Acidum gallicum Anhang


[Thomas Schweser]

Gallicum acidum, Gallussäure, ist eine farblose kristalline Substanz, die in kaltem Wasser nur gering, in heißem Wasser gut löslich ist. Der Chemiker bezeichnet diese auch als

3,4,5-Tri-hydroxybenzoesäure. Sie wirkt adstringierend, schmeckt etwas säuerlich und bildet seidenglänzende, feine Nadeln.

Gallussäure findet sich in verschiedenen Pflanzen [Eichenrinde/Galläpfeln, wo sie ein wichtiger Bestandteil der in ihnen vorkommenden Tannine (Gerbstoffe) ist]. Aber auch Tee enthält ein gewisses Quantum Gallussäure, grüner Tee 10x mehr als Schwarztee.

Galläpfel sind rundliche Auswüchse an Blättern und Zweigen bestimmter Wirtspflanzen (Eichen und andere), die sich reaktiv nach der Eiablage eines Insektes mittels Legebohrer in das Pflanzengewebe bilden. Als Reiz für das Wachstum der Galle fungieren aber auch Absonderungen des Eies und der späteren Larve. Die bis zu zwei Zentimeter durchmessenden Gallen bieten der heranwachsenden Larve nicht nur Logis, sondern auch Kost, denn das proteinreiche Gallengewebe dient deren Ernährung.

Zur Arzneiherstellung wird Gallussäure aus Galläpfeln der Färbergallwespe Cynips tinctoria verwendet, die ihre befruchteten Eier in die Unterseite von Eichenblättern bohrt. Außer der Färbergallwespe gibt es noch andere Gallwespen, durch deren Eiablage Gallen hervorgerufen werden. Auch gibt es bei den Eichen verschiedene Arten, die befallen werden können. Je nach Wespen- und Eichenart lassen sich Gallen unterscheiden, die 30 bis 70% Gerbstoffe enthalten. Chinesische Gallen dagegen werden nicht durch eine Wespe, sondern durch Blattläuse auf Sumach-Pflanzen verursacht. Deren Gallen sind von unregelmässigem Aussehen, eher länglich, bis zu acht Zentimeter gross und enthalten bis zu 75% Gerbstoffe. Diese Gerbstoffe dienen übrigens dem Baum zur Abwehr von Fressfeinden, indem sie Proteine deaktivieren. Bringt man Gerbstoffe mit in Tierhäuten enthaltenen Eiweißstoffen in Kontakt, bewirken sie eine Vernetzung der Proteinketten, so dass ein stabiles Leder entsteht. Ein Vorgang, den man als Gerben bezeichnet.

Weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der Tannine sind medizinisch als Adstringens und Styptikum (Blutstillung) sowie technisch als Beizmittel in Färbereien und bei der Tintenfabrikation.

Eisengallustinte, die aus Eisen(II)-sulfat, Galläpfeln, Wasser und Gummi arabicum hergestellt wird, ist eine seit über 2000 Jahren gebräuchliche schwarze Tinte, die auch noch heutzutage aufgrund ihrer Dokumentenechtheit z.B. bei der Unterzeichnung von Staatsverträgen Anwendung findet.

Informationen zu Gallicum acidum finden sich CLARKE’S ’Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica’.

Eine Prüfung führte DR. D.S. KIMBALL durch, die 1872 im ’American Homeopathic Observer’ publiziert wurde und auch in HUGHES’ ’Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesy’ erwähnt wird.

Gallicum acidum im Repertorium:

Bevor ich zum Hauptanliegen meines Artikels, der Wiedergabe zentraler Aspekte diverser Kasuistiken, komme, möchte ich einige Gemütsrubriken wiedergeben. In meinem schon einige Jahre alten Repertorium ’Mac Repertory’, Version ’Complete Millenium’ ist die Arznei mit 282 Einträgen vorhanden.

Da relativ unbekannte Arzneimittel aus nachvollziehbaren Gründen zunächst überwiegend im ersten Grad eingetragen werden, spätere Aufwertungen aufgrund mangelnder Praxiserfahrungen oder unzureichender Nachbearbeitung von Seiten  der  Repertoriumshersteller  des  Öfteren  unterbleiben, möchte ich auf die Angabe des Grades verzichten. So betonen mehrere Praktiker wie G. Vithoulkas die enorme Eifersucht bei Gallicum acidum, in meiner Repertoriumsversion erscheint die Arznei diesbzgl. nur im ersten Grad. Dennoch vermittelt der folgende Auszug der nur 51 Einträge 1 im Kapitel Gemüt ein überraschend deutliches, wenn auch nicht sonderlich sympathisches Bild dieser Arznei:


















Beeindruckend ist das ausgeprägte Gewaltpotenzial, das auf mannigfaltige Art und Weise ausgedrückt werden kann, wie z.B. Treten (bei Säuglingen z.B. beim Windelwechsel), Schlagen, Beißen oder Fluchen. Dem zugrunde zu liegen scheint ein massives Gefühl der Vernachlässigung (Eifersucht, Angst beim Alleinsein, möchte ständig beobachtet werden etc).

Im Bereich der körperlichen Sphäre waren für mich im Repertorium keine deutlichen Schwerpunkte, durchgehenden Modalitäten/Muster etc. erkennbar, sieht man davon ab, dass der Bereich ’Brust – Schmerzen’ insgesamt 38 Einträge umfasst.

VERMEULEN ’Synoptische Materia Medica 2’ erwähnt u.a.:

− Starke Nachtschweiße.

− Verlangen nach Geräuchertem, Abneigung gegen Hering.

− Übermäßige Trockenheit in Mund und Hals.

− Bronchitis; Schmerzen in der Brust; Husten & profuser klebriger Auswurf; < nachts.

− Starke Fußschweiße.

Und nun möchte ich Ihre Aufmerksamkeit einleitend auf ANANDA ZARENS Erfahrungen mit Gallicum acidum lenken.

2 Kasuistiken

ANANDA ZAREN betont bei Gall-ac. vor allem zwei Aspekte: die starke Angst vor dem Alleinsein, nachts wie auch tagsüber, und eine ausgeprägte Destruktivität.

Zusätzlich kann auch eine Furcht vor Dunkelheit und vor Geistern bestehen.

Ihrer Erfahrung nach wirken die Betroffenen oft wie eine Mischung aus Tuberkulinum und Stramonium.

Als Auslöser der Ängste und des Verhaltens hat A. ZAREN in ihren Fällen einen Schock ausgemacht, wie z.B. eine Trennung von der Hauptbezugsperson. Kinder lassen von dem Zeitpunkt an nie mehr die Eltern aus dem Auge. Genauso wie sie beim Spielen nicht verlieren können, müssen sie immer im Mittelpunkt  der  Aufmerksamkeit  stehen.  Sie  sind  starke  Anführer, die andere Kinder ziemlich anstacheln können, und können sehr manipulativ sein

Gall-ac. sieht oft zornig aus. Man kann Verspannungen im Körper oder um den Kiefer wahrnehmen. Die Zorn tritt nicht episodenhaft auf, sondern liegt immer vor und ist nach außen gegen andere gerichtet. Er führt nicht zu Eigenverletzung und hat keine hysterische Qualität.

In 8 Fällen wurden Zwangshandlungen beobachtet; die Betroffenen mussten Sachen anfassen oder an ihnen riechen.

Häufig sieht man sie ihre Zunge lecken und kleine Bläschen kommen beim Sprechen aus dem Mund.


Zusätzlich zu diesem Beitrag hat ANANDA ZAREN in den ’Homoeopathic Links’ 1/93 noch einen kurzen Fall publiziert.

8-jähriger  Bub  mit  chronisch-rezidivierender  Sinusitis. 

Modalitäten: < in einem warmen Zimmer/kalte Getränke/wild-ruppigen Spielen; >: durch frische Luft;

Die Beziehung zu seiner Mutter ist sehr eng, vor seinem ungeduldigen Vater fürchtet er sich manchmal, wenn dieser erbost seine Stimme erhebt.

Nach dem Gehenlernen wurde er hyperaktiv und entwickelte eine Aufmerksamkeitsstörung. Er kann sich kaum auf ein Vorhaben konzentrieren. Gegenüber seiner Schwester und den Mitschülern verhält er sich sehr aggressiv, er stört den Unterricht, spuckt, schlägt, flucht, bedankt sich niemals und ignoriert es, wenn man ihn wegen seinem Benehmen anspricht. Die ganze Zeit besteht er aber auf die Beachtung durch seine Mutter.

Ängste bestehen vor Dunkelheit, vor dem Alleinsein und vor Räubern und Geistern. So muss er jede Nacht in das Bett der Eltern gehen, obwohl seine 11 Jahre alte Schwester mit im gleichen Zimmer übernachtet.

Weitere Symptome sind Eifersucht, Zähneknirschen, Kopfrollen und Treten im Schlaf und eine ausgeprägte Verletzungsneigung beim Spielen. Er ist jede Woche in der Notaufnahme.

Einen Monat nach der Gabe von Gallicum acidum C 200 waren keine Sinusitiden mehr aufgetreten, aber sein Benehmen hatte sich so verschlimmert, dass seine Eltern nicht mehr weiter wussten. Immerhin war kein Besuch in der Notaufnahme mehr notwendig gewesen.


Zwei Monate später hatte sich eine Besserung auf allen Ebenen durchgesetzt. Weder Sinusitiden noch gelb-grüne Nasenabsonderungen  waren  aufgetreten.  Die  Konzentration  ist  deutlich besser, wie auch sein gesamtes Sozialverhalten: Weder Treten noch Schlagen noch Spucken sind aufgetreten.

Wenn man ihn jetzt zurechtweist, hört er einem zu. Mittlerweile kann er eine halbe Stunde allein bleiben, ist aber immer noch sehr auf Beachtung erpicht.

Im elterlichen Schlafzimmer erscheint er nur noch zwei Mal pro Woche. Kopfrollen und das Zähneknirschen sind nicht mehr vorhanden. Seine Mutter findet, dass sein Spiel nicht mehr so rau ist, und er verletzt sich nicht mehr.


Nach sieben Monaten geht es ihm weiterhin gut. Sinusitiden sind keine mehr aufgetreten. Sein Verhalten hat sich um 80% gebessert, die Aufmerksamkeitsspanne um ca. 70%.

Die folgenden Aspekte eines Gall-ac.-Falles von ALIZE TIMMERMAN  (München, November 1999) illustrieren deutlich das Gefühl der Eifersucht und des Zu-kurz-gekommen-Sein.

10-jähriges Mädchen. Ihr Hauptgefühl: Sie fühlt sich ausgeschlossen und schlecht behandelt, weswegen es immer wieder Machtkämpfe gibt. Nachts muss ihre Schlafzimmertür offen bleiben, damit sie hören kann, was ihre Eltern tun. Zum Beispiel könnten diese ja Schokolade ohne sie essen. Morgens geht sie an den Kühlschrank und schaut nach, wie viel ihre Eltern gegessen haben.

Wenn für sie nichts übrig gelassen wurde, wird sie sehr wütend. Sie schreit dann ihre Eltern an und beschimpft sie auf wüsteste Art und Weise („Du doofes Weib“, „Du Krebsgeschwür“, „Ich schlepp dich vor den Richter!“)

Überhaupt findet sie es unfair, dass ihre Eltern einander haben und sie allein ist. Da sie nicht allein sein kann, will sie nachts zwischen den Eltern schlafen. (Auch bei der Anamnese hat sie sich zwischen die Eltern gequetscht.) Ständig beschuldigt sie diese. Als der Psychiater den Eltern sagte, dass sie sich mehr um sie kümmern mussten, war sie darüber sehr erfreut. (Als die Mutter dies berichtete, grinste sie zufrieden.) Sie beobachtet die ganze Zeit ihre Eltern, um zu kontrollieren, dass sie nicht benachteiligt wird. Alles, was ihre Mutter macht, will auch sie machen; die Folge sind die schon erwähnten Machtkämpfe. Entschuldigungen und sich bedanken sind in ihrem Verhaltensrepertoire nicht vorhanden.

Ist die Behandlung eines Menschen mit Gall-ac. sicherlich schon ein seltenes Ereignis, dürfte die Behandlung eines Katers mit Gall-ac., wie sie der Heilpraktiker und Tierarzt DR. MED. VET. STEFAN KOHLRAUSCH in der ’Homöopathie-Zeit-schrift’ II/97 dokumentiert hat, ein Novum sein.

Gremlin ist ein Kater, der aus Eifersucht sehr rabiat werden kann. Ist der Ehemann auf Dienstreise, schläft er neben Frauchens Kopf im Bett, was ihn sichtlich sexuell erregt. Ansonsten aber muss er das Schlafzimmer verlassen, weil er dann jeder Zärtlichkeit abgeneigt ist. Zur Rache pinkelt und kotet er vor die Schlafzimmertür, wobei es ihm besondere Freude bereitet, wenn er dabei beobachtet wird. Strafen wie Futterentzug, Missachtung etc. sind bei ihm völlig sinnlos.



Den Untersuchungsversuch durch den Tierarzt quittiert er mit einem lauten Fauchen und einem extrem schnell ausgeführten Schlag der Vorderpranke. Dringen Katzen oder Hunde in sein Reich ein, werden sie gnadenlos verfolgt.


Aber Gremlin hat auch eine Schokoladenseite. Kätzinnen gegenüber verhält er sich äußerst galant und großzügig (er überlässt ihnen sein Futter!) und mit seiner Besitzerin fährt er freiwillig mit dem Motorrad in die Münchner City, um dort wie selbstverständlich zwischen den Menschen zu flanieren.


Fünf Wochen nach Gall-ac. C 30 hatte Gremlin zwischenzeitlich nur noch zwei Mal vor die Türe gekotet und deutlich seltener gepinkelt. Drei Monate später ist nur noch gelegentliches  Urinieren übrig geblieben.



Zwei weitere Fälle finden sich in einem neuen Buch zu den Nachtschatten von M. MANGIALAVORI.

Der erste beschreibt die Behandlung eines 15 Monate alten Mädchens mit einem Ausschlag am Po und den Oberschenkeln. Die wesentlichen Aspekte wurden schon erwähnt, so möchte ich nur kurz die intensivsten und auffälligsten Symptome auflisten:

− Extrem Besitz ergreifend, alles, was sie sieht, ist „Meins!“.

− Will viel essen, erbricht es aber (Muttermilch etc.).

− Extreme Eifersucht, fordert Aufmerksamkeit der Eltern mit allen Mitteln (Schreien, Spielzeug ins Gesicht werfen etc.). Sagt „Mama gehört mir!“ wenn die Mutter die jüngste Schwester auf den Arm nimmt.

− Schreit oder lacht, wenn die Eltern sie anschreien.

− Kann nie alleine sein, sie lässt noch nicht einmal die Oma allein auf die Toilette gehen.

− Verschlimmerung der kompletten Symptomatik seit der Geburt eines Geschwisterchens.

− Harte, knotige und große Stühle.

Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Ursubstanz und AMB

Natürlich stellt sich auch die Frage, wie sich die Symptomatik und die zentralen Themen mit der Ursubstanz in Verbindung bringen lassen, und sei es ’nur’ zum Zwecke der einfacheren Memorisierung. Die ’Produktion’ der Gallussäure beginnt im Sommer damit, dass das Insekt mit seinem Legestachel bzw. -bohrer ein Ei ablegt – es kommt zu einer Verletzung der Pflanze und reaktiv zur Bildung des Gallapfels, einer pathologischen Wucherung. Diese Verletzung ist nicht von kurzer Dauer, denn die Larve, die

dem Ei entschlüpft, lebt ein halbes Jahr und länger völlig isoliert von der Umwelt in ihrem kugelförmigen Schutzraum, wobei sie sich die ganze Zeit von einem eiweißreichen Nährgewebe ernährt, dass von der Pflanze produziert wird. Nach dem Schlüpfen beginnt

das nur wenige Wochen andauernde Außenleben der Wespe, die in dieser Zeit bis auf gelegentliche Wassertropfen keine weitere Nahrung aufnimmt.

Und die Patienten? So wie die parasitäre Larve einen permanenten Reiz auf das Pflanzengewebe ausübt, sind auch die Patienten ein ständiger Reizfaktor für ihre Umgebung. Und natürlich ist die Gallussäure an  sich  schon  eine  ätzende Substanz.

Der Eifersucht und dem ausgeprägten Verlangen nach ständiger Beachtung und Gesellschaft, mag ein Gefühl der Verlassenheit und des Nicht-dazu-gehörens zugrunde liegen, eine Parallele zu der Tatsache, dass das Insekt den größten Teil seines Lebens isoliert und allein in einem kleinen Raum verbringt.

Auch die Adstringenz der Gallussäure, die ein fühlbarer Reiz und keine bittere Geschmacksempfindung ist, wie oft fälschlicherweise angenommen wird, mag ein Licht auf den inneren Zustand werfen, in dem sich Gall-ac.-Patienten befinden.

Adstringenz leitet sich ab von dem lateinischen ’adstringere’ und bedeutet zusammenziehen. Wie sich die adstringierende Wirkung der Tannine anfühlt, hat jeder schon gespürt, der einen (trockenen) Rotwein getrunken hat. Die Gerbstoffe reagieren mit den im Speichel vorhandenen Proteinen und fällen diese aus. Dadurch verliert der Speichel seine Wirkung als Gleitmittel im Mundraum unter Entstehung eines Sinneseindrucks, den man als reibend, pelzig und austrocknend beschreibt. Es entsteht vermehrte Reibung, ganz so wie in der sozialen Interaktion zwischen

Gall-ac.-Patienten und ihren Mitmenschen. Und auch das Bild eines sich zusammenziehenden Mundes ist nicht gerade ein Symbol für unbeschwerte Lebensfreude.


[William Boericke]

Phthisis. It checks the morbid secretions, gives tone to the stomach, increases the appetite. Passive hæmorrhages when pulse is feeble and capillaries relaxed, cold skin. Hæmaturia. Hæmophilia. Itching of skin. Pyrosis.

Mind: Wild delirium at night; very restless, jumps out of bed; sweats; afraid to be alone; rude and abuses every one.

Head: Pain in back of head and neck. Thick, stringy discharge from nose; photophobia with burning of lids.

Respiratory: Pain in lungs; pulmonary hæmorrhage; excessive expectoration. Much mucus in throat in the morning. Dry at night.

Urinary: Kidneys painful, distress along ureters into bladder. Dull heavy pain in bladder, directly over pubis. Urine loaded with thick, cream-colored mucus.

Rectum: Copious stool; anus feels constricted. Faint feeling after stool. Chronic mucous discharges.



Gemüt: Angst - wenn allein (verlangt beobachtet zu werden)/Furcht vor dem allein sein

Ärger, Zorn, Wut durch Widerspruch

Beißt Menschen

Beleidigt, beschimpft, verletzt (beste) Freunde

Diktatorisch, herrisch, dogmatisch, despotisch

EiferSUCHT im Allg. - wenn keineAufmerksamkeit bekommt/streitet, macht Vorwürfe, schimpft

Will Fluchen

Gesellschaft, verlangt danach - < wenn allein/möchte ständig beobachtet werden

Grob, unflätig im Allg.

Reizbar, gereizt - maßlos

RuheLOS, nerVÖS - Kind


Widerspruch unduldbar


Beeindruckend ist das ausgeprägte Gewaltpotenzial, das auf mannigfaltige Art und Weise ausgedrückt werden kann [Treten (bei Säuglingen z.B. beim Windelwechsel)], Schlagen,

Beißen o. Fluchen. Dem zugrunde zu liegen scheint ein massives Gefühl der Vernachlässigung (Eifersucht/Angst/beim Alleinsein, möchte ständig beobachtet werden etc).

Im Bereich der körperlichen Sphäre waren im Repertorium keine deutlichen Schwerpunkte, durchgehenden Modalitäten/Muster etc. erkennbar, außer Brust - Schmerz: einige

Vermeulen ’Synoptische Materia Medica 2’ erwähnt u.a.:

− Starke Nachtschweiße.

− Verlangt Geräuchertem, Abgeneigt gegen Hering.

− Übermäßige Trockenheit in Mund und Hals.

− Bronchitis; Schmerz in der Brust; Husten + profuser klebriger Auswurf; < nachts.

− Starke Fußschweiße.


[Ananda Zaren]

2 Aspekte: ANGST - vor dem Alleinsein (nachts/tagsüber) und eine ausgeprägte Destruktivität. Zusätzlich eine Furcht vor Dunkelheit/vor Geistern.

Ursache: Ängste = Schock (wie eine Trennung von der Hauptbezugsperson). Kinder lassen von dem Zeitpunkt an nie mehr die Eltern aus dem Auge. Genauso wie sie

beim Spielen nicht verlieren können, müssen sie immer im Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit stehen. Sie sind starke Anführer, die andere Kinder ziemlich anstacheln können, können sehr manipulativ sein

Gall-ac. sieht oft zornig aus. Man kann Verspannungen im Körper/um den Kiefer wahrnehmen. Die Zorn nicht episodenhaft, sondern liegt immer vor und ist nach außen

gegen andere gerichtet. Er führt nicht zu Eigenverletzung und hat keine hysterische Qualität.

Zwangshandlungen in acht Fällen; Betroffenen mussten Sachen anfassen o. an ihnen riechen.

Häufig sieht man sie ihre Zunge lecken und kleine Bläschen kommen beim Sprechen aus dem Mund.

Mund: Bewegen der Zunge - Lecken (vor und zurück)


Zusätzlich: 8-jähriger Bub mit chronisch-rezidivierender Sinusitis.

Modalitäten: < in einem warmen Zimmer, < kalte Getränke, < bei wild-ruppigen Spielen, > durch frische Luft.

Beziehung zu seiner Mutter ist ENG, vor seinem ungeduldigen Vater fürchtet er sich manchmal, wenn dieser erbost seine Stimme erhebt.

Nach dem Gehen lernen wurde er hyperaktiv und entwickelte eine Aufmerksamkeitsstörung. Er kann sich kaum auf ein Vorhaben konzentrieren. Gegenüber seiner Schwester und den Mitschülern verhält er sich sehr aggressiv, er stört den Unterricht, spuckt, schlägt, flucht, bedankt sich niemals und ignoriert es, wenn man ihn wegen seinem Benehmen anspricht.

Die ganze Zeit besteht er auf die Beachtung durch seine Mutter.

Ängste bestehen vor Dunkelheit, vor dem Alleinsein und vor Räubern und Geistern. So muss er jede Nacht in das Bett der Eltern gehen, obwohl seine 11 Jahre alte Schwester mit im gleichem Zimmer übernachtet.

Weitere Symptome: Eifersucht, Zähneknirschen, Kopfrollen, Treten im Schlaf und eine ausgeprägte Verletzungsneigung beim Spielen. Er ist jede Woche in der Notaufnahme.

Einen Monat nach der Gabe von Gal-ac. C 200 waren keine Sinusitiden mehr aufgetreten, aber sein Benehmen hatte sich so verschlimmert, dass seine Eltern nicht mehr weiter wussten. Immerhin war kein Besuch in der Notaufnahme mehr notwendig gewesen.

Zwei Monate später hatte sich eine Besserung auf allen Ebenen durchgesetzt. Weder Sinusitiden noch gelb-grüne Nasenabsonderungen waren aufgetreten. Die Konzentration ist deutlich besser, wie auch sein gesamtes Sozialverhalten: Weder Treten noch Schlagen noch Spucken sind aufgetreten.

Wenn man ihn jetzt zurechtweist, hört er einem zu. Mittlerweile kann er eine halbe Stunde allein bleiben, ist aber immer noch sehr auf Beachtung erpicht.

Im elterlichen Schlafzimmer erscheint er nur noch 2x pro Woche. Kopfrollen und Zähneknirschen sind nicht mehr vorhanden. Seine Mutter findet, dass sein Spiel nicht

mehr so rau ist, und er verletzt sich nicht mehr.

