Saxifragales Anhang 


[Stephanie Nile]

Saxifragales themes

Sensitivity to insult. On the physical level there is heaviness and compression. In the mental sphere it produces the opposite - confusion, separation, dissociation and expansion. “As if feeling being alone”, lost and etherial.

Hamamelidaceae spp. Corylopsis (Winter-hazel), Hamamelis (Witch-hazel), Fothergilla (Witch-alder), Loropetalum

DD.: Ficus indicus (Banyan). Cann-s. Cann-i.

Sensations “As if pressing” “As if heavy” “As if compressed”


Fancies, confused.

Delusions, insane she will become.

Repertory Work

A search for HEAVINESS in the family shows that the sensation pervades ...

Locomotor; Upper extremities-heaviness: cann-i. ham. [+3]


Hamamelis (Witch Hazel)

The story of Witch Hazel from the rubrics: She usually enjoys company and like to think she is special ...

Confident. Cheerful. Excitement. Dancing. Affectionate. Desires Company.

Expansive. Full of desires for grandeur.

Dreams, beautiful; amorous.

She likes to sit and think; She feels that her vision and her wisdom is unappreciated ...

Absorbed. Tranquillity, (serenity, calmness).

Despair, from the slightest criticism.

Haughty. Ailments from being scorned or loss of reputation.

Sit, inclination to, and muse. Conversation, desire for, sublime to hear.

Opinions, expects others to pay respect to her. vs. Reverence, for those around him.

Because her talent is unrecognised she is regretful and irritable; (feels that her opinions should be venerated).

Delusion, she is not appreciated; despised.

Sensitive. Injustice cannot support it.

Dreams, injuries; violence; misfortune.

She starts to dissociate from herself ...

Delusions, she is dissolving.

Vertigo, floating with.

Delusions separated, from himself; from the world.

Dreams: friends.

She can become dull, morose and irritable. Her memory becomes her weakest link.

Aversion to family members. Averse to conversation. Death desires.

Complaining. Full of cares. Memory, weakness, read, for what has.

Image: She feels expansive and wise, but she is sensitive to insult. Her reaction is to float away from her troubles into her own world of sadness.


[T.F. Allen]

Intense thinking; Wish to be alone; cannot settle mind on study.


Dark venous haemorrhages. and traumatic inflammations, of any part, from injury, esp. laceration.

Phlebitis and Varicose veins.

Some texts assert that is causes (and cures) inflammation of the thin inner layer of smooth muscle the vein - which has the effect of narrowing the channel (vasoconstriction).

The secondary effect is vasodilation.


Head: Throbbing headache.

Fulness of head, with a feeling as if a bolt was passed from temple to temple.

Dull, stupefying headache over eyes and root of nose.

Pain: pressing, behind eyes, above nose. As if in a vice.

Respiration: accelerated

Chest: Hemorrhage of lungs. Pain in right lung.

Enlarged sensation of heart.

Constriction of sternum or lower part of chest.

Inflammation of diaphragm.

Generals: Congestion of blood. Blackness of external parts.

Distension of blood vessels. Venous haemorrhage.

DD.: China, Phosphorus, Crocus, Erigeron and Trillium in haemorrhage.

Sensation: Painful bursting or fullness. Expansion. Floating.

Miasm: Syphilis or Cancer.


Veins return blood at low pressure. The tunica media is thinner than that of the arteries because they have less muscle; they rely on valves to prevent backflow, particularly in the lower extremities. Since they are elastic, veins can distend and recoil to some extent, to allow for sudden changes in blood pressure. When cut veins collapse.

In larger arteries, such as the Aorta, the tunica media is extremely elastic - stretching allows them to absorbe the pressure wave (pulse) generated by the heart. Smaller arteries are less elastic and more muscular to allow fine control of diameter. When cut arteries spurt blood.


Crassulaceae = (Stonecrop family) spp. Crassula, Echeveria, Rosularia, Sedum (Wall Pepper), Sempervirum

Sedum (Sed-ac)

"Delirium, exhaltation of strength, with"

Physical Symptoms

Cancer of uterus.

Menses copious and frequent.

Cracked skin. Rectum, fissures and haemorroids.


Sedum repens

Therapeutics: Cancerous affections. Breast cancer.


Crassula obliqua

Therapeutics: SKIN - itching and burning.



Therapeutics: Breast Cancer. Suppression of menses. Shingles. Ringworm. Warts. Herpes zoster. Thrush.


Kalanchoe pinnatum

Therapeutics: Ear inflammation. Injuries.


Penthorum sedoides (Virginia Stonecrop)

Vertigo, floating as if. Delusions - floating in the air.

Sadness. Discouraged. Dullness.


Physical Symptoms

Catarrh - postnasal, chronic.

Urethra - pain, burning. Urine - cloudy.

Diarrhea. Stool watery.

Hemorrhoids. Itching, around anus.

Therapeutics: Affinity for the mucous membranes of the pharynx, e.g. loss of voice.


Cotyledon umb. (Pennywort) Boericke

Cheerful, elevated and careless and desires excitement (Ham.). She likes to sing.

Cheerful. Desires company and excitement.

Vertigo. Delusions - she is intoxicated.

Ailments from sexual excitement.

Manipulative. Hysteria.

The exhilaration can become depression when she is disappointed. She can be quite tearful (Ign.) Forgetful - she has difficulty collecting her ideas.

“As if being lost or not being quite there”.

Ailments from suppressed sexual excitement.

Dullness. Emotions, suppressed.

Deficiency of ideas. Forgetful. Thoughts vanishing.

Confusion, lost feeling. Forgetful. Looses his way in well know streets.

Delusion, some part of the body is absent.

Physical Symptoms:

Palpitation. Fullness, heart, as if from obstruction.

Coldness, hands and feet.

Mouth, sour taste.

Skin burning.

Singing noise in the ears

Expectoration - Thick or frothy.

The frothy expectoration with bubbling sensations could theoretically indicate thickened Kapha dosha invaded by Vata (air).

T.F. Allen: Strong desire for company and excitement.

Forgets the subject of discourse

Sensations: Bubbling. Bursting. Heaviness. Fullness. Etherial. Lost.

Therapeutics: Palpitation. Rheumatism. Tickling cough.


Grossulariaceae = gooseberry family            

spp. Ribes alpinum - Alpine Currant, Ribes uva-crispa (syn. R. grossularia) - Gooseberry. The genus Ribes, the only family in this Order, incl. edible currants and gooseberries.

Blackfoot Indians: used root to treat kidney diseases and menstrual problems.

Cree Indians: fruit used as a fertility enhancer. The roots and seeds are high in gamma-linolenic acid. GLA is a well known treatment for PMT.



Paeonia officinalis (European Peony)

Delicate patients who are sensitive to bad news and have terrifying dreams and nightmares. [Grimmer] "Paeonia affects profoundly the nerves and the nerve sheaves - hence the intensity and predominance of pain

wherever symptoms manifest. Neuralgias are a prominent feature of the remedy".

The theme of excitement and sensitivity is common to the Saxifragales. Paeonia is sensitive to quarrels and reacts by becoming anxious, sleepy and dull.

Ailments, from bad news. Anxiety, (in general). Morose, (cross, fretful, ill-humor, peevish).

Senses, dull blunted. Sensitive, (oversensitive). Excitable.

Dreams: Amorous. Anxious. Quarrels. Anger. Death. Ghosts or forms sitting on the chest impeding respiration.

There is a state of deep insecurity and fear of change ...A Paeonia child would be terrified of being sent to boarding school. The first day would be very scary!

Irritable. Restless. Starting. Fear.

Apprehension with anxiety; [afraid to talk with anyone] [of bad news]

Senses dull. Morose. Head feels heavy. Vertigo.

            Nightmares of loosing their family.

            Dreams, vivid, wonderful and frightful, of Quarrels, Death and Ghosts

Physical symptoms - E.N.T.

Head: congestion/gnawing headaches.

Violent pressive pain in the forehead and orbits and above the left brow with sticking, jerking, tearing in right temple extending into the head. Boring outward in right temple. Pain in occiput and nape.

Vertigo. Rush of blood to the head (or chest).

Eyes: inflammation, dry, burning, itching. Flickering.

Ears: cold, stitching pain. Ringing.

Nose: Dry, itching. Sneezing.

Throat: burning. Mucus.

Expectoration: viscid.

Chest: much sticking pain < on motion/during respiration. Pain beneath the heart as from anxiety. Pain under the sternum is a persistant symptom.

Heat and pressure in the chest. Violent pressure in the middle of the sternum,

Stitching. Violent stitch ext. vertically through the whole left half of the chest, beginning beneath the clavicle and ext. diaphragm.

Pulsation. Oppression while walking.

Skin: cracks, itching.

< Cold and wet weather

Paeonia can have chest and heart problems:

T.F. Allen: Great nervous excitement. Apprehension.

Grimmer: "Peonia manifests on the veneous side of circulation; producing engorged veins, and varicosities which tend to ulcerate".

Sensations: Burning and Swelling. Stitching pains from inflammation.

Ulcers, abscesses and varicose veins esp. fissures and ulcers of the anus and perineum. Congestion. Haemorrhoids. Epilepsy.

Miasm: Malaria.

Ayurveda: Symptoms of aggravated pitta: [P5]

Frawley: Bitter (Air + Ether = Dry, light, cooling) and astringent (Earth + Air = heavy, cooling );

The cooling effects reduce pitta whilst the drying effect reduces kapha. PK-.

Similars: graph. nit-ac.

Miasm: Overproduction of mucus is associated with the Sycotic miasm.


Saxifragaceae             spp. Saxifraga aizoides (Yellow Saxifrage), Chrysosplinium.

Hydrang. (now placed in Ord. Corniales) Boericke

Therapeutics: Prostate. Kidney stones.



Vorwort/Suchen.                                                                                          Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                                                        Impressum.