Anthroposophical Medicine


[A. Wagner]

Comparison of homeopathic remedies as used in anthroposofic combinations.

The philosophy of anthroposophy is a valuable tool when choosing an accurate remedy. Plant, mineral or animal parts can be likened to human bodily systems making it easier for

the homoeopath to see the simillimum (Steiner, 1861 – 1925).

Anthroposophical medicine is often classed among natural or other kinds of alternative medicine, or it is equated with herbal medicine or homoeopathy. It is seen as an extension

of medical practice on the basis of the comprehensive view of the human being provided by spiritual science.

R.S. (1861 - 1925) describes anthroposophy as seeking to unite the spiritual element in the human being with the spiritual element in the universe (and therefore nature).

He states that all natural objects have a fundamental relationship to the essential human being, and every aspect of the complex human organisation has its „counterpart‟ in nature

(Steiner, 1861 - 1925). Man has the whole of the natural world within him, and nature is an infinitely differentiated human being (Hopkins, 2003). From the anthroposophical point

of view the human being is an entity formed by spirit, soul and body.

According to this spiritual science man has three members of his being: the nerve-sense system, the metabolic-limb system, and the rhythmic system. A harmonious balance of these

three systems keeps man in a general state of health. The nerve-sense system has its origin in the head sending its processes to the fingers and toes. Within the head is a cool and quiet

environment, where thought and memory are possible. The nerve-sense system receives and analyses information, and rest is essential for this system to function optimally.

This system is made up of nerve cells, which are cells that do not have the capacity to regenerate themselves throughout life. Diseases that affect the nerve-sense system are „cooling‟,

catabolic, and hardening (Hopkins, 2003).

The opposite pole is in the digestive area and is known as the metabolic-limb system. This is an area much warmer than the head and an area of constant activity (metabolism).

The cells representing this system are constantly undergoing death and regeneration, and in the lower region of this system man reproduces his own kind (the genitals). These are

unconscious processes. Activity of this system is involved with conscious and unconscious movement of the limbs, as well as metabolic processes. Diseases affecting the metabolic-limb

system are „hot‟, for example fever and inflammation.

These two opposite poles are joined by the rhythmic system. Without the rhythmic system the polar opposites would not maintain a harmonious balance. For example, circulation relates

to the metabolic-limb system, whilst breathing relates more to the nerve-sense system, and a constant rhythm between the pulse and breath is maintained by the rhythmic system.

If either of the poles became too dominant or too weak, the result would be illness (Steiner, 1905).

R.S. (1861 – 1925) and anthroposophical philosophy the three „systems‟ of man can be likened to specific areas of the plant. The nerve-sense system (head) of man relates to the roots

of the plant, the metabolic-limb system of man is likened to the reproductive system of the plant, and the rhythmic system is compared to the stem and leaves of the plant.

This relationship of human beings with plants can assist us in deciding upon a cure when faced with certain ailments. For example remedies prepared from roots may have more of an

effect on the nerve-sense system and the head, whilst leaf remedies will affect the rhythmic system (middle region). Those remedies prepared from flowers are the ones which have

the greatest effect on the metabolic-limb system.

Due to the fact that this remedy was prepared using only the leaves of the Peucedanum galbanum plant (part related to the rhythmic system), on completion of the study the symptoms

produced by the remedy were analysed in relation to the rhythmic system of the human body. This comparison of plant part to human bodily system helps to shed light on the use of

the remedy in relation to the doctrine of signatures.

Active Ingredients and their Pharmacological Effects

Peucedanum galbanum is well known by hikers and botanists for its photodermatitis. The shrub contains furanocoumarins (namely bergapten, psoralen, xanthotoxin, isopimpinellin

and imperatorin). These furanocoumarins are known to be photosensitisers when activated by ultraviolet light. They interact readily with DNA, forming light-induced mono- or diaducts.

They are phototoxic, mutagenic and photocarcinogenic (Campbell, Mathee and Wewers, 1993:27-28).

Within 24 - 48 hours after contact with the plant and subsequent exposure to sunlight a reaction involving blistering, red-purple pigmentation and intense irritation of the skin will

manifest (Campbell, Mathee and Wewers, 1993:27-28).

History of Therapeutic Use

Peucedanum galbanum

The compounds of the plant are carcinogenic but have been used medicinally in a treatment called phytochemotherapy to treat skin diseases such as psoriasis (Van Wyk, Oudtshoorn

and Gericke, 1997:190).

Preparations containing bergapten (5-methoxypsoralen), one of the active components of Peucadanum galbanum, are commercially available at present for the treatment of psoriasis

(Martindale, 1993:43). Due to the potentially carcinogenic nature of the compounds of this plant, its use is contra-indicated during pregnancy (Campbell, 1993: 586-587).

(Mills, Bone, and 2000:570) In anthroposophical medicine a remedy produced from a plant with large leaves as in the case of Curcuma longa mainly the rhythmic system of the person will be affected.


R.S.: Magnetbehandlung bei Störungen des rhythmischen Systems wie Arrhythmie und beginnende Lungentuberkulose, mit dem Hinweis, einen starken Magneten am Rücken in etwas Abstand auf- und ab zu bewegen, so dass der Brustorganismus vom magnetischen Felde durchstrahlt wird. Auch Asthma bronchiale.



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