Theorie: Unterdrückung/suppression


[Joachim-F Grätz]

Discusses the phenomenon of suppression, indicating that it can occur from seemingly benign natural therapies as well as chemical drugs.

The damaging effects of allopathic medicines have become more and more public in recent years and have been recognized as a real health hazard. On the other hand, it is

not so well known that natural diseases and processes can be suppressed by allopathic attempts at “healing” that create completely new symptoms to replace the old ones.

This means that the medications result in new, artificial syndromes, so-called disease modifications or, as Dr. Eichelberger put it, “proxy wars” (one ailment replacing another). The patient no longer shows any symptoms of the original disease; the symptoms have been blurred or suppressed. These correlations are very reprehensible, since they usually increase the destruction experienced by the patient and create a greater distance from real healing. The suppression syndrome brings about such a level of general deterioration that even a restoration to the state before would be desirable for the patient.

Suppression means that the manifestation of a disease (its local ailments) disappears before it is cured (as a whole).

We can distinguish three elements in the suppression phenomenon:

    the suppressed symptom

    the triggering cause and

    the newly developed suppression syndrome, that is, a general worsening with the shifting of symptoms to other organs and functional areas.

Suppression always triggers and has a very special meaning for the homeopathic remedy choice. It always has the character of a guiding symptom, since it is a real cause

of disease.

Suppression can be triggered in a variety of ways. Roughly speaking, two different types are distinguished in principle, which in turn can be divided:

    random, natural or spontaneous suppression e.g. by emotional, climatic shock effect; grief; nutritional influences; environmental factors; chill (e.g. absence of menses after

    a cold bath); suppression of one disease by another, etc.

    suppression through iatrogenic manipulations of modern medicine

    suppression by medication

    local treatment such as cortisone or zinc ointments, nose drops, etc.; internally by e.g. antibiotics (Case study: “Absolute Kidney Failure in a Child”:, cortisone, sulfonamides, fever suppositories, analgesics, sedatives, hormones, birth control, urine, colloidal  silver, high-dose vitamin C, etc.; in the case of very sensitive people, also possible using natural remedies –Case study: Please see below.

    surgical suppression

    removal of warts, moles, tonsils, polyps, appendix, varicose veins, ovaries etc.; closing of fistulas (e.g. anal fistula); obliteration of hemorrhoids, varicose veins; laser    treatment of spider veins, etc.; in principle all surgeries, chemical burns, etc.

    suppression by vaccination

    interference with natural development as well as prevention of miasmatic self-healing attempts in the form of childhood diseases and additional stress or destruction of the  immune system as a whole

    suppression by “homeopathic” medicines or other energetic methods

    e.g. with improper palliative treatment, uncritical prescription of “proven medications” based on a clinical diagnosis; treatments with homeopathic complex remedies; treatments using autologous blood; autovaccines[1]; in most cases also homeopathic remedies tested via bio-resonance, bio-sensor, pendulum, kinesiology, EAV

(electro-acupuncture according to Voll) etc. also through improperly practiced “Western” acupuncture, etc.

It can be observed that energy-based suppression due to the advancement of technology in the medical field, now also seen in so-called natural healing methods, is becoming increasingly common. The Swiss homeopath Dr. Adolf Voegeli described this form of suppression as the worst and most reprehensible. Rightly so, because it is the subtle suppression of the ethereal that is far more difficult to reverse than most of the others, if you ignore vaccinations.

Suppression represents a backward process that is contrary to physiological law. Life always works from the inside out, which is also visible in the smallest unit of life, the cell. Even in the event of disease, the vital force will try to push everything to the periphery (e.g. rashes, sweat, diarrhea) to relieve the energetic center and more vital organs.

Suppression, however, does exactly the opposite. The disease is driven from the outside back inside the body! The natural escape routes and valves are blocked; the disease process is shifted to other areas which are more dangerous for the whole organism.

According to John Henry Allen, however, the miasm is still present in the organism with the same strength; only its effect and mode of operation have been steered into

a different direction due to the blocking of the “disease valves”! So, the first thing we have to do is restore the suppressed symptoms.

One of the most important questions when taking an anamnesis is to query the origin of the symptoms. Since when has the patient had the symptoms? How was it treated back then, and, of course, how is it being treated now? What was the patient’s condition beforehand and what treatment was that condition possibly receiving? This isn’t just a few hours or days earlier; this earlier condition may have even been a few years or decades ago. There’s some real detective work to be done here.

“Humans are an organism with a history and what is done to them medically today can and will express itself sooner or later, in years or decades, as previous iatrogenic acts

of violence in the name of unrestrained medical technology. Crude chemistry on the one hand, the finest acids on the other hand, namely in the area of the 3.5 billion genes

of humans – absolute madness!” said Dr. Eichelberger during one of his homeopathic colloquia in Munich.

Frequently, if suppression is removed, not only can the state of the previous condition be restored, but other ailments also disappear, so that the patient is significantly better off. In cases where only the state before the suppressed disease can be achieved, another remedy will be required for this symptom.

The following are a few random examples of suppression from my homeopathic practice:

    Headache and diffuse pain all over the body after suppressing the flu with “proven natural remedies”

    Tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ears) due to the homeopathic self-treatment of various more “harmless” symptoms

    Progressive inner ear hearing loss after treatment of a severe flu infection with meningeal irritation using antibiotics and cortisone

    Appearance of malodorous vaginal discharge after surgical removal of polyps at ages as young as 6 and up to adulthood

    Asthma or tendency to spastic bronchitis after treating neurodermatitis with ointments

    Tendency to multiple pneumonia after suppression of a flu infection using antibiotics

    Acute myocardial inflammation with subsequent panic attacks with heart palpitations after treating a flu infection with echinacea and autologous blood

    Anal fistula after hemorrhoid obliteration and subsequent surgery

    Irrational panic fears after surgical closure of an anal fistula

    Epilepsy after suppressing severe bronchitis with antibiotics

    Epilepsy after flu shots for several consecutive years

    Mild apoplexy (stroke) after repeated flu shots

    Inflammation of the parotid gland after self-treatment of a mild flu-like infection with a glass of hot freshly-squeezed lemon juice – Please see the case study below.

    Polyarthritis after drug treatment of muscle and tendon overuse

    Inflammation of cystitis after suppression of chronic gastritis (inflammation of the stomach) with bio-resonance treatment

    Guillain-Barré syndrome after improper treatment of chickenpox

    Huntington’s chorea after a polyvalent vaccination

    Periarteritis nodosa (severe life-threatening arterial vascular disease) of the lower legs after multiple antibiotic treatment of flu infections

    Paranoid conditions with subsequent depression after tetanus vaccination

    Depression with suicidal tendencies after vaccination

    Absence of menstrual periods after hormone treatment

    Meningitis after treatment of a phlegmon on the hand plus a severe flu infection with a broad-spectrum antibiotic

    Lupus erythematosus and kidney failure with dialysis after treating a rash with cortisone

    Acute kidney failure with dialysis after multiple suppression of an original angina and diffuse abdominal discomfort. Please see “Absolute Kidney Failure in a Child”:


Especially people with a psoric condition react to suppression. Therefore, many instances of suppression belong to the psora. However, there are also frequent sycotic suppressions, as well as syphilitic and tubercular ones.

Modern surgery is often a source of sycotic suppression. The surgeries and removal of “diseased” organs or parts thereof force the vital force to establish another – less peripheral – inhibition point, which may be much more life-threatening. Allen observed more than 100 years ago that “syphilis often takes years for something that sycosis only needs a few months for, from the beginning to the fatal end, even only a few weeks”.


Two case studies:

    Suppression by antibiotics and cortisone: Please see “Absolute Kidney Failure in a Child”:

    Suppression by using natural remedies in very sensitive people: see below

Suppression with a glass of hot freshly-squeezed lemon juice


For a better understanding of this matter, perhaps a small memorable case study, which was presented by a colleague in our homeopathic study group many years ago and which is didactically very valuable and taught me a lot:


«A young woman was suffering from an inflammation of the parotid gland (parotitis) which was getting drastically worse day by day. All attempts to cure it by means of well-chosen homeopathic remedies failed miserably, so that the swelling of the parotid gland kept increasing progressively. It was already the size of a tennis ball, so that the woman finally ended up in a hospital.