Kopf: Kopfrollen

Nach 7 Monaten geht es ihm weiterhin gut. Sinusitiden sind keine mehr aufgetreten. Sein Verhalten hat sich um 80% gebessert, die Aufmerksamkeitsspanne um ca. 70%.


[Alize Timmerman]

Gefühl der Eifersucht und des Zu-kurz-gekommen-Sein.

10-jähriges Mädchen. Ihr Hauptgefühl: Sie fühlt sich ausgeschlossen und schlecht behandelt, weswegen es immer wieder Machtkämpfe gibt. Nachts muss ihre Schlafzimmertür offen bleiben, damit sie hören kann, was ihre Eltern tun. Zum Beispiel könnten diese ja Schokolade ohne sie essen. Morgens geht sie an den Kühlschrank und schaut nach, wie viel ihre Eltern gegessen haben. Wenn für sie nichts übrig gelassen wurde, wird sie sehr wütend. Sie schreit dann ihre Eltern an und beschimpft sie auf wüsteste Art und Weise („Du doofes Weib“, „Du Krebsgeschwür“, „Ich schlepp dich vor den Richter!“).

Überhaupt findet sie es unfair, dass ihre Eltern einander haben und sie allein ist. Da sie nicht allein sein kann, will sie nachts zwischen den Eltern schlafen. (Auch bei der Anamnese hat sie sich zwischen die Eltern gequetscht.) Ständig beschuldigt sie diese. Als der Psychiater den Eltern sagte, dass sie sich mehr um sie kümmern mussten, war sie darüber sehr erfreut. (Als die Mutter dies berichtete, grinste sie zufrieden).

Sie beobachtet die ganze Zeit ihre Eltern, um zu kontrollieren, dass sie nicht benachteiligt wird. Alles, was ihre Mutter macht, will auch sie machen; die Folge sind die schon erwähnten Machtkämpfe. Entschuldigungen und sich bedanken sind in ihrem Verhaltensrepertoire nicht vorhanden.


[Forum ABC-homeopathy]

Dear All

I need a very good advice for my son who is 15 and has been adopted since the age of 2½ from Africa. He has always been a hyperactive child and since the first years of schooling has shown poor concentration and very disorganized. At the age of ten he has been diagnosed with ADHS, but eventually his problem has been identified as a problem of emotional nature, since he was not properly nurtured by his mother or primary caretaker and in fact has shown in the first years of adoption, the signs of an attachment problems for he could not distinguish between strangers and family people. However, it is now three months since we have decided to use homeopathy to treat

his problems which as an adolescent have become more urgent. He is very intelligent and friendly, in fact has a lot of friends because he has a charsimatic personality and

very funny. For two months he has stopped going to school, this has coincided with the starting of high school, which he obviously cannot face. To cut a long story short,

our homeopath prescribed Hyoscyamus 6LM, 12LM and 18LM at an interval of two weeks from one another. There was a little improvement insofar as he was a bit more affectionate and more in touch with reality, but he was still quite reactive and could not take a telling off, well deserved because he is very untidy and never lifts a finger, though cares for his personal appearance and dresses very well through his own creations. But just before the last visit, when he was due for reassessment and a new prescription, I gave him 2 doses of Gallicum Acidum, a remedy that I found through my search on internet few months ago and which I had kept in my drawer until that moment. I could not resist anymore because I found out about it through an article from a homeopath who had two adopted sons and one had similar problems as my son.

The description of the remedy which seemed taylor made for my son was the following: The gallic state is caused by the shock of a sudden separation from a primary caretaker. From that moment on the child does everything possible to prevent being left alone. This child feels abandoned and reacts with manipulation and even violence

in seeking protection from a further abandonment. The child insists in being watched constantly. This child won't stay alone for a minute and is rude and abusive to those around them, even family. The child can be extremely jealous and even threatening to siblings. Galillicum acid children are often hyperactive and cannot concentrate on their tasks or schoolwork." This described the essence of my son to perfection and one can imagine the evolution of such a child in a young man. Low self-esteem, despite being very intelligent and always seeking reassurance and adoration in others. As for work of any sort, zero. No engagement, even in basket where he is very good. However we gave him Gallicum acidum 10LM in the liquid form (5 drops in water for two days) after these two days our son seems to be a different person. He is not so reactive, seems more aware of reality and other people's feelings, always telling me, the mother, how much he loves me, and seems like has come out of a depressive state. However, there has been no change on the front of work and engagement for he still spends his days sitting on the sofa playing and on the computer looking up his favorite youtubes. He goes out in the evening for few hours to meet his friends and then comes back home, goes to bed and in the morning wakes up around nine whereas before gallicum acidum would wake up very late. I confessed to the homeopath what I had done few days later, and reported the improvement. He was not bothered and said he hoped it is the right remedy for him. He also said that we should now wait for 20 - 25 days and watch him, before taking further action.

I would like the advice of this forum and I would like to know what happens if the good effects fade and if there is a hope that with this remedy he could also start taking

up some responsibility for his work and therefore for his future.

Thank you so much for your help.


Re: gallicum acidum            From brisbanehomoeopath             on 2010-11-10

When you see a relapse of the behavior, you repeat the remedy. Make sure you succuss the bottle before every dose, and only give him enough doses to see a marked improvement. I only succuss the bottle twice between each dose, but may use more succussions to get a better effect if a medicine appears to be stalling.

The good effect should not fade if it is curative. I actually am quite impressed by this prescription - it is a small and not well-known remedy.

However, you may need to use higher potencies later on, which is a fairly normal state of affairs with chronic problems. Don't move up in potency until the current one clearly has stopped working.


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-11-29

Dear brisbanehomeopath

I would like to submit you the development of gallicum acidum for my 15 years old son. I gave him, as I wrote in a previos post, two doses of 10 LM at the beginning of november, and the response was immediate and striking: his skin cleared, his terrible body odour disappeared completely and his mood improved dramatically, his tendency

to use rude language also disappeared as his mood improved. He also became very, very affectionate and demonstrative towards me, the adoptive mother and more aware of the reality. I took the initiative to give this remedy after reading about it as I said, and the homeopath who follows him was not very impressed by it on the ground that it is a small, not well known remedy. He even hypothesized that gallicum acidum could have just suppressed his symptoms. After a month, his physical conditions are unchanged, still no terrible body odour and so on. As for the mood is a bit less positive, likewise for the rudeness, but still affectionate. You adviced to repeat it, maybe with higher potencies. However when i went back to the homeopath for a check up after the time he prescribed to watch the evolution of gallicum acidum, he did not think we should repeat it, despite the fact that so far it was the most effective remedy. He prescribed, instead Sulphur 30LM, one dose and Sulphur 35K for everyday, for another 25 days or so. Last Friday we gave him this remedy. I don't understand why he would not repeat Gallicum acidum instead, and see if also the other aspects of the problem would eventually improve, i.e. the fact that he still spends the day sitting on the sofa playing with videogames and is very untidy in his room and does not move a finger in the house. Does not even prepare his breakfast and if he should he says he is not hungry. What is your opinion about this?

Thank you


Re: gallicum acidum            From brisbanehomoeopath             on 2010-11-29

You are encountering a very typical problem amongst health professionals - the problem of Ego.

Many homoeopaths are so enamoured with their knowledge and 'special' prescribing skills that they immediately feel threatened when someone else makes a prescription, especially one they do not understand. What I find really fascinating is that your homoeopath prescribed the remedy in homoeopathy, that is all about EGO. This implies to me that your homoeopath is actually in a Sulphur state themselves, and you are in a difficult situation now. Any practitioner that will not listen to you, will not admit to fault, and will not pursue any good result to make it better, must be abandoned immediately. I am sorry to say that but it will probably only get worse.


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-11-29

thank you for your reply. I am also inclined to think that he felt threatened by my initiative, whilst, in fact, I very humbly tried something with my son because it was prescribed for a case which seemed the exact description of my son. My homeopath had prescribed hyoscyamus for my son's jealousy problem and repeated it several times, though the results had not been as encouraging as gallicum acidum which seemed to resonate with my son's constitution and solved part of his problems immediately. I am inclined to repeat gallicum acidum against the homeopath's advice and I would like to have some instructions from you, please. To visit another homeopath in my town is not

a guarantee of better treatment, I have to report the whole story and I don't think I would get a positive response to my conduct, knowing the mentality of professionals in my area.

Thank you for your help.


Re: gallicum acidum            From brisbanehomoeopath             on 2010-11-29

Did you repeat Gall-ac LM10 with no results? Or have you not done that yet?


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-11-30

I have not done that yet, because I didn't know whether I should use the same potency or else. The first time I gave him 5 drops 10LM for two days.

As I said, I gave my son the sulphur 30 Lm that the homeopath prescribed last Wednesday and I am giving him 35k every day for 20 days; could the two remedies be given together?


Re: gallicum acidum            From brisbanehomoeopath             on 2010-11-30

No you should not take them together. Do you wish to leave him on Sulphur? If not then stop, wait a few days before beginning the Gall-ac again.

You can use the same potency until it stops working or aggravates your son's symptoms.


Re: gallicum acidum            From brisbanehomoeopath             on 2010-11-30

If your homoeopath isn't willing to supervise the progress on Gall-ac, you can post here and I try to give you some advice. It is always better to have someone who can do this in person.


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-04

Dear Brisbanehomeopath

thank you for your help. I would like to submit to you first of all my thoughts about what has happened in the last month. I gave my son gallicum acidum on 1st and 2nd of november. After the 2nd dose he started improving in many ways which I have mentioned: his terrible smell went away, acne improved a lot, mood improved a lot, much more affectionate and less jealous of siblings, and more aware of reality. And all this has more or less stayed. The most amazing thing was the smell, it really was unbearable and didn't go away not even with a shower or deodorant.

He also had a fungus on the back which has gone. As for the other symptoms: unreasonable fears, extreme laziness (but selective because he can dance or football for hours), uncooperative if asked to help, they did not improve at all. My son is not going to school since the beginning of the year (September) and this coincided with the starting of high school. He has also stopped basket in the afternoon, and he was a natural talent according to the coach. Any challenge he is unable to face it. The school has always been

a problem for him, he was diagnosed with ADHD for what that means, afterwards this diagnosis has been rejected because he does not have the brain patterns of ADHD but rather of a childhood trauma, due to early (first months) neglect and abandonment by

the primary caretaker. He was adopted at the age of2½ from an orphanage in Ghana. I have to mention that in April last year he was the victim of a racist attack in my hometown, he was insulted and spat in the face by a middle aged man and almost beaten. Since then he started refusing to go to school, it was all too much, given his poor performance, because in that period there were also the exams for the final year of secondary school. Somehow we managed to make him go to sit his exams and he got his licence with the minimum marks to pass. He has the obligation to go to school

in Italy until the age of 16 (he is now 14½).

However, coming back to our remedies, as I said the only remedy that really made an impact on part of the symptoms, has been gallicum acidum acidum. I was now thinking that we should probably think of something more specific for those symptoms which have not improved at all. I would like to go a bit more into depth about those. Kojo' has always been scared of being alone, not only in the house but even in a room. Very scared of dark ( but stramonium has not worked), fear of flushing the toilet, fear of contamination, fear of spider, aeroplane. He feels as if there are threatening presences everywhere, even in a cupboard, and this also before the racist attack, now is possibly worst.

How does he spend his day? He is not brain dead. He is very interested in you tube and amenities and monstrosities (bizarre creatures) that he watches and becomes even more scared. I should mention that he has a fascination for the evil stuff, and claims that he does not believe in God. But how can you believe in the devil but not in God? He loves music and listens a lot to rap

(dreams of becoming a rapper?), he is a talented dancer and learns new dancing steps just like this( before he used to learn basket moves). He has an extraordinary control of his bodily coordination. He can juggle, with balls, hat, his body responds magically to his mind. Whatever he starts for the first time, roller skaters, skateboard, you don't realize he has never done it before. He is a talented drawer since an early age, but does not draw because boring. If I can think of something else I will tell you.

In sum he is not acting on his reality, he is not doing anything useful for his future, (or maybe he is?). He is a very difficult person to live with. You can have peace for as long has you don't ask him to take any responsibility. He has a lot of success with peers and girls. He is either on the go or cathatonic.

Remedies he has taken but not worked: Carcinosin, Lycopodium, Lachesis, Tarentula, Hyoscyamus (some little change, not much).

Now the sulphur 30LM which was given last week to move him has not really made any difference to those symptoms that gallicum acidum did not touch at all. I was thinking that we should consider some different remedy because probably gallicum acidum has done what it could have done. Kojo' has a complex and multiple layers problem which is not going to be addressed by one remedy maybe. I am even worried about repeating gallicum acidum in case we alter a good equilibrium that has been reached.

What do you think?


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-04

I should also add that he is always been full of jokes and mischief, he doesn't like to be touched, though he touches others a lot. He will tap his siblings for fun, but they must not dare to tap him.

He sleeps completely covered, also the head, because of his fears, loves Sprite, and chocolate. Dislikes hot drinks, broccoli and anything green. Likes jelly chewey sweets.


Re: gallicum acidum            From brisbanehomoeopath             on 2010-12-04

Well, if you were a mother bringing such a child into my clinic, I would be advising to repeat the remedy. Just make sure that you succuss the bottle firmly twice, but otherwise do the dose exactly as before.

A remedy that is curative, cannot cure itself, if you know what I mean. Cure is an absence of symptoms, it cannot be 'undone'.

A remedy that is only palliating can indeed undo itself, since the palliation is artificial and only hiding the symptoms.

Palliation usually is quite unstable, but if that is what is happening, it is usually my view that it is better to know that sooner rather than later.


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-05

Dear Brisbanehomeopath

thanks for your reply. To be honest with you, I am scared to repeat gallicum acidum, because we have waited for so long to find a cure, and though it is only a partial one, I dread to go back to what it was before. The smell of his sweat in it self was quite unbelievable and very unpleasant. I have heard that a remedy that is abused can cause "proving". Do you think this could happen if we repeat Gallicum? I would like to repeat it to see if there is more improvement, but I am scared of having too much of a good thing, if you see what I mean. I need some reassurance that a second dose of gallicum will not bring kojo' back to his original state. As I said the effects achieved in the beginning are still there, if it was a palliative, shouldn't they have gone after more than a month?


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-05

I will give my son gallicum acidum tomorrow morning just like the first time and I will let you know if there is any effect.


Re: gallicum acidum            From brisbanehomoeopath             on 2010-12-05

Do not be scared of a remedy that can cure your son! The right remedy will work to cure him and then will become ineffective, so as long as you are cautious with the dosage there should be no problem.

I agree, if the remedy was simply palliating, it most likley would have collapsed by now.


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-07

Dear dr

I gave my son gallicum acidum two days ago but so far we have not noticed any further change. I have no faith anymore in the homeopath who is following him because of the way he dismissed gallicum acidum simply because he didn't know about it. Indeed gallicum acidum has been a breakthrough for his problems, at least the emotional ones, though the mental problems have not been touched. I would like to share your experience about a remedy that I have been thinking about for a long time because the materia medica describes many symptoms which are similar to the state of mind of my son. Hilarious, mischievous, giggling, clownesque, obsessive, loquacious, ludicrous, hallucinations, terrified, nightmares in falling asleep, insomnia, forgets what he is about to say or write, spaced out, inattentive, disconnected, desires sweets, lemonade, desires to lie down during the day, etc.. We don't know if his mother who abandoned him at the age of one year used drugs, she has been described as a woman who could not stand still, always moving and unyielding. Dear doctor, please, help me with your invaluable insight to understand if this could be a remedy good for him. Ask me some questions that could fill in a picture for you.

Thank you


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-07

Sorry I forgot to say what the remedy is: cannabis indica.


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-08

There is something else which might be relevant, at times he is telepathic. For example once I went to the cinema and thought, I wish I could go away from here because there is too much noise and is too cold. When I went home and told my son I had been to the cinema, he said: didn't you think: it is too cold and too noisy, I would like to go away. Though there had been no such instances before. I hardly ever go to the cinema. There are so many similar occurrences. He is also extremely intuitive. As a child he was able to play with two toys, simulating a battle, making the same repetitive noise and looked lost in dreams. This could go on for a long time and you could imagine that he was seeing the battle in his head very vividly because he would not get bored.

He forgets names, or says one name instead of another. He is confused about relationships, will call someone the daughter when she is the mother, and also with me or the father. He is also unable to read the watch. He is charismatic, irresponsible, likes partying, and totally disengaged from practical aspects of life. For example he will be invited to a party or to play football, but not ask when and where the thing takes place.


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-08

very insecure, easily offended, must retaliate if he can, that is if the person is not bigger than him, he will not let the offence pass, but double it. Very charming with public, even when angry or crying as a child (now is the same), if a stranger went buy, and said hello to him he would immediately change expression and became very friendly and charming to the person from whom he wanted to be liked. He wants to be liked and exists only insofar as he is liked. Dresses in a very personal way and to impress, he will not wear a coat or a jacket in winter if he has to show some new outfit or just to show off. Has an obsession for shoes which he would like to buy all the time, and whilst can go out without washing,(and does sometime) will make sure his shoes are spotless.


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-08

tendency to slander. When angry or upset talks nonsense. Always reproaches others for his mistakes. Lies through his teeth, to avoid trouble. But feels also compelled to come out with the truth eventually, even is not asked. Very naive liar, I must say. Learns and repeats lines from movies or cartoons he likes. He watches the same sequence over and over again, if he likes it, almost obsessively. Has abandoned school and basket a sport at which he was very good. Dependent on tv and computer. Likes to watch gruesome stuff, injured animals, abnormal people and so on.

Finds horrible animals like bats very cute and tender. In general feels moved by little ones. Seems to be ambivalent all the time. One moment he is drawn to you, the next he pushes you away.

Very manipulative, that seems to be the prevalent form of love in him. Likes to embrace, but especially lean on you for support and physical warmth, but does not like to be embraced or that you lean on him physically. Does not like touch or pressure.


Re: gallicum acidum            From nawazkhan             on 2010-12-08

Dear brisbanehomoeopath,

Please help me understand the following statement.

"A remedy that is curative, cannot cure itself, if you know what I mean."




Re: gallicum acidum            From brisbanehomoeopath             on 2010-12-08

I mean true cure cannot be cured - only disease can. So if someone has genuinely been cured by a remedy, then this cannot be undone by the same remedy or another one.

Palliation on the other hand can easily be undone, either by repetition of the remedy or by using other remedies, or even by taking coffee or other kinds of powerful stimulants.


Re: gallicum acidum            Albapapa - remedies take longer than a few days to work in chronic cases. You are using an LM, so it is quite suitable for daily dosing until you see a response, although I would still reassess everyday rather than mechanically repeating it.

You may also need to go up to the next potency, if this one has done its work.

You are remembering to hit the bottle firmly against the palm of the hand aren't you?


Re: gallicum acidum            From brisbanehomoeopath             on 2010-12-08

I mean true cure cannot be cured - only disease can. So if someone has genuinely been cured by a remedy, then this cannot be undone by the same remedy or another one.

Palliation on the other hand can easily be undone, either by repetition of the remedy or by using other remedies, or even by taking coffee or other kinds of powerful stimulants.


Re: gallicum acidum            Albapapa - remedies take longer than a few days to work in chronic cases. You are using an LM, so it is quite suitable for daily dosing until you see a response, although I would still reassess everyday rather than mechanically repeating it.

You may also need to go up to the next potency, if this one has done its work.

You are remembering to hit the bottle firmly against the palm of the hand aren't you?


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-09

yes I have succussed it as you said. But the point about gallicum acidum is that it did not touch all the mental symptoms. It helped with smell, acne and his jealousy for the siblings, plus it made him more demonstrative in his affection. But what about all the rest? He is as terrified as before and as in the clouds as before. He is 15 and has to sleep in the same bed as the father,

his head completely covered because he sees things in the room, though will not admit anymore that he is scared. You are saying that I should use gallicum acidum every day? Can you be more precise about the dosing? It is in a liquid form. But can you also consider the possibility of a remedy, please?


Re: gallicum acidum            From brisbanehomoeopath             on 2010-12-09

You gave the impression that he had a wonderful result from that remedy, that he was like a different child. My understanding was that you felt this was a good remedy for him - from all those symptoms you have been giving in the last few posts, do I understand that very little of his case actually changed?


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-09

the facts are as I have stated them. His acrid smell disappeared and his acne too, his mood improved and his relationship with members of the family has become more distended and affectionate, but his mental connotations as I have described them, his incapacity to take any responsibility for himself, such as finding out exactly the time and place of a meeting or preparing breakfast or doing anything when he is asked to do it, the excessive fears and all the rest as I have recounted quite carefully( you can ask more questions) has not changed. The result of gallicum acidum has been remarkable, but partial. To have to sit next to a boy who smells so much despite washing himself and using deodorants, is not in itelf a small achievement and I can't imagine any allopathic drug being able to do this in such a short time and delicate way. But probably his problem is layered and we have to pass to the next layer.


Re: gallicum acidum            From brisbanehomoeopath             on 2010-12-09

If the remedy did as much as you feel it did, the best thing to do is to pursue the remedy until it no longer helps him.

Either use the LM daily, or move to the next potency.

You must overcome the strength of the disease, and that can only be done by repeated dosing, or by increasing the potency.

Changing remedies because of a partial result, after so few doses, would be a shame.


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-09

It was very lengthy to obtain gallicum acidum by post, so I will repeat the same potency daily. Please, for how long, and what should I do exactly for the succussion?


Re: gallicum acidum            From brisbanehomoeopath             on 2010-12-09

Succuss twice before putting the drops in water.

Repeat until either there are no more symptoms, or your son aggravates. Aggravation usually takes place when a particular potency has finished its usefulness.

Once the aggravation comes, stop the remedy, wait for it to die down, and then the next step would be to go to LM 11.

Also keep an eye out for new symptoms, or a return of old symptoms - either of which also means you stop giving him the remedy.


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-10

I would like to report about gallicum acidum. Yesterday was the seconf day and there was a marked improvement. Like the first time I gave him gallicum acidum a bit more than a month ago, his face changed expression, there is obviously some depression of some sort that the remedy ameliorates. His face was like that of a little boy without a care and not gloomy like it often is. We succussed it ten times from one cup to another. So we should continue until the picture changes for better or for worst?


Re: gallicum acidum            From brisbanehomoeopath             on 2010-12-10

I would say yes continue. The instructions given for using LM potencies is to continue until the aggravation occurs, which is a sign the medicine has stopped working.


Re: gallicum acidum            From brisbanehomoeopath             on 2010-12-19

Hi Albapapa,

I was wondering how repeated doses of the Gall-ac were working for your son?

David Kempson


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-20

we are repeating the dose everyday, as you suggested. The mood is stable, generally good. As for the other aspects: lack of motivation to engage in anything serious such as school or sport nothing has changed. Last night we were coming back from a trip and strangely enough he helped us to unpack. We were very surprised and hopeful, but today the mistery was revealed: he wanted our permission to go to a ball with his friends on tuesday which is the day of our 25th anniversdary. If we should insist that he doesn't go, he would sulk and spoil everything. So he is very selfish

and manipulative as usual and has no regard for others. He does not go to school but goes out in the evening to play. What do you think? Should we start thinking of another remedy?


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-20

something very typical of my son is a total lack of sense of duty and blatant unfairness to others but at the same time he likes to be the judge of every situations and picks on people's misbehaviour. He will not belt up in the car, but must make sure that his siblings will be belted up just to oppress them, he must be the one who divides the orange juice between them, or the one who tells them

off for being unfair to each other and dish out a sentence for punishment, a tell tale. The sense of righteousness in somebody who doesn't do anything right is quite a striking feature in him. He is very indecisive and cannot make up his mind most of the time. I have soemtime thought he could be anacardium because he seems to have two wills all the time, but I am not sure. Basically, my son has received a negative imprint of the world because he was not cared for in the first years of his life, and so does not trust anybody, does not see authority in anybody, is constantly pushing people to a reaction, provoking them, and then will say "I was just joking". He will make his sister cry to console her. In this sense I would say he has two wills.


