Telopea speciosissima = Waratah


Sir James Smith, President of the Royal Society in London, wrote in 1793

"The most magnificent flower that the prolific soil of New Holland affords is, by common consent, both of Europeans and natives, the Waratah

Waratah = the state flower of New South Wales, Australie.


Waratahs belong to the genus Telopea, in the Proteaceae family.

The generic name Telopea is derived from the Greek 'telopos', meaning 'seen from afar', and refers to the great distance from which the crimson flowers are discernible.

Telopea belongs to the family, Proteaceae, which is predominantly Australian and southern African in distribution and includes genera such as Grevillea, Banksia, Macadamia and Hakea. 

Waratah plants resist destruction by bushfires, a natural element of their habitat, by regenerating from the rootstock.

B.B. . “I have courage, tenacity and faith in all situations now. I am now finding the courage and strength to face the challenges of life”

For the person who is going through the 'black night of the soul' and is in utter despair. It gives them the strength and courage to cope with their crisis and will bring their survival skills to the fore. This remedy will also enhance and amplify those skills. It is for emergencies and great challenges. This powerful remedy often only needs to be used for four or five days. The Waratah Essence was made with great assistance and guidance in profound metaphysical circumstances, from what was known to be the last flowering Waratah of the season.

Positive: B.B. Courage, tenacity, faith, adaptability, survival skills;

Negative: B.B. Black despair, hopelessness, inability to respond to crisis (Cimic);


Repertory:                                                                        [Alastair Gray]

Mind: Alert

Anger - easily/at trifles

Anxiety (from anticipation of an engagement/about future/from starting in sleep)/Fear (of  becoming fat/her condition being observed/of poverty/from starting in sleep)


Desires change

Aversion to company (desires solitude)

confidence - wants it

Confused - driving/loses way in well known streets/with nausea

Delusion - body is enlarged/time appears shorter, passes too quickly

Discontented (with everything)


Excited in evening


Forgets (well known streets)

Hurry, haste


Indifferent - to eating/to everything


Irritable in daytime

making many plans

memory weak


Not recognizing well known streets

reproaching himself

Sadness (in morning/on waking/# irritability)

starting startled - in morning from sleep/in sleep (from palpitation)


Indisposed to talk

Time - appears shorter passes too quickly


worries full of

Head: „As if constricted by band or hoop“

Heaviness (l./r./in occiput/in scalp)

Itching of scalp on going to sleep

Pain [l./r. (ext. occiput)/+ icy coldness of body/“As from a blow“/dull (r./during menses)/ext. shoulder/ext. vertex/in forehead dull (r./above eyes/in waves)/during menses/occiput (bursting „As if beaten by an axe“)/pressing („As from a band“)/pressing „As if in a vice“/pulsating (in waves)/in skull/sleepy with dull pain/stitching (occiput)/(r.) temples/(r.) vertex/in waves/< wine]

Eyes: Heavy

Vision: colours before the eyes/flashes

Ear: noises ringing (r.)/

„As if stopped“ (l.)

Itching in lower limbs (in bed/on going to sleep)

Pain [in wrist on bending/pressing in l. wrist/cramping in thigh/in hip lying/in r. shoulder/sore > walking/tearing knee (lying)/in tearing > lying/in thigh > walking/

in (l./radial side) wrist/

Toes raised with anxiety/involuntary (l.)

complaints of wrist

Face: Itching in cheeks/> scratching

Tingling in upper lip

Mouth: bleeding gums (cleaning them/easily)

Dry [on waking/in morning with thirst/on waking/thirst (> drinking)]

Odor offensive

Ulcers (lips)

Stomach: Appetite - diminished/wanting in morning/lost

Indifferent to food and drinks

Epigastrium complaints of

Eructations [forenoon/noon/afternoon/evening/night/after drinking (water)/after eating (breakfast/lunch/dinner/fruit/sugar)/many]

Gurgling (with nausea)

Heaviness after eating

Nausea (> after eating/with hunger)

thirst [on waking (morning)]

Abdomen: Distension (durin menses/during constipation/> stool)

Heaviness - in lower part/< before menses

Pain cramping - during menses (> heat)/sitting/> warmth/sharp

Rectum: Constipation (+ great straining/insufficient/stool passed after great straining)


Inactivity of rectum



Stool: soft

Vertigo (on waking/+ pain in head)

Female organs: menses > hot applications

Menses painful

Cramping before menses/during menses/pain < before menses/pain during menses

Sexual desire increased

Chest: Oppression (night/heart)

pain - cutting sudden sharp (l. side/during respiration/in sternum)/< during expiration (pressing)/both sides at respiration/in upper sternum/on walking/pressing (paroxysmal)/

stitching in sternum (sterno-costal joint/walking)

palpitation of the heart - starting from sleep/at night (in bed)/on exertion/sitting/< on going to sleep

Back: Eruptions itching

Heaviness in lumbar region before menses

Itching [burning morning while dressing/dorsal region (between scapulae)/unchanged by]

Pain - in r.cervical region/sore

Sleep: Falling asleep difficult

Restless (tossing about)

Sleepless (from anxiety/causeless/after midnight until 1 h./after going to bed/from restlessness/from activity of thoughts)

Waking - in morning toward 4 - 5 (with anxiety/too early)

Dream: <(<(<( viele )>)>)>

Skin: Eruptions itching (undressing)

Itching (> scratching/going to sleep/< undressing)

Generals: Food and drink: Desires: beer;

Lack of vital heat


Weary - during menses/morning/sudden


Vergleich: Siehe: Proteales +  Schwarze Stimmungsgruppe



Magical Stories Dreamtime: The First Waratah

There was once a beautiful young woman named Krubi who had made for herself a cloak of the red skin of the rock wallaby ornamented with the redder crests of the gang-gang cockatoo. Dressed in her scarlet cloak she would take up a post in the cleft of high a sandstone ridge. Here she would watch every evening for the return of the men and to catch a first glimpse of the young man she loved.

Her young man was only newly initiated into manhood and had not learnt the art of war. The slim figure in red silhouetted against the sky was the sight the young man looked for every evening as he returned home.

A neighbouring people had been seen recently in Burragorang land and it was decided that the Burragorang must make a stand and drive them out. A great corroboree was planned for and Krubi's young man was to be taught about war. Krubi's spirit sank with foreboding.

On the day of the battle Krubi stood alone, with her red cloak wrapped around her, on the sandstone cleft. From her station she could hear the cries of the battle and flashes

of spears and throwing sticks in mid-flight. Occasional glimpses too of the men between the tall trees and tangled scrubs.

She waited anxiously for the return of her man and late in the afternoon she saw the scattered band of warriors returning. But nowhere could she see the slim dark figure of

her beloved looking up at her.

Krubi stayed there on the ridge for seven days waiting. Her tears flowed and several flowers started to spring from the rivulets they formed, rippling down the ridge. Then Krubi left her place and walked down to the abandoned camp.

Here the ashes were cold and seven days old, so she returned to the sandstone ridge. She now felt such inconsolable grief that she willed herself to die, her body blending slowly into the weathered sandstone.

And rising from the spot came the first waratah. The stalk hard, straight, and without blemish, like the young man Krubi had pined for, the leaves serrated and pointed like his spear. And the beautiful flower itself is the most radiant red, like the red of Krubi's cloak & the scarlet of blood. The Burragorang named the flower waratah ('beautiful') and cherished it because of its beauty and its history.

As told by Camoola, Head of the Burragorang in 1802


This story is one of the making of the waratah red. It was supposed, it seems, that it was at first a white flower, though that idea does not pervade the other stories of it. Still it was loved then just as much as it is now, and its whiteness did not destract from its charm. The day was away in the alcheringa and it had been very still and very hot, and the whole tribe, with the exception of one man, lay amongst the bracken in the shade of big eucalypti and lesser myrtles and other scrub (sweet-scented Sassafras/other perfumed shrub, the Olearia or Musk/Ceratopetalum or Christmas Bush. The spot was at the foot of very high bouldered cliffs that bounded a deep, clear-pooled river, and the one man who was not prostrated was fishing. All this was in a valley, and out from it the land was a parched and barren tract. The sun blazed down and the heat dazzled, and the sandy and gravelled ground was too hot to walk upon. Now not a zephyr moved the air. The season must have been spring, for the waratah blooms only in that season, always waiting until the cold of winter had retreated to the Pole to which it belongs, or to the regions above the clouds.

Most of the people were asleep. They had retired to the shade. They knew that great cumulus clouds would at length appear from beyond the west and that most surely they would bring thunder and lightning and rain and coolness. An infant-a very pretty child not yet able to walk and perhaps not yet entirely black, for aboriginal babies were born brown, and the black of them showed first under their fingernails and spread from there--crawled away from its dozing mother or whatever woman had charge of it, and the dogs were too indolent in the heat to notice it laboriously getting closer and closer to a tangle of Hibbertia, or Guinea-flower vine, through which stood the Waratah plant resplendent with gleaming white flowers. In there, coiled but alert, lay something else that gleamed-a watching black snake.

Now, the child was of the black snake totem, and, that being so, the reptile was its guardian, not its enemy.

As some of our children have done, the little baby put out its hand to play with the usually deadly thing, and just at that moment the guardian awoke. She missed the child at once. One hurried glance around and she saw the situation. There was the baby about to play with a venomous snake. Forgetting that the child was of that totem and that it would do her no harm, she grabbed a nullah and flung it with all her might, and the of the snake was broken, and its blood streamed out. The only movement it was then capable of was a swaying of the forward part, and this part it placed around the baby.

Another missile was thrown, and, had the snake not been where it was, the child would certainly have received the blow and been hurt. The snake was again hit, as it, being the protector of the child, intended that it should. Slowly and painfully it unwound itself. The now frightened baby rolled away. The snake laid its injured self amongst the stalks of the waratah bush, and slowly its blood was absorbed as it trickled from the wounds. In a few days streaks of red were to be seen in the flowers, and by degrees the whole of them were so coloured, and therefore we have the bright and beautiful blooms of far greater quantity than the white ones.

It is certainly strange that the white waratahs appear to be much older than the usual crimson ones.

The last full-blooded woman of the Cammaray tribe says that she is a black snake woman and that the black snake is her guardian. When a baby, her life was saved in a manner somewhat similar to the way the baby of this story was saved and it always warns her of approaching danger, and when her intentions, if carried out, will not be to her advantage. So sure is she of that, that she takes careful notice in summer, and she only undertakes serious matters in that season so that she may be warned by her black snake.


Red Waratah

This story is about how the White Waratah became red and the story starts off about these two little pigeons, a little pair of Wonga pigeons. When the Wonga pigeons mate, they always mate for life and whatever they do, they always do it together. If they're building a nest, they build it together. If they're rearing their young, they do that together too.

These two little pigeons decided they wanted to go and gather food this morning and when you see pigeons, you never see them sitting up in the trees eating, you always see them walking around on the ground, picking up things.

So these two little Wonga pigeons were walking around on the ground, picking away, picking away, gathering food and they had a rule never to get out of one another's sight. As they were picking around, the little female looked up and she couldn't see her mate, but she didn't take any notice for a little while, so she picked around on the ground by herself. She kept looking up every so often, then after a while she started to worry about her mate, because there was no sign of him.

So she started calling out and still no reply. This went on for a little while and their rule was never to fly up above the canopy of the trees, either, because the hawks would get them. So she flitted around in the lower branches, calling out to her mate and still no reply. She got to the stage where she thought 'the only thing I can do now is fly up above the top of the trees and have a look up there'.

As she flew up above the tree tops, sure enough the big hawk grabbed her and he grabbed her on the breast.

Hawks always have their favourite places to take their food and eat it. So as this big hawk was flying to his favourite spot to eat this little pigeon, somehow she wriggled and squirmed and broke free of his grip.

As she tore away from the hawk, she tore her breast open too and started bleeding.

She couldn't fly any more because she was wounded, so she floated down to the ground/the first thing she landed on was the White Waratah. The blood from her wounds started to turn the White Waratah red.

So as she went from Waratah to Waratah to White Waratah, they all became red.

So that little Wonga never found her mate and she died eventually herself, but that's how the White Waratah became red.

The Red Waratahs have just finsihed flowering, but if you go up to a Red Waratah while it's in flower and poke your finger into the flower itself and bring it out, you'll get

a red stain around your finger. That red stain represents the blood from the pigeon.



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