

Theorie Pink.

Comparison. Pink with Luna + Magnetis Polus Arcticus + Magnetis Polus Australis + Positronium + Radium bromatum + Sol + X-ray.

Rosa Edelsteine.: Diamant. Saphir. Turmalin. Topas. (Imperial-Topas), Quarz. (Rosenquarz), Beryll. (Morganit), Spinell, Granat. ( Rhodolith), Spodumen (Kunzit)

Science of Light and Color.

Erbiumsalzen sind rosarot gefärbt.

Vergleich: Siehe: Imponderables  + List of common symptoms of imponderabilia + Farben


Positiv: Unaufdringlich/anmutig/lieblich/zurückhaltend;

Negativ: Naiv/wenig vital/schwach/liebesbedürftig/schüchtern. Sentimental/Anstrengung abgeneigt/ziellos + schließt sich Zielbewussten an, Haut/Herzproblemen/Trauma/Trauer;

Frau: Stillvoll/erfolgreich durch zeigen von Schwäche/vornehm/gepflegt/elegant/charmant/liebt „Erlesenes“ /zum Kitschigem geneigt;

Mann: Homosexuell/Künstler;



[Olaf Rippe]

Zu den sedierenden Herzmitteln gehören zahlreiche weiß oder weiß-rosa blühende Pflanzen. Der Farbton ist zur Behandlung psychosomatischer Beschwerden besonders geeignet,

vor allem wenn seelische Probleme mit Herzbeschwerden einhergehen. Hierzu gehören beispielsweise Crataegus oxyacantha Ø (Weißdorn; Universalmittel), Leonurus cardiaca Ø

(Herzgespann; Unruhe bei gleichzeitigem Schwächegefühl), Lycopus europaeus Ø (Wolfstrapp; Schilddrüsenleiden, Herzunruhe, Hypertonie), Magnolia grandiflora D1/D4

(Magnolie; Krämpfe, aussetzender Herzschlag/-beklemmung), Melissa officinalis Ø (Melisse; Schilddrüsenleiden, Tachycardie), Rosa centifolia D2 / Rosa damascena Ø (Rose;

Psychotherapie, Libidoprobleme), Valeriana officinalis Ø (Baldrian; Herzunruhe, Schlafstörungen), Verbena officinalis Ø (Eisenkraut; enthält schilddrüsenregulierende Wirkstoffe).

Einige Mittel blühen in der Farbe des Herzens, z.B. Cactus grandiflorus (Königin der Nacht), Coffea arabica (Kaffee), Convallaria majalis (Maiglöckchen), Nicotiana tabacum (Tabak),

Nerium oleander (Oleander) oder Rauwolfia serpentina (Schlangenwurzel).


[Nevorndutt Somaru]

The objectives of the following research study were to:

1. Conduct a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled study in order to determine the sphere of action of the imponderable remedy Pink 30CH on healthy volunteers who recorded

the signs and symptoms produced in order

to determine the substances potential usefulness in a future clinical setting according to the Law of Similars.

2. Determine and highlight the commonalities shared between the symptoms and themes produced by remedy Pink 30CH and the other selected imponderable remedies.

In the homoeopathic drug proving of remedy Pink 30CH, provers were uninformed to both the nature of the substance as well as to the potency selected and used for proving purposes.

Neither the provers nor the research investigator had any knowledge of who received the verum or the placebo until the end of the proving.

Thirty (30) provers were selected after meeting the inclusion criteria of which thirty percent (30%) of the subjects received placebo in a randomised fashion. Verum and placebo were

dispensed to the proving body in a set of 6 powders which were taken sublingually 3x daily or until any proving symptoms were experienced.

All provers were examined and made to record in their journals before, during and after the administration of the proving substance so as to serve as their own intra-individual controls.

At the end of the proving period all journals were then recalled and all proving data recorded was then collated and edited into a repertory and materia medica format, which was then

used to formulate a homoeopathic drug picture of the remedy that could be used in future clinical settings.

