Blatta orientalis Anhang  


[Peter Fraser]

Is said to have been introduced into the materia medica when a man's asthma miraculously improved and he later found a cockroach had fallen into his teapot.

There was a proving in Mumbai in 1995 by Dr Munjal Thakar. The cockroach is a flightless insect that runs very fast. Ancient insects virtually unchanged in millions of years and are extremely hardy. They can survive radiation doses 100x those fatal to humans. They can live without food for a month and without water for a fortnight. If one's head is cut off it continues to live and only dies from a lack of water and food up to ten days

later. They are pests causing damage and contamination to food as well as consuming it and they have a very disagreeable odour. Cockroaches contain similar allergens to shellfish and their body parts in the air can cause asthma.

The strangest feature of the cockroach remedy is a sense of indifference and a numbness that was felt throughout. Provers felt they were less likely to get angry or upset and there was a lack of feeling to friends and family members. They felt physically numb and there was also a lack of facial expression.

The provers did not want to talk or interact with other people and were extremely irritable, acting with irritation and anger to anyone who tried to interact with them. They are abrupt and curt but with a feeling of remorse.

Blatta finds transformation and freedom through work and particularly through professional Status and respect. They want to excel in what they do and to be a good person, not so much for its own sake but for the respect and even the veneration that it will bring them. This will give them not only worth and Status but also identity. They are prevented from achieving this because they tend to use underhand or at least less than admirable methods to attain their ends and they feel incredibly guilty and remorseful about this.

They feel bad and dirty and this is something that they cannot escape. The more they strive to achieve an honourable place the more they have to use dishonourable means.

Work and professional Status are very important. They want very much to be noticed, respected and honoured for their work. They want to wear fine clothes and look good so that they look professional and are admired and respected. They desire to be adored and praised but especially in their professional capacity and they show a reciprocal respect and veneration to their teachers. They show a degree of professional jealousy and are prepared to be argumentative and underhand in order to be noticed. Part of this comes out of a feeling of lacking identity and there is a striving to find their identity, particularly professional identity.

There is a desire to be a good person and remorse that they are not. They use deception and the tricks of the trade in order to enhance their professional position, but they feel very badly about it.

Sexually they can be numb and indifferent. However, they can also be completely overwhelmed by sex and particularly by perverse dimensions of sex which are a feature of

all the Insect remedies.

There can be a sudden sexual excitement with a desire to talk in a vulgar way and a fear that he would lose control and do something terrible to his girlfriend in a sexual way. There was losing control of his sexual thoughts and saying things he had not meant to say. Along with this is a sense of being dirty or bad and great remorse and guilt.

There is a very peculiar sexual symptom with sudden sexual desire and a feeling both emotional and physical of already having had sex and having ejaculated. The feeling of being bad and dirty is widespread and applies both physically and emotionally. The tongue and skin can be described as dirty. And there is an overwhelming feeling of guilt.

It is important to them that things are done in a systematic and organized way. They had to do things right away, could not put them off and could not rest and laze around until everything had been properly done.

The remedy is very sensitive to cold and < damp and cold and particularly form the mouldy smells of autumn. Taking cold leads to deep bronchitis.

The oppression of the chest is severe and exhausting. The cough is hacking and unproductive and leads to complete exhaustion and profuse cold perspiration without being able to clear the lungs.

Has to be propped up as lying down would lead to suffocation. They also feel suffocated by clothing, bed clothes and being indoors.

Although very sensitive to cold the patient is very hot and  said to radiate heat. They want to throw off bedclothes, be fanned, undressed, go outside and take a cold bath. Pain generally burning in nature.

The patient, like the insect, is photophobic and needs to close the eyes in sunlight. They are also nocturnal: feeling sleepy during the day and alert at night.


Durchgehende Gleichgültigkeit und Taubheit. Die Prüfer stellten fest, dass sie sich kaum noch über etwas aufregten und nichts mehr für Freunde und Familienmitglieder empfanden. Sie verspürten eine physische Taubheit und zeigten eine stark reduzierte Mimik.

Die Prüfer wollten keinen Kontakt zu anderen Menschen haben und waren extrem reizbar. Sie reagierten reizbar und wütend auf jeden, der etwas von ihnen wollte.

Sie verhielten sich schroff und barsch, verspürten aber Reue.

Der Blatta-Patient findet Transformation und Freiheit durch die Arbeit und insbesondere durch seinen beruflichen Status und seine Respektabilität. Er will der Beste sein

in dem, was er tut, und außerdem ein guter Mensch, aber nicht so sehr um des Gutseins willen, sondern wegen des damit verbundenen Respekts und vielleicht sogar der Bewunderung, die ihm das einbringt.

Das verleiht ihm nicht nur Wert und Status, sondern auch eine Identität. Verhindert wird das durch die heimtückischen oder zumindest wenig bewundernswerten Methoden, die diese Menschen anwenden, um ihre Ziele zu erreichen, und die ihnen dann unglaubliche Schuld- und Reuegefühle bescheren.

Sie fühlen sich böse und schmutzig – ein Gefühl, das sie nie loswerden. Je stärker sie sich um einen ehrenwerten Platz im Leben bemühen, umso unehrenhafter sind die Mittel, die sie anwenden müssen. Arbeit und Beruf sind sehr wichtig. Sie haben ein starkes Bedürfnis, für ihre Arbeit beachtet, respektiert und geehrt zu werden.

Sie möchten sich gut und edel kleiden, um professionell zu wirken, bewundert und respektiert zu werden.

Sie sehnen sich nach Bewunderung und Lob, vor allem für ihre berufliche Kompetenz, und zollen umgekehrt auch ihren Lehrern Respekt und Hochachtung. Bis zu einem gewissen Grad leiden sie auch unter beruflichem Neid und verhalten sich streitsüchtig und heimtückisch, nur um wahrgenommen zu werden. zum Teil kommt das aus einem fehlenden Identitätsgefühl, daher streben sie nach einer -vor allem beruflichen- Identität.

Sie möchten gut sein und haben Gewissensbisse, weil sie es nicht sind.

Sie täuschen, betrügen, sind mit allen Tricks vertraut, um ihre berufliche Stellung zu verbessern, aber sie fühlen sich damit nicht wohl. Sexuell kann der Patient gefühllos und gleichgültig sein.

Oft ist er aber auch vom Sex besessen (perverse Dimensionen), die bei allen Insektenmitteln ein Thema sind.

Er fühlt sich plötzlich sexuell erregt mit dem Wunsch, vulgäre Ausdrücke zu verwenden, und hat dabei Angst, die Kontrolle zu verlieren und seiner Freundin sexuell etwas Schlimmes anzutun. Es kam vor, dass er die Kontrolle über seine sexuellen Gedanken verlor und Sachen sagte, die er gar nicht sagen wollte. Das geht einher mit dem Gefühl, schmutzig oder böse zu sein, und mit starken Reue- und Schuldgefühlen. Es gibt hier ein eigentümliches sexuelles Symptom:

Der Patient bekommt plötzlich sexuelle Lust und hat gleichzeitig so wohl seelisch als auch physisch das Empfinden, bereits Sex gehabt und ejakuliert zu haben.

Das Gefühl, böse und schmutzig zu sein, ist weit verbreitet und betrifft sowohl den körperlichen als auch den seelischen Bereich.

Zunge und Haut werden oft als schmutzig beschrieben. Und es besteht ein überwältigendes Schuldgefühl.

Diesen Menschen ist es wichtig, alles systematisch und organisiert zu tun.

Sie müssen alles sofort tun, sie können nichts aufschieben und können auch nicht ausruhen und herumlungern, solange nicht alles ordnungsgemäß erledigt ist.

Das Mittel ist sehr kälteempfindlich. < Feuchtigkeit und Kälte und besonders durch den Modergeruch des Herbstes. Erkältungen enden oft in einer schlimmen Bronchitis.

Die Brustbeklemmung ist schlimm und entkräftend. Der Husten ist eher ein trockenes Hüsteln, das zu völliger Erschöpfung und Ausbrüchen von profusem, kaltem Schweiß führt, ohne die Lungen reinigen zu können. Der Patient muss hoch gelagert werden, weil er liegend zu ersticken droht. Er fühlt sich auch durch Kleidung, Bettwäsche und Aufenthalt in geschlossenen Räumen eingeengt, als müsse er ersticken. trotz seiner Kälteempfindlichkeit ist der Patient so heiß, dass man den Eindruck bekommt, er strahle Hitze aus. Er versucht, die Bettdecken abzuwerfen, möchte gefächelt werden, sich ausziehen, ins Freie gehen und ein kaltes Bad nehmen. Die Schmerzen sind generell brennend.

Wie das Insekt ist der Patient lichtempfindlich und muss im Sonnenlicht die Augen schließen. Es sind Nachtschwärmer: tagsüber sind sie müde, abends werden sie wach.


[Dr. Munjal Thakar]

Cockroaches are among the most primitive living, winged insects (almost unchanged for more than 320 million years) and are among the oldest fossil insects.

The cockroach prefers a warm, humid, dark environment and is usually found in tropical or other mild climates. Only a few species have become pests. The insect damages more material than it consumes and emits a disagreeable odour. The diet of the roach, which includes both plant and animal products, ranges from food, paper, clothing, and books to dead insects (bedbugs).

The Blatta orientalis considered one of the filthiest of household pests. It is oval, shiny black or dark brown, 25 to 30 mm long, with a life cycle similar to that of the American cockroach.

The male has short, fully developed wings, and the female has vestigial wings. This cockroach has been distributed by vehicles of commerce from its Asiatic origins to all the temperate regions.

Encyclopedia Britannica 2001


The remedy was selected by Dr. Rupal Desai, my friend and colleague. It was not revealed to me or to the provers till the end of the proving. It was the 30th potency.

Total number of provers were 5 [1 male + 4 females]. Two of the female provers continued the proving for 2 weeks and later dropped out for unknown reasons.

The effect of the proving lasted for approximately 4-6 weeks.

Each prover had an observer (usually a close friend) to augment the process of symptom collection.




            Sensitivity want of,

            Unfeeling (family members).


            Indifference to loved ones.

            FINERY, luxurious clothing; wants.

            Dreams making purchases of clothes.

            Delusion is not appreciated

            Longing for good opinion

            Love approbation, for.

            Flattery desires.

            Contemptuous towards people venerated.

            Envious towards people venerated/Jealousy towards people venerated.


            Despair social position/Social position concerned about.

            Contrary/Contradict disposition to.

            Lewdness # remorse.

            Delusion dirty; he is

            Self control loss of, over one's sexual desires.

            Delusion animal he is, vulgar.

            Talks obscene # self-condemnation.

            Contemptuous self of.


            Cold, frigid (BB)

            Irritability usual, lack of

            Anxiety usual, lack of


            Irritability – causeless/about innocent things/when questioned/at trifles/”As if head would burst”


            Answer abruptly, shortly, curtly

            Talk abrupt (snappish).

            Rudeness towards loved ones.

            Disturbed aversion to be.

            Sensitivity want of, music to

            Indifference music to.

            Laughing - at serious matters (losing valuable object)




            Talk indisposed to.

            Delusion dirty she is, menses before


PAIN: GENERAL, before +/o. during menses

ERUPTIONS, scalp, occiput -  boil/< hard pressure/< combing


            Eye symptoms associated with nose symptoms.

            Pain – burning/aching/< riding/< draft of air/burning (right + burning r. nostril/begin suddenly/> washing/< sun/> closing eyes)

            Photophobia [horrible (intense)/< sunlight]


            COLORS before the eyes black spots floating, muscae volitantes, mouches volantes


            Obstruction general (at root l./r/l. with throat congestion)

            Pain pricking (needle like), left [pus-like/general yellowish (with burning in both eyes/with headache)]

            Itching crawling and tickling

            Sneezing itching (tickling with) (desires fanning)

            Pain general sinuses with fever.

            Pain burning, right with sneezing preceded by cough & throat irritation.


            ERUPTIONS acne (before menses/pustular/scars remaining after healing/linear, along the margin of the mandible)


COATED, Tongue yellow, dirty


HAWK disposition from tickling

            TICKLING, with cough.


            ERUCTATIONS, empty

            Thirst increased – at night wakes up from sleep/at night before retiring to bed.

            Hunger: Emptiness – 11.30 – 12 h. must eat something/> emptiness eating small quantities


HEAVINESS, lower abdomen

ERUPTIONS, mosquitoes bitten by , left side


URGING desire – sudden/frequent

Female Organs:

MENSES - pale watery/protracted, prolonged/delayed


Difficult – at night with nose symptoms/difficult feels as if breathing through her trachea

            Impeded - constriction at sternum/”As if lungs not expanding enough”.





            Heaviness, “As from a heavy load” - < talking/at night; morning on waking

            Suffocation, chilliness with- wants to uncover, but throws off covers as feels suffocated


            PERSPIRATION in cervical region


ERUPTIONS: fingers - left middle/l. index


            STLESS, change place desire

            RETLESS, midnight after 3 am to 4 am

            DISTURBED (can sleep well only after 6 – 6.30 h.


            SLEEP daytime, while sleepless night

            SLEEPLESS though exhausted


            WAKING difficult morning


            Teacher whom she admires; hurt by.

            Joint, left metacarpophalangeal stiff and can't move.

            Confusing which leave him disturbed.

            Cakes & pastries.



            FEVER: INFLUENZA


            ERUPTIONS – HERPETIC with itching/LINEAR along the dermatome/urticaria (as after an ant bite/dark red)/preceded by burning & soreness

            ITCHING - before eruption appear/voluptuous (morning on waking/> scratching)


            HEAT - flushes of (at night)/partial, upper parts/with desire to uncover/with desire to undress

            FANNED, desires

            HEAT, objective

            AIR HUNGER

            HEAT - > cold bathing/> uncovering

            WEAKNESS - desire to lie down/> sleep

            FAN aversion

            Food & drinks: Desires: pastries/natural food (fruits etc)/wholesome food;

                                    Aversion: rich food;


[Elaine Lewis]

An Under-Used Remedy in Asthma (COVID Too?) 1

We could get rid of a lot of asthma cases with this remedy!

So, here’s how Blatta orientalis was discovered.  First of all, I hate that I’m even writing about this because Blatta is the Indian cockroach (one of my least favorite things in the whole world, and in my opinion, they should all just drop dead—though there is very little chance of that since they’ve been around for millions of years and seem to be going nowhere!)  OK, I think I’m getting a little too emotional about this.  Ahem!  Collect yourself, Elaine….breathe!  Now where was I?

Oh right, how Blatta was discovered.  OK, so, apparently there was once an elderly man in India who had been suffering with asthma for over 20 years.  One afternoon, he noticed that he felt immeasurably better after drinking his usual afternoon tea.  The oppression of his chest was gone!  He had no choice but to attribute this change to the tea even though it had never helped him before; so, he sent for the servant and said, “Bring me the teapot.”  In the teapot he found a dead roach.  Ew!!!!!  BUT, it turns out these idiots may actually have some use after all!  Within a few days, this man’s asthma was gone!

He and a friend began gathering up cockroaches (ugh!) and dropped them into boiling water (which is just what they deserve!) strained them off, added wine and created a mother tincture and the dose was a drop, 3 or 4x daily, and more frequently during attacks for every asthma case they ran across.  Within a short time, there were so many cures, people with asthma began flocking to this guy from all over the country!  (This account is from Anshutz’s New Old and Forgotten Remedies.)

So now, here is what you might want to look for in a Blatta case; confirmatory symptoms, if you will:

    The etiology could be mold, dampness, cold/damp or, according to Robin Murphy, breathing in dust.

    There is great accumulation of mucus resulting in inability to breathe and a feeling of suffocation.

    < lying down. The patient must sit up and lean forward, like Kali-c.

    Shortness of breath.

    < in rainy weather. (Interestingly, cockroaches seek habitats that are in damp areas, low to the ground.)

    Oppression of the chest, fears suffocation

    Trouble breathing

    You will find the patient stooped over, leaning on elbows.

    < at night. (Interestingly, the cockroach is nocturnal, active at night.)

    Better open air, desire to be fanned.

    Better cold bath.

    Chilly, but, suffocated by covers. You might see the Mercury characteristics of wanting to throw off the covers, but then quickly gets cold and wants them back on.

    Then wants them off again.

    You might see the same thing with the fan–wants the fan on, then wants it off, then wants it on…..

    Stomach feels swollen and heavy. Other parts may feel swollen and heavy as well.

    Exhaustion, chronic fatigue.

    < talking (breathlessness)

    Sensation that lungs will not expand enough.

    Dry, hacking, exhausting cough.

    Raising mucus difficult.

    Chest feels tight. Oppression of the chest, as if a heavy weight, can’t finish his sentence.

    Flu-like symptoms, body aches, weakness, exhaustion.

    Arsenicum was tried but but wasn’t sufficient.

    Mucus: Pus-like, yellow, tough, viscid.

    > Expectoration

    When they’re not having an attack, they may seem normal.

    Diagnoses: Asthma, Bronchitis, Tuberculosis, (COVID-19?)

I think you can see in this list a lot of the COVID-19 symptoms:  Trouble breathing, coughing, suffocation, lungs won’t expand, flu-like symptoms, chronic fatigue and so on; you might want to add it to your list of possible COVID remedies, especially if you see some of the above confirmations.



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