
[Electromagnetic Radiation - update #1 Paul Herscu, ND MPH]


Vergleich: Siehe: Radioaktive Substanzen + Anhang (Torako Yui) + Anhang (Lara Malberger)


Alphastrahlen = doppelt positiv geladene/schnell absorbierte Heliumstrahlen

Betastrahlen = Elektronenstrahlen

Gammastrahlen = kurzwellige/DURCHdringende elektro.-magnetische Strahlen

In granite. there are three radioactive elements:

Potassium. 3 - 4% by weight a rays

Uranium. 1 - 10 ppm a, b and g rays

Thorium. 10 - 50 ppm a, b and g rays.


Ätherische Öle:

Pfefferminze (Mentha piperita) bei Übelkeit, Schluckstörungen, Gewichtsabnahme, Kopfschmerzen, Verschleimung der Atemwege, Konzentrationsstörungen, Schwäche/Müdigkeit/Vorsorge bei Radiotherapie-Schäden.


Blatta can survive radiation doses 100x those fatal to humans.

[Dana Ullman]

Homeopathic research has also explored the benefits of homeopathic medicines to protect against radiation. Albino mice were exposed to 100 to 200 rad of X-rays (sublethal doses) and then evaluated after 24, 48, and 72 hours. Ginseng 6x, 30x, and 200x and Ruta graveolens 30x and 200x were administered before and after exposure. When compared with mice given a placebo as treatment, mice given any of the above homeopathic medicines experienced significantly less chromosomal or cellular damage.

[Annette Bisping]

Caesium chloratum.: weist oft auch mit Hautausschlägen ebenfalls auf radioaktive Verstrahlung durch Kernkraftnähe bzw. Tschernobyl (Kasachstans/Ukraine) hin

(Erfahrung mit über 100 Patienten). Tschernobyl Geschädigte aus der Ukraine sowie Patienten aus Kasachstan und Weißrußland (Atomversuche) brauchen alle Mittel.

Uranium nitricum.: sind bei bundesdeutschen Strahlenschäden eher seltener.

Caesium. bindet sich sehr schnell im Boden; inwieweit wir davon betroffen sein könnten, ist leider bis jetzt nicht in Erfahrung zu bringen.

Cadmium sulfuricum.: Ein Allgemeinmittel gegen Strahlentherapie und radioaktive Strahlung. Die Hauptwirkung dieses Mittels richtet sich auf Magen und Atmung. Deshalb behandelt es

Strahlenschäden, die mit Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Abmagerung, extremer Erschöpfung, Frost und Kälte und im weiteren Verlauf auch mit Magenkrebs und schwarzem Erbrechen in Zusammenhang stehen. Geeignet bei Krebsmiasma und zusammengebrochener Konstitution durch Krebs, Chemotherapie oder Bestrahlungen. Erstickungsgefühl beim Einschlafen und Husten bis zum Verlust des Bewusstseins und Rückenschmerzen.

Aqua Pluvia 1986

Radium br.: Alle Arten von Strahlenschäden. Röntgenstrahlung, Strahlentherapie, Kraftwerksstrahlung (Tschernobyl, Fukushima) erfordert in der Regel auch Radium bromatum als Begleitmittel. Es sollte für einige Jahre alle 3 Monate in veränderter Potenz wiederholt werden, um die oben dargelegten langfristigen Strahlungsschäden

zu verhindern. Dies ist besonders wichtig bei Kindern und jungen Leuten, die diese Strahlungsschäden an die nächste Generation weitergeben.

Bei Strahlungsdermatitis bis hin zum offenen Bein und Geschwüre durch Strahlung (Radiumstrahlung), bei Strahlungsverbrennungen und Rückenschmerzen hat es sich

bewährt. Arthritis, Jucken am ganzen Körper und häufige Halsentzündungen sind charakteristische Symptome, die oft nach Strahlungsexposition auftreten.

Es ist ein guter Begleiter bei einer Strahlentherapie und mindert    oder annulliert die Nebenwirkungen.

Geschichte am Rande: Nach meinem dreitägigem Besuch in Hiroshima im Frühling 2007 hatte ungefähr ein Drittel der Reisegruppe Beschwerden wie Hautjucken und Halsschmerzen. Nach einer Gabe Radium bromatum klangen die Beschwerden sehr schnell wieder ab!

Sol. + X-Ray.

Sol kommt wie X-Ray (Röntgenstrahlung) zum Einsatz gegen radioaktive Bestrahlung in Form von hoher Röntgenbelastung und Strahlentherapie. Sol hat Empfindlichkeit

von Kopf, Haut und Augen gegen Sonne, mit Besserung durch heißes Bad und kurzes Nickerchen, friert bis auf die Knochen, kalte Hände und Füße, Rückenschmerzen.


X-Ray hat Kopfschmerzen, Durchfälle, Verstopfung, und schmerzhafte Nackensteife als wichtige Symptome.

Uranthorium kommt wie auch Plutonium bei Kernkraftwerksnähe zum Einsatz (Aqua Pluvia 1986 ist hier seltener). Leider gibt es hierfür noch kein Mittelbild

Uranium n.:ein Mittel nach Verstrahlung durch Kernkraftnähe und Aufenthalt in strahlungsverseuchtem Gebiet wie in der Ukraine und Kasachstan (Flugpersonal),

Halsentzündungen und Diabetes weisen oft darauf hin.

Alle Mittel sollten grundsätzlich langfristig in LM-Potenzen oder C-Potenzen eingenommen werden. Nach meinen Erfahrungen lohnt es sich, alle zwei bis drei Jahre noch

einmal die radioaktiven Mittel bei Langzeitbehandlungen und vorhergegangenen Strahlenbelastungen zu überprüfen und gegebenenfalls noch 1x in modifizierter Potenz

zu verordnen; diese Mittel wirken wieder aufs neue. Die oben dargelegten Erklärungen der strahleninduzierten Gen-Instabilität, die sich im Laufe der Zeit verschlimmern

und keinerlei Heilungstendenz aufweisen, könnten eine Erklärung dafür liefern, dass die radioaktiven Mittel wiederholt eingesetzt werden müssen.


[Ismael Galván †/Andrea Bonisoli-Alquati/Shanna Jenkinson/Ghanem Ghanem/Kazumasa Wakamatsu/Timothy A. Mousseau/Anders P. Møller]

Ionizing radiation produces oxidative stress, but organisms can adapt to their exposure with physiological adaptive responses. However, the role of radioadaptive responses in wild populations remains poorly known.