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-20

I don't know if I have mentioned that he has an attraction-fear of evil, the supernatural, the bizarre and monstrous which he believes exists, and at the same time a strong denial of God's existence, which according to me is due to his feeling of inadequacy so deep that cannot conceive a being who is all good and who might love him, but maybe feels forsaken by God if there is one. Possibly even too guilty to entertain the idea of a God.


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-20

He is easily offended. Does not like pressure,never liked it. If as a child I would rest on him, he would move away, same now. Impulsive when talks. SIngs a lot. Dances a lot. Has difficulty reading in the sense that he doesn't say all letters correctly. Has lucdicrous ideas sometime, irrelevant in his argumentation. However at the same time he is a fast thinker, very spirited and witty. But if you ask him a question, he often does not answer or answers slowly or in an appropriate way.


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-21

Please brisbanehomeopath, can you answer me?


Re: gallicum acidum            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-21

It is probably best to review this case from the very beginning.

Please use the new homeopathy patient intake form and give us information about your case, and hopefully someone will help you begin correct homeoapthic treatment.


Re: gallicum acidum            From brisbanehomoeopath             on 2010-12-21

The problem with giving advice on a prescription that I didn't make, is that I cannot with any confidence keep you focussed on the prescription.

It appears to me that you yourself do not have much confidence in it. And so HI's advice is probably good, the case should be taken from the beginning.

Orginally I did say, that if you felt Gall-ac was the right remedy, then it is likely he will need to move up in potency. I understand you feel it is too difficult to get higher potencies. If that is what he needs, nothing else will substitute.

If you want a new remedy, we can all have a look at the case and see what comes up.


Re: gallicum acidum            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-21

I think this case should be looked at from the beginning with the information that is in the intake form, and that hasn't been discussed in this conversation yet.


Re: gallicum acidum            From albapapa             on 2010-12-22

thank you, i have created a new post:


Re: gallicum acidum            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-22

I spent some time today reviewing this case. How are things going with the repetition of Gall-Ac? Is there still improvement with daily use?


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-23

Brisbanehomoeopath, I welcome your opinion on any case. Whatever is in the best interest of the patient.

I want to get as much good as possible from the Gallicum Acidum, but if it stops working, I think that Med. is extremely well indicated in this case.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-25

Will you be able to get a Med., a nosode, where you live?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2010-12-25

I read about Med. and in general seems a very good match. I only have a question about a symptom which is listed as important but is not present in my son: do everything in a hurry. I have not seen my son in a hurry, I think. That is the problem. He is slow motion in everything he does. A procrastinator because the task seems too difficult or long, even taking a plate in the kitchen. In fact I should ask that when he eventually does master the strength to do something such as tiding up his room, he does it so well, down to the smallest unthinkable details, such as writing a label for the colour of the clothes and arranging them accordingly. He is also a very good drawer in copying, since a very early age, but very childish in creating from scratch. I should add, however, that when he copies a face, he will not reproduce the same expression, but will draw a more intense and suggestive one. I would also like to ask a question about the gallicum acidum. Is it possible to think that this remedy had a selective action, i.e., cured some of his problems such as the smell and the acne, and could not act on others? Is this possible in homeopathy?

I will try to get the medorrhinum. I would like to know what potency you suggest and what is a nosode.

Thank you


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-25

I have not used Gallicum Acidum before, and couldn't find any author that graded it for most of the miasms. Based on your description of it's effects, I think it may have removed some of the psora from this case! That seems wonderful.

How long was the Gallicum Acidum used?

The symptoms that you are describing are sycotic/figwart symptoms mostly. Medorrhinum is not an anti-psoric. Each of these remedies covers very different aspects of this case, in this case different miasms. I would expect the Med. to cure symptoms that the Gallicum Acidum didn't affect at all.

Are you still getting any improvement from daily Gallicum Acidum use?

I'd recommend that you buy Med. LM1 in liquid. Med. is a nosode, meaning that it is made from actual disease tissue. I don't know what the rules in Italy are. Please tell us if you are able to get it.

Some Med. patients are hurried, but others are so exhausted that they feel too weak to stand up tall or hold up their own weight. Those are very general, and I would prescribe Med. in this case based on the symptoms that I listed, even if hurriedness or tiredness weren't there at all.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-25

Among the symptoms that make me feel very confident about Med. are these from Kent.


"Thinks some one is behind her; hears whispering. Sees faces that peer at her from behind the furniture (Phos.). "

"Fear of the dark."


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-25

"a year ago, when I asked him why he would never play in the garden or alone, he said that he saw people in the trees, people watching him, likewise in a room alone. I think he might be scared of becoming crazy or of being thought as crazy."

"He has to have all lights on just to go from the lounge to the toilet. He is afraid to flush the toilet. Very afraid of dark."

This is all very much Med.


e: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2010-12-25

I honestly don't think we are getting any further improvement from the daily use of Gallicum.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-25

Ok. Then get Medorrhinum LM1.

Hopefully you should be able to get it quickly.

How long was the Gallicum Acidum used overall?

What were the potencies of the other remedies that he has used? Does he tolerate high remedies? LM10 is a pretty high dose.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2010-12-26

The gallicum acidum was used from the beginning of november, at first two doses of LM10 for two days only. Then at the begining of december was repeated everyday for almost three weeks and a succussion of ten times (transferring it from a cup to another. He seems quite insensitive to everything


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-26

So he only used the gallicum acidum for two months? Well it's good that it got some improvement in regards to smell and other symptoms.

A LM10 repeated daily, that does seem rather insensitive. I still would like to begin the Med. with LM1. We can always increase if the case needs it.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2010-12-27

I will have the Med LM1 in the liquid form on friday and I would like to know what I should do with it.

Thank you


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-27

Can you tell me what form it will be in pellets or liquid? If liquid, how much liquid is it in?


Will it be the same format as the Med. the husband is on?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2010-12-27

I think it will be a little bottle with a drop dispenser. Like the gallicum acidum. It is made by Unda, maybe you know what form it is in better than me.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-27

Let's start by putting 5 drops of the Med. LM1 into 8oz of water. Then give him two teaspoons of that.

Please add to the discussion anything that you notice, and if the result is good, we can find a routine for the Med.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-27

Correction. Let's work with tablespoons...

Let's start by putting 5 drops of the Med. LM1 into 8oz of water. Then give him two >TABLESPOONS< of that.

Please add to the discussion anything that you notice, and if the result is good, we can find a routine for the Med.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-28

This will probably not alter the prescription, but I would like some more information to see how deep this miasm runs in his system.

Does he have any warts, or brown/red spots on his skin? You've said that he smelled and that the Gall-Ac cured the smell? Is there still any kind of smell on him? If so, can you describe it?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2010-12-28

No, he has no warts, he had tinea capitis as a child, and a fungus on his back recently. He is a black african so any red spot would be undetectable, or not? As for the smell, it has gone completely. Last night we were sitting very close on the sofa and despite the fact he had been on roller blades for hours, he did not smell of anything. Before he smelt even without moving and it was very acrid, penetrating smell. Is medorrhinum state cause only by gonorrhea in the father? I was just wondering how you get in this state. He has always had a poor memory for words. He learnt to speak at the age of 5 and started making proper sentences at 7, whilst being obvious very intelligent. But at the age of 5, we put the letter A in front of him and teach him the corresponding sound, then ask him for 100x what the letter was and he could not remember as if nothing had gone in his head. He can read, though, but I wouldn't say his performance is good, he makes mistakes. Apart from the great imbicillity when it comes to sums, reading and writing, he is a very intelligent boy, by far more intelligent and sharp than his friends and that is why they all want to be with him. But he is

suffering because he cannot do anything productive at the moment and I am sure he would like to. It is as if his intelligence can only express itself in brief forms, but nothing that requires a long execution. So the brief messages on facebook, playstation, watching youtube. But he is constantly engaged in this fast and short activities.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-28

The sycosis or figwart state can be caused by gonorrhea anywhere in the ancestry. It is in the history of all humans, and only those treated with homeopathy correctly are free of it. In this case you may have removed some of the psora, making the sycotic/figwart state the outermost layer. The dyslexia that you describe is a key symptom of this miasm. I've cured this many times. The reason I wanted to know about red/brown spots or warts, is because if they are present it is a serious case, that may need more time to cure. Some types of smells can be a sign of the sycotic state in general.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2010-12-29

I have been called by the chemist and they have told me that the medorrhinum cannot be obtained in the 1LM diluition in liquid form. It is available in the 6LM. 12LM.18LM and 30LM in the single dose, granules. They will be able to get it by the 5th of January. Another chemist I rang which specializes in making this medicines, said that they can prepare a liquid form of the 6LM. What should I do? I would rather wait for the single dose in granules, at least I know that the maker is Unda and reputable. What do you think?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2010-12-29

If i can't get 1LM in lquid form, is the 6Lm in granules good? I have asked my sister who lives in France if she can get it for me, but if she fails, I can only get the 6LM or 12 or 18 or 30, in granules, single dose.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-29

Wow. These are very high potencies.

If you can get LM6 of Medorhinnum, then we can try that. A single individual granule is all that you need to make a whole container of LM liquid.

If possible, do try to get the LM1 instead.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-30

When you get the LM6 of Medorrhinum, very carefully get just a single pellet and put it into a container of 10oz filtered water that will be the LM6 Medorrhinum liquid solution. Let the pellet dissolve. That is the main container that we will use the whole time. A container of fresh water will be fine. Please mark it Med LM6, and keep it in the fridge. From this take one tablespoon and put it in a fresh container of 10oz water. From that give him 2 tablespoons to drink. I like to keep a large package of filtered water containers for this reason.

Please report the response.


Re: Concentration problems            From Niel Madhavan             on 2010-12-31

A word of advice, 'Nosodes and animal poisons should not be started below LM3 on the LM scale just like they should not be used below 30c on the centesimal scale'.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-31

I generally use the nosodes in higher potencies than other remedies.

However, I have had success in cases before using Carc. in LM1., and also Med. as low as 100c.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2010-12-31

Please describe the effects after he uses the Med. the first time.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-04

OK we have ordered it. In the meantime we have continued with the gallicum. Should there be an interval between the two remedies? and how long?


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-04

There isn't any need for space between the two medicines.

Are you getting any improvement with the Gallicum? Why are you repeating it?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-04

We are repeating it because we were repeating it everyday. We are just carrying on until the next remedy. It seemed a selective remedy, but it did some good to mood, smell, fungus. Our son is a more pleasant person in some ways, but still does not move a finger, nor engages in anything that is not play and is still full of fears. Should we stop it? It doesn't seem to do any harm. We can't say if it is still doing any good, because we don't know what are the length of time necessary for the whole process. Is it supposed to take weeks months or years? All we can say is that the improvement the gallicum brought about in those areas, was almost immediate, whilst the other areas until today are still untouched.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-04

Based on your description, the figwart/sycosis/ghonnorhea symptoms are mostly mental and emotional and there aren't any physical signs such as warts, moles, or brown flecks. These are good signs that it is not a deep problem. I hope and expect that you should see some improvement with the Med. immediately.

Gallicum seems to be an anti-psoric. It's nice that it did so much good. Let's stop the Gallicum, and tell me if any symptoms get worse.

I think the Med. will do much good.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-04

One other thing. He has had a long history of bedwetting. Over the past 6-12 months it has been more or less cured at home and it only happens very rarely. But when we stay at a hotel it still happens. The last 4 times we spent a night at a hotel it happened, even though he sleeps in the same hotel bedroom as his father, so should not be scared. My theory is though that it is related to fear, fear that he will wake up and find his father not there, which he does not feel at home


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-04

Let us see if the Med. helps this also.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-04

Did the improvement in this symptom happen while the Gall-Ac was used? Do you think this symptom improved due to the Gall-Ac?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-11

We ordered the med LM1 more than a week ago. But today we called the firm to hear that they have not despatched it yet. This makes me doubt their seriousness and the quality of their products. Can we start with 6LM, at least we know it is from UNDA a reputable brand. However, as I said, in Italy it is only available in granules. I will order it tomorrow. In the meantime, can you tell me how we should use it. Thank you


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-15

How is his vitality and mood since the Med? How is the energy level?

Let's wait at least 24 hours at this point to see if you observe any differences.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-15

Let's wait to see if there is an effect before buying the LM6.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-15

I have to say that since we stopped the gallicum acidum his mood seems worst. He seems to dwell on things more, words that were said flippantly and that he took as major offenses and keeps bringing them up. After a long time he has asked again his father: do you love me? A big landmark of his insecurity. He had stopped since taking the gallic. And that same day he had a big row with the father. At the moment we live inseparate homes because we don't have enough space, and he lives with the father. He seems altogether more negative. The bad language has also come back. After I gave him the Med last night and this morning I didn't see anything yet. Let's see tomorrow.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-15

Now he is spending the whole day in his room with computer and tv, because in this way, he says, the father cannot complain about him leving a mess around in the lounge. The room is his room and nobody should have a saying. He only comes out in the afternoon-evening to go out and goes rollerblading for hours trying several stunts. Dresses up very nicely, but doesn't always wash before going out.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-15

He seems divided, as if he knew our love for him but could not trust it. As if he felt love for us but could not be nice, could not have any consideration for our feelings. He is probably suffering because he can't go to school like he should do. And certainly feels uneasy in front of all his mates who do go. He is now almost 15 and by law should go to school until 16. But he has had a long history of failure because of his incapacity to concentrate and so has stopped going when he started high school. He seems quite angry these days. And yesterday afternoon was crying out of frustration or anger or fear of the future, i don't know. He has so many talents...Dances beautifully, very good drawer, exceptional motor skills, great sense of humour, he is the life and soul of the party.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-15

No, we didn't because it was so difficult to obtain it, and it didn't seem to change the other symptoms. We were succussing it ten times.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-15

At this point, we should not give anymore.

Toward the end of last month, you wrote that you were giving daily doses of Gall-Ac without any improvement. Now you are saying that the day you stopped the Gall-Ac, that he had a big argument with the father.

You say that he is moping inside all day. What time does he go outside to rollerblade?

One of the keynotes for Medorrhinum. is "irritated at trifles; cross all day, exhilarated at night, wants to play” (From Allen, I think.) That fits your description of him before the Med. very well.

There is also the possibility that you gave him too much of too high a potency.

At this point, we should give it enough time to be sure of what the response is.


Re: Concentration problems            From brisbanehomoeopath             on 2011-01-15

I know I harp on about this all the time, but it is usually prudent to persist with a remedy by going up in potency when there has been improvement, to be sure that it will no longer help. If you miss the right remedy by not doing so, and then begin moving to others, you will spend the rest of your natural life doing this, as we have 5000+ medicines.

Rather than using LM you could change to the Centesimal potency range. I have found this to be successful too, and the C potencies can be a bit easier to purchase.


Re: Concentration problems            From brisbanehomoeopath             on 2011-01-15

btw I am just suggesting options, I do not want to interfere with the prescription that HI has made. Since you have done that you need to pursue it to the end as well, just as I would advise on any remedy now that the commitment to Medhorrinum has been made.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-16

He did not have a row on the day we stopped the gallic. We have stopped for more than a week and, the mood has gradually worsened. I said he was stable whilst he was taking the gallic because he was in a better mood. Now he seems to dwell on things and much more reactive to reproach, more insulting in language. In our family we don't use foul language so it sounds very strange out of his mouth. He goes out in the evening and sometime in the afternoon. He is not a morning person. He gets up around 11 h. He is a party lover and fun to be with. He is the kind of person who would never go to sleep, since he was a child; has a lot of physical energy when it comes to things that he likes like rollerblading, dancing, playing footbal, he is never tired then, but extremely lethargic for things he does not like. He tends to lie down when he is not doing anything.

I have to say that though he likes to be up late, his condition deteriorates in the night. He becomes more irritable and his speech in an argument becomes more incoherent.

He has always been incoherent when he argues. He seems to be very stupid in those occasions, more than stupid, mentally impaired. And you wonder: where has all his intelligence gone, all his intuition? i think we should pursue the Medorrhinum to the end. I honestly don't think that the decision to stop the gallic was hastily taken.

The gallic kept him stable, but he is not functioning, the fears and lack responsibility were untouched, and to get a higher potency is really difficult and expensive.

But we will look into it if necessary. I would like to add that my husband reacts in a very depressive way to such arguments with the son. Gets a severe head ache and needs

to go to bed. I know this is not my husband's thread but I would like to take the opportunity to mention that many years ago he received a blow to his head, I don't know if it could be relevant. He obviously does not like to talk about it, so I mention it here for him.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-16

I should mention that yesterday after the medorrhinum, there was an incident which could eb a return of an old symptom. I was tellling my son off for making too much noise with his siblings, and he got obviously resentful. So he had a liitle car in his hand and asked me if he could throw it of the window. I ignored him, so he threw it in the room and then laughed sheepishly. This very silly provocative behaviour, seemed so out of character in a 15 years old. He used to be like this, and that was back yesterday. It could be the Med or it could be that he is deteriorating after stopping the gallic. We have to wait and see.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-16

I should mention that yesterday after the medorrhinum, there was an incident which could be a return of an old symptom. I was telling my son off for making too much noise with his siblings, and he got obviously resentful. So he had a little car in his hand and asked me if he could throw it of the window. I ignored him, so he threw it in the room and then laughed sheepishly, This very silly provocative behaviour, seemed so out of character in a 15 years old. He used to be like this, and that was back yesterday. It could be the Med or it could be that he is deteriorating after stopping the gallic. We have to wait and see.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-16

I think that it is very possible that he was given too much of the Med.

Let's wait and see. If anything we might want to get a lower potency of the Med, such as 200c. Would that be possible. What you've given him is 1M, the equivalent of 1000c.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-16

And he was given a very large amount. My recommendation was to give him 2 tablespoons, and he drank 10oz!


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-16

no, he was not given 10oz, he was given the bottle of the single dose, half dry in the night and the rest diluted in two fingers of water the next morning. But it was only a small amount. Today, nothing unusual has been observed, except that he lost his bag with rollerblades in. He entered a shop and left it unattended on a bench nearby. Someone stole it, of course. This lack of focus and centeredness has been the constant of his life. He has lost countless mobiles, jumpers, etc.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-16

The symptom of him losing his blades is again a Med. symptom. It's also a very sycotic symptom.

Let's just wait and observe. I think he may have had too much.

Please continue to report anything new. How was his sleep last night? How is his appetite?


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-16

These are the Med. symptoms from his history. Let's keep an eye on them.

Medorrhinum Symptoms

Unable to do any work at all. Can't be productive in any situation.

Children who are mentally dull.

irrational fears and personal rituals

scared of becoming crazy

Problems caused by bad news and emotional abandonment.

he sees things in the dark. Sometime ago there were zombies

Waking in the middle of the night. (Only if 3 - 4 h.)

< being touched, even sleight.

intense nervousness and profound exhaustion.

Craving for acidic drinks such as sodas.

Sometimes very loving, sometimes cruel.

Thinks there is someone behind them. (Won't play in the garden alone.)

Intuitive. Knows things before they happen.

Anxiety of salvation. did not care if he went to heaven or hell. Feeling damned.

Love of animals, and cruelty to animals.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-16

There is a symptom which has been a constant of my son's life and it does not seem to be a med sign. Incoherent speech, I have mentioned it before. It gets worst when he is upset. Something else: he is very startled by noises. If someone shouts at him he cannot stand it, this is the reason why he has left basketball, because his coach was shouting too much. Which is a fact. He has a strong craving for chocolate and sweets. In the evening he gets two euros from his father and spends them on sweets and chocolate.

He like soda a lot but does not seem to crave it. I asked him tonight what does he do with this money, does he buy sprite or sweets and he said sweets and chocolate. his father confirmed it. So his craving is for these not for soda. He does not like hot food and drinks, could never take any. His appearance is tall and lanky with narrow chest and very fine hands, the most fine hands as a child, his little finger was like a miniature. I was enchanted by looking it. He does not know of things before they happen, he is rather capable of knowing what has happened, through reading people's mind. I gave you examples of this. The other thing I should be more precise about is that he is not productive in a conventional way, and certainly not academically. But he is productive. kojo' can spend hours learning a difficult dance, and reproduce it to perfection, how to juggle, a certain basketball tecnique which he will study the whole day on internet, how to rollerblade professionally, he has made beautiful drawings since the age of five.

Amazing drawings for his age. He is just blocked in applying his talents in a systematic form. He is too spaced out. It is not correct that he was a dull child, everybody perceived him as a very intelligent, intuitive and the most friendly child, in fact, wherever he went he made friends of every age and still does. If I think of something else

I will tell you.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-16

He has always liked to perform in front of an audience. As a child he even attracted people on the street as he was juggling with the ball and got money from them. But the performance can be of any type.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-16

How is his sleep since the Med?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-16

He has a lot of fear of disease and of contamination. So he is very selective about food, does not like alcohol, or smoke...


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-16

These are all very important symptoms of Med.

Let's just watch any effects that come after the dose that he's been given.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-17

For a while he was very interested in origami, would spend hours learning a new shape and then make it for people. He sleeps ok, as far as we know. He doesn't complain

of not sleeping. Still sleeps all covered, with his head under the pillow and the sheets. He wakes up very late.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-17

I would not say he is not productive, though, I would say he is on another plane, and he is now very unbalanced because of adolescence paired with his problematic past.

For a few days I have been thinking of phosphorus because of his being so sociable, his artistic bend and being spaced out and his capacity to absorb people's moods.

Would you exclude it completely?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-17

I mean, I have thought of phosphorus in the past as well, because of his being so inflammable and then loses interest. Then I excluded because of his fears, but then I have looked at it closely when i read in one of your posts a reference to phos (expects things creeping out of every corner). And I have also noticed that in Phos. there is a lack

of logical thinking, and incoherent speech.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-17

Certainly we have to wait and observe carefully the reaction to medorrhinum. But, please, consider Phos.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-17

How has his sleep been in the two nights after he took the Med? Did he wake as usual?

You can ask him if he slept well if if there was any difference.

Let's wait on any conversation about other remedies until we see how the Med. effects him.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-17

I have learnt from my husband that he wet the bed for two nights in a row. I gave him Med on friday night and sat morning, and he wet the bed on saturday and sunday night.

He slept in his bed, though, normally he sleeps in the father's bed. It could be because they had argued, though. He rarely wets the bed now


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-17

Would you say that he is worse after taking the remedy?


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-17

Is it correct that the two nights after using the remedy he was able to sleep on his own, when before he was not able to?


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-17

Can you ask him if he feels any different since he took the medicine?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-17

We should understand whether it was because he was uncomfortable for the argument he had with the father or if he was less fearful. We have to see what happens tonight.

I don't think he is actually worst since taking the remedy except for the enuresis. I would say he is worst since he has stopped the gallicum, more reactive, more foul language which is not in the styile of the family. Regarding the gallicum, there is a little mistake, we do have a higher potency after all: we ordered two bottles and I thought they were both 10LM. In fact reading on the bottles I saw that the one we have been using is 1LM and the other one not used yet is 2LM


Re: Concentration problems            From brisbanehomoeopath             on 2011-01-17

LM1 is a very low potency - it would be quite normal to need to go up to LM2 in a patient.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-17

Actually I can't ask my son how he felt after Med, because he always gives the same answer well, normal. Even when he took ritalin which really made him very bewildering, he said he felt nothing. This is probably a further information about him. In some sort of way he is very insensitive. For example, as I mentioned, when he is sitting next to

a fire, he seems to not burn; he also seems to not feel whether there is enough salt in food. You can give him dish with no salt and he seems not to realize


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-17

At the time when he was on Gall-ac., you wrote that there wasn't anymore of a positive effect from it.