There upon the treating homeopath hit the road and visited his patient in the hospital to take the complete acute medical history again. However, there was nothing new in information! Before the inflammation of the parotid gland, there was a small flu-like infection, which was not treated and disappeared by itself, which the patient had already stated before.

The woman again assured that she had not taken any allopathic medicines, not now and not during that mild flu infection. “I only drank a glass of hot freshly-squeezed lemon juice at that time, otherwise I did nothing!”

However, the patient had never mentioned that before! And thereupon – from a purely temporal point of view – this inflammation of the parotid gland had developed!

The doctor immediately thought of the possibility of suppression by high vitamin C administration and prescribed Sulphur. Sulphur, which otherwise had nothing to do with the acute symptoms of this woman!

Already after two hours a positive feedback came from the clinic: The swelling had already decreased by half!»

Sulphur – the king of suppressions! And Sulphur, which really has no relation to parotitis!

It was only this one leading symptom that led to the solution of this case: suppression! Suppression by means of natural medicine. All other symptoms were more in favor of Pulsatilla or one of the many other homeopathics, all of which had already been tried but only brought disease postponements and aggravations down the line.

In this case study a suppression by a naturopathic remedy happened in a probably quite sensitive person.

It does not always have to be antibiotics, cortisol or cortisone that have a suppressive effect! Natural remedies can also suppress (e.g. melaleuca oil [tea-tree oil], colloidal silver, Schuessler tissue salts), as well as acute improperly practiced homeopathy, if the chosen remedy is not the right one (no therapist can be exempt from this, it is only necessary to recognize it in time)!

For similar topics and cases please see my book “Gentle Medicine – The True Causes of Disease, Healing, and Health”, 2021, Balboa Press, Bloomington, USA.


    Allen, J. H., The Chronic Miasms, 1921, Reprint Edition 2006, B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Dehli

    Grätz, Joachim-F., Gentle Medicine – The True Causes of Disease, Healing, and Health, 2021, Balboa Press, Bloomington, USA,


[1]    Autovaccine: therapeutic vaccine, where the antigenic material is derived from the patient themself (e.g. effusion, pus, stool, urine) and which is re-injected after appropriate processing.


[2]    Prescribing homeopathic medicines in chronic treatment by means of bioenergetic testing cannot work, which becomes very clear from a small example from my practice: A young mother, together with her naturopath, tested the condition and medication of her motor disabled young son on an almost daily basis. The little guy received a different homeopathic medication every few days, partly in low potency, partly in high potency (!), depending on what was “indicated”. However, it also sometimes happened that the medication to be administered couldn’t be given at all, since it couldn’t be obtained quickly enough in the proposed potency or because it was rare, and the condition of the child had changed again, so that the test now required completely different medication!


[3]    „At the age of six, children who have eczema develop asthma.” – Quote of an Austrian pediatrician who used this reason to prescribe Intal (an aerosol inhaler) to a child with eczema three times a day for 1.5 years to prevent asthma. This is how far things have gotten out of hand, where actual correlations are no longer recognized and other strong medications are administered immediately, where they’re not yet needed! It is certainly common knowledge that asthma often occurs due to neurodermatitis, but only after it is suppressed (i.e. locally treated), which most people are not aware of!


[4]    Phlegmon: progressive purulent inflammation of the cell tissue


[Herbert Alfred Roberts, M.D./Presented by Sylvain Cazalet]

Dealing with suppressions in children.

The problem of suppressions is unquestionably the hardest with which we have to deal. As we look over the medical records of a period of years, we realize that medical problems do change in many aspects; those of a century or more ago had unsanitary and unhygienic conditions as their greatest factor. Authors of that day record cases

in which simple lack of cleanliness gave objective symptoms of the gravest type; these are not possible now with the supervision exercised by the public schools.

Our problem of the present day is suppression of excretory functions, suppression of natural symptomatic manifestations. Suppressions of the symptomatic manifestations usually come first, and thus early in life symptoms become masked, if not entirely suppressed, and the guideposts to curative prescribing are destroyed or so misplaced as

to be far less valuable.

If we recognize these suppressions we may be able to unlock the conditions. Of course, the vital force overcomes even these impediments to some degree, and the impress

of the thwarted energy becomes a part of the constitutional state; so the earlier we can set about the restoration of natural expressions the better for our patient.

When we speak of unfolding the case and the reappearance of old symptoms we realize we are considering the elements of this problem of lifelong suppressions.

Here we need careful prescribing.

[Massimo Mangliavori]

Wenn ein Arnica-Patient im Alter von vier Jahren einen schweren Unfall hat, so wird dies leichter zu einem chronischen Arnica-Fall. Wenn eine Person eine Ignatia-Persönlichkeit hat und beide Eltern im Alter von fünf Jahren verliert, ist es wahrscheinlicher, dass sich hier eine chronische, konstitutionelle Ignatia-Situation entwickelt.

Dies geschieht, weil das Leben diese Person gezwungen hat, mit einer der größten Schwachstellen ihrer Konstitution in Kontakt zu treten.

Es ist auch wahr, dass es nicht leicht ist, ein Solanacea-Kind zu werden, wenn es Pulsatilla-Eltern hat. So etwas entwickelt sich gewöhnlich aus einer bestimmten Umgebung heraus, wo jemand auf irgendeine Weise von seinen Eltern etwas erbt, wobei es schwierig ist zu differenzieren, was zur DNS gehört und was das Ergebnis von Erfahrungen mit dem Verhalten anderer ist.

Unterschiedliche Situationen und Formen von Gewalt Ein solcher gewalttätiger Hintergrund ist zwar nicht immer gegeben, er führt aber eher dazu, dass jemand, der in solch einem System groß geworden ist, in einem frühen Alter dekompensiert. Diese Patienten haben mehr oder weniger das Gefühl, sie seien Opfer von Gewalt in der einen oder anderen Form. Ein Erwachsener kann sich einem Kind gegenüber physisch oder psychisch gewalttätig verhalten. Eine gewalttätige Einstellung kann auch durch zu große Kontrolle ausgedrückt werden. Man kann mit Worten extrem gewalttätig sein, oder indem man einem anderen Menschen seine Anwesenheit vorenthält, oder auch indem

man diesem Menschen Mitgefühl entzieht. Eine Mutter oder ein Vater kann extrem gewalttätig sein, auch wenn sie ihr Kind nicht körperlich schlagen.

Gewalt kann auf viele Arten ausgeübt werden, nicht nur physische. Subjektiv jedenfalls fühlen sich diese Patienten als Opfer von Gewalt. Deprivation: Vorenthaltene Grundbedürfnisse.

Wenn man die Geschichte dieser Patienten tiefer erforscht, so trifft man häufig auf einen erheblichen Mangel an Zuwendung. Schauen wir uns einen beliebigen konstitutionellen Solanacea-Fall an, selbst bei den ungiftigen Pflanzen wie Capsicum, Tabacum, Lycopersicum oder Dulcamara, so werden wir einen erheblichen Mangel

an Zuwendung finden. Wenn Sie mit diesen Menschen in Kontakt treten können, erzählen sie Ihnen offen, wie sehr sie in ihrer Familie die Zuwendung vermissten.

Und -ebenfalls sehr wichtig- dass diese Zuneigung auf eine sehr grundlegende Weise gefehlt hat. Wenn ich “grundlegend” sage, so meine ich die hauptsächlichen, grundlegenden Bedürfnisse eines Kindes. Per definitionem kommt diese Zuneigung von der Mutter. Wenn das Kind klein ist, kümmert sich gewöhnlich die Mutter um

seine Bedürfnisse: stillen, streicheln, füttern, Windeln wechseln etc. Das heißt nicht notwendigerweise, dass es so war.

Jedenfalls haben diese Patienten das Gefühl: Seit ich ein kleines Kind war, habe ich etwas gebraucht, und das, was ich gebraucht habe, habe ich nie bekommen.

Dies ist sehr wichtig. Es ist unerheblich zu wissen, ob und wie sehr diese arme Frau ihrem Kind etwas vorenthalten hat, oder ob das arme Kind dies lediglich so wahrgenommen hat. Sie werden die Wahrheit nie erfahren. Was Sie aber meistens beobachten können, ist, dass diese Menschen auf das Gefühl von Mangel an Zuneigung

mit heftigstem Zorn reagieren.

Wenn Sie diese Reaktion vergleichen mit den Mitteln, die Silicea oder Magnesium ähneln, so werden Sie feststellen, dass viele unterschiedliche Arten von Mitteln diesen frühzeitigen Mangel an Zuneigung und Aufmerksamkeit erfahren können. Darum geht es nicht. Es geht darum, wie sie auf diesen Mangel reagieren. Gewöhnlich reagieren Solanaceae auf eine sehr zornige Weise. Ihre Vorstellung ist, dass ihnen etwas gestohlen wurde; sie fühlen sich beraubt.

Magnesium-Personen reagieren, als ob man dagegen sowieso nichts tun kann: 'Es ist eine Tatsache, dass ich verlassen wurde. Es ist eine Tatsache, dass ich ein kleines

Püppchen bin und meine Mutter verloren habe, und es ist nutzlos, zu schreien und zu weinen, weil man sowieso nichts tun kann.' Es handelt sich hier um Resignation

im Angesicht von Mangel an Zuneigung.

Mit den Solanaceae verhält es sich überhaupt nicht so. Gewöhnlich ist das Gefühl: 'Du willst mir mit Absicht nicht das geben, was ich brauche. Ich habe das Gefühl, mir

steht etwas zu, und du bist so garstig, so gewalttätig, dass du mir absichtlich nicht das geben willst, was mir zusteht.' Gewöhnlich fordern diese Menschen auf dramatische

Art und Weise, wovon sie das Gefühl haben, es würde ihnen vorenthalten. Dabei stampfen sie auf den Boden, weil sie das wollen, was sie von dieser Umgebung nie bekommen haben. Das Gefühl ist Zorn anstatt von Resignation. Ihr Zorn gründet sich auf dieser spezifischen Reaktion: Ein Gefühl von Mangel, dass ihnen etwas absichtlich gestohlen wurde. Ich wiederhole: Zu analysieren, was tatsächlich geschehen ist, ist immer sehr schwierig. Es ist möglich, dass diese arme Frau arbeiten musste, um die Familie zu ernähren. Bei der Wahrnehmung der gestohlenen Zuwendung handelt es sich lediglich um eine Wahrnehmung. Es ist nicht notwendig, zu untersuchen, was tatsächlich und in Wirklichkeit geschehen ist. Es ist nicht wichtig, sich zu überlegen, ob diese Kinder einmal geschlagen wurden oder einer anderen Gewalttat im wörtlichen Sinne ausgesetzt waren.

Es handelt sich um die Wahrnehmung von Gewalttätigkeit. Es ist, 'als hätte jemand tatsächlich und absichtlich dieses grundsätzliche Bedürfnis meinerseits negiert.'

Zornige Reaktion: Oft besteht die Reaktion bei den meisten dieser Menschen in einem tief sitzenden, heftigen Zorn. Unsere aggressive Seite ist für unser Leben unerlässlich; ausschlaggebend ist die Art und Weise, wie wir damit leben und umgehen. Der gleiche Prozess kann gesund oder zerstörerisch sein. Das Problem ist nicht die Aggression

per se, sondern das Ausmaß, in dem sie außerhalb der gesellschaftlichen Normen ausgedrückt wird.

Gestaute Kontrolle: Wenn ich Gewalt zeige, verliere ich die Zuneigung

Einer der Hauptgründe für diese blockierte Aggression, für diesen ausgesprochen gestauten Zorn, ist das Gefühl: 'Wenn ich mir erlaube, meinen Zorn auszuagieren,

könnte ich leicht diese Beziehung zerstören und würde noch nicht einmal 10% dessen bekommen, was ich brauche. Ich muss mich kontrollieren, mich beherrschen, um

nicht aggressiv zu handeln, sonst könnte dies ein weiteres Desaster in meiner Lebenserfahrung werden. Wenn ich mich meinen Eltern gegenüber so schlecht verhalte, könnten sie mich für immer verlassen, und ich würde für immer sogar das kleine Maß an Zuwendung verlieren, das sie mir geben können.'

Solanaceae haben ständig das Gefühl, sie bekommen nicht die Zuneigung, die sie brauchen. Sie haben das Gefühl, sie müssen laut schreien, um zu bekommen, was sie brauchen. Sie haben auch das Gefühl: 'Ich muss diesen Impuls unter Kontrolle halten; wenn ich meine Aggressionen ausagiere, könnte es schlimmer sein als zuvor.'

