

Vergleich: Comparison. Pink with Luna + Magnetis Polus Arcticus + Magnetis Polus Australis + Positronium + Radium bromatum + Sol + X-ray.

Siehe: Group Analysis Evaluation + Reiche/Kingdoms.x + Fulgurite.x + Isopathie/Autoisopathie Anhang (Peter Morell) + Ultraschall/-sound + Blitz



[Yasgur, 2004:122].

Imponderabilia -or imponderable remedies- are homoeopathic remedies which are considered to be manufactured from a dynamically, immaterial energetic source

(Goel, 2002:12). These sources have no mass and exist only at a vibrational, energetic level [sunlight (Sol), moonlight (Luna), and electricity (Electricitas) and others]



The imponderabilia are those remedies which are considered to be manufactured from an immaterial, dynamic, largely energetic source – these include remedies produced from

moon rays, sun rays, X-rays, electricity, and magnetic fields (Goel, 2002:12; Saxena, 2003:12). The imponderable remedies are generally produced by exposing a mixture of

lactose and distilled water to the desired energy source from which a remedy is to be manufactured; in some cases, a pure solvent of either distilled water or alcohol alone can

also be used for the above mentioned purposes (Goel, 2002:69).

Upon exposure for a predetermined time period these solutions are believed to absorb the emitted energies to which they have been exposed too, thus allowing the manufacturer to safely harness and use these solutions as medicinally active agents. Like all other homoeopathic remedies these ''energy impregnated'' substances can then

be triturated +/o. succussed further by the homoeopathic physician to the desired potency levels required for medicinal purposes (Goel, 2002:69; Saxena 2003:18-19).

Saxena states that the imponderable remedies should be considered as being more penetrating and enduring than all other homoeopathic medicines due to the fact that these

remedies are formulated from direct energy sources, whereas all other homoeopathic medicines are not (Saxena, 2003:24-26).


This group of remedies are potentised from energy sources [Sun light (Sol), Moon light (Luna), Magnetism, Electricitas, X-ray, Mobile phone radiation, Positronium decay radiation].

Lightning is classified as an imponderable in homeopathy.

The influence of the energy is typically ‘captured’ by lactose that is stirred while being irradiated, or by water in a vial that is close to the source. In the case of fulgurite however, it is sand that has become transformed by the encounter with lightning that is the source. The proving symptoms have little in common to the well known remedy Silica that is the result of slow precipitation of nodules of flint in lime-stone formations, and a lot in common with the themes of imponderables.

Imponderables - a general overview

Energy and power are forces without any material substance. When we anthropomorphise these forces we could feel invincible, not affected or altered by anything, unlike plant, animal or indeed ourselves, that are affected by all manner of external forces. Alternatively, we might feel overwhelmed, held, crushed and over powered by forces against which we have no defence.

• Energy

• Potential

• Power

• Force

• Change

• Transformation

• Destruction/production

• Spreading, disseminating

• Stronger than matter

• Penetrates matter

• Access to everything

• Unrestricted by time and space

• Beyond matter, spiritual

• I have tremendous power and potential Yet I have no substance

• Null, void

• Insubstantial

• Of no worth

• “Forget it, nothing”

• Cancelled, revoked, invalid

Energy, restricted by time and space, becomes matter E=mc2

• Matter

• Substantial

• Something

• Real

• Recognised

• Valid

Energy is observable by its effect on matter

• Powerful yet unrecognised

• Energy comes before matter

• More power and potential than matter

• Yet matter is required for the recognition of that potential• Matter is recognised as real

• Energy may have: unrecognised, unjust, unfair feeling


• Inconstant, changeable

• No certainty - probability only

• Can be this, or that

• Wave or particle

• Duality

• Either is possible

Imponderables summary


Generals: Energy


 The love that comes from that person has no shape and structure.





 No structure

 Color is like if something adds to it, then that thing can be seen, but if it adds to something it could not be identified.


 No boundaries

 No beginning and no end

 If something comes in its contact, it can be felt, it is so pleasant.




[Sally Williams]

While this remedy group may seem new on the scene, the first “Imponderable” was proven by Hahnemann in 1833. In an era rich with scientific experimentation and questioning, it is completely understandable that Hahnemann would be eager to prove natural phenomena, and his choice was magnetism.

The defining characteristic of these remedies is a powerful, immutable force that exerts unseen, unknown, and intangible energy that can profoundly influence our well-being.

[Louis Klein]

Imponderables share this attribute of unseen force with remedies made from viruses and bacteria. But while the force in viruses and bacteria is infectious and insidious; the force of an imponderable is irresistible and overwhelming.

From H.’s day through the end of the 19th century, remedies of these imponderable energy sources were few, including not only magnet, but X-ray and sunlight. Leap forward well over 100 years to the present day, brimming with a proliferation of technological devices. Cell phones, computers, microwaves, televisions, GPS devices, MRI’s, ultrasounds, high voltage electric transmission cables and computer managed vehicles. The list is almost unending. Now imagine for a moment that you are actually able to see these countless surrounding layers of directed, invisible energy these devices collect and radiate. Add to that the undirected energy emanating from the increased effects of solar flares and sunspots due to our thinning ozone as well as the light from the moon and distant planets, and you will grasp that we are all entangled in a dense web of “imponderable energy”. This web carries forces that can impact many of our patients, and remedies made from imponderables add effective options to our materia medica.

