu reinigen.

Zu organisieren. Erdbeben.

Körperliche Symptome:    Kopfschmerz über der Stirn, über linkem Auge;

Augensymptome, lichtscheu. Haarausfall, Katzenhaarallergie, Tonisillitis, Zittern der Hände, Empfindlichkeit der Füße, gelbliche Leukorrhoe, schmerzhafte Menses.(Lac-c.).

Schmerzen:     wie zerkratzt

Empfinden:    wie in Watte gepackt, sich auf Wolken zu bewegen.

Abneigung:    jede Form von Enge, Milch.

Verlangen:    nach Fisch, Milch

DD.:        mit Katzenbezug: Antennaria dioica, Corlylus avellana, Teucrium marum, Valeriana offi.

Unabhängigkeit: Medusa, Mytilus, Sep. Lapis marmoreus.

*2 Nach J.K.  Müller;Wissmut      


Lac equinum                Pferdemilch

Konflikt zwischen Pflichterfüllung, Verantwortung und

Drang nach Freiheit und Selbstentfaltung.

Beschwerden nach:    Erwartungsspannung und Reisen

GG:     Diszipliniert, Ehrgeiz, Perfekt, Erfolgszwang. Gefühl seine Pflicht zu vernachlässigen

Selbstüberforderung, aus Angst vor „Fehltritten“.

Träume:    von verfolgt werden, Polizei, erotisch, von Schwierigkeiten auf einer Reise.Von Tieren, erfolglosen Bemühungen, Kämpfen, Töten, Zorn.

Wahnideen:    alles sei schwierig, alles werde fehlschlagen, er werde gehindert, wahnsinnig zu werden. Sitzt in der Falle.

Körperliche Symptome: Beschwerden der Brust, herpesartige Ausschläge, Schnupfen, besser im Freien.

Durchfall, Blähungen, Koliken, Atemwegserkrankungen, Asthma,

Bluthochruck, Bewegungsapparat, Knie, Achillessehne.

Verlangen:    Mag weite Landschaften und das Meer, nach Abwechselung, Bewegungsdrang.

kann weite Strecken laufen, nach Zitronen.

Abneigung:     Schokolade


Lac suinum            Milch vom Hausschwein

Eingesperrt sein. „Ich fühle mich tief verachtet und missbraucht“.

GG:    Völlig zu Unrecht eingesperrt, „zur Sau gemacht“, verurteilt sein. Missbraucht, ausgestoßen, sitzengelassen, wütend und voller Hass, Grausamkeit, Gewalttätigkeit und Brutalität.     Will aus Ohnmacht an die Macht kommen. Zweck heiligt die Mittel. Mitleidlosigkeit und Freudlosigkeit haben das Leben geprägt.

Rachefantasien, (Nit-ac). Zorn gegen sich selbst. Suizid nach Liebesenttäuschung, finanziellen Verlusten, (Aur).

Körperliche Symptome:    starker Hautbezug, Furunkel im Genitalbereich, Akne.

Träume: Vergewaltigung eines Kindes, grausig, Betrug und Verrat. Entdeckung von Schätzen und Schmuck.

DD:    Wildschweine greifen an, haben keine natürlichen Feinde, hinterlassen Verwüstung.

Milch, Borste.

Sanguis suis = Schweineblut

Fel suis = Schweinegalle

Adeps suis = Schweinespeck,

Sangulis suilar    scropha maskulinum oder femininum

Blut vom männlichen oder weiblichen Schwein, Warzen im Gesicht.

(*2 nach K.J. Müller, Wissmut)


Lac lupinum                Wolfsmilch

„Kontakt und Beliebtheit, den Platz in der Gruppe sichern“.

Fürchtet Außenseiter zu sein.

Beschwerden nach:     mangelnder Wärme und Unterstützung in der Familie, musste sich durchbeißen um zu Überleben;

GG:     Selbstzweifel; Isolationsgefühl, verzweifelt,  unschlüssig in seinen Handlungen; Abneigung gegen Gesellschaft. Gelassenheit in schwierigen Situationen. Familienthemen. Verteidigt die Seinen bis zur bedingungslosen Aufopferung, sucht Rückhalt in der Familie/Gruppe, zäher Überlebenswille. Streitsucht, zänkisch gegenüber der Familie. Will andere beschuldigen, zur Verantwortung ziehen. Gern im Wald allein mit sich und den Hunden. Klare Rangordnung ist wichtig.

Ängste: vor Höhe, vor seiner eigenen Aggression, übers Ziel hinauszuschießen.

Träume: Außenseiter sein. Von Hunden und Wölfen, Lämmer zerreißen; von Feuer, Todes-, Gefahr, vor drohendem Unheil. Identitätsverlust, soziale Unterlegenheit.

Körperliche Symptome: Rissige Lippen, rotes Gesicht, Pickel am Unterkiefer;  Zusammenschnürungsgefühl am Kopf, Kopfschmerzen links, dann rechts. Schmerzen, wie wund am Zahnfleisch. Schlechter durch kalte Getränke, reichlicher Speichelfluss, schmerzhafte Trockenheit im Hals, Kratzen, Schmerzen abends beim Schlucken, Verbrennungen. Beschwerden der Knie, unruhiger Schlaf.

Beschwerden nach Hysterektomie. Unstillbarer Appetit und Durst. Krampf nach dem Essen, Magen wie herabhängend, > liegen. Schwäche bei leichter Anstrengung, tödliche Kraftlosigkeit,

Abneigung:    gegen Unfreiheit, enge Kleidung. Winter (Depression). Äpfel, Pfeffer, Anstrengung.

Verlangen:    cremige Speisen, Fisch, Fleisch, gut gewürzte Speisen, Wein.

DD.  Traum Wölfe: Aethusa, Cola, Hura, Lac ovinum, Leccinum versipelle,  Lycopodium, Lycopus ,  virginicus, Lyssinum, Secale,

(*2 nach K.J. Müller, Wissmut)


Lac elefantis asiatica    (Indischer) Elefant

Die eigene Größe verbergen. Hilfsbereit und nützlich sein. Auch nachtragend sein; vergessen nicht so schnell, “Elefantengedächtnis“, nicht wirklich verzeihen können.


Lac oryctolagi cuniculi    Kaninchenmilch

Schüchtern, ängstlich, suchen sie ihren geschützten Raum.

Meiden alle Gefahren. Enge Mutterbeziehung. Anklammern,

suchen Zärtlichkeit. Reinlich, pingelig.

Vergleich: Pili oryctolagi cuniculi (Kaninchenhaar) *2


Lac oviunum       Schafsmilch  

Dürfen aus dem familiär vorgegebenen Verhaltensmuster nicht ausbrechen.

„Sobald man den eigenen Weg geht, gibt es auf die Nase“.*2


Lac phascolarctos    Koalabär

Antriebsarm, zutraulich, sich anklammern, schweigsam.

Trinken nichts. Extrem dickes Fell. (Hautauschläge)

Essstörungen. Bulimie, Anorexie. *2


Lac phoca vitulina    Seehund

Zerschlagenheitsgefühle, Getrenntheitsgefühle, abgetrennt von Nahestehenden ("Heuler") - kann die Trennung nicht überwinden.


Lac simiae    Meerkatzen-milch (Affe)

Spaßig. Lustig. Gesellig. Unkonzentriert, gedankenlos.

Findet nicht den richtigen Weg. Hängen sich an die Mutter.

Verletzte Intimsphäre. Gekränkt.

Verlangen zu Reisen. (wurden geschmuggelt).

Verlorene Freiheit (versklavt). Arm und Einsam.

Kratzt sich am Kopf, wund hinter den Ohren.

s.a. Lac ceropeticus



[Patricia Haetherly]

Any discussion on "Milk" must acknowledge its role in providing inner nourishment on a physical and psychological level. As a symbol of immortality, it may be found in different cultures and literary traditions (Celts/Christians/Greeks/Hindus/followers of Islam). The Israelites searched for the Land of Milk and Honey while Mohammed is reputed to have said: "To dream of milk is to dream of learning and knowledge“.

Actually, to dream of milk is understood, in dream symbology, to be a very positive message from one's unconscious. And while it may suggest a need for deep and fundamental nourishment, it infers that it is available. In particular, a dream of  breastfeeding may be about nourishing the needy inner child or it may be about offering spiritual inspiration to others. On the other hand, to dream of asking for or drinking milk, suggests a need for

spiritual sustenance. In this regard, I find it intriguing that Sankaran's proving elicited the rubric: [Dream: mother asking for milk] as it implies that the traditional giver of nourishment is physically and psychologically bereft.

It's what I call the Curse of Eve. the Catch-22 situation that perpetuates in "developed" cultures as women struggle to balance what they give to their offspring against

what they give to themselves.

Mammals are primed to nourish their offspring ex-utero with a substance that is designed in a species-specific way to complete the cycle of growth and development that

was initially governed by the placenta. (provings of Placenta and Lac Maternum suggests that they are similar in many aspects and that is not surprising as the nourishment afforded by the placenta is via maternal red blood cells and that of colostrum is via maternal white blood cells.)

However, interesting as that may be, it is the business of Milk that is under discussion, and the role that female mammals play in providing for the next generation.

Each mammal's milk is unique unto itself within the broader confines of being a substance that contains water; amino acids (protein); carbohydrate (lactose); fat and minerals (ash). This situation of species-specificity is Nature's way of ensuring that each mammal is initially nourished

with a substance that uniquely gives it an optimum start in Life. For instance seal's milk is very high in protein and fat. This is to ensure that the calf grows quickly and is able to put down fat to protect it against its hostile environment as well as to be able to sustain itself for days at a time while the mother goes off to feed herself. Kangaroo milk is low in solids and has a very high water content which is consistent with the harsh dry conditions of its habitat.

Human milk, on the other hand is low in protein (we grow slowly) and high in lactose as lactose is a prime promoter of brain growth.

Humans are primates and there is good correspondence between the profiles of the human, baboon, monkey and orang-utan milks. Generally primates lactate for 6x the gestation rate.

In primitive cultures females feed their infants for many years and will even kill a newborn if they accidentally reproduce again while they are still lactating. Harsh as this may seem, it is a definitive statement regarding the crucial role that human milk plays in sustaining an infant. When there is no way a mother can reach for a tin of formula, her options are limited.


UNESCO tells us that over a million babies die each year due to lack of breast milk. In situations where mothers think that they are choosing the sophisticated or "scientific" option, the realities of lack of clean water; poor sanitation and insufficient funds to buy formula and pay for heating soon hit home and babies die of malnutrition or infection.

This is a shame as the milk of a mother in a personally-deprived situation differs but little from that of her more well-fed sister. Milk is a universal substance with much consistency with respect to all constituents across all races and geographical areas; and while diet may affect levels of fat and some vitamins and minerals, it does not affect the whey component (= 60% of the protein in mature human milk [90% of colostrum]). This contains a wealth of components never found on the side of a tin of formula.

Apart from the full complement of vitamins, minerals (incl. trace elements) and fatty acids (of which the short chain ones promote gut closure and therefore help protect against allergies and Giardia and the long chain ones optimise CNS development) human milk is unique in that it also contains:

a range of antioxidants two specialist proteins (al-antipripsin and a2-macroglobulin protein) which offer protection against Influenza; Parainfluenza and Rotavirus its very

own Bifidus factor which enhances proliferation of lactobacilli thereby inhibiting some E. coli and Enterobacteriaceae including shigella and salmonella bile salt-stimulated lipase which generates fatty acids and monoglycerides that inactivate Giardia Lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica & Trichomonas vaginalis complement; which protects against

E. coli a range of cytokines which initiate and stimulate host defence; prevent auto-immunity; have anti-inflammatory effects on the upper respiratory and GIT and stimulate development of the digestive system 20 different enzymes which perform various functions including bio-synthesis and preservation of milk components in the mammary gland/a transport and anti-infective role and promoting digestive function in the neonate epidermal growth factor which promotes increased growth and maturation of the foetal pulmonary epithelium; stimulates ornithine decarboxylase activity and DNA synthesis in the digestive tract and accelerates the healing of wounds (abraded nipples) gangliosides which are thought to help protect the neonate from toxin-induced diarrhoea (E.coli and V. cholerae).

immunoglobulins of which more than 30 have been identified. 18 from maternal serum, the rest are found exclusively in the milk and slgA (which is found in levels 5x that of maternal serum) is the most important of these. Immunoglobulins protect mucosa and have bacterial and viral neutralising capacity. SlgA is known to protect against:

Enteroviruses [Poliovirus types 1, 2, 3; Coxsackievirus types A9, B3, B5; Echovirus types 6 & 9J; Herpes virus [Cytomegalovirus; Herpes simplex]; Semliki forest virus;

Respiratory syncytial virus; Rubella; Reovirus type 3 and Rotavirus. IgM and IgG protect against Respiratory syncytial virus and Rubella a range of hormones that perform a variety of functions interferon which also has antiviral activity interleukins which are a sub-group of cytokines which augment the newborn's immune system by increasing antibody production (especially IgA); enhancing phagocytosis; activating T cells and increasing al-antitrypsin production by mononuclear phagocytes lactoferrin which binds iron and therefore inhibits host-pathogen interactions lactoperoxidase which destroys streptococci and enteric bacteria

• lymphocytes of which human milk contains both the T (thymus) and B (bursa) types. These lymphocytes transfer long-lasting maternal antibodies to the infant; and synthesise slgA antibodies in the breast

• lysozyme which lyses bacteria through destruction of the cell wall. It is found in large quantities in the stool of breastfed babies and is thought, therefore, to affect gut


• macrophages which synthesise complement, lactoferrin and lysozyme and perform a variety of other functions including phagocytosis of fungi and bacteria

• nucleotides which constitute 15-20% of the non-protein nitrogen in human milk. Thought to influence the immune system; iron absorption; intestinal flora; plasma lipoproteins and growth of intestinal and hepatic cells

• oligosaccharides of which more than 80 have been identified. They inhibit the binding of enteropathogens to their host receptors


Milk substitutes and health risks

Furthermore, when assessing the role that human milk plays in optimising physical maturation, consideration needs also to be given to the range of known disadvantages that beset the Infant raised on a breastmilk substitute. Not only does he miss out on all the unique benefits listed above; his gut flora is different from that of his breastfed friend, and he may have to deal with:

too much aluminium

too much manganese

too much lead

too much cadmium

too much iron

transgenic soy and yeast

traces of algae and fungi used to manufacture the long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids

found in tins of a "gold" standard and selected by well-meaning mothers who want what's best for their infants

hexane used to produce the above Enterobacter Sakazakii (found in up to 14% of tins of formula and the reason why maternity wards stock only ready-made formulas);

tins are banned from hospitals because of this bacteria

Added to this is the fact that the lipids in formula are included according to availability and price. Perusal of a range of tins of formula will identify a variety of sources including: coconut; corn; "marine oils" [genetically engineered from algae]; palm olein; soy lecithin and vegetable (probably safflower).

Interestingly, research published in 2003' suggests that healthy term infants fed a formula containing palm oil as the predominant oil in the fat blend had significant lower

bone mineral content and bone mineral density than those fed formula without palm oil (specifically: safflower; coconut and soy). Therefore, the inclusion of palm oil in

infant formula at levels needed to provide a fatty acid profile similar to that of human milk, may lead to lower bone mineralisation as it has been shown to lower calcium

and fat absorption.

However it is their role in potentiating central nervous system development that best defines the lipids in milk; and it's a well-established fact that breastfeeding increases intelligence (look at all the "memory deficient" rubrics in the Lacs). Although this comes about largely due to the high amounts of lactose in human milk, it is also due to

the long-chain PUFAs which abound in human milk when mothers simply include plenty of seafoods in their diet.


Milk Matters

Humans are the only mammals on the planet who habitually drink the milk of other species.

It is understood in veterinary circles that feeding non-species-specific milk to an animal causes apnoeic episodes. This happens to the Calc-p. infant when he "refuses mother's milk". He's simply not able to breathe easily at the breast because of aggravation from bovine fragments in his mother's milk. No amount of Calc-p. will remedy this unless

the maintaining cause (dairy in the maternal diet) is removed.

The irony in this situation is that infants are often weaned in such instances and then are at an increased risk in the long term of:

Obesity (artificially fed infants consume 30.000 more calories than breastfed babies in the first 8 months). The obesity issue is, however, complicated by the fact that research conducted in the 70’s demonstrated that the DPT vaccination interferes with insulin metabolism

Crohn's disease

Ulcerative colitis

Coeliac disease

Cardiovascular disease

Type 2 diabetes

In the short term there is an increased risk of SIDS as well as:

NEC (Necrotising Entero-colitis) and late onset Sepsis. if you're a preterm infant

Bacterial meningitis (in the NICU [Neonatal Intensive Care Unit] it's the Tubercular miasm infants who have bleeding into the brain when they're given "human milk fortifier" [= cow's milk formula])



Upper respiratory tract infections and otitis media

Urinary tract infections

Added is an increased risk of type 1 diabetes (because the majority of breastmilk substitutes are based on cow's milk; the bovine Lacs have a long history in treating diabetes); allergies and asthma.



[Philip M. Bailey]

Until quite recently remedies made from milk occupied a relatively small niche in our materia medica, and it was only Lac caninum that was familiar to most homeopaths.

This has changed markedly over the past 20 years, thanks to the contributions of homeopaths (Nancy Herrick/Rajan Sankaran), who undertook provings of animal milks.

We now have a whole family of remedies derived from human and animal milks, and a growing understanding of their common and their individual qualities. It has become clear that these remedies are very deep acting when used constitutionally, since they address themselves to the earliest of traumas, the failure to bond adequately with the mother at birth.

My experience using Lac remedies has shown me that it is not the birth trauma that produces a Lac picture constitutionally. If that were the case, we would only need one

Lac remedy. Rather, particular Lac remedies run in families, and are inherited genetically. When a baby is born with a Lac constitution, it is more liable to have trouble forming a bond with its mother for two reasons. Firstly, its mother often has a Lac constitution, and therefore is intrinsically at a disadvantage with regard to forming a bond with her child. And secondly, the child itself, resonating constitutionally to a Lac frequency, is less able to bond fully.

In some cases both mother and child have the same Lac constitution, but the clinical picture is mild. In other words, the mother-child bond was established relatively normally, and the child grew up expressing the psychological and physical profile of a Lac remedy, but in its more benign form. In other cases, bonding was severely compromised, and in these cases the clinical pictures of both mother and the child express the more pathological degrees of Lac symptomatology.

Let us now consider the general themes that are encountered in Lac remedies.

Missing Foundation

Breast milk is our first sustenance. It provides all the physical nourishment we require and forms the basis for psychic bonding with our mother. This bonding is the foundation for our psychological development as a separate being. Through bonding to our mother we continue to be protected, as we were in the womb. We are still one with our mother, and hence safe. Only after bonding has successfully been established, can we begin to separate safely, to experience ourselves as separate entities, yet connected to mother, and hence to the world.

In Lac cases bonding was never fully established with the mother. This missing foundation underlies all the various dynamics that typify the Lac state.

There are many reasons why bonding may have been unsuccessful. One common reason is that the mother was in a Lac state, and hence was not available emotionally.

Lac mothers very often give birth to Lac children. If the mother did not bond with her mother, she cannot bond with her child. In such cases the mother may be aware of a profound distance between herself and her child.

Often love will grow in time, but the child’s psychological foundations have already been severely affected.

There may be various physical reasons why the mother cannot bond with the child. She may be severely ill after giving birth, and hence not available energetically. She may have post-natal depression. Or the child may be premature, or so delicate that she cannot be nursed by her mother, and must lie alone in an incubator. All these scenarios are encountered in Lac cases.

Very often in Lac cases there is a history of separation from the mother during the first two years of life. This can weaken an already shaky bond with the mother, and further threaten the individual’s sense of personal security.

Equally common is a history of difficulties in breastfeeding. It does not seem to matter whether the difficulties appeared to come from the mother (= lack of milk) or from the child (poor attachment to the breast).


When a baby is born, it instinctively moves towards the mother’s breast. This reaching out towards the mother is the first movement of the child towards a specific goal, and it lays the foundation for healthy children.

connections with other people later in life. When this first movement is interrupted, the individual grows up not knowing how to connect with other people.

Famous studies of new born babies showed that when their mother did not respond to their reaching out, they tried again and again to reach her.

After several attempts fail to elicit a response, the baby stops reaching out, and withdraws. This withdrawal from contact is a kind of giving up, and it is seen in every Lac case.

Lac individuals lack prior experience of reliable close connection. Rather, they have the early imprint of failing to connect with mother. The initial healthy reaching out movement toward the other was interrupted.

As a consequence, when they are faced with the possibility of relationship later in life, they cannot reach out and trust that the bond will be reliable. That would only open the original wound. If they do manage to open up and form a close bond with another, the loss of such a bond feels absolutely devastating. It repeats the original traumatic experience after birth, of losing the mother, who is everything.

A baby who has no contact with another person becomes autistic.

In Lac cases contact is there, but bonding is incomplete. The result is a person who is constantly in a dilemma - should I try again to connect

(Gestures, makes: grasping or reaching at something – Millenium), or should I protect myself? This is a fundamental dynamic in Lac cases. The person feels torn between the two movements – towards or away. Yes or No. As a result, ambivalence is a key symptom in most Lac cases.

The original ambivalence towards attempts at connection continues later in life, whenever a connection to another person is considered. And this basic ambivalence spreads out, to cover reactions toward many things. Should I move towards Life or Death? Towards Expression or Silence? Towards Independence or Connectedness? Towards Feeling, or Neutrality? It is the basis of the well-known Lac tendency to feel pulled between looking after self, and connecting to others.

Paradise Lost

A newborn child has just emerged from the paradise of the womb, where it felt at one with its environment. The movement towards Mother is a movement toward safety, a continuation of connectedness. When this is not possible, the child tries to retreat back into the womb. It curls up and withdraws its senses. In Lac people we see an attempt to withdraw away from life, back into the paradise of the womb, or even the spiritual world, whence came the child’s soul.

Two manifestations of this attempt are narcotic use, and spiritual identification. In both cases, the individual seeks to return to a prenatal feeling of oneness.

Most Lac cases are not addicted to narcotics. The spiritual realm is more often chosen as a haven from the cold isolation felt in this world. Most Lac individuals are spiritual people, in both senses of the word. They have some experience of higher states of consciousness, and they identify with philosophies which emphasize spiritual realities.

Frequently, they identify with New Age philosophy, a kind of user friendly religion, which emphasizes that you are Spirit, and all things are possible. In so doing, the Lac individual maintains the split that occurred at birth, between Heaven and Earth. In effect, she says ‘No thanks’ to life on Earth. Many individuals who responded deeply to a Lac remedy have commented, ‘I never really fully committed to being here on Earth.’

This denial of Earth-based reality is common in Lac cases. They appear as ‘space-cadets,’ more interested in your Sun-sign than in a real connection; more keen to heal the planet’s Heart chakra, than to connect with their own injured feelings. And their original retreat to a prior paradise was a desperate one, hence this desperation can be seen in the zealous manner in which Lac individuals express their spirituality. If you affirm their attachment to Spirit, they can feel secure. If you do not, they begin to doubt it, and then they may have to feel the terrible loneliness of the newborn child, disconnected from its mother. Repeating the mantra, ‘I am surrounded by white light’ is a poor substitute for early maternal bonding.

Alone and Co-dependent

Having failed to bond completely with Mother, the Lac child feels very alone, and this feeling never leaves her. She will feel alone for the rest of her life, unless she experiences profound healing. Even if she is in a long-term, committed relationship, she is liable to feel alone, and most Lac individuals find it hard to maintain such relationships.

Lac cases often report that they feel cut off from the world, alone and unsupported. (Lac clients very often use the word ‘unsupported’ in their histories).

Just as the newborn defended itself by withdrawing, so the Lac individual tends to isolate himself, not daring to feel the devastation of further failures at reaching out.

Like Natrium, he becomes good at caring for others, whilst being unable to care for himself.

The Lac child cannot bear to simply lose the mother. Instead, he seeks to win her love.

Lac cases typically report that they tried as children to please their mother, and as adults they continue to try. They were ‘good’ children, just like Nat-m., helpful and responsible. Very often they were the eldest child, helping mother by shouldering some of her responsibilities towards the other children. They thus became like little

adults. Later, they continue to take responsibility for other people, and feel guilty when they don’t.

In this sense Lac cases have unclear boundaries.


There is a mother – child dynamic that is very typical in Lac cases. The patient says that as a child they looked after their mother.

In other words, the roles were reversed. I have had Lac children complain to me that their mother behaves like a child. They were referring to the mother’s dependency, and her emotional immaturity.

Lac constitutions, like other constitutions, run in families. Very often the mother and the child both respond to the same Lac remedy. In such cases it is common for the mother to use emotional blackmail to maintain the care she gets from her child. She may say, ‘You are killing me’ when the daughter comes home late from a night out, and the daughter, who has grown up hearing how much her mother has sacrificed for her, feels very guilty. Here both mother and daughter are acting out Lac programmes.

The daughter is looking after her mother, in order to win her love. The mother uses her daughter for support, since she feels so alone and unsupported. During consultations Lac mothers will often bring a child in for support. Even though the child is only ten years old, he will correct his mother’s mistakes, point out symptoms his mother has forgotten, and hug his mother when she cries. The mother appears to have no idea that this relationship is inappropriate. This dynamic is especially seen in one-parent families, which are surprisingly common when the mother is a Lac individual.

As the Lac child of a Lac mother grows up, he begins to resent the manipulation that he senses his mother is using. He is used as a confidant and partner by his mother, and this puts enormous pressure on him. By the time he is a teenager, he is liable to have developed a lot of anger towards his mother, an anger that usually survives well into adulthood. When a case revolves around anger towards the mother, a Lac remedy is often indicated. With regard to Lac mothers, two very different dynamics are typically seen. One is the mother who could not bond with her child, and remains detached. She may do her best to be a good mother, but she knows she does not feel the closeness

to her child that she should. She may favour another child, or even be actively unkind toward the child she could not bond with. In the latter case, it is as if she took out

on the child all the anger she felt when she, as a child, was rejected by her mother.

The other common Lac dynamic is the Lac mother who is totally dependent upon her child for love and emotional security. Since she could not find it from her mother, she seeks it in her child. Here is a being who needs her so much that she can rely on the connection.

In these cases the roles are reversed, and the child grows up looking after the mother. (In practice, we also see a mixed picture, where the mother is cool to the child, yet still manages to rely on the child and be looked after by her).

Mother and child themes run through Lac cases in many ways.

A Lac patient will often dream of children in danger, and sometimes of saving such children.

In life many Lac people are staunch advocates for mothers and children, often in professional roles. This advocacy is seen especially often in Lac humanum cases.

Where is the Man?

Single-parent families are extraordinarily common in Lac households. The majority of the Lac mothers I have treated were single mothers.

I have wondered why this is so, and come to the following hypotheses.

~ The Lac woman does not trust love. In a relationship with a man this mistrust has the effect of pushing the man away. Subconsciously, the Lac mother feels safe

with her children, but not with her husband.

~ The Lac mother develops such a dependency on her child that she excludes her partner. This can contribute to a relationship break-up.

~ Lac people tend to be co-dependent. Thus a Lac woman may attract a man who needs looking after, become pregnant, and then realize she cannot be a mother to the

man as well as the child.

~ Lac women are less likely than most to be willing to have an abortion after an unplanned pregnancy. This may be in part due to emotional sensitivity, and also the fact

that they may have dreamt of the close contact they would enjoy with their child.

Even when the Lac mother stays with her partner, there is a tendency for her to push him out of the picture.

Lac clients often report that their father was in the background and the mother was dominant at home. Sometimes the Lac mother is so dependent upon her child for

emotional support that she breast-feeds until the child is three or four, and keeps her in the bed with her at night. This has the effect of pushing the father away.

He cannot compete with this intense mother-child bond, and so he withdraws. The Lac child grows up feeling that her father in ineffectual, and later she tends to see

all men in this light.

When the Lac child grows up without the strong presence of a father, she tends to identify with her mother. This often involves taking on her mother’s resentment towards men. But where does this resentment come from? Again, there are several possible origins.

~ The mother resents her own father, because he did not protect her from her needy mother.

~ The mother resents her husband, because she feels unsupported by him.

~ A man or men have actively been cruel to her.

Whatever the dynamics, many Lac women are distrustful of men, and some are overtly hostile. The hostility expressed towards men in the past by aspects of the Feminist movement can be due, to some extent, to this hostility that many Lac women feel (often unconsciously) towards men.

Lac women have a strong tendency to advocate for the right so f women and children, and this has led to many of them being involved previously in the Feminist movement.


In my experience, the single most characteristic feature of most Lac cases is the way they feel that they are a victim. They tend to express helplessness, and to complain about how unfairly others have treated them. Indeed, they express a lot of indignation about this. As long as they remain caught in this victim-consciousness, they are

unable to move forward in life. Taking the correct Lac remedy can often do a lot to break this tendency. Victim-consciousness is a defence mechanism which the

Lac individual uses to avoid feeling his own feelings of hurt and helplessness. When the small child feels rejected by his mother, there is a tendency for him to blame himself. Low self-esteem and self-criticism are features common to all Lac remedies. In order to protect himself, he turns the blame onto his mother, and becomes her victim. This first defence is repeated with other people later on, becoming a pattern. Whenever the Lac person feels rejected, he reacts with anger and indignation, and with blame. This is less painful than feeling the hurt which lies beneath.

Lac cases actually use the word ‘victim’ frequently during the consultation. They may be referring to themselves, but just as often they project victimhood onto others.

One woman who responded well to Lac felinum, referred to her partner as a victim, and said he was like a starving man at a banquet, who could not see the food in front

of him. She was describing herself precisely. Another word which Lac cases use over and over is ‘ Abuse’. It matters not whether actual abuse occurred, or how serious it

was. It is the frequency of use of the word which stands out in Lac cases, irrespective of the facts.

Lac people feel that they have been abused, because they did not feel protected by their mother. Of course, when the mother-child bond is weak, actual abuse is more likely

to happen. It is very common for Lac individuals to say that they were their mother’s scapegoat or whipping boy and in some cases this appears to be true.


Equally common is the complaint from a Lac individual that they have no support. They feel unsupported by their parents, unsupported by their friends, unsupported by their work colleagues. Sometimes this is true, because Lac people, by pulling away from others, cut off their own support systems.

One highly characteristic feature of Lac cases is the way they cut themselves off from their own family of origin. So often they refuse to have contact, citing terrible treatment they have received from the whole family. This is usually more about the perception of the Lac individual. She does not trust love, and will push it away rather

than risk being hurt again. After taking a Lac remedy, many people re-establish contact with their family, and no longer have to be on guard to make sure they are not emotionally abused.

Community Awareness and Advocacy

Every wound has within it the seeds of its own healing. In Lac cases, the wound of abandonment leads the Lac individual to seek connection with the community as a whole. Unable to nurture herself with one-to-one contacts, she develops an interest in community affairs, and will often find a job working for community organizations.

In fact, she is often enthusiastic about community to the point of being zealous. The community replaces her own family, and her fierce dedication to community reflects how much she needs this connection. In Lac consultations the word ‘community’ is often spoken many times by the client.

Community involvement offers the Lac individual two means of overcoming his sense of isolation. Firstly, by helping the community he feels more worthy, and also more needed. And secondly, by living in close interaction with the local community, he no longer feels so alone. Part of Lac’s attraction to community work is his need to help

others. This is a key-note feature of Lac cases. They offer the support that they themselves wish to receive. For the Lac individual, the community takes the place of the family, just as God or Spirit may take the place of father.

The need to help is accompanied in Lac cases by a strong aversion to injustice. Thus many Lac individuals become advocates, particularly for women and children. I have been struck by the fact that it is only my Lac clients that use the word ‘advocate’ in consultations. They identify strongly with the role. The Lac person’s work with community, and her strong sense of injustice, usually reflect a left-wing political bias. However Lac is generally more interested in community and in spirituality than in politics.

Rebel with a Cause

One of Lac’s primary defences is to rebel. The newborn’s move away from his mother, when he has not been taken in, is the first ‘No,’ and it is followed by many more. Mother is not only the original source of nourishment. She is also the first authority. The child’s withdrawal is not only a protection, but also the beginning of a kind

of rebellion. Later on, he will feel the need to rebel against authority, particularly when that authority is seen as uncaring. This combination of rebellion and sensitivity to  injustice often results in the Lac person become an activist. The intensity of the Lac activist’s commitment to the cause is directly proportional to his own sense of indignation at being abandoned.



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