Aesculus hippocastanum Anhang


[Frans Vermeulen]

Gemüt: niedergeschlagen, traurig auch gereizt. Schlapp und träge.

Morgens erwachend, weiß er/sie nicht, wo er/sie sich befindet. Fühlt sich benommen und für eine Weile verwirrt. Braucht etwas Zeit zur Orientierung, teilweise fehlt

die Energie um in Schwung zu kommen. Innerlich hitZIG. Selten zu kalt, was der Trockenheit in seinem/ihrem Körper entspricht.

Körper: Wiederholt auftretende Stockung der Körperflüssigkeiten und der verlangsamte Ablauf der Körperfunktionen. Resultierend Trockenheit und ein Völlegefühl.

Im Stirnbereich einen DRUCK/“Als ob der Kopf zwischen Hinterkopf und Stirn eingequetscht“ (morgens)/teilweise ein stechender Schmerz von r. nach l.

Verengung und daraus resultierende Stauung auch im Atmungsapparat. < kalte Luft (UNangenehm empfunden) und oberen Atemwege verengen sich. Schnupfen,

der dabei häufig entsteht ist dünn/wässrig/brennend.

Häufig einen metallischen Geschmack im Mund und starken Speichelfluss. Zunge dick belegt und fühlt sich pelzig geschwollen an.

Schleimhäute trocken und wund anfühlen (Halsschmerz, was jedes Schlucken sehr schmerzhaft macht/stechend und zieht bis zu den Ohren).

Die Schleimhäute sind trocken, das Blut verdickt, und somit entsteht eine den ganzen Körper betreffende Stauung. Der Verdauungstrakt arbeitet gemächlicher,

darum nach dem Essen ein Völlegefühl auftritt „Das Essen wie ein Stein im Magen“, was bis zu drei Stunden nach dem Essen anhalten kann.

Trockenen Stühle, die sich hart anfühlen und den Stuhlgang somit sehr schmerzhaft machen, so als enthalte der Stuhl viele kleine Holzstückchen.

Urin dunkel und heiß.

Durch Verstopfung hervorgerufene Rückenschmerz manchmal so stark, macht arbeiten unmöglich. Schmerz < Gehen/Vorwärtsbeugen.

Hämorrhoiden: bläulich und nicht blutend; (+ Kreuzschmerz)/Krampfadern. „Wie alles eingeengt wird“, überall staut es sich im Körper an/kann im ganzen Körper das

Pulsieren des Herzschlages wahrnehmen.

Allgemein: Fieber mit Schüttelfrost um 16 h./steigt zwischen 19 und 24 h. Der Kälteschauer läuft den Rücken hinauf und hinunter.

<< morgens aufwachend. Jegliche Bewegung, vor allem Gehen, tut nicht gut. Langes Stehen ist unverträglich. < nach dem Essen/nach dem Stuhlgang (aufgebläht mit Schmerz).

> bei kühler Luft/im Freien. Es kühlt und erfrischt. < KÄLTE und die trockenen Schleimhäute reagieren sehr empfindlich darauf.


Freude, Heiterkeit

Der Kastanienbaum ist ein ausgesprochener Tiefwurzler, hat eine graubraune Rinde, eine dicht belaubte Krone und kann bis 30 Meter hoch werden.

Homer bezeichnet diese Frucht in der Iliade als Maraon, woraus sich der heute auch geläufige Name Marone abgeleitet hat.

Für die Rosskastanie gibt es nichts Schlechtes. So kann sie allem, was auf sie zukommt, offen und spontan begegnen und auch annehmen.


[Frans Vermeulen]

There is nothing new except what has been forgotten.

[Marie Antoinette]

Calm in the morn without a sound,

Calm as to suit a calmer grief,

And only thro' the faded leaf

The chestnut pottering to the ground.



Aesculus has properties similar to those of vitamin P [permeability vitamin]: it reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries, and has antiphlogistic and diuretic properties. Owing to its vasoconstrictive effect, argyraesceine is employed in the treatment of varicose veins and haemorrhoids.

Folklore: Aesculus symbolizes luxury. As an herb of Jupiter and the fire element, the primary use of the chestnut in magic used to be for love spells.

Horse chestnuts, threaded on strings, were used in England in the game of conkers, in which each player seeks to break their opponent's by hitting it with their own.

The one remaining unbroken is the 'conqueror'. Carrying a nut in ones pocket is believed to prevent piles. Carrying three nuts guards against giddiness. To attract money,

one has to wrap a dollar bill around a nut, place it into a sachet and carry it. It can also be carried for success in all things.

BB.: Chestnut Bud [= the green buds of the horse chestnut] for people who repeatedly make the same mistake but seem unable to learn from it. He says that the cause might

be indifference, inattention or failure to anticipate the outcome of their actions. These people try to forget the past and in the process, lose a grip on the present and the future. [Compare the rubric: "Dullness or confusion on waking, morning or night."]

PROVINGS •• Buchmann - 7 persons [3 males, 4 females], 1857; method: 'chewing and swallowing fresh kernel' or taking 5-30 drops of tincture.

•• Hale - 6 [male] provers, 1864-1865; method: repeated doses, at irregular intervals, of 'pulverised nut', 1x trit., 2x dil., 3x dil., and tincture.

[1-2] Grieve, A Modern Herbal.


Veins [liver; nasopharynx; ABDOMEN – r./; RECTUM]. Mucous membranes. Occiput. Lumbar region. Sacroiliac region. * R.


<: Morning, on waking/after stool/urinating/WALKING/during and after sleep/rest and lying/closed and warm room/stooping;

>: COOL, open air/cold water/bleeding [piles]/kneeling/continued exertion/warmth [superficial stinging pains]/summer;



"The Puls. veins contract in cold weather, and the shrivelling up makes the patient feel better, but the veins fill and become engorged in the warm air and after a hot bath.

A tepid bath sometimes makes a Puls. patient feel better, but a Turkish bath is generally distressing. Many of the complaints of Aesc. are of this sort; Aesc. often feels better in cold air." [Kent]

Main symptoms

M Dullness or confusion on waking; morning or night.

• "On waking [from sleep while sitting] cannot recognize what she sees; knows not where she is; nor whence came the objects about her." [Allen]

• "It is especially useful in children that rouse up in sleep frightened and in confusion, like Lyc." [Kent]

c Bach Flower Key Symptoms [Scheffer]

Chestnut Bud: Repeating the same faults over and over again, because experiences are not really digested and not enough is learned from them. Seems very slow to learn from life. Events are not reconsidered at sufficient depth. Attempts to forget unpleasant experiences as quickly as possible. Prefers to rush into new ventures rather than letting past ones have any real effect. Mental blocks, retarded development.

White Chestnut [flowers of horse chestnut]: Unwanted thoughts keep going round and round in one's head, cannot get rid of them, mental arguments and dialogues. Very much head-orientated; prisoner of one's thoughts. Keep going over the same problems time and time again in one's mind. Mental hyperactivity therefore lacks concentration in everyday life. Tired and depressed during the day, head feels full.

Compulsive and obsessive thoughts.


M Clearness,

"with light feeling in anterior lobes, but heaviness and dullness in occiput." [Allen]

M Extreme irritability.

Loses temper easily and gains control over it again but slowly. [Allen]


Dreams of fighting in a battle.

G Aesculus picture in herbal medicine.

• "Physically active people in health, there is good muscular co-ordination in the lower part of the body, which is always the heaviest and strongest. These people love walking, climbing, mountaineering, and tend to be adrenally cheerful first thing in the morning - sometimes too much so for the rest of the household! Early mornings tend to be their best time of day for strenuous activity, but the strongest of them are still leaping up on the tables at midnight, singing loudly and waving their arms about. 'Horse chestnut' is a frightfully jolly person! ... All this energetic leaping about in early life can lead to adrenal over-charging and a constant strain on other endocrine glands because of it. In the male, especially, there often seems to be great development in the physical and athletic use of adrenal glands, sometimes at the expense of the sensual and sexual uses for the prostate gland. Such males can be gladiators in the sporting world, but find great difficulty with the softer and gentler hormones used in emotions, in sexual activity, and in physical comfort. They can, and do, become martyrs to physical competency, training hard and vigorously to achieve 'perfect' condition. They run up sandhills and three flights of stairs at the office, thoroughly enjoying their 'excellent' health. They can even regard sexual activity in a 'performance' sense, notching up the quantity, and not necessarily aware of the quality - esp. for their partner! If ever a herb reflected macho-maleness, it's Horse Chestnut! The female 'Horse chestnut' can be fearsome! Large arms pummel you on the massage-table, and you can bet she'll run round the block at the end of the day, just to use up all that excess hip and thigh energy."


Fatigued feeling, as from a long walk. Totters when walking.

G Slowness.

• "Everything is slowed down in this remedy: Digestion is slow. The heart is labouring. The veins are congested. The bowels are constipated." [Howland]

G Chilliness.

And Sensation of heat [veins, skin] and burning rawness [mucous membranes].

G < MOTION [of affected parts]. G > Continued motion [general].

• "The symptoms pass away after considerable exertion; moving about, doing something, keeping busy relieves." [Kent]

G < Rubbing. Congestion of face after rubbing. Painfulness [and sometimes bleeding] of haemorrhoids after rubbing / wiping.

G HOT, DRY, STIFF, ROUGH or FULL feeling internally; throat; anus. FULNESS of veins [rectum; hands; feet].

• "Not the fullness that pits upon pressure, that we call oedema, but a tenseness." [Kent] Fullness and pulsating in veins, as if one has too much blood.

• "Can feel the pulsations all over the body." [Kent] VENOUS CONGESTIONS, esp. portal and haemorrhoidal.

G Sensation of HEAVINESS [externally].

G DARK RED, purplish DISCOLOURATION. [throat; varicose veins; haemorrhoids] G Secretions usually diminished, occasionally increased.

• "Dryness of the mucous membranes. Dryness of posterior nares and throat. Dryness and constriction of the fauces. Dryness and stiffness of the glottis. Dry, hacking cough. Dry or fluent coryza. Lachrymation. Dryness, heat and constriction of the rectum, as if obstructed. Stools dry, hard, knotty, difficult; dark or whitish, from excess or lack of bile." [Fornias]

• "In all the digestive as well as respiratory troubles in which Aesculus is indicated disturbed metabolism translates itself by a constant dryness, constriction and burning of the affected parts." [Fornias]

P Coryza. Scanty, thin, watery discharge; rawness and burning. Similar to Ars., but with sore feeling on inhaling cold air.

P Talking.

• "Unable to articulate long words distinctly; cannot control the tongue so as to form the words aright." [proving symptom; Allen] The same prover

[T.C. Duncan, taking 1x and 2x] experienced a dry feeling in palate and posterior nares, and a feeling as if the tongue was swollen.

P Throat affections [swelling, dryness, burning, soreness, < swallowing] alternating with affections of rectum [haemorrhoids].

• "Aesculus is also a remedy for follicular pharyngitis when the chief symptom is a dry rough or raw feeling in the fauces, and a sensation of constriction, and esp. when occurring in haemorrhoidal subjects." [Cowperthwaite]

P Congestion of liver [from portal stasis]. Aching, pinching pains in right hypochondrium, < walking. Pains extend up between the shoulders. And Haemorrhoids.

P Constipation. And Backache in lumbar region, < WALKING and STOOPING. P HAEMORRHOIDS [blind, bluish, large].

• "There is little tendency to haemorrhage, but much severe fulness and bearing down, with constipation." [Kent] < Walking. And Pain in rectum after stool. And Constipation. And Fulness, burning and itching in rectum/anus. [Anus intensely painful for hours after stool.]

• "Dry uncomfortable feeling in the rectum which feels as if it had been filled with sticks."

• "Dreadful pain in the anus, could not sit, stand or lie down. The knif-like, sawing backward and forwards, almost a martyrdom for agony." [Hughes]

P PAIN ACROSS SACROILIAC JOINTS. More or less constant, and feeling as if the back would give way at that point. This causes a sense of great fatigue when walking, so that walking is almost impossible. Must sit down, is still better by lying. When this symptom occurs in uterine displacements, or during pregnancy, it may be regarded as a keynote. Lameness as if strained, extending to hips or legs, or aching and weakness. < Walking, stooping, or any movement. Pains and stiffness often > after continued motion.

P Rheumatic pains.

Flying, shooting, wandering, shooting along nerves.

• "They seem at times to be scarcely more than skin deep." [Kent]

> Warmth.


Mind: Confusion on waking; knows not where she is. Feeling as if death were impending during the darting pain in trachea, followed by exalted condition of brain and nervous system. Dulness in morning on waking.

Head: Feeling of contraction in skin of forehead, during frontal headache.

Vision: Colours, black spots before the eyes > fixing eyes on an object.

Nose: Sensation of heat in tip of nose.

Face: Congestion after rubbing. Red discolouration after washing. Swelling of face after washing.

Mouth: Speech difficult, inability to speak long words distinctly. Taste like liquorice.

Teeth: “As if teeth covered with oil”.

Throat: Dryness of throat after eating (Nat-m.). Disposition to swallow, from saliva.

Stomach: Sense of constriction before convulsions. Nausea after tea.

Abdomen: Sense of fulness in hypogastrium; before and during menses.

Rectum: Haemorrhoids > warm weather. Pain > kneeling. Prolapsus at night. Urging on each eructation.

Cough: Short, on breathing deep; from swallowing.

Chest: “As if right lung moves up and down”, with respiration.

Back: Sense of paralysis of muscles of back. Stiffness on beginning to move.

Limbs: Heat of left arm and hand; feeling of heaviness and swelling in them. Pain, broken sensation in hip, as if pelvis were falling apart.

Sensation of paralysis of legs. Swelling of hands after washing; of feet after washing.


<: Tea.



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