Musa sapientum Anhang
[Prof Dr Prakash Vakil]
Banana is probably the world's most popular fruit. They grow in tropical
countries where bananas are readily available.
But, now with the fast transport systems, banana fruits can be purchased
everywhere, even where they cannot grow.
The macrobiotic Japanese theory suggests that one should eat only those
vegetables and fruits which grow in the place where the consumer lives. It is
difficult for the author to find out the bad effects of this particular fruit
on individuals who consume imported bananas.
In India people believe that consumption of banana causes and aggravates
phlegm. Patients suffering from bronchial asthma and U.R.T.I., etc. avoid eating this fruit. In practice,
also physicians come across a number of patients who attribute aggravation and
causation of their symptoms from eating banana. The author thought of studying
such effects and after carefully conducting the proving of the fruit, finally
introduced a remedy prepared from the banana into the Homoeopathic Materia medica.
There are about 150 types of banana plants. In the cultivated varieties
fertilization is not necessary therefore the banana which is commonly available
has no seeds. The wild variety may contain stone like black seeds. The banana
fruit is botanically classified as berry of a capsule. It is rich in starch,
carbohydrate and vitamin A. It is a good source of potassium.
Information from Ayurvedic books
In India, there is a common belief that banana is the food of celestial
Ayurveda forbids banana in phlegmatic disorders such as
bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis. Eating a cardamom after eating banana
prevents the bad effects of banana. For chronic bronchitis eating two cloves
and five corns of pepper which are left inside a banana overnight; is found to
be effective in curing the disease. Taking banana with a glass full of milk at
bed-time cures constipation, insomnia, bleeding piles, sprue,
coeliac diseases, etc. and makes one to live healthy,
strong and long. Application of the pulp is also recommended in many skin
conditions like acne, wrinkling of skin, blackheads etc. It is known to
increase weight, worms, sluggishness and sleep.
A ripe banana every night can cure one of spermatorrhoea,
premature ejaculation and functional impotency. Further, the red variety is
considered to antidote the bad effects of the green variety and vice versa.
Other known medicinal uses of banana
Seeds of banana are considered to be curative as well as prophylactic in
small-pox. Banana is a good tonic food for all age group of patients as well as
healthy persons. It can be safely given to infants. Pregnant women will find a
good source of folic acid and iron in banana, with milk it can help to heal and
cure gastritis, hyperchlorhydria, peptic ulcers -
even those caused by stress or by some drugs like aspirin. It can be safely
given to patients suffering from some acute infections like tonsillitis,
hepatitis, typhoid, dysentery, measles etc. Banana is well tolerated by
diabetics when taken in moderation. It can be safely taken by an obese person
instead of sweets and carbohydrates. As it is free from cholesterol and a
medium size banana contains only 0.2g of largely unsaturated fat;
American Food and Nutrition Association: a simple diet in patients who
have had recent myocardial infarction and also in patients suffering from
hypertension and congestive cardiac failure. It is useful in patients suffering
from scanty urine, cystitis, pyelitis etc. but is contra-indicated in patients suffering
from renal failure because of its high potassium content. Modern researches
confirm that some persons can be allergic to banana so they must avoid banana.
Kent's Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica:
Aversion to Banana: Elaps.
Desires Banana: Ther.
Other books: Aversion to banana: Bar-c., Elaps.
Aversion to plums and banana: Bar-c., Elaps.
The study was carried out in
three phases, viz.
Proving of banana
2) Study of patients getting aggravated from
banana and giving banana to patients suffering from respiratory and other
problems and observing them.
Prescribing the remedy on the indications collected from the above.
Studying the patients in this way
their clinical desire/aversion/aggravation/amelioration for/from banana were
also found.
1) Proving of banana:
Banana is a very common item of
daily food like salt so the proving was carried out by giving more number of
bananas to provers. It was not possible to keep the provers only on banana. The provers
comprised of both the sexes. The youngest prover was
five years old and the oldest was twenty-six years old. 16 provers
were made to eat 6 bananas per day for a minimum of seven days. All the norms
which are laid down for conducting a proving like selecting healthy provers, instructing them to avoid any food-item having
medicinal value etc. were observed. Besides some common investigations like
routine blood, urine and stool examinations were also carried out in most of
the cases before commencing the proving and when provers
developed some symptoms. Use of some modern technologies like taking photographs
of some visual conditions, audio and video-recording of sound and conditions
were also carried out.
Some provers produced symptoms in just 2 - 3
days whereas some produced mild symptoms after 5 - 6 days and symptoms of
greater intensity after 10 - 15 days. In some provers
bananas were continued till the symptoms were unbearable. It was not possible
to carry out proving with double-blind method when giving banana-fruit.
Later on proving was also carried out in D 6 and D 30 potencies. Here;
it was possible to carry out the proving by double-blind method. Symptomatology obtained is recorded under observations. Provers who were given placebo first were given potentised remedy later on to observe the difference in the
Symptom which were found in 5 or more than 5 provers
have been written in bold letters. Symptoms found in 3 or more than 3 and less
than 5 provers have been underlined.
2) Banana and patients:
A number of patients with respiratory problems reported aggravation from
banana. This may be due to the fact that people in India have been under Ayurvedic treatment for some or the other problem sometimes
and Ayurveda forbids consumption of banana for
certain conditions. But aggravation was also noted in may patients and many of
the observations made in the Ayurvedic-books were
confirmed. A few patients also reported relief in the intensity of their
symptoms with banana fruit.
It was decided to study the effect of banana-fruit on patients suffering
from various problems in a systematic way. 12 such patients were selected. 5
patients had respiratory problems. They were better with Homoeopathic medicines
but when bananas were given they were not receiving any medicines. 2 patients
were underweight, one patient wanted to lose weight, one had a rheumatic
problem, 2 had skin problems and one had a neurological problem. All these
patients were made to eat 6 bananas per day when they were not receiving any
other Homoeopathic medicines.
Their symptoms were recorded before and after banana.
Symptomatology obtained in this particular way which matched
the symptomatology obtained from the provers have been marked*.
Symptomatology found only in the patients are marked #.
3) A medicine prepared from
banana -fruit was administered to 15 patients on the symptomatology
obtained from 1) and 2) and the symptoms which disappeared have
been marked by 2 sidelines - (11). These patients included acute
conditions, sub-acute and chronic conditions.
collected from the provers
This remedy should be useful in complaints that constantly change from
one organ to another; one place to another, shifting, fleeting in 3 to 4 days
time. Acute subacute and chronic problems. Viral
conditions like Mumps with or without metastasis, common cold, influenza,
Bacterial conditions like Rheumatic fever and also other conditions like
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus etc. Lowered resistance
of an individual when he/she is likely to get repeated viral infections like
AIDS, Leukemia etc. It should be useful in Allergic
Rhinitis, Pharyngitis, Laryngitis, Uvulitis, Parotitis, sinusitis,
Bronchitis etc.
Mind: Weeping mood - cried
because teacher scolded her.
Prefers solitude. Restless
because of physical ailment.
O/E Involuntary sighing
Feels active and energetic
mentally initially later tired and sluggish.
Fears something physical will
happen. Anxiety* > eating. Feeling of insecurity. Feels exhausted physically
and mentally.
Irritable. Wants to fight for justice. Cannot bear injustice. Fear of
dark and unknown people.
After a practical joke felt very sad and benumbed, did not know what to
do, after that cried for about half an hour and felt much better after that. Brooded
over it and felt like
crying whenever someone mentioned that or if someone looked at her and
said "Cry".
Homesick. Normally she would not react like that. Pessimistic thoughts
and broods over the same. Does not want to be disturbed that time. Wants
solitude. Does not like sympathy or help.
Irritability has gone. Does not get irritated as before - tolerance has
increased. Irritable on the 4th day. Confused. Absent minded. Feels sad and
frustrated about trivial matters or she does not known as to what exactly is wrong
- feels she will go insane and loathes life. Has become tolerant. Normal > Slow
and sluggish.
Occipital throbbing headache if sleep disturbed > hard punches on head.* Throbbing
headache on vertex as soon as head touches the pillow at night (bearable) which
disappears when waking up.
Dryness of lateral part. Watering < draft with cold feeling in eyes.
O/E Slight congestion lower eye-lids. Dark rings around eyes reduced;
Watering of eyes when sneezing and coughing – #eyes burn.
Redness of left eye like phlyctineural conjunctivitis.
Sneezing -morning after getting up, afternoon and #evening -two sneezes
at a time-morning and evening -10 - 11 h.
and 16 h.
Running of the nose after getting up in the morning. Obstruction of nose
< morning.
Nasal discharge watery/yellowish/brownish/bland. Thick brownish in the
morning changing to pale yellow in the evening
Blocked feeling in both the ears.
Pricking pain in ears -more in right ear > occupied < sitting
idle, pressure, (11) draft.
Dryness. Pain at right submandibular region.
Tip of the tongue burning. #Glossitis. Thick
Two mucus stripes, normal"" > yellow coating posteriorly in a triangular form almost like a stripe over
white coating and red tip.
(11) #Stringy saliva. Right parotid swollen
Irritation in the morning - has to clear the throat often which >
# Dryness of naso-pharynx
# > drinking water.
(11) Phlegm drawn from posterior nares < morning
#-discharge light yellow
Expectoration only morning - yellowish-white lumpy.
(11) # Hoarseness < morning after 10 h. - can talk louder but voice breaks when she
tires to talk softly.
Pain in throat < morning, empty swallowing > tea, warm drinks. *Pain
in throat as if something stuck at two places under the submandibular
(11) O/E #Uvula inflamed, elongated, red spots on uvula. Inflamed uvula
shrunk so much when proving potentised remedy that it
almost disappeared.
(11) Painless pharyngitis (Sore throat - Bapt.).
Pain only when empty swallowing. After 3 weeks of banana another attack of pharyngitis but this time it is painful + cough - < lying
down on back, > turning to left. Tickling in pharynx. Expectoration
yellow sticky, stringy.
O/E Submandibular lymph nodes tender; (11)
more on right side. (11) #Pharynx congested. -more on left side
Appetite #Increased. normal""> Can eat regular meals inspite of having 6 bananas per day. Eats more than before.
Thirst #Increased # -little quantity often / large quantity often
-violent thirst
between 14 – 16 h. while having food needs 3 to 4 glasses of water.
Decreased- aversion to cold water- feels chilly. Desires: Rice, tea.
Desire for sour less.
Pain in epigastric region after eating - started at 19
h. after chicken -pain coming suddenly
and going suddenly –
O/E Tenderness in Epigastric region, RHC, LHC,
RIF. Right side
tympanitic. #Lower abdomen tympanitic.
Bilious vomiting every other day in the morning; alternating with loose stools
with mucus. -OE Tenderness RHC - ?
Amoebic hepatitis. Used to get eructations-stopped.
Pain at one spot between epigastric region and left hypochondrium. Does not feel weak inspite
vomiting and diarrhoea. Eggs used to aggravate in her childhood - it
started again - pain in abdomen and vomiting. Eructations
Rectum: burning
in anal region when passing stools. Burning in anal region before passing stool
in the morning; > passing flatus. normal"">Loose stools every
alternate day with mucus. -alternating with bilious vomiting in the morning. Passing
flatus increased. normal"">Flatulence lower abdomen. > passing
flatus. -feels she will pass tool when passing flatus.
Stool: Offensive
-semisolid twice daily -
Male organs:
Frequent erections.
Female organs:
Menses got delayed by six days. Menses early by 4 to 5 days. Or 10 days. Flow
scanty -used to be for 4 to 5 days - now it has almost stopped on the 3rd day. Used
to get pain in both the legs -now only left leg; hip to knee portion only. Leucorrhoea
in the evening, profuse for a few seconds.
Cough: constant
suffocative cough, dry cough 1 to 2 bouts at a time > open air
< night 21.30 to 23 h. > drinking water. Sugar, sleep *3 to 4 paroxysms-
< 19 – 20 h., expectoration white frothy-pain in head or abdomen
when coughing expectoration. #Yellow expectoration. Brownish easy salty
expectoration (11) normal"">Drawing from posterior nares.
Burning pain at one spot on the left side of the chest. 5th intercostal space.
O/E A few rhonchi at left base
Tenderness right side.
Back: Pain
at coccyx - cannot sit. Pain burning at one spot right scapula.
Tenderness of cal muscles relieved. Pain in calf muscles on exertion - one
month after stopping bananas. Pain in sheen of tibia;
“As if the legs would get separated” > elevating the legs.
#Increased -drowsy all day - 12 to 13 hrs/day –cannot concentrate in the class.
#Feels fresh when he/she gets up. Previously sleep used to be disturbed
at slightest noise; now it is undisturbed.
Sleeps under a fan and covers her whole body.
Wakes up as if someone called him very loudly; starts looking for that
person but cannot find him and yet cannot believe that it happened in a dream
Sleep disturbed -wakes up every half hour but can go back to sleep very
Snake around her leg.
Many snakes sitting in front of her, Monkey in the house three to four
cobras sitting by her pillow - wakes up frightened *Previous business. Of cars
- he is
driving a red car. Of daily events. Frightful.
Skin: Peels
off. *Hyper-pigmented, dark spots which were left after Lichen planus faded. *Pellagra started clearing up. Skin outer of
the heel became thick and rough like corns. Increased sweat #-on soles, *-on
palms, #-back with feeling of heat, forehead. Perspiration decreased on palms and
soles which he used to get before.
Fever: 99*F
Feverish feeling. Fever starts in the morning with sore throat.
Was chilly before; now wants slow fan. (11) Does not want fan. (11) > Open
air. # weight increased
by 1 Kg. in 10 days.
#Complexion changed-fair. Great weakness < slightest exertion >
eating. Symptoms which some and go rapidly, followed by new symptoms - of
trivial nature but
irritating. Frequent viral infections. Lowered resistance. Had a fall 20
days back but is getting pain now.
Modalities: (11) < Morning.
(11) > Open air.
Antidote: Carb-v. Coc-c. Ferr.
Follows well: Ars.
Duration of action: About a month
-reqd. anti-doting. #15 days.
Investigations: Lymphocytes
increased from 36 to 63 %
Eosinophils increased from 8 to 20 %
WBC same. WBC increased from
5500 to 12500. Hb increased by about 3 gms. in 3 weeks. ESR reduced. ESR
normal"">increased. Sickle cells found
Introduction of this new remedy adds one more remedy to our
armamentarium to treat respiratory and other viral conditions effectively. In
crude form it helps one to put on weight
so in potentised form it should be a useful
remedy for obesity. The introduction of this remedy also helps us in
understanding aggravation of certain symptoms when a patient is consuming
Hahnemann has laid down certain criteria for proving and some others
have also added to that. While proving several remedies the author experienced
the normal""> need for modifying the proving methodology. This is
summarised hereunder.
1) It is said that prover should be a healthy person. When one examines and
writes down the history of the provers he finds that
almost all the provers have some or the
other minor problems e.g. Tendency
to catch cold in winter, presence of warts, dandruff etc. Careful recording of
the history of the provers and examination are
Aggravation or amelioration in the pre-existing condition should be
carefully noted.
2) The modern techniques of
laboratory investigations must be employed when carrying out proving of a drug.
This would help the conductor in finding out as to what
extent a prover is affected by the proving and
the affinities of the drug under study.
3) Physical examination would
also reveal many things.
4) Modern advancement in the
audio-visual sphere should be utilized when introducing a new remedy. We have
different types of coughs and tongues described in the Homoeopathic books but
we do not have recorded sounds or pictures.
5) It is said that provers should be free from anxiety. It was observed during
the proving of Mangifera that two of the provers had loss in business and they got aggravated.
Thus an important symptom was obtained. Similarly; two provers who were proving Musa said that they became
tolerant. It is important to study the prover's
change in the reaction to different stimuli when they are under the
influence of a drug. One wonders as to how the masters must have found
'Disappointment in
love', 'ailments from anger' etc. Are they only clinical symptoms?
6) 'Mangifera
Indica', 'Musa sapientum',
'Citrullus lanata' are all
food items. Ideally speaking the prover should eat nothing
else but only the particular item of food
which is required to be proved. But this is not possible so one has to
be satisfied by giving this particular food-item in excess and for a prolonged period.
7) 'Double-blind' method is not
possible when conducting crude proving of the fruit like banana. When proving
the potency it is possible to adopt this method. It is said that
those provers who have received placebo should
be given the drug and vice versa. Giving placebo to those who have received the
drug becomes a problem especially when the duration
of action of the drug is not known. When proving 'Tamarindus
Indicus' it was noted that symptoms appear for
sometime then there is a lucid interval and then the symptoms reappear. It is
possible that this reappearance of symptoms may be attributed to placebo.
8) Symptomatology
of some poisonous substances can be collected from suicidal, homicidal and
accidental cases. The author found the lastly source as an important source
when collecting symptomatology from the
victims of Bhopal and Chembur.
9) Symptomatology
collected from patients of leprosy also proved to be a good and reliable source
to prescribe "Leprominium".
10) It is recommended that in the same prover
different potencies of the same drug should be proved. The idea is not very
clear and one would encounter similar problems which are
described under point no. 7 in connection with 'Tamarindus
11) In this later years Hahnemann has also proved some remedies on some
patients. Why did he do it? Probably, he must have thought that it was no use
to stick dogmatically to
the criterion of 'healthy-prover'. Careful
observation is more important.
Further, some pathological conditions can get aggravated from some food
and although a drug as capable of affecting a particular organ deep
enough it
may not show in healthy provers.
12) It is recommended by some that the chronological order of
development of symptoms is very important and this should also match in a
patient. While proving 'Musa
Sapientum' it was observed that in some provers the right parotid got affected first followed by
pharynx and then the sleep and lastly the abdomen.
In majority of provers the throat-pharynx was
affected first but in more than half the number of provers
it was the left submandibular lymph node got affected
whereas in the rest it was the right one that was affected. Thus it was shifting
nature of the disease which was more important rather than chronological order.
13) Clinical verification of symptoms is very important. Sometimes provers may get some symptoms but they may not be found in
patients. e. g. When proving 'Citrullus
lanata' one of the provers
repeatedly got dreams of a long haired white woman hanging from the ceiling but
this was not found in patients. A few medical students who were
proving 'Musa' were anxious about a mid-term test and some anxious
symptoms were found in them but they were not found in other provers and patients who were prescribed
'Musa'. Constantine Hering gives importance to
clinically verified symptoms and puts two sidelines with such symptoms. When introducing
a new remedy it would be a good
idea to cover such an aspect.
Jenner proved Musa sapientum using “tincture
of flowers” of Banana as per Allen encyclopedia,
Clarke and other sources, Dr Prakash Vakil proved it using Fruits of Banana.
Should they both have different names as “Musa Sapientum
flos” for the one proved by Jenner and “Musa Sapientum fructus” for the one
proved by Dr Prakash Vakil
The chemical composition of the Banana fruit and the Banana flower must
be different so as to cause a different set of symptoms in these proving?
Vorwort/Suchen. Zeichen/Abkürzungen. Impressum.