The homoeopathic drug picture thus derived was then analysed with the aim of highlighting the important themes that were elicited during the proving. These symptoms and themes

were then related and compared to 7 other imponderable: remedies:

Luna (Moonlight);

Magnetis Polus Arcticus (North pole of the magnet);

Magnetis Polus Australis (South pole of the magnet);

Magnetis poli ambo (M-ambo.) = beide Magnetische Polen

Positronium (Anti-matter);

Radium bromatum (Radium bromide);

Sol (Sunlight)


Remedy Pink 30CH thus clearly produced observable signs and symptoms in healthy individuals as was hypothesised, as a wide variety of symptoms covering thirty-three (33) sections

of the materia medica were obtained. It was further hypothesised that the group analysis of the imponderabilia would illustrate the themes and symptoms common to these remedies,

which will in turn assist in the future understanding and application of these remedies in homoeopathic practice.

This was also verified as the group analysis of these imponderable remedies revealed the following set of thematic expressions:



Irritability, impatience, anger

Psychotic, changeable mood

Heaviness, morose, sadness

Detachment, indifference





The research investigator has decided to refrain from reproducing remedy Pink 30CH as the precise method of its manufacture could not be located and obtained. All references to the manufacturing process of these colour remedies in the published work ‘The Homoeopathic Colour Remedies’ by Ambika Wauters (1999), have also been found to be too vague and thus unusable for a precise reproduction of remedy Pink 30CH.

Wauters states that „auspicious days“, days of maximum and minimum light, such as the winter – and summer solstices were chosen on which to make the various colour remedies. No indication

is given however on which of the two solstices remedy Pink was prepared.

According to Wauters (1999:19) the remedy was originally produced by exposing glass beakers of distilled water to a light source; in this case and unlike for the other respective colour remedies,

pink filters could not be located – instead, Wauters wrapped the glass beakers of distilled water in pink silk fabric as a source of colour and exposed it to sunlight. Thereafter each glass beaker

was then rested upon small glass mirrors in order to better reflect, and thereby maximize, the pink coloured light vibrating through the distilled water in the glass beaker.

According to Wauters (1999:20) this now considered „colour impregnated“ distilled water was then preserved in alcohol and officially potentised in a homoeopathic fashion by John Morgan and

his staff at the Helios Homoeopathic Pharmacy in 1992. Remedy Pink 30CH was thus purchased in a medicating potency form (in 96% alcohol) from Helios Homoeopathic Pharmacy and used

as the proving substance.



Mind: Absentminded [dreamy (= daydreaming)

Abusive language

desires (creative) activity

yearning for affection


Anger (being beside oneself/easily/sudden/hearing other people talk/at trifles/violent)

Answering abruptly

Antagonism with herself

Antics - playing

Anxiety (causeless)

Attack others, desires to

Aversed to everybody

Awareness heightened (heart beating) (of own respiration)

Blissfull feeling

Desire to break things/breaking other’s valuables

Business aversed to

Busy (must keep)



Clarity of mind/confusion of mind

Company aversed to (desires solitude)


Concentration – active/difficult


Disposition to contradict


Cursing (desire to curse/in rage)


Delusions (is betrayed/is dirty/is forsaken/is neglected/is persecuted/is all powerful/is strong)




Discontented (with everything)/discouraged

Dullness (“As if enveloped in fog”)/ennui

Feeling of ease



Emotions – too strong/suppressed

Cannot express oneself

Fear (= apprehension, dread) (unable to perform duty/of motherhood/of getting pregnant)

Fight - wants to


Forgetful [of words while speaking (= word hunting)]

Forsaken feeling (“As if isolated”)


Hates humankind


Hurry (desires to/in movements/in occupation/work)

Ideas abundant

Impatient (with anger/everything goes too slowly)

Impulse morbid – sexual

Indifferent (with ennui/to everything/to suffering of others/of life)


Injustice - cannot support it

Irresolute (= indecision)

Irritable (easily/while idle/during menses/when spoken to/taciturn/with complaints of teeth/from trifles)

Kill, desires it (those who offended him/sudden impulse to kill for a slight offense)





Malicious – without feeling guilty/hurting other people’s feelings/desires to injure someone

Memory - active (for what one has read)/weakness of memory (expressing oneself/for words/what is about to say)

Menses – during

Mental power increased

Mirth – foolish

Mistakes, making [speaking (from fast thoughts/what he does not intend/misplacing words/mispronouncing words [using similar sounding ones instead)/wrong words in writing (> concentration/< criticism)/repetitive mistakes in writing (transposing letters)]

Mood – agreeable/alternating/changeable (quickly)

Morose (= gloomy, fretful, ill humor, sullen)



