Organon Hahnemann


Alle Aphorismen in: deutsch


[Dr. Hahnemann]

Discusses the ‘physical powers’ of beneficial action in relation to the beneficial nature of ‘dynamic action’ of homoeopathic medicines. In a passage on Isopathy and Homoeopathy he writes “In like manner, a hand scalded with boiling water would not be cured isopathically by the application of boiling water, but only by a somewhat

lower temperature, as, for example, by holding it in a vessel containing a fluid heated to 160° F which becomes every minute less hot, and finally descends to the temperature of the room, where-upon the scalded part is restored by Homoeopathy.”

§ 1 ‘The physician’s highest calling, his only calling, is to make sick people healthy – to heal, as it is termed’

What H. is describing here is a process to do with feeling. When someone scalds their hand they experience the feeling of extreme heat which makes them pull their hand away. In applying quite hot water to the scalded hand, as hot as helpfully possible, keeps the hand close to the feeling of the injury, that of extreme heat, and in so doing

keeps the person close to the feeling of the injury.

§ 4 says:

“He is, likewise, a preserver of health if he knows the things that derange health and cause and sustain disease, and how to remove them from persons in health.”

True prevention requires knowledge about the general living conditions which cause diseases. This concerns the adequate supply of fresh foods and a balanced nutrition, human housing conditions, proper clothing to protect themselves against cold and heat, pure drinking water, ways to keep body and clothes clean, and an efficient waste disposal, functioning canalization, etc. not to mention social peace and working conditions, family bonds and social order. It surely makes sense to everybody that the probability of infectious diseases like diphtheria, measles and pertussis and the general health of the population suffer during times of famine, destruction of all civilizing institutions by means of wars and insufficient care of the sick.


Die Paragraphen über Heilungshindernisse in Hahnemanns Organon VI. Auflage Samuel Hahnemann

§ 252

Fände man aber beim Gebrauche der übrigen Arzneien, daß in der chronischen Krankheit die bestens homöopathisch gewählte Arznei, in der angemessenen (kleinsten) Gabe, die Besserung nicht förderte, so ist dieß ein gewisses Zeichen, daß die, die Krankheit unterhaltende Ursache noch fortwährt, und dass sich in der Lebensordnung des Kranken oder in seinen Umgebungen ein Umstand befindet, welcher abgeschaltet werden muß, wenn die Heilung dauerhaft zu Stande kommen soll.

§ 255

Dennoch wird man auch bei diesen zur Ueberzeugung hierüber gelangen, wenn man jedes, im Krankheitsbilde aufgezeichnete Symptom einzeln mit ihnen durchgeht und sie außer diesen, über keine neuen, vorher ungewöhnlichen Beschwerden klagen können, auch keines der alten Zufälle sich verschlimmert hat. Dann muß, bei schon beobachteter Besserung des Gemüthes und Geistes, die Arznei auch durchaus wesentliche Minderung der Krankheit hervorgebracht haben, oder, wenn jetzt noch die Zeit dazu zu kurz gewesen wäre, bald hervorbringen. Zögert nun, im Fall der Angemessenheit des Heilmittels, die sichtbare Besserung doch zu lange, so liegt es entweder am unrechten Verhalten des Kranken oder an andern, die Besserung hindernden Umständen.

§ 260

Für chronisch Kranke ist daher die sorgfältige Aufsuchung solcher Hindernisse der Heilung um so nöthiger, da ihre Krankheit durch dergleichen Schädlichkeiten und andere krankhaft wirkende, oft unerkannte Fehler in der Lebensordnung gewöhnlich verschlimmert worden war.

Anm.: Kaffee, feiner chinesischer und anderer Kräuterthee; Biere mit arzneilichen, für den Zustand des Kranken unangemessenen Gewächssubstanzen angemacht, sogenannte feine, mit arzneilichen Gewürzen bereitete Liqueure, alle Arten Punsch, gewürzte Schokolade, Riechwasser und Parfümerien mancher Art, stark duftende Blumen im Zimmer, aus Arzneien zusammengesetzte Zahnpulver und Zahnspiritus, Riechkißchen, hochgewürzte Speisen und Saucen, gewürztes Backwerk und Gefrornes mit arzneilichen Stoffen, z.B. Kaffee, Vanille u.s.w. bereitet, rohe, arzneiliche Kräuter auf Suppen, Gemüße von Kräutern, Wurzeln und Keim-Stengeln (wie Spargel mit langen, grünen Spitzen), Hopfenkeime und alle Vegetabilien, welche Arzneikraft besitzen, Sellerie, Petersilie, Sauerampfer, Dragun, alle Zwiebel-Arten, u.s.w.; alter Käse und Thierspeisen, welche faulicht sind, (Fleisch und Fett von Schweinen, Enten und Gänsen oder allzu junges Kalbfleisch und saure Speisen; Salate aller Art), welche arzneiliche Nebenwirkungen haben, sind eben so sehr von Kranken dieser Art zu entfernen als jedes Uebermaß, selbst das des Zuckers und Kochsalzes, so wie geistige, nicht mit viel Wasser verdünnte Getränke; Stubenhitze, schafwollene Haut-Bekleidung, sitzende Lebensart in eingesperrter Stuben-Luft oder öftere, bloß negative Bewegung (durch Reiten, Fahren, Schaukeln), übermäßiges Kind-Säugen, langer Mittagsschlaf im Liegen (in Betten), Lesen in waagerechter Lage, Nachtleben, Unreinlichkeit, unnatürliche Wohllust, Entnervung durch Lesen schlüpfriger Schriften, Onanism oder, sei es aus Aberglauben, sei es um Kinder-Erzeugung in der Ehe zu verhüten, unvollkommner, oder ganz unterdrückter Beischlaf; Gegenstände des Zornes, des Grames, des Aergernisses, leidenschaftliches Spiel, übertriebene Anstrengung des Geistes und Körpers, vorzüglich gleich nach der Mahlzeit; sumpfige Wohngegend und dumpfige Zimmer; karges Darbenu.s.w. Alle diese Dinge müssen möglichst vermieden oder entfernt werden, wenn die Heilung nicht gehindert oder gar unmöglich gemacht werden soll. Einige meiner Nachahmer scheinen durch Verbieten noch weit mehrer, ziemlich gleichgültiger Dinge die Diät des Kranken unnöthig zu erschweren, was nicht zu billigen ist.

