Vespa crabro Anhang


[Alta Vogel]

Vespa crabro (European Hornet) The primary choice for Vespa (according to miasmatic keyword search) also indicates the tubercular miasm. There are intense reactions and keywords closed, suffocation and obstruction

(examples provided in the qualitative analysis):“The pain for a minute or two was intense” (Allen, 1879).

“Intense itching of the part (right side of neck), every day about 3 or 4 h., lasting about half an hour” (Allen, 1879).

“Erythema; intense itching; burning” (Boericke, 1927).

“Eyes nearly closed, two or three hours after sting” (Hering, 1879).

“Nerves - FAINTING, faintness, - closed, room, in” (Murphy, 1993).

As stated earlier, one cannot simply take the quantitative aspects of the keyword searches into account, therefore qualitative aspects of Vespa in accordance to the tubercular miasm follows below:

- fatigue can lead to mental passivity and confusion :

“Convulsions, loss of consciousness, don’t answer when spoken to, looks into space, and has no recollection of attack” (Vermeulen, 2000:1604).

- Love of mountains, crave fresh air and open spaces

“Modalities: <: Hot stove/closed room” (Vermeulen, 2000:1605).

- Tend to be feverish, sweating a lot

“The general and constitutional disturbances were marked by slight rigors and febrile conditions, felt mostly in the evening” (Allen, 1879).

“After two hours fever, delirium, face, neck, arms and chest swollen and shining red, inspiration impeded, swallowing difficult, pulse 126, heart's action irregular and tumultuous”(Allen, 1879).

“A lady was stung by a wasp on Back of left middle finger; pain extremely intense; in a few moments skin became red, and violent fever developed” (Hering, 1879).

“Spasm of glottis (after application of diluted ammonia to tongue), face pale, drops of sweat on forehead” (Murphy, 1993). “Characteristic is perspiration on parts laid on” (Vermeulen, 2000:1604).

- Weakness in respiratory system, leading to frequent coughs, colds and flu

RESPIRATION - DIFFICULT (Schroyens, 2001).

“Arms thrown out to gasp for air, he got out of bed, sank Back on bed, face livid, breath and pulse stopped. Dyspnea. Respiration hurried” (Murphy, 1993).

- Sensation of being caught, suffocated and compressed (a picture of a man being trapped in a very narrow tunnel)

CHEST - OPPRESSION (Schroyens, 2001).

RESPIRATION - IMPEDED, obstructed (Schroyens, 2001).

As if about to suffocate (Allen, 1879).

Dyspnoea; suffocation (Hering, 1879).

“After bathing for awhile the affected parts, I got into bed again, feeling somewhat relieved, and fell asleep; but about two hours afterwards, I was again suddenly roused, this time by a sense of suffocation and

difficulty of swallowing, and a renewal of the former distress, with intensified severity” (Allen, 1879).

“Sensation as if a harpoon were sticking deep in and were drawn on. As if about to suffocate. Sensation as if dying” (Vermeulen, 2000:1604).

- Time is short, too much to be done

MIND - DELUSIONS - dying - he is (Schroyens, 2001).MIND - DEATH - dying, sensation as if (Schroyens, 2001).

- Burnt out, going towards total destruction

“After living in a malarious country, hard work, and great exhaustion, took tincture of Vespa and the polyuria was cured” (Allen, 1879). “Weakness; with enuresis somni, heat especially overpowers him” (Allen, 1879).

“Faintness; all day, with trembling and nausea” (Allen, 1879).

According to Vermeulen (2000:1604) the essence of this remedy is the sensation that one is about to suffocate, a sensation of dying, with consequential violent and intense reactions.


Vespa crabra (European Hornet) 
The primary choice for Vespa (according to miasmatic keyword search) also indicates the tubercular miasm. There are intense reactions and keywords closed, suffocation and obstruction (examples provided in the qualitative 
„The pain for a minute or two was intense“ (Allen, 1879). 
„Intense itching of the part (right side of neck), every day about 3 or 4 h., lasting about half an hour“ (Allen, 1879). 
„Erythema; intense itching; burning“ Boericke, 1927). 
„Eyes nearly closed, two or three hours after sting“ Hering, 1879). 
„Nerves - FAINTING, faintness, - closed, room, in“ Murphy, 1993). 
As stated earlier, one cannot simply take the quantitative aspects of the keyword searches into account, therefore qualitative aspects of Vespa in accordance to the tubercular miasm follows below: 
- fatigue can lead to mental passivity and confusion : 
„Convulsions, loss of consciousness, don’t answer when spoken to, looks into space, and has no recollection of attack“ (Vermeulen, 2000: 1604). 
- Love of mountains, crave fresh air and open spaces 
„Modalities: Worse: Hot stove. Closed room“(Vermeulen, 2000: 1605). 
- Tend to be feverish, sweating a lot 
„The general and constitutional disturbances were marked by slight rigors and febrile conditions, felt mostly in the evening“ (Allen, 1879). 
„After two hours fever, delirium, face, neck, arms and chest swollen and shining red, inspiration impeded, swallowing difficult, pulse 126, heart's action irregular and tumultuous“¯(Allen, 1879). 
„A lady was stung by a wasp on back of left middle finger; pain extremely intense; in a few moments skin became red, and violent fever developed“ (Hering, 1879). 
„Spasm of glottis (after application of diluted ammonia to tongue), face pale, drops of sweat on forehead“ (Murphy, 1993). 
„Characteristic is perspiration on parts laid on“(Vermeulen, 2000: 1604). 
- Weakness in respiratory system, leading to frequent coughs, colds and flu 
               RESPIRATION DIFFICULT (Schroyens, 2001). 
„Arms thrown out to gasp for air, he got out of bed, sank back on bed, face livid, breath and pulse stopped. Dyspnea. Respiration hurried“ (Murphy, 1993). 
- Sensation of being caught, suffocated and compressed (a picture of a man being trapped in a very narrow tunnel) 
CHEST OPPRESSION (Schroyens, 2001). 
RESPIRATION - IMPEDED, obstructed (Schroyens, 2001). 
 As if about to suffocate (Allen, 1879). 
 Dyspnoea; suffocation (Hering, 1879). 
 „After bathing for awhile the affected parts, I got into bed again, feeling somewhat relieved, and fell asleep; but about two hours afterwards, I was again suddenly roused, this time by a sense of suffocation and 
difficulty of swallowing, and a renewal of the former distress, with intensified severity“ (Allen, 1879). 
„Sensation as if a harpoon were sticking deep in and were drawn on. As if about to suffocate. Sensation as if dying“ (Vermeulen, 2000: 1604). 
- Time is short, too much to be done 
MIND - DELUSIONS - dying - he is (Schroyens, 2001). 
MIND - DEATH - dying, sensation as if (Schroyens, 2001). 
- Burnt out, going towards total destruction 
„After living in a malarious country, hard work, and great exhaustion, took tincture of Vespa and the polyuria was cured“ (Allen, 1879). 
„Weakness; with enuresis somni, heat especially overpowers him“ (Allen, 1879). 
„Faintness; all day, with trembling and nausea“ (Allen, 1879). 
According to Vermeulen (2000: 1604) the essence of this remedy is the sensation that one is about to suffocate, a sensation of dying, with consequential violent and intense reactions. 



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