Samarium metallicum:


Vergleich: Siehe: Sam-co-mag.: (= Samarium-Cobalt-Legierung).


[Margriet Plouvier Suijs MD]


Self: thinking, exploring, deepening, differentiating, discriminating, measuring.

Measure, count, know.


Thinking about morality.

Secret service: what is allowed? Moral feeling.

Stage 8: Force, push press, struggle, tension, strife, resistance, opposition, confront










Stage 8:



Samarium's quality is heaviness. All the Lanthanides are heavy, but Samarium is extremely heavy. It's as if they carry the burden of the whole earth on their shoulders.

They carry on doing things against all resistance and pain. They are real builders. The heaviness and pressure expresses itself strongly in migraines. The most pronounced migraine remedy of the Lanthanides.


Forcing to become independent/Building independence and freedom/Pressure to gain freedom/Lonely fight for freedom/Pressure of freedom

            They have the feeling that they have to do a lot in order to keep their independence. They work under pressure for the benefit of others. This leads to even more pressure and tension than in the other Lanthanides.

They have the feeling that there's still so much to do. They have an enormous power that they can use to create something big. They are real constructors, both in the physical world and in the psychological world.

They can push through even when the task looks impossible or Herculean.

Concentrated constructive power

Realizing autonomy/Working hard for autonomy

Working hard to become free

Being a saviour involves hard work

Creating something big yourself

Heavy task of spiritual development

            The pressure can also be a kind of feeling that they want to develop spiritually but they don't have enough time left in life to do it.

Opposed in their quest

Forcing self-control/Forcing spiritual development/Achieving spiritual development

            They can experience a desire for spiritual development. They want to be able to control themselves. But they tend to do it in a forceful way. It looks as if they want to reach liberation in a few weeks.

            They force themselves to be free, free in the outside world and in their inner world.

Lonely builder

A fighting therapist

Forcing to become independent.

Heavy task of spiritual development

Opposed in their quest

They often feel opposed and obstructed in their goal.

People don't seem to see the value and benefit of what they are creating and even see it as threatening. The opposition is often felt as criticism and it feels harsh as they are trying as hard as they can to do good for

humanity.  It feels like being hit by the arrows of the Stymphalean birds. But they keep going on and not giving up, even against all odds. They mostly work on their own, seeing this as their quest, their own personal

choice in life. And everyone is free to do the same or something else, so they won't try to force others.


Mind: Do-gooder, starry-eyed idealist.

Builder of an ideal world.

Pushing through ideal and visionary images.

Indomitable, uncompromising.

Build Delusion: he's stupid to let himself be blocked and carry everyone.

Being locked in all the tasks taken on.

Profession: constructor, builder.


Migraine (3).

Eyes: Medial muscles of the eyes; glaucoma.

Abdomen: Liver pain, the pain spatially having the form of an old fashioned key.

Liver problems: necrosis, fatty degeneration; spleen problems.

Rectum: Colitis, diarrhea.

Kidneys: Kidney problems.

Male organs: testis, epididymis, seminal vesicles, infertility.

Female organs: ovaries, uterus, infertility, miscarriage. Birth expulsion difficult.

Chest: pressure, very heavy.

Lungs: granulomas, pneumoconiosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis.



Sweat: copious« night.

Labor: Blood: platelets, coagulation problems.


Heracles Labor 5: Heracles kills the Stymphalean Birds.

The good Samaritan.



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