Limenitis bredowii California


Vergleich: Compare.: Apis. Canth. Culx. Form. Lim-b-c. Vesp. in Inflammation - Anger - Violence - Sexual passion - Weakness.

Siehe: Insecta + Schmetterlinge.x


The California Sister (Adelpha californica), sometimes placed in the genus Limenitis), is a butterfly of the family Nymphalidae. The butterfly is named for its black and white markings on the forewing that resemble a nun's habit. Commonly found on oak trees (on which it lays its eggs) and by water sources where it sips salts from the mud.

Mind: Anxiety on going to sleep.

Fear of insanity.

Restless - night after midnight, 2 h. or 3 h./during headache.

Sadness morning.

Dreams: Calling out for help/being cut to pieces/upper part of head is torn away.

Head: Pain in vertex in spots.

Pulsating < exertion.

Throat: Constant disposition to swallow.

Abdomen: Constriction in hypochondria.

Sleep: Sleepless at night & daytime sleepiness.

Generals: Constant change of symptoms.

Weakness during +/o. from headache; < mental exertion.

Body awareness and sensuality. They are physically attractive, enjoy wearing pretty colours and clothes. The females makes very good housekeepers.

Love and loving. The love lives of butterflies are profound and diverse. But those of Limenitis are characterised by stability and a need for family harmony, with the father and mother

at the family core.

Very caught up in their sexuality. [R]

Mother, father, family. Extremely close to immediate family. Home is a sacred place.

Strong ties of loyalty; special attachment to values relating to the house/family home. [R]

Pressure behind and around eyes. “I am aware that I am observing situations from behind my eyes, very much internally. I felt focused on others’ eyes; I would look into their eyes with more attention.”

“I feel very tired, too tired to do anything with my ordinary mind, I want to dream, or just go into a mindless state, not to sleep, but yet not to be without intelligence either.”

Smell acute

Clarity of smell as if having inhaled menthol; cool, clear and unobstructed feeling.

General sensation: openness and expansion in chest, heart and solar plexus.

Eyes: Band around eyes. Sensation behind eyes as of an internal band, ability to focus impaired.

Heaviness around eyes.

Left eye as if being compacted and pushed inwards.

Food feels stuck in stomach.

Fullness in pelvis, more gas, moving and rolling sensation. Awareness of that area.

Bronchial passages and wind pipe felt clean and as if they were expanding.

When lying in bed; arms felt as if I wanted to stretch them, but I couldn’t move.


Mind: Acceptance. Affectionate. Anger # sadness, over death of mother 8 years ago.

Anxiety, will catch germs from others.


Aversion to business; Incapacity for business; neglects business.

Cheerful & sensation of lightness.

Children, desire to nurture.

Desire to be communicative from the heart. Desire for company of deceased mother.

Comprehension from the heart of everything.

Confusion, on attempting to concentrate the mind; < conversation; knows not where she is; knows not where she is and cannot distinguish/recognise the objects around her.

Desire to go to countryside. Delusions: Being an alien; becoming insane; cannot accomplish one’s work.

Want of discipline.

Dullness, unable to think long.

Joy at happiness of others.

Exalted love for humanity.

Love for family; for husband. Desire to be magnetised.

Desire for meditating.

Mental exertion impossible, owing to the impotence of his mind seems to drive him crazy.

Being an observer.

Desire for playing.

Spontaneous feelings of pleasure.

Wanting to give up her responsibility.

Sadness at death of mother.

Sensitive to emotional pain of others.

Thinking of complaints <.

Aversion to or desire for thinking.

One thought excludes all other thoughts.

Vanishing of thoughts while attending business.

Dreams: Animals in suspended animation. Cannot find the bathroom. Beach, walking on the sand. Blood transfusion. Bombs, threat. Big and beautiful buildings. Dark and old buildings.

Children, in danger; children feel unprotected by adults; neglecting child;


Dead infant bodies. Dead beloved relatives. Danger of drowning. Forest. Glass.

Parents asking for guidance.

Being interrupted. Lizards. Metamorphosis, bug to moth; man to bat.

Moths. Nakedness. Raccoons.

Discovery of secret. Snow.

Approaching hurricane storm. Swimming in waves.

Head: Pressing pain forehead behind eyes.

Pain occiput ext. back of neck or down back.

Eyes: “As if a band around eyeballs”.

Pressing pain < motion of eyes.

Pain pressing backward or inward. Pressure around eyes > movement.

Vision: Accommodation defective.


Ears: Pain ext. teeth.

Nose: Coldness inside as if having smelled menthol.

Smell: acute to flowers.

Face: Cracked corners of mouth.

Eruptions, acne, chin.

Mouth: “As if palate swollen”;

Throat: Pain ext. ear, < swallowing.

Urethra: Burning pain at end of urination.

Respiration: Asthmatic, at night, must sit up in bed.

Chest: Sensation of expansion, bronchi; heart. Sensation of feathers or petals overlaying chest.

Palpitation of heart on waking in night.

Back: Pain, morning on waking; & heat; > pressure. Aching pain sacrum < standing for a long time. Labour-like pain sacrum.

Stiffness cervical region and/or lumbar region on waking.

Limbs: Pain - “As if dislocated”, ankles; foot joints; hand joints; wrists. Sensation of paralysis, night.

Restless legs.

Stiff - ankles, morning on rising/knees in morning.

Chill: during headache.

Generals: Nervous shuddering “As if from emotions”.

Desires: Cold drinks/fried food/meat/bacon [yet does not enjoy it]/warm drinks/warm food;


Mind: Irritable driving a car Restlessness

Anger # sadness (over mother who died 8 years ago)

Anxious (will catch germs from others/free-floating)

Delusion - will become insane

Nose: cold inside “As if had smelled menthol”

Male organs: sex desire increased

Limbs: Restless leg

Skin: cicatrices become red

Dreams: anxious


[Alta Vogel]

This butterfly remedy points to the tubercular miasm.

The connection with this miasm is illustrated below.

- Ideas abundant, clearness ofMIND but their fatigue can lead to mental passivity, confusion, and aversion to mental work :

MIND - CONCENTRATION - active (Schroyens, 2001). “Mentally, there was a feeling of dullness and not wanting to do anything intellectual” (Herrick, 1998).

“The most significant symptom to emerge from the proving was the aversion and inability to think. One prover puts it: "It's as if the gears in my head are filled with a thick, gooey, viscous gunk and that they are not moving well and that they freeze" (Herrick, 1998).

“She was talking, I suddenly became aware that she was speaking with an accent. I then wondered, "How do I understand what she is saying? How can I understand any language at all? " I thought: "I will not be able to understand her at all-and that's because I am not making any mental effort at all to understand her." So my thought was that my mental faculty is likely to disappear” (Herrick, 1998). “No mental energy, did not want to do anything involving mental outputs, did not want to do anything with my head. I felt that the head associations are just so mundane and limiting. I want to dream in a MINDless state” (Herrick, 1998).

- Love of mountains, crave fresh air and open spaces

“Resentful of having to be inside in this weather. Wanting open air” (Herrick, 1998). “It was a long day at work, productive and good. I felt resentful that I had to be indoors working on such a beautiful day. I wished I was a kid. I went to sit in some woods; I felt in the wrong medium. I want to be in another state, either planted in silence in the earth or existing in space” (Herrick, 1998).

- Tend to be feverish, sweating a lot

“Woke feeling very hot as though I had a fever. Face flushed and burning” (Herrick, 1998).

FEVER - EVENING (Schroyens, 2001).

GENERALS - HEAT - sensation of - fever; sensation (Schroyens, 2001).

- Sensation of being caught, suffocated and compressed (a picture of a man being trapped in a very narrow tunnel)

“Whilst eating breakfast of potatoes, sun-dried tomatoes and goat cheese I realized that my mouth and palate and tongue felt numb and swollen. My upper windpipe felt somewhat closed or rather narrower, I never ever had anything like this in my life (I eat potatoes, sun-dried tomatoes and goat cheese frequently)” (Herrick, 1998). “Dream:For some reason there were several animals in boxes. If they were left there, they would die. There also was a small child in a box” (Herrick, 1998).

“Dream: I was at a friend's ranch in Wyoming. There was a birdhouse in the Backyard, mounted on a fence. I looked inside, and there were a pair of purple

martins nesting. I was concerned for them because the entrance had been damaged and the hole widened so much, it would be easy for a cat or squirrel to come up the fence and paw into the nest …I was afraid they would be suffocated” (Herrick, 1998). “Dream: “I was in some large studio; I was waiting to take a lesson from Michael Jackson with a gymnastic Back flip harness. I was intrigued by this contraption, I was impatient and tired of waiting so tried using it by myself. I was soon buckled into it and doing Back flips. I was amazed at how easy it was. Then Michael Jackson showed up, and I was embarrassed that I had started without him. Suddenly I was nervous and became clumsy and could not use the device correctly anymore. The feeling was of being caught” (Herrick, 1998).

- Hectic activity, uses all its effort to change, to get out

DREAMS - METAMORPHOSIS; about (Schroyens, 2001).

“Dream: I dig the nails of my left hand under the skin of his neck as hard as I can. I can feel the skin break and his blood. I lay into him hard. I am fighting for my life. It is totally graphic. I am enraged, impassioned, and wild” (Herrick, 1998).

- Pathologies of tuberculosis and asthma

“Within the first half hour I had an asthma attack” (Herrick, 1998). Quantitative analysis pointed to the tubercular miasm via keywords active, close and freedom: “Wanting to be very physically active. Wanting to move and connect with other people this way” (Herrick, 1998). “Slight burning at close of urination. This is unusual, since I drank a lot of water” (Herrick, 1998). “Spent last night and today with a group of mothers and daughters from my sons class. It was very moving to hear girls express themselves. Tears came to my eyes several times, at the expression of pain and separation; wanted to be treated still as young girls but also wanting their freedom at the same time” (Herrick, 1998). In essence it seems that the butterfly represents a state of emotional freedom and love without the "hindrances" of responsibility and thought processes (Herrick, 1998).


Limenitis bredowii california (California Sister Butterfly) 
This butterfly remedy points to the tubercular miasm like most of the insect remedies discussed above. The connection with this miasm is illustrated below. 
- Ideas abundant, clearness of mind but their fatigue can lead to mental passivity, confusion, and aversion to mental work: 
              MIND - CONCENTRATION active (Schroyens, 2001). 
„Mentally, there was a feeling of dullness and not wanting to do anything intellectual“ (Herrick, 1998). 
„The most significant symptom to emerge from the proving was the aversion and inability to think. As one prover put it: "It's as if the gears in my head are filled with a thick, gooey, viscous gunk and that they are not moving well and that they freeze" (Herrick, 1998). 
„She was talking, I suddenly became aware that she was speaking with an accent. I then wondered, "How do I understand what she is saying? How can I understand any language at all?" I thought: "I will not be able to understand her at all-and that's because I am not making any mental effort at all to understand her." So my thought was that my mental faculty is likely to disappear“(Herrick, 1998). 
„No mental energy, did not want to do anything involving mental outputs, did not want to do anything with my head. I felt that the head associations are just so mundane and limiting. I want to dream in a mindless state“ (Herrick, 1998). 
- Love of mountains, crave fresh air and open spaces 
„Resentful of having to be inside in this weather. Wanting open air“ Herrick, 1998). 
„It was a long day at work, productive and good. I felt resentful that I had to be indoors working on such a beautiful day. I wished I was a kid. I went to sit in some woods; I felt in the wrong medium. I want to be in another state, either planted in silence in the earth or existing in space“ (Herrick, 1998). 
- Tend to be feverish, sweating a lot 
„Woke feeling very hot as though I had a fever. Face flushed and burning“ť (Herrick, 1998). 
FEVER - EVENING (Schroyens, 2001). 
GENERALS - HEAT - sensation of - fever; sensation (Schroyens, 2001). 
- Sensation of being caught, suffocated and compressed (a picture of a man being trapped in a very narrow tunnel) 
„Whilst eating breakfast of potatoes, sun-dried tomatoes and goat cheese I realized that my mouth and palate and tongue felt numb and swollen. My upper windpipe felt somewhat closed or rather narrower, I never ever had anything like this in my life (I eat potatoes, sun-dried tomatoes and goat cheese frequently)“ť (Herrick, 1998). 
„Dream: For some reason there were several animals in boxes. If they were left there, they would die. There also was a small child in a box“ (Herrick, 1998). 
„Dream: I was at a friend's ranch in Wyoming. There was a birdhouse in the backyard, mounted on a fence. I looked inside, and there were a pair of purple martins nesting. I was concerned for them because the entrance had been damaged and the hole widened so much, it would be easy for a cat or squirrel to come up the fence and paw into the nest „¦I was afraid they would be suffocated“ (Herrick, 1998). 
„Dream: „I was in some large studio; I was waiting to take a lesson from Michael Jackson with a gymnastic back flip harness. I was intrigued by this contraption, I was impatient and tired of waiting so tried using it by myself. 
I was soon buckled into it and doing back flips. I was amazed at how easy it was. Then Michael Jackson showed up, and I was embarrassed that I had started without him. Suddenly I was nervous and became clumsy and could 
not use the device correctly anymore. The feeling was of being caught“ (Herrick, 1998). 
- Hectic activity, uses all its effort to change, to get out 
              DREAMS - METAMORPHOSIS; about (Schroyens, 2001). 
„Dream: I dig the nails of my left hand under the skin of his neck as hard as I can. I can feel the skin break and his blood. I lay into him hard. I am fighting for my life. It is totally graphic. I am enraged, impassioned, and wild“ (Herrick, 1998).
- Pathologies of tuberculosis and asthma 
„Within the first half hour I had an asthma attack“ (Herrick, 1998). 
Quantitative analysis pointed to the tubercular miasm via keywords active, close and freedom: 
„Wanting to be very physically active. Wanting to move and connect with other people this way“ (Herrick, 1998). 
„Slight burning at close of urination. This is unusual, since I drank a lot of water“ť (Herrick, 1998). 
„Spent last night and today with a group of mothers and daughters from my sons class. It was very moving to hear girls express themselves. Tears came to my eyes several times, at the expression of pain and separation; 
wanted to be treated still as young girls but also wanting their freedom at the same time“ť (Herrick, 1998). 
In essence it seems that the butterfly represents a state of emotional freedom and love without the "hindrances" of responsibility and thought processes (Herrick, 1998). 



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