§ 261

Die, beim Arzneigebrauche in chronischen Krankheiten zweckmäßigste Lebensordnung, beruht auf Entfernung solcher Genesungs-Hindernisse und dem Zusatze des hie und da nöthigen Gegentheils: unschuldige Aufheiterung des Geistes und Gemüths, active Bewegung in freier Luft, fast bei jeder Art von Witterung (tägliches Spazierengehen, kleine Arbeiten mit den Armen), angemessene, nahrhafte, unarzneiliche Speisen und Getränke u.s.w.


[Fourie Erasmus]

The homoeopathic process of preparing medicine was introduced by Hahnemann in the fifth edition of the Organon, in 1831. It is characterized by 4 distinguishing features (Gaier 1981:456):

1. It is a purely mechanical and mathematico-physical process.

2. The procedure involves neither uncertain, unreliable nor immeasurable factors.

3. The resultant product is stable and can readily be maintained that way.

4. The process is theoretically illimitable, though it becomes laboriously time consuming in the higher range of potencies.

Potentized substances possess certain attributes:

1. Quantitative (chemical) reduction linked to qualitative increment of therapeutic (reactive) property.

2. Physical solubility (even of substances, like metals, believed to have been insoluble).

3. Physiological assimilability and bioavailability.

4. Altered therapeutic activity (suppression of primary (direct), and enhancement of secondary (reactive) effect of drugs.


 Aphorism 1 to 10 | HPATHY.COM

Aphorism1 The physician's high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed


“It is the morbidly affected vital energy alone that produces disease, so that the morbid phenomena perceptible to our senses expressed at the same time all the internal change, that is to say, the whole morbid derangement of the internal dynamis; in a word, they reveal the whole disease”. H. writes that the vital force, when it is affected, is what causes the disease, that is, the cause of the disease.

Aphorism 7

[Rudi Verspoor]

“…so must be the totality of these its symptoms, this outwardly reflecting image of the inner Genius [Wesen] of the disease, that is of the suffering of the Living Power, the most important or only thing, whereby the disease can make the remedy that it may require discernible — the only thing that can determine the most suitable auxiliary means — so in a word, must the totality of the symptoms be the most important thing, indeed the only thing for the Remedial-Artist [Heilkünstler], that he has to discern and clear away in each disease case by his art.”

[Richard H. Pitcairn]

Aphorism 9

In the healthy human state, the spirit-like life force (autocracy) that enlivens the material organism as dynamis, governs without restriction and keeps all parts of the organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation, as regards both feelings and functions, so that our indwelling, rational spirit can freely avail itself of this living, healthy instrument for the higher purposes of our existence.

This is radical, is it not? He is suggesting that there is a non-physical energy or power that is what runs the physical body. Most people these days talk of the body as being self-existent, and having its own intelligence. They will say “my body told me this was not a good food for me to eat.” Hahnemann says quite the opposite, that the body can do nothing on its own, that it is entirely a receptive mechanism.

[Richard H. Pitcairn]

Aphorism 10

The material organism, thought of without life force, is capable of no sensibility, no activity, no self-preservation. It derives all sensibility and produces its life functions solely by means of the immaterial wesen (the life principle, the life force) that enlivens the material organism in health and in disease.

Even more clear is the footnote to this aphorism.

Footnote 10:  Without life force, the material organism is dead and is only subject to the power of the physical external world. It decays and is again resolved into its chemical constituents.

This turns our thinking on its head. There is the common assumption that the physical body is primary and its existence, and that of the brain, is what actually brings about consciousness. Hahnemann’s model is the exact opposite.  You can see why homeopathy is rejected by many people.

As if this is not enough, he adds that this life force has this purpose so that “our indwelling, rational spirit can freely avail itself of this living, healthy instrument for the higher purposes of our existence.”


If we put this into our own words, Hahnemann is saying that what we are, as a being, is not a physical organism but a spiritual one. It is the spirit which is “rational” that which thinks, is conscious. The physical body is simply a tool that is used for a purpose that the spirit has in creating it to be used.

