

Vergleich: Siehe: Rücken + Krankheiten


[William H. Burt]

Ant-t.: Lumbago, violent pain in the sacro-lumbar region. Slightest motion causes retching and cold sweat. <: damp, cold weather and evening;

Med.: [Dr. James Compton Burnett]

Roused in the small hours of the morning by the pain, acidity, coated tongue, filthy taste and breath, uncleanably dirty tongue, weakness, palor, chilliness, <: cold wet; largely a left-sided remedy.

 It wipes out half the cases of sciatica that pass my way. What a record!”

[L.A. Rousseau]

On what grounds sciatica develops:

Sycotic ground is the most important of all. The subjects are mostly hydrogenoid = sensitive to humidity and to variations. <: at night/standing/heat of the bed/rest

(need for movement);

>: Moving the feet to find a cold place/moderate walking;

Piercing, drawing pains with heaviness, numbness from hip to foot.

Generals: Horror of washing. All-gone feeling in the stomach at 11 h. Burning feet, morning diarrhea. Cutaneous eruptions.

Thuj.: Sycosis. Hydrogenoid. Left sided (non-exclusive). < immobility/in bed/humidity.  > moving constantly. Drawing pain along the nerve, in the soles.

General: obsessions. Fixed ideas. Lower lip bluish-white. Sweat of uncovered parts. Genito-urinary affections. Tendency toproliferations (warts etc.)

Lyc.: Insufficient liver. Carbo-nitrogenoid. Cancer state. <: 16 – 19 h./rest, in bed/lying on the painful side/standing; >: movement; Chronic sciatica, periodic

with remission. Pains every four days.

Weakness and stiffness of the limbs. Cannot stretch the leg. Bad digestion. Face like an old man. Big belly and lean limbs. Horror of solitude.

Lach.: Endocrinal intoxication, menopause, alcoholism. Pains going from left to right. <: after sleep/standing/movement/contract. >: menses/discharges/lying down,

by hot application. Burning pain along the nerve. Loquacity. Jealously. Gushes of heat. Excitation # depression. Bad effect of solar heat.


Rhus-t.: seems to be the best remedy for lumbago, whether pain > from motion or not. It seems to have a special affinity for the deep muscles of the back. 

[E. Harris Ruddock]

Rheuma of the sheaths of the fleshy mass of the lumbar muscles on one or both sides of the loins, ext. often to the ligaments of the sacrum, the pain <: movement of

the back/pressure;

Acon.: Recent Rheumatism of the lumbar muscles, unassociated with injury.

Cimic.: excellent remedy particularly if the sciatic nerve is at all affected. Rheuma pains having a particular affinity for long muscles; Cramps. Left sided. <: lying down/should go out of bed/during menses; >: continued movement/pressure/in open air; Violent pains with anxiety in legs. Heaviness. Incessant restless lower limbs. Utero-ovarian troubles. Irritability. Fear of becoming mad. Hysteria.

Phyt.: Excruciating pains suggesting renal inflammation.

Ant-t.: Acute pain on movement, inducing nausea, cold perspiration and occasional cramps.

Rhus-t.: Lumbago from getting wet; < at night/at rest/on first moving the affected part/on first getting up in the morning; rigidity; chronic Lumbago.

Arn.: Lumbago implicating muscles that have formerly been injured.

[David Wember]

Only > lying down: Am-m. Dios.

Aesc-h. < standing

[Roger Morrison]

Bell.: Sudden onset/cannot move; <: Motion/jarring/misstep/cough/Menses/standing/lying on the back/long sitting (coccyx pain: cannot raise from a seat)

Sudden stiffness and pain in the neck; r. sided;

Calc.:  from slight exerton (lifting)

Weak feeling, slumps in the chair

Degenerative arthritis of spine. Calcification. Scoliosis.

<: Cold, damp weather/lifting/exerting/ascending; >: heat/resting/lying;

Kali-c.: Lower back.

Pain drives the patient out of bed at night.

<: at night (2 or 3 h.)/cold/drafts/eating/lying on painful side/menses/pregnancy/motion/walking;

>: pressure/sitting bent forward/after moving about/after passing flatus;

R. sided of spine/sciatic nerve. Ext. buttocks/sole of foot;

Kali-i.: Severe sciatica with excruciating pain and disability.

<: at night/lying (painful side)/becoming heated/pressure/sitting/standing;

>: Open air/sitting/from motion and walking/flexing legs;

Left sided

Nux-v.: Severe sciatica either leg with marked sensivity and anger.

<: morning/night/worsening the longer he stays in bed/cold/turning in bed/standing/motion/pressing at stool/lifting a weight/after anger;

>: Heat/pressure/lying;

Rhus-t.: Sciatica and low back pain, stiffness or injury.

Restless feeling with pain, constant urge to move (stretch)

<: Morning on waking/being still (a couple of minutes)/lying still/after long sitting (car ride/movie)/after ending exertion/

cold (damp weather)/getting wet/suppressed perspiration (cold air sweating)/first motion/after lifting/cannot straighten after long stooping;

>: Heat/hot bathing/motion/hard pressure/lying on something hard/bending backwards;

L. sided

Tell-met.: severe pain down from sacrum into the sciatic nerve and thigh.

<: Jarring/coughing/sneezing/pressing at stool/touch/motion/jarring/lying on the affected side/comes on sleeping;

>: Standing/during urination;

r. sided (r. thigh)

Aesc-h.: Sacroiliac joint (with haemorrhoids)

<: Rising from a chair, can not get up oft/stooping/walking/after passing large stool;

Sacroiliac joint/whole small of back

Agar.: Severe pain in back and stiffness; at times forced to walk bent over/restricts easy respiration.

<: Sitting;

>: walking/pressure;

Arn.: Back pain after blows/injuries;

<: Cold/cold, damp weather/touch/jarring;

Lach.: Sciatica during pregnancy.


Sciatica: Ars. Mag-p. Coloc.


Apis / Rhus toxicodendron comp. w     ... Anregung der Wärmeorganisation bei akutem schmerzhaftem Muskelverspannung mit neuralgiformer/entzündlicher Komponente (akute Schmerz bei Wirbelsäulenerkrankung

wie Lumbo-Ischialgien/Muskelrheuma).

Cerussit: Lumbalgien in der Postmenopause

Wirkungseintritt: Nach 3–6 Wo. klingen Knochenschmerzen ab.

Therapiedauer: 6 Wo., dann Fortführung per os.

Anwendungsgebiet: Struktur- und Gestaltveränderungen des Skeletts (insbesondere bei Knochenumbau infolge maligner Grunderkrankungen oder bei allgemeiner sowie umschriebener Entmineralisierung, z.B. Knochenmetastasen, Verminderung des Knochengewebes (Osteoporose) und Knochenerweichung (Osteomalazie)


Valerian Salze.


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Jahrgang: 2014 Ausgabe: 43

Die Märchen der Medizin: Die 20 wichtigsten Medizin-Mythen und 5 Mythen, an die sogar Ärzte glauben

[Jan Schweitzer]


Bei Rückenschmerzen hilft Bettruhe

Mehr als 70% aller Menschen in den Industrienationen leiden irgendwann im Leben einmal an Rückenschmerzen. Einige von ihnen gehen damit zum Arzt, und der hat, neben viel Mitgefühl natürlich, oft auch den Rat parat, sich zu schonen und am besten mal ins Bett zu legen. Das aber ist grundfalsch, es macht die Beschwerden oft nur noch schlimmer. Richtig wäre das genaue Gegenteil: aktiv bleiben, Gymnastik machen, joggen oder spazieren gehen. Dabei kann man sich immer wieder zwei Zahlen aufsagen, die die Schmerzen vielleicht eine Zeit lang vergessen lassen: 90 und 6. Sie bedeuten, dass bei 90% der Betroffenen akute Rückenschmerzen innerhalb von sechs Wochen ganz von allein verschwinden.


Acute pain down the sciatic nerve < any movement, very sensitive to cold, more comfortable if kept quiet

Mag-p.: r. sided

Coloc.: l. sided

Sciatica: Ars. Mag-p. Coloc.

Some sciatica patients are frightfully uncomfortable the longer they keep still, they have got to start moving, and 2 drugs which seem to cover the majority of these cases.

Kali-i.: warm-blooded, and the sciatic pains tend to be more troublesome when warm (of bed)/rather > moving about.

Rhus-t.: the same modalities with a chilly patient, particularly if he is sensitive to damp as well as cold, and again more comfortable when moving about.

Gnaph.: sciatica which has, associated with the acute sciatic pain, marked numbness.

Plb-met.: sciatica associated with the acute pain, marked numbness. Tenderness of the sciatic nerve + extreme, constipation as well as the pain and numbness.

Aesc-h. for lumbosacral pain (< standing).


Cimic.: Useful in rheuma pains having a particular affinity for long muscles on it producescramps. L. < lying down/should go out of bed/during menses. > continued movement/pressure/in open air. Violent pains with anxiety in legs. Heaviness. Incessant restlessness of the lower limbs, cramps. Utero-ovarian troubles. Irritability. Fear of becoming mad. Hysteria.

Dr. A.Dwight Smith: Indium-met. (when Rhus-t. fails).

Lyc.: liver insufficient. Carbo-nitrogenoid. Cancer state.< rest/in bed/lying on the painful side/standing. > movement. Chronic sciatica, periodic with remission.

Pain every 4 days. Limbs weak/stiff. Cannot stretch the leg. Bad digestion. Face like an old man. Big belly and lean limbs. Horror of solitude.< 17 – 20 h.

Lach.: Menopause, alcoholism. Pains going from l. to r. < after sleep/standing/moving/bending. > by menses/discharges/lying down/hot application. Burning pain along the nerve. Loquacity. Jealous. Gushes of heat. Excitation # depression. Bad effect of solar heat.

Nux-v.: Hepatic insufficiency. Digestive intoxication. All sorts of abuses. < in the morning (4 - 5 h.)/moving/clouded weather. > rest/hot application. Tearing pain from above downwards with spasm. Jerking of muscles, contractions, stiffness. „As if limbs paralysed“. Abuse of stimulants. Excess of sedentarism. Business cares. Irritability. > wet weather/mild climate.

Nat-s.: Hydrogenoid. Rheuma. Congestion of liver. < lying l. side/all forms of humidity/abuse of quinine. > dry weather/pressure/change of position. Disgust of life. Tendency to suicide. Flatulence, thirst, morning diarrhoea. Imflammation of fingers around nails.

Ign.: Intoxication reflecting on nerves. Result of grief and cares. < at night/change of position/standing/walking/in open air/after eating/coffee/tobacco. > rest/lying down/eating. Pains with spasms, intense, stiffness, cutting pains in the hips. „As if coxo-femoral articulation broken. Remedy for women. Physical and mental hypertension. Paradoxal gaiety # sadness. Contradictory symptoms. Never speaks about her ennuies.

Caus.: Hydrogennoid. Indifferent literality. < temperate humid weather/heat (bed). Limbs numb/restless/heavy/weak/trembling. „As if the tendonsare very short“.

Chronic rheuma (with crushing pain on the articulations). Sympathy for others. Fear of darkness. Sensation of an open sore.

Sep.: Hepatic insufficiency. Genital affections. Tuberculinism. < morning/evening/humidity/cold. > violent exercise/heat. Limbs weak/agitated/heavy. Sad/indifferent.

< consolation. Bearing down. Cannot lie on the l. side.

[Douglas Morris Borland]

Another type of neuralgia-the sciaticas. In cases of sciatica, pure sciatica, in which I can get no indications at all but the ordinary classical symptoms of sciatica, that

is to say, acute pain down the sciatic nerve < any movement, very sensitive to cold, more comfortable if kept quite and warm, then it depends which leg is involved.

R. sided sciatica Mag-p.,

L. sided Coloc.

Frightfully uncomfortable the longer they keep still:

warm blooded: Kali-i.

Chilly, sensitive to damp as well as cold, and again more comfortable when moving about: Rhus-t.

Odd indications:

marked numbness + pain/tenderness: Gnaph.

Numbness + pain and tenderness of the sciatic nerve Plb-met. (extreme, constipation as well as the pain and numbness)

Less frequently used:

Calc.: (psora/sciatica after working in water). In the antecedents gonorrhoea/vaccination/serological injections.

Med.: < Psoric ground of arthritis is very favourable for sciatica: Sulphur and Psorinum are the ground remedies, the first one is more important than the second.

If there is doubt that tuberculosis is closely connected with psora, Marmoreck and Tub-r. should be used in oxygenoids and Tub-r. in hydrogenoids. These will be

the remedies. For syphilitic ground Luesinum is to be used. The cancer ground, with its deep intoxication, its eliminations or its fixations along a nerve is also a cause

of sciatica.

The ground remedies such as Lyc., Ars. etc. should be carefully individualized because of the morbid transfer. The most recommendable nosode is heterogeneous

or autogenous sanguine therapy (isopathy). Finally we should recommend not to omit in the interrogatory an enquiry on possible traumatism.

Ground remedies

Following remedies of the basis of sciatica but, if they cover well the cause, may also be used as symptomatic remedies.

Used as ground remedies, in high dilutions (C 200/C 1000).

Most important: Sulphur and Thuja.

Sulph.: Psora. L.

Graph.: psora/chilly,

Nat-m.: tuberculin, < sea side.

Sil.: tuberculin. SENsitive to cold

2 nosodes: Medorrhinum and Luesinum.

Med.: < thinking about symptoms. > at night/sea side. Changing character, impatient, anxious. Time passes slowLY. Fear of becoming mad. Sensation of heat; burning pains in the brain; sweating palms. Conscious of her uterus. Skin/secretions smell bad.

Syph.: < at night/sea side. > on mountains. NERvous/anxious for his health, diminution of memory. Continually washes hands, desires alcohol. Pains increase and decrease gradually. Bone pains. Headache. Deep longitudinal crack on the tongue. Limbs restless, must move continually. In sciatica > movement/walking. As ground remedies should be used in high dilutions (C 200/C 1000) and repeated at long intervals (3 weeks - 1 month).


Two remedies may be repeated alternately, at interval of 1- 3 hours, when more than one remedy is chosen. In chronic cases, C 6 or C 30 once or twice.

When there is the possibility of finding a single remedy it is then the triumph of unicism and in that case the medicine may be used according to the Kentian fashion,

in high dilution and waiting for the results.

We have classified the remedies in 3 groups:

1.      most important remedies,

2.      remedies in alphabetical order frequently used,

3.      finally exceptionally or rarely indicated remedies.


Bry.: < movement/standing/superficial bending. > rest/lying on the affected side/PRESsure. Pain drawing/lancinating „As from a “sore below the skin”, of which the seat is in the lumbar region and on hips. General < heat/anger. Mucous membranes dry with thirst for large quantities of water at long intervals. Constipation. <: morgens/Bewegung/Berührung/warme Räume; >: Ruhe/frische Luft/Druck;

Gnaph.: < walking/movement; however feels the necessity of movement and change of position/lying down. > sitting/bending the legs. Pain intens/continued # numbness. Cramps of the calves and hips. Foetid diarrhoea, with colic, < in the morning.

Kali-bi.: L. < standing/sitting/lying down (must change position). > walking/flexing limbs. Violent pain, moving along a limb; appearing and disappearing suddenly. General < 3 h./cold (humid)/coldness/drinking beer.



2. Remedies with frequent indications:

Acon.: < at night/moving/heat of the room. > rest/sitting. Acute sciatica. Sudden attack after being exposed to dry cold. Extreme physical and mental agitation. Intolerance of heat. Fear of death. Hypersensitive to contact. Pain with numbness.

Am-m.: L. < sitting down. > slight walking/complete lying down. Chronic. Sometimes grave form, with tearing/stinging pain + contraction of the limb causes limping. Menses abundant at night.

Arn.: < in the evening/at night/moving. (must change position)/coldness. > lying down. Burning, tearing pains. Traumatic sensation (fracture), numbness. Creates a scene when the doctor arrives, does not require his service.

Ars.: < midnight – 2 h./cold (application)/violent movement; > heat (application). Burning and tearing pains forcing the patient to constantly change position. Prefers to lie down but moves constantly. Restless/weak. Fear of death. Refuses to take medicines because cure is hopeless.

Bell.: < at night/after midnight/touch (least contact)/sound/light/gush of wind. > standing/hanging the affected limb/half sitting position/heat. Pains appearing and disappearing suddenly. Periodical attack, beginning in the afternoon and ending at midnight. Restless # depressive. Hyperesthesia of senses. Tendency to spasms. Dilatation of pupils.

Bufo. < heat (room)/during sleep. > by haemorrhage/putting feet in hot water. Mental weakness, idiocyindepressed persons, as a result of sexual abuse or of onanism. Sudden anger bites. epilepsy.

Cham.: < at night/in bed/rest/least movement. > carried/being in a vehicle. Slight > by cold. Pain and numb. Intolerance of pains + restLESS, cries, tendency to become angry. Need for movement when suffering. General < anger and fear. General > by humid heat.

Cocc.: < afternoon/contact/noise/in open air. > by rest. Sciatica with weakness and trembling. General < by long privation of sleep, riding.

Coloc.: A. Schmerz akut krampfartig > Bein an betroffene Seite anziehen;  R. < evening/at night/moving/stretching limbs (keeps limbs stretched)/contact/cold.

> rest/hot application. Very important remedy. Sciatica with intolerable pains followed by numbness and paresis. General < by anger.

Dios.: A. Schmerz einschießend entlang Nervus ischiadicus; Rücken “Wie lahm”. R. < getting up/walking/moving. > rest/slow extension (contrary Coloc.).

Cramping along the nerve (hip). > general by extension/eventuel Rückwärtsbeugen; <: Hinlegen/sich krümmen;

Ferr-met.: < at night/rest/being seated/cold/air current. > moderate movement/heat. Tearing pain. Pale and flushed individual, has gushes of heat, localized on the face. Anaemia, chlorosis.

Gels.: < at night/rest/beginning of movement. Chronic sciatica. Stubborn cases of trembling.

Hyp.: < cold/humidity/mist/confined air/touch. Nerves SENsitive, sensation of laceration, drawing pains. Burning pains with numbness. Traumatic sciatica. Trauma of nerves. Coccygodynia. Sometimes “As if the limbs detached“

Iris.: L. < at night/lying on the painful side/cold/touch. > walking/heat/bending forward. Lumbar neuralgia. Pain in the back, feels the need of a support. Lumbar muscles weak. Limbs sometimes numb. General depressed/< fatigue/sexual acts.

Kali-i..: R. (non-exclusive). < at night/lying on the painful side. > movement/walking/in open air. Syphilitic ground. Mercurial sciaticas. Pain in the posterior part of the hip with contractions and spasms of the muscles. Pain forces the patient to get up at night to move in cold air.

Kalm.: R. (non-exclusive), < bending double/movement/cold. General > eating. Pain from above downward/lightning/fulgurating. Sensations of weakness and coldness of legs with numbness.

Lac-c..: Pain erratic/passing from one side to another. < at night/touch/movement. > open air. Pain in the sacralregion, ext. throughout a limb, disturbing sleep and rest. General < during menses.

Led.: L. (non exclusive). < at night/heat of the bed/touch/movement. > cold foot bath/application of cold/open air/rest. Pinching pains, drawing in the whole limb (posterior face of the hip). Contraction. Joints of feet painful/deformed/cold to touch/white not red. Affected limb more cold than other parts of the body. A good antidote for excess of wine. Rheumatic ground.

Mag-p.: R. < immobility/lying down/prolonged movement/cold. > moderate movement/heat. Pain comes and goes suddenly/fulgurating. Cramps, Paroxysmal attacks which obliges to change position, to stand up, to walk restlessly. Chronic of Colocynthis.

Sciatica: Ars. Mag-p. Coloc. pain > for heat and pressure (“neuralgic” = sharp pains that come and go).

Mez.: < at dawn/in open air. Burning, lancinating pains with shivering. Itching, syphilitic ground.

Pall-met.: R. < night/cold/touch/movement. > heat/rest. Very acute pains going from toe to the hip. Proud/irritable, cannot handle contradictions. Pain in the right ovary.

Phos.: L. (non-exclusive). < morning and evening/at night/lying on the painful side/cold. > eating/rest/being magnetized. General < hot drinks and mental work.

Phyt.: < at night, after sleep, by movement, by pressure, by humid cold. Amel by lying down, by rest and by heat. Sudden erratic pains, „As from electric shocks“ often in the external or posterior face of the hip. Chronic sciatica on a syphilitic ground. Rheuma.

Plb-met.: < at night/heat/movement/light pressure. > massage/strong pressure. Chronic sciatica with muscular atrophy. Cramping and constrictive pains. Syphilitic ground.

Puls.: < by heat/confined air/immobility. > movement/open air. Erratic pains. Changing of symptoms. Venous congestion. Mentality: timid/weeps easily > consolation.

Ran-s.: (predominantly l.). < morning and evening/movement/lying on the painfulside/rainy weather/storm. General < changes of weather/humid cold.

Rhus-t.: < rest/humidity/beginning of movement and continued/lying on the back or r. side/fatigue/cooling after sweat. Cannot remain immobile/constantly changing position at night. > dry and hot weather/changing position/walking/stretching/hot application. Tearing pains with sensation of coldness, numbness, formication. Paralytic stiffness, „As if tendons very short“. Sciatica in persons drenched in water after being hot, or who have lain down in humid place. Consequence of overwork. Rheumatic ground. Doesn’t work in constipation.

            Dr. A. Dwight Smith: Indium-met. (when Rhus-t. fails).

Ruta.: < at night/humidity/cold application/lying down/rest. > movement/walking/heat. Terndons stiff and sensitive. Pain deep seated/in bone. „As if bones are broken“. Rheumatic sciatica. Restless, should walk continually.

Still.: L. < in the evening/movement/walking/cold. > morning/dry weather/heat/pressure.Violent pain from hip to toe. Syphilitic ground:

Tell-met.: R. < lying on the painful side/least contact/laughing and coughing/cold. Pain in backbone of sacrum radiates through sciatic nerve.

Valer.: < standing/in any position with the feet on the ground/by immobility. > by walking, with the limbs stretched in horizontal position/change of position.

Acute pain along the nerve.

Verat-a.: < at night/heat of the bed. > walking/ambient heat. Cramping pains. General < cold drinks.

Visc-a.: < touch/least movement/cold/lying on l. side. > rest. Grave, stubborn case; sensationof torsion in the muscles. Limbs heavy as lead. Hypersensitiveness to contract; prostration. Arterial hypertension, arteriosclerosis.

Zinc-met.: < sitting/walking/noise/touch. > moderate movement (continual movement of the feet)/menses/followinga discharge. Sciatica with weakness and trembling. Rheumatic ground.

General < wine.



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