Australische Bushflower Remedies

Doc MeRo / Wunder-Schoen Naturprodukte Ltd.

Schüttorfer Str. 1 b

48455 Bad Bentheim

Telefon: 05922 -8070858           



Although Sunflower family plants share a characteristic flower structure, the individual plant species exhibit a wide range of plant forms and gestures. In fact, each plant family is really a broad spectrum of qualities, or variations on a common theme. We see the Sunflower with its broad, rounded leaves and tall, radiant flower heads in 

contrast with the Star Thistle, with its narrow stem-hugging leaves, spiny thorns, and small clusters of tubular florets. Also within this plant family we have the contracted

Dandelion Taraxacum officinale Bursting into brilliant yellow blossoms in early spring, this composite flower has only ray florets. The stamens form the central structure;

there are no disk florets. The expansive quality of the Dandelion is seen not only in the ray flowers, but also in the seed head which disperses easily into the wind.

Sunflower Family because in many ways it also resembles plants of the Umbelliferae, or Parsley family. With its umbel inflorescence, and its finely divided and aromatic leaves, penetrated by the light and air, Yarrow shares the qualities of openness and sensitivity of such Umbelliferae as Angelica, Dill, and Queen Anne’s Lace.

They have similar qualities of multiple branching in the finely-divided leaves and flower heads, strongly structured central stems, and aromatic qualities which penetrate

into the leaves and stems. While these plants have complex umbel flower heads like Yarrow, the individual flowers are quite simple, unlike the composite Yarrow flowers. Thus, we see that while botanical classification is an important guide to understanding plant gestures and signatures, we need also to consider relationships of form which

cross botanical boundaries. Within the broad themes of botanical families, plants which share the same genushave aneven closer relationship in form. For example, the white Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), Pink Yarrow (Achillea millefoliumvar.rubra), and Golden Yarrow (Achillea filipendulina) are all members of the Achillea genus. Some other groups of essence plants in the Repertory which share the same genus are Aesculus (Chestnut Bud, Red Chestnut, White Chestnut); Artemisia (Mugwort, Sagebrush); Calochortus (Fairy Lantern, Mariposa Lily, Star Tulip, Yellow Star).


Living Essences of Australia

Antiseptic Bush = Calocephalus ass. multiflorus

Balaga (Blackboy)

Negativer Zustand: zerstörerische Aggressivität, unsensibel, unreifes Verhalten, keinen Zugang zur Kreativität

Positive Wirkung: Selbstbewusstsein, Ausgeglichenheit, innere Reife, Gemeinschafts-, Familiensinn

Diese Blütenessenzen fördern die positive Kreativität, besonders für Männer und Frauen, denen es schwerfällt, geradeaus und selbstbewusst zu sein, oder deren Selbstbewusstsein sich aggressiv und übermächtig gebärdet. Beides weist auf fehlende Reife der inneren männlichen Kraft hin. Balaga (Blackboy) ermöglicht das

Setzen und Erreichen von Zielen, wodurch man sich der Bedürfnisse anderer und der Umwelt zunehmend bewusst wird und sie mehr achtet. Diese Buschblüten

helfen dabei, Erfolg und lebenserhaltende Qualitäten, wie etwa Fürsorglichkeit und Gemeinschafts- / Familiensinn in Balance zu bringen.


Balga = Xanthorea preissi

Black Kangaroo Paw = Macropidia fuliginosa Commelinales

Blue China Orchid = Caladenia gemmata Asparagales Orchidaceae

Blue Leschenaultia = Lechenaultia biloba Asterales Goodeniaceae

Brown Boronia             Sapindales Rutacea

Bossy Boots: [Bauhinia (Sapindales Rutaceae). Boronia, Gimea Lily (Asparagales), Hibbertia, Isopogon (Proteales), Kangaroo Paw (Commelinales) und Rough Bluebell


Candle of Live

Cape Bluebell = Wahlenbergia capensis Asterales Campanulaceae

Catspaw = Anigozanthos humilis

Hilft einem dabei, verpflichtende Gefühle aufzubauen. Sie erweckt die Erkenntnis, dass jeder Mensch frei entscheiden kann, ob er gibt oder nicht.

            Unterdrückung, Introvertiertheit, Schmerz, unberücksichtigt

Kommunikation, Mut, Klarheit, Anerkennung

Christmas Tree (Kanya)

Brown Boronia             Sapindales Rutaceae

Correa Sapindales Rutaceae

Cowkicks = Stylidium schoenoides             Asterales Stylidiaceae

Öffnet den Blick für die Möglichkeit eines Rückschlages, so dass die Vernunft vorhanden bleibt und nicht die Illusion entsteht, dass Glück ewig ist. Bei doch

erfolgtem Rückschlag hat man die Stärke, die man braucht.

Es hilft einem dabei, nach einer niederschmetternden Erfahrung den feinstofflichen und physischen Körper wiederaufzubauen. Sie lässt einen erkennen, dass

auch in der Zukunft Rückschläge erfolgen können und hilft einem sich von der Illusion zu befreien, dass Glück ewig währt. Sie gibt einem die Stärke das

Leben weise zu leben und trotz kommender Rückschläge voranzuschreiten.

Emotionaler Zustand: Niedergeschmettert, müde, erschöpft, traumatisiert

Wirkung: Wiederaufbau, Lebenskraft, neue Energie

Cowslip Orchid = Caladenia flava             Asparagales Orchidaceae

                        Hilft zu wissen, wer wir sind, wo wir stehen und schützt uns vor disharmonischen Einflüssen aus unserer Umwelt. Wirkt wie ein Filter und stärkt

unser Inneres.

Dampiera Asterales Goodeniaceae

Donkey Orchid = Diuris Asterales Goodeniaceae

Fringed Lily Twiner = Thynosatus manglesianus                        Stimuliert die Aspekte der Liebe, läßt nicht nur an sich selber denken; schafft Bewußtsein für die

eigenen Fehler und die Gründe, aus denen andere ablehnend reagieren.