If we are to accept this as true, the implications are enormous. It means that all the ideas we accumulated through our education as to how the body operates are not accurate. Instead of saying that a condition has come about because the adrenal glands are secreting too much hormone and accepting this as the full explanation as to the cause, we now know that any such change is what the life force has brought about. The adrenals were just what the life force used.

As if this is not enough, he adds that this life force has this purpose so that “our indwelling, rational spirit can freely avail itself of this living, healthy instrument for the higher purposes of our existence.”


If we put this into our own words, Hahnemann is saying that what we are, as a being, is not a physical organism but a spiritual one. It is the spirit which is “rational” that which thinks, is conscious. The physical body is simply a tool that is used for a purpose that the spirit has in creating it to be used.

If we are to accept this as true, the implications are enormous. It means that all the ideas we accumulated through our education as to how the body operates are not accurate. Instead of saying that a condition has come about because the adrenal glands are secreting too much hormone and accepting this as the full explanation as to the cause, we now know that any such change is what the life force has brought about. The adrenals were just what the life force used.


5th Edition of Organon]


Patient is very excitable and weak, the application of a remedy by olfaction is more efficacious and safe than the administration of a substantial dose of homoeopathic medicine, however fine and highly potentiated. This is done by holding the mouth of the vial, containing one small globule moistened with the medicine, first to one nostril, and if the dose is to be still more efficacious, also to the other nostril of the patient, who takes a momentary inspiration. This process of olfaction is not to be repeated at shorter intervals, than if the medicine had been given in substantial form.



Aphorism 11 to 20 | HPATHY.COM

H. “…it is only the vital force, deranged to such an abnormal state, that can furnish the organism with its disagreeable sensations”.

From this we find that Hahnemann believed that “vital force” is what causes the symptoms.

Organon 6

    §11   “When a person falls ill, it is initially only this spirit-like, autonomic life force (life principle), everywhere present in the organism, that is mistuned through the dynamic influence of a morbific agent inimical to life.”

    §12:    “It is the disease-tuned life force alone that brings forth diseases. These diseases are expressed by the disease manifestations perceptible to our senses conjointly with all internal alterations.”


 Aphorism 21 to 30 | HPATHY.COM


Understanding Aphorism 30 to 33 | HPATHY.COM


[Richard H. Pitcairn]

Here, in the aphorism that precedes the one above (= aphorism 30), is described how a similar remedy can resolve this condition of the life force.

Aphorism §29

    Any disease (which is not strictly a surgical case) consists solely of a specific dynamic disease mistunement of our life force (life principle) in our feelings and functions.

    The life principle, which has been dynamically mistuned by the natural disease, is seized, during homeopathic cure, by the similar yet somewhat stronger artificial disease-affection which results from the application of the medicinal potence, selected exactly according to symptom similarity.

    The feeling of the natural (weaker) dynamic disease-affection is extinguished and disappears for the life principle and, from then on, no longer exists for the life principle which is occupied solely by the stronger artificial disease-affection.

    The artificial disease-affection soon plays itself out, leaving the patient free and recuperated. The dynamis, thus freed, can now continue life again, in health.

What I want to emphasize in this sentence is — “The feeling of the natural (weaker) dynamic disease affection is extinguished and disappears for the life principle and,

from then on, no longer exists for the life principle.”

Let’s rephrase this by saying the experience of being affected by disease influence (inimical potence) is a “feeling.” The life force is in this state of mistunement because of “feeling” the presence of what is interpreted as harmful. The life force then responds to the feeling as a reaction to it.

Notice that when the similar remedy is used, it only removes the feeling of the disease influence which frees that individual from the problem. It does not go into the body, correct things, alter physiological processes, change functions. It only takes the “feeling place” of the original influence.

This, again, is showing that what causes disease is at the level of perception, therefore at the level of conscious spirit. It is not a physical happening. Yes, there are physical changes because of the life force mistunement, as the normal action of the life force is the maintenance of the physical condition, but these changes are the outcomes, the outer expression, of the disturbance, the effect, what Kent calls the “ultimates.”


Lecture on Aphorism 34 to 35 | HPATHY.COM #

Organon & Philosophy | HPATHY.COM


Lecture on Aphorism 38-39 | HPATHY.COM


Aphorism 31 to 40 | HPATHY.COM

[Richard H. Pitcairn]

31 The—partly psychical and partly physical—inimical potencies in life on earth (which we call disease malignities) do not possess an absolute power to morbidly mistune the human condition. We become diseased by them only when our organism is just exactly and sufficiently disposed and laid open to be assailed by the cause of disease that is present, and to be altered in its condition, mistuned and displaced into abnormal feelings and functions. Hence these inimical potences do not make everyone sick every time.

Hahnemann says these influences are not absolutely powerful, and this is what is really important here — “We become diseased by them only when our organism is just exactly and sufficiently disposed and laid open to be assailed by the cause of disease that is present…” In other words, we have to come to the position of being susceptible to them prior to the exposure to the inimical influence. We will look at that more as we go on.

Ein Organismus reagiert auf Einflüsse aus der Umwelt nie gleichartig und nicht immer mit Krankheit, Stressoren sind demnach nicht immanent schädlich.

§ 46 “By the way it is notable, that since the general distribution of Jenner’s Cow Pox vaccination, human small-pox never again appeared as epidemically or virulently as

40 - 50 years before...”


Lecture on Aphorism 41-42 | HPATHY.COM


 Aphorism 41 to 50 | HPATHY.COM

Some homeopaths attack vaccination unaware that in the 6th edition of the Organon, Hahnemann has said that vaccination is a wonderful thing and it has saved the lives

of children. Do see the footnote under paragraph 43.

Hahnemann seems to have considered that the Jennerian method of vaccination -scratching cowpox pus into the skin- was both preventative in epidemics and curative

when it was used against similar disease states. Both homeopathy and Jenner’s cow pox vaccine came around in late 1700s and Hahnemann saw the benefits of cow

pox vaccination.


Aphorism 51 to 60 | HPATHY.COM

Ein Organismus reagiert, auf Basis vorhandener Reaktionsfähigkeit, auf die Einwirkung von Stressoren. Durch erzeugten Widerstand erfolgt die Entwicklung gesundheits- oder krankheits-nah. Es besteht nie ein gleichmäßiger Zustand von Gesundheit und Krankheit, ein Organismus unterliegt einer fortlaufenden Reaktion und Regulation und definiert sich individuell durch krankhafte und gesunde Symptome. Org, § 12+54Org, § 218Org, § 153 Org. § 94

Dr. Hahnemann stated about this method of treatment in footnote of aphorism 56 of the 5th edition (Organon of Healing Art) as – ‘A fourth mode of employing medicines

in diseases has been attempted to be created by means of Isopathy, as it is called – that is to say, a method of curing a given disease by the same contagious particle that

produces it.


Aphorism 61 to 70 | HPATHY.COM


Aphorism 71 to 80 | HPATHY.COM

            »Organon der Heilkunst« (6. Auflage, verfaßt um 1840) im § 74 Folgendes:

»Zu den chronischen Krankheiten müssen wir leider! noch jene allgemein verbreiteten rechnen, durch die allöopathischen Curen erkünstelt, wie auch den anhaltenden Gebrauch heftiger, heroischer Arzneien, in großen und gesteigerten Gaben, den Mißbrauch und Calomel, Quecksilbersublimat, Quecksilbersalbe, Opium, Baldrian, ..., jahrelange Abführungsmittel, ... usw., wovon die Lebenskraft theils unbarmherzig geschwächt, theils, wenn sie ja nicht unterliegt, nach und nach (von jedes besondern Mittels Mißbrauche, eigenartig) dergestalt innormal verstimmt wird, daß sie, um das Leben gegen diese feindseligen und zerstörenden Angriffe aufrecht zu erhalten, den Organism umändern, und diesem oder jenem Theile entweder die Erregbarkeit oder die Empfindung benehmen, oder sie übermäßig erhöhen, Theile erweitern oder zusammenziehen, erschlaffen oder verhärten, oder wohl gar vernichten, und hie und da im Innern und Aeußern organische Fehler anbringen (den Körper im Innern und Äußern verkrüppeln) muß, um dem Organism Schutz vor völliger Zerstörung des Lebens gegen die immer erneuerten, feindlichen Angriffe solcher ruinierenden Potenzen (gemeint sind hier chemische bzw. allgemein stoffliche, Symptome unterdrückende Arzneimittel, Anm. d. Verf.) zu verschaffen.«

            § 76 eine Prognose, verbunden mit konkreten Behandlungsanweisungen mit auf den Weg:

»Nur gegen natürlich Krankheiten hat uns der Allgütige Hülfe durch die Homöopathik geschenkt - aber jene, durch falsche Kunst schonungslos erzwungenen, oft jahrelangen Schwächungen (durch Blut-Verschwenden, Abmergelung durch Haarseile und Fontanelle) so wie die Verhunzungen und Verkrüppelungen des menschlichen Organisms im Innern und Aeußern durch schädliche Arzneien und zweckwidrige Behandlungen, müßtem (bei übrigens zweckmäßiger Hülfe, gegen ein vielleicht noch im Hintergrunde liegendes Miasm) die Lebenskraft selbst zurücknehmen, wenn sie 5 nicht schon zu sehr durch solche Unthaten geschwächt worden und mehrere Jahre auf dieses ungeheure Geschäft ungestört verwenden könnte.«

Hahnemann has mentioned about acute diseases in the aphorisms 72-82.

The following points are worthy to take into account:

    Mode of onset: Usually sudden

    Intensity: A marked intensity of functional and structural alterations of signs and symptoms

    Pace: Rapid progress; travels at a great speed. Finish their course more or less quickly.

    Termination: Manner in which they terminate; either recovery or death.

Ein Organismus verliert im Laufe des Lebens seine Kräfte und die Stabilität, ein Vorgang der nicht aufgehalten werden kann (Diät u.a.) und als chronische Krankheit beschrieben wird. Auf der Grundlage von Heterostase (Ungleichgewicht) erfolgt eine Weiterentwicklung in Richtung zunehmender Entropie bis zum Tod.


Aphorism § 74 Folgendes:

»Zu den chronischen Krankheiten müssen wir leider! noch jene allgemein verbreiteten rechnen, durch die allöopathischen Curen erkünstelt, wie auch den anhaltenden Gebrauch heftiger, heroischer Arzneien, in großen und gesteigerten Gaben, den Mißbrauch und Calomel, Quecksilbersublimat, Quecksilbersalbe, Opium, Baldrian, ..., jahrelange Abführungsmittel, ... usw., wovon die Lebenskraft theils unbarmherzig geschwächt, theils, wenn sie ja nicht unterliegt, nach und nach (von jedes besondern Mittels Mißbrauche, eigenartig) dergestalt in normal verstimmt wird, daß sie, um das Leben gegen diese feindseligen und zerstörenden Angriffe aufrecht zu erhalten, den Organism umändern, und diesem oder jenem Theile entweder die Erregbarkeit oder die Empfindung benehmen, oder sie übermäßig erhöhen, Theile erweitern oder zusammenziehen, erschlaffen oder verhärten, oder wohl gar vernichten, und hie und da im Innern und Aeußern organische Fehler anbringen (den Körper im Innern und Äußern verkrüppeln) 


Aphorism 91 to 100 | HPATHY.COM

In aphorism 94, it is clearly mentioned that the physician should try to enquire the circumstances which have made the patient sick. The physician should enquire about

the patient’s mode of living, diet, and domestic circumstances.


Aphorism 101 to 110 | HPATHY.COM

genus epidemicus following Hahnemann’s idea: Organon, § 101 and 102

Aphorism 102

In the course of writing down the symptoms of several cases of this kind the sketch of the disease picture becomes ever more and more complete, not more spun out and wortreich, but more significant (more characteristic), and including more of the peculiarities of this collective disease.

On the one hand, the general symptoms (e.g., loss of appetite, sleeplessness, etc.) become precisely defined as to their peculiarities; and on the other, the more marked and special symptoms which are peculiar to but few diseases and of rarer occurrence, at least in the same combination, become prominent and constitute what is characteristic

of this malady.

All those affected with the disease prevailing at a given time have certainly contracted it from one and the same source and hence are suffering from the same disease;

but the whole extent of such an epidemic disease and the totality of its symptoms (the knowledge whereof, which is essential for enabling us to choose the most suitable homeopathic remedy for this array of symptoms, is obtained by a complete survey of the morbid picture) cannot be learned from one single patient, but is only to be

perfectly deduced (abstracted) and ascertained from the sufferings of several patients of different constitutions.

Footnote.1 The physician who has already, in the first cases, been able to choose a remedy approximating to the homoeopathic specific, will, from the subsequence cases,

be enabled either to verify the suitableness of the medicine chosen, or to discover a more appropriate, the most appropriate homeopathic remedy.

Here in aphorism102, Dr Hahnemann wants to explain that the physician should carefully observe and note the chief complaints of several cases (both sexes, of different

age group, and of different constitutions) of that particular epidemic.

Here the physician will find 2 types of symptoms

    General symptoms like malaise, skin rashes, body ache, etc. These symptoms are found in almost all cases of that particular epidemic.

    Particular symptoms rare, uncommon and peculiar symptoms with concomitants.

Now the general symptoms of that particular epidemic becomes the characteristic of that disease. For e.g. Body pain is noticed in dengue. You can make that general

symptom becomes more better by noting it more precisely for e.g. body pain during day time in 1st case, body pain during day only on jar in 2nd case. So this is how your general symptom become more characteristic.

The physician should need to carefully pay attention on particular symptoms also, so that he can reach to more suitable remedy and get towards more suitable GENUS EPIDEMICUS of that particular epidemic.


Aphorism 111 to 120 | HPATHY.COM


Aphorism 121 to 130 | HPATHY.COM

In  aphorism 128  of  the ‘Organon of the medical art’, Dr Samuel Hahnemann states that the 30th potency should be used in the proving of a substance (O’Reilly, 1996:154). Sherr also recommends this potency as it is said to produce the best mental, emotional and general symptoms (Sherr, 1994:27).


 Aphorism 131 to 140 | HPATHY.COM

Organon § 135

“The complex of all disease elements which a medicine is capable of engendering is only brought near to completeness by means of multiple observations employed upon many

differing qualified persons, both male and female. One can only be assured of having thoroughly proven a medicine for the disease states which it can arouse (i.e., for its pure

powers in altering the human condition) when subsequent provers can notice little about the medicine that is new and they almost always perceive in themselves the same

symptoms that have already been observed by others.”


Aphorism 141 to 150 | HPATHY.COM

[Richard H. Pitcairn]

He addresses it in aphorism 148.

A natural disease is never to be regarded as some noxious matter situated somewhere inside or outside the person. Rather, natural disease is engendered by a spirit-like inimical potence that disturbs, as if by a kind of contagion, the spirit-like life principle that reigns, with its instinctual governance, in the entire organism. Like an evil spirit, it torments the life principle, forcing it to engender certain sufferings and disorders in the course of its life. These are known as symptoms or diseases.

The word “inimical” means something harmful or injurious. He is saying there exists, at the same level, the spiritual (non-physical), an influence that comes in contact with the life force of the person or animal, and has effect on it. Alarming as this sounds, it is important to know that Hahnemann also says these influences are not very powerful.


[Dr. Manish Bhatia]

Dr. Bhatia's Lectures on Organon of Medicine


Aphorism 148: ...If, as has been said, the selected homeopathic remedy is administered properly, then the acute natural disease which is to be overruled if recently developed, will often disappear imperceptibly in a few hours.

An older, more chronic disease will yield somewhat later together with all traces of discomfort, by the use of several doses of the same more highly potentized remedy or after careful selection1 of one or another more similar homeopathic medicine. Health, recovery, follow in imperceptible, often rapid transitions. The life principle is freed again and capable of resuming the life of the organism in health as before and strength returns.

...After this, Hahnemann gives his opinion about the time that is required to treat various types of diseases.

He says that once a similar remedy is administered, an acute disease of recent origin disappears within a few hours.

I have personally witnessed this numerous times that a single dose of the rightly selected remedy makes the acute disappear very rapidly, sometimes within minutes.

Last time when I had a fever, I had severe pain in my legs. My homeopath prescribed China 200C to be taken every three hours. I could only find 30CH at home and took

a dose. Within ten minutes I could feel the aches in my legs dissolving and within a few hours, the illness of three days just vanished. I never needed the second dose.

In my clinical practice, I have seen acutes like fever, coryza, colic, otalgia, headache, etc., disappearing in a very short duration, varying from a few minutes to a few hours.

I must say that such results only come when you have high precision in selecting the simillimum. My experience tells me that you need to take into consideration the mental state of the patient in consideration, even while treating acutes. The more superficial the prescription, the more superficial the results. Hahnemann himself has written that

there is no Aconite without fear and no Nux vomica without irritability. Observing the mental state or enquiring about it doesn’t take too much time in an acute, but the

results that you get after that little bit of extra effort, are phenomenal.

I must also add that doses needed in an acute depend upon the severity of the diseases. Hahnemann has suggested that we can repeat the medicine in an acute condition

as frequently as every few minutes if needed. We will study this in more detail when we study posology in later aphorisms.

He then tells us that in the treatment of a chronic disease:

    Several doses of the same remedy may be required, each subsequent dose being more potentised than the previous one.


    More than one remedy might be required sequentially (not together) if the symptom picture changes.

The treatment will be of longer duration. It can again vary from a few days to a few years, depending upon the nature and extent of pathology, vitality of the patient, and

skill of the homeopath. We will cover all these and more while studying posology.

The 149th aphorism in the 5th edition of Organon was clearer about the duration of treatment. Its content got split in aphorisms 148 and 149 in the 6th edition. Let us study

it for greater clarity...


Aphorism 151 to 160 | HPATHY.COM

§ 157

[Dr. Manish Bhatia]

Dr. Bhatia's Lectures on Organon of Medicine


In aphorism 157 Hahnemann introduces the concept of homeopathic aggravation.

While it is certain that a homeopathically selected remedy does, by reason of its appropriateness and the minuteness of the dose, gently removes and annihilates the acute disease analogous to it, without manifesting its other unhomeopathic symptoms, that is to say, without the production of new, serious disturbances, yet it usually, immediately after ingestion – for the first hour, or for a few hours – causes a kind of slight aggravation when the dose has not been sufficiently small and (where the dose has been somewhat too large, however, for a considerable number of hours), which has so much resemblance to the original disease that it seems to the patient to be an aggravation

of his own disease. But it is, in reality, nothing more than an extremely similar medicinal disease, somewhat exceeding in strength the original affection.

Hahnemann tells us that when a similar remedy is applied to a sick individual, it produces a similar artificial disease which is slightly stronger than the natural disease.

Due to the similarity, the patient feels that the existing symptoms have aggravated, but in reality, it is the effect of the medicine.

This intensification of existing symptoms is usually slight and lasts, at the most, for a few hours. So homeopathic aggravation can be defined as:

Homeopathic aggravation is a slight, transient aggravation of existing symptoms of a patient, after application of a similar remedy.

It is important to understand and focus on the words ‘slight’ and ‘transient’.

The intensification has to be slight. If the patient comes to you, say with colic. The intensification of the pain has to be so slight that in most cases, it will be imperceptible.

The patient should not be wailing with pain due to the artificial disease state. Remember the second aphorism - the ideal cure has to be ‘gentle’.

This aggravation should last only for a few minutes or hours. The aggravation has to be transient, short-lived and not protracted. We give medicines to reduce the suffering

of a person, not to increase it.

Hahnemann says that if the dose given to the patient be too large, this aggravation can last for several more hours.

I have found that a large number of homeopaths do not understand this concept of homeopathic aggravation. They believe and often tell their patients that after they give

a so-called homeopathic remedy, the disease will first increase and then subside. This is a fallacy.

The disease does not aggravate. It is the perception of the disease that is aggravated.

This increased perception is dynamic due to the dynamic nature of the remedy. It does not (never) leads to an increase in the pathological state, even for a short while.

Only the sensations related to the disease are heightened. Let us understand this better with some examples.

A patient with dermatitis feels slightly more itchy for an hour or a few hours after the remedy. After that, the patient feels better and the dermatitis gradually reduces in

the days to come. This is homeopathic aggravation.

A patient experience severe aggravation in itching after the remedy. The increased itching lasts for several days or is so intense that the patient is unable to sleep now.

The patient is greatly bothered by this aggravation. This is NOT homeopathic aggravation. Either the remedy or the dose is very dissimilar.

A patient with dermatitis gets a remedy. The area of dermatitis increases after that or there are a few new patches. This is NOT a homeopathic aggravation. This is either

a disease-aggravation or a medicinal aggravation.

A child comes to you with cough. He is coughing every few minutes. After the remedy, the cough becomes so intense that the child finds it difficult to breathe.

This is NOT homeopathic aggravation.

The same child, however, has a few small bouts of cough after the remedy, followed by a quick and lasting amelioration. This is homeopathic aggravation.

A person comes to you with 102 fever, myalgia and headache. After the remedy, the fever seems slightly more, say by half a degree, but the headache and myalgia feel less. This is soon followed by a sweat and all symptoms are relieved. This is homeopathic aggravation.

Homeopathic aggravation does not mean you will first increase the vitiligo patches or increase the number of convulsions before reducing them. It means slight and transient aggravation of the symptoms (not pathology). And this aggravation should be followed by a long amelioration of symptoms and reduction of pathology.


Aphorism 171 to 180 | HPATHY.COM


Aphorism 181 to 190 | HPATHY.COM


Aphorism 191 to 200 | HPATHY.COM


 Aphorism 211 to 220 | HPATHY.COM

•Hahnemann stresses both symptom and disposition, but especially the latter, in Aphorism 210 of the Organon: “...and in all cases of disease we are called on to cure, the state of the patient's disposition is to be particularly noted, along with the totality of the symptoms, if we would trace an accurate picture of the disease, in order to be able there from to treat it homeopathically with success.”

•Dispositionis that which shapes each person’s unique way of responding to events. This includes those consistent attributes, positive and negative, that form our attitudes and our actions.

•I came to this succinct definition after careful thought and much application.

•As much as disposition plays a prominent role in the selection of the remedy, the evaluation of whether we have successfully applied a homeopathic remedy is to be found in the curative positive change in pathology, in the “annihilation of the disease” (as Hahnemann said), and not necessarily with regard to any change of disposition in the early follow-ups.

Aphorism 210 and in all cases of disease we are called on to cure, the state of the patient’s disposition is to be particularly noted, along with the totality of the symptoms,

if we would trace an accurate picture of identifying Miasms and Nosodes, and the History of Miasms11th disease, in order to be able there from to treat it homoeopathically with success

Aphorisms 210, 222 and 228, mental diseases are said to be of Psoric origin and are to be treated with antipsoric medicines.

Aphorism 226 is related to the concept of psychotherapy. It states that display of confidence, friendly exhortations, sensible advice and appropriate diet and regimen help the patient to achieve a healthy state of mind.


Aphorism 231 to 240 | HPATHY.COM


Aphorism 241 to 250 | HPATHY.COM


 Aphorism 251 to 260 | HPATHY.COM

·         Aphorism 250: When, to the observant practitioner who accurately investigates the state of the disease, it is evident, in urgent cases after the lapse of only six, eight or twelve hours, that he has made a bad selection in the medicine last given, in that the patient’s state is growing perceptibly, however slightly, worse from hour to hour, by the occurrence of new symptoms and sufferings, it is not only allowable for him….

·         Aphorism 253: Among the signs that, in all diseases, especially in such as are of an acute nature, inform us of a slight commencement of amelioration or aggravation that is not perceptible to everyone, the state of mind and the whole demeanor of the patient are the most certain and instructive. In the case of ever so slight an improvement we observe

·         a greater degree of comfort, increased calmness and freedom of the mind, higher spirits – a kind of return of the natural state. In the case of ever so small a commencement of aggravation we have, on the contrary, the exact opposite of this: a constrained helpless, pitiable state of the disposition, of the mind, of the whole demeanor, and of all gestures, postures and actions, which may be easily perceived on close observation, but cannot be described in words.

Footnote § 253: The signs of improvement in the disposition and mind, however, may be expected only soon after the medicine has been taken when the dose has been sufficiently minute (i.e., as small as possible), an unnecessary large dose of even the most suitable homoeopathic medicine acts too violently, and at first produces too great and too lasting a disturbance of the mind and disposition to allow us soon to perceive the improvement in them. I must here observe that this so essential rule is chiefly transgressed by presumptuous tryos in homoeopathy, and by physicians who are converted to homoeopathy from the ranks of the old school. From old prejudices these persons abhor the smallest doses of the lowest dilutions of medicine in such cases, and hence they fail to experience the great advantages and blessings of that mode of proceeding which a thousandfold experience has shown to be the most salutary; they cannot effect all that homoeopathy is capable of doing, and hence they have no claim to be considered its adherents.

Aphorism 261 to 270 | HPATHY.COM

only one single, simple medicinal substance is to be administered in a given case of time. This is due to the following reasons:

§ 265 of The Organon is often overlooked?