Power – sensation of

Prostration of mind

Quiet disposition (and calm/desires to be repose and tranquillity)

Rage (= fury) with cursing

Restless (anxious/internal)

Sad [anxious/”As from burden”/with despair/heaviness in brain/gloomy/with irritability/with lassitude/> occupation/with sleepiness/when waking/with weakness/with desire to weep]

Self-control increased


Senses acute

Sensitive (to criticism/feels as though she must shriek)


Spaced-out feeling

Speech – abrupt/hasty (and loud)/ repeats same things

Spoken to; being – aversed (wants to be let alone)

Sympathetic/unsympathetic/unfeeling/desires sympathy from others


Tension menta

Thoughts – compelling/vanishing while speaking/violent


Tranquility (= calmness; serenity) (not bothered by little problems/settled, centered and grounded)

Unobserving (= inattentive)

Violent at trifles

Desires to wash her hands always


Weeping [>/from admonition/causeless/after slight emotions/seeing others hurt/at trifles]

Contradiction of will/”As if had two wills”

Vertigo: and pain in head/tends to fall backward/< motion/>/< focusing on one object/< sitting

“As if turning in a circle”/”As if head whirling”

< walking

Head: Constriction - band or hoop/scalp

Dandruff (= pityriasis of the scalp)

“As if empty/hollow”

Eruptions – burning/itching/Scalp (itching < scratching)

Pain (= headache in general) <(<(<( viele )>)>)>

Perspiration on forehead

> (hard) pressure

Pulsating (< motion/> pressure)

Tingling (left part of scalp)

Vacant feeling

Eye: Heavy lids (upper/> closing the eyes)

Pain [burning (= smarting/sore (= bruised, tender)/stinging/stitching pain – “As if needles thrust into eyeball”]

“As if tired”

Twitching l.

Vision: Acute/weak/complaints accompanied by pain in head

Ear: > boring with fingers

“As if heat in meatus after scratching | boring”

Inflamed l. lobe

Itching [l./eustachian tubes/meatus (> boring with finger/> rubbing)


Noises in (buzzing when hearing people speak/ringing)

Wax increased (l.)

Nose: Catarrh


Discharge from posterior nares

Obstructed (one side/r.)

Smell acute

Face: “As if burnt” lips (lower/upper l.)

Clenched jaw


Cracked (middle of) lower lip


Eruptions [acne (l./r./chin/forehead)/painful (on nose < touch)/pimples (l./r./painful/white/on chin/l. cheek/forehead l./Nose (margins of nostrils/l./tip)/temples/red/nose (l. inside)]

Heat (flushes)

Licking lips <

Numb – l./r./cheeks/zygoma l.

Pain - aching/prosopalgia [lips burning (lower/upper l.)/stinging l.

Tingling (l./cheeks/zygoma l.)

Mouth: Tongue adheres to roof of mouth

Aphtae on tongue (painful)

Tongue bright red/red patches on margins

Tongue – white (dirty/heavily coated/root)

> after drinking

Dry (after drinking/tongue)

> eating

Eruptions – white vesicles - sides

Odor – offensive/putrid

Pain – Gums (cutting/during dentition)/in tongue in morning

Prickling in l. side of tongue

Pustules on l. side of tongue

Taste sour

Ulcers on tongue [left side/painful (to touch)]

Teeth: Dentirion difficult – wisdom teeth

Pain [evening/aching/> pressure/tingling/> touch/in molars (lower l.)]

Throat: Congestion

> warm drinks

Dry [accompanied by dry mouth/> (not) drinking/< after eating dry, hard food/nasopharynx]


“As if a lump” (pharynx)

Mucus (cann’t neither be swallowed nor hawked/in posterior nares)

Pain [evening (sore)]


Constant disposition to swallow

“As if swollen” of nasopharynx

“As if thick”

Neck: Tension

Stomach: Acidity

Appetite – diminished (and nausea)/increased/wanting

“As if distended”


Eructations (and pain in chest/< after dinner/excessive/burning)

Heartburn (in epigastrium)

Heaviness in oesophagus

Nausea [and eructations/during eructations/by thought of food/< motion/< odors/< rich food/riding in a carriage/in chest (behind sternum)/in oesophagus]

Pain (cramping/> eating/gnawing/< standing)

Thirst (at night/extreme/during headache/unquenchable)

Abdomen: Constricted (“As if clothes are too tight”)

”As if diarrhoea would come on”/”As if distended”

Emptiness (= faintness)

Flatulence (l. hypochondria obstructed)

Pain [morning cramping (on waking)/burning/cramping (wandering/before diarrhoea)/”As if diarrhoea would come on”/< after eating/gnawing/> lying/during menses (sore)/< motion/

< running/< pressure of clothes/sharp/”As if squeezed”/stitching/> after stool (cramping)/> stool/twisting/> warm bathing – cramping/lower abdomen (cramping/pressing/sore/stitching/

Twisting/during menses/ext. to lower back/ext. to l. thigh/ext. upper abdomen)/in pelvic region – central and within pelvis (aching)/region of umbilicus (burning/cramping)]

Rumbling - before stool/in lower abdomen


Rectum: Constipation [stool insufficient (= incomplete, unsatisfactory)]


Flatus [copious/offensive/putrid, foul/after stool/during stool]

“As if stool sits in anus after passing stool”

Urging (during hard stool)

Stool: Bloody/flatulent/frequent (morning)/hard/lumpy – liquid/mushy

Odor – offensive/putrid/sour

Thin (brown/lumpy and liquid)

Watery (brown)

Bladder: Urination – frequent (and thirst/when occupied, must run and pass a little urine)/seldom/urging to urinate [during sleep/sudden (must hasten to urinate or urine will escape)/with thirst]

Kidneys: Paind in region (morning/evening)

Urine: yellow – dark/more than drunk

Male organs: Coition enjoyment prolonged

Sexual desire – diminished/excessive/increased (after coition)/wanting

Female organs: Heavyness during menses

Leukorrhoea (bland/colorless/< after menses/scanty)

Menses – absent (= amenorrhoea)/black (with clots)/bright red (clotted/mingled with dark clots)/brown/clotted (large clots)/copious/dark (with clots)/too early/late/painful (flow scanty/

scanty (and too early)/too short (2 -3 days)

Pain (during menses – cramping/above the uterus (raw)/in uterus (< pressure)/uterus and region (grasping/twisting)

Prolapsus of uterus

Sex desire – diminished/increased (desire to be the dominant partner)/violent/wanting

Male and female organs: desire – absent/excessive/increased

Respiration: Deep/difficult

Oppression on chest - complaints “As if accompanied by a load”

Cough: Painful/sharp/tickling in throat

Chest: Compression

Constriction (< inspiration/> occupation)

Eruptions [Pimples/rash pink/on l. clavicle (rash)]

“As if foreign body” l.

Heat (l. side ext. r./”As if heat”)

Nausea in chest

Oppression “As from a weight on chest”/l.

Pain [< eructations/sore/behind sternum (cutting/> sitting erect/along the l. side (stitching)]


Back: Eruptions [acne/pimples (< touch)]

Pain [r./< during menses/> pressure/stitching/twisting/in cervical region (in one spot in centre of neck)/in dorsal region (middle part/stitching/in muscles/below scapula r./between scapulae/

In lumbar region (= small of back) (aching/dull/< rising/sore/< standing/stitching/< thirst)/in muscles in middle of back/in cervical region in morning on waking]

Stiffness in cervical region during headache

Tension [in cervical region (ext. to shoulders)/in trapezius muscles]

Extremities: Eruptions between 1st and 2nd (itching/rash)/between thumb and 1st finger (itching/rash) 1 1466

Formication – Hands (night/> lifting hands/> rubbing hands)

Fullness – veins of hands/upper limbs

Heat - feet burning

Itching – posterior part of l. forearms/l. wrist/wrists in spots

Odor of feet offensive without perspiration

Pain – feet burning/hollow of knees (= popliteus) inner l. side (aching/burning)/knees (r./behind patella/> warmth/< standing)

“As if feet swollen”

Tingling in l. back of hand

Weakness – Hands (in joints)

Sleep: Deep

Disturbed (by the slightest noise)

Falling asleep difficult


Position on back


Position on back


Restless (from heat of body)

Sleepy (with weakness/with weariness)

Sleepless [from anticipation/from cares (daily)/from activity of thoughts/from frequent urination/in spite of weariness]

Unrefreshing (morning)

Waking – from coldness/frequently/from slight noise

Dreams: Accidents (bloody/with a car/crash of a helicopter/careless activity resulting in death/amorous (homosexuality)/animals [birds/dogs (with no ears)/(rescued by) dolphins/rabbits/ surrounded by sharks/whales singing]/being attacked/bathing (with strangers/with best boyfriend)/betrayed his friend/body parts on a platter/books (with sexual content)/boyfriend (is missing

/is cheating on him/brutality/children who are orphans/coition (in a church/forced/with old girlfriend and his wife is in the next room/unsuccessful)/devoid of all color/brown/grey/

communication (with dolphins/with wales)/taking control of a situation/cutting or mutilating others/danger (escaping from danger/relatives in danger)/death of boyfriend/death of her cousin/being deceived/being deceitful/despair/disputes with own family/driving a car (fast/into oncoming traffic/and losing control/recklessly/in strange places)/embroidery/escapings/evil/explosion/ fights/fleeing/being forsaken/friends (meeting/old/seeing friends in a cheerful mood)/frustration/funerals/guilt/hiding from danger/homosexuality/hopeless/indecent behaviour of men and women/indecent proposal/infidelity/lascivious/lewd/being lost/naked men/landscape beautiful/is running late/longing for unrequited love/men performing sexual acts in front of a crowd/forbidden love/naked people/orgies/parties/enormous penis/pleasant/protecting/being pursued (by an evil invisible force/man naked covered in male genitalia/by rabbits)/robbers/sad/building sand castles/high school/meeting of old schoolmate/searching for someone and failing to find him/seeing again an old schoolmate/mother is selfish/sexual (aggressive/anal intercourse/he is having sex with old girlfriends/oral sex/having sex with several people/violent/watching people having intercourse/shameful/helping street children yet is arrogantly helpful/being suffocated, while being

gently caressed on his back/teeth falling out/being threatened/being tied up/unremembered/urgency/urinating (blood/desires it)/violence/vivid/wonderful/doing wrong (believes he has not

done wrong)

Chill: Chilliness

Perspiration: And pain in abdomen

From pain

Skin: Dry

Eruptions > cold applications

Generals: Activity increased

Energy excess (disruptive and un-coordinated)

Faintness from pain

Food and drinks: Desires: biscuits/bread/carbonated drinks/chocolate/coffee/fat/fruit/spices (= condiments, highly seasoned food)/sweets/yoghurt;

>: tea; Aversion to: cheese/chocolate/coffee/cold drink, cold water/dairy products/fat/rich food/vegetables/yoghurt;

Lack of vital heat

“As if heat” (< during menses)

Injuries (contusion with bruises)

Lassitude (after anger)

Pain [sore (= bruised)]

> Hard pressure


< riding on a streetcar

Sluggishness of the body

Smoking cigarettes – desire diminished

Swelling in general

Trembling internally – after anger/after rage

> Warmth

Weakness (< rising/on waking/und nausea/after anger/>)


Wounds tends to heal slowly


Affinity to the nervous system. In the mental/emotional sphere there were periods of increased sensitivity, heightened emotions, marked irritability, irresolution and the appearance of increased energy which was, at times, also described as a disorganized and uncontrollable energy. This state of instability then became even more apparent when the provers began to over-react in situations that normally would not warrant such behaviour, which included anger, rage, aggression, violence and profuse swearing. The moods of the provers were also described as being very changeable during the proving which also encompasses this state of instability. The end result of this over-excitable nervous and emotional system was a total exhaustion and physical weariness. At this point provers became indifferent and depressed which progressed to a level of despondency and complete hopelessness. It was during this time that provers began to display erratic behaviour – becoming snappishly aggressive, taciturn, averse to company and very temperamental.

On a more physical level – the state of instability was most noticeable in the form of vertigo which appeared as one of the very first symptoms during the proving itself. Other symptoms included a feeling of emptiness in the head,

stomach and which were not ameliorated by eating; a sensation of light-headedness; twitching in the eye; nausea aggravated by motion; uncontrollable and excessive urination and a heightened libido. Female provers also noticed erratic behaviour and changes in the menstrual cycles – with menses occurring too early, too late, shortened in duration and in some cases, menses being too scanty, too copious or being absent entirely. Pain in the knees; weakness in the hands, and swelling in the hands and feet were also documented, which in itself reflects the inability to perform an action as these afflicted regions were unstable.

Sleep was also largely affected with provers complaining of disturbances and difficulty in falling asleep. There were also dreams of driving recklessly and losing control, violence, indecent behaviour and of the teeth falling out – which in the researchers opinion encompasses the state of instability and the inability to maintain control either within a situation, or of a situation itself.



Wauters states that in the provings done on Pink all provers had dreams associated with motherhood, mothers, pregnancy, giving birth or holding a baby and that these dreams about

„mother love“ provided a strong indication on how best to use this remedy. She further states that Pink made everyone feel well and that it did have a specific action on the physical

body in relation to various skin conditions i.e. dry eczema, acne and skin rashes (Wauters, 1999:3).

Unfortunately, none of these dream symptoms appeared during the re-proving of remedy Pink 30CH. In fact, many of the mental and emotional symptoms that were produced in this

study were also in stark contrast as to what was encountered in the version of Pink related by Wauters (1999:2-4).

The researcher suspects that these discrepancies exist because the „symptoms“ documented in ‘Homeopathic Colour Remedies’ by Wauters (1999) were in fact largely attributes and

associations ascribed to the colour pink rather than produced by the remedy itself. For instance, Wauters (1999:2-4) states that pink is associated with universal mother love and that

it pertains to purity and innocence; she further states that the colour pink represents positivity, love, joy and tenderness and that it is also associated with gentleness, sweetness and naiveté.

As can be seen, none of these characteristics are true proving symptoms but seem to be more esoteric connotations that have been applied to the colour itself (or to the „heart chakra“

that the colour pink is said to possess an affinity towards) (Wauters, 1999:65-67).

This is evident from the proving of Pink 30CH performed during this study in which symptoms such as anger, rage, violence, depression, despondency, lasciviousness and lassitude

were encountered – none of which appeared or - 208 - was commented on in the original „provings“ performed on remedy Pink. The researcher therefore feels that further re-provings

should thus be done on all of the remaining colour remedies in order to ascertain the proving effects of these substances according to proper Hahnemannian proving methodology.

DD.: Ign. Ph-ac. Puls. Lacs allgemein.


Ign. one of the most dramatic of remedy types encountered in homoeopathic practice (Vermeulen, 2004:714). In the mental and emotional spheres the Ign. state is characterized by

contradictory and alternating states; emotional outbursts which are very quickly controlled; spasmodic and erratic symptoms, and exaggeration (Vermeulen, 2004:712-714). There is

also much melancholia, sadness and tearfulness associated with this remedy (Vermeulen, 2000:802). Other features that bear a remarkable resemblance to the symptomatology of

remedy Pink 30CH include a „highly emotional“ disposition; a desire to be alone; irritability and „wildness at trifles“; moodiness; and an aversion to company with/without

quarrelsomeness (Vermeulen, 2000:802-803).

Puls.: another remedy that seems to bear some resemblance to remedy Pink 30CH. This remedy state is also characterized by a tearful and emotional disposition with highly

changeable, shifting symptoms (Vermeulen, 2004:09). Vermeulen (2004:09) states that the symptoms change in an erratic fashion and that the patient may appear mild and

pleasant one minute, and peevish and tearful the very next. There is also much irresolution, capriciousness, restlessness and weariness associated with Puls. (Vermeulen, 2000:1297)

as found in remedy Pink 30CH.

Ph-ac.: designated as a complementary remedy to Ign. (Sankaran, 2003:473; Vermeulen 2000:8), and as a remedy „followed well by“ Puls. during homoeopathic treatment (Sankaran, 2003:479; Vermeulen, 2000:1226). Thus it is evident that these 3 remedies are in fact related to each other, as well as to remedy Pink 30CH.

[Sankaran (2006:159)]the mental state of Ph-ac. is one of excessive sleepiness, brooding, indifference, aversion to business, hopelessness and despair – all of which was also encountered

during the proving of Pink 30CH. Vermeulen (2000:1220): listlessness, hysteria, apathy and an inclination to weep in this remedy. Sankaran (2006:159) further goes on to say that on the

physical sphere Ph-ac. characterized by much weakness, a lack of energy and that the individual has an increased disposition to lie down due to tremendous physical exhaustion.

Although Wauters (1999:4) does suggest that remedy Pink bears a resemblance to the milk group of remedies as an entirety - the researcher believes that it is Lac leoninum (Lioness milk)

in particular which bears the most similarities to Pink 30CH. In his proving of Lac leoninum, Sankaran (2004:153-166) states that the remedy produced symptoms and themes which included:

Anger with violent impulses and a desire to smash or break things

Increased assertiveness



Malicious behaviour / Rage

Rude, loud and uncivil behaviour

Feelings of being attacked

Feelings of danger

Feelings of being offended

Increased sexuality

Restlessness with easy prostration

Amorous dreams

Physical weakness and sluggishness

All of above symptoms and themes are remarkably similar to those produced during the proving of remedy Pink 30CH. It is also interesting to note that it was Lac leoninum that

was used on Prover 7 in order to antidote the disruptive, chaotic and violent symptoms that were experienced during the first week following the commencement of the proving.


The age, gender and ethnic contribution of provers participating in a homoeopathic drug proving plays a vital role in obtaining a drug picture that can be truly regarded as being

well-rounded and reliable. In terms of the age distribution, subtle differences in proving symptoms produced may have been attributed to the fact that provers are in different

stages of the life cycle. This in turn may have had an effect on the level of sensitivity of each individual prover and in the areas in which these provers produced a predominance

of proving symptoms.

Very subtle differences were also noticed over the different ethnic groups which may be due to variations in prover lifestyles, diets, cultural backgrounds and personal habits –

although only a small percentage of provers participating in this proving were of African decent. Furthermore, the psychological and emotional differences between the gender

groups should also be considered in a proving, as it certainly does affect the manner in which symptoms are experienced and recorded as can seen from the prover entries made

during this proving.

Not imponderable: Ign. Nux-v. Ph-ac. Puls. Lac-c. Lac-ca. Lac-h. Lac-leon.


Stomach Appetite – diminished/increased/wanting






Pain (cramping)


[Christoph Drösser]

Das Farbadjektiv pink gibt es im Deutschen noch nicht lange. Es kommt aus dem Englischen, Wörterbücher verzeichnen es seit den 1980er Jahren. Es ist nicht gleichbedeutend

mit dem deutschen Wort rosa.

Wie findet man heraus, welche Farbtöne mit einem Wort bezeichnet werden? Man könnte Testpersonen Farbfelder in verschiedenen Schattierungen zeigen und auswerten, welche

Bedeutung die Begriffe Rosa und Pink haben. Oder man wählt eine Methode, die die Münchner Linguistin Caroline Kaufmann 2006 in ihrer Doktorarbeit benutzte: Sie suchte im

Institut für Deutsche Sprache vor allem nach Zeitungsartikeln, in denen die Wörter rosa, pink und rot verwendet wurden und wertete aus, was für Objekte das jeweilige Farbattribut

bekommen hatten. Eine große Fleißarbeit.

Kaufmann kam zum Schluss, dass pink ein "klares Hyponym zu rosa" sei: Alles, was wir pink nennen, ist auch rosa - aber umgekehrt nicht. Mit Pink bezeichnen wir "einen relativ

kräftigen, grellen Farbton, der in der Natur eher selten vorkommt". Jene schreiende Mädchenzimmer-Farbe also. Das Spektrum vom englischen pink dagegen ist ähnlich weit wie

unser Rosa, es umfasst alles vom zarten Hautton der Schweine über fast braune Schattierungen bis zu jenem kreischenden "deutschen" Pink.


Vergleich Ign. Imp-g. Kaliums. Lac’s. Muriaticums. Ph-ac. Puls. Calliandra brevipes (= Pink Powderpuff/= Esponja./Fabales.).

rose Perle. [wird in Strombus gigas = Schnecke/= Queen. Conch/MolluscaeS.= Glücksymbol (Buddhismus.)].

Phoenicoptrus ruber roseus. = Rosa-Flamingo/= Wasservogel. = Symbol des Kubera (Sanskrit = „der Unförmige") ist der vedische Gott des Reichtums und der Schätze. der Erde.                               


Rubellit. w (= borhaltiges Magnesium-Aluminiumsilikati/= roter Turmalin/= Rosarote).

Siehe Farben allgemein


Allerlei Weiß + Rot gemischt         kitschig/festlich/neugeborenes Mädchen

Zärtlich, zart, kindlich, süß, kitschig.



Vorwort/Suchen.                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen.                                   Impressum.