Theridion curassavicum Anhang



Theridion is a remedy of the spider group. It is closely allied to Tarantula, and belongs to the tubercular miasm. It shares with other remedies of the spider group a highly sensitive nervous system and prominent features such as hyperactivity, sexuality, colors, music, dancing and high energy.

Also present fears of being trapped, caught and of being killed. The remedy also manifests hurried and hectic activity, and this fits into my understanding of the tubercular miasm. In fact Tarantula and Theridion often compare with Tuberculinum children because of this intense restlessness. This idea is confirmed by the fact that Phatak in his Materia Medica mentions Theridion as having a tubercular diathesis.

Always very busy, fruitlessly busy. Very prominent in the Theridion woman seems to be the need to find a mate, because she feels that if she doesn't have a mate she will

have to face the danger of the outside world, which is too threatening. So there is a need to be attractive and a lot of hectic activity to find, attract and keep her mate.

Music, dancing and colors are a part of this attractiveness, whereas fear and impulsive violence are a part of the threat. Besides the need for a partner, a peculiar feature

of Theridion is that she seems to completely "dissolve" her identity into that of her partner, thinking and seeing as her partner does, living completely through the eyes and mind of this other person. In the event of her partner leaving her, she feels a tremendous emptiness and it takes time for her to know her real self again. Theridion has the delusion that her head belongs to another.

In some cases, I have found Theridion persons to have a fear of people (when they are alone). When approached by people they feel threatened and want to strike or kill,

and they have to control themselves so that they do not.

These features I have seen also in Tarantula and they seem to be common to this group of remedies. I have seen in Theridion an intense aggravation from noise, startles

from noise, nausea from noise. There is a strong craving for bananas and oranges. The physical symptom of Theridion that I have verified in practice has to do with its

cough: "Cough, violent, jerking of the head forward and the knees upward" and "Cough, jerking the body together".


• Busy, fruitless.

• Confusion of mind, sense of identity, duality, “As if head separated from mind”.

• Delusion - “As if being double”/ “As if head belongs to another”/ “As if head separated from body”

• Fear, noise, from.

• Loquacity - busy/excited.

• Restlessness, busy.

• Sensitive, oversensitive - to slightest noise/to shrill sounds/to striking of clocks, ringing of bells, 

• Singing.

• Starting from noise

• Nausea from noise

Theridion is a remedy to think of in babies born with vacuum-extraction with a strong sensitivity to noise.


There is quite a lot of literature on Theridion:

Massimo Mangialavori and Hardy are both authors who are worth reading, as well as the older authors



Mind: Great aversion to professional work. Want of self - confidence. Time passes too quickly. Talkative. Hilarity, Despair. Very joyous, he sings.

Vertigo: < stooping, noise and sound, least movement, on closing eyes, on board a vessel. Vertigo with nausea and with cold perspiration.

Vertigo together with blindness, caused by pain in the eyes. Vertigo and nausea increased to vomiting.

Head: Pain (women) which always begins with "flickering before the eyes." Headache in climacteric year.

Headache < least noise/least motion of head while lying/in the beginning of every motion (others walking over the floor)/on rising from lying. Throbbing pain.

Headache with nausea and vomiting. Headache > from drinking warm water.

Eyes: Flickering before the eyes in frequent paroxysms (with many conditions). On closing eyes, nausea, vomiting and vertigo.

Sensitive to light. Double vision.


Ears: Itching behind the ears, so that she would like to scratch them off.

Rushing like a waterfall in both ears.

Face: Pale. Froth before the mouth. Lower jaw immovable in the morning.

Nose: Chronic catarrh with fetid discharge which is thick, yellow or yellowish - green. Paroxysm of frequent violent sneezing and frequent necessity of

blowing the nose. Nose feels dry.

Mouth: “As if teeth were full of slime”, must rinse the mouth frequently. Dry

Feels numb or slimy.

Tongue seems “As if burnt”.

Salty taste of mouth. Hawks salty mucus.

Toothache < every sound which penetrates the teeth/cold water.

Stomach and abdomen: Constant desire for food and drink but he knows not for what.

Appetite for sour fruits and drinks.

Desire for wine, brandy and tobacco.

Nausea < on closing eyes/rising in morning/from sounds/sparkling before eyes/on motion/from talking/fast riding in a carriage.

Vomiting < eyes closed.

Burning in the region of the liver (< being touched) with retching and vomiting.

Pain in groins when moving, when drawing the leg up and after coitus. Much thirst.

Stool and anus: Constipation with soft stool expelled with difficulty.

Diarrhoea with vomiting and vertigo; no colic.

Haemorrhoids, anus protrudes and is painful particularly when sitting.

Male Sexual Organs: Red spots on glans, scrotum very much shrivelled. Sexual desire vanishes with no erection. Strong erections in the morning

without desire.

Violent and profuse seminal emission while asleep after dinner.

Female Sexual Organs: Hysterical affections during puberty and in climacteric years with flickering before the eyes, with want of self confidence.

Climaxis, with headache of the worse kind, (nausea and vomiting), with hysteria, with anxiety about heart.

Chest: Violent stitches high up in chest, beneath the left shoulder, even up into the throat. (Phthisis florida in the beginning). Night cough.

Anxiety about the heart with slow pulse and vertigo.

Inclination to take deep breaths and to sigh.

Limbs: Pains in all bones “As if broken”/”As if they were about to fall asunder”. Heaviness in all limbs before the chill; weakness, limbs tremble. Faints after every exertion.

Sleep: During sleep bits point of tongue. Dreams of journey in distant regions and riding on horses.

Fever: Violent shaking chill with foam at mouth. Sleepy before chill. Cold hands, with flickering before eyes and nausea. Icy sweat on body. Bone pains. Vertigo.

Great inclination to be startled. Nausea always increases when he closes his eyes. Talking creates nausea and vomiting.

Least noise < headache. On closing eyes nausea and vomiting. Throbbing headache, cannot lie down with headache, must sit or walk.

<: r./l./morning/evening/night/least noise/shrill sounds/motion (vertigo and nausea)/exertion/walking/stooping/rising/sun/climaxis/puberty/talking/riding in a carriage/closing eyes (nausea/vomiting)/others walking over the floor (head)/lying/touch/pressure/aboard ship/asc-/descending/after washing clothes/cold/coition/after stool/sea – travelling;

>: drinking warm water/warmth;


[Sven Sauter]

Theridion curassavicum (= Latrodectus curacaviensis = Orangenspinne)

Theridion ist eine mittelamerikanische Spinne aus der Familie der Haubennetzspinnen (Theridiidae), zu der auch Latrodectus mactans gehört.

Gemüt: Geräusche dringen durch den ganzen Körper

- Geräuschempfindlichkeit

- Gestresst

- Harmoniebedürftig

- Hysterie

- Kontrolle verlangt danach

- Schreckhaft

- Schwierigkeiten beim Denken

- Träume von abbrechenden Zähnen

- Überempfindlich

- Unruhig -


- Zwanghaft

- Zwangsneurosen

Körper: Schwindel, mit Übelkeit

- Schwindel durch Bewegung des Kopfes

- Kopfschmerzen, die zum Hinlegen im Dunkeln zwingen

- „Als ob der Kopf abgetrennt sei/abfallen würde/zu groß sei“

- Migräne

- Morbus Menière

- Tinnitus

- Zahnschmerzen, ohne Befund

- Angina pectoris

- Herzschmerzen

- Lungen-Ca.

- Husten

- Abszesse in Leber und Lunge

- Leber-Ca.

- Schmerzen in der Leber

- Beschwerden von Nacken und Halswirbelsäule

- Schmerzen am Ende der linken freien Rippen

- Schmerzen der Wirbelsäule

- Harnmenge, vermehrt

Schmerz, stechender, der Hüfte, der sich entlang der Nervenbahn zum Knie erstreckt - Kälte der Knie - Knochennekrose

- Knochenschmerzen „Wie zerbrochen“

Allgemeines: Gonorrhoe

- Kälte, Frostigkeit

- Mädchen, die zu schnell wachsen

- Milzbrand

- Reisekrankheit

- Schleudertrauma

- Schmerzen stechend, brennend, neuralgisch

- Schweiß kalt

- Seekrankheit

- Tuberkulose

- Zeit vergeht zu schnell

- Zittern.

Verlangt Orangen, Bananen.

Modalitäten: >: Reiten/Ruhe/Wärme;

<: Augen schließen/Berührung/Bewegung, geringste/Erschütterung/Fahren/Lärm;

Organ: Herz /Knochen/Leber/Lunge/Nerven/(Hals-)Wirbelsäule.


Theridion: Unterschied: Stärkere Betonung der neurologischen Prozesse und HWS-Beschwerden als bei Aranea. Theridion sucht von allen Spinnen am Stärksten die Harmonie.

Theridion ist weniger streitsüchtig und boshaft als Latrodectus, Loxosceles und Tarentula.

Theridion neigt mehr zu selbstdestruktivem Verhalten.

Verlangt Orangen, Bananen

DD.: Aran. Asar. Lach. Lat-m. Sep. Sil. Spinnenmittel, Thuj.



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