At Chernobyl, studies of birds and other taxa including humans show that chronic exposure to radiation depletes antioxidants and increases oxidative damage. Here, we present analyses of levels of the most important intracellular antioxidant (i.e. glutathione, GSH), its redox status, DNA damage and body condition in 16 species of birds exposed to radiation at Chernobyl. We use an approach that allows considering the individual bird as the sampling unit while controlling for phylogenetic effects, thus increasing the statistical power by avoiding the use of species means as done for most previous comparative studies.

As a consequence, we found a pattern radically different from previous studies in wild populations, showing that GSH levels and body condition increased, and oxidative stress and DNA damage decreased, with increasing background radiation. Thus, when several species are considered, the overall pattern indicates that birds are not negatively affected by chronic exposure to radiation and may even obtain beneficial hormetic effects following an adaptive response. Analysis of the phylogenetic signal supports the existence of adaptation in the studied traits, particularly in GSH levels and DNA damage.

We also show that, under equal levels of radiation, the birds that produce larger amounts of the pigment pheomelanin and lower amounts of eumelanin pay a cost in terms of decreased GSH levels, increased oxidative stress and DNA damage, and poorer body condition. Radiation, however, diminished another potential cost of pheomelanin, namely its tendency to produce free radicals when exposed to radiation, because it induced a change towards the production of less pro-oxidant forms of pheomelanin with higher benzothiazole-to-benzothiazine ratios, which may have facilitated the acclimation of birds to radiation exposure.

Our findings represent the first evidence of adaptation to ionizing radiation in wild animals, and confirm that pheomelanin synthesis represents an evolutionary constraint under stressful environmental conditions because it requires GSH consumption.


Gesundheitsfolgen nach Tschernobyl und Fukushima

Strahlentote: 134 Arbeiter in Tschernobyl bekamen direkt nach dem GAU extrem viel Radioaktivität ab. 28 von ihnen starben in den ersten vier Monaten an inneren Blutungen, Geschwüren und Organversagen. In Fukushima erkrankte niemand an einer akuten Strahlenkrankheit.


Radioaktives Jod reichert sich im Körper an und fördert Schilddrüsenkrebs, der gut behandelbar ist. Nach Tschernobyl erkrankten etwa 6.000 Menschen, bis 2005

starben laut UN 15 von ihnen.

Fukushima: In Japan flohen die Menschen frühzeitig. Die Krebsfälle werden kaum messbar sein. In Japan wurden sofort Ratschläge für Heilende Nahrung gegeben.

Dadurch wurden sofort Kindern Untersucht, kontrolliert und anders ernährt (Weißkohl). Kinder mit radioaktive Belastung besserten sich zusehends.

Langzeitfolgen und Psychologie

Nach einem GAU belastet radioaktives Cäsium die Böden. Vorsorglich wird der Verzehr kontaminierter Nahrungsmittel verboten. 26 Jahre nach Tschernobyl gibt

es allerdings keine sicheren Belege für eine gestiegene Zahl an Krebserkrankungen, außer von Schilddrüsenkrebs.

Angst und Depression

Unterschätzt wird meist das psychosoziale Leid der Menschen, die in den Sperrzonen um Tschernobyl und Fukushima lebten. Tschernobyl-Flüchtlinge leiden bis heute häufiger unter Ängsten und Depressionen, und viele begannen zu rauchen und zu trinken.

Akut: 1. Schwellung/Haut dunkelrot/Stimme geändert, 2. Haut platzt/RIECHT;

Acute Radiation Side Effects

Radiation Nausea: May occur during acute exposure.

Hair Loss: Occurs frequently

Fatigue/Malaise: Almost always seen [nach Atombombe explosion in Japan schrie nieman (Kindern)].

Low Blood Count: Reduction in certain elements of the blood is often seen following radiation. This results from radiation exposure of bone marrow, and to a lesser

extent, direct damage to lymphocytes in the blood stream and lymph nodes.

The white cell count will be reduced (lymphocyte) and the number of platelets will be reduced. These drops are enough to cause clinical problems.

Organ Specific Side Effect Symptoms: Localized reactions will occur in any tissues exposed to radiation. Acute reactions from radiation of skin, mucous membranes

and accessory glands.

Skin: Radiation a reaction may develop which progresses through erythema to dry and moist desquamation.

Mucous Membranes: When mucous membranes are included in a radiation field similar reactions will be experienced: May develop in the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, trachea, bowel, bladder or rectum, mucositis. As with the skin, the mucosa is reddened at first but then may be covered with a plaque: like fibrin similar to crusting of

the skin. The mucous membrane remains moist and the surface covered by fibrin until the underlying mucosa is healed, when the fibrinous plaque is lost and the reaction healed.

There may be discomfort and dysphagia or cough, hoarseness and tracheitis, or dysuria and frequency, or diarrhoea and abdominal cramps.

Accessory Glands: The acute effects of radiation will be felt by accessory glands producing saliva and mucous for example. This leads to a degree of stickiness, leading

to oral discomfort, dryness and change in taste, irritating cough and discomfort, and urinary or bowel symptoms.

Late Radiation Side Effects: develop gradually over several months or years. These results are often disastrous and treatment extremely difficult.

Scarring: Radiation results in increased connective tissue, fibrosis and scarring often associated with atrophy of accessory tissues. This leads to some increased rigidity

of tissues, less suppleness and less resistance to injury. In addition, the walls of small blood vessels may be thickened and distorted, leading to reduction in blood

supply to some tissues.


Radiation is one of the causes of cancer. Very rarely leukemia may result some 5 - 20 years after radiation exposure, due to bone marrow cells being damaged during radiation.

Genetic Effects:

Exposure of the gonads to radiation increases the risk of abnormal mutations and genetic changes. Most chromosome damage from radiation results in a failure of

conception and not an abnormal child. Even if both parents have been exposed to radiation, the risks of abnormal children being produced are so small as to be

almost negligible. Late genetic effects in the individual are much less

 important than the increased risk of inducing cancer or the late vascular changes produced by radiation.

[Farokh Master]

Editorial for March 2013

Radiation Treatment and Homoeopathy

India faces the challenges of increase in cancer cases every year by approximately ten lakh, at least one fourth will at some stage or other will go for radiation therapy.

Now the question is do we have in homoeopathy to support the radiation treatment? My answer is yes we do, the problem is with concomitant radiotherapy along

with homoeopathy sometimes poses a difficult situation for a homoeopath to evaluate the case.

In my clinic I see two kinds of people one without ongoing radiation but having history of complication due to radiation and the others who are undergoing radiation

along with homoeopathy.

1st group:

Patients who are not on radiation at present but had it in the past and are now coming for side effects. This constitutes around 15% of my cancer patients.

Most patients receiving radiation treatment are able to complete their therapy without significant difficulty. The chance of experiencing side effects varies greatly among individuals. A radiation dose that causes discomfort in one person may cause no side effects in others.

Although you do not feel anything during a radiation treatment, the effects of radiation build gradually over time. Most patients have very few side effects at first;

however, many experience fatigue as treatment continues. When other side effects occur, they are typically limited to the areas receiving treatment.

In majority the side effects are temporary and they disappear after the therapy is completed, I see the most common side-effects in my clinic is:

Skin reaction: can range from mild redness and dryness to severe desquamation.

Majority of people have severe aggravation of their skin complaints from exposure to sun.

At this time if the complains are very acute do use an acute remedy the most useful will be Rad-br. Bufo, Lach. Phos. Cad-i. Canth.

This list is not complete after all it depends on the symptoms. Regarding posology use low potency like 6c or 12 c or best is Q potency, use frequent repetition as the

dose will get exhausted very fast. I do use some home remedies locally to alleviate the symptoms of radiation burns to some extent.

E.g. applying gel from Aloe Vera leaves directly on the burns, if leaves are not available then buying an Aloe Vera gel from a pharmacy will also do., not only does

the gel help in providing soothing, cooling relief to the affected area, but it also enhances the healing process.

Another home remedy I use which I learned from my latin American homoeopaths is using bananas to gain relief from radiation burns. Take an overripe banana, mash

it and apply the paste to the affected areas. You will need to leave the application on for around 15 minutes and then rinse it off. This remedy would be beneficial in eliminating the pain and heat emanating from the burn.

You may repeat the paste at least 3 - 4x daily.

My naturopathic friends from India taught me to use Spirulina, also known to be quite effective in treating radiation burns internally. The herb can be consumed in

the form of tablets as these are believed to be highly beneficial in treating the burns.

Some Parsi patients have taught me to apply a paste prepared from sandalwood powder, turmeric powder and a bit of olive oil, which will help in giving the mixture

a pasty texture is also useful in treating radiation burns. This paste applied on the affected areas will help to heal the burns and will also provide much needed relief

from the burning sensation that accompanies these burns.


The second common side effect in this group is weakness and fatigue, some patients may use different expressions like tiredness, weariness, exhaustion, or a profound

lack of energy. Fatigue is typically more severe two to four hours after treatment.

One needs to treat the patient constitutionally and not any local remedy, however some remedies that I have found useful are Alet. Sumbul, Cob-n. etc.

Regarding posology use 12 c or 30c or Q potency and repeat the medicine very frequently.

The following home remedies have been very useful to me.

1 cup beetroot juice, 1 cup of apple juice, mixed with either sugar or honey 1x daily,

a ripe banana with 1 tsp of honey 2x daily, 1 cup of mixture of apple and tomato juice 2x daily.

Eating 4 - 5 dates daily to replenish the lost energy.

2nd group:

Consists of patients who are on radiotherapy along with homoeopathy and are having multiple side effects.

In head and neck area I frequently see: mucositis, xerostomia, changed sense of taste and smell, and hair loss

In stomach and abdomen area I see nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea and loss of appetite.

As a systemic complication I see low blood counts (myelosuppression)

I will now explain in brief how I tackle the complications, let’s start with Mucositis (= sore mouth or throat) = inflammation of the lining of the mouth and throat,

the mucous membranes.

Radiation therapy that is delivered to the head and neck area may cause mucositis.

When radiation is administered directly to or near the head and neck, chest, abdomen, or anal-rectal regions, it may cause damage to the mucosal lining of the entire

gastrointestinal tract.

This results in inflammation and sloughing of the mucosal cells, causing pain and increasing the risk of infection.

The treatment still remains constitutional but if mucositis is extreme then one may need an acute remedy, some useful remedies in my practice are Kali-m. Hydr.

Sul-ac. Hydrastin-m. etc.

Some home remedies are very useful plain orange juice diluted with water in equal proportion every few hours, even carrot juice can be taken in a similar way.

Another good remedy is Zanthoxylum armatum (= Tumru) seeds, available with grocers. When placed on the tongue, they have a cooling effect. Grind the seeds

into a fine powder and use it for stomatitis.

Spit out after a while. Do it 3x daily. This will help in controlling stomatitis.

Also one may rinse the mouth with the juice of Momordica charantia (bitter gourd). You may heat the juice of bitter gourd a bit, add a little alum salt and gargle.

It will cure stomatitis.

Turmeric when taken in a 1 tsf with hot milk or hot water at bed time is very useful.

Xerostomia (= chronic dry mouth mouth condition caused by damage to the salivary glands)

Can have a negative effect on quality of life by greatly impairing a patient’s ability to speak, chew, swallow, and taste.

Some useful remedies in my practice are Ars. Merl-p. Nux-m. Rhus-r. etc.

Blat-a.: Kann das 10fache als der Mensch an Radioaktivität überleben

Some home remedies helpful to me are:

warm gargle of a mixture containing a glass of water and ½ teaspoon of turmeric, done 2-3x daily.

Or eating celery sticks at least 2 – 3x daily.

Or a gargle of fennelseeds and anisseeds soaked overnight in water.

Another useful hint is to suck a lemon. It will stimulate the salivary glands.

Changed sense of taste +/o. smell.

Radiation therapy or cancer itself may cause a change of taste or smell. Foods may have a bitter or metallic taste, or simply less taste. Again treatment as far as possible

has to be constitutional but if in rare occasion the symptoms are very acute then the following remedies: Canth. Nux-m. Zinc-met.

Hair loss

Radiation therapy causes hair loss only in the area being treated. Hair loss typically begins 2 to 4 weeks after treatment begin. Some individuals experience thinning of the

hair, while others experience complete hair loss. This should always be treated with constitutionally medicine, following diet and home remedies are very useful.

Prepare the hail oil in the manner given below

Pour 1 cup of coconut oil into a saucepan. Put the pan on the stove and set it to medium heat.

Chop Amla (= Phyllanthus amarus o. emblica) into ¼ inch pieces while the coconut oil heats up. Amla is a type of fruit that is also referred to as

Indian gooseberry. Once the oil has begun to boil, add Amla to the saucepan. Stir the concoction every 30 seconds for about five minutes.

After five minutes has passed, turn the heat off and let the liquid cool down to room temperature. To speed this process, you can place it in your refrigerator.

Rub the solution into your scalp once it has completely cooled down. Let it sit on your head for 45 minutes to an hour. After the time has passed, rinse the solution off

with cool water and gently pat dry. You can repeat this as often as you would normally wash your hair, but once a day to every other day is recommended.

Also eating salmon, walnut, using walnut oil as salad dressing, oysters, sweet potatoes, lentils, blue berries, tomatoes and strawberries.


Sometimes radiation therapy causes nausea (feeling queasy or sick to your stomach) +/o. vomiting (throwing up), (radiation is delivered to the abdominal area).

Nausea and vomiting can happen immediately after radiation, can be delayed, or can occur in anticipation of receiving treatment.

Here many times I do use acute remedies as reaction can be very violent drugs like Okubaka, Digitalis, Ipecac, Tabacum, Secale, Ant-c. Bismuth etc.

Start with medium potency like 200c every few hours. Some home remedies useful to me are as follows:

Anis seed, Cinnamon powder, Clove, Cumin seeds, Fennel seed all these can be taken individually in concoction with boiling water and drinking it in sips.

Sucking ginger candies or drinking ginger tea is equally good.


Radiation treatment that is delivered to the abdominal area can cause diarrhea, which usually begins in the 3rd or 4th week of therapy. As soon as diarrhea starts, switch

to a clear liquid diet. Avoid foods that are high in fiber or can cause cramps or a gassy feeling (raw vegetables, coffee, beans, cabbage, spicy food). Avoid dairy products. Eat foods that are high in potassium, such as bananas, potatoes, and apricots, because diarrhea causes potassium loss.

Useful remedies in my practice are Card-m., China, Ph-ac. etc.

Low blood counts (myelosuppression)

Blood counts, or the number of blood cells in circulation, can be affected by radiation therapy.

This needs to be always treated by constitutional homoeopathic remedies.

Herbal remedies like

Papaya leaves are high in complex vitamins, and when taken in the form of juice it also helps the bone marrow to increase the production of blood count.

Aloe vera juice is very helpful in increasing the blood count. Take 30ml of Aloe vera juice after every meal.

Radiation remedy ‘RA’ to heal the effects of radioactive substances. It is a combination of Cadmium sulphuricum, Sol, Plutonium nitricum, Kalium iodatum,

Radium bromide, Uranium nitricum, Caesium hydroxide, Thyreoidinum, and Parathyreoid gland. Caesium 137.

Sonneenergie = nuklear/strebt nach Ausdehnung./löst auf, = Leben/Dürre/Freude/Freiheit/Wachstum/Glück/Gesundheit/Farben

Vergleich: Enthalten in: Aqua Brambach + Aqua Joachimsthal Tschechien/Gast/Kreuznach/Bad Zell/Ischia im Golf von Neapel; Aquae allgemein. + Vulkangestein +

Steinkohl. + Röntgenkontrastmittel

Siehe: Imponderables + Repertory of Radiation effects

Amethyst. entsteht unter Radioaktivität

Ammonium. ferrihexacyanoferrat = GIESE-salt hemmt Cäsium

Aqua pluvia 86. = Regenwasser genommen nach der Explosion in Tschernobyl

Blat-o. kann das 10fache als der Mensch an Radioaktivität überleben

Gink-b. überlebt Radioaktivität

Granite. murvey Siehe Erfahrungen mit Tschernobyl-Kindern

Hyacinth. w = ZrSiO4/mit schwacher radioaktiver Strahlung

Lappa. (enthält Radioaktive Elementen).


Pechblende (Ba + As + Antimonit + U)


Plutonium nitricum.



Radium bromatum.


Salsola. tragus absorbiert Radioaktivität und Uran-n


Sol. enthält radioaktivität


Ulexit (Na + Ca + Bo + H2O) Salzseegruppe.

Uranium metallicum.

Uranium muriaticum.

Uranium nitricum.





Phytologie: Weihrauchöl kann nicht die Gabe herkömmlicher Medikamente ersetzen, es wirkt jedoch stark unterstützend auf deren Wirkung, so

dass diese Medikamente in geringerer Dosierung verabreicht werden mussten


[Ralf Holtmann]

Zeolith ist eine Siliziumverbindung, die in verschiedenen Formen vorkommt. Eine besondere Art dieser Verbindung ist das kristalline Klinoptilolith-Zeolith,

ein poröses mineralisches Vulkangestein. Im Westen wurde das Gestein vor allem durch seinen Einsatz nach der Reaktorkatastrophe von Tschernobyl bekannt,

da es sich für die Therapie von Strahlenopfern eignet.

Bei der Ausleitung von Cäsium 137 und Strontium 90 ist der Einsatz wissenschaftlich dokumentiert. Durch frühzeitige Anwendung konnte in der Folge Zehntausenden Menschen geholfen werden. Auch beim vorbeugenden Schutz gegen „Strahlenerkrankungen“ ist das Gestein sehr effektiv, vor allem in Kombination mit anderen Naturmitteln wie etwa Spirulina platensis.

Nach dem Atomunglück von Fukushima rückt diese Anwendung zunehmend in den Blickpunkt der Öffentlichkeit.

[Torako Yui]

Radiation Remedies

A radiation remedy ‘RA’ to heal the effects of radioactive substances. A combination of Cadm-s. Sol. Plut-n. Kali-i. Rad-br. Uran-n. Caes-hydrox. Thyreoid. Parathyreoid.

My emphasis on the miasmatic and organotrophic use of homeopathic remedies also no longer needs to be disputed in view of the radiation exposure. We are dealing with destructive, syphilitic symptoms that call our arsenal of corresponding remedies into action. We require remedies that reach into the deepest destructive levels and can trigger a healing process from there.

It is characteristic that on the one hand we have the radioactive substances and on the other the “heavy artillery” of pharmaceutical medicine, both of which accost precisely the organ system upon whose ability to function we depend in the case of radiation contamination: the blood.

Is there also something positive to report about the increased radiation? Is there healing through radiation? Are we capable of dealing with the radiation exposure?

Can we accord to continue maintaining nuclear reactors to generate energy or even build new ones? How can Austria sustain its civilisation so well without nuclear reactors?

Oddly enough these are questions that have only recently become burning issues. Now they are acute because the problems in Japan have moved closer to us due to globalisation.

In holistic cancer therapy, we have long been forced to ask these questions since radiotherapy has a Janus face. In some cases it saves lives, but in many cases the consequences are devastating and do not cause healing.

Something that is effective as an exception cannot be elevated to the rule. Yet, we have already attempted for decades to elevate the exception to the rule as an expression of the carcinogenic spirit of the times. Cancer and increased radiation exposure have almost become Siamese twins-. We must therefore concern ourselves with this topic – without any panic, dogmatism or fatalism. the topic in a level-headed way. Fear paralyses because it constricts us in our thoughts, feelings and actions. Free thinking is in demand since radioactive radiation is not an invention by human beings, who have just unreasonably increased the amount and challenged the spirit of the atomic nucleus. Radioactivity occurs in nature, but at a tolerable level for the good of the creatures.

In the future, a conscious lifestyle will inevitably become a necessity. On the one hand, this includes nutrition since it is the easiest path to a stable immune system.

On the other hand, we must “counteract” the increased radiation by having a higher frequency. However, we do not accomplish this by becoming even more active, racing

through our everyday lives and rushing from one appointment to the next. We can attain a higher frequency by creating a profound opposite pole of tranquillity - whether

through contemplation, meditation or expanded perception.

·        AAA remedies (Aconitum, Arnica, Arsenicum) are essential for this situation, and we advise you to always have them ready.

·        RA remedies (Cadm-s., Sol., Pluton., Rad-br., Uran-n., Caes.), which are suitable for damage from radiation.

Acon.: Fear continued

Op.: Numbness in “fear sense”

Arg-n.: Fear, Panic

Stram.: Fear

Ars.: Anxiety, worry, diarrhea

Arn. and Hyper.: Bruise, injury

Canth. and Ars.: Burns

Phos.: Electrification

Nux-v. Ars. and Carb-v.: pollution from harmful substances or rains

You should keep the following remedies on hand for shock, trauma and emergencies:

·        Homeopathy

·        Schuessler Tissue Salt therapy

·        Plant remedies

·        Proper breathing

·        Special forms of nutrition

As long as the blood is rich in oxygen, the inhaled oxygen also reaches the cells. When the cell respiration functions, our organism can deal quite well with radioactive contamination and we

do not necessarily suffer from radiation sickness.

We can achieve an excellent form of prevention through a course of treatment with the Schuessler Tissue Salts, which is carried out for three to four weeks. This should definitely be followed by a break so that the organism can return to its own regulation.

We can also strengthen the effect of homeopathic remedies through certain foods, breathing exercises, herbs and special orthomolecular vital substances. Therapists should

also trust their own experience and take it to heart.

Note: Every long-term substitution with isolated substances weakens the immune system! Note: Syphilitic remedies are not appropriate for prophylaxis! Destructive symptoms must clearly exist!

Time and again, I must emphasise this because some homeopaths react with hysteria to the increase in radiation and immediately bring out the big guns by treating themselves with one of the six cardinal remedies.

1st we should never even treat ourselves; instead, we should put ourselves in the hands of an experienced colleague and already have an holistic case taking.

2nd the above-mentioned remedies have proved to be most effective in connection with constitutional remedies or special organotrophic remedies.

1. Caesium metallicum.

A remedy of overriding importance for radioactive contamination because it destroys all of the blood parameters and is the best starting remedy for a holistic therapy.

Its symptoms all have a destructive nature:

·        Deformations of organs.

·        Serious weakening of the endocrine system, especially the adrenal glands!

·        Cortisone production is blocked.

·        Arteriosclerosis develops quickly in the brain, which is why dementia illnesses already occur in younger people.

·        Inflammations in all of the organs, burning pain: skin, bones or soles of the feet.

·        Advanced stages of cancer as the result of radiation contamination

·        Patients feel separated from themselves, have no sensations, quickly assume a fatalistic attitude and are firmly convinced that they are incurably ill.

·        Empirical value:

2. Uranium nitricum.

Core problem is the slowed blood coagulation due to the deficiency of fibrinogen, prothrombin and Factor VIII. Reduced blood formation occurs.

Destructive symptoms are:

·        Neutrophil granulocytosis.

·        Leucopenia and lymphopenia.

·        Polycythaemia vera.

·        Thrombopenia.

·        Erythropenia.

·        Aplastic and pernicious anaemia.

·        Frequent bleeding from the mouth, lungs, intestine and kidneys that becomes chronic.

·        Development of diabetes insipidus with many symptoms and diabetes mellitus with liver-function disorders and a tendency towards ascites.


Power Drink for Blood and Immune Strengthening

A special “power drink” for the blood and immune system with many amino acids and living enzymes can be made from the following ingredients:

·        6 carrots

·        1 handful of spinach

·        6 endive leaves

• ¼ beetroot

·        1 apple

·        1 slice of pineapple

·        1 tablespoon of cedar nuts

·        1 small glass of milk from a raw coconut

The fat-soluble vitamins are solubilised due to the fat content of the nuts. Enjoyed every second day, this drink will tangibly increase your vitality, determined in

patients who have been through radiotherapy.


Vergleich: Siehe: Radioaktive Substanzen + Anhang (Torako Yui/Dr Edward Group) + Anhang 2 (Lara Malberger


Antidotiert von: Cäes (depressiv/aussichtslos/intellektuell); 1. Grani-m. 2. Marble; Kali-i. (überfordert/penibel). Merc. Panax. Rad-br. Rhus-v (Juckreiz). Stront (depressiv + gereizt). Teatree (= Melaleuca alternifolia).


Allerlei: ändert von innen nach außen durch großer Druck./bleibt äußerlich intakt

Heilige. Orte sind OFT radioaktiv und haben eine abweichende magnetische Strahlung

Strontium verdrängt Calcium aus Knochen in verstrahlte Gebiete

Menschliche Körper nimmt Caesium an wie K in verstrahlte Gebieten/Zuchttieren nehmen weniger auf als Wildtiere


Beschwerden von Flugpersonal: Rad-br.

Röntgenbelastung: Sol. Rad-br.

Strahlentherapie: Sol.

Kraftwerksstrahlung/-nähe (Tschernobyl): Aqua pluvia 86. Caesium-m. Granite. Marble. Uranothorium. (Quelle: Arcana). Uran-n.

Nuala Eising: In 1993 Eising had the opportunity to work with 12 children (9 - 12 years) from Belarus, about 40 km. from Chernobyl.

“The most noticeable thing about the children was their sadness/sense of resignation/very pale/translucent in appearance/”wide-eyed” looking directly and very seriously/fear

of being touched was also very apparent.”

Treatment: Eising had a dream. A man appeared and told her explicitly the children would need Granite first, but then they must have Marble. He told her in the dream: “Granite is always appropriate for the initial and peripheral effects of radioactivity. These children have undergone a metamorphosis. Look at Limestone and Marble.

