


Vergleich: Siehe: Asparagales


Orchideen Set Remedia.at 24 Arzneien

Aerangis distincta       C 3/ C 200

Brassavola nodosa       C 3/ C 200

Coelogyne pandurata       C 200

Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens       C 200

Cypripedium reginae       C 3/ C 200

Dactylorhiza fuchsii       C 3/ C 200

Dactylorhiza maculata       C 200

Dendrobium lasianthera       C 200

Dendrobium tetragonum var. giganteum       C 3/C 200

Dyakia hendersoniana       C 3/ C 200

Encyclia cochleata       C 200

Gymnadenia conopsea       C 3/ C 200

Liparis viridiflora       C 3/ C 200

Malleola dentifera       C 3/ C 200

Oncidium ornithorhynchum       C 3/ C 200


Australische Essenzen

Yellow Cowslip Orchid

Corybas cerasinus = Red Helmet Orchid

Doryanthes excelsa = Gymea Lily

Green Spider Orchid

Xanthorrhoea australis = (Southern/Austral) grasstree or Black Boy


[Louis Klein]

The parasitic and dependent qualities of Fungi. are also shared by Orchids. In many of the Orchid remedies there are themes of helplessness yet cooperation.

[Louis Klein]

The Orchid family, Orchidaceae, is the largest family of flowering plants with 880 genera and well in excess of 20,000 species. They represent between 6% - 11% of all

seed plants. They have a large number of extremely specific properties but are at the same time an inordinately diverse family of plants.

Orchids have complex pollination strategies. Many of these involve deception either deceiving the pollinator into believing that they provide nectar when they don't or deceiving the pollinator into thinking that they are another insect that is sexually available. Some species trap pollinators and force them to escape in a particular way

that enhances the chances of pollination. These tactics have to be very specific to the pollinator and orchids are incredibly adaptable hence the great number of different species. Studies in epigenetics, the occurrence of heritable attributes that are not derived from the genetic code, have found that orchids are particularly adept at developing such traits and at passing them on to future generations.

So not only are they genetically exceptionally diverse but even within genetically similar groups there is a wide diversity of specific, heritable adaptations.

Orchid seeds are tiny, many are microscopic, which allows widespread distribution in a way that is similar to the spores of fungi. However, it means that they have

no endosperm to sustain them through germination and early growth. It order to find nutrients for germination they have to form a symbiotic relationship with fungi.

Like the carnivorous plants, the orchids push the boundary between what is vegetable and what is animal. The carnivorous plants do this through what they consume

and the way they attract prey. The orchids do it through their connection to sexuality.

Orchids are the most sexual of plants. Many of them are sensual; in their appearance, to touch and in their scents. The deceptive pollination of many species involves what could be termed sexual behaviour with insects. The name orchid is derived from orkhis the Greek word for testicle as some species have two tuberous roots that resemble testicles. Similarly in Middle English they were called ballockworts.

A study of the effect of an Himalayan Dactylorhiza on rats shows that the association is a valid one and that orchids have a significant effect on testosterone levels and testosterone related activity. The bulbous roots of Dactylorhiza hatagirea synonymous to the tubers of Orchis macula

(Orchidaceae) and serve as source of Salep, are used traditionally in Indian subcontinent specially in the Northern region and Nepal as aphrodisiac and sexual stimulant.

It is considered as a nutritive and restorative tonic and also as an alternative source of Salep used very commonly in Europe.

Care of someone who wishes to die and is suicidal. In Vanilla a feeling of death and evil surrounding the individual and a need for protection from it. You could say

that many Orchids are in the midst of death, dying and suffering, whether this involves a close friend or relative, or a wider societal situation where there is much violence

and death. The parasitic and dependent qualities of Fungi are also shared by Orchids. In many of the Orchid remedies there are themes of helplessness yet cooperation. Related issues of how Orchids give and demand care and support are discussed further below. Heightened Senses and Extreme Sensitivity In the Orchid provings, the senses were accentuated. There can be hypersensitivity in one type of sense or in various senses. Particularly profound was the sense of sight, with light playing an important role. Touch was also heightened and refined. We can also see the seemingly opposite situation where the senses are overwhelmed, and therefore blocked, and expression is stultified, even apparently impossible (as is seen in many neurobehavioral disorders and autism). You could say that the problem is more to do with expression than with the actual experience of the senses. In other words, the sensual experience may be increased but with little ability for outward release. This sensitivity is also why we may see

such a strong interest in their material environment. In the case of autistic or Asperger s children it may be that they have an attachment to, or an aversion to the way certain things feel, smell, or look. They may desire to feel or even smell objects around them repetitively. Orchid patients may also be artistically sensitive with an acute awareness

of the environment around them and a desire to work with it or depict it in an elevated, aesthetic way. In other instances, there may be a great environmental sensitivity to smells and chemicals. They may have strong allergies to chemicals, smells, perfumes, dust, or other substances. This is a theme of patients needing remedies from the whole plant order of the Asparagales, of which the family Orchidaceae is a part. I have also seen homeopathic Orchids being useful for patients with sensitivity to electromagnetic emanations. Such sensitivity can also be on an emotional level. Injustice can easily anger them and they are particularly reactive to others invading their space or what they

are attached to. This can even extend to their country s space and identity.


[Louis Klein]

Eine weitere allgemeine Eigenschaft der Orchideen besteht darin, dass Orchideen-mittel auch von großer Bedeutung für solche Patienten sein können, die Situationen und Beziehungen ausgeliefert sind, in denen es zu sexueller oder körperlicher Gewalt und Missbrauch kommt. In einem gemäßigterem Umfeld könnte dies auf Menschen zutreffen, bei deren Arbeit es zu Konflikten oder sogar zu Gewalt und Bedrohung kommt (Rechtsanwälte oder Anwaltsgehilfen, Sozialarbeiter oder Berater). Handelt es sich um Orchideenpatienten, sind diese meist freundlicher und legen mehr Enthusiasmus an den Tag als andere Menschen, die in solchen Berufen arbeiten, gleichzeitig bewahren

sie in der Situation aber eine gewisse Distanz.

In vergleichbarer Weise kann dieses Thema auch bei einer Orchideenpatientin auftreten, die mit jemandem zusammen ist, der eine düstere und schwierige, vielleicht sogar missbräuchliche Persönlichkeit hat. Die Orchideenpatientin kompensiert diese Situation, indem sie tapfer gute Miene zum bösen Spiel macht und wie Lac delphinum

versucht, die Probleme oder den Missbrauch durch die andere Person zu vertuschen.

Eine weitere Möglichkeit, wie sich dieses Thema manifestieren kann, ergibt sich, wenn jemand in eine Familie einheiratet, in der die vorherige Lebensgefährtin des neuen Partners erst vor kurzem verstorben ist; sie ist dann die Außenseiterin, die der Familie aber durch ihr elegantes und fröhliches Auftreten bei der Bewältigung des Kummers hilft.

Eine andere Ausdrucksform des beschriebenen Themas ist „Anpassungsfähigkeit in einem Konflikt“. In vielen Geschichten über Orchideen, besonders aber in Erzählungen

von der Suche nach diesen exotischen Pflanzen, taucht dieses Thema auf.

Orchideen sind auf der ganzen Welt verbreitet; sie kommen zwar vorwiegend in wärmeren Klimazonen vor, aber es gibt auch Arten, die in sehr kalten Klimagebieten gedeihen. Der Orchideenpatient ist anpassungsfähig und erreicht durch sein Verhalten, dass die in seinem Umfeld auftretenden Konflikte besser zu ertragen sind. Eine solche Anpassung kann aber auch ein innerlicher Prozess sein. Ein Patient, der ein Orchideenmittel braucht, kann sich an schwerwiegende gesundheitliche Einschränkungen und Erkrankungen anpassen – wozu auch Krankheitszustände wie M.S., neurologische Probleme, Lähmungen und Schwäche zählen. Trotz enormer körperlicher oder emotionaler Schwierigkeiten bewahren sie sich ein fröhliches Auftreten. Und wie zu Beginn dieses Kapitels bereits erwähnt, kann es auch sein, dass sie sich von ihren Problemen freimachen und auf oberflächlichere und erfreulichere Aspekte in ihrem Leben konzentrieren.

Da Pilzmittel auf toter Materie gedeihen, stellt das Thema Tod und Sterben einen wichtigen Aspekt dar. Träume vom Tod und Todesimpressionen tauchten auch in vielen Orchideenprüfungen und klinischen Fällen auf. Ich konnte dieses Thema auch in einer Reihe von Orchideenfällen erkennen, in denen die Patientin nicht schwanger wurde bzw. zahlreiche Fehlgeburten hatte. Orchideenmittel eignen sich darüber hinaus für Patienten, die in jungen Jahren den Tod eines Elternteils oder einer anderen Bezugsperson verkraften mussten.

Neben dem gesteigerten Bewusstsein für das Thema Tod und der Angst davor kann auch ein ruhiges oder gar fröhliches Sinnieren über den Tod vorkommen. In der Prüfung von Trichoceros antennifer kam der Gedanke auf, für jemanden zu sorgen, der sterben möchte und an Selbstmord denkt. Bei Vanilla gibt es das Gefühl, von Tod und Verderben umgeben zu sein und Schutz davor zu brauchen. So könnte man also sagen, dass viele Orchideen als zentrales Thema „Tod, Sterben und Leiden“ haben, sei es, dass ein enger Freund oder Verwandter betroffen ist, oder es um eine weiter gefasste gesellschaftliche Situation geht, in der viel Gewalt und Tod herrscht.

Die parasitären und unselbständigen Eigenschaften der Pilze sind auch bei den Orchideen zu finden. Bei vielen Orchideenmitteln tauchen Aspekte wie Kooperation trotz Hilflosigkeit auf. Damit zusammenhängende Themen, wie Orchideen Fürsorge und Unterstützung verlangen, aber auch spenden, werden später noch erörtert.

Geschärfte Sinne und extreme Sensibilität

In den Orchideenprüfungen waren die Sinneswahrnehmungen verschärft mit Überempfindlichkeit entweder nur eines Sinnes oder auch mehrerer Sinne. Besonders betroffen war das Sehvermögen, wobei Licht eine wichtige Rolle spielte. Der Tastsinn war ebenfalls verschärft.

Wir sehen aber auch das genaue Gegenteil – die Sinne sind überwältigt und in der Folge blockiert. Auch der Ausdruck ist gestört, geradezu unmöglich (wie bei vielen neurologisch bedingten Verhaltensstörungen und Autismus). Man könnte sogar so weit gehen zu sagen, dass es mehr ein Problem des Ausdrucks als der tatsächlichen Sinneswahrnehmung ist. Anders ausgedrückt, die Sinneswahrnehmung kann erhöht sein, aber die Fähigkeit des Ausdrucks ist vermindert.

Diese Sensibilität kann auch der Grund für das auffällig gesteigerte Interesse an der materiellen Umwelt sein. Autistische Kinder oder solche mit dem Asperger-Syndrom haben oft eine Affinität zu oder umgekehrt eine Aversion gegen die Art und Weise, wie bestimmte Dinge aussehen, riechen oder sich anfühlen. Sie können das Verlangen haben, bestimmte Dinge in ihrem Umfeld wiederholt anzufassen oder zu riechen. Orchideenpatienten können auch künstlerisch empfindsam sein und ihre Umgebung sehr bewusst wahrnehmen. Dies kann mit dem Verlangen einhergehen, mit diesem Umfeld zu arbeiten oder es auf ästhetisch ansprechende Weise bildlich darzustellen.

Es kann auch eine hochgradige Überempfindlichkeit gegenüber Gerüchen und Chemikalien bestehen. Die Patienten leiden an ausgeprägten Allergien gegen Chemikalien, Gerüche, Parfums, Staub oder andere Stoffe. Dieses Thema tritt bei Patienten auf, die eine Arznei aus der Ordnung der Asparagales benötigen, zu der auch die Familie

der Orchidaceae gehört. Ich habe auch erlebt, dass Patienten, die überempfindlich auf elektromagnetische Strahlung reagierten, von homöopathischen Orchideenzubereitungen profitierten.

Eine solche Sensibilität kann auch auf der emotionalen Ebene auftreten. Ungerechtigkeit erzürnt Orchideenpatienten schnell, und sie können es insbesondere nicht ertragen, wenn andere Menschen in ihren Bereich eindringen oder das beanspruchen, was ihnen wichtig ist. Dies kann sich sogar auf das Gebiet und die Identität ihres Heimatlandes erstrecken. Spezifische Orchideen ärgern sich über ganz bestimmte Dinge, die meist mit einer speziellen inneren Sensibilität oder Schwäche zusammenhängen, die sie kompensieren müssen. Sie können sehr empfindlich auf Kritik, Betrug und Zurückweisung reagieren und merken genau, wer über sie herzieht. Sie brauchen oft viel „Freiraum“, um ihre emotionalen Wunden zu pflegen und zu transformieren bzw. auch, um sich um die emotionalen Wunden anderer zu kümmern. Sie reagieren sehr empfindlich auf niedrige Emotionen und fühlen sich durch diese vielleicht sogar paralysiert, was wiederum zu der Empfindung von Scham führt. Um dies zu vermeiden, lassen sie sich entweder auf diese niedrigen Emotionen ein oder vollführen entsprechende Täuschungsmanöver.

In einigen Prüfungen und bei manchen Patienten traten Hellsehen und Hellhören auf, was zeigt, wie weit diese Sensibilität gehen kann. Diese Menschen sind empfänglich

für und reagieren empfindlich auf psychische Kräfte in ihrer Umgebung.


Several orchids have been proved: Cypr. Vanilla. and Phalaenopsis gigantean. (= Elephant ear orchid) available at: http://www.homeopathycourses.com/ and

Calypso bulbosa. (= Calypso Orchid)

Orchidaceae themes ...



Sexual sensitivity #/or bluntness

Emotional oversensitivity #/or bluntness

Hysterical emotions

Ennui #/or Ecstacy

The Lady Slipper Orchid, Cypripedium, has a history of use as a remedy for nervous excitement and sleepless children.


[Louis Klein]

As a general quality, Orchid remedies are important for patients who are in situations and relationships that involve sexual or physical abuse and violence.

And in a more moderate society, this leads to many Orchid patients being in jobs that exist in the midst of conflict or even violent confrontation and threats, including lawyers or law clerks, social workers or counsellors.

Their approach is friendlier and more enthusiastic than is the norm, offering calm, cheer, and solace, yet at the same time they remain somewhat detached from the situation.

In a comparable manner, this theme may appear as the Orchid patient being the partner of someone with a shadowy and difficult, even abusive personality. The Orchid patient compensates, putting on a brave or cheerful face but, like Lac delphinum, can also attempt to hide the problems or abuse of the other person.

A further way it may manifest is someone who marries into a family, where the previous spouse of their new partner has just died and they are the outsider who, through their elegant and joyful demeanor, helps heal the family’s grief.

Another way of expressing the preceding theme is “adaptability within conflict.” Many stories about orchids, and especially narratives about the search for these exotic plants, involve this theme.

Orchids are widespread throughout the world, primarily in warmer climates, but species do exist in very cold climates.

The Orchid patient is adaptable and makes any conflict around them much more livable. Such adaptation can also be an internal process.

The patient needing an Orchid remedy can adapt to serious limitations and challenges in their health - including such challenges as multiple sclerosis, neurological problems, paralysis, and weakness.

They may keep a joyful countenance in the face of any great physical or emotional challenge.

And as mentioned in the beginning of this section, they may disengage and focus on more superficial, self-gratifying elements in their reality. Since they grow on dead matter, the issue of death. and dying is important in Fungal remedies.

Dreams of death and the impression of death are also prominent in many of the Orchid provings and clinical cases.

I have also seen this theme manifested in a number of Orchid cases where a patient cannot conceive and has multiple miscarriages.

These are also remedies for individuals who may have suffered. the death of parents or other caregiver at a young age.

As well as heightened awareness, anxiety, or fear of death, it may also be contemplated calmly or joyfully.

In the proving of Trichoceros antennifer care of someone who wishes to die and is suicidal.

In Vanilla, there is a feeling of death and evil surrounding the individual and a need for protection from it.

So you could say that many Orchids are “in the midst of death, dying and suffering,” whether this involves a close friend or relative, or a wider societal situation where there is much violence and death.

[Louis Klein]

The parasitic and dependent qualities of Fungi are also shared by Orchids. In many of the Orchid remedies there are themes of helplessness yet cooperation.

Related issues of how Orchids give and demand care and support are discussed further below.

Heightened Senses and extreme Sensitivity

In the Orchid provings, the senses were accentuated.

There can be hypersensitivity in one type of sense or in various senses particularly profound was the sense of sight, with light playing an important role. Touch was also heightened and refined.

We can also see the seemingly opposite situation – where the senses are overwhelmed, and therefore blocked, and expression is stultified, even apparently impossible (in many neurobehavioral disorders and autism).

You could say that the problem is more to do with expression than with the actual experience of the senses.

In other words, the sensual experience may be increased but with little ability for outward release.

This sensitivity is also why we may see such a strong interest in their material environment.

In the case of autistic or Asperger’s children it may be that they have an attachment to, or an aversion to the way certain things feel, smell, or look

They may desire to feel or even smell objects around them repetitively.

Orchid patients may also be artistically sensitive with an acute awareness of the environment around them and a desire to work with it or depict it in an elevated, aesthetic way.

In other instances, there may be a great environmental sensitivity to smells and chemicals.

They may have strong allergies to chemicals, smells, perfumes, dust, or other substances.

This is a theme of patients needing remedies from the whole plant order of the Asparagales, of which the family Orchidaceae is a part.

I have also seen homeopathic Orchids being useful for patients with sensitivity to electromagnetic emanations

Such sensitivity can also be on an emotional level

Injustice can easily anger them and they are particularly reactive to others invading their space or what they are attached to. This can even extend to their country’s space and identity. Specific orchids have anger about specific issues, which are usually related to some particular internal sensitivity or weakness for which they need to compensate.

They can be acutely aware of criticism, betrayal, and rejection, and those who are gossiping about them.

They often need “space” to deal with their emotional wounds in the attempt to transform these wounds or the emotional wounds of others.

They are sensitive to, and may become paralyzed by baser emotions, resulting in feeling shame.

To avoid this, they may partake in these baser expressions or become deceptive themselves.

In some of the provings and patients I have seen, there is clairvoyance and clairaudience showing how strong the exquisite sensitivity can get.

They can pick up, and be quite sensitive to the psychic forces around them.

The Outsider and Issues of Support

Although some Orchid patients may be quite gregarious, the opposite polarity of extreme and exquisite sensitivity towards the physical or emotional environment can lead to them cutting off from their surroundings.

They can become isolated and disconnected as outsiders and eventually there can be a complete compensatory disengagement (Asperger’s syndrome and autism).

Patients with deep pathology of this type need a lot of care and attention.

In less extreme cases, there is less severe but still debilitating ADD, ADHD, and other types of neurobehavioral disorders that affect communication, with a tendency to withdraw.

They may feel alone, like a castaway, and experience either resentment or resignation as a result.

They can have difficulty connecting to purpose or meaning in life or work, preferring to freeload and make demands on others.

In some cases, as indicated in the description of Phalaenopsis gigantea, withdrawal is combined with resentful frustration at communication difficulties.

They may derive strength from other people and need social assistance (especially noted in the epiphytic (= growing on other plants ) and lithophytic (= growing on rocks) Orchid types), sometimes

a whole family is on chronic Welfare. Even though they may be lovingly embraced by a group of people or a new family or relationship, they may have underlying feelings that they will be rejected or that they are the outsider in the group.

On the other hand, they may be in a situation where they care for a relative who requires continuous, substantial financial and emotional support. The needy individual may be someone who is physically, mentally, or emotionally challenged, including someone who is treated as an outcast. (autism or Down Syndrome/sibling or parent drug addicted or is in a way disabled).

In Vanilla there is a strong quality of sensuousness. In Phalenopsis confusion. In Calypso the issue of seductive and deceptive sexuality predominates. These are all issues that are common to the Orchids (Dactylorhiza).

, but one area seems to come to the fore in each individual species.

Dactylorhiza praetermissa., the Southern Marsh Orchid is a common European orchid. The Dactylorhizas have two to five, slightly elongated, tuberous roots that resemble fingers and the name derives from the Greek dactylos which means finger. It grows in open ground such as bogs and wet meadows and it will colonize waste ground. It hybridizes very easily with other species of Dactylorhiza.


Orchidaceae ist letzt entwickelte Pflanzenfamilie/haben ein Keimblatt wie Graminaceae/Liliaceae/Musa. Wartet auf Bestäubung ohne zu welken Monatelang.


Polarität von Spiritualität zu Hypersexualität (Orgien/Orgasmus/Orchitis), Mangel an Verantwortung (symbiotisches - parasitisches Leben), Kontaktverlust mit der Umgebung; Individualität mit Mangel an Bindungen; nicht geerdet mit Evolutionswunsch zu nicht-materialistischer/metaphysischer/kosmischer Ebene (ohne Zentrum/chaotisch bis gewalttätig);

Floweressenze: Aufforderung: befreie Dich von morale Konditionierung/erlaube Dich Sex und spirituelle Macht zu erleben/ Berührung/Intimität/Freude/Sinnlichkeit/Erotik/Spiritualität

Orchidee ist der Wollust verfallene Lilie

Orchids (Körper) Liliaceae Rosaceae (Seele)

Sukkulenten: tapfer/stark


[Louis Klein]

As a general quality, Orchid remedies are also important for patients who are in situations and relationships that involve sexual or physical abuse and violence.

And in a more moderate society, this leads to many Orchid patients being in jobs that exist in the midst of conflict or even violent confrontation and threats, (lawyers or law clerks, social workers or counsellors).

Their approach is friendlier and more enthusiastic than is the norm, offering calm, cheer, and solace, yet at the same time they remain somewhat detached from the situation.

In a comparable manner, this theme may appear as the Orchid patient being the partner of someone with a shadowy and difficult, even abusive personality.

The Orchid patient compensates, putting on a brave or cheerful face but, like Lac delphinum, can also attempt to hide the problems or abuse of the other person.

A further way it may manifest is someone who marries into a family, where the previous spouse of their new partner has just died and they are the outsider who, through

their elegant and joyful demeanor, helps heal the family’s grief.

Another way of expressing the preceding theme is “adaptability within conflict.”

Many stories about orchids, and especially narratives about the search for these exotic plants, involve this theme.

Orchids are widespread throughout the world, primarily in warmer climates, but species do exist even in very cold climates.

The Orchid patient is adaptable and makes any conflict around them much more livable. Such adaptation can also be an internal process.

The patient needing an Orchid remedy can adapt to serious limitations and challenges in their health - including such challenges as M.S., neurological problems, paralysis,

and weakness. They may keep a joyful countenance in the face of any great physical or emotional challenge.

And as mentioned in the beginning of this section, they may disengage and focus on more superficial, self-gratifying elements in their reality.

Since they grow on dead matter, the issue of death and dying is important in Fungal remedies.

Dreams of death and the impression of death are also prominent in many of the Orchid provings and clinical cases.

I have also seen this theme manifested in a number of Orchid cases where a patient cannot conceive and has multiple miscarriages.

These are also remedies for individuals who may have suffered the death of parents or other caregiver at a young age.

As well as heightened awareness, anxiety, or fear of death, it may also be contemplated calmly or joyfully.

In the proving of Trichoceros antennifer there was the idea of taking Section 2  The Orchid Group: care of someone who wishes to die and is suicidal.

In Vanilla, there is a feeling of death and evil surrounding the individual and a need for protection from it.

So you could say that many Orchids are “in the midst of death, dying and suffering,” whether this involves a close friend or relative, or a wider societal situation with

much violence and death.

The parasitic and dependent qualities of Fungi are also shared by Orchids. In many of the Orchid remedies there are themes of helplessness yet cooperation.

Related issues of how Orchids give and demand care and support are discussed further below.

Heightened Senses and extreme Sensitivity

In the Orchid provings, the senses were accentuated.

There can be hypersensitivity in one type of sense or in various senses.

Particularly profound was the sense of sight, with light playing an important role. Touch was also heightened and refined.

We can also see the seemingly opposite situation – where the senses are overwhelmed, and therefore blocked, and expression is stultified, even apparently impossible (as is seen in many neurobehavioral disorders and autism). You could say that the problem is more to do with expression than with the actual experience of the senses.

In other words, the sensual experience may be increased but with little ability for outward release.

This sensitivity is also why we may see such a strong interest in their material environment.

In the case of autistic or Asperger’s children it may be that they have an attachment to, or an aversion to the way certain things feel, smell, or look.

They may desire to feel or even smell objects around them repetitively.

Orchid patients may also be artistically sensitive with an acute awareness of the environment around them and a desire to work with it or depict it in an elevated, aesthetic way.

In other instances, there may be a great environmental sensitivity to smells and chemicals.

They may have strong allergies to chemicals, smells, perfumes, dust, or other substances.

This is a theme of patients needing remedies from the whole plant order of the Asparagales, of which the family Orchidaceae is a part.

I have also seen homeopathic Orchids being useful for patients with sensitivity to electromagnetic emanations.

Such sensitivity can also be on an emotional level.

Injustice can easily anger them and they are particularly reactive to others invading their space or what they are attached to. This can even extend to their country’s space

and identity.

Specific orchids

The orchid Group: new Homeopathy Perspectives 

Section 2 have anger about specific issues, which are usually related to some particular internal sensitivity or weakness for which they need to compensate.

They can be acutely aware of criticism, betrayal, and rejection, and those who are gossiping about them.

They often need “space” to deal with their emotional wounds in the attempt to transform these wounds or the emotional wounds of  others.

They are sensitive to, and may become paralyzed by baser emotions, resulting in feeling shame.

To avoid this, they may partake in these baser expressions or become deceptive themselves.

In some of the provings and patients I have seen, there is clairvoyance and clairaudience showing how strong the exquisite sensitivity can get.

They can pick up, and be quite sensitive to the psychic forces around them.

The Outsider and Issues of Support

Although some Orchid patients may be quite gregarious, the opposite polarity of  extreme and exquisite sensitivity towards the physical or emotional environment

can lead to them cutting off from their surroundings.

They can become isolated and disconnected as outsiders and eventually there can be a complete compensatory disengagement as we see in Asperger’s syndromes and

autism. Patients with deep pathology of this type need a lot of care and attention.

In less extreme cases, there is less severe but still debilitating ADD, ADHD, and other types of  neurobehavioral disorders that affect communication, with a tendency

to withdraw.

They may feel alone, like a castaway, and experience either resentment or resignation as a result.

They can have difficulty connecting to purpose or meaning in life or work, preferring to freeload and make demands on others.

In some cases, as indicated in the description of Phalaenopsis gigantea, withdrawal is combined with resentful frustration at communication difficulties.

They may derive strength from other people and need social assistance (noted in the epiphytic and lithophytic Orchid types), sometimes to the extent that a whole family

is on chronic welfare. Even though they may be lovingly embraced by a group of people or a new family or relationship, they may have underlying feelings that they will

be rejected or that they are the outsider in the group.

On the other hand, they may be in a situation where they care for a relative who requires continuous, substantial financial and emotional support. The needy individual

may be someone who is physically, mentally, or emotionally challenged, including someone who is treated as an outcast.

This could be a child with autism or Down syndrome or a sibling or parent who is drug addicted or has some sort of disabling.


Phalaenopsis gigantean description and Source

The most widely-grown orchids in the world are from the genus Phalaenopsis, including hybrids.

This particular species is native to forests up to 400m in parts of Indonesia and Malaysia (Borneo, Sabah, and Sarawak) and was first described in 1909.

As an epiphyte it can be found growing in the tops of trees with the massive roots wrapped around branches for support.

In Malesia, the humidity is high and rainfall plentiful, although there is a drier season (usually towards the middle part of the winter). The plant requires an intact root

system to maintain leaf  hydration, and responds poorly to root disturbance.

Named for its gigantic leaves -the leaf span can easily exceed 2 feet (60 cm)- it is the largest of the Phalaenopsis species.

The 5 to 6 massive leaves are pendent, leathery, broadly rounded, pale silver-green and shiny on both surfaces, bearing some resemblance to elephant names and Meanings



Vorwort/Suchen   Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum