Benzoin odiferum (Benzo) = Feverbush

                                               Negativ: [Farokh Master] Very similar to Laurocerasus. The symptom most confirmed in my practice is oily hair also an  excellent  remedy in  my practice  for  acute  laryngitis (loss of voice with

severe running nose. I use this remedy in 6C potency with excellent results. There is marked rawness and soreness in the larynx and trachea on attempting to talk;


Gemüt: Wahnideen (würde versinken)

Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

Kehlkopf und Trachea: Krupp - krampfhaft

Schmerz - Kehlkopf („Wie roh“)

Stimme - verloren

Schlaf: Schlaflos

Fieber: Hitze im Allgemeinen

Allgemeines: 7 h./< nach oben blicken


Vergleich: Laur. Siehe: Laurales



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