>2010-12-25 I honestly don't >think we are getting any >further improvement from the >daily use of Gallicum.

We've only been on this for two days, and it's difficult to tell if he got too much or what.

Sleeping alone and wetting the bed both for two nights is certainly different. At this time we should wait and see. Please continue to report anything new. The more information you give, the better.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-17

I have not changed my mind on the fact that the gallicum did not seem to bring any further improvement, in fact, I was commenting on it again with my husband. But we

were both in agreement on the fact that since he has stopped it there is a worstening in the terms aI have described. It could be just a coincidence...


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-17

I have not changed my mind on the fact that the gallicum did not seem to bring any further improvement, in fact, I was commenting on it again with my husband. But we were both in agreement on the fact that since he has stopped it there is a worsening in the terms I have described. It could be just a coincidence...


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-17

Another feature of my son is that whether it is day or night, if there is a group of people, he can't leave before everybody else has gone home. He must always be the last one. has been like this since he was a very small child.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-18

variable. One moment the mood seems good, another moment he is very argumentative and not very logical.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-18

Is that an improvement that at least sometimes his mood is good?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-18

I think so. We should see what happens in the next days I suppose. He still needs to put the lights on everywhere if he goes to the toilet, but tonight he flushed and cleaned it without running away. They could be just irrelevant things. The other thing is that he called me on the phone today which he never does. The most evident reaction to the gallicum was that he was all over me, telling me how much he loves me and kissing and holding. Now he also seems to be more affectionate. He also said something similar to what he said when he first took the gallicum: that he is going to change.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-18

I think that's very significant. The thing about not being afraid to flush the toilet, etc. as that's such a key symptom of Med.

Is he appropriately affectionate, or overly affectionate?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-18

Maybe overly? I am not sure because my son has always been particularly effusive because of his need to be reassured...


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-18

Are you familiar with the standard homeopathic rules against skin treatments? Avoid medicated acne pads, cremes, foot powders, or any kind of skin treatment.

I just thought to tell this to another patient, and will tell you also. Homeopathy considers anything that suppresses sweat to be harmful. Deodorants or sweat suppression medicines must be avoided.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-19

also ordinary deodorants?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-19

Last night he slept with his father as usual. Today, as usual, he is lying or sitting on the sofa with his computer, for usual stuff that kids to. Eating nutella which he almost always has for breakfasr.

So a craving for chocolate and sweets when he goes out in the evening. He does not like egg creams, marmalade, nor vegetables, especially green ones. Loves chicken curry and chicken korma. Yesterday he seemed less teasing with his siblings, but it remains to be seen.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-19

Yes, ordinary deodorants. Anything that suppresses the body from sweating. This can suppress the sycotic miasm.

If he seems less teasing with his siblings that's good. Let's continue to wait and see.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-20

No. No more remedies for at least a few days. Until we have some solid information about his behavior.

How does he feel about soda? Has he had any soda lately? How is his sleep? Fears of the dark?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-20

Soda is not a craving as such. He likes it, but as I said if he has few coins he will spend them on sweets and M&Ms. His sleep is disturbed, I gather: last night he went to sleep in his bed because I told him off for sleeping with the father, but during the night, bad dreams or fear of the dark or both, he got up and went in his father's bed, where he stayed.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-20

Very good. It seems like there are some small improvements. We'll wait and see. I think it's best to just wait a while as he's just had a large dose of 1M.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-21

Today is a week since I gave my son the medorrhinum. I cannot say we have noticed any real change. The fears are the same, he still sleeps with his father and with his head completely covered. These are the things that gal-ac. did not touch. He is still lazy and quite spacy. What do you think we should do?


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-21

You've made a few hints about some improvements after the Med 1M such as:

Soda is not a craving as such.

Going to bed in his own bed, even if going back to Dad's in the middle of the night.

seemed less teasing with his siblings

he flushed and cleaned (toilet) it without running away.

Each of the improvements you mentioned is a key symptom of Med., so I do think that Med. is the absolutely correct remedy for him at this time.

If possible can you write a large paragraph, as much information about his behaviour since the Med. I'd like some more information before I figure out what recommendation to make about a next dose.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-21

The remark about soda has been misunderstood: I meant soda has never been craved by him, he likes it, but what he craves is sweets and chocolates, I think I have repeatedly stated it in the previous posts. He will take a sprite if one asks him what he would like to drink, but if he has a last penny, he will buy sweets and M&MS. As for going to bed alone, he only did it because I told him off that day because his father cannot sleep well, since he kicks him during his sleep (my husband suspects he touches him to make sure he is still there). So he felt embarrassed by my telling him to

grow up and sleep alone. He tried, but during the night went to sleep with his dad, the fact he could not stay in his bed shows that on this front there was no improvement. In fact, he did not bother trying it again. Also the fact of not running after flushing the toilet can be interpreted as a change, but was probably rooted in another telling off he got last time he went to the loo in my home. The time before the occasion when he did not run away, he had gone to the toilet and flushed, because he does flush generally in my home, but because he was scared, he didn't clean with a toilet brush, but came out immediately. I told him off because his sister who is 6, had to clean it before using the toilet. So, next time he went, he remembered the telling off. This is how kojo has always functioned, he reacts to telling off, once, and then no more. As a matter of fact the father says that he is still not flushing in his home, also after the med. There is a slight difference in the behaviour he has with me and his father in general, because the father is more tolerant and I am not. These are the facts. I have talked to my husband to gather more information, but he is convinced that there has been no change. I realize that to you it may have seemed that there was an improvement because i recounted behaviour as I saw it without interpretation, but what seemed improvements were, I think, single occasions related to previous incidents when he had been reproached by me. The father added that the two nights he slept in his bed, just after Medorrhinum, (he always does when they have an argument), he wet the bed because of the fear of getting up to use the toilet.

Now, these are the facts with the respective interpretations.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-21

Another thing about my son is that he believes things he reads about aliens, monsters, "flying donkees", he is very impressionable, becomes convinced and enthusiastic and then tells other people trying to convince them too. He gives the best of himself to friends rather than family. It has always been this way. He seems to have no boundary between himself and others. When he was little, if someone came to visit or just came to do something in the home, he would easily ask the person if she would sleep with us.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-21

Another thing about my son is that he believes things he reads about aliens, monsters, "flying donkeys", he is very impressionable, becomes convinced and enthusiastic and then tells other people trying to convince them too. He gives the best of himself to friends rather than family. It has always been this way. He seems to have no boundary between himself and others. When he was little,

if someone came to visit or just came to do something in the home, he would easily ask the person if she would sleep with us.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-21

Did you feel that there was an improvement in some symptoms after the 1M?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-22

No, I don't have anymore of med MK. The facts are as I described them. I can't say there was an obvious improvement. I have the Med 6LM. Do you think we should give it to him just to exclude the remedy for certain? Could it be harmful?


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-22

You've made a few comments since starting the Med.

(toilet) tonight he flushed and cleaned it without running away.

Soda is not a craving as such.

Going to bed in his own bed, even if going back to Dad's in the middle of the night.

seemed less teasing with his siblings

All of those improvements are on key Med. symptoms.

Even the symptoms you've mentioned for the first time lately are key Med. symptoms. So, if anything, I think that this is the right remedy.

In this case, let's give a dose of the LM6. Is the LM6 in liquid or pellets?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-22

it is single dose in small globules, smaller than pellets. I have explained the reason why he went to bed alone, though. It is because I told him off because the father could

not sleep with his kicks. He has reacted this way before without any remedy. I am willing to give him the LM6 but I would like to know if it could harm him, in case it is not the right remedy....


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-22

The only harm remedies can do is if they are given in very large amounts and aren't antidoted later. If he didn't have any adverse reactions to a 1M, then I doubt a LM6 will cause any problems.

If he had been told off before the remedies would he still have even started to go to sleep on his own?

If you'd like to give the LM6, then you can dissolve one globule, in a container of water. Once it's dissolved you can give him a tablespoon to drink. Let's see if that produces an effect before increasing the dose.

Are you comfortable with that?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-22

I trust your advice and I will try the 6LM in the manner you suggest. But in all honesty kojo' has always reacted in this manner to tellings off, especially if they embarrass him: he bears it in ones and then out it goes. He had been told off both for sleeping with his father and for running out of the toilet and leaving it dirty. I would have expected his compliance even without the remedy. Then fear is evidently stronger than embarrassment and he goes back to his old habits.

However i bought the 6LM and if you think it is harmless, i have no problem. I will give him the dose tonight.

If this should fail, please, can you revise the case and reflect on phosphorous? It is a remedy that describes him very well as a child. These features seem to have come forth more after the action of Gall-ac. It seems to me that his ego is almost floating and without the rudeness and the smell, one could see more the phosphorous coming forth.

Do you think it is worth considering in the light of his problems? Could it be his constitutional remedy?


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-22

I don't think it would overdose him, in fact, I think that it could do good. Give a dose of the Med. LM6, and save the rest in the fridge.

The image you describe of him, and his use of the Gallicum is very solid. It seems that the Gallicum removed many psoric symptoms, and at the outer layer of his case is

the sycosis miasm.

All of the symptoms are Med., in fact even the new symptoms you are just mentioning for the first time are very Med.

It is very possible that Phos. could be his constitutional remedy, but we need to give Med. a solid try first. His immediate symptoms are not Med., not Phos.

You say that after the Gallicum more Phos. symptoms have come forth. What symptoms are these?

What is his history with Phos. I think early in the case you said that he had tried this in a high potency.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-22

I would not say that new symptoms have come forth, what I would say is that after the gallicum removed some of his rudeness, wildness, excessive jealousy for siblings,

the picture that is left is more clean, more like he was some years ago: spaced out, extremely friendly, as I said a floating ego with no boundaries, flighty, constantly in search of the world's admiration, very artistic, fine dresser, gives more to friends than family etc. He has always been like this. If it wasn't for the lack of concentration and the academic difficulties, he could have been almost normal. Things changed in puberty which coincided with the arrival of his siblings for we adopted two more children and then he started changing for the worst within the family. As for the external world, I think his image has been consistent: a charmer, fun to be with, sympathetic. As a child

I remember, if he saw another child hurt he would run to her. The other striking thing is that he would address equally children, young people, old people with no holding back. At the same time he was always perceived as a very well mannered person and still is.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-22

No, he was never given Phosphorous. I never thought of it before now, because that would have been the kojo' of many years ago. The milder one. Now he is becoming more similar to the boy he was. One big obstacle, though, is the incapacity to accept orders. He used to accept my authority, but only mine, now even that is rare. I don't know if this is a phosphorous trait. He is too strong willed.

I don't know if it is relevant at all, I am myself a very intuitive person and I feel that my son, with all his flamboyance and outgoingness, if he does not get help, will eventually burn out and close onto himself, like a flame that goes out, because there is not enough substance to it.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-22

Almost everything you just mentioned is a symptom of the sycosis/ghonnorhea miasm, and almost all are also symptoms of Medorrhinum.

The good thing about this case is that I don't think the miasm is very deep as he has none of the physical symptoms that indicate a deep case (warts, brown spots, excessive hair), and only the emotional symptoms. I do think that this miasm and the case could be cured, possibly within a year or so, with constant improvement on the correct remedies.

I've got much hope for this case as I think it is very curable. That's one reason I've spent so much time with it.

I think you should give a dose of the Med. LM6 again.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-22

I hope you are right, I mean we have seen this boy getting from bad to worse as the demands of adult life get closer and closer. He is not doing anything during the day since last May.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-22

I will give him the first dose tonight and report tomorrow


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-22

At his age, the vital force is powerful, and there isn't any record of physical suppression in this case. The psora dissolved very quickly, and it doesn't look like there are many other layers in this case. I think you should be very hopeful for homeopathy eventually producing a complete cure.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-22

Just for future reference, the best time to give a homeopathic remedy is just after waking up, before eating. And it's best to just rest for a while just after using the remedy.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-23

No doubt about getting plenty of rest after the remedy. He hoovers from the bed to the sofa in the morning.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-23

please, could you share with me some of your knowledge about the phosphorus.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-23

You can read about Phos.


How is he after this dose?


Re: Concentration problems            From claudia_            on 2011-01-23

He took the first dose of LM6 last night (I have noted your comment about timing, from now on we will try to give it in the morning). Today he has been the same really, spending most of the day in bed (it is cold and raining today, he feels warm in bed). Late afternoon he got up, showered and is preparing to go out with his friends


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-23

Keep observing anything you notice that is new or different.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-23

Is Claudia C (who I made a Calc. recommendation for) the same as Albapapa?

What is the connection between these accounts?


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-23

Give the container 10 succussions with each use.

You can give another dose of the Med. LM6 tomorrow.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-23

It's funny that I haven't looked at almost any new cases in the past few days, and the one new case I looked at happened to be your relative! :)


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-23

It's funny that I haven't looked at almost any new cases in the past few days, and the one new case I looked at happened to be your relative! :)


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-23

I was just reminded of another of his quirks - he has little idea of dates. He just asked me if it will be April soon, I could have said it will be april next week and he would have believed it


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-23

These are all figwart mental symptoms. I don't think you've mentioned a single psoric symptom in this whole case!


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-23

OK so that fits with the current medication?


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-23

Yes. Very much so.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-24

today he seemed calmer and more centered. A little bit more compassionate with his siblings. He seemed more connected to us on a normal plane, less spaced out? He reminded me of the days when he had the strongest benefit from the gallicum. What should we do tomorrow with the med?


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-24

Let's repeat again with another 10 succussions and a tablespoon tomorrow on waking up.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-25

How's he doing after that 2nd dose? Also, has your relative gotten their remedy yet?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-25

No particular change today - usual day. He did not shower because I had to leave the house and he won't shower when I am not around. he has some fear. like flushing the loo. He's not overall a scared boy, he's quite content to go out on hi sown in the evening, even when it is dark. he has always been a "daredevil" -since he was 6 yrs old he has been high diving for example but he has these individual fears -shower, flushing, not sleeping alone. Even when he sleeps with me he covers himself completely, including his head.

Should we continue with another dose tomorrow?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-25

He seemed more connected like yesterday. Spent most of the day in bed. went out in the afternoon to a party. on the way back came to my place, we had a discussion about bears "killed by stupid people to make carpets", he was outraged. He said he was hungry, i told him to make something for himself. He did so. He didn't feel the need to tease his siblings in their room. Seemed more mature with his sister saying goodnight. Still slept with father last night. He talked quite a lot. But made sense.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-25

he also talked about the possibility of the world ending in 2012. asked me if i believed it possible. we looked on internet about the source of this tale.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-25

I should reflect on the fact that in both instances, of the bears killed to make carpets and the end of the world, he expressed an anxiety about death. He could not accept my argument that it is better to be killed to make a carpet rather than be an abused dancing bear tortured everyday of your life to amuse people in the street. He argued forcefully that any life is better than death. Though he was not talking directly about it, he was talking about it. His fear of death.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-25

These subtle improvements are good. Let's give a dose every morning with 10 succussions every morning for the time being.

I actually like treating whole families because it's often easy to manage many cases at the same time.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-26

My husband is taking Mezereum. I am taking it 15k in the dry form when symptoms return. I prefer it that way, if possible. I would like to ask if I can take Thuya as well.

It was prescribed to me sometime ago for my dampness related complaints.

Our son is still calmer than usual and on a more normal wavelength.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-26

Good that you and your husband are continuing with Mez.

You should always use homeopathic remedies in water, and if you repeat, you should always use succussions.

I'd recommend that you put one pellet of Mez 15k into a 10 oz container of water. Shake it 15x per use, and start with 1 tablespoon, and adjust as necessary.

In homeopathy one only uses one remedy at a time. You don't show any Thuja symptoms, so I'd recommend that you continue with Mez.

I'd great that your son is doing well on Med.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-26

If you think that the improvement is increasing with each dose still then you can give another dose tomorrow morning.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-27

I am not sure the improvement is increasing, though. He is still sleeping with his father. So I would say fears are still there and still spending all day in the house until late afternoon when he goes out to play football or roller blading. If he shows to be stable, should we try to increase the dose, the potency or ...what do you suggest?


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-27

It's only been a few days on the Med. LM6. Let's give him a daily dose with 10 succussions before each use.

Tell me when you run out of the first container. Keep describing anything new.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-30

I should confirm the behaviour of the previous days, more connected and less quarrelsome. Still sleeps with the father.

It has been a life long illness which has prevented a certain brain development so I think it cannot change from one day to the next. Am I right? There are neural networks

that have to be built and that takes sometime if it is going to happen at all. What do you think?


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-30

If you think it's best, you can continue giving 1 tablespoon daily with 15 succussions each time. If there are any new symptoms or anything gets worse, then stop and tell me.

The Med. should begin removing the miasm responsible for all of these problems. It will take some time. The improvement will probably be gradual, but some symptoms can improve quickly.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-01-30

If I am not mistaken something is changing, small things like he gets in the car and puts the seat belt on, whilst before not only he wouldn't do it but if told there would be an argument. Things like fears, seem to be still the same judging from the fact that he still sleeps with the father. As for deciding to do something with his days, I can't imagine where he will start from. We will try 15 succussions.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-01-30

Be sure to give the remedy 15 succussions with each use.

Expect improvement to be gradual on Med. perhaps over a few months. Some symptoms will ease sooner than others. But his whole state should be continually improving.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-02-02

How is the response to the Med?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-02-02

Yesterday was the first day we gave him 15 succussions. Yesterday he was as the days before with the med. Today he was not. I can see the change from his face. It is difficult to explain, but it is as if he had a different mask on, I could see the difference as soon as I saw him in the afternoon. When he is in a positive frame of mind, like the past days, not quarrelsome, calm and positive, he has the face of a boy, otherwise his face becomes dark. He may laugh and seem the same, but he is not. In fact he was quarrelsome and he was also a bit smelly, despite the fact he had a shower. However, it is only one day, I think we should observe him more...


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-02-02

Can you describe the smell? Is it similar to the smell from before or different? What does it smell like?

Were you not succussing the container with each use before? Try only giving it 5 succussions with each use for the time being.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-02-02

The smell is acrid and very penetrating and it seems like before but not so intense. He has had this smell since he started puberty and it was unbearable, at least for me, until the gallicum which made it disappear together with a fungus on his back. I was succussing it 10x before yesterday. What do you think I should do?


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-02-02

Let's continue with the daily remedy of Med. Let's stay with 5 succussions for the time being.

The figwarts have a very distinct smell, like fish, or herring brine. It is a musty smell. This does not sound like that.

How is his energy level compared to before? His general mood?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-02-03

His energy is ok when it comes to things that he likes doing, like rollerbladingm football, being with friends. But he gets up very late and, as said, cannot master the energy to do something during the day. His general mood apart from yesterday had improved as I said. Yesterday his face was dark and he was short tempered and quarrelsome. So we will stay with 5 succussions.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-02-04

Do you see anything different in his energy level overall?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-02-04

Yesterday we gave him the med with 5 succussions and his face was dark, his mood not great, quarrelsome, bitchy, picking on everything, moves his arms a lot when he talks, as if he was constantly rapping. So today we gave him nothing. He was calmer and less quarrelsome. He got up earlier than usual (this is independent from not getting a dose, obviously) and in the afternoon he went to do basket which he had mentioned in the past days. You probably remember that he had stopped any engagement. We don't know if he will manage to keep this engagement, however. This is the situation now. Do you think we should try without for a while. I also would like to mention again that his smell is back and also the pimples on the face seem more pronounced.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-02-04

I think it is possible that he may have had too much. So let's stop and wait and see what happens. It seems that the daily dose might be too much. At a later date we might return to every other day, every 3, 4, 5 days, etc.

The return of the smell and the pimples might be a sign that the Med. is doing some good for the figwarts, and that psora is also still present in the case.

The return of any pimples or skin eruptions is always a very good sign that the case is improving. You must never use any medicine at all on the pimples or skin as that is very dangerous.

When you say basket, are you referring to what we call basketball? Is this a team that he is a part of? Are you saying that he might keep a commitment to his team?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-02-05

Yes, he was part of this team and a very good player, in fact, the most talented and stylish, but as he abandoned school and every other serious commitment at the end of last june, he also abandoned the team. In the past days he mentioned few times that he would like to go back and yesterday he did, but whether he will be able to keep up with it, we don't know. We certainly will not push him, because we know how useless it is.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-02-05

Let's keep a long term focus. The goal here is to remove the miasms and symptoms. The return of skin problems is a sign that psora is being cured, and might be a sign that there is some improvement with the figwarts also.

Let's wait at least a few days, and if you see the situation getting worse for more than 48 hours, you can give another dose with 5 succussions.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-02-07

I always forgot to mention that my son has always had a little black pigmentation on his tongue, like a birth mark but on the tongue and it is black, irregular shape.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-02-07

Good info to have.

How is he doing?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-02-08

he seems stable. Not bad mood, quite loving with siblings, a bit loud for my liking. Says he doesn't want to go to school. Lazy and untidy as usual. We have to see if he continues with basketball which he started again last week. The smell and the skin seem better after we stopped the Med. I seem to have noticed that he doesn't need so many sweets, but I have to make sure. He is a very smart and quick thinker, though sometimes very foggy.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-02-08

today our son was supposed to go to basketball but did not go. So he has gone once so far. He was also supposed to go to the dentist with the father but refused to go. According to the father it

was a tantrum he threw because the father told him off about some shoes he wanted to buy. What is your suggestion?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-02-08

Should we try 5 succussion of medorrhinum every other day or?....


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-02-08

It seems that we may have given him a too much Med. It's difficult to say on the information you've given.

Once per day is probably too often for LM 6. If you think he's ready for another dose, then let's give him one more dose and wait. Then let's wait until you see that he's ready for another. That might be 2 days, 3 days, 5 days, 10 days, etc. And we'll use that to start establishing a routine.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-02-16

We are giving him med every five days. The situation seems stable....


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-02-19

Sorry I haven't been on the forum lately. I've been swamped with work.

Is there improvement? How's he doing?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-02-21

I wouldn't say there is any improvement. He is still sleeping with the father and not doing anything during the day. Just goes out in the afternoon for few hours to meet his friends and play football and basketball.


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-02-22

He does not seem to give indications that he needs more Medorrhinum. His mood is stable and that seems what he achieved with the gallicum. I don't know what else to say.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-02-27

How are things at this time?


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-03-07

Can you update on the effect of the Med? Have you given it again?


Re: Concentration problems            From albapapa             on 2011-03-14

Dear Jewish homeopath, my apologies for not getting in touch sooner, but we have been in hospital with our younger son for tests on his hearing implant. So far we have not given Kojo' anymore Medhorrinum. He has improved a lot in many remarkable ways. He has returned to the basketball regularly, he is calmer and not moody, easy to talk to, aware of other's feelings, and a person you can reason with. One aspect that has not been touched by the Med is the fears. He is still sleeping with his father and whilst we were in hospital he slept with his grandmother. His little sister who is six had to accompany him to a room to get something because the room was dark. But I don't feel we should give any more Medorrhinum, maybe another remedy is appropriate at this time.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-03-17

Very good. I'm glad to hear that there is improvement. Medhorrinum does not cure a case, but it is often necessary to remove a block to other remedies working correctly. I hope that the other son is well. I hope you've got him on the correct homeopathic treatment too.

The improvements that you mention are all symptoms that one might expect to improve on the Med. However, some of the remaining symptoms are still main Med. symptoms (needing someone else there at night, needing someone to accompany him in the dark). I think it would be good to keep things as is for perhaps another 10 - 20 days, in case the Med. he was given is still improving the case. Are you comfortable with that?


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-03-19

Don't give any more Med. unless some of those old symptoms come back. It is probably still having an effect, and still improving the case.


Re: Concentration problems            From Homeopathy International 1             on 2011-03-30

I think these symptoms will get cured permanently if homeopathy is used correctly over time.



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