The articles that follow present the unique qualities of force for 5 different imponderables. Louis Klein presents an in depth article on the history and indications for the remedy X-ray, demonstrating the force of seeing through.

Matilde Flores offers a brilliant case study of the remedy Magnetis Polus Arctis and the force of attraction and repulsion.

Nancy Frederick introduces a case of the little known remedy Ultrasound, in which the force appears to be altered perception. Lindy Grigel and Patricia Maher give us an article on the remedy Light of Saturn, substantiating Patricia LeRoux’s trituration proving published in the October 2009 edition of Interhomeopathy. The force represented

in the Light of Saturn is Titan- like, forcing physical strength and endurance. Lastly, Carol Jones presents us with the proving of TV Emanation and along with my corroborating case, the mesmerizing and drug-like force of this remedy is revealed.


[Dr. med. Edeltraud Kühle]

Imponderabilien waren mir in der Vergangenheit immer vorgekommen wie die „Büchse der Pandora“. Sie waren nicht greifbar. Es gibt wenig aussagekräftige Literatur und kaum Vorträge dazu. Mittel wie Luna, Sol, X-Ray, Electricitas, Magnet und Positronium führen bei Homöopathen, die genuin nach Hahnemann arbeiten, stets zu einem milden Lächeln. Lediglich Hecla lava, aus der Asche des isländischen Vulkans, ist in der Fachwelt bekannt und wird auch eingesetzt, überwiegend als bewährte Indikation bei Knochenbeschwerden wie Fersensporn und Exostosen. Gemütssymptome finden sich dagegen eher spärlich.

Durch den obigen Fall habe ich erstmalig wirklich verstanden, worum es bei den Imponderabilien geht, speziell bei den Vulkanen. Nachdem ich meine ersten beiden Vulkanpatientinnen entdeckt hatte, kamen im vergangenen Jahr weitere Patienten, die gut auf Stromboli lava, aus der Asche des sizilianischen Vulkans, reagierten.

Der oben skizzierte Verlauf war sehr aufschlussreich für mein weiteres Verständnis dieses Mittels.

Die Hauptbeschwerden, mit denen die einzelnen Patienten gekommen sind, waren unterschiedlich. Die Empfindungen, die sie schilderten, das, was Ausdruck des Mittels Stromboli ist, waren faszinierend und spannend. Auffallend bei allen Vulkan-Patienten war eine ausgeprägte Energie und Dynamik, auch wenn diese durch die ausgeübte Kontrolle, nicht immer gelebt wurde.

Dies konnte aber in der Regel auf Nachfragen bestätigt werden. Gleichzeitig bestanden auch die Zustände des absoluten Gegenteils: etwas Explosives, hoch Kochendes, Brodelndes, Aufbrausendes, unter Druck und Anspannung Stehendes, ohne Ventil, verglichen mit einer Sektflasche oder einem Dampfdruckkochtopf. Darin ist es aufgewühlt, es rotiert, es wühlt darin, ist rasend, sammelt sich an, eskaliert, baut sich immer stärker auf. Schließlich reicht ein Quentchen aus, um das Fass zum Überlaufen zu bringen:

Es platzt, explodiert, endet in der Zerstörung, treibt in den Wahnsinn.

Es wird von den Patienten auch beschrieben, dass die Dynamik noch stärker, schneller und ganz plötzlich geschehen kann: von 0 auf 180. Die Zeitsequenzen werden immer kürzer, in denen sich der Druck oder die Wut und Aggression steigern, bis alles explodiert.

Da die Konsequenzen dramatisch sein können, wird tunlichst versucht, alles möglichst unter Kontrolle zu halten. Alles muss laufen und funktionieren, da sonst alles auf einen einstürzen könnte und man sich überrollt fühlt, aus der Bahn geworfen wird. Dann fühlt es sich an, als hätte man keinen Boden mehr unter den Füßen, als würde man in ein schwarzes Loch fallen und alles würde über einem zusammenbrechen. Und natürlich besteht auch die entgegengesetzte Empfindung: eine ausgeprägt Müdigkeit und Erschöpfung mit körperlicher Schwäche, Antriebslosigkeit, Energiemangel, verglichen mit einer leeren Batterie oder einem gezogenen Stecker, einer nach unten ziehenden Schwere, Ohnmacht und Hilflosigkeit.

Da dabei das Gefühl einer gewissen Endgültigkeit oder Endzeit besteht, beschreiben Patienten aber auch, wie man eine solche Situation durch Kontrolle, Organisation, Koordination und Perfektion in den Griff bekommen kann, damit man wieder in den Takt kommt und alles wieder reibungslos funktioniert.

Im Verlauf der Mittelwirkung war zu beobachten, dass diese Empfindungen und Zustände in ein Gleichgewicht kamen. Durch selbstbestimmtes Handeln entwickelten sich Toleranz, Gelassenheit und Freiheit sowie das Gefühl einer Einheit von Körper und Geist und die Verbundenheit mit der Natur. 

