Caesalpinia sapan = dried powdered heartwood


Repertory:                                                                [Dr. Mohamed Muneer]

Mind: Concentration difficult < afternoon.

Euphoria all morning and day/fresh and well feeling in the morning.

Calmness of mind.

Increased determination.

Lack of interest in doing anything,

Seeks consolation.

Sympathy for suffering others.

Mental tension by slightest cause.

Mental tension relieves.

Concentration difficult < afternoon fresh in the whole morning and day

Calmness of  mind.

Vertigo: < morning/> lying down/< standing

Tendency to fall.

„As if turning in a circle“ > morning/< afternoon/> after food/> lying down.

Head: l.

Heaviness - < waking from sleep/< 5 h./>lying down.

Frontal headache < afternoon till evening/rising from chair/bed/

R. (occipital) headache < reading

Stitching < motion.

Vertex headache < afternoon.

Dull headache < 4 h. till 18 h. – 19 h. > at night

Headache from cold bathing < in the early morning/l. head/l. face of head < evening

Heaviness and sleepiness due to night watching > after sleep.

Headache both temporal (l./< evening)

Eyes: Pain l. (eyelid)

Stitching (< closing the eye).

Pain in (r.) eye „As if protruded“.


Eye opening difficult due to weakness of body.

Ears: Pain in l. ear < empty swallowing

Nose: Pain in l. nostril.

Watery discharge from nose < evening

Sneezing < morning.

„As if stopped“ < morning.

Coryza and nasal obstruction (l.).

Clear jelly like, thick mucus from nose (l./< warm room/> open air).

Face: Pain in face l. < evening/in l. maxillary region (< stooping/< evening/< stooping)

Mouth: Ulcers on the tongue. Bitter taste in mouth < evening.

Teeth: Pain in l. molar tooth < eating/< 7 h.

Toothache < eating/< drawing cold air

Throat: Itching of throat < 12 midnightMust clear the throat constantly.

Mucous glairy clearing/from the throat

Tendency to clear throat constantly

Itching of throat

Stomach: Appetite increased [on waking/during morning/10 h/<12 h./< empty stomach/ravenous (< morning 8 h.)]

Burning in stomach < morning.

Emptiness in stomach at 10 h. (> after eating 1 - 1½ hour after food).

All gone feeling in epigastrium (before noon/before food/without eructation/with palpitation).

Heartburn from slightest mental exertion/< 10 h.

Nausea while waking < 5 h. – 9 h.

Thirst decreased.

Abdomen: Allgone feeling < before food/< before noon/with palpitation

Pain in abdomen < 4 h. (waking hours).

Colicky pain lasted for about 10 minutes

Pain in l. inguinal region.

Fullness feeling in hypogastrium without pain < after food/> evening      

Discomfort and distension of abdomen < after journey/< before food

Rectum: Constipaton/Diarrhoea .

Pain and dryness at the margin of anus < morning/< hard stool.

Stool: Like chopped eggs/hard and dry/watery

Bladder: Frequently full. Has to urinate intermittently

Urination profuse.

Pain during urination

Female genitals: Menses 3 days early/profuse

Respiration: Breathing difficult < evening/> rest.

Couh: Dry < 22 h.

With itching of throat.

Cough with sensation „As if it would end in a vomit“.

Several paroxysm

Chest: Palpitation with all gone feeling in abdomen

Back: Pain (bursting/wants to lie on back/> lying/in shoulder ext. to fingertipp)

Extremities: Weakness - < 12 h./< after supper/< after lunch/> after rest.

Pain in l. arm. 

Pain in shoulder to finger Tipp/in wrist joint r.


Sleep: Deep at night.

Sleepy: early night/due to weakness

Sleep disturbed

Dozing < early morning/drowsy.

Sound sleep

Perspiration: Increased with vertigo/< morning

Skin: Hard and black coloured eruption on forearm and leg. Eruption on forearm and leg

Eruption on forearm and legs turn to black after itching 

Generals: Desires: Coffee/Choc;

Modalities: