Sanguinaria canadensis Anhang


[Constatine Hering]

The use of this root as a medicine, like most other American plants, was first learned from the Indians.

Head: Headache beginning in the occiput, spreading upward and settling over the right eye. Sick and rheumatic forms of headache, with nausea and vomiting of food or bile

(American sick headaches).

Eyes: neuralgia in and over the right eye. Catarrhal ophthalmia.

Ears: Pain with throat affections involving the Eustachian tubes and inner ear; acute otitis; burning and redness of ears.

Nose: Loss of smell with loss of taste; fluent acrid coryza; influenza; rose cold with asthma; sick and faint from the odor of flowers. Nasal polypi.

Face: Unusually red cheeks, with burning in ears; cough. Facial neuralgia, particularly over right eye.

Teeth: Toothache from picking teeth, or in hollow teeth when touched by food. Spongy, bleeding gums.

Mouth: Loss of taste, with burnt feeling in tongue. Red streak through middle of tongue. Tongue sore, paining like a boil.

Roof of mouth sore, uvula sore and burning.

Throat: Very dry with tickling cough; tonsillitis with great dryness of throat; burning in pharynx and oesophagus.

Stomach: Loss of appetite; craving for he knows not what; aversion to butter.

Nausea, with burning in stomach, with much spitting; vomiting which does not improve; vomiting sour and bitter, mostly with headache; gone feeling; dyspepsia;

chronic gastritis with burning and nausea.

Abdomen: Liver: Torpid, skin yellow; colic. Affections of liver with cough.

Stool and Rectum: Alternate diarrhoea and constipation. Haemorrhoids.

Urinary Organs: Dark yellow urine with icterus.

Male sexual organs: Gleet, old cases.

Female sexual organs: Os uteri ulcerated; foetid, corrosive leucorrhoea. Flatulent discharges from vagina. Metrorrhagia with sick headache; discharge offensive, dark in color.

Climacteric disorders, especially flashes of heart and leucorrhoea.

Larynx: Tonsillitis and pharyngitis with dry, harsh cough, particularly in liver affections. Acute catarrhal laryngitis. Likewise chronic laryngitis, with dryness and cough.

Chest: Chronic bronchitis with hepatic symptoms. Severe coughs after whooping-cough, worse at night; cough distressing, dry, spasmodic, especially in children.

Pneumonia with tough rust-colored sputum.

Haemoptysis in phthisis pulmonalis.

Irregular pulse; weak feeling about heart; very weak pulse. Metastasis of rheumatism to heart.

Rheumatic pains in chest, spasmodic, cramp-like. Dyspnoea; asthma.

Neck and Back: Rheumatic pains in nape of neck, shoulders and arms. Pain in sacrum, from lifting, or from rheumatism; lumbago.

Limbs: Rheumatic pains in r. arm and shoulder; < at night/turning in bed; cannot raise arm. Pain in top of right shoulder. Burning in soles of feet, < in bed. Rheuma in all joints as well as

muscles, with stiffness; acute inflammatory and arthritis affections.

Nerves: Neuritis, particularly of right arm, with lameness. Lassitude, torpor, languor, worse in damp weather.

Fever: Flushes of heat; qualmish feeling, lassitude. Burning heat, rapidly alternating with chill and shivering; afternoon fever with circumscribed red cheeks; burning of palms of hands

and soles of feet. Cold sweat, copious. Fevers with pulmonary, hepatic or gastric inflammation; nervous fevers; marsh, hectic or scarlet fevers, after Bell.



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