Medhorrinum Anhang


[Dr. Praful Barvalia]

Sycosis: slowness on one side implying stagnation, selfcentredness and confusion and on other side hypertrophy indicative of non functional over activity. Medorrhinum legitimately becomes one of the greatest antisycotic remedy as it possesses these traits in its centrality.
      Sycotic confusion results from dullness of mind, slow comprehension, high strung-anxious state and fixed ideas. Following para from Hering and Allens description of Medorrhinum, graphically portrays this state.
Hering and Allen:
      Nerve Trembling with worry
      Everything startles her, news coming to her seems to touch her heart before she hears it.
      Woke at an early hour with a frightened sensation, ”As if something dreadful had happened”; heavy weight and great heat in hand; could not rest in bed; felt as if she must do something to rid her

mind of this torture.
      Dullness of memory and desire to procrastinate
      Difficulty in concentrating the thoughts or mind on abstract subjects.
      Entirely forgot what she had read, even previous line
      Forgetfulness of names, letter of names, letter of word and initial letters
      Above description demonstrates  Medorrhinum evolving around ANXIETY, SENSITIVITY and difficulties of memory and comprehension FEAR-FRIGHT-ANXIETY DEPENDENT MEDORRHINUM:
      NERVOUS DISPOSITION as expressed through characteristic ANTICIPATORY ANXIETY SYNDROME coupled with marked SENSITIVITY are the basic qualities at an emotional level.

There is marked dependence, and an intense craving for support.

The preceding case allows us to understand the dynamics of the anxiety generated. You find the subject growing up in a very sheltered environment. When parental handling reinforces the thread of dependence, we find the Medorrhinum child growing with marked timidity, displaying fear of dark, fear of ghost and MISFORTUNE. The stress threshold is extremely poor, hence lot of anxiety and nervousness before any event.
      Another important facet contributing to the building up of anxiety is the difficulties at the level of intellect. Here is a drug which has tremendous difficulties to concentrate at an abstract level.

Coupled with the specific difficulties of memory in Medorrhinum, this is a great impediment to learning. As child travels to secondary and higher secondary studies this defect becomes quite apparent.

These children break down before exams.
      Excessive care accentuates SENSITIVITY Medorrhinum gets hurt at the slightest comment. This is graphically painted in the earlier case. These sensitive subjects are always on their guard, all the

while apprehensive; if they fall, somebody might scold. Morbid sensitivity reinforces anxiety.
      A word or look of seeming harshness puts her in despondency for hours.
(H.C. Allen page 297). Lachrymose weeping relieves, consolation relieves > torments of tears (H.C. Allen).
      Immense desires, lot of enthusiasm and excitement but with poor resources, poor execution, poor commitement and poor sense of responsibility is another important facet of MEDORRHINUM

personality, as verified by Piere Schmidt and Bellokossy, can have its roots in early formative years giving an image of extravagant, vague and superficial personality. Psychodynamic history of these individual depict dominating mother usually at loggerheads with her husband. Child sides mother but is not bitter about father. Child develops dependent attachment with mother.

Mother tends to reinforce this bond.
      Poor identification with one parent and dependent relationship with other possibly does not permit adequate depth and strength to evolve. This would contribute to develop poor sense of responsibility, inadequate sensitivity about others, ego centricity, self centered attitude, and superficiality of Medorrhinum.

      Following case from practice beautifully demonstrates this:
      45 years old, Hindu male consulted me on 31-1-96 for chronic balanitis and Herpes genitalis. He has recurrent cuts in the fore skin since 10 years and severe soreness of glans with recurrent ulcers

since 2-3 years. Since 6 months complaint is almost continuous. Sexual act is impossible since 2 years. He also suffers from asthma which was there in childhood. Subsequently episodes were quite infrequent. Since 2 years, frequency has gone up. He came down with ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION 3 years back. He had received Fl-ac. 200 and 1 M without any relief.
      He is quite obese, perspires on forehead. He loves pungent food. He always needs a fan and feels extremely HOT.
      Our patient is 44 years old man who stayed in Dubai for the last 2 years. He lived all his life in Mumbai.
      Was the last of the 5 children.
      He has one brother and 3 sisters. Father died when patient was 4 years old. In childhood he had a very good relation with his mother "beautiful relationship. I was the favorite child."
      Family has its own business of steel manufacturing, now looked after everybody except him. He has always been a happy-go-lucky person. He studied till Inter-exam since and did not study further.

      He joined family business very early and didn’t face much problems as it was tailor made. He was always extravagant wanting lot of easy money in fastest possible way.
      He started a business of his own hence he did not fit in the family business. So he took his share and additional money and separated to pursue his kind of life style.
      In 1976 he had a lot of plans, resulting into multiple activities.
      In 82 he started an independent venture. He established new plant in steel industry.
      In 84-85, 100 units failed and the plant was closed. He lost about 4 Crores. He had a lot of debt which he cleared entirely by 90. He did’t have much to start again. He believes that any project that

pays back capital within one year is good. Slowly he started a totally independent business, operating from Dubai. He did this because he has no inclination what so ever to do business in India due to government rules. He has no tensions. Headaches since then.
      Patient got married (arranged) in 1970. Asked what his wife’s qualification was, he laughed and said, may be S.S.C.
      Almost 5 years after marriage things went haywire and at the same point they broke off. His impatience, indulgence and lavish life style was not approved by the wife. She never wanted to divorce

because of the children. They stay separate in adjoining flats. Daughters are of marriageable age. Patient can’t separate even if he wishes. He felt quite frustrated about these matters. He found this entire process quit burdensome.
      He gets along well with children, but hardly any emotional ties. Now he is not happy with his mother, since she supports his wife. He blames her as she was instrumental in creating this situation, as she gave a lot of jewelry and gifts when they had to part ways.
      Physician asked the patient" When did you suffer from gonorrhoea?" Patient smiled and said "Oh! That’s long back when I was 16 years old!"
      There were series of premarital and extramarital affairs, and anal intercourse with friends. Patient is tall heavily built, has very dark circle around the eyes. His gestures, expressions, tone and content demonstrated immense confidence and enthusiasm.
      Here we have man with excessive indulgence, excessive desire, exuberance with poor execution, poor comitment and impatience. He wants fast results. He lacks adequate sensitivity towards interpersonal relationship and about his responsibilities towards family. Egotism and Hyper sexuality are other co-ordinates. Chronic balanitis, Asthma, Hypertension and P / H of Gonorrhoea with above mentioned

nucleus clinched the diagnosis of MEDORRHINUM.
      After Medorrhinum 200 infrequently repeated at the interval of 2 months brought about 90% relief. Asthma relapsed once which responded very well to Medorrhinum 200 later 1M 1 dose. Mental state showed significant improvement and he found himself more organized and stable with his work.

      Another interesting case which beautifully demonstrate this peculiar facet of Medorrhinum was reported by Dr. Bellokossy in the Journal of American Institute of Homoeopathy Nov. Dec. 1965.

We are presenting following extract from that case:
      "She is a nice looking, little lady of 32 years whose grandmother died from asthma and who started to suffer from eczema when 5 months old and from asthma in her 4th year. Between her 17th and 20th year she married three men and divorced two. Marriage with the third husband has continued for 12 years. With the first she had a daughter with the last three boys. She had almost all the fears in the repertory: of disease, fire, pain, insanity, high places, flying, strangers, spiders, snakes of spending money foolishly, of trifles but not of anything big, she also had stage fright and anticipated any serious event already 2 days, before with anxiety and with an inferiority complex during which times she bit her lips and chewed her fingers. Sometimes she also switched over to a superiority complex in which she was fault-finding, angry, raised her voice, screamed, swore, cried and slammed the doors furiously. But soon the inferiority complex emerged again in the form of depression, weariness in life, weeping without reason at which time she sat and stared in front of herself and could not get anything done. Especially before the menses she was lethargic and then the changeability of her mood asserted itself by laughing and crying almost simultaneously, by hurriedness and indolence, by liking and disliking people, by wanting peace and order while not keeping them, by starting some work and never finishing it, by consciousness and neglect, by impatience for trifles with restlessness if nothing to do and desire to die from boredom, by thoughts of suicide while sensitive to pain and afraid of hurting herself. Always highly sensitive, easily excited and offended, holding long grudges and running away from her family.
      The most reprehensible of all her character perversions was her aversion to all responsibility. While her first two husbands were faithless and also lacking responsibility so that she may have had some reason for divorcing them, the third husband was good and without reproach. Nevertheless, for no apparent reason she would leave him and her 3 boys and not return for a week or more which she did many times. In such periods her sensitivity was so great and her family duties were such a burden to her that her objections did not worry her. There was no room in her mind for pity, regret, compunction. Marriage and even the mere idea of marriage was so unendurable to her that she could not stand her husband nor her children. This is a strong Medorrhinum symptom not developed by provings but often found in such congenital sycotic sufferers. It is not recorded in the exhaustive pathogeneses of Medorrhinum in H.C. Allens book on Nosodes.
      During one of her absences this lady came to my office and I asked her for the reason of her running away. She did not feel well near him even before she married him. She also could not sleep while anybody else slept in the same bedroom. This was evidently an example of allergy of one person to another. The sycotic can be as allergic to the vibrations, emanations and volatile toxins contained in the breath of another human being as he can be allergic to the vibrations radiated by an animal or plant.
      Her physical generals also indicated Medorrhinum. She was the worst in the morning and > after sundown, < sun/summer heat, > near the ocean though < from dampness. sensitive to pains and

disliking to be touched, with fire beneficial to her body and not to her face and with soles burning if on her feet a lot. Most of the Medorrhinum symptoms < daytime but asthma can be an exception. It can be worse at night which was so in this case.
      She was treated with Medorrhinum and Nat-s. and was cured from her asthma in a short time but not so from her mentals. However, one day when she was in San Francisco and I had sent her a dose of Medorrhinum CM and about three or four days after she had taken it, she suddenly asked herself, "What am I doing here? Why am I here? I don’t belong here, I belong to my husband and to my boys," and she packed her few things together and flew back to Denver at once.
      The family was thrilled to see her return, the more so as they noticed the great change in her mental attitude. The next day her husband came in my office and told me with tears in his eyes, tears of happiness, that his wife had undergone an unbelievable improvement in her psycho-mental sphere. In the succeeding months her behaviour and mood not only remained the exact reverse from what they were previously but up to this day, that is for eight months she has continued improving intellectually and emotionally. No incompatibilities any more, no running away, no quarrels, no disorder, no homework left undone, no laziness. She is industrious, conscientious and an affectionate mother and wife, which is almost too good to be true, but true just the same."
      Both these cases give us beautiful insight to evolutionary understanding of Medorrhinum personality; qualified state of impatience, fears, indulgence and irresponsibility as well as psychodynamic insight about development of such state.

[Jawahar Shah]

Predominantly indicated for people who are very comfortable at night. Happy/exhilarated/excited as evening sets in. Can be expressed by the phrase, “Cross by day, Merry by night”.

Child: very passionate, affectionate and loving. Desire strong for love and affection. Behavioural problems: rude and aggressive, who throw temper tantrums, who fight with other children, (daitime)/kick and strike their parents or relatives.

At night very playful, comfortable and affectionate.

Cause: history of Gonorrhoea in parents/patient, Anticipation sickness;

< thinking of the complaints.

Right from childhood, they have the capacity to receive intuitive feelings (usually comes true: predict accidents/natural calamities or results of exams and that actually works out to be true). Other extreme of love = hate, is a much more intense feeling in Medorrhinum. A child who was getting “A” grade, in school, suddenly starts getting “F”. The child who used to love his parents starts hating them from the depth of his heart. A child  who had tremendous attachment to animals (Aethusa,  Nuphar luteum)  starts hating them and this child becomes very violent towards  animals

(Tarent. violent with physical restlessness and mobility /Anac. two wills and confusion about what is right and what is wrong /Mosch. sexual perversions and nymphomania, starting at a very early age of life).

Child very sensitive and emotional/loves flowers, beauty and takes good care of them. Child who was polite, soft, passionate and loveable turns into a devil. Feels strong desire to bite, kick, hit, strike. He is very rude and aggressive. All his actions become erratic, he develops inner hardness, which is very deep and that is why it is very difficult to handle these children.

Loves whatever is forbidden. If you tell them not to do certain things, they are the first people to go and do it. This quality is similar to Tarentula. That is what makes them courageous and brave. Both these remedies are courageous, but in Tarentula, they have no soft corner for anything. They can lie with so much confidence, that the other person starts believing it as the truth. For example, if he was given some money, he will not return the balance amount. He will spend it on himself. On being asked the details he will say that maybe the balance money fell from his pocket. If you point out the chocolate marks around his mouth, then he will give an explanation that the chocolate was given by a friend. He will never admit the truth, even in the worst of circumstances.

In Medorrhinum, the child starts with a lie but does not know how to finish and gets caught half-way through, starts fumbling and he doesn’t have the same confidence as the Tarentula child.

As this child grows into a teen-ager, he wants to experience everything. He wants to try out new things in life. He likes to go out with girls for parties, discotheques etc. These  are  the young  children you will find moving around  in the  streets  or discotheques,  late  at  night. They always love to do what is forbidden. If the father says, come back at 22 h., they will come back at 2 h. They will sneak out of the house, once the parents have gone to sleep. They smoke, drink and they have sexual relationship at a very young age. They don’t like bindings. That is why the idea of marriage seems unendurable. They are the people who remain unmarried till very late in life, even though they have many boyfriends or girl friends.

Predominantly an extremist. SELF centered and hard hearted and they don’t want any connection with people around them. At times they are very crude and violent: towards people/own children/animals. Similar to Lycopodium and Sepia. Both do not like their children. But in Lycopodium, they don’t like children, because they don’t like to take up responsibility. So they remain unmarried. They are anxious about sexual performance and duties that will be thrust upon them. Sepia has aversion to children, males and sex.

Along with aggression, other extreme responses like shyness are also quite obvious. This is so pronounced that they are not able to speak during an interview.

As they have tremendous sexual appetite, they visit different girls or prostitutes and may have sexually transmitted diseases (Gonorrhoea). Suppression of gonorrhoea leads to the commencement of all the troubles and complications.

Important for mental retardation and poor reaction. Child physically very weak with enlarged lymphatic glands and catch infections easily. These infections progress slowly and steadily, remain for a longer duration and take more time to resolve. The infection can act as a shock to the system and may have long lasting effects. At the mental level, there could be shock from some act of the parents.  It could be some kind of hatred, jealousy, negligence and abuse from parents or relatives. The shock goes very deep into their systems and the child totally withdraws from the parents.


This withdrawal and hardness can lead to 3 things:

1. They become excessively religious and start feeling that life is unreal.

2. They develop anxiety.

3. They develop suicidal tendency.

So Medorrhinum becomes an important remedy for suicidal tendency in young adults.


Degeneration sets in a little early in Medorrhinum. Lost memory for names and words, even to the extent that they have to ask the names of their close friends. They begin a sentence and halfway through, forget what they were going to say.

Time passes too slowly (Arg-n./Cann-i.).

Recent events appear as if had occurred years ago or things done today feel as if were done a week ago.

Predominantly hurried in nature, a workaholic type who is totally absorbed in his profession. He starts thinking that people are very slow and that people must hurry all the time. Right from childhood, they have fear of dark; fear that somebody is behind him and fear of monsters around him.

Anxiety that something will happen all the time. Anxiety about imaginary things.

Anxiety of losing fortune and fear that he/she will say some things wrong.

Anxiety expressed by biting nails of fingers and toes (bites his own toe nails).

Patient sad with weeping tendency (as in Puls.). But Medorrhinum is a very important remedy where patient cannot express his symptoms without weeping. Weeping > sadness.

Like Syphilinum,  Medorrhinum  is also an important remedy where patient  wants  to wash hands repeatedly.

