Musa sapientum (Musa) = Stärkebanane/Blüten           


Vergleich: Enthält K + Mg + Noradren + Serot + Sacch + Glukose + Fruktose; Chamaecereus silvestrii (= Bananenenkaktus/= Chlorophyllos Caryophyllales.)].

[Cor-r. + Mus (= vor viele Tieren/Insekten Lebensgrundlage/viele Kreaturen sind abhängig von Carne-g. und Querq. zerstören ihr)].

Siehe: Commelinidae + Tauschwährunggruppe + Nicht-Baum + Anhang  (Dr Prakash Vakil)


Negativ: Pessimistisch + brüten/verlangt alleine + ungestört zu sein/will kein Mitgefühl o. Hilfe; seufzen, aufgebracht durch Ungerechtigkeit.+ brütet darüber + seufzt

AppeTIT/appetitlos. DURST Beschwerden wechseln (Organ/Stelle)/wandern in 3 - 4 Tagenzyklus/kommen + verschwinden plötzlich;

Repertorium:                                     [Jenner]

Kopf: Schmerz [dumpf/in Stirn]

Schweregefühl in Stirn

Mund: Rau/trocken

Zunge rau/trocken

Geschmack - adstringierend

Magen: Rumoren

Bauch: Rumoren, Kollern

Rektum: Blutung aus dem Anus




Völlegefühl in Perineum

Stuhl: Geronnen

Blase: Entzündet


Urin: Sediment schleimig

Männliche Genitalien: Verhärtete Penis

Rücken: Krümmung der Wirbelsäule - liegt mit angezogenen Knien auf dem Rücken

Träume: Reisen mit dem Schiff

Haut: braune Leberflecken/gelb durch Säfteverlust

Allgemeines: Eosinophilie

Speise und Getränke: Abgeneigt: kalte Getränke, kaltes Wasser; <: Eier;  Verlangt: Reis/Tee;


Mind: Delusions, imaginations; supermarket leaving it alone/skin is flayed on body parts

Fear - of monkeys/for narrow place, claustrophobia; of refrigerators

Rectum: Constipation - in emigrants/

Stool: Curved/scybalous, long and curved

Limbs: Lower limbs – awkward sliding when walking

Back: Curvature of spine; lies on back with lower limbs drawn up

Dreams: homesickness – comes back to Africa

Being hung from trees by his friends

Being pursued by enemies, want to flay him

Being pursued by a monster that wants to eat him

Journey by ship

Skin: brown, liver spots

Skin greenish in babies

yellow, jaundice, icterus, etc.; from loss of vital fluids

Male Organs: Indurated

Generalities: exposure to sun <


Wirkung: Tuberkulin

Allerlei: SO Asien. Fruchtbarkeit/Sonne geprägt

= keinen Baum/Stamm = aufgebaut aus Blätter (bis 3 Mtr lang). trägt Früchten nach 14 Monaten.

braucht nährstoffreichen/feuchten Boden/wird bestäubt durch Fledermäusen.


Phytologie: [Alveera Singh]

Root tincture taken orally against weak erection and as an aphrodisiac by the IFA Nkari people of Nigeria; leaves steeped in hot water and taken orally 3x daily for one week by the Kanuri tribe of northeastern Nigeria to treat aenemia, yellow fever, and malaria; fruits used in Thailand as a laxative; stem and leaves used for memory enhancement and antiaging in Sagamu, Nigeria; inflorescence used against bad dreaming, bed wetting by children, insanity

and unusual behavior, and headache by the Tai-Khamyangs of Assam, India; leaf and stem juice taken orally against fever by villagers of Vasu Vihar village, Bogra district, Bangladesh;

leaf juice applied to ears for ear ache due to cold, and root juice taken orally for helminthiasis in Dhamrai, Bangladesh; exudates of rotten root applied

to wounds by the Igede people of Nigeria; fruits with black pepper are taken orally for respiratory problems and flowers are used in diabetes and genital disorders, while plant is used dysentery, high blood pressure, and rheumatic pain in Sonebhadra district, Uttar Pradesh, India.            

Antidiarrheal, antiulcer, antimicrobial, hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic, antioxidant, diuretic, wound healing, antiallergic



Musa paradisiaca (Musa-p) = Obstbanan



Allgemeines: Wunden - Heilungstendenz langsam/Verletzungen


Vergleich: Siehe: Commelinidae + Liebesgruppe


Allerlei: = Beere/hat ein Keimblatt wie Graminaceae/Liliaceae/Orchidales


Phytologie: [Alveera Singh]

Root tincture is used against weak erection; stem juice taken orally for low sperm count, and two roasted unripe fruits taken orally daily as an aphrodisiac

by the IFA Nkari people of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria; juice extract of leaf sheath used against snake venom by the Kani tribes of Agasthiyarmalai Biosphere reserve,

India; fruits taken orally with leaf and stem juice of Basella rubra and sugar to prevent excessive bleeding following childbirth in Kurigram district, Bangladesh;

fruits used for treating diarrhea and dysentery by the Zou tribe of Churachandpur district, Manipur, India; ripe fruit taken orally with “lightning bugs” to enhance female fertility in Dhemaji district, Assam, India.

Antidiarrheal, antiulcer, antimicrobial, antihypertensive, hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic, antioxidant, antiallergic, antisnake venom



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