Terminalia indica arjuna (Term-arjuna) (I) = Arura (I)


Vergleich: Frucht enthält Tann-ac. Symph. Siehe: Myrtales + Herzgruppe


= Crat.-ähnlich;

Negativ: Nervös/Schwindel/Ohrenpfeifen, Herz/Knochenbrüchen/Haut;


Gemüt: Sorgenvoll/Gesellschaft abgeneigt (Verlangt Einsamkeit)

Kopf: Schweregefühl

Ohr: Geräusche im Ohr, Ohrgeräusche - Summen

Mund: trocken

Geschmack - bitter

Magen: Übel/Durst/Appetit fehlend

Brust: Pulsieren - Herz/Herzklopfen

Schalf: Schlaflosigkeit

Träume: Selbstmord/Kämpfe



From a Forum: Bypass the Bypass

I will unhesitatingly say that I owe my life to homeopathy. In November 1999, I was diagnosed with coronary artery disease and asked to undergo immediate

bypass surgery. One artery was 100% blocked and another was 75% blocked. Instead of bypass surgery, I went to Dr. Sukumaran of Mumbai.

Dr.Sukumaran, never mentioned what medicines he was giving me, but one day I heard him ask his assistant to mix Crategus - Q with Arjuna - Q and give it to me.

Dr. Sukumaran has treated nearly 2000 patients who were previously asked to undergo bypass surgery.

Thanks to VG - India



Allerlei: = Räucherwerk


Phytologie: Fraktüren/pain in angina pectoris/treating heart failure/coronary artery disease.



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