    “It is a matter of conscience for the medical-art practitioner to be certain that each patient takes the right medicine every time. Therefore, the practitioner should give the patient the correctly selected medicine from his own hands, and he should also prepare the medicine himself.“

Now we had a more accurate remedy, although it was devoid of contact with the originating source material. This bothered me as I had a real sense of responsibility for not putting out an inaccurate remedy (Aphorisms 264, 265)

§ 272 “Such a globule, placed dry upon the tongue, is one of the smallest doses for a moderate recent case of illness. Here but few nerves are touched by the medicine.

A similar globule, crushed with some sugar of milk and dissolved in a good deal of water (§247) and stirred well before every administration will produce a far more

powerful medicine for the use of several days. Every dose, no matter how minute, touches, on the contrary, many nerves.”


Aphorism Siehe § 284 in der 6. Auflage des Organon.

        "Außer der Zunge, dem Munde und dem Magen, die am gewöhnlichsten beim Einnehmen von der Arznei afficiert werden, sind vorzüglich die Nase und die Athmungs-Organe für die Einwirkung der Arzneien in flüssiger Gestalt empfänglich, durch Riechen und Einathmen durch den Mund“.

Aphorism 291 to 294 | HPATHY.COM


Aphorism 271 to 280 | HPATHY.COM


Aphorism 281 to 290 | HPATHY.COM

§ 288 “The homoeopathic physician allows the patient to hold the open mouth of the phial first in one nostril, and in the act of inspiration draw the air out of it into himself

and then, if it is wished to give a stronger dose, smell in the same manner with the other nostril, more or less strongly according to the strength it is intended the dose should be….Should both nostrils be stopped up by coryza or polypus, the patient should inhale by the mouth, holding the orifice of the phial between his lips. In little children it may be applied close to their nostrils while they are asleep with the certainty of producing an effect.”

Lectures on Organon of Medicine – Ideal Homeopathic Cure ...

§ 288 OLFACTION (inhalation through nose or mouth)- Olfaction means ‘Act of Smelling’. It is a method of administering medicine to a patient through the nose and mouth by the act of smelling. Hahnemann was administering medicines by oral routes for many years. But in his last years (1833) he favoured the olfactory route.7 He states in the footnote of §288 of 5th edition of Organon of Medicine that ‘homoeopathic remedies act most surely and most powerfully when the medicinal aura that is always emanating from the medicine is inhaled for a short time’.

“The homoeopathic physician allows the patient to hold the open mouth of the phial first in one nostril, and in the act of inspiration draw the air out of it into himself and

then, if it is wished to give a stronger dose, smell in the same manner with the other nostril, more or less strongly according to the strength it is intended the dose should be….Should both nostrils be stopped up by coryza or polypus, the patient should inhale by the mouth, holding the orifice of the phial between his lips. In little children

it may be applied close to their nostrils while they are asleep with the certainty of producing an effect.”

§ 284 of 6th edition of Organon of Medicine:

“The power of medicines acting upon the infant through the milk of the mother or wet nurse is wonderfully helpful. Every disease in a child yields to the rightly chosen homoeopathic medicines given in moderate doses to the nursing mother and so administered, is more easily and certainly utilized by these new world-citizens than is possible in later years…”

§285 of 5th edition of Organon of Medicine:

“For this purpose it is most convenient to employ fine sugar globules of the size of poppy seeds, one of which imbibed with the medicine and put into the dispensing vehicle constitutes a medicinal dose, which contains about the three hundredth part of a drop, for three hundred such small globules will be adequately moistened by one drop of alcohol. The dose is vastly diminished by laying one such globule alone upon the tongue and giving nothing to drink. If it be necessary, in the case of a very sensitive patient, to employ the smallest possible dose and to bring about the most rapid result, one single olfaction merely will suffice (see note to §288).”

§248 of 6th edition of Organon of Medicine Hahnemann talks about the method for taking the medicine by olfaction:

“…If only a small vial, say a dram of dilute alcohol is used in the treatment, in which is contained and dissolved through succussion one globule of the medicine which is to be used by olfaction every two, three or four days, this also must be thoroughly succussed 8 – 10x times before each olfaction.”

The olfaction method is useful in the most sensitive patients and for patients having most acute complaints (e.g., pains). Specifically, the olfaction method is used in the following conditions:

    Idiosyncratic patients

    When it is not possible to give medicine through mouth

    During fit of epilepsy or hysteria

    Locked-jaw of tetanus


Organon Of Medicine – Samuel Hahnemann | HPATHY.COM


Organon Of Medicine – Samuel Hahnemann | The Organon of Medicine was written by Samuel Hahnemann in 1810. This book is written in aphoristic style ...


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Lecture on Aphorism 36-37 | HPATHY.COM


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 Collection of Drug Substances | HPATHY.COM


 Where Kent Differs with Hahnemann | HPATHY.COM


This question prompted me to recall a passage from Hahnemann’s Organon, where he discusses “favourite remedies” [Aphorism No. 257]. The message from the master is clear: we must believe in the totality and avoid favouritism towards any particular remedy.



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