Uranium nitricum (Uran-n)


Vergleich: Enthält: Radioaktivität; Allox. Ph-ac. (> Fällen nervöser Herkunft).

Compare.: Salsola + Ox-ac. (5%) + Uran-n. (absorbed by Salsola).

Siehe: Uranium + Nitrogenium + Sprengstoffen + Anhang (Erika Price)


Kind: Bettnässen (+ ätzende Urin), Würmer;

Negativ: A. Abmagerung (und Tympanites) + AppeTIT,


Heißhunger, Ödem, Durst, Magen/Duodenum, trockene Haut/Schleimhäuten, > essen + zum Essen, fröstelt, < Periode, Geschwüre (Nase/Mund/Magen/Dünndarm), Diabetes;

Schwäche, Tendenz zu Aszites und generalisierte Wassersucht. Rückenschmerz und verzögerte Menses. Trockene Haut und Schleimhäute. Diabetes/Dyspepsie/Assimilationsstörung. L. stärker betroffen als r.

Erzeugt Glycosurie und steigert die Harnmenge. Verursacht Nephritis, Diabetes, Degeneration der Leber, hohen Blutdruck und Hydrops. Schwäche, Tendenz zu Aszites und generalisierte Wassersucht. Rückenschmerzen und verzögerte Menses. Trockene Haut und Schleimhäute. Abmagerung und Tympanites. Passt zu Fällen von Diabetes und Dyspepsie o. Assimilationsstörungen (Ph-ac. > Fällen nervöser Herkunft passt) mehr l. als r.;

Labor: Gerinnung verlangsamt Fibrinogenmangel, Prothrombinmangel Faktor VIII-Mangel, Leukopenie Neutrophile Granulozytose, Lymphopenie Panzytopenie, Polycytämie vera, Erythro- und Thrombopenie. Verminderte IgG

Diagnose: Aplastische + perniziöse Anämie. Chronische, häufige Blutungen: Mund, Lungen, Darm, Nieren

Symptomreicher Diabetes insipidus o. mellitus mit Leberfunktionsstörungen und Aszitesneigung. Chronische Hepatitis, Nephritis, Glomerulonephritis;

[Ref. A Select Homoeopathic Materia Medica Part III and Repertory, unpublished]

Causes glycosuria and increased urine.

 Is known to produce nephritis, diabetes, degeneration of liver, high blood pressure and dropsy.

 Enormous appetite and thirst, yet the patient continues to emaciate.

 Debility, languor and tendency to ascites.

 Suited to DM originating in dyspepsia or assimilative derangements.

 Chronic pancreatitis

[A.L. Blackwood]

Ulceration of the stomach + great burning pain in the stomach, with vomiting and flatulence. Diabetes when there is great thirst, emaciation, diuresis, incontinence of urine, and prostration;

[William H. Burt]

Useful in diabetes, ulceration of the stomach and duodenum, dropsical effusions.  Diabetes, great thirst, stomach very irritable, great emaciation, and profound debility; often found associated with diuresis;


Uranium nitricum

Key Themes



    Heaviness or Lightness


    Confined and letting loose

    Beyond control or Chaos

    Gigantic huge energy

    Constructive and Destructive



    Stand above

Gemüt: Beschwerden durch Kummer



Mürrisch/reizbar, gereizt

Ruhelos (nachts/während Menses)



Verwirrt geistig (nach Schlaf)

Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

+ Durst

durch Blutandrang

< während Menses

Kopf: Blutandrang < vor Essen

Schmerz - nach Mitternacht - 1 h./< wenn nüchtern/in Gehirn nachmittags/in Hinterkopf (morgens erwachend/abends/Hinterhaupthöcker)/in Schläfen (dumpf)/

in Stirn (abends/über l. Auge)

Schweregefühl morgens erwachend

Völlegefühl < vor Essen

Beschwerden in Schläfen

Auge: Verklebt

Entzündete Lider(Lidränder)

Schmerz - r/erstr. Hinterkopf (stechend)

Tränenfluss l.


Geschwollen morgens

Tränen (scharf)

Sehen: Schwach, schwachsichtig

Trübsichtig, trüb

Nase: Absonderung eitrig (l.)/Krusten, Schorfe (Septum) r./wundfressend


Schnupfen ohne Absonderung

Jucken (innerlich)

Schmerz innerlich (wund schmerzend)/in Nasenflügel < Berührung

Verstopft l.

Gesicht: Hautausschläge - Akne

Mund: riecht „Wie Fischlake“

Riecht süßlich

Speichel - sauer/zäh/Speichelfluss (mit Durst)

„Wie trocken“


Stomatitis ulcerosa, Stomakaze

Innerer Hals: „Wie ein Haar“

Schmerz (schneidend)


Magen: Heißhunger



Flaues Gefühl

Schmerz (brennend/nagend/in Pylorus)



Erbricht (anfallsweise)

Art des Erbrochenen: Blut/“Wie Kaffeesatz“/Speisen


Bauch: Auftreibung/Flatulenz


Geschwüre - Darm/Duodenum

Wassersucht - Aszites

Beschwerden des Duodenums/der Leber und Lebergegend (Degeneration)/Pankreas

Rektum: Durchfall

Jucken (um Anus)

Obstipation + Blähungskolik


Nieren: Entzündet (parenchymatös - akut/Nierenbecken)

Schmerz (in Nierengegend)

Blase: Schmerz (wund schmerzend)

Harndrang - nach Mitternacht/vergeblich

Wasser lassen häufig (tagsüber/nachts)/tröpfelnd (unwillkürlich)/unwillkürlich (nachts/SCHMERZ beim Versuch Urin zurückzuhalten

Urin: Alkalisch/eiweißhaltig (nach Herzerkrankung/nach Scharlach/während Schwangerschaft)


Riecht „Wie Fisch“/“Wie Fischlake“/Riecht übel

Gewicht; spezifisches - erhöht/vermindert

Reichlich (nachts/während Kopfschmerz)

Scharf, wundfressend

Sediment - eitrig/flockig/Phosphate/schleimig

enthält Galle/Zucker/Zylinder

Harnröhre: Schmerz (< Wasser lassend/brennend)

Männliche Genitalien: Erektionen fehlend


Pollutionen (mit Impotenz/unbemerkt)

Schlaff, entspannt (Skrotum)

Schweiß auf Skrotum

Weibliche Genitalien: Menses - zu spät/unterdrückt (bei Diabetes)

Auswurf: Reichlich/schaumig/schleimig

Brust: Entzündete Bronchien


Rücken: Schmerz

Glieder: Hautausschläge auf Hände - Bläschen weiß, mit rotem Hof


Schmerz in Beine [„Wie gelähmt“/in Unterschenkel abends (Wehtun)]

Schweregefühl in Unterschenkel abends

Schlaf: Gestört < während Menses

Mit Träumen < während Menses


Schlaflos (bei Diabetikern)

Schläfrig (während Frösteln/< während Menses/mit Schwäche)

Schweiß: riecht süßlich

Haut: Trocken

Allgemeines: 3 h

Abmagerung (mit Heißhunger/bei Kleinkindern)

Diabetes insipidus/Diabetes mellitus (+ Heißhunger/+ schlaflos/+ Verdauungsstörung/+ tympanitischer Auftreibung/+ Zunge weiß/hepatische Form




Lahmes Gefühl


Ohnmacht (< während Menses)


Schmerz [„Als ob etwas abgerissen wird“/ innerlich (brennend)]

Speisen und Getränke: Abgeneigt: Fleisch; Verlangt: (roher) Schinken/Tee;

Wassersucht im Allgemeinen [äußere Wassersucht (< während Schwangerschaft)]

< nach dem Schlaf

Schwäche (tagsüber/< Aufstehen/< nach essen/< während Menses/mit Schwindel)

Geschwollene Drüsen


Schleimhautbeschwerden – Trocken



Mind: Common in many provers



Responsible (towards family/duty)

Music, sensitive to.

Anxiety about health/about family and friend (health)

Fear of cancer, major illness, and incurable diseases (Tb./chronic disease/heart attack)

Heaviness, overloading, pressure - light

Weak (sudden)/lethargic/tired/exhausted/frustrated6


Enjoyment, Joy, Happy

Excitement/sudden surprise


Strange feeling


Recognition, popularity desire to


Dream of multiple of himself/friend

Confused feeling

Travels desire to/dream of travel.

Delusion about to die/heard voices God (Rama)

Dream of friend, family/explosion/burst mishap/war/die/death body

Drops things Gen)



Power and energy.

Bloating feeling

Common in few provers.

music sensitive to

likes to listen religious songs (Bhajan)

Dream of God.




Burden, feeling of things

Free freedom

Restriction of movement/confinement

Will power


Enjoyment, joy





Nonsense can’t tolerance/sensitive to nonsense

Irritable (at trifle)


Startle sleep from

Critical fault finding

Dream: crowd/jungle/drowning/foreign/country/fly over bridge, higher platform/block on way/zigzag puzzle structure/railway station/platform/packed in drum,

tightly packed/black fish in water.

Head: Sensation of heaviness in head/tension in head. < night.

Eyes: Puffiness below eyes/Bloating

Face: Sweating

Pustular eruption on r. cheek/pimples on l. cheek

Boil on forehead, bloating.

Throat: Sore

Stomach: Thirst  

Bloating sensation.

Abdomen: Flatulence

Crampy pain in abdomen (> by passing stool)

Rectum: piles (Hemorrhoid)/> by passing stool.

Urinary organs: Frequent urging for urination

Urine: albumin/pus cells

Male organs: Discomfort in l. testicle (Fear of testicular cancer)

Resperitory organs: Dyspnaea (< night/< early morning)

Chest: Pain of gas type/numb dull pain.


Back and neck: Pain in lumbar region (shooting)/in trapezius muscle (< night/sleeping/turning/moving/getting up/raising r. hand/> hard pressure/movement)

„As if vertebral spine is pricking like a thorn“

Pain in neck like catch.

Extremities: Dull itching pain in both legs < walking while

Cervical pain/lump constantly poking/ jammed up wrist palm, arm.

Pain trapezius muscle [shoulder < movement (can’t move shoulders))/<: day/getting up in morning;]

Sleep: Sleepy (after sleep/too long)

Restless in sleep (startle from sleep)

Fever: Fever and chill (< 5.30 h.)

Perspiration: Sweating (drained completely)/dripping

Skin: Cyst inside of thigh(lump, boil about to burst)/eruption

Sore, painful, tender, watery feeling.

Hair under r. breast.

Outer quadrant of r. breast had rough spot „As if goose bump“

Hair standing due to cold

Generalities: Weakness (sudden/> Rest/< 11 h.)

Exhausted, tired while walking (want to rest)/drained feeling.

Foods and drinks: Desires: Chinese soup/macho soup/vegetable soup;

Heaviness of body like a bulk as if heavy peace of iron.

Drops things because of weakness, tiredness without much exertion.

Increase of efficiency/stamina – lethargy, bloating.

Fall: Frau, 38 Jahren alt, hat Übergewicht. Hat Sulph. genommen. War nicht sehr erfolgreich. Sie ist laut/hat viele Ideen und kann sie nicht schnell genug

ausführen. Nach 7 Monate nach Einnahme: nimmt weniger Rücksicht auf anderen (Verkehr)/= weniger laut und verlangt das von Hausgenossen/

hat mit P. Diät angefangen und hält durch.


[Jeremy’s proving]

Cancer-related Themes from Uranium Nitrate Proving

    Depressed and hopeless.

    Also, positive attitude in life and cancer is not the end of life.

    In a difficult situation feeling that there is nobody to help.

    Mentally and physically exhausted, tired. Physically feeling that you are weak.

    Splitting of oneself; self gets divided into many.

    Too much overload, overburdened, piling of things.

    I am detached from self. Chaos and confusion amongst so many me n

    Fear of major, incurable, terminal illness; fear of cancer; this is the end.

    Something pulling back, held together, confined under lot of pressure and the opposite feeling is floating, letting loose, free.

    Bursting, breaking loose, letting go. Like a volcano bursting, like a dam bursting. What comes out is energy and not material.

    Energy: Very powerful, gigantic and huge. Destroy; no control.

    Energy – not energy of matter. Not power of matter/gold/king. But like power of a yogi or sanyasi (saint). Just energy, spiritual and dynamic.

    Energy: constructive and destructive.

    Power beyond humanity.

    Dreams and fear of major, terminal, incurable illness e.g. Cancer of brain etc. But in the end they were positive for recovery and no pessimism (opposite state of what we

see in cancer patients).

    Dream of being about to die or he got shot from behind in a war, and feeling that his daughter should not miss him.

    One prover said Cancer patient is depressed and hopeless. Positive attitude in life and cancer is not the end of life.

    One had a dream that nearby a lakeside, a crowd film actresses. Diyamirza jumped in lake, we were scared because she doesn’t know swimming and she would drown.

She knew and could come out and nobody was there to help her out.

    Mentally and physically exhausted, tiredness is intense. Feeling is physical, you are a weak.

    Dream of major, terminal, incurable illness Ca. of brain etc. But in the end they were positive for recovery,no pessimism. Fear of incurable diseases like T.B/ chronic disease. Fear of CANCER.

    Intense dream of one prover is that Kargil or Kashmir full of snow. We are in a train, suddenly opposite side finds us. After shooting few of my soldiers, someone shoots

me behind twice. I am about to die.

Thinking of daughter that she shouldn’t miss me.

Mind Rubrics

    Fear of cancer, major illness and incurable disease

    Anxiety about health

    Delusion about to die

    Dreams of blocks on the way

    Dreams of being packed in a drum


    Old age and terminal disease

    Energy : Full of energy, burst open, gushing like a water, gushes with a force like a sudden volcano bursting out, lot of activity, flowing out, going out, breaking to come out. Like opening of a dam. Energy suppressed over a period, surge of energy coming out (HG). Feeling block of natural flow. Want to rush out with full force, powerful, nothing can stop it, nothing beyond that. Ultimate energy. Nothing else came close to it, it stands out. Heat energy, highest energy. Nothing can conquer. It can destroy. Heat energy activity like a lava comes out.

    Multiple one person:3-4 images one person in 3-4 places, seeing multiple images of self or friend. (Interestingly exactly the same thing happens in cancer, a similar kind of cell division by mitosis and meiosis)

    Dreams of multiple, fighting against the clone:

Prover G:

    Multiple of me. Many of my own self. Arguing with them 4-5 myself, I woke up confused – very funny to see 5 of yourself.

    Very amazing we are having friendly banter. We were discussing a thing.

    No malice no negative emotions.

    All were dressed similarly, hairstyle similar. There were 5 of me. This I found fascinating, chaotic (confusing, so many of yourself)

    Amazing feeling – How many more are there like this.

Prover B

    I was passing through a park, a boy very thick fat extremely black wearing a bag, handle of which was passing through the lamp post. (the boy was) extremely thick and fat.

    Suddenly 2-3 more boys totally like him totally black around him trying to imitate him. What strikes me the most, all extremely black. I am wondering why they are so black. As I am observing one of them, he says “we are all cancer patients.”

    There is some blood lying on side. There is a fair girl standing few feet away and observing the girls, feeling she was amazed totally, out of nowhere this has come up. What are these people doing here? Different kind of motion exercise (HG). First boy then suddenly 2-3 boys .They were pitch black, coal black as if discolored.


Komplementär: Tub.


Gut gefolgt von: Kreos.


Unverträglich: niedrige Potenzen


Antidotiert von: X-Ray.


Wirkung: sykotisch


Uranium nitricum [Nitrate of Uranium]

Illnesses: from Depleted Uranium, uranium and radiation. Great emaciation with ravenous appetite, debility and general oedema. Weakness and lassitude, on rising, daytime, after eating, during menses. Pain is generally burning internally, tearing away. Excessive thirst and appetite. Kidney and bladder ailments including diabetes.

Dry mucous membranes and skin. Skin cancer; lupus exedens; discoloration from bruises; white vesicles on arms and legs with red areolae that itch and burn.

Swelling of glands. Liver degeneration. Nausea, vomiting, with blood. Abdominal and stomach pain with sinking sensation; acidity; burning pain in stomach; gastric and duodenal ulcers; belching; indigestion; ascites (accumulation of a serous fluid of a watery nature in the peritoneal cavity which is the serous membrane lining of the abdominal cavity); sharp colic with tenesmus and raw feeling in rectum; enteritis and peritonitis with meteorism and great prostration. Sleepiness with extreme lethargy (rising from bed), during menses; insomnia with restlessness, with heat and shivering, waking frequently; dreams are vivid, busy, and of fire. Male impotency with nightly emissions that are unconscious; can be complete without erections at all; genitals are cold, relaxed, sweaty. High blood pressure. Heat flushes.

Bladder and Kidneys: pain sore, tender; urging at 2 h.; urination frequent, worse daytime; urine incontinence and bedwetting, involuntary at night, with pain when trying to retain; kidney inflammation (nephritis); glycosuria, excretion of glucose in the urine as in diabetes; diabetes mellitus and insipidus; phosphaturia (phosphates in urine); containing casts and bile; acrid, milky; albuminous- consecutive to heart disease, in pregnancy; alkaline; dark or greenish color; copious, night, with headache; odor fishy, offensive; sediment flocculent, mucous, purulent; sugar.

<: Night; left-side; walking (headache); sleep, after sleep; getting up; during menses;

>: Open air; deep breathing; continued motion; hot bath; lying down; pressure;

They suffer ill humor that is fretful, peevish, and morose and they do not feel well all day. They feel confusion after sleeping, and general sluggishness with difficulty thinking and aversion to work. There is restlessness in general, which is worse at night. There can be despondency dejection depression and sadness. They can feel stupefied as if intoxicated, and comatose.

Perspiration odor is sweetish.






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