Blue Leschenaultia = Lechenaultia biloba Asterales Goodeniaceae

Brown Boronia             Sapindales Rutaceae

Blue China Orchid = Caladenia gemmata Asparagales Orchidaceae

Blue Leschenaultia = Lechenaultia biloba Asterales Goodeniaceae

Donkey Orchid = Diuris Asterales Goodeniaceae

Brachycome = Asterales Astereae

Cowkicks = Stylidium schoenoides             Asterales Stylidiaceae

Dampiera Asterales Goodeniaceae

Fringed Mantis Orchid = Caladenia falcate Asterales Goodeniaceae

Wohlwollen und einen guten Willen entwickeln. Sie aktiviert das eigene Gewissen, erschüttert die Selbstgefälligkeit und leht einen Uneigennützigkeit.

            Emotionaler Zustand: neugierig, sich einmischend, Klatsch, trügerisch, manipulativ, kontrollierend

            Wirkung: Wohlwollen, guter Wille, Gewissen, ehrlich

Fuchsia Grevillea = Grevillea bipinnatifida             Proteales Proteaceae

            Unterstützt das Selbst dabei, in allen Ausdrücken vereint zu sein. Man erkennt, dass das Aufdecken von negativen Gefühlen und Gedanken normal und

notwendig ist und löst sich dadurch von negativen Gedanken.

            Emotionaler Zustand: Doppelzüngigkeit, Heuchelei, versteckte Negativität, Selbstgefälligkeit

Wirkung: Vereinigung, Ehrlichkeit, Aufrichtigkeit, Anstand, Authentizität

Fuchsia Gum = Eucalyptus forrestiana Myrtales Myrtaceae

Geralton Wax = Chamelaucium uncinatum Myrtales Myrtaceae

Giving Hands

Goddess Grastree = Xanthorrhoea australis = (Southern/Austral) grasstree or Black Boy is an Australian plant. Xanthorrhoea. Asparagales Orchidaceae

Negativer Zustand: zerstörerische Aggressivität, unsensibel, unreifes Verhalten, keinen Zugang zur Kreativität

Positive Wirkung: Selbstbewusstsein, Ausgeglichenheit, innere Reife, Gemeinschafts-, Familiensinn

Golden Glory Grevillea

The essence of opening up and opening out. Feeling the dignity of coming forward to take your place in Life, regardless of being vulnerable to exposure. To be at

ease with yourself while being with other people and not fear being open. Confidence for those who feel more comfortable withdrawing from people than dealing

with problems or criticism. Enables one to detach from the tangled situations and judgmental attitudes of others and instead feel free to join in social situations.

    For those who fear being exposed and are therefore wary of being open and vulnerable to others.

    For those who hang back, tired of the turbulence of interactions with people and all the trouble that can be. Often they are not conscious that this is why they

are a "background" person, but they usually feel the lack of confidence. They have perhaps been open and relaxed previously and this very characteristic has been

used to their detriment by others. Now they feel the best solution is to shut people out. This keeps other people out of their affairs. If they are vulnerable or in a

mess no one will know and be able to hurt them.

    For children who don't speak much, or at all, whom others may label as shy, who can be withdrawing from what they see as disturbing and confusing

aspects of adults' lives which they are part of.

    For those who seem shy, but are really very wary of other people and of what can happen when allowing someone into their world.

    For a person who feels unnecessarily modest, feeling shame about the naturalness of their body.

Golden Waitsia             Asterales Asteraceae

Green Rose Rosales (Rosa chinensis 'Viridiflora', an ancient Chinese rose cultivar which exhibits green leafy bracts in tight flower-like clusters. In green)

Hairy Yellow Pea = Gompholobium tomentosum Fabalea Fabaceae

Happy Wanderer Rose? Rosaceae

Hops Bush (Acacia dodonaeifolia, a.k.a. hop leaved wattle, sticky wattle and the hop bush wattle)

            This plant grows across Australia. In Queensland the juice of the root was applied for toothache and cuts.

            The chewed leaf and juice were put on stonefish and stingray stings and bound up for four or five days.

Hybrid Pink Fairy Orchid hilft zu wissen, wer wir sind, wo wir stehen und schützt vor disharmonischen Einflüssen aus unserer Umwelt.

Wirkt wie ein Filter und stärkt unser Inneres

Illyarie ist eine Serie

Leafless Orchid = Praecoxanthus            Asparagales Orchidoideae Diurideae

Unterstützt die Erschließung des tiefen, inneren Zentrums, von wo aus gearbeitet und gewirkt werden kann, ohne sich in die äußere Welt

zu verstricken und ohne Energie zu verlieren.

Macrozamia = Stangeria eriopus? Thereobintha

Blockade der Yin/Yang Energie, geschlechtsstereotypisches Verhalten, sexuelle Probleme, negatives Bild

Wirkung: Balance, sexueller Energiefluss, Erleichterung, Ausgeglichenheit, sexuelle Ganzheit, Liebesbund

Many Headed Dryandra = Dryandra polycephalus Banksia             Proteales Proteaceae

Mauve Melaleuca             Myrtales Myrtaceae

Actions: anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, balsamic, cicatrisant, diaphoretic, expectorant, fungicidal, immuno-stimulant,

parasiticide, vulnerary

Therapeutic Uses: Abscess, acne, asthma, athlete's foot, blisters, bronchitis, burns, catarrh, cold sores, colds, coughs, cystitis, dandruff, fever, flu, herpes,

infected wounds, insect bites, nappy rash, oily skin, pruritus, sinusitis, spots, thrush, tuberculosis, vaginitis, warts, whooping cough

Emotionaler Zustand: emotionale Verletzung, Wut, Enttäuschung, Frustration

Wirkung: Zufriedenheit, Idealismus, innere beständige Liebe

Menzies Banksia Proteales Proteaceae

Mistletoe on Amyema cambagei = sheoak mistletoe (flowering plant, an epiphytic hemiparasitic plant Loranthaceae Australia on Casuarinaceae)


    - Unsicherheit

    - Unentschlossenheit

Positive Veränderung:

    + Selbstsicherheit

    + Entschlusskraft

Old man’s weed = Centipeda cunninghamii Asterales Asteraceae Centipeda

Commonly found along the Murray River, as well as in other low-lying, swampy habitats, this plant is useful for treating many complaints, including eye

infections, tuberculosis and skin complaints. It is administered as an extract in water, sometimes rubbed onto the skin.

It’s usually used for colds and coughs and chest infections, but, being a natural restorative plant, it can help strengthen the immune system and mobility.

One Sided Bottlebrush = Calothamnus quadrifidus Myrtales Myrtaceae

Orange Leschenaultia             Asterales Goodeniaceae

Orange Spiked Pea = Daviesa divaricata             Fabales Fabaceae

            Die Orange Spiked Pea Blütenessenz unterstützt den Prozess des Loslösens von Personen, die versuchen einen zu unterdrücken oder auszunutzen.

An die Stelle der Rachegefühle tritt Offenheit. Das Muladhara Chakra wird aktiviert, wodurch ein mangelnder Selbstausdruck und Ärger über die Worte

anderer, Selbstbewusstsein und einer gesunden Kommunikation weichen.

            Emotionaler Zustand: verletzt, explosiv, unkontrolliert provoziert, distanziert, mangelnder Selbstausdruck, blockiert

            Wirkung: ausdrucksstark, kommunikativ, ruhig, unabhängig, offen, Loslösung

Pale Sundew = Drosera pallida Caryophylalles              Droseraceae

Die Essenz des Bewusstseins. Für alle, die in habgierigen und manipulativen Energien gefangen sind, nur auf ihren eigenen Gewinn aus sind und dabei

vergessen, dass alles, was wir aussenden, zu uns zurückkommt. Diese Essenz öffnet das Bewusstsein der Person damit sie die Sinnlosigkeit dessen erkennt,

was sie tut und außerdem die Auswirkungen auf die anderen. Wenn das Licht des Bewusstseins die Dunkelheit durchdringt wird ein neuer Mensch geboren.

Parakeelya Sukkulent = Calandrinia balonensis             Caryophyllales Montiaceae

            Selbstachtung und des Selbstbewusstseins. Für hart arbeitende Menschen, die sich immer einsamer und trauriger fühlen weil ihnen die Anerkennung verweigert

wird und man sie behandelt wie ein Arbeitspferd. Die Blütenessenzen stellen das Gefühl der eigenen Würde und inneren Stärke wieder her damit wir uns nicht

in unser Schneckenhaus zurückziehen sondern ein aktiver Teil der Gesellschaft und in der Lage sind, unsere Rechte als Individuum durchzusetzen.

Pinkcushion Hakea Proteales Proteaceae verringert unbewußte Angst vor Beeinflussung. Sie vermittelt die Fähigkeit, offener und einfühlsamer gegenüber

anderen Standpunkten zu sein, ohne die eigene Sichtweise zu verlieren.

Pink Everlasting = Helichrysum adenocarpum             Asterales Gnaphalieae

Pink Fairy Orchid = Caladenia latifolia  Asparagales Orchidoideae

Pink Fountain Triggerplant = Stärkt das Selbst und hilft einem dabei, die vitalen Kräfte wiederzuerlangen.

            Emotionaler Zustand: erschöpft, außerstande zurechtzukommen, lebenslos, aufgelöst

            Wirkung: Lebenskraft, Vitalität, Wiederherstellung, wiederverbindend

Pink Impatiens = Drosera pallida Caryophylalles              Droseraceae

Beschreibung: Unterstützt einen dabei aufzuwachen und die Reinigung des Herzens zu vollführen. Man erkennt, dass die Manipulation anderer zweifelhaft

und sinnlos ist.

            Emotionaler Zustand: manipulativ, arrogant, täuschend, Doppelzüngigkeit,

            Wirkung: Güte, Gewissen, Perspektive, Gerechtigkeit, Licht

Pink Trompet Flower = Gladiolus caryophyllaceus            Asparagales Iridaceae The essence of strength of focus. To harness the inner strength of purpose and direct it

            towards important goals.

            Encourages achievement through new mental directness. Helpful for those who find difficulty in maintaining purpose, who feel they get lost half way through

a thought process or activity. Excellent for attaining healing objectives. Um die Gedanken klar und mit innerer Stärke auf ein wichtiges Ziel zu richten.

            Gedanken klar und mit innerer Stärke auf ein wichtiges Ziel zu richten.

Pixie Mops = Petrophile linearis Proteales Proteaceae

Black Kangaroo Paw = Macropidia fuliginosa Commelinales

Purple & Red Kangaroo Paw = Anigozanthos  Commelinales Haemodoraceae ermöglicht es einem, Abstand von resignativen Reaktionen zu gewinnen und mit

einer schwierigen Situation klar und konstruktiv umzugehen. Emotionaler Zustand: negativ, streitsüchtig, beschuldigend, kritisierend, reagierend

            Wirkung: Offenheit, Sensibilität, Verständnis, Verletzbarkeit

Purple Enamel Orchid = Caladenia brunonis Asterales Goodeniaceae instill consistency in achievement and energy output. To create a balance between work and

rest. Helpful for those who do too little, then too much – and then collapse. The practical use of energy encourages better self esteem and confidence.

Proving oneself is no longer an issue.

Purple Eremophila = Eremophila scoparia Lamiales Scrophulariaceae schwierigen Herzensangelegenheiten, Objektivität zu gewinnen, ohne den Wert der Gefühle auf´s

            Spiel zu setzen.

Für Manche ist das Geflecht menschlicher Beziehungen ein Dschungel, ein Ort voller Gefahren. In anderen toben die Gefühle, ohne dass sie erkennen können, was eigentlich los ist. Andere lassen sich lieber treiben und blenden die Verwicklungen des Lebens schlicht aus. Allen gemeinsam ist jedoch der Mangel an Überblick in emotionalen Dingen.

Für sie gibt es mit Purple Eremophila eine Essenz zur Meisterung emotionaler Konflikte und Tumulte. Der Geist wird beruhigt, so dass Handlungen und ihre Auswirkungen von einer etwas distanzierten Warte aus betrachtet werden können. Diese Blüte ermöglicht den weisen Umgang mit Gefühlen und verhilt so zu einfacheren und glücklicheren Beziehungen. gain and maintain serene objectivity amidst very personal issues of the heart that threaten to imbalance you. To feel calm and open to others when problems arise. Encourages objectivity without compromising richness of feeling and sensitivity towards loved ones, and is helpful in times

of relationship upsets.

Blue China Orchid = Caladenia gemmata             Asparagales Orchidaceae

Cowslip Orchid = Caladenia flava             Asparagales Orchidaceae

                        Hilft zu wissen, wer wir sind, wo wir stehen und schützt uns vor disharmonischen Einflüssen aus unserer Umwelt. Wirkt wie ein Filter und stärkt unser Inneres.

Goddess Grastree Xanthorrhoea australis = (Southern/Austral) grasstree or Black Boy is an Australian plant. Xanthorrhoea. Asparagales Orchidaceae

Negativer Zustand: zerstörerische Agressivität, unsensibel, unreifes Verhalten, keinen Zugang zur Kreativität

Positive Wirkung: Selbstbewusstsein, Ausgeglichenheit, innere Reife, Gemeinschafts-, Familiensinn

Pink Fairy Orchid = Caladenia latifolia  Asparagales Orchidoideae

Pink Trompet Flower = Gladiolus caryophyllaceus            Asparagales Iridaceae The essence of strength of focus. To harness the inner strength of purpose and direct it

            towards important goals.

            Encourages achievement through new mental directness. Helpful for those who find difficulty in maintaining purpose, who feel they get lost half way through a

            thought process or activity. Excellent for attaining healing objectives. Um die Gedanken klar und mit innerer Stärke auf ein wichtiges Ziel zu richten.

            Gedanken klar und mit innerer Stärke auf ein wichtiges Ziel zu richten.

Purple Flag Flower = Patersonia occidentalis  Asparagales Iridaceae Anspannung, Stress, Druck, Angst Hilft, einen Weg zur Entspannung zu finden. Leitet einen

Lernprozess ein, wie in Stresssituationen anders als mit Verspannung reagiert werden kann.

Purple Nymph Waterlily = Nymphaea violeacea Nymphaeales Nymphaea Um an die tiefe, innere Natur der Liebe zu gelangen, sich vom Ich zu lösen und im Dienen

das Herz zu befreien. lässt einen die tiefe, innere Natur der Liebe erkennen. Sie hilft einem dabei, sich vom Ich zu lösen und durch Dienen das Herz zu befreien.

emotionale Frustration, Verletzung, Unzufriedenheit selbstlose Liebe, Herz, Befreiung, Tiefe, vorurteilsfrei

Rabbit Orchid = Leptoceras menziesii Asparagales Orchidaceae

Red & Green Kangaroo Paw = Anigozanthos manglesii Commelinales Haemodoraceae Diese Blütenessenzen ermöglichen, sich bewusst im Hier und Jetzt auf

            Menschen einzulassen, andere Dinge beiseite zu legen und so die Kanäle für ein freudiges Zusammensein zu öffnen.

Red Beak Orchid = Lypercanthos nigricans Asterales Goodeniaceae Weckt das Verlangen, Aufgaben und Pflichten zu erfüllen und schafft anschließend Freiräume

für andere Aktivitäten.

Red Feather Flower                         ermöglicht es einem, sich in die Position seines Gegenübers zu versetzen, wodurch ein Gefühl für Gerechtigkeit und Einfühlsamkeit geschaffen wird. Sie aktiviert das Visshuda Chakra.

Faulheit, Isolation, Rebellion, Ablehnung, Belastung

Wirkung: Hilfsbereitschaft, Unterstützung, Enthusiasmus, Energie, Bereitschaft zu Teilen

Red Leschenaultia = Asterales Asteraceae Gnaphalieae

Reed Triggerplant = Stylidium kalbarriense Asterales Stylidiaceae Unterstützt einen dabei, sich nach einer langen Anstrengung wieder zu erholen. Sie erneuert

die innere Stärke und vereint den Geist, wodurch man wieder in der Lage ist, den Hürden des Lebens standzuhalten.

Emotionaler Zustand: Anstrengung, Erschöpfung, Ermattung, ausgelaugt, nicht in der Lage Geschehenes zu bewältigen

Wirkung: Regeneration, Widerstandsfähigkeit, Erholung, Integration, Auffrischung

Man empfindet die Ganzheit seines Wesens, in der die Integrität des Selbst wiederhergestellt ist. Durch die Heilung können sich nun jene Aspekte unseres körperlichen und geistigen Seins integrieren und revitalisieren, die sich abgekämpft haben. Die innere Kraft ist wiederhergestellt, wir werden geistig wieder eins mit uns und sind fähig, uns den Herausforderungen des Lebens zu stellen. Wiederherstellung nach langem Kampf. Neue Energie, Kraft, Aufladung, Lebensmut, Integration.

Ribbon Pea =

Rose Cone Flower = Isopogon formosus, Proteales Proteaceae

Drooping she-oak = Allocasuarina verticillata

In Victoria, mature cones from this tree were ground up and applied to sores to treat rheumatism. Extracts from the bark and wood can also be used as a general


Shy Blue Orchid = Thelymitra graminea Asterales Goodeniaceae

Silver Princess Gum (Gungurra) = Eucalyptus woodwardii Myrtales Myrtaceae

Snakebush = Hemiandra pungens             Lamiales Lamiaceae

Snakevine = Muscodor albus/= Grevillea pterifolia (fern-leafed grevillea), Kennedia nigriscans (snakevine) and Terminalia prostrata (nanka bakarra).

            Muscodor albus (frequently spelled "muscador albus") is a plant-dwelling fungus in the Xylariaceae family

Southern Cross = ???

Spirit Faces (Banjine)

Star of Bethlehem = Angraecum sesquipedale, an orchid

    Calectasia cyanea, the "blue tinsel lily", of the family Dasypogonaceae

    Campanula isophylla, the Italian bellflower

    Gagea, a genus of Liliaceae and its species:

        Gagea bohemica, the "early star of Bethlehem", of the family Liliaceae

        Gagea lutea, the "yellow star of Bethlehem", of the family Liliaceae

    Hippobroma longiflora, the "star of Bethlehem", of the family Campanulaceae

    Ornithogalum, a genus of Hyacinthaceae, and to its species:

        Ornithogalum arabicum, "Star-of-Bethlehem"

        Ornithogalum narbonense, "Pyramidal star-of-Bethlehem"

        Ornithogalum nutans, "Drooping star-of-Bethlehem"

        Ornithogalum pyrenaicum, "Spiked star-of-Bethlehem"

        Ornithogalum umbellatum, "Common star-of-Bethlehem"

Start ́s Spider Orchid Asparagales Orchidaceae  fördert die Direktheit und Aufrichtigkeit anderen Menschen gegenüber.

Swan River Myrtle = Hypocalymma robustum Myrtales Myrtaceae

Urchin Dryandra = Banksia undata Proteales Proteaceae



Violet Butterfly

West Australian Smoke Bush

Wattle = Acacia

White Eremopholia =             Lamiales Scrophulariaceae

White Nymph Waterlily             Nymphaeales             Nymphaeaceae

White Spider Orchid = Caladenia longicauda  Asterales Goodeniaceae

Wild Violet             Malpighiales Violaceae

Woolly Banksia = Ermuntert den Wunsch, Ideen und Ziele weiter zu verfolgen, nachdem man den Mut verloren hat. Gibt Kraft, sich neue Ziele zu stecken ohne Angst

vor Fehlschlägen.

Woolly Smokebush             Um nicht in der Falle der "Gefallsucht" stecken zu bleiben, um Situationen oder sich selbst nicht übermässig zu bewerten oder zu dramatisieren. Inspiration mit heilender Gewissheit, lässt sachlich und demütig bleiben.

Yellow & Green Kangaroo Paw            

Yellow Boronia = Boronia tetrandra           

Yellow Cone Flower

Yellow Flag Flower

Yellow Leschenaultia


Set Living Essences 88 x


Golden Rod = Goldrute hilft einem dabei, trotz sozialer Normen und kulturell ausgeübtem Druck von Aussen das Gefühl von Individualität, Authenzität und Integrität

zu behalten. When so many other plants are waning, it is intriguing to see the Goldenrod rise into its full splendor. It bright vertical stalks of golden flowers form a

contrasting upward gesture, even as other plants are “falling into Fall.” This verticality of Goldenrod is an essential part of its outer form, as well as its inner quality.

The Goldenrod flower essence helps one maintain a sense of individuality and authenticity, despite prevailing social norms, or related cultural pressures. The Goldenrod type has a natural affinity for social inclusiveness– they wish so much to belong; to be a part of the greater whole. This inclination has many positive virtues but also some pitfalls. For there are times we must learn to stand alone, to be true to our own sense of morality or spiritual vision, despite social pressures to “belong” or to be accepted.

For those who are students of the Stars, we can see that this archetype has a strong correlation to Libra, or the Scales, the constellation of autumn in the northern hemisphere. Libra holds an acute consciousness for the greater whole and the social good, but must also learn the power of selfhood and singular individuality. Is it any wonder that this “Golden-Rod” blooms at this time of year?


Forget-Me-Not: Death ends a life, not a relationship. helps this quality of soul consciousness is. Through the stirring of the heart’s memory forces, we come to a closer awareness of those connected to us who live beyond this threshold.

Furthermore, our thoughts turn not only to our personal relationships but also to those higher ones in the spiritual world who have already attained such greatness of soul

that they can ray their goodness into all of humanity and the living earth. Thus we also commemorate the “saints” that bless us with their presence and their all-encompassing love. Who are some of the great heroes and she-roes that you admire and how do you bring them into your life? A flower that helps with this attunement is Mountain Forget-Me-Not. This magnificent form of Forget-Me-Not flourishes in the highest alpine regions of the Sierra Nevada and helps us to lift our consciousness to the rarified heights so that we can feel and emulate the most sublime ideals of human potential.


[Rosana Souto Sobral Vieira]

A legend, a knight about to get married, dressed in his armor, was taking a ride along a river with his fiancée. His fiancée saw an extremely beautiful bunch of blue flowers rocking on the waves, and asked her paramour to pick them up. As he reached over to get them, the knight slipped and fell into the river.

The heavy armor hindered him from swimming and he started sinking into the water, but not before throwing her the blue flowers and shouting: "Don't forget me!"

This beautiful flower came to be known as Forget-me-not, associated in the language of flowers with true love - the love that never dies.

As described by Patricia Kaminski & Richard Katz, the Forget-me-not (Myosotis silvatica) flower essence "is an important essence to be taken into consideration after the initial stage of the mourning feeling caused by a dear relative's death; it can also be very useful to one who never fully resolved the isolation and abandonment issues after the death of an important family member, or a friend, during childhood." (Flower Essence Repertory).

I started including this essence with clients suffering from just such issues, and the results were very satisfactory for all of those who used it . What I realized was that Forget-me-not gives comfort through dreams by opening direct or indirect contact with these beings in another dimension. It comforts because we realize the true, immortal, and spiritual human nature through these contacts.

Besides favoring dreams and memory on a physical level, Forget-me-not reinforces the remembrance of our true spiritual nature through the connection with our guides, and members of our human family, in another dimension.

One flower essence which acts in a very remarkable way to heal fundamental issues in the soul is Baby Blue Eyes. According to Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz (Flower Essence Repertory - 1998), Baby Blue Eyes is a useful essence to all who did not receive adequate emotional support through childhood, and where, in all likelihood,

a healthy relationship with the father, or a positive father figure, was missing.

This flower essence is especially beneficial for those who experience the father wound through their vulnerability and sensitivity. It can also be helpful for those who put

a mask or cover over their painful sensitivity, and instead display defensive characteristics of cynicism and mistrust, emotional isolation, or even anti-social and criminal tendencies. This beautiful, blue-eyed flower seems to move straight to the individual's hardened personality, softening and healing the soul's conflict.

Native to the state of California and southern Oregon, the Baby Blue Eyes (= Nemophila menziesii) belongs to the Hydrophyllaceae, or "Waterleaf" family, whose prime characteristic is its great affinity for water. The humidity of the soil is an important factor to the growth of this specimen. This plant's affinity to the water element is passed

to the individual through the flower essence. The Baby Blue Eyes seems to mine the water deeply hidden in the individual's soul, helping the soul to encounter and heal its innate sensitivity.

The pure blue color of this flower speaks of how the blue depths of the waters reflect the spiritual heavens. It is a picture of how the soul's capacity for sensitivity and creativity stem from being able to receive the influence of a higher divinity.

Baby Blue Eyes has played a fundamental role in personal development. They presented, in most of the cases, a strong Pisces tone (the Sun, and eventually Mars, in the sign

of Pisces, interacting with Neptune, Pluto, Uranus or Saturn). The vulnerability and sensitivity of such individuals, due to their highly compassionate "water" nature, seems

- in the first phase of life - to attract, tough, disappointing, and traumatic circumstances. These situations can cast into doubt his or her faith, destroying trust in relationships and the larger world.

My cases show that both men and women had issues concerning the father figure. Feelings of abandonment, absence, disappointment, betrayal, violence, or maltreatment, especially among my female clients, who also presented serious difficulties in their love relationships. In all these cases, Baby Blue Eyes was indicated for use.

One of my clients came to me three months after her father's death. She was going through a period of conflict with her husband, and was thinking about separation.

She blamed her now-deceased father for all her bad luck. She told me her father had squandered all the family's money in unsuccessful businesses, and afterwards, in addictions. For this reason, she depended upon her husband financially and couldn't afford to get a divorce.

She told me she couldn't shed a tear when her father passed away. Baby Blue Eyes was included in her formula in conjunction with Willow and some essences for emotional stability (Scleranthus, Elm, Five Flower Formula). When she returned three months later, she told me she had repeated this same formula throughout the entire period.

She felt safer, calmer and more confident. The archetypal healing prompted by the Baby Blue Eyes was especially striking in the client's dream life. She related this significant dream:

She was at her father's funeral. As she approached the coffin, her father opened his eyes and stared at her for a long time. His eyes were the most beautiful blue that she had ever seen before, and they were giving her a peaceful sensation. She stared at her father's eyes for a long time, as if in silent communication.

She woke up remembering the dream and the beautiful sensation she had felt. She told me she had cried a lot and that she no longer harbored any resentment and anger at her father. She had forgiven him completely. She was feeling strong and confident to go on with her life alone, without her husband. She took up watercolor painting again, something her father had taught her, but that she had not done for a long time. She was starting to live again, to create and trust in life. This client had the Sun in Pisces at the 3rd house in opposition to Pluto.

Another client came to me because she could no longer deal with complicated and destructive relationships. She had a compulsive need "to have someone." She wasn't able

to be alone, and many times she had allowed others to invade her, even in a violent way, to please themselves.

After an initial period of work to minimize her anxiety and to restore her dignity (a period in which the work of Echinacea was fundamental), we started to talk about her father. This was something she was reluctant to do, because her present relationship was always the most important issue.

Little by little, some adolescent and childhood facts came to the surface. This client's birth experience was very difficult, and since early in her life, she had a feeling nobody cared about her. As a child she had almost been raped, but no one believed her. She started fearing everything and everybody, especially her bad-tempered father, who expelled her from the house during adolescence. This client had the Sun, the Moon and Venus intercepted in Pisces, at the 7th house. When Baby Blue Eyes was added to

her formula, she had the following dream:

She saw herself walking, held by a man who protected her, making her feel respected by everyone around. She felt strong and fearless.

Through this period she started to get interested in spiritual and philosophical questions, and was able to stay home alone for a longer time. Her relationship with her current boyfriend ended when she realized how wrong it had been. Once in a while she still missed having someone with her, but was able to better deal with her ups and downs.

She decided to practice Yoga again, to "invest in herself." She used Baby Blue Eyes for a long period. Today she attends a religious association regularly. After a long period alone, she's initiating a new relationship, but keeping it in balance. She doesn't, for instance, give up her landscape gardening classes to meet with her boyfriend.

In my private practice and in my work with needy children, Baby Blue Eyes has been a wonderful tool from the universe of flower essences (sexual abuse). I have worked with children from 7 to 14 years of age, and Baby Blue Eyes has been fundamental in the re-establishment of a positive, confident, and affectionate link with humanity.

In needy communities it is common to see more than one family living in one house, and its members sharing the same bedroom. This provides a setting for sexual abuse involving both boys and girls. In addition, many children are subjected to parents who abuse drugs +/o. alcohol, often resulting in domestic violence. From such social and living situations, many individuals develop an indifferent, sarcastic, and withdrawn behavior toward life, often leading to criminal involvement.

However, sexual abuse is a much more common issue than previously thought, and it occurs in every social class. To one client in particular (Mars in Pisces, in opposition

to Pluto), this essence was responsible for alleviating her pain in this life and in a past life as well.

As in the cases related before, this client was always getting involved in very destructive relationships. But instead of submissive behavior with men, she was the boss in

her relationships, adopting an attitude of power, indifference, and cynicism about them. Consequently, she often attracted partners she could dominate. She soon tired of them, then discarded them.

She came to me after getting involved with a man who had affected her deeply. According to her, this had been the only relationship in which she had truly gotten seriously involved. However, she couldn't continue because despite loving him, she had difficulty demonstrating her love to him - fearful of showing herself as vulnerable. She would rather hurt him and be nonchalant. As he had a strong temperament, the arguments were constant, and the end of the relationship imminent.

The pain of this separation made her search for an understanding of her sarcastic and defensive attitude toward men.

She was a daughter born to older parents, who had difficulty respecting and believing in her words. To them, she always "deserved it" whenever an unfortunate incident happened to her - that she was being "severely punished." So when she was sexually harassed by a cousin during childhood, she kept the fact a secret. She felt nobody would believe her. As a result, she grew up full of hatred toward men in her heart. She wasn't ready to love them, but attack them. Baby Blue Eyes was responsible for bringing to light this secret, so deeply hidden in her childhood memory; the secret that was guiding her attitudes toward life and influencing her relationships.

Deciding to go even deeper within herself, she chose to get involved in Past Life Therapy. Still making use of Baby Blue Eyes, she discovered a past life in which she was constantly abused by her father and was forbidden to marry the man she loved. Baby Blue Eyes was fundamental to ease the pain and rebellion brought by these painful memories.

After this phase, always supported by flower essences, my client started a new healing journey, searching for spirituality and for a deep transformation in her approach to life. Some time ago she met the ex-boyfriend who had marked her life and opened her heart. She told him about her personal healing journey. She was able to achieve closure, which in turn left her at peace with her past. Today she's someone strongly engaged in her spiritual mission.

In another case, I cared for a man who hoped flower essence therapy would assist him in his search for personal growth. He had gone through a long phase of physical illness. He had fought cancer and had undergone cardiac surgery. He was depressed and aimless. He was married to a very strong-tempered woman. They didn't have any children and he was going on with his life without enthusiasm.

Professionally, despite being recognized in his field, he had great difficulty assuming authority and would avoid commitments that could put him into the forefront.

He had a lot of bitterness against his father, to whom he credited all the wounds in his behavior.

His father had been too authoritarian. An extreme perfectionist and very violent, his father had been a severe disciplinarian to his children. My client grew up in an environment filled with terror and violence, searching for support in the maternal figure who always told him not to be like his father. This client had the Sun in conjunction with Saturn, in Pisces, at the 10th house, and opposing Neptune.

By consulting his birth chart, I could also detect the very strong symbiotic link with the maternal figure that prevented him from positioning himself firmly in life in order to be respected. As my client was unaware of this fact, besides including the Baby Blue Eyes in his flower essence formula, I asked him to do the exercises related to the sixth vision of the Celestine Prophecy's reading guide by James Redfield and Carol Adrienne. (The Celestine Prophecy - An Experimental Guide, Warner Books, 1995). The result was liberating to him.

As he did these exercises, he realized that despite all the suffering caused by his father, he was able to list his father's positive and negative aspects, and identify the characteristics he had inherited from him. With the aid of the flower essence and his memories, my client could relate himself better to his father. He was able to forgive him, and incorporate some of his father's positive characteristics into his own life. It was a great leap in his personal development. Today, besides having a better relationship with colleagues and subordinates, this man has assumed a prominent position in his professional field, attending meetings and congresses more frequently. In addition, he has decided to study flower therapy with the goal of helping people after his retirement. He has also recovered the pleasure of walking near nature, observing and photographing the flowers.

From the experiences in my therapeutic practice it would seem Baby Blue Eyes reaches very profound levels of the soul, healing the pain of all these traumas from a higher

and more spiritualized understanding of life. It reestablishes the individual's connection with the Higher Self, recovering the faith and trust in a deeper source of spirituality, the divine Father. In all these cases, besides healing conflicts at the level of personal relationships, this essence awakened creative potential and interest in religious or philosophical questions. Baby Blue Eyes helps the soul remember its original state of wholeness, in a "time" when the Cosmos, Humanity and Nature were one. It is important in developing unconditional love, teaching us to be responsible not only for our own soul wellness but also for the health of the entire planet.


Alpine Mint Bush = Prostanthera cuneata wächst an freiliegenden, steinigen Plätzen der alpinen und sub-alpinen Gebiete von Südost-Australien.

Negativzustand: Geistige und emotionale Erschöpfung, Mangel an Freude, die Verantwortung für andere als Last empfinden.

Positivzustand: Revitalisierung, Freude, Erneuerung.

Arbeitet auf der geistigen und emotionalen Ebene. Sie ist für Menschen bestimmt, die Heilberufe ausüben, die in Bereichen der Krankenpflege und Krankenverwaltung arbeiten und in Pflegesituationen eine große Verantwortung für andere Personen tragen. Diese Menschen geben physisch und emotional viel von sich selbst, hören oftmals anderen in ihren Schmerzen und ihrer Not zu. Deshalb besteht die Gefahr von Erschöpfung und Enttäuschung. Sie können an einem Punkt der Müdigkeit ankommen, an

dem sie merken, dass sie ihre Lebensfreude verloren haben. Alpine Mint Bush kann diese Menschen wieder revitalisieren, neuen Enthusiasmus in ihr Leben bringen und

neue Freude für die Arbeit wecken.




Blue Leschenaultia = Lechenaultia biloba Asterales Goodeniaceae

Cowkicks = Stylidium schoenoides             Asterales Stylidiaceae

Donkey Orchid = Diuris Asterales Goodeniaceae

Blue Leschenaultia = Lechenaultia biloba Asterales Goodeniaceae

Donkey Orchid = Diuris Asterales Goodeniaceae

Golden Waitsia             Asterales Asteraceae

Orange Leschenaultia             Asterales Goodeniaceae

Pink Everlasting = Helichrysum adenocarpum             Asterales Gnaphalieae

Red Leschenaultia = Asterales Asteraceae Gnaphalieae

Reed Triggerplant = Stylidium kalbarriense Asterales Stylidiaceae Unterstützt einen dabei, sich nach einer langen Anstrengung wieder zu erholen. Sie erneuert

die innere Stärke und vereint den Geist, wodurch man wieder in der Lage ist, den Hürden des Lebens standzuhalten.

Emotionaler Zustand: Anstrengung, Erschöpfung, Ermattung, ausgelaugt, nicht in der Lage Geschehenes zu bewältigen

Wirkung: Regeneration, Widerstandsfähigkeit, Erholung, Integration, Auffrischung

Man empfindet die Ganzheit seines Wesens, in der die Integrität des Selbst wiederhergestellt ist. Durch die Heilung können sich nun jene Aspekte unseres körperlichen und geistigen Seins integrieren und revitalisieren, die sich abgekämpft haben. Die innere Kraft ist wiederhergestellt, wir werden geistig wieder eins mit uns und sind fähig, uns den Herausforderungen des Lebens zu stellen. Wiederherstellung nach langem Kampf. Neue Energie, Kraft, Aufladung, Lebensmut, Integration.

Shy Blue Orchid = Thelymitra graminea Asterales Goodeniaceae

White Spider Orchid = Caladenia longicauda  Asterales Goodeniaceae

Dampiera             Asterales Goodeniaceae

Donkey Orchid = Diuris Asterales Goodeniaceae

Donkey Orchid = Diuris Asterales Goodeniaceae

Fringed Mantis Orchid = Caladenia falcate Asterales Goodeniaceae

Wohlwollen und einen guten Willen entwickeln. Sie aktiviert das eigene Gewissen, erschüttert die Selbstgefälligkeit und leht einen Uneigennützigkeit.

            Emotionaler Zustand: neugierig, sich einmischend, Klatsch, trügerisch, manipulativ, kontrollierend

            Wirkung: Wohlwollen, guter Wille, Gewissen, ehrlich

Golden Waitsia             Asterales Asteraceae

Orange Leschenaultia             Asterales Goodeniaceae

Red Leschenaultia = Asterales Asteraceae Gnaphalieae

Reed Triggerplant = Stylidium kalbarriense Asterales Stylidiaceae

Unterstützt einen dabei, sich nach einer langen Anstrengung wieder zu erholen. Sie erneuert

die innere Stärke und vereint den Geist, wodurch man wieder in der Lage ist, den Hürden des Lebens standzuhalten.

Emotionaler Zustand: Anstrengung, Erschöpfung, Ermattung, ausgelaugt, nicht in der Lage Geschehenes zu bewältigen

Wirkung: Regeneration, Widerstandsfähigkeit, Erholung, Integration, Auffrischung

Man empfindet die Ganzheit seines Wesens, in der die Integrität des Selbst wiederhergestellt ist. Durch die Heilung können sich nun jene Aspekte unseres körperlichen und geistigen Seins integrieren und revitalisieren, die sich abgekämpft haben. Die innere Kraft ist wiederhergestellt, wir werden geistig wieder eins mit uns und sind fähig, uns den Herausforderungen des Lebens zu stellen. Wiederherstellung nach langem Kampf. Neue Energie, Kraft, Aufladung, Lebensmut, Integration.

Shy Blue Orchid = Thelymitra graminea Asterales Goodeniaceae

White Spider Orchid = Caladenia longicauda  Asterales Goodeniaceae



Purple & Red Kangaroo Paw = Anigozanthos  Black Kangaroo Paw = Macropidia fuliginosa


 Haemodoraceae ermöglicht es einem, Abstand von resignativen Reaktionen zu gewinnen und mit

einer schwierigen Situation klar und konstruktiv umzugehen. Emotionaler Zustand: negativ, streitsüchtig, beschuldigend, kritisierend, reagierend

            Wirkung: Offenheit, Sensibilität, Verständnis, Verletzbarkeit

Red & Green Kangaroo Paw = Anigozanthos manglesii Commelinales Haemodoraceae Diese Blütenessenzen ermöglichen, sich bewusst im Hier und Jetzt auf

            Menschen einzulassen, andere Dinge beiseite zu legen und so die Kanäle für ein freudiges Zusammensein zu öffnen.


Asparagales Orchidaceae

Blue China Orchid = Caladenia gemmata

                        Asparagales Orchidaceae

Cowslip Orchid = Caladenia flava             Asparagales Orchidaceae

                        Hilft zu wissen, wer wir sind, wo wir stehen und schützt uns vor disharmonischen Einflüssen aus unserer Umwelt. Wirkt wie ein Filter und stärkt unser Inneres.

Goddess Grastree = Xanthorrhoea australis = (Southern/Austral) grasstree or Black Boy is an Australian plant. Xanthorrhoea. Asparagales Orchidaceae

Negativer Zustand: zerstörerische Agressivität, unsensibel, unreifes Verhalten, keinen Zugang zur Kreativität

Positive Wirkung: Selbstbewusstsein, Ausgeglichenheit, innere Reife, Gemeinschafts-, Familiensinn

Pink Fairy Orchid = Caladenia latifolia  Asparagales Orchidoideae

Red Beak Orchid = Lypercanthos nigricans Asterales Goodeniaceae Weckt das Verlangen, Aufgaben und Pflichten zu erfüllen und schafft anschließend Freiräume

für andere Aktivitäten.

Start ́s Spider Orchid Asparagales Orchidaceae  fördert die Direktheit und Aufrichtigkeit anderen Menschen gegenüber.



Dampiera Asterales Goodeniaceae

Donkey Orchid = Diuris Asterales Goodeniaceae

Blue Leschenaultia = Lechenaultia biloba Asterales Goodeniaceae

Donkey Orchid = Diuris Asterales Goodeniaceae

Brachycome = Asterales Astereae

Golden Waitsia             Asterales Asteraceae

Pink Everlasting = Helichrysum adenocarpum             Asterales Gnaphalieae

Red Beak Orchid = Lypercanthos nigricans Asterales Goodeniaceae Weckt das Verlangen, Aufgaben und Pflichten zu erfüllen und schafft anschließend Freiräume

für andere Aktivitäten.

Red Leschenaultia = Asterales Asteraceae Gnaphalieae

Reed Triggerplant = Stylidium kalbarriense Asterales Stylidiaceae Unterstützt einen dabei, sich nach einer langen Anstrengung wieder zu erholen. Sie erneuert

die innere Stärke und vereint den Geist, wodurch man wieder in der Lage ist, den Hürden des Lebens standzuhalten.

Emotionaler Zustand: Anstrengung, Erschöpfung, Ermattung, ausgelaugt, nicht in der Lage Geschehenes zu bewältigen

Wirkung: Regeneration, Widerstandsfähigkeit, Erholung, Integration, Auffrischung

Man empfindet die Ganzheit seines Wesens, in der die Integrität des Selbst wiederhergestellt ist. Durch die Heilung können sich nun jene Aspekte unseres körperlichen und geistigen Seins integrieren und revitalisieren, die sich abgekämpft haben. Die innere Kraft ist wiederhergestellt, wir werden geistig wieder eins mit uns und sind fähig, uns den Herausforderungen des Lebens zu stellen. Wiederherstellung nach langem Kampf. Neue Energie, Kraft, Aufladung, Lebensmut, Integration.

Asterales Campanulaceae



Brown Boronia             Sapindales Rutaceae

Correa Sapindales Rutaceae



Fuchsia Gum = Eucalyptus forrestiana Myrtales Myrtaceae

Geralton Wax = Chamelaucium uncinatum Myrtales Myrtaceae

Mauve Melaleuca             Myrtales Myrtaceae

Actions: anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, balsamic, cicatrisant, diaphoretic, expectorant, fungicidal, immuno-stimulant, parasiticide, vulnerary

Therapeutic Uses: Abscess, acne, asthma, athlete's foot, blisters, bronchitis, burns, catarrh, cold sores, colds, coughs, cystitis, dandruff, fever, flu, herpes, infected wounds, insect bites, nappy rash, oily skin, pruritus, sinusitis, spots, thrush, tuberculosis, vaginitis, warts, whooping cough

Emotionaler Zustand: emotionale Verletzung, Wut, Enttäuschung, Frustration

Wirkung: Zufriedenheit, Idealismus, innere beständige Liebe

One Sided Bottlebrush = Calothamnus quadrifidus Myrtales Myrtaceae

Queensland Bottlebrush = Callistemon polandii            Myrtales Myrtaceae Erleichtert das Loslassen der Vergangenheit.

            Die Dinge kommen und gehen, doch man selbst kommt mehr und mehr mit der Quelle des Wesentlichen in Berührung.

Callistemon polandii = Melaleuca polandii




Black Kangaroo Paw = Macropidia fuliginosa Commelinales

Purple & Red Kangaroo Paw = Anigozanthos  Commelinales Haemodoraceae ermöglicht es einem, Abstand von resignativen Reaktionen zu gewinnen und mit

einer schwierigen Situation klar und konstruktiv umzugehen. Emotionaler Zustand: negativ, streitsüchtig, beschuldigend, kritisierend, reagierend

            Wirkung: Offenheit, Sensibilität, Verständnis, Verletzbarkeit



Vorwort/Suchen                                                 Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum