Pflanzen Anhang Madaus 5
[Dr. G.
Madaus 1931]
THE latest
conclusions, that in plants animal hormones are also to be found, e.g. in the
drug Polygonatum offic. an extract of the pancreas, similar to insulin, or in
the tuber of rhubarb plant, the ingredients of the human liver, i.e.
Cholesterine, have led to a new method of consideration, with regard to the
relations between animals and plants, which may be applied to the scientific
explanation of the homoeopathic main principle.
relations between animals and plants may be explained phylogenetically.
the development of plants and animals on the earth, from the primordial cell, we
find that plant and animal classes have developed equally in a periodical
on each other, as is known, is already conditioned by the plants inhaling
carbonic acid breathed out by human beings and animals, and working it into
starch, or sugar, respectively, and in exchange, exhaling oxygen,
which is
urgently required by human beings and animals for the purpose of life, i.e.
that no plant is able to live without the presence of animals. But this
dependence exists not only with regard to the respiration, but also with regard
to the
growth, the building up, and the vital forces.
The plants
live from the excrements of the animals, or from their decayed bodies, and the
animals live from the plants. Yet we know that the hormones of the animals in
their decayed state are less at the disposal of the plants for the working up
and the working on than in animal excrements, i.e. in the urine. We know that,
for instance, women when pregnant develop already on the first day after
conception, pregnancy hormones in the urine. These may be applied according to
the Zondek method for the test of pregnancy. This method is carried out in such
a way, that, for instance, 1/10 ccm. up to 1 ccm. of the urine of women is
injected into young female mice. These show then, in the case of pregnant
persons, a particularly speedy development of the ovaries. The result of this
is that the secreted hormone develops its hormonal effect also in another class
of animals.
recently deceased Berlin physician, Dr. Zickel, was able to prove that a
hormone displays also a specific effect in the plant. He manured some
particularly valueless plants with animal hormones, and proved a characteristic
change of
the sap of these plants. With the enormous quantities of human and animal
excrements, as Ernst Fuhrmann describes so well in his books “Agave” and “Der
Bienenmensch”, it is clear that the working up of the excrements
is for the
plant, not only a question of satisfying the demand for oxygen, but the
hormones, and enzymae found in the excrements are necessary for life, for the
building up, and for the growth, and have been become a deciding factor
for the
development of the plant. One can affirm that genetically animal period
influences hormonally, and also with regard to the building up, the development
of a plant period, and that the higher developed plant class contributes
again to
the further development of the animal class. So it has become a characteristic
differentiation of the plants, which makes itself known, in that some plants
seek the human dwelling places, while others avoid them, that means
that plants
which seek human beings, are dependent on their excrements, Acon. Con. Thlas.
Urt. and others
It is
interesting that the influence of the human and animal excrements results in
the further working up a bipolarisation in the plant. This allows itself to be
proved particularly easily with regard to mushrooms. We see, for instance,
on the
cakes of the cow-dung in the meadows, two kind of mushrooms grow, on the one
side a mushroom which condenses, or takes over the aromatically relishable
parts, that is the champignon, and on the other side a mushroom,
builds up and condenses the poisonous parts of the excrements, that is Agar-ph.
The tiniest pieces of this mushroom produce, when eaten by human beings, the
appearance of intestinal poisoning, as appears when a motion
remains too
long in the body. From this and certain other similar comparisons, it follows
that the poisonousness of a plant is at the same time a proof of the existence
of that animal class, on the excrements of which this plant builds up,
and the
hormones, or the encyma of which it condenses to poison. On the excrements of
the reptiles we see the developing of poisonous plants which are only poisonous
for reptiles. In the bird era, we observe the appearing of plants,
instance, umbelliferous plants, the seeds of which are poisonous specifically
for birds. These seeds are, however, less poisonous for animal classes, which
have developed before, or later than this era. Even five carraway seeds
sufficient to kill a sparrow. Thus, the cabbage lettuce builds up on the
excrements of rabbits, and hares, because for these, the so-called "heart
leaves" of the cabbage lettuce are very poisonous, whereas, as is known,
these leaves
are not
poisonous for human beings. We know that goats are absolutely insensitive, for
instances, to opium, or morphinum; cows and horses, however, are again, very sensitive
to these. The papaveracous plants, therefore, have only developed during the
period of development of bovines, horses, and human beings. The poisons of the
plants are, therefore, genetical condensations of the hormones, or intestinal
excrements of certain classes of animals.
signification has the physiological connection between animal and plant, for
the healing value for each other, and for the healing power for human beings?
This question is especially interesting for us. It signifies, according to
Fuhrmann, removal of constitutional anomalies in the instance of supplying of
the lacking or the diminishing of the surplus. When a human being completes
ontogenetically in the womb, the development from the embryo within 9
months up
todays perfection, this is a shortened course of the development of mankind on
the earth from the primordial cell up. Should a disturbance, or even only a
restraint enter, thus the fish-nature, or the reptile nature is only
incompletely, or too completely developed in the foetus. The infant is then
born with a so-called tendency which we designate from the physical standpoint
as constitution, from the psychical standpoint as a characteristic tendency.
constitutional, or characteristic anomalies are signs of lacking, or reversed,
preponderance of periods in the ontogenesis. They may in all probability be
influenced by the application of plants with hormonal condensations of the
various animal classes.
indeed, it is possible to analyse the plant in this instance, is a question,
the answer to which remains to be found in the future. The best method that we
have at our disposal at the present time is the pathogenesis of the plants,
that means
the proof of the efficacy of the plants on healthy persons as practised in
For the
explanation of the particular symptoms occurring with this, is yet a further
account required.
modification of the healing power as found in the plants is conditioned by
various circumstances, viz. the growth in the sun causes the plant to produce a
sap, e.g. with Cina, Colch., Dulc. etc., which administered to healthy people
produces sometimes a feeling of "improvement of the complaints by warmth“.
In case of heliopathic plants, e.g. Daphne mezereum, or Agaricus, we are able
to state from tests with the sap of these plants that "the complaints are
improved by
coldness“. In case of climbing, or twining plants which have no support of
their own, e.g. Bry. one finds sometimes with tests on healthy people the
symptom "< movement," for the plant dies, if it is deprived
of its
support, on the other hand one finds with this plant the symptom ">
resting“. Reserved, one finds with plants which creep by underground rhizomes,
or overground shoots, e.g. Rhus-t., the symptom "> movement“.
When the
plant grows on soil containing salt, it thus develops particularly strong
healing powers, e.g. it develops with Artemisia maritima, on soil containing
soda the efficacious Santonin. When Artemisia is cultivated on soil
no salt, it develops no Santonin. The plants which endure bruising, or a break,
or a contusion by a good gallic formation, for instance, the Plantago major. Symph.
Heli. or Arn., have a very good regeneration hormone which
may be used
with success also with internal therapy in cases of broken bones, and
contusions, but also externally for badly healing wounds, and abscesses on the
skin. Plants growing in swamps strongly containing humic acid, have a
particular power to work up the uric acid, e.g. Led. Kalm.
the healing power of the plants may be explained by the growth, and the nature
of the ground, the building up on animal excrements, etc.
The root
has, generally speaking, strong resemblance to the stomach, and intestinal canal.
It may be designated as an inverted intestine of the plant, it develops
ferments which assist in digesting the earth as we find it similarly in the
human intestine. I will bring to notice the tubers of the roots of legumes
filled with bacteria radicicola, or the symbiose of the mushrooms on the tips
of the roots which are designated as Mykorrhiza. If one wishes to test, for
instance, the ferments of a root, one makes a root creep over a polished marble
plate. One sees then along the path, that the marble plate is lightly corroded.
In short, we have to contend with absolutely similar relations between the
roots of plants and the animal intestine. The root stock develops various
hormones of the intestinal gland, as
the liver gland, and the pancreas. It also shows peristalsis.
continues in the overground plant in form of a pulsation, as we know this from
the human pulse. We find with plants also nerves, a heart centre, and much
which is comparable with animal organs. He who is interested in this,
should read
the beautiful book, Pflanzenschrift, "Plant Autographs and their
revelations“. of the Indian, Bose.
The bark
serves for the protection against the attacks of animals, and insects. The
greater the attacks, the more capable of resistance is the bark, and the better
is its medical usefulness. Thus we apply china-bark for malaria infection
attacks through the skin. 1/3 of the diameter of the China-tree consists of
bark, We apply the Ratanhia bark for chapped skin.
A large
overground development of the plant, and a neglect of the underground parts
shows strong relations to the skin and the lungs, e.g. Mallow. The contents of
the bundle of the vessels shows a relation to the blood circulation, e.g.
When the
plant grows on stones, or calcareous earth, the leaves, for instance, of the
saxifraga variety, secrete large quantities of carbonate of lime, e.g. thirty
leaves of Saxifraga Aizoon secrete more than ½ gr. of carbonate of lime. For
the working up of the lime, and for the assimilation of the lime in the human body
the saps of this plant-class are especially qualified.
The flowers
of the plants have relations to the head and the genital organs, i.e. the
hypsophills, and the perigone leaves to the brain, and to the skull. I call to
mind the development of the poppy head, and its effect on the brain, and the
sepals, floral leaves, and stamina on the genital organs.
hypsophill is with some plants of a very characteristic form. It wraps up the
flower of Arum triphyllum with a neck like lacing, by which the insects are
retained. The power of resistance of the hypsophill against the attacks of the
resisting insects is an explanation of the efficacy of this plant against the
affection of the neck-organs (larynx).
The flower
has sometimes a very energetic effect on the genital organs. One may think of
the application of the flower of Crocus sativus which formerly has been misused
for abortion.
A shrub
with unfertile flowers is as the case with snowball (Vib-o.) has an inhibiting
effect on the functions of the womb. With the powder made of the root of this
shrub all labour-pains can be brought to a standstill, i.e. to prevent a
threatening abortion. Interesting is the efficacy of fungi growing exuberantly
in flowers, and which also display a strong efficacy on the genital organs,
viz. Ust. Sec.
phyto-analytical method of considering allows to appear always in a new light
the pathogenesis of the plants, i.e., the picture of the symptoms as applied in
approved homoeopathic main symptoms, especially the mental symptoms, may be
explained by the growth, the building up, and he mode of life of the plants.
When Puls. allows the large flower heads to droop, thus the mental
"the hanging of the head" is no fantasy of a subdued signature
theory, but conditioned by the hormonal powers of the plant, which may be
genetically established at a later time.
For this a
greater co-operation between the botanist and the physician is essential. The
physician must again become a botanist, and must regain from studying the
symbiose of men and plants, the surety for the right application of the
I would
like to mention, finally, still another claim, which for the practitioner
arises from the application of the hormones of the plants. The hormones
particular to the plants, not their poisons, are, as well as the vitamins,
bound up
with the
albumen of the plant, they are immaterial, i.e. not to be isolated, but a
condition of the albumen. This albumen of the plants is contained unchanged in
the fresh sap, or pap of the plants, but it is precipitated by the addition of
alcohol. The homoeopathic prime tincture which represents a mixture between the
sap of the plant and alcohol and from which all turbidities, and precipitations
have been filtrated out, is not the ideal final aim of the form of
administration. If the full effect of a plant is desired, thus one is obliged,
as Hahnemann already recommended in the second edition of his book, Chronic
Illnesses, volume three, pages 176 and 230, to proceed from the triturations of
the fresh leaves. The tests of Con. and Dig. were undertaken by Hahnemann
already with such fully effective triturations. Unfortunately the triturations
from fresh plants could not proceed. This was owing to Gruner, who declared in
homoeopathic pharmacopoeia that one could renounce the prescription of these
triturations, as the production would be too complicated.
In Germany
the triturations are already obtained in mass production.
concerns the producing of these triturations, Hahnemann has already drawn
attention to them on page 268, footnote 2, of his book Organon (sixth edition,
page 242) (what has been newly found, one hundred years later, by allopathy,
see Trendelenburg, Prescription for Remedies, second edition), that these
powders are only then "for ever unperishable" i.e. durable, if they
have been relieved of their superfluous moisture. These preparations are,
therefore, according to the prescriptions of Hahnemann, to be made as free from
water as is, on the whole, technically possible.
condition has to be observed, when producing triturations from fresh plants.
Triturations from fresh plants are to be favoured in the prescription, when it is
essential to have the efficacy of the hormones particular to this plant.
Summary as
phyto-analysis, i.e. the study of the building up, the growth, the mode of the
plant, the test of the animal excrements condensed in the plants, the test of
the hormones of the plants, gives the scientific base of the pathogenesis, i.e.
the symptom-theory of homoeopathy.
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