Lilium tigrinum Anhang


[Petr Zacharias]

Through clear and concise comparative materia medica, homeopath Petra Zacharias helps us distinguish between a number of remedies.

Pulsatilla, Cactus grandiflorus, Lilium tigrinum, Sepia : Which of these remedies covers the following symptoms as keynotes. Bearing down sensation > lying down, constriction about heart, snappishness and > open air.

The correct answer is Lilium tigrinum. Let´s take a closer look at these remedies to see the differences. We all know that bearing down sensation is very characteristic for Lilium tigrinum and Sepia as well. While in Sepia this sensation forces the patient to sit down with legs crossed, in Lilium tigrinum we see rather desire to lie down.

Those remedies can appear superficially similar as both desire activity and both are irritable but Sepia is irritable and weak, Lilium is irritable and full of energy.

Sepia has an aversion to sex while Lilium has strong sexual desire initially that has been suppressed in vast majority of cases.

Apart from this area, it is important to know that Lilium tigrinum affects the heart causing symptoms resembling Angina pectoris. In this respect it is similar to Cactus grandiflorus as both have sensation as if heart is squeezed by iron hand. When the pathology has come that far, we can see the different history in Lilium and Cactus that preceded the developing of the heart troubles. In Lilium we can often see the history of strong suppression of sexual desire while in Cactus we can trace the rheuma which s very similar to that of Rhus toxicodendron with the difference that in Cactus it eventually degenerates into heart lesions. In angina pectoris there is a difference too as in Cactus we can see that the constriction of heart is accompanied by the pain in the left hand (compare Latrodectus), in Lilum tigrinum it is accompanied by the pain in the right hand.

In Cactus we see altogether different mental picture which is one of sadness and depression while in Lilium there is snappishness and irritability. In regard to symptoms in our quiz, Cactus is strongly aggravated by lying down which is exact opposite of Lilium tigrinum, esp. in uterine symptoms.  The last remedy in our quiz is Pulsatilla which can be also confused with Sepia as both weep easily, both have desire for open air and both affect the female genitalia but while Pulsatilla is aggravated by weeping,

Sepia is > by weeping. Pulsatilla craves consolation, Sepia is aggravated by it. Sepia wants to be alone, Pulsatilla is aggravated when alone. Pulsatilla is aggravated by sun, Sepia is ameliorated by sun. Pulsatilla is right sided, Sepia is left sided, Pulsatilla sleeps on back, Sepia on abdomen, etc.



[M.L. Tyler]


A PRECIOUS remedy for most distressing conditions: well proved and of every definite and distinguishing symptoms ,and yet not enough realized and understood, is

Lilium tigrinum. Tiger lily is a powerful poison, and therefore medicine. We read that a child put an anther of one of these lilies into her right nostril, and inspite of brandy,

etc., given four hours later, she died after fifty-six hours. Lilium is unknown to Old School practice: and perhaps it is just as well. It is a drug of such vehement action as to

be only sage and useful in the hands of those who have learnt from Hahnemann how to prepare and prescribe such remedies Hahnemann directed that drugs should be proved by females as well as males in order to discover what effect they produced in regard to sex. And besides the symptoms produced on men, Tiger lily (proved for Carroll Dunham by a number of women doctors) manifested most terrific effects on women. No one who has read Dunham’s Lecture on LILIUM will ever forget the startling features of that remedy., Some of the provings were made with a tincture of the pollen alone; others with a tincture of the fresh stalks, leaves and flowers. The drug was proved in the O and in the Ist. 3rd, 5th and 30th and 500th potencies. Lilium has many symptoms strikingly in common with Sepia. as we shall see. But it has very definite symptoms that distinguish it from Sepia. No one should have any difficulty in choosing between the two. The mental and physical symptoms of Lilium are alike startling and intense: and except for the deep mental depression,and the intense physical :”bearing-down” common to both drugs,they differ totally from those of Sepia. Listen to Lilium!. This is the answer of the drug, when pure science puts the question as to what it can cause and cure.

DEPRESSION. Constant inclination to weep, with fearfulness, and apprehension of suffering from some terrible internal disease. Wild feeling in the head. Indescribable

crazy feeling. Crazy feeling, her mind being in such a state that she could not even record her symptoms. Fear of insanity. Thoughts of suicide Despair of salvation. Can’t read. Can’t think. Keeps walking fast. Feels hurried: doesn’t know why. Everything unreal. Makes, mistakes in speaking. Dreads saying anything, lest she should say something wrong: yet wants to talk. Sexual excitement, # apprehension of moral obliquity: these alternating for months after the proving had ended. Aversion to being alone.

Constant hurried feeling, as of imperative duties and utter inability to perform them, during sexual excitement. A sensation in the pelvis as though everything was coming into the world through the vagina. The dragging downwards towards the pelvis is felt as high as stomach-even shoulders. Worse standing, though not > lying. Wants to place hand on hypogastrium and press upwards, to relieve the dragging sensation. (Sanic). Wants to draw long breaths, in order to raise, the abdominal contents. Bearing down, with sensation of heavy weight and pressure in the region of the womb, as if the whole contents would press out through the vagina. A feeling, when on the feet, as if the whole pelvic contents would issue through the vagina, if not prevented by upward pressure of the hand on the vulva, or by sitting down. Burning and sharp ovarian pains. Unable to move, fearing her womb would drop from her. Even this is not all! Severe pressure in rectum and at anus, and a constant desire to go to stool. Diarrhoea,especially morning diarrhoea,with griping and smarting. Even the bladder does not escape! Pressure on the bladder. She could pass water every quarter of an hour. Continual pressure on the bladder. wants to urinate all the time. Passing little, with smarting and straining. And then, the HEART. Sharp. quick pain, with fluttering of heart. Pressive pain in the heart, as if the heart were violently grasped,the grasp gradually relaxing. Palpitation. Every intermission followed buy a violent throb. Craving appetite for dinner. Increased desire for meat. Aversion to bread-coffee-to the usual cigar. The above are the most important and characteristic symptoms of the drug;in black type, most of them, which means that they have been again and again produced in provings, and been cured, again and again,by Lilium. During the provings, actual displacements of the uterus were said to have occurred. In one prover, the sufferings we such, that an end had to be put to the proving. Platina 200, in repeated doses,put matters right. (Platina was most like to her mental symptoms-her “superiority complex”) Now, to contrast Lilium with Sepia. LILIUM. SEPIA Bearing down. Bearing down. Everything forcing down, as if Pressure from back to abdomen. contents of pelvis were push- ing down through a funnel,the outlet being the vagina. Must support vulva with hand, Must cross legs to prevent or cross legs. protrusion of parts. Feels the heat more Feels the cold more. Intolerant of sympathy. Intolerant of sympathy. Hurried and worried (Arg, Nit) INDIFFERENT. by imperative duties she is unable to perform. SHE CRAVES MEAT. Aversion to meat. The terrible diarrhoea and are absent with sepia. straining (of Merc. cor and Lil) Lilium is so very acute and intense. Her bearing-down is not the passive weight and distress of Sepia. Lilium feels she is being forcibly eviscerated. Dunham says,the Sepia condition is more chronic. There are a few poor creature,s like the writer, who can better grasp and remember things when rhymed. For such we append a Tiger-lily rhyme. Conscious superiority is warned to skip the following: TIGER LILY hurries about, Feels her inside’s being all dragged out: Frequent urging to micturition, Almost approaching the Cantharis condition: Rectal distress (Merc.cor): a band. Constricting the heart (just like Cactus grand.) Pulsatilla-like tears: her salvation’s a worry: With Silver nitrate, she’s “duties”, and “hurry” One has seen the beautiful action of Lilium tigr. in rapidly wiping out the distress after miscarriages. Also a very striking case of the cure of “ulcerative colitis” of ten years ‘standing, and much treatment by “the heads of the profession”. In the early days of her illness she might have as many as thirty stools in a night. Even now,she was as white as a sheet of paper-a transparent whiteness. The distress, the straining and the number of stools in the morning made it impossible for her to appear till later on in the day: and she was ill enough to have a nurse with her. She presented a few peculiar and characteristic symptoms- characteristic of herself, not of the disease labelled “colitis”. She had a big appetite: was hungry for the mid-day meal. She craved meat. And she had, not annoy the urging and bearing down at the anus, but also of the uterus. She got Lilium tigr. in high potency,responded promptly and was presently a healthy young woman with good colour,playing tennis and enjoying life: and later on,she got married. The power to deal gently,quickly and successfully with such conditions (denied to those who despise the teachings of Hahnemann ) is a thing to bring joy-and thankfulness! Kent says, H“Lilium tigrinum has cured the most inveterate protruding piles,with burning.” There are quite a number of other drugs that have produced “bearing-down” sensations, and which are useful, each in its place, for such conditions: but there are none of such intensity as Lilium and Sepia. Two among them,but with quite different “modalities”, or Hconditions, are Pulsatilla and Belladonna. It will be remembered that Lilium and Sepia cannot stand: must sit down, or cross the legs,or support the parts , in order to prevent protrusion: that is the sensation. But the Belladonna bearing-down is better standing: while the Pulsatilla bearing- down is worse lying. These things are strange and unexpected,therefore important. One remembers a poor woman, one of our “out-patients”, who came to hospital after a miscarriage, ill and with a disquieting temperature, who complained of distressing bearing-down sensations, worse sitting and flying,and only relieved when standing. She refused admission: was given Pulsatilla (evidently her remedy) and told to report next day: when the temperature was normal, and the distress gone. The “modalities:” or conditions accompanying such symptoms are enormously helpful for correct prescribing-without which, the beautiful results of Homoeopathy are not seen. Such modalities help to diagnose between like remedies. One may just mention here a little-used remedy, which comes down from antiquity, and which has produced and cured bearing-down pains, and even uterine prolapse-as one has seen.

This is Arctium Lappa, or Lappa Major-Burdock. It is one of the unusual remedies with which the late Dr. Compton Burnett made such play. Its “:virtues: have earned it

the name of the “uterine magnet”.


Tormented about her salvation. Uterine complaints. Depression of spirits; profound; can hardly keep from crying; DISPOSITION to weep, with nausea and pain in back; averse to food; weeps much and is very timid: indifferent about anything being done for her. Dragging down of whole ABDOMINAL contents, extending even to organs

of chest; must support abdomen; as if whole contents were pushing down in to a funnel; is compelled to cross her legs for fear everything would be pressed out.

Bearing down sensation in pelvis as though everything was coming into world through vagina. Pressure in rectum, with almost constant desire to got to stool.

Continuous pressure in region of BLADDER, constant desire to urinate, with scanty discharge, smarting in urethra and tenesmus. Frequent urination through day: with dull headache moving from sinciput to occiput, finally settling in left temple. If desire is not attended to, feeling of congestion of chest. Sharp pain in OVARIAN region; burning stinging cutting; grasping pain extends across hypogastrium to groin, down leg; bearing down when standing; sensitive to pressure; Ovary swollen to nearly size of a childs head. Severe neuralgic pains in UTERUS, could not bear touch, not even weight of bed clothes or slightest jar; anteversion. Anteversion and retroversion of uterus; patients nearly all have constipation. Sensation as if HEART was grasped or squeezed in a vice; as if blood had all gone to heart, producing a feeling as if he must bend double ; inability to walk straight.

“As if she were going to be crazy”, if she did not hang on to herself, and hold tight.

Profound mental depression; to the prover "the heavens seemed brass and the earth iron;" an apprehension of moral obliquity weighed grievously upon her, for about ten days after the sexual excitement, and continuing # with the sexual excitement for more than four months after the proving.

< on going to bed; can't go to sleep; wild feeling in the head as though I should go crazy and no one would take care of me; thoughts of suicide; how much Opium would put me to sleep forever, and who would find my body, and who would care; a new train of thought for her.

While attending a lecture, desire to hit the lecturer, and in the evening desirous of swearing and damning the fire and things generally, and to think and speak obscene things; disposed to strike and hit persons; as these feelings came, the uterine pains passed away.

It is a glamourous flower, and the woman can be exciting, passionate and beautiful, yet she has deep sexual contradictions. The sexual behaviour can be a show and it overpowers her reason.

She has a strong sense of her own importance. Her personality can be haughty and domineering, her presence makes others cower.

    Boaster. Affectionate. Amorous.

    Yearns for beautiful things. Clothes, luxurious, finery.

    Amusement: desires or averse to.

    Delusions, forsaken.

    Censorious. Abrupt.

She has mood swings and is impatient and easily provoked; she is oversensitive. Once she takes offence she can be quite nasty - you might get a slap!

    Hurry. Busy, fruitless > Business, averse to. Fear of suffering.

    Responsibility. Delusion - everything is depending on him.

    Aversion, (to being approached or flattered).

    Anger, after sexual excitement.

Everything is pressurised and hurried, so she cannot tolerate dithering. They can get flustered by a 'wild' feeling when thoughts come all at once, its just like trying to spin too many plates at once.

It may bring on a headache.

    Haughty/snappish/throws things at persons/tears at her hair/head pain blinding.


Flow of the process: Thoughts Rush > Wild feelings > Confusion > Hysteria.

Lil-t imagines she is attractive, but flirtation is restrained by religion or just keeping busy (the theme of penance has been recorded). Older Lil-t's can be Evangelists, or join the Salvation Army.

They may find the bands and the uniforms exciting! The sexual feeling can come from a hormonal imbalance ... not from emotional desire.

    Fancies, lascivious. > Despair, religious, alternating with sexual excitement. > Self, torture.

Lil-t. Sensations: Throbbing. Cramping. Pressing. Dragging down.

Therapeutics: Menopause. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Antiversion of Uterus.

Miasm: Sycotic (DD.: Med.)

Similars: Showy: Arg-n, Pall-met. Plat-met. Sulph.

Iod shares irritability, depression, constriction of the heart, heat and a liking for cold air.

The picture given by the rubrics Censorious/Haughty/Lascivious/Religious Despair is also evoked by Lachesis and Plat-met.



a. How they cope with the situation

In Stage 12. we feel that we have reached our peak and things are exaggerated and overdone. Then we begin to retreat. By Stage 15 we experience the Shadow side

as a bad place to be.

The Stage 15. Lanthanide is Thulium ... the Abyss.

b. The expression and its modalities

Carbonicum represents her striving to hold on to her values and self-worth.



“I’m lovely, pure and wild”

Feminine: All about the flower! An intensity to the attractiveness 20 year old in the mini-skirt standing by the side of the road with a flat tire.

Very Pronounced split - Nun - Whore Complex - Two sides really at odds

Cycle nature of sinning and redemption

Purity - Strong religious component - Tremendous moral pressure

Looked at as completely pure and beautiful yet huge sex drive

Very strong religious component

Tremendous moral pressure

Heavily need to repress that

Repress the sexuality - Huge restlessness; stays busy so desires don’t come out;

Boom, it all comes out; They see someone they like and whoa! They Pounce! may cheat

Little tigers - They may act like a tiger, but really is a little flower

Their power is around being attractive; not real power; every guy wants them to themselves

Hard time in relationships; Very irritable; intense rage - Anger in the moment!


Bite Heart grasped, meat, wildness, irritability

Repressed Prolapsed, bearing down sensation

Sex < (after) coition, reproduction tract symptoms, PMS

Huge raw sexual energy

Reproductive tract also with heart symptoms (can look like Sepia)

Heart: lots of problems. Heart feels constricted, as if grasped by an iron band”

Huge irritability (Crazy) (Wildness!) something you wouldn’t expect

Huge bearing down sensation, anger, irritability (history of not having a marriage)

< after anger or excitement

all Sepia (except Eric sees most Sepia’s as married)

Vertigo or wild sensation in the head

Headache from mental excitement,< warm room; >: walking in open air

Visual weakness, < coition

Palpitations during pregnancy

Craving meat (little tigers!)

Bearing down sensation as if organs would prolapse thru pelvis,

Prolapsed uterus, worse menses, stool, standing, Have to cross their legs

Hemorrhoids, Lump sensation in rectum, Ineffectual urge for stool

Diarrhea on waking in morning


Premenstrual syndrome with great irritability

Cystitis with urethral burning

Mental State: Little tigers

Considered the most pure flower

Easter Lily: death and resurrection


This whole beautiful thing

All about the flower!

Hardly in the earth at all

The bulb sits there in the ground all year, and poof, these beautiful flowers come up

Very feminine energy

All about attraction/beauty, attractiveness, you walk into the room and people can’t help but notice you

An intensity to the attractiveness

A real challenge to live up to this

And can suppress for long period of time and then boom.

A lot of sexual befallments

They Pounce/They see someone they like and whoa! Boom!

“What happened?” because they just pounced (tiger energy)

Homecoming queen

Go to a party, here they are the flower, everyone gathers around them, partner gets jealous

Flower doesn’t like that they are made to feel more “whore-like” they get mad

A flower is a representation of the female reproductive system

I have these standards (roots, morals) and I’ve gone and done something bad (I’ve sinned)

Cycle nature of sinning and redemption

Often they will repress the sexuality (might be nuns)

Might not have sex at all because its bad

Might once in a while cheat

This split very pronounced

A real split (physically, the above ground (flower stalk) and the below ground (the dirt, the bulb)

Hard time in relationships. Happy marriage almost impossible

More irritable, intense rageful. Their anger, in the moment. Why they are so irritable to live with


Very busy. Tremendous restlessness

How they repress their desires, stay busy so desires don’t come out.

Inner battle: Restlessness produced


Fear that they’ve done wrong

“Here I was in this ten year marriage and then I went off and had this affair, and I feel terrible”

They’ve sinned

But they’ll try anyway, and go back to church

Prone to any religious system where would say they’re bad...etc.

Self-torture (they’ve sinned) a punishment

They may act like a tiger, but really is a little flower

They want to maintain their power The power is around this being attractive

And these guys glom on. It’s not a real power

The bees just fly over and the lily just sits there

This is the kind of reproduction the lily would prefer

This passive sitting there doesn’t work so well (in humans)


[A.L. Blackwood]

Its diuretic action relieves inflammation of the urinary tract and also removes oedema. It is also a digestive tonic. Haematuria, ischuria, dysuria and gonorrhoea when there is urging to urinate, burning and scalding and straining following urination.

[J.H Clarke]

It has been used with success in cases of : inflammation of liver with ascites; abdominal and renal dropsies; enlarged mesenteric glands;

"Sensation of swelling in perineum on sitting, “As if a ball was pressing against it”, shows its appropriateness in prostatic disorders.

[T.F. Allen]

Stupid and sleepy. Very nervous, cannot bear anything at all; hot, irritable, restless; thinks diseased state of the blood irritates the skin, as before the eruption of erysipelas, scarlet fever, or measles; itches terribly.

Urinary ...

    Melancholy. Alcoholism. Stupid and sleepy

    Urethral discharge, gonorrhoeal, chronic.

    Bladder, fullness, inflammation, catarrh.

    Urging to urinate - frequent.

    Urine - sediment - mucous, gelatinous, red.

Cancer ...  

    Chest, Mammae: induration; nodules, sensitive.

    Cancer: Bladder. Kidney. Prostate.

    Skin, ulcers, cancerous.

Oedema ...  

    Generals, dropsy, from intermittant fever.

    Abdomen, dropsy, ascites.

Sensations: Bladder: Pressing. Prostrate: As if sitting on a ball.

Therapeutics: Alcohol related (Oedema). Bladder. Kidneys

Miasm: Cancer or Sycosis

The Herbal action of Chimaphila, especially the diurectic effect, can be used to help understand how the Homeopathic proving symptoms listed above can be used to understand the inner workings of the remedy - that is, its effects on the three doshas of Ayurveda.

This is because the astringent and diuretic effects are directly addressed by the plants, Bitterness and Astringency.

Ayurveda: astringency caused by a combination of the Air and Earth elements so the effect is drying and cooling.

Bitterness: a combination of Air and Ether and its effect is drying, cooling and penetrating.

Ayurveda:  Frawley: Mainly bitter (ether + air => cool, light, dry); PK-V+

The symptoms < Pitta and Kapha doshas. Interpretation of  the state of the three doshas in these rubrics shows how the remedy works at different stages of disease.

Kapha aggravation (water element) results in catarrh, oedema and ascites when sticky, fluid kapha molecules leak out of their normal channels. Those with long standing kapa aggravation develop thick  mucous deposits

in various places, which eventually begin to become inseparable from the tissues and begin to harden or even form tumours and cause pressing sensations.

The cooling, light and penetrating properties of bitter herbs (Chimaphila) are vata characterisitcs which help break up heavy kapha deposits. Bitter herbs, because they are light and sharp can also pacify cutting and stabbing sensations.

Pitta aggravation (fire element) causes inflammation and burning sensations. Excess heat is cooled by bitter and astringent substances and excess stickiness and oiliness is dried up.

Conclusion: correspondence between the bitter properties of the herb (light, drying and penetrating) and the symptoms is clearly demonstrated. These properties address the disordered state of the doshas and tissues.

It is also clear that sensations such as cutting, burning, pressure, etc are closely related to the characteristics of the aggravated doshas accumulated effect on the channels (srotas) and tissue layers (dhatus).

An understanding of the herbal action and state of the three doshas allows us to pack much more information into any remedy description. The established Homeopathic Shorthand of "Miasm", "Stage", and "Sensation"

can be extended to include Herbal and Ayurvedic properties.


[Keith Souter]

A tigress or a pussycat of a remedy

The range of homeopathic remedies is vast and their study is truly fascinating. Over the years homeo­paths have gathered remedies from animal, plant and mineral kingdoms, as well as building up a huge number from

other sources. If you merely learn the Latin name of a particular remedy and its profile of action then you are likely to miss the richness, colour and energy of that remedy.

My approach when looking at a remedy is to try to build up a picture of it in my mind. In order to do that, I like to get an insight into the remedy by seeing it, smelling and touching it where possible. If possible

I like to build a picture of it, perhaps drawing from references in art or literature. Let’s have a look at this with Lilium tigrinum, the gorgeous tiger lily.

Doctrine of signatures

This age-old principle is a good point to start with when looking at a lot of remedies. Essentially, the doctrine of signatures was the proposition that plants with a medicinal purpose had signatures, clues on them that would indicate their usefulness. These signatures could relate to the shape of the leaves, flowers, roots, seeds or bark, its colour, juice or way that it moved. For example, Hypericum perforatum, known as St John’s Wort (Wort comes from Old English wyrt, meaning useful plant, and generally indicated a medicinal use in medieval times) was thought to have healing powers because it blooms around the saint’s day. The red juice of its curiously perforated leaves (they have multiple small trans­lucencies) was thought to represent the blood of the saint and indicated its ability to cure painful, sharp wounds.

Lilium tigrinum is a robust plant that is native to Eastern Asia, but is now cultivated across the world. It has distinctive orange flowers with six bent back petals, upon which are black mark­ings, reminiscent of tiger markings.

It is a tigress of a plant.

Literary allusions

Tiger lily is a distinctive plant and two writers used aspects of the plant’s perceived personality in two of the great classics of English literature. J.M. Barrie introduced Tiger Lily, the Indian princess in his great book Peter Pan.

He paints a picture of a beautiful, haughty, domineering young woman with attitude.

And Lewis Carroll describes the personality a little more in Chapter 2 of Through the Looking Glass. Here, Alice finds herself in “The Garden of Live Flowers” and comes upon a flower-bed with a border of daisies and

a willow-tree growing in the middle.

“O Tiger-lily” said Alice, addressing her­self to one that was waving gracefully about in the wind, “I wish you could talk!”

“We can talk,” said the Tiger-lily, “when there’s anybody worth talking to.”

Alice was so astonished that she couldn’t speak for a minute… At length, as the Tiger-lily only went on waving about, she spoke again, in a timid voice, almost in a whisper. “And can all the flowers talk?”

“As well as you can,” said the Tiger-lily. “And a great deal louder.”

Carroll goes on to describe the interactions between Alice, the daisies and the willow. Tiger-lily becomes angry:

“Silence, every one of you!” cried the Tiger-lily, waving itself passionately from side to side, and trembling with excitement. “They know I can’t get at them!” it panted, bending its quivering head towards Alice, “or they wouldn’t dare to do it!”

In these two literary references you see a lot of Lilium tigrinum’s personality – haughty, domineering, irritable, impatient, and with the ability to make oth­ers cower.

But there is passion, attractiveness, and sometimes outright glamour.


The remedy

Lilium tigrinum is a second rank remedy, in that it is not as commonly prescribed as the great polychrests, yet it has immense usefulness and can transform lives, when it is the indicated remedy. The mother tincture is made from the whole flowering plant. Like the other members of the Liliaceae family it is rich in steroid saponins. It is thought that this may account for the remedy’s ability to help with symptoms related to the pelvis and heart.

Lilium tigrinum is usually thought of as being a female remedy, but don’t be misled into thinking of it as only being suitable for women. When it matches the symptom profile of the individual it can be extremely beneficial for men.

Another of its features that really stands out is its left-sidedness. It is predominantly suited to problems of the left side of the body, which of course means that left-sided organs: stomach, pancreas, heart and rectum may all benefit from it, when included as part of the overall picture. Haemorrhoids, which one may, of course, think of as being a central problem will often respond to the remedy, since they are in fact a disorder of the rectum and, therefore, a left-sided problem!


I have alluded to this above and it is a major feature of people in need of this remedy. They have rapid mood swings and are easily provoked, so that they dip into irritability with the greatest of ease. While they are often easy-going, generous and sincere, they can flick into nastiness, anger and outright rage. This can be to the point of wanting to hurt, to hit out or slap. And they can be extremely over-sensitive, taking offence at the slightest perceived slight.


There are several remedies which have the characteristic of hurriedness. In this they feel pressured to do things quickly. They want things done at speed by themselves and by others. They become irritated if events are slower than they feel they should be. They hate people dithering in front of them.

While some hurried remedies can be highly efficient, like Sulphuric acid and Nux vomica, the sense of hurry in Lilium tigrinum can sometimes spin out of control and make them become inefficient. They try to do too many things at once, begin to get irritable, then fail to achieve any of the tasks. To use the plate-spinning analogy, if they spin too many, they may find that if one drops they get flustered and they all start dropping.

Wild and crazy feeling

As a result of the hurriedness they often feel this wild and crazy feeling at the top of the head. The thoughts come too fast, get jumbled and they feel confused. And when this happens they feel even more irritable. They can, accordingly, become quite hysterical in their reactions.

Despair, conflict and sexuality

There is often a feeling of conflicting thoughts and conflicting emotions when someone needs Lilium tigrinum. Because they frequently have a fairly rigid sense of morality they can sink into a sense of despair.

They may feel that they have committed some wrong or sin and that there is no hope of salvation for them. When they get depressed they find them­selves weeping constantly.

They also tend to become full of fear. This often takes the form of a feeling of dread or doom, but it is also common for it to focus on health, sanity and heart disease. And they often hate being alone.

A characteristic conflict often centres around sex. They can feel intensely aroused sexually, to the point of seduc­tiveness and even nymphomania, yet be held back by their sense of morality. It is common for them to fantasise about sex and to have urges to say obscene things, although they rarely verbalise them. They may feel torn in two directions, wanting to be a saint one moment and a sinner the next. They commonly feel irritable and angry after making love.

Keeping busy (hurry again) is one way that they can distract themselves from this sexual arousal that they wish they were not cursed with. Indeed, there seems to be a vicious circle here because the busier they try to be the more it feeds into that wild crazy feeling I mentioned earlier.

Pulsations and palpitations

People who need Lilium tingrinum often feel congested and feel the pulsation of blood vessels in various parts of the body. They can get throbbing headaches, rapid pulse and palpitations. When irrit­able they can feel as if their heart is being overwhelmed, that it is beating too fast and that it is too full of blood. At times they may feel that their chest is being gripped, as if it is in a vice. It may even feel as if it could burst.

Dragging down sensation

In women there is a common feeling that the womb or the lower abdominal organs are falling downwards. Some young women may experience dysmenorrhoea, painful periods, characterised by cramp­ing pain and an

intense dragging down or bearing down sensation. This can be so intense that they may feel as if their womb is going to fall out, and they have to sit cross-legged to prevent it happening.

Patients of both sexes can be troubled with irritable bowel syndrome, IBS. When Lilium tigrinum is indicated the characteristic pattern is that the individual feels the need to go frequently to the toilet to open the bowels.

This is often unsuccessful and all they experience is the dragging down feeling and the cramp. Often they will only manage to pass urine. This will tend to make them feel very irritable. The next day they may get up, feel very congested in the lower abdomen, as if they have a lump in the rectum, and immediately pass a very loose sloppy motion.

Haemorrhoids, with a dragging down sensation described above, are quite common.

Recurrent cystitis is also commonly complained of, again with this characteristic feeling of everything being dragged down. And of course, there is associated irritability.

PMT and the menopause

Lilium tigrinum may help women who are intensely irritable -so much so that they make everyone around them feel as if they are walking on eggshells- premenstrually or when they reach the menopause. They may break into sudden rages and they are subject to the mood swings I have already referred to. The dragging down sensations are common and the conflicts in their mind about sex are likely to be present, although they may well try to suppress all such thoughts.

Lastly a few odd snippets

Apart from the cramping, dragging down type of pains, people in need of Lilium tigrinum often experience pains in small, well demarcated points, which flit around. Fresh air often soothes symptoms in Lilium tigrinum, although when they are feeling irritable, the thought of a brisk walk will not go down well. And strangely, if they have to walk over an uneven surface, they may just find that they cannot do it.

Craving meat is quite common and attempts to go vegetarian, for whatever reason, often fail. And that isn’t surprising is it – in a tiger!



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