Das Bedürfnis nach Freiheit und auf der anderen Seite und die Empfindung von Enge, Grenzen, Blockaden, festzustecken oder sich im Kreis zu drehen auf der anderen Seite, tauchten als Themen wiederholt auf. Nachdem ich das verstanden hatte, habe ich auch viele körperliche Symptome der Patienten einordnen können.

- Wut, Zorn, Aggression, Ängste, Verschlechterung durch unerwartete Ereignisse und Todesfälle

- Kontrolle, Perfektion, keine Zeit zu haben, schnell gereizt zu sein

- Müdigkeit durch Verausgabung, Schlaflosigkeit durch Unruhe, Nervosität und Gedankenandrang, Erstarrung

- Hautprobleme jeder Art (viel Hitze, viel Jucken, viel Kratzen)

- Heuschnupfen (viel Hitze, brennende Beschwerden, Hypersekretion (um die Hitze zu löschen))

- Asthma, Luftnot, Engegefühle in der Brust

- Völlegefühl, Meteorismus, Obstipation, Durchfall – krampfende Bauchschmerzen, Sodbrennen (wenn es brennt, ist Hitze da)


Comparison. pink with others


[Patricia Kay]

Precocity, the oppositional behavior, the random thoughts,

Following a thorough investigation and comparison of the symptoms produced by remedy Pink 30CH against those of the other seven (7) selected imponderable remedies – Luna (moonlight); Magnetis Polus Arcticus (North pole of the magnet); Magnetis Polus Australis (South pole of a magnet); Positronium (Anti-matter); Rad-br.; Sol (Sunlight) and X-ray - it was deduced that the following themes were most indicative of the imponderable group as an entirety:

The imponderabilia are those remedies which are considered to be manufactured from an immaterial, dynamic, largely energetic source: moon rays, sun rays, X-rays, electricity, and magnetic fields (Goel, 2002:12; Saxena, 2003:12). The imponderable remedies are generally produced by exposing a mixture of lactose and distilled water to the desired energy source from which a remedy is to be manufactured; in some cases, a pure solvent of either distilled water or alcohol alone can also be used for the above mentioned purposes (Goel, 2002:69). Upon exposure for a predetermined time period these solutions are believed to absorb the emitted energies to which they have been exposed too, thus allowing the manufacturer to safely harness and use these solutions as medicinally active agents. Like all other homoeopathic remedies these ''energy impregnated'' substances can then be triturated +/o. succused further to the desired potency levels required for medicinal purposes (Goel, 2002:69; Saxena 2003:18-19).

Saxena states that the imponderable remedies should be considered as being more penetrating and enduring than all other homoeopathic medicines due to the fact that these remedies are formulated from direct energy sources, whereas all other homoeopathic medicines are not (Saxena, 2003:24-26).

Hence these remedies are said to work the fastest, reaching deeply into and stimulating the organism to health by clearing away stubborn chronic diseases that fail to yield

to other homoeopathic remedies, including the powerful homoeopathic nosodes (Saxena, 2003:90).

Saxena (2003:26) further states that these imponderable remedies should also be considered in situations where individuals have undergone heavy radiation exposure; in those that suffer from immunodeficiency diseases; in others who are experiencing stubborn allergic and skin disorders, and also in those individuals with iatrogenic diseases.

A remedy such as X-ray has been noted to be one of the leading imponderable remedies for all of the above cited situations. Proven in 1897 by Dr. Bernhardt Fincke, X-ray has been used for a host of clinical diseases [cancerous conditions of all types: leukaemias and leucopaenias; anaemias; glandular disorders (sexual glands leading to atrophy and sterility); conditions produced after prolonged exposure to X-ray emissions; rheumatoid arthritis, and a variety of skin complaints that range from eczema to psoriasis, burn wounds and warts] (Saxena, 2003:56/Vermeulen, 2000:1619).

Other imponderable remedies such as Rad-br. first proven by John Henry Clarke, has also been found to be of importance in the treatment of rheumatic pains and inflammation; gout; as well as in the clinical treatment of skin affections such as acne roseacea, naevi, cancers and slow healing ulcerations (Vermeulen, 2000:1314/Vermeulen, 2004:19). Other less well proven imponderable remedies such as Sol (Sunlight) and Luna (Moonlight) have also been used in disease conditions which include lupus, sun burns, sun strokes and worms, epilepsy., oedema and somnambulism respectively (Saxena, 2003:54).



Fluxions in energy levels are seen in most, if not all imponderable remedies. This aspect of energetic fluxion can exist in an individual as either an increase or a decrease in energy levels. It can also occur as an alternation between the two states i.e. an individual may experience increased energy levels at first, which subsequently decreases rapidly. In such cases weakness and weariness then become the predominant presentation, rather than the restlessness that is encountered if the individual’s energy levels are increased. The former of the two examples is perhaps most frequently encountered amongst the imponderable remedies, occurring largely as a physical expression of exhaustion.

Conversely this theme of energy can also be encountered as a hurriedness or restless anxiety in the mind, or it may, more commonly, be experienced as an extreme prostration and dullness of the mind in which forgetfulness or absentmindedness become the most marked expressions. On a more physical level however, energy disturbances may also

be encountered in the form of excessive sleepiness, restless sleep, deep sleep or even sleeplessness; there may also be sleep which lacks a refreshing quality once awake.

In conclusion it can be seen that the imponderables in general seem to relate more to a diminishment or lack of energy rather than to any increases or enhancements in energy levels.


At least five of the seven selected imponderable remedies have shared this theme in common with remedy Pink. This theme is basically indicative of the fact that the imponderabilia are very easily, quickly and acutely affected or moved by impressions from the external environment. Of course these impressions do differ amongst the imponderable remedies – yet the quality of sensitivity is always apparent.

Irritability, impatience, anger

This theme ties in very closely related with that of the previous theme on sensitivity. This is because it has been found that the sensitivity to impressions seems to incite

a general sense of marked peevishness and irritability, which in turn escalates to impatience, anger and even rage. It is as if the human organism is in a state of strained susceptibility which causes the individual to become angry or easily vexed, especially over trifles.

Psychotic, changeable mood

Erratic behaviour or changeability in mood is also a theme shared amongst the imponderable remedies. This fickleness in behaviour may also be accompanied by irresolution

or a difficulty in thinking. The appearance of taciturn type behaviour and an aversion to company is also indicative of this theme. The term „psychotic“ has been used as a blanket term to denote the fact that all imponderabilia have the capacity to lose touch with reality, which is then marked by delusions, fears or a distorted perception of reality. Like with the theme of sensitivity, the delusions and fears encountered amongst the imponderable remedies will also differ widely.

Heaviness, morose, sadness

The theme of heaviness reveals the feeling encountered amongst the imponderable remedies in general. This heaviness is usually expressed as a sense of dullness or a prostration of the mind, or even as a deep sadness and gloominess. This can be understood from the point of view that all energy seems to have been taken out of the human system leaving it in a sullen state of depression and moroseness. It is interesting to note that all seven imponderable remedies share this theme in common with the proving remedy.

Detachment, indifference

The theme of detachment and indifference reflects the ability of the imponderables to free themselves from all emotional, intellectual or social involvements. This is often accompanied by an aversion to company, as well as a taciturn type behaviour in which the individual may express a desire for quiet repose and to be uncommunicative. Laziness may be seen as the expression of this theme on the physical plane of the human organism.


The theme of tranquillity represents that aspect of the imponderable remedies which contrasts with the theme of heaviness and sadness discussed previously. This theme may manifest as a state or quality of sereneness, peacefulness, calmness or as a feeling of being undisturbed. This theme ties in closely with the theme of energy and the theme of detachment or indifference. This is because an individual may enter into a state of tranquillity when feeling detached or indifferent to the surroundings – alternatively, this state of tranquillity may also arise when an individual’s energy is not in a state of fluxion, but rather in a state of balance or composure.


It can be said that all imponderables seem to have a marked affinity to the genito-urinary system of the human body. The theme of sex and libido is very closely related to the theme of energy. It is interesting to note that imponderables seem to have different actions upon the libido of the two genders. There seems to be more of a diminishment in libido amongst the males, whereas an increase in libido is evident amongst females – who also seem to experience a violent sexual desire that is not noted amongst the male gender. Having said this however, it is certainly possible to also see a decrease in libido amongst females and an increase in males. The theme of sex may also be seen on the mental level which usually expresses itself in the form of amorous/sexual type dreams.

As we can see, the group analysis of the imponderabilia has brought forth a basic set of themes that can now be used to qualify the need for an imponderable remedy in clinical practice. These themes are by no means definite as many of the imponderables – both modern and old – await further re-provings according to proper Hahnemannian methodology. This may, in time, reveal more themes that may be added to or refine those already cited above.


Discussion of the Common Physical and General Symptoms

The following set of physical and general symptoms have been extracted from amongst the seven (7) selected imponderabilia: Luna; Magnetis Polus Arcticus (M-arct); Magnetis Polus Australis (M-aust); Positronium (Positr); Radium bromatum (Rad-br); Sol and X-ray - as well as from remedy Pink. Not all of these symptoms have been included into the above mentioned thematic expressions of the imponderable remedies, but the researcher felt it important to bring to awareness that the imponderable remedies also share a wide range of symptoms on the physical and general levels as well.

These symptoms, as with the mental and emotional themes, were only considered to be expressions of the imponderable group as an entirety only if these symptoms appeared in 3 or more imponderable remedies and in remedy Pink. What was also determined through this extraction of symptoms was that the imponderabilia seem to have an affinity, not only to the mind, but also to the gastrointestinal and reproductive systems as well. For ease of reference, and wherever applicable, the relevant imponderable remedies have been included in brackets „()“ in order to indicate those imponderable remedies which share symptomatology in common with remedy Pink.

Head and Face

Headaches in the forehead, occipital and temporal regions are encountered frequently amongst the imponderable remedies (Luna./M-arct./M-aust./Positr./Rad-br./Sol./X-ray). Alternatively./headaches

may also appear generally across the entire head (Luna./M-arct./M-aust./Positr./Sol./X-ray) with dull pains characterising the type of pain associated with these headaches. Dryness of the mouth (Luna./M-arct./Positr); stinging pains in the eyes (Luna./M-arct./M-aust./Positr); noises in the ears (M-arct./M-aust./X-ray); acuteness of vision (Luna./

M-arct./Positr) and a sensation of heat in the face (M-arct./M-aust./Positr./Sol) are also encountered amongst the imponderabilia. A sensation of vertigo a prominent symptom encountered amongst this group of remedies (M-arct./M-aust./Positr./Rad-br./X-ray).

Throat and Gastrointestinal System

The manifestation of a sore and painful throat (Luna./M-aust./Positr) seems to be common in the imponderable remedies.

In the acidity (Luna./M-arct./Positr)./heartburn (M-arct./M-aust./Positr./Sol)./eructations (M-arct./M-aust./Positr./Rad-br)./nausea (Luna./M-arct./M-aust./Positr./Rad-br./X-ray) and thirst (Luna./M-aust./Positr./Sol) are frequently encountered;

Appetite is often found to be either increased (M-arct./M-aust./Positr) or decreased (Positr./Sol./X-ray).

Likewise cramping (M-arct./M-aust./Sol) and stitching (M-arct./M-aust./Positr) pains are also experienced in the abdominal region./as well as flatulence (M-arct./M-aust./ Positr)./constipation (Luna./M-arct./Positr./Sol) or diarrhoea (Luna./M-arct./M-aust./Positr./X-ray).

Reproductive System

There is either an increase or decrease in libido encountered in the reproductive sphere of both sexes. In females however./the sexual desire can also be violent in character


There are also many changes in the menstrual cycles – with menses appearing too early (Luna./M-aust./Positr)./too late (Luna./M-arct./Rad-br) or becoming too short (Luna./M-arct./Positr) in duration.

Many of the imponderabilia also produce copious menstrual discharges (Luna./M-arct./M-aust./Positr./X-ray).

Chest and Back

A sensation of pain./constriction (Luna./Positr./Rad-br./Sol) or oppression (M-arct./M-aust./Positr)./with a difficulty in respiration (Luna./M-arct./M-aust./Positr) is encountered in the chest. Pain is also experienced in the lumbar region in general (Luna./M-aust./Sol).


Restless (M-arct./M-aust./Positr./Rad-br./Sol) or deep (Luna./M-arct./Positr./Sol) sleep is encountered amongst the imponderabilia. There can also be excessive sleepiness

(M-arct./M-aust./Rad-br./X-ray) or sleeplessness (M-arct./M-aust./Positr./Sol./X-ray). The sleeplessness is said to occur due to a restlessness of the mind or an excessive activity of thoughts within the mind. The sleep is therefore also described as being unrefreshing in quality (Luna. M-arct. M-aust. Positr. X-ray). Dreams common to the imponderabilia are amorous (Luna. M-arct. Positr. X-ray). or dreams which are described as being very vivid in nature (Luna./M-arct./M-aust./Rad-br).


A desire for sweets (Positr./Rad-br./X-ray) and for cold drinks or cold water (Luna. Positr. Rad-br. X-ray) has been found to be common amongst the imponderabilia.

Much weakness (Luna./M-arct./M-aust./Positr./Rad-br./Sol./X-ray). weariness (M-arct./M-aust./Positr./Sol./X-ray) and lassitude (M-arct./Positr./X-ray) encountered in these remedies. Conversely. a feeling of restlessness may also manifest (Luna./M-arct./M-aust./Rad-br). The imponderable remedies are also described as being able to produce the sensation of heat (Luna./M-arct./M-aust./Positr./Rad-br) or a lack of vital heat (Luna./Positr. X-ray) in general - as well as a generalised painful soreness throughout the body (M-arct./M-aust./Positr./X-ray).


List of common or shared symptoms:

Luna. = Moonlight

M-Arct. = Magnetis Polus Arcticus (The North pole of a magnet)

M-Aust. = Magnetis Polus Australis (The South pole of a magnet)

Positr. = Positronium (Anti-matter)

Rad-br. = Radium bromatum (Radium bromide)

Sol.. = Sunlight

X-Ray. = X-ray radiation


Imponderables - a general overview (Misha + Mina Norland)

Energy and power are forces without any material substance. When we anthropomorphise these forces we could feel invincible, not affected or altered by anything, unlike plant, animal, or indeed ourselves, that are affected by all manner of external forces. Alternatively, we might feel overwhelmed, held, crushed and overpowered by forces against which we have no defence.

• Energy

• Potential

• Power

• Force

• Change

• Transformation

• Destruction/production

• Spreading, disseminating

• Stronger than matter

• Penetrates matter

• Access to everything

• Unrestricted by time and space

• Beyond matter, spiritual

• I have tremendous power and potential yet I have no substance

• Null, void

• Insubstantial

• Of no worth

• “Forget it, nothing”

• Cancelled, revoked, invalid energy, restricted by time and space, becomes matter E=mc2

• Matter

• Substantial

• Something

• Real

• Recognised

• Valid Energy is observable by its effect on matter

• Powerful yet unrecognised

• Energy comes before matter

• More power and potential than matter

• Yet matter is required for the recognition of that potential

• Matter is recognised as real

• Energy may have: unrecognised, unjust, unfair feeling


• Inconstant, changeable

• No certainty - probability only

• Can be this, or that

• Wave or particle

• Duality

• Either is possible

Imponderables summary

• They are a group apart, using energy words rather than structure words as minerals do

• Energy in pure form

• Only energy

• The experience of energy

• Power that emanates penetrates and goes through anything, having access to everything, or the opposite, being overwhelmed and destroyed by powers beyond control.