Predominantly hot. Always searches for a cold place.  Even the child rolls out of the bed and rolls on the ground is search of a cold spot. They do not like their feet covered. > Uncovering. Desires: a fast fan; < in the sun. Craving for ice and cold drinks. Easily exhausted, both at mental and physical level.


[J.T. Kent - Lectures on homoepathic materia medica]

Children: One of the many uses of this remedy is in the inherited complaints of children.

Obstinate cases in children. The infant soon emaciates and becomes marasmic, or a child becomes asthmatic, or suffers with vicious catarrh of nose or eyelids, or has ringworm on the scalp or

face, or is dwarfed; and after some waste of time it comes to mind that the father was treated for gonorrhea that was obstinate and perhaps had condylomata on the genitalia.

This remedy will cure, or begin the recovery. The woman married several years desires to become a mother. She was healthy when she married, but now she has ovarian pains, menstrual troubles, she has lost all sexual response, is growing pale and waxy, and becoming violently sensitive and nervous.

The husband's history gives the cause, and this remedy will cure. The pale waxy young men, who crave stimulants and tobacco, who are sensitive to drafts, become stiff after exertion and walking, who perspire easily and are extremely sensitive to cold, who have never been well since having a gonorrhea cured by injections.

Rheumatic symptoms: in every part of the body. Some symptoms are < in the daytime.

The usual comparison with Syphilinum, which reads,

"Med. in daytime and Syph. at night," does not hold good as a sweeping statement. It is true that many Syph. pains are < nights.

It is true that some sycotic and Medorrhinum symptoms are < daytimes. It is also true that many sycotic symptoms are violent day and night. It is also true that the mental symptoms of Med. are most violent at night. It will not do to be too sweeping with circumstances of this nosode.

The rheumatic inflammations are < from motion, but where swelling is not present these patients act like Rhus-t.; sensitive to cold, suffer from aching and torturesome pains, and find relief only in motion - like Rhus-t. Most sycotic patients suffer from cold, some are sensitive to heat.

Sore, bruised and lame, as if he had taken a deep cold and was coming down with a fever. Pain come on with a feeling of general tension. Obstinate cases of rheumatism. Losing flesh. Walks stooped, becoming clumsy. Stumbles. Looks as if he were going into quick consumption. Intense nervous sensibility, respecting touch of garment or a lock of hair by any one not en rapport.

Trembling and quivering; growing steadily weaker. Intense formication all over the body. Starts from the slightest noise. Feels faint and wants to be fanned, Wants open air. Cold and pulseless, with cold sweat.

Oedema of the limbs with great soreness and dropsy of serous sacs. Externally sensitive to cold damp weather. Subject to neuralgias. Stitching, tearing pains. The pains are ameliorated by heat. Drawing pains in back and limbs. The patient is extremely sensitive to pain. The remedy should never be used low.


Mind: Forgetful of facts, figures and names; of what he has read.

Makes mistakes in writing, of spelling, and words. Time move too slowly; everybody moves too slowly. He is in a constant hurry, in such a hurry that he gets out of breath. She is in such a hurry that she feels faint. Confusion of mind, dazed; fear of sensation; loses the idea when speaking. Great difficulty in stating her symptoms, loses herself and must be asked over again.

Thinks some one is behind her; hears whispering. Sees faces that peer at her from behind the furniture (Phos.). Everything seems unreal (Alum.).

Wild desperate feeling as if incipient insanity. Weeps when talking. Exhilaration in evening. Changeable state of mind; one moment sad, the next mirthful. Presentiment of death. Frightened sensation on waking as if something dreadful had happened. Fear of the dark. Anxiety about her salvation.

Vertigo: stooping; > lying; < from motion. Fear of falling.

Head: Wandering neuralgia of head, < in cold damp weather.

Sharp pains come and go suddenly. No part of head is free from pain. Pain < from light/coughing. Burning pains deep inside (brain). Extreme tension of scalp. Band across forehead.

Pain in occiput and nape, aggravated on motion. Intense itching of scalp. Herpetic eruptions on scalp; ringworm. Copious dandruff. Hair dry and crispy.

Eyes: Flickering before the eyes.

Vision: Blurred and black or brown spots in the field of vision. Objects look double, or small. Sees imaginary objects. Eyes feel drawn. Tension in the muscles. Pain in eyes on turning them.

“As if sand in eyes”. Sensation of sticks. inflammation of conjunctiva with ulceration of the cornea. Blepharitis with much swelling. Lids stuck together in the morning. Margins red and excoriated. Ptosis. Smarting of lids. Eyelashes fall out. Swelling under eyes, as in Bright's disease.

Ears: Impaired hearing and total deafness. Pain along Eustachian tubes into ears. Crawling in ears. Itching in ears. Stitching pains in ears.

Hearing: Imagines he hears voices or people in conversation, At first the hearing is very acute.

Nose: Obstinate nasal catarrh, also post nasal obstruction with loss of smell.

Mucus, white or yellow. Bleeding from the nose, and bloody nasal discharge. Nose sensitive to inhaled air. Itching and crawling in nose.

Face: The greenish yellow, waxy, sickly face of the sycotic patient looks like that of the Ars., but Ars. does not otherwise correspond to the symptoms, but may be mistaken for it. The skin shines, and is often covered by blotches and there are fever blisters about the mouth. Herpes on the face.

Epithelioma of wing of nose, or on lip. Rheumatic pains and stiffness of face. Swelling of the submaxillary glands.

Mouth: The teeth are always sensitive when chewing.

Taste perverted, and the tongue is foul and white at base. The mouth is full of canker sores. Ulcers in the mouth and on the tongue.

Breath foul. Stringy mucus in mouth and throat. Mouth dry and feels burnt. Catarrh of throat, and thick white mucus is constantly drawn from posterior nares.

Stomach: Ravenous hunger, even after eating.

Unquenchable thirst. Craves stimulants, tobacco, sweets, green fruit, ice, sour things, oranges, ale, salt. Nausea after eating, and after drinking water. Vomiting of mucus and bile, Sour and bitter vomiting. Violent retching. Vomiting without nausea.

Gnawing in stomach, not > eating/drinking. Trembling in stomach. Clawing in stomach, < drawing up the knees. Sinking in stomach. Agonizing pains in stomach.

Abdomen:     Liver: Terrible pains in liver.

Grasping pains in liver and spleen. It has cured ascites. Pulsation felt in abdomen. Pain and swelling of the inguinal glands.

Infants: This remedy has cured many cases of marasmus in infants that had inherited sycosis from a parent.

Children of a sycotic father are especially subject to attacks of vomiting and diarrhoea, and emaciation. Resist well selected chronic remedies, or are only palliated by well selected remedies.

After Med. high they thrive, and remedies act better.

Rectum: Constipation. Can pass stool only by leaning far back when straining at stool. Inactivity of the rectum.

Stool: Round balls, and hard lumpy stool. Oozing of moisture at the anus, smelling like fishbrine.

Urine: Scanty, high-colored, strong-smelling urine in a patient suffering from rheumatic lameness and stiffness.

Extremities: Sensitive to cold, with tenderness of the soles. In albuminous urine with hyaline casts when the patient is waxy and there is oedema of feet and ankles, and the soles so tender he can scarcely walk on them, the skin of soles is bluish and hot; also when the swollen legs are so sore he cannot have them touched, or endure the pressure to ascertain whether the swelling will or will not pit on pressure.

In the above conditions Med. will act promptly if there has been gonorrhoeal history. Inflammation of bladder, prostate gland or kidneys. Copious mucus in urine. Renal colic. Parenchymatic inflammation of the kidneys. Copious pale urine. Frequent urination at night. Loses urine in bed. Inactivity of the bladder and feeble stream of urine. It has cured many cases of polyuria.

Male genitals: Nocturnal emissions and impotency in young men who have had gonorrhoea several times, especially if treated by injections.

Prolonged gleety discharge with rheumatic symptoms and declining health. For gonorrhoeal rheuma it is a most important remedy. It controls the rheumatic symptoms and restores the discharge.

Induration of testes, and pain in the spermatic cords. Burning in scrotum and hips during menses.

Pain in left spermatic cord, left sciatic nerve and lumbago from every exposure to a draft in one who suffered from gonorrhoea several years

ago and was cured by Med. 10 M. at long intervals.

Female genitals: Chronic pain in ovarian region. Sterility. Painful menstruation. Obstinate leucorrhoea. Enlarged ovaries. Violent itching of vulva and vagina. Profuse menses.

Drawing in sacrum “As if menses would come on”, Cutting like knives in whole pelvic region.

Respiration: is difficult. Suffocation and short breath on slight exertion. Asthma in children of sycotic parents. Spasms of the glottis with clucking in the larynx; air expelled with difficulty, but inhaled with ease. Several cases of asthma have been cured by this remedy. Dryness of the larynx causes spasms and cough on falling asleep.

Most obstinate catarrh of air passages with copious viscid expectoration has been cured by this remedy. Cannot cough deep enough to reach the phlegm. Cough > lying on the abdomen, < at night. The expectoration. is yellow, white or green, viscid, difficult to raise. Cough < in a warm room.

Many of the patients that need this remedy look sick, pale, and walk stooped as if about to go into phthisis. Dry cough, with rattling in chest. Great heat, even burning in chest. Many pains in chest. Rheumatic, sharp pains through chest on exposure to damp cold air.

When patients who have suffered from gonorrhoea seem to be taking on a phtisical complex of symptoms and the paucity of individualizing symptoms makes the remedy doubtful, this remedy will bring better reaction, and sometimes be the remedy for many months.

Chest: Intense pain in chest on coughing. Sensation of coldness in chest and mammae. Stitching pain in chest. The chest is sore to touch, < by the motion of breathing.

The heart manifests all the symptoms usual to rheumatic constitutions. Dyspnea; fluttering heart; palpitation. Pain: acute, cutting, stitching; < motion. Burning in heart, extending to left arm.

Back: "Lame back" is the common complaint of these patients.

It is generally a lumbago, or it is a lumbo-sacral pain, and often extends into the lower limbs. Crural or sciatic pains. Drawing in nape and back. Pain across the back, from l. to r. shoulders. Great heat in the upper part of spine. Stiffness in the back on rising, or beginning to move. Pains all aggravated in cold damp weather. Tender spine, Soreness in region of kidneys.

Extremities: Chronic rheumatic pains in limbs in cold damp weather. Lame and stiff. Stitching pains all over the body, and in limbs. Sharp pains. SENsitive to pain, and feels pain as sharp and stitching. Some of the pains come on during motion, and some > from continued motion. Cold extremities. Burning palms and soles, Trembling of the limbs. Rheumatic pains in shoulders < motion.

Numbness of arms and hands, < left. Trembling hands and arms. Burning palms, wants them fanned. Right hand cold, then left. Cold hands. Heat and numbness of back of hands.

Trembling weakness and numbness of lower limbs. Awkwardness of legs, they do not go where they are willed to go. Numbness of thighs. Must stretch the lower limbs constantly. Drawing pains and tension in legs. Rheumatic pains. Stiffness and soreness in flesh and periosteum. Shooting up the legs during a thunderstorm.

Restless legs, must move them constantly. Aching, drawing in legs and thighs, in sciatic and crural nerves, > continued motion. Legs numb and heavy, like wood. Legs cold up to the knees.

Contraction of muscles of posterior part of thigh down to knee. Cramps in soles and calves. Weak ankles. Burning feet, wants them uncovered and fanned. Legs swollen to knees, and pit upon pressure. Sore bruised legs, ankles and soles. Soles sore and bruised, look blue. He cannot walk on the soles. Swelling and itching of the soles. It cures the tenderness in the soles so common in chronic gonorrhoeal rheumatism. Tenderness of soles so that be had to walk on his knees. Cold sweaty feet.

Sleep: Can sleep only on the back with bands over head.

Sleeps on her knees with face forced into the pillow. Terrible dreams of ghosts and dead people; she dreads the nights.

Sleepy but cannot sleep. Sleepless part of the night. Copious night sweats.



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                          Impressum