Dies ist ihr inneres Gefühl. Es bedeutet nicht, dass ein normaler Ausdruck von Aggression eine Katastrophe wäre - es ist ihre Wahrnehmung: 'Wenn ich meine aggressive

Seite nicht unter Kontrolle halten kann, bin ich mein eigener schlimmster Feind, und das wird auch noch das bisschen Zuneigung zerstören, das ich von meiner Umgebung bekomme.' Sie werden eine Einstellung bemerken, mit der diese Patienten ihr Leben lang ihre grundsätzlichen Bedürfnisse zu stark kontrollieren.

Eher rational als emotional

Ein weiteres, typisches kompensatorisches Verhalten sowohl der giftigen als auch der ungiftigen Solanaceae liegt in der Art, wie diese Patienten versuchen, ihren rationalen Anteilen mehr Raum zu geben als ihren emotionalen Anteilen.

Sie versuchen gewöhnlich, auf kühle Art zu verstehen, und sie tun dies mit Hilfe einer überrationalen Einstellung. Diese dient dazu, Sinn zu geben, wieder unter Kontrolle

zu bringen, zu verstehen, was von Natur aus nicht zu verstehen ist. Es ist eine riesige Illusion, zu glauben, dass man seine Emotionen besser kontrollieren kann, indem man

sie vernunftmäßig erklärt und damit bereits Verlorenem einen Sinn geben könnte.


Wenn wir die Mittelprüfungen und unsere täglichen Beobachtungen bei diesen Fällen genau untersuchen, so stellen wir fest, dass Redseligkeit ein häufig auftretendes Symptom ist. Wir müssen verstehen, um welche Art von Redseligkeit es sich hier handelt. Ein Aspekt davon ist das Delirium einer Nachtschattenvergiftung; andererseits

sind sie auch in ihrem üblichen Verhalten außerordentlich geschwätzig. Aber es gibt viele Arten von Redseligkeit. Es gibt eine Art defensiver Redseligkeit, die typisch ist

für Patienten, die reden und reden und nichts sagen, wie z.B. Podophyllum oder einige der hysterischen Mittel wie Moschus, Valeriana, Zincum valeriania oder Ignatia.

Für einige dieser Patienten sollten Sie Strategien entwickeln, um sie zu stoppen, denn sonst können sie drei Stunden lang reden und Ihnen nichts erzählen. Es ist eine

Art Abwehrverhalten. Für die Anamnese ist es nutzlos, denn sie reden nur, völlig ohne Inhalt. Die Redseligkeit der Solanaceae, nicht nur der giftigen, ist generell nicht defensiv, oder wenigstens nur in gewisser Weise. Diese Menschen sind sehr kommunikativ, wenn sie das Gefühl haben, dass sie eine Beziehung zu Ihnen haben.


[Dr C.B. Knerr]

Our repertories give us some help for these conditions, although for such as have become a part of the constitution of the patient, the constitutional remedy as manifested

by his symptoms is probably our surest guide.

Nevertheless, especially for the earlier manifestations, we find many valuable hints for our assistance. Let us consider briefly the material in Knerr's Repertory, and while

we do so, let us give thanks that this valuable work has been restored to us in a new edition.

Sulph. at the head of our remedies useful in suppressions; perhaps Puls. ranks second in importance, particularly for chronic work. Apis holds an important place for attacks

on the brain following suppressions. Because one of the earliest suppressions impressed upon children is directed toward eruptions of every nature, let us look at the list compiled by" Knerr from Hering's Guiding Symptoms :

Sulphur: Throbbing headache; vertigo; amaurosis, amblyopia and many other eye troubles; deafness from suppressed measles; chronic laryngitis; typhoid symptoms after suppressed measles; Asthma (from suppressed itch); asthma # psoriasis; convulsions; paralysis; glandular affections from scarlatina.

Apis: Inflammation of the brain. Hydrocephalus after suppressed eruptions in general and after scarlatina; shortness of breath; asthma from suppressed urticaria.

Puls.: Asthma from suppressed rash in children. From suppressed urticaria, from suppressed eruptions in general: pains in ears after scarlatina; Deafness after measles:

Typhoid symptoms after suppressed measles.

Ars.: Pericarditis after suppressed measles; asthma from suppressed itch or from suppressed eruptions in general; typhoid symptoms after measles.

Rhus-t.: Suffocation in suppressed urticaria; glandular affections, especially swelling of the parotids, after scarlatina; chorea after suppressed measles.

Zinc-met.: Mania; loss of sensation; chorea; convulsions; somnambulism.

Calc.: Caries of bones of the ear after scarlatina; glandular affections and swelling of the parotids; palpitation; Epilepsy.

Carb-v.: Typhoid Symptoms after Suppressed Measles; asthma.

Ip.: Asthma from suppressed eruptions in general or from suppressed miliary rash.

Ant-c.: Headache; convulsions.


Other remedies we find noted for the suppression of eruptions and the conditions in which they were indicated, are :

Convulsions: Camph., Stram.

epilepsy.: Agar. Caust.

Headaches: Graph. Nux-m.

Paralysis: Dulc.

Cerebral troubles: Cic.

Diarrhœa: Hyos. Urt-u.

Dyspnœa with receding rash: Bry.

Asthma: Verat. from suppression of acute rash.

Æon. from disappearance of herpes in face,

Dulc.: suppressed itch,

Ferr-met.: from suppression of erysipelas,

Ptel.: from suppressed eczema after vaccination.


Sweat suppressed: Bry. and Rhus-t. do in cases where sweat is suppressed by a sudden dash into cold water, as children love to do on warm days. When spinal meningitis follows: Acon;

Otitis: Cact.;

Pneumonia: Gels.

Paralysis: Colch.

Toothache: Cham. Rhus-t. Sil.;

Diarrhœa: Æon. Cham.

Diarrhœa of children, suppressed by crude drugging: Op. Zinc-met.

And what of the suppressions from the modern methods of preventive medicine (= inoculation?): Puls. Phos. Sulph. and occasionally the nosodes, particularly Psor.

For the constitutional effects of vaccination we have long depended upon Thuja and Sil.; consider Phos. also; and in the nosode group especially Maland., Vaccininum and Vario.

We have taken into consideration only a few of the suppressions to which children are subject; we have not thought of those children who from earliest childhood are given paregoric [= camphorated tincture of opium, also known as tinctura opii camphorate = Ritalin-ähnlich?], is a medication known for its antidiarrheal, antitussive, and analgesic properties.) to quiet them, or those children who are ruled by fear to the complete suppression of their natural mental and emotional development. In either of these conditions we must not forget Opium, which by its potentization and homœopathicity becomes anti-suppressive.

Nor do we limit ourselves to the suggestions noted for our selection of the simillimum. In any case the outlines of the case provide us with guidance to greater or less extent; but if we understand the underlying cause we often arrive more surely at the proper remedy. There is one red thread running through all these records-the personality of the remedy and its peculiar applicability in certain symptomatic groups. For instance, note the places where Zinc-met. has been found peculiarly appropriate in releasing suppressions; these touch, almost invariably, nervous imbalance.

Apis has its characteristic congestion and inflammation.

Sulphur expresses itself widely in its characteristic breadth of psoric manifestations.

Nux-v. often useful in suppressions, but usually in older people where there is more mental strain from business affairs, or where the suppressions are due to much crude dosing or the use of alcohol or narcotics.

Except as an occasional measure we rarely see the indications for Nux-v. in the suppression of small children.

Carb-v. may be indicated after suppressions in very small children where dissolution threatens with the characteristic Carb-v. symptoms; into this field of impending collapse that may follow suppressions in frail children

we may find Ars. or Camph. useful.

Needless to say, where the indications for a remedy are clearly marked, that remedy is indicated beyond any doubt, regardless of its pathological setting or the causes that led up to the present symptomatology; we can only

point out that the remedies mentioned here have been successfully used, by virtue of their own individual characteristics, in like conditions. He who knows his materia medica best is best fitted to untangle these conditions.

We can only point out the truth that homœopathy is the best method to deal with these suppressions in children.



Vorwort/Suchen. Zeichen/Abkürzungen.                                    Impressum.