In 1832 Michael Faraday published his finding that the electricity induced from the magnet, voltaic electricity produced by a battery, and static electricity are all the same.

Static electricity is usually caused when certain materials are rubbed against each other, like wool on plastic or the soles of shoes on carpet. The process causes electrons to

be pulled from the surface of one material and relocated on the surface of the other material. A static shock occurs when the surface of the second material, negatively charged with electrons, touches a positively charged conductor, or vice - versa.

Lightning is a dramatic natural example of static discharge. The initial charge is thought to be associated with contact and separation between ice particles moving within the turbulence of storm clouds.

The flow of charges results from neutral atoms and molecules in the air being torn apart to form separate positive and negative charges, which travel in opposite directions as an electric current. These then neutralize as a spark discharge: the lightning strike.

Clarke’s dictionary

Caspari is the authority for the symptoms caused by electricity, but every one knows the powerful effect exercised on some persons by the approach of a thunderstorm, and the influence of an electric current.

• Nervous tremors, anxiety, fear, restlessness, anxiety, and anguish, violent headaches, palpitation, swelling of parts, are among the most prominent symptoms.

• Pains in the limbs, grievous pains, pains in old wounds, or in enfeebled bodies, from a change of temperature.

Dragging’s in all the limbs, as far as the ends of the fingers and toes, nocturnal shootings, in parts which are paralysed, or else in those which have been electrified,

shaking of the whole body, commencing in the maxillary bones, tingling in the parts electrified, violent burning in those which touch the chain.

• General depression and weariness, sometimes with giddiness or with drowsiness, lassitude and stiffness of the limbs, general depression after a meal, uneasiness

during a storm.


Lack of vital heat

HEAT - sensation of


PAIN - sore (= bruised)




Pain – stitching pain (= sticking, etc.)


Remedies that belong to the group called imponderables: Sun light (Sol), Moon light (Luna), Magnetism (Magnetis Polus Arcticus, Magnetis Polus Australis, Magnetis poli ambo), Elec. etc.; Positronium (Anti-matter); Rad-br.; Sol (Sunlight) and X-ray

The term imponderablilia comes from the word imponderable meaning 'A factor whose effects cannot be accurately assessed’ or something that is difficult or impossible to evaluate with precision.

Attributes of imponderabilia

* It is present Anytime, Anywhere and in Anything

* Spreading and disseminating.

* It can pass through matter, is not obstructed by anything and has an access to everything.

* It emanates, can penetrate and go through anything.

* It is beyond matter, living as well as non living.

* It is stronger than matter, invincible, not affected or altered by anything. (Unlike matter like plant and animal, that is affected by any external force)

* Unbounded; not affected by time

* One cannot hold it or capture it in time or space (because time and space are attributes of matter)

* It is not matter but something that can affect matter. E.g Heat, light, magnetism etc. can affect matter. Energy is beyond matter but affects matter. Energy when becomes restricted by time and space, becomes matter – that is Hydrogen (in proving: the feeling of being beyond time and space and also captured by time and space)


Some words that may convey the basic energy of Imponderabilia will be the following:

Sun light

Rays/X ray/Waves








Electric potential




Immaterial Magnetism




Very big force











Burnt to ashes

So very far away

Space distance


Nobody can impact it

Cannot affect it/Unaffected by it

Unlimited/Sky is the limit





Going through matter/Beyond matter


Not alterable/Cannot change it

Bo boundaries

Not affected by time and space

Pull down








Electric current



Distant places

Light years

Far away

Visually all around

Zonal force



wheezing and vibrating sensation

Full of light


[Dr. Qadeer Unnisa Begum]

Abstract: Homoeopathic drugs are obtained from various sources like plants, animals, minerals, nosodes, sarcodes, imponderables, and tautopathic drugs. Imponderable remedies are a small group of which are considered to be manufactured from a dynamically, immaterial energetic source. The most well-known of these include X-ray, Radium bromatum (Radium bromide), Electricitas (electricity), Sol (sunlight) and Luna (moonlight), Magnetis poli ambo (magnet). These sources have no mass. Imponderabilia medicines are most powerful and deep acting. They are well represented in Clarke’s Materia Medica and Allen’s Materia Medica of Nosodes and magnets is in Materia Medica Pura. Though these remedies are well proved they are rarely used by homoeopathic professionals and are poorly represented in our repertories. As these drugs were proved long ago there is a need of reproving and clinical verification and there is a need of setting standards regarding their preparation.


The word imponderabilia has come from ‘imponderable’ that means not weighable, i.e. the substances have no perceptible weights. Imponderibilia are immaterial ‘dynamic’ energies that are utilized as potentized homoeopathic medicines. [‘ponder’ signifies contemplating, examining, investigating].

Imponderabilia medicines can also be termed direct physical energy medicines as these medicines utilize energy directly, available from natural and physical reactions. Presently available imponderabilia medicines belong to the magnetic, electromagnetic, electrical, nuclear and cosmic category of energies.

Dynamic, powerful, physical, energies have been known to influence various living and non-living processes on the earth. The energy utilized may be natural or it may be artificially generated.

Natural Source:

E.g.: a. Normal magnet – Magnetis poli ambo.

    North pole of magnet – Magnetis polus arcticus.

    South pole of magnet- Magnetis polus australis.

Artificial Source:

E.g.: a. Electricity – Electricitas.

    Sun’s ray – Sol.

    Radium bromide – Radium.

    Moon’s Rays – Luna

    Artificial magnet – Magnetis artificialis.

    X-rays X-ray.

Specific instructions and rules for collecting and preparing these medicines are given in the pharmacopoeia.

    Magnets can be procured from a physical laboratory.

    For preparing ‘Luna’, full moon is suggested.

    For preparing ‘X-ray’, a chemical testing laboratory may be contacted.

    Potentisation of these medicines has to be done very carefully.

Hahnemann discussed the dynamic power of magnets, electricity and galvanism under aphorisms 286 and 287 of organon of medicine 6th edition.

    286 The dynamic powers of mineral magnets, electricity and galvanism act as powerfully and as homeopathically on our life principle as do actual so-called medicines

that lift diseases by means of oral ingestion, through the skin, or by olfaction.

They thereby enable the cure of diseases, especially those of sensibility and irritability, of abnormal feeling, and involuntary muscle movements. However, the sure manner

of employing electricity and galvanism (as well as the use of the so-called electro-magnetic machine) still lies too much in the dark to make homeopathic use of them.

So far, both electricity and galvanism have been used only for palliation, doing great damage to patients. Up until now, their positive pure actions on the healthy human body have been but little proven.

    287 One can more surely avail oneself of the curative powers of a powerful magnet. The positive actions of its north and south poles are presented in the Materia Medica Pura. Although both poles are equally powerful, they stand in opposition to one another in the manner of their action.

Doses may be moderated by the amount of time one or the other pole is applied (according to whether more of the symptoms of the north or the South Pole are indicated).

A plate of polished zinc can be used as an antidote for an all-too-violent action.

Hahnemann says that ‘even imponderable agencies, can produce the most violent medicinal effects upon man’ under § 280 footnote Fifth Edition of Organon.




ELECTRICITAS – Source: Electricity


The effects of atmospheric electricity and static electricity.

Caspari is the authority for the symptoms caused by electricity, but everyone knows the powerful effect exercised on some persons by the approach of a thunderstorm and the influence of an electric current. In those which have been electrified, are found shaking of the whole body, commencing in the maxillary bones, tingling in the parts electrified, violent burning.


Trituration 1x- Saccharum lactis is exposed to high intensity static electricity for 10 minutes.  Caution: The product should be freshly prepared and used.


GALVANISMUS (Galvanism) Galvanism. (“Z” signifies zinc, “S” silver, and “C” the copper pole.).


Caspari is the authority for this medicine. Farrington gives: “benumbed feeling at the back of the head in brain-fag, the positive pole being applied to the cervical region, the negative to the vertex”.


Attenuations are made by triturating sugar of milk which has been subjected to the influence of either electric pole.



Source: The moon’s rays


Goullon of Weismer contributed to the Rev. Hom. Belge, January, 1897, a notable article: “The Influence of the Moon on the Human Organism,” in which he mentions, among other interesting facts, that sleepwalking is a lunar effect, that worm disorders are most troublesome at the full noon and that goiter changes, more or less with the moon.


Sugar of milk is exposed on a glass plate to the moon’s rays and stirred with a glass rod. The sugar of milk so charged is dynamized in the usual way, (Fincke). Higgins made

a preparation by exposing pure water to the moon’s rays for three or four hours in South America and then dynamizing the water so charged.


MAGNETIS POLI AMBO (Magnet) Source: The Magnet


The effect of the Magnet as a whole and of each pole separately was tested by Hahnemann and the symptoms are mainly from his pathogenesis.  In his preface he says he does not expect “ordinary mechanical, materialistic and atomistic heads” to be able to regard diseases as “immaterial alternations of the vitality or pure dynamic derangements of our state of health and medicinal powers as merely virtual, almost spiritual, forces.”

Hahnemann asks how they can reconcile with their materialistic notions the fact that “a single imponderable spark from a Leyden jar gives a shock to the strongest man and

yet no ascertainable ponderable substance is communicated to his body”. Of the symptoms of the schema he says they “occurred from various powerful magnets brought in contact with various sensitive individuals, without distinction of the poles.


They were observed in experiments conducted for half a year for the purpose of ascertaining the proper and most efficacious mode of stroking the steel with magnets, in which a horse-shoe magnet, capable of lifting a weight of twelve pounds, was held in the hands, which were held in contact with both poles for an hour at a time, with additional symptoms from Andry, Thouret, Unzer, and De Harsu.