They are both calcium carbonate. The intense heat and pressure when Granite is forming turns Limestone to Marble. Although Marble is calcium, it is metamorphic calcium. When people are close to a major radioactive disaster like Chernobyl, there is at first an intense infernal heat, and gradually their calcium cells begin to change. These children are the metamorphic version of their original state, and as such, they need Marble, which is the most similar. Look at the children, their pallor, their translucence just like white marble. Marble crumbles from the inside-the shine on the outside holds it together.

The same happens to people affected by high levels of radiation, they disintegrate from the inside.” Granite is always appropriate for the initial and peripheral effects of


Aqua Pluvia 86 (= radioaktiver Regen 1986 nach Tschernobyl) lässt sich generell gegen die radioaktive Umweltstrahlung von damals und gegen die heutige einsetzen. Heutzutage lohnt es sich das

Mittel besonders bei Erkrankungen einzusetzen, die 1986 nach Mai begonnen haben. Krankheiten von Flugzeugpersonal (Höhenstrahlung).

Caesium chloratum: radioaktive Verstrahlung durch Kernkraftwerksnähe bzw. Tschernobyl (Kasachstans und der Ukraine) (Hautausschlägen).

Rad-br.: Strahlenbelastung durch Röntgen-/Kraftwerksstrahlung (Tschernobyl)/Hautausschläge bis zum offenen Bein. Begleitet einer Bestrahlungstherapie (Nebenwirkungen).

Krankheiten von Flugzeugpersonal (Höhenstrahlung).

Sol.: radioaktive Bestrahlung in Form von hoher Röntgenbelastung und Strahlentherapie.

Uranthorium kommt bei Kernkraftwerksnähe zum Einsatz (Aqua Pluvia 1986 selten).

Uranium nitricum ist ebenfalls ein Mittel nach Verstrahlung durch Kernkraftwerksnähe und Aufenthalt im kernstrahlungsverseuchten Gebiet wie in der Ukraine und


Halsentzündungen und Diabetes.

Tschernobyl-Geschädigte aus der Ukraine sowie Patienten aus Kasachstan und Weißrußland (Atomversuche) brauchen alle Mittel. Uranium nitricum und Caesium chloratum

sind bei bundesdeutschen Strahlenschäden eher seltener.

Apple Pectin: Removal of Radionuclides from the Body

“The curative-like use of apple-pectin food additives might be especially helpful for effective decorporation of Cesium-137. From 1996 to 2007 a total of more than 160.000 Belarussian

children (Tschernobyl) received pectin food additives during 18 - 25 days of treatment (5 g 2x daily). As a result, levels of Cesium-137 in children’s organs decreased after each course

of pectin additives by an average of 30 to 40%”.

Manufacture and application of various pectin-based food additives and drinks (using apples, currants, grapes, seaweed) is one of the most effective ways for individual radioprotection

(through decorporation) under circumstances where consumption of radioactively contaminated food is unavoidable.

L-Carnitine ( a naturally occurring amino acid)

Comparison of protective effects of L-carnitine and amifostine on radiation-induced toxicity to growing bone: histopathology and scintigraphy findings.

“L-carnitine is equally as effective as amifostine at protecting growing bone against single dose irradiation damage”

Iodine Supplements

Radiation-induced thyroid cancer

Radioactive iodine, especially 131I, may be released into the environment as a result of nuclear reactor accidents. Thyroid accumulation of radioactive iodine increases the risk of developing thyroid cancer, especially in children. The increased iodine trapping activity of the thyroid gland in iodine deficiency results in increased thyroid accumulation of radioactive iodine (131I). Thus, iodine-deficient individuals are at increased risk of developing radiation-induced thyroid cancer because they will accumulate greater amounts of radioactive iodine. Potassium iodide administered in pharmacologic doses (50-100 mg for adults) within 48 hours before or 8 hours after radiation exposure from a nuclear reactor accident can significantly reduce thyroid uptake of 131I and decrease the risk of radiation-induced thyroid cancer. The prompt and widespread use of potassium iodide prophylaxis in Poland after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident may explain the lack of a significant increase in childhood thyroid cancer in Poland compared to fallout areas where potassium iodide prophylaxis was not widely used. In the U.S., the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requires that consideration be given to potassium iodide as a protective measure for the general public in the case of a major release of radioactivity from a nuclear power plant.

Food sources of iodine: in mcg : Salt (iodized) 1 gram 77mcg, Egg, boiled 1 large 12mcg, Navy beans, cooked ½ cup 32 mcg, Potato with peel, baked 1 medium 60 mcg, Turkey breast, baked 3 ounces 34 mcg, Seaweed

¼ ounce, dried Variable; may be greater than 4,500 mcg (4.5 mg).

Beta 1,3, Glucan Derived from Baker’s yeast

Beta-1,3-glucan’s radiation protection effects were shown in 1985 when the U.S. Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute announced the results of their recent experiments.

Myra D. Patchen, M.D., and her team at the Institute exposed mice to lethal doses of radiation.

When the mice were given an oral dose of beta-1,3-glucan after the radiation exposure, 70% were completely protected from the damaging effects. Dr. Patchen also suggested that beta-1,3-glucan

should be considered as an effective way of rebuilding the immune system and preventing infection following chemotherapy and radiation in cancer treatment. Dr. Patchen further suggested that beta-1,3-glucan appears to work as a free-radical scavenger (anti-oxidant) and may even protect the macrophages from damage by radiation, toxins, heavy

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid gives different protective effects in human cells exposed to X-rays and heavy ions.

N- Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

Protective effect of N-acetylcysteine against radiation induced DNA damage and hepatic toxicity in rats.

“Results show that pretreatment with N-acetylcysteine offers protection against gamma-radiation induced cellular damage.”

Effect of N-acetylcysteine on radiation-induced genotoxicity and cytotoxicity

in rat bone marrow.

Green tea polyphenols

Bioactive components from the tea polyphenols influence endogenous antioxidant defense system and modulate inflammatory cytokines after total-body irradiation in mice.

Phytomedicine. 2011 Apr 15. [Epub ahead of print]

Hu Y, Guo DH, Liu P, Cao JJ, Wang YP, Yin J, Zhu Y, Rahman K.

Source Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Centre of Pharmacy, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China.

Abstract – The present study aimed to evaluate the radioprotective efficacy of green tea polyphenols and the component ingredients against irradiated-induced damage in mice and

elucidate the underlying mechanisms. GTP and its bioactive components (catechin, epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin-3-gallate) assisted in decreasing the leukocytopenia seen

after whole mice irradiation and significantly reduced the elevated serum inflammatory cytokines (TNF-?, IL-1?, and IL-6). Green tea polyphenols have a potential to be developed

as radioprotective agents against irradiated-induced toxicity.


Protection against ionizing radiation by antioxidant nutrients and phytochemicals

Weiss JF, Landauer MR.

Office of Health Studies, US Department of Energy, EH-6/270 Corporate Square, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20585-0270, USA.

Results from animal experiments indicate that antioxidant nutrients, such as vitamin E and selenium compounds, are protective against lethality and other radiation effects but to a lesser

degree than most synthetic protectors. Some antioxidant nutrients and phytochemicals have the advantage of low toxicity although they are generally protective when administered at

pharmacological doses. Naturally occurring antioxidants also may provide an extended window of protection against low-dose, low-dose-rate irradiation, including therapeutic potential

when administered after irradiation. A number of phytochemicals, including caffeine, genistein, and melatonin, have multiple physiological effects, as well as antioxidant activity, which result

in radioprotection in vivo.

Water soluble Vitamin E (TMG) as a Radioprotector.

Tocopherol monoglucoside (TMG), a water soluble derivative of vitamin E offers protection against deleterious effects of ionizing radiation

Embryonic mortality resulting from exposure of pregnant mice to ionizing radiation (2 Gy) was reduced by 75% by ip administration of TMG (0.6 g/kg, body wt) prior to irradiation.

TMG offered protection to mice against whole body gamma-radiation-induced lethality and weight loss. The LD50(30) of mice increased from 6 to 6.72 Gy upon post irradiation

administration of a single dose of TMG (0.6 g/kg, body wt) by ip.

Radioprotective potential of ginseng (genus Panax)

This review addresses the issue of the radioprotective effects of ginseng on mammalian cells both in vitro and in vivo. Results indicate that the water-soluble extract of whole ginseng appears

to give a better protection against radiation-induced DNA damage than does the isolated ginsenoside fractions.


“Protective effect of Ginkgo biloba against radiation-induced cellular damage in human peripheral lymphocytes and murine spleen cells”

International Journal of Low Radiation, 2009, 6, 209-218.

The data demonstrated that EGb, through its free-radical scavenging and antioxidant properties, attenuates IR-induced apoptosis in radiosensitive cells, suggesting that EGb may have

a potential benefit in enhancing radioprotective effects.


A 1989 study put forth by researchers from Zhongkai Agriculture and Technology College in China found in tests that Spirulina significantly reduces the gamma radiation-induced


frequencies in the bone marrow of affected mice. Bone marrow, of course, is responsible for producing new blood cells and maintaining the lymphatic system

PEONY –Chinese Herb

Protective effect of paeoniflorin on irradiation-induced cell damage involved in modulation of reactive oxygen species and the mitogen-activated protein kinases.

The objective of this study was to investigate the radioprotective effect of paeoniflorin (PF, a main

bioactive component in the traditional Chinese herb peony


In vivo radioprotection with garlic extract

Garlic extract was evaluated in the mouse bone marrow micronucleus test for its possible protective effects against gamma-radiation-induced chromosomal damage.

The irradiated garlic-extract pre-treated animals showed a significant reduction in sulfhydryl content and glutathione S-transferase activities

Citrus extract

Radioprotective effects of citrus extract against gamma-irradiation in mouse bone marrow cells.

The radioprotective effects of citrus extract were investigated by using the micronucleus test for anticlastogenic and cell proliferation activity. The flavonoids contained in citrus

extract reduced the clastogenic effect of radiation on mice bone marrow. Therefore fruits and vegetables containing flavonoids may be useful under such stress conditions as irradiation.

J Radiat Res (Tokyo). 2003 Sep;44(3):237-41. Hosseinimehr SJ, Tavakoli H, Pourheidari G, Sobhani A, Shafiee A.

Source Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.


Radioprotective effects of miso (fermented soy bean paste) against radiation in B6C3F1 mice: increased small intestinal crypt survival, crypt lengths and prolongation of average time to death. Hiroshima J Med Sci. 2001 Dec;50(4):836.

Ohara M, Lu H, Shiraki K, Ishimura Y, Uesaka T, Katoh O, Watanabe H.

Source – Department of Environment and Mutation, Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University, Japan.

Abstract – The radioprotective effect of miso, a fermentation product from soy bean, was investigated with reference to the survival time, crypt survival and jejunum crypt length in

male B6C3F1 mice. Miso at three different fermentation stages (early-, medium- and long-term fermented miso) was mixed in MF diet into biscuits at 10% and was administered from 1 week

before irradiation. Animal survival in the long-term fermented miso group was significantly prolonged as compared with the short-term fermented miso and MF cases after 8 Gy of

60Co-gamma-ray irradiation at a dose rate of 2Gy min(-1). Delay in mortality was evident in all three miso groups, with significantly increased survival. At doses of 10 and 12 Gy

X-irradiation at a dose rate of 4 Gy min(-1), the treatment with long-term fermented miso significantly increased crypt survival. Also the protective influence against irradiation in terms of

crypt lengths in the long-term fermented miso group was significantly greater than in the short-term or medium-term fermented miso and MF diet groups.

Thus, prolonged fermentation appears to be very important for protection against radiation effects.


Radioprotective potential of mint: a brief review.

Mentha piperita and M. arvensis protected mice against the ?-radiation-induced sickness and mortality.

Tulsi (Herb)

Ocimum tenuiflorum (also tulsi, tulas?, or Holy Basil)

Tulsi is cultivated for religious and medicinal purposes, and for its essential oil. It is widely known across South Asia as a medicinal plant and an herbal tea. It also shows some promise for

protection from radiation poisoning.

Note: Contraindications - Holy Basil should not be taken while pregnant or nursing or for an extended period of time. Use caution if you have high blood pressure or rheumatic heart disease.

Devi, P. Uma; Ganasoundari, A.. Modulation of glutathione and antioxidant enzymes by Ocimum sanctum and its role in protection against radiation injury.

Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, v.37, n.3, 1999. March,:262-268.

Echinacea (E.) purpurea = purple coneflower.

Phytotherapeutic effects of Echinacea purpurea in gamma-irradiated mice.

Milk Thistle Extract

Radioprotection of plasmid and cellular DNA and Swiss mice by silibinin

Tiwari P, Kumar A, Ali M, Mishra KP.

Source -Radiological Physics and Advisory Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085, India. Mutat Res. 2010 Jan;695(1-2):55-60. Epub 2009 Nov 27.

Abstract -The radioprotective effect of a non-toxic bioactive component in plant milk thistle, silibinin against genotoxicity induced by gamma-irradiation was investigated in vivo/in vitro.

Our extended animal studies suggest that oral administration of silibinin (70mg/kg for 3 days)

to mice prior to whole-body gamma-exposure (7.5Gy) resulted in significant protection to radiation-induced mortality and DNA damage in blood leukocytes.

However, silibinin treatment after irradiation was not as effective as pre-administration.


Evaluating the radioprotective effect of hesperidin in the liver of Swiss albino mice.


Concentration-Dependent Protection by Ethanol Extract of Propolis against ?-Ray-Induced Chromosome Damage in Human Blood Lymphocytes.

A significant and concentration-dependent decrease is observed in the frequency of chromosome aberrations in samples treated with EEP (ethanol extract of propolis)..

Citrus Bioflavonoids

Naringin, a citrus flavonone, protects against radiation-induced chromosome damage in mouse bone marrow

Ganesh Chandra Jagetia1, V.A. Venkatesha and Tiyyagura Koti Reddy

Department of Radiobiology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal 576 119, India

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the radioprotective action of 2 mg/kg naringin in the bone marrow of mice exposed to different doses of 60Co ??radiation.

Treatment of mice with 2 mg/kg body wt naringin before exposure to various doses of ??radiation resulted in a significant reduction in the frequencies of aberrant cells and

chromosomal aberrations like acentric fragments, chromatid and chromosome breaks, centric rings, dicentrics and exchanges. Our study demonstrates that naringin can protect

mouse bone marrow cells against radiation-induced chromosomal damage.


The radioprotective effects of aqueous extract from chlorococcal freshwater algae (Chlorella kessleri) in mice and rats.

Alginic acid and Alginate (found in seaweed)

Biomaterials for the decorporation (removal) of (85)Strontium in the rat.

Health Phys. 2010 Sep;99(3):394-400.

Levitskaia TG, Creim JA, Curry TL, Luders T, Morris JE, Peterson JM, Thrall KD.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, PO Box 999, MSIN P7-22, Richland, WA 99352, USA. Tatiana.

Strontium is chemically and biologically similar to calcium, and is incorporated primarily into bone following internal deposition. Alginic acid (alginate) obtained from seaweed (kelp)

extract selectively binds ingested strontium in the gastrointestinal tract blocking its systemic uptake and reducing distribution to bone in rats. Alginate exhibits the unique ability

to discriminate between strontium and calcium and has been previously shown to reduce intestinal absorption and skeletal retention of strontium without changing calcium metabolism.

Homeopathic Remedies for Radiation Effects

These homeopathic remedies are not suggested as prophylaxis and as always, must be chosen on the symptom complex. This is only a sample of the possible remedies.

Rad-br. Severe aching pains and great restlessness. Anxious, fear of being alone in the dark and desires company. Dreams of fire. Violent cramping in abdomen. Severe pain in all limbs.

Itching all over body. Necrosis and ulceration. Internal chill with heat of skin.

Cadm-s. Terrible nausea, black vomit, freezing cold and can’t get warm. Also vomits green mucus, blood, or “coffee grounds”. Bloody-black offensive stools. Extreme exhaustion.

Ip. Constant nausea not relieved by vomiting. Bloody slimy stools. Bleeding from lungs with nausea. Tongue clear. Profuse salivation and thirstless. < slightest motion/warmth.

Phos. Bleeding bright red blood from any orifice. Craves ice cold drinks but vomits them soon after. Heightened sensitivity to noise, odors, lights and startles easily.

Fear of being alone. Exhausting diarrhea.

Ars. Anxious, chilly, restless, exhausted, thirsty for small sips. Burning pains relieved by heat, fear of being alone, < after midnight.

X-ray. Stiff neck, sticking pains in head and face. Nausea, rheumatic pain, tired, sick feeling. Tongue dry, rough , sore. Dry skin and painful cracks. Chronic itching eruptions.



Radioaktive Produkte gebraucht in Tests:

Kontrastmittel:                                     Bar-s.

Schilddrüse                                                Nat-i./Thyroxine/Liotyronine

                        Therapie                        Nat-i.

Nieren                                                            Nat-iodat hipporate/Chlormerodrin

Leber                                                            Rose Bengal sodium/kolloidales Aurum.

Verdauungstrakt                                    Triolein/Oleic acid/tolpovidone

                                                            Vit. B 12/Nat-chr

Blut                                                            Serum albumin/Nat-chr/Ferr-mur./Ferr-cit./Ferr-s


                        Therapie                        Nat-i.

Hirn                                                            Serum albumin/Nar-ars/Chlormerodrin/Pertechnetate

Augen                                                            Nat-p.

Elektrolyten                                                Nat-m./Kali-m./Calc-m.

Krebs                                                            Nat-i./Ethiodized Oil/kolloidales Aurum./Phos-chr.


Schweres Wasser (= Deuteriumoxid) hat Formel D2O. Unterscheidet sich von H2O durch die Ersetzung von Wasserstoffatomen des Protiums (Symbol H) durch schwere Wasserstoffatome des Isotops Deuterium (Symbol D). H2O 1 Proton im Atomkern, Deuterium 1 Proton + 1 Neutron. Halbschweres Wasser mit der Formel HDO enthält 1 normales + 1 schweres Wasserstoffatom.

Es kommt viel häufiger vor als schweres Wasser.


Hauptanwendungsgebiet: Herstellung von Mg-Th-Legierungen als Kernreaktor-Werkstoff; in USA wurden 1958 ca. 120 000 lb (= 68,5%) für diesen Zweck verarbeitet. Weitere Verwendungsweisen:

Als Legierungszusatz für Heizdrähte elektrischer Öfen (vermindert Verzunderung) u. als gasadsorbierendes Mittel in der Hochvakuumtechnik; wichtiger ist Thoriumoxid. In Mischung mit spaltbarem Uran kann man Th auch zur Gewinnung von Atomenergie verwenden (gibt bei Neutronenbestrahlung spaltbares U 233); daher hat sich die indische Regierung durch ein Abkommen vom April 1947 das alleinige Ausbeutungsrecht der Monazitsande von Travacore (diese sollen etwa 75% des Weltbestandes an Th enthalten) zum Zweck der Atomenergiegewinnung gesichert. Da Th in der Erdkruste etwa 4x so häufig ist wie U, spielt es bei der Gewinnung von Atomenergie eine wichtige Rolle.

Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum