Comparison Pink with Luna + Magnetis Polus Arcticus + Magnetis Polus Australis + Positronium + Radium bromatum +

Sol + X-ray





Magnetis polis                                     australis

Magnetis polis arctus


Radium bromatum



Headaches (dull) in forehead, occipital and temporal regions



Across head


Stinging in eyes



Vision acute





Headaches (dull) in forehead, occipital and temporal regions

Across head

Stinging in eyes



Noises in ears

“As if vertigo”


Headaches (dull) in forehead, occipital and temporal regions

Across head

Stinging in eyes

Vision acute


Noises in ears

“As if vertigo”


Headaches (dull) in forehead, occipital and temporal regions


Across head


Stinging in eyes


Vision acute




“As if vertigo”

Headaches (dull) in forehead, occipital and temporal regions


Across head







“As if vertigo”

Headaches (dull) in forehead, occipital and temporal regions

Across head

Headaches (dull) in forehead, occipital and temporal regions


Across head





Noises in ears



“As if vertigo”



Mouth dry

“As if heat in the face”

“As if heat in the face”

Mouth dry

“As if heat in the face”

Mouth dry


“As if heat in the face”


Throat sore and painful

                            throat sore and painful


                            throat sore and painful




Stomach: acidity/

Nausea (and thirst)








Stomach: heartburn/

Eructations/nausea and thirst

Appetite increased


Abdomen: pain/flatulence



Stomach: acidity/ heartburn/eructations/ Nausea


Appetite increased


Abdomen: pain/flatulence





Stomach: acidity/ heartburn/eructations/ nausea (and thirst)


Appetite in-/decreased


Abdomen: pain/flatulence




Stomach: heartburn/

Eructations/ Nausea (and thirst)

Appetite decreased






Stomach: Nausea



Appetite increased







Sex desire less /more


Menses too early/too late/too short/copious                                            

Sex desire less /more. (female intensive)

Menses too early/too short/copious

Sex desire less /more. (female intensive)

Menses too late/copious


Sex desire less /more. (female intensive)

Menses too early/too short/copious


Sex desire less /more.


Menses too late


Sex desire less /more.


Sex desire less /more.


Menses too early/too short/copious



Chest: pain, constriction with difficult respiration   

Back: pain in lumbar  region

Chest: oppression/with difficult respiration

Back: pain in lumbar region

Chest: oppression/with

with difficult respiration

Chest: pain, constriction/oppression

with difficult respiration


Chest: pain, constriction



Back: pain in lumbar region


Sleep: deep/unrefreshing



Dream: amorous/vivid                                


sleep: restless/sleepy/



Dream: vivid

seep: restless/deep/ sleepy/sleepless (restless mind)/ unrefreshing

Dream: amorous/vivid


Sleep: restless/sleepless (restless mind) /unrefreshing

Dream: amorous





Dream: vivid

sleep: restless/deep/

sleepless (restless mind)

Sleepless (restless mind)/ unrefreshing




Dream: amorous

Desires: cold drinks/cold water



“As if heat”

lack of vital heat







“As if heat”



painful soreness throughout the body



Weak/weary/lassitude/ restless



“As if heat”


painful soreness throughout the body


Desires: sweets/cold drinks/cold water



“As if heat”

lack of vital heat

painful soreness throughout the body


Desires: sweets







“As if heat”







Desires: sweets/ cold drinks/cold water




lack of vital heat

painful soreness throughout the body



Wauters states that in the provings done on Pink all provers had dreams associated with motherhood, mothers, pregnancy, giving birth or holding a baby and that these dreams

about “mother Love” provided a strong indication on how best to use this remedy. She further states that Pink made everyone feel well and that it did have a specific action on

the physical body in relation to various skin conditions i.e. dry eczema, acne and skin rashes (Wauters, 1999:113).

Unfortunately, none of these dream symptoms appeared during the re-proving of remedy Pink 30CH. In fact, many of the mental and emotional symptoms that were produced

in this study were also in stark contrast as to what was encountered in the version of Pink related by Wauters (1999:112-114).

The researcher suspects that these discrepancies exist because the ‘symptoms’ documented in ‘Homeopathic Colour Remedies’ by Wauters (1999) were in fact largely attributes

and associations ascribed to the colour pink rather than produced by the remedy itself. For instance, Wauters (1999:112-114) states that pink is associated with universal mother

love and that it pertains to purity and innocence; she further states that the colour pink represents positivity, love, joy and tenderness and that it is also associated with gentleness,

sweetness and naiveté.

As can be seen, none of these characteristics are true proving symptoms but seem to be more esoteric connotations that have been applied to the colour itself (or to the ’heart chakra’

that the colour pink is said to possess an affinity towards) (Wauters, 1999:65-67).

Evident from the proving of Pink 30CH performed during this study in which symptoms: anger/rage/violence/depression/despondency/lasciviousness/lassitude were noted – none

of which appeared or was commented on in the original ‘’proving’’ from Wauters performed on remedy Pink. The researcher therefore feels that further re-provings should be

done on all of the remaining colour remedies in order to ascertain the proving effects of these substances according to proper Hahnemannian proving methodology.

However that remedy Pink certainly does seem to be homoeopathically related to the remedies Ign. Ph-ac. Puls. And Lacs allgemein as suggested by Wauters (1999:114).

Bailey: Ign. one of the most dramatic of remedy types encountered in homoeopathic practice (Vermeulen, 2004:714). In the mental and emotional spheres the Ign. characterized

by contradictory and alternating states; emotional outbursts which are very quickly controlled; spasmodic and erratic symptoms, and exaggeration (Vermeulen, 2004:712-714).

There is also much melancholia, sadness and tearfulness associated with this remedy (Vermeulen, 2000:802).

Other features that bear a remarkable resemblance to the symptomatology of remedy Pink 30CH include a ’highly emotional’ disposition; a desire to be alone; irritability and

’wildness at trifles’; moodiness; and an aversion to company with/without quarrelsomeness (Vermeulen, 2000:802-803).

Puls. another remedy that seems to bear some resemblance to remedy Pink 30CH. Is characterized by a tearful and emotional disposition with highly changeable, shifting symptoms

(Vermeulen, 2004:1109). Vermeulen (2004:1109) states that the symptoms change in an erratic fashion and that the patient may appear mild and pleasant one minute, and peevish

and tearful the very next.

There is also much irresolution, capriciousness, restlessness and weariness associated with Pulsatilla praetensis (Vermeulen, 2000:1297) as found in remedy Pink 30CH.

Ph-ac. has also been designated as a complementary remedy to Ign. (Sankaran, 2003:473; Vermeulen 2000:811), and as a remedy which is ’followed well by’ Puls.

during homoeopathic treatment (Sankaran, 2003:479; Vermeulen, 2000:1226). Thus it is evident that all three remedies are in fact related to each other, as well as to remedy

Pink 30CH.

Sankaran (2006:159) states that the mental state of Ph-ac. is one of excessive sleepiness, brooding, indifference, aversion to business, hopelessness and despair – all of which was

also encountered during the proving of Pink 30CH. Vermeulen (2000:1220) elaborates that there is also listlessness, hysteria, apathy and an inclination to weep in this remedy.

Sankaran (2006:159) further goes on to say that on the physical sphere Ph-ac. characterized by much weakness, a lack of energy and that the individual has an increased disposition

to lie down due to tremendous physical exhaustion.

Wauters (1999:114) does suggest that remedy Pink bears a resemblance to the milk group of remedies as an entirety – the researcher believes that it is most similar to Lac-leon.,

which bears the most similarities to remedy Pink 30CH. In his proving of Lac-leon. Sankaran (2004:153-166) states that the remedy produced symptoms and themes included:

Anger with violent impulses and a desire to smash or break things

Increased assertiveness



Malicious behaviour / Rage

Rude, loud and uncivil behaviour

Feelings of being attacked

Feelings of danger

Feelings of being offended

Increased sexuality

Restlessness with easy prostration

Amorous dreams

Physical weakness and sluggishness

All of above symptoms and themes are remarkably similar to those produced during the proving of remedy Pink 30CH. It is interesting Lac-leon. was used on Prover 7 to antidote

the disruptive, chaotic and violent symptoms that were experienced during the first week following the commencement of the proving.


Pink. a large number of mental symptoms:







antisocial behaviour.

Headaches and vertigo

Sleep disturbed: difficulty in falling asleep/sleeplessness from an activity of thoughts and restless sleep in general.

Difficulty in respiration,





copious eructations

Changes in the female menstrual cycle

Libido in both sexes

Affinity of the remedy for the nervous system: numbness, tingling, weakness and pain occurring throughout the various systems of the body.

The hypothesis that remedy Pink 30CH would also share symptoms and themes when compared with the other selected homoeopathic imponderabilia was also confirmed.



Irritability, impatience, anger

Psychotic, changeable mood

Heaviness, morose, sadness

Detachment, indifference





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