Sensations of coldness are marked. There is coldness where the magnet is applied. The eyeball feels cold, as if there were a lump of ice in the socket. On the other hand there is a sensation as if the blood was rushing towards the point touched by the magnet.



Trituration of sugar of milk after exposure of whole magnet (horseshoe shaped capable of lifting 5.5kg weight of iron). Exposure time 1 hour. Trituration time 1 hour. Trituration of Sugar of Milk after exposure of the influence of both poles of the magnet. Dilution of distilled water similarly exposed.




The symptoms of Mag-arct were obtained by applying it in the region of the 4th to 6th thoracic vertebra, at a distance of four or five finger’s width from the body.


Trituration of sugar of milk after exposure of north pole of magnet (horse shoe shaped capable of lifting 5.5kg of iron). Exposure time 1 hour. Trituration time 1 hour.




South pole of magnet is useful for ingrown toe nails. Clarke has cured so many cases of ingrown toenail with Mag-aust.1 M., that he invariably gave it in the first place

when there are no symptoms plainly indicating another remedy. Here are the symptoms from Hahnemann which led to this use:

Sore pain on the inner side of the nail of the big toe when walking, as if the nail had grown into the flesh on the side, very painful on being slightly touched and the shoe presses on the toes and on the nail of the big toe when walking, as from corns.

The accurate response to these symptoms on the part of the attenuated Mag-aust. proved to Clarke the possibility of attenuating and so fixing this “energy” for use as

an ordinary homeopathic remedy.


Trituration of sugar of milk after exposure of north pole of magnet (horse shoe shaped capable of lifting 5.5kg of iron). Exposure time 1 hour. Trituration time 1 hour.

Potencies of alcohol saturated with emanations of the south pole.


RADIUM BROMATUM (Radium Bromide)

Rad-br. Ra br2, 2H2O. Radium bromatum.


An important addition to the Materia Medica especially since the provings by Diffenbach have précisionized its use. Radium bromatum of 1,000,000 radio-activity

was employed. Pure Radium is a white metal which “oxidizes in water, burns paper, turns black on exposure to air and has the property of adhering firmly to iron.”

This last quality is not without significance and shows a close affinity with Ferrum. Its atomic weight is 225. It is found in the ore pitchblende.  The discovery of Radium and its properties in 1898 by Pierre and Marie Curie set many persons thinking and among them, naturally, those who are engaged in the healing of the sick.

Pierre Curie himself made the first “proving.”

He put a tiny bit of Radium salt in an India rubber capsule and fastened it to his arm, leaving it there for ten hours. When he took it off the skin was red, the place turned into

a wound, which took four months to heal, leaving a white scar the size of a shilling surrounded by discolored puckered skin.

On another occasion he left it for half an hour. A wound appeared at the end of a fortnight and took another fortnight to heal. On a third occasion, he left it for eight minutes only. Two months later the skin became red and a bit sore, but it soon passed off.

Preparation: Trituration 3x, Drug strength 1/1000

Radium bromide 1gm

Saccharum lactis 999gms to make 1 kilogram of trituration.


SOL (sunlight)


Thanks to Dr. Finsen of Copenhagen, the place of light in therapeutics was defined so far as its direct properties are concerned, though Finsen was reviving and confirming,

the ancient light-therapy.

O.V. Thayer published in 1893 a series of cases in which he had used concentrated rays of sun-light (solar cautery) including cases of skin cancer, rodent ulcer, parasitic diseases, moles, small wens, birth-marks, etc.

H.T. Webster gives details of a case of epithelioma in which the growth was removed by solar cautery and a scarcely perceptible scar left. Faintness, prostration, general stiffening up of the system, the bodily strength seems more equalized.


Sol, sunlight. Milk sugar is exposed to concentrated sun’s rays and stirred with a glass rod until saturated. Potencies made by Fincke[6,12].


X-RAY History and preparation

The proving was undertaken by B. Fincke in 1897, on ten provers, using 6x and was published in the proceedings of the International Hahnemannian Association pages 47-76.

A re-experimentation was done by W. B. Griggs on two men and one woman prover and published in the Homeopathic Recorder in 1952 using the 30c and 200c potencies.

A very able description of the discovery of the x-ray by professor Roentgen was given in the Homoeopathic Physician (march 1896)by Dwalber M. James and concluded   with the words: “Why should not the homoeopathist seek to procure a proving of the effects of X-ray upon the animal economy of the human being :An inviting field is there opened up to the experimenters of our school. May it soon be cultivated”. March 27, 1897.

A drachm vial filled with absolute alcohol was exposed to a Crookes tube in operation for half an hour and then brought up to the sixth centesimal potency. The globules were moistened and the vials containing them presented to the Brooklyn Hahnemann Union, which met the same evening in regular session.

Like Magnetis Poli Australis and other imponderabilia, electricity and the X-ray are both capable of potentization, and the potentized dynamic remedy is just as superior to the crude drug as Aurum, Lyc., Sil. or Sulphur.

Conclusion: Imponderables though they are a small group of drugs, are most powerful and deep acting. As we are living in world where there is lot of radiation from different sources there is a scope of research and proving of new imponderabilia drugs and their incorporation into our materia medica will enrich it. Reproving must be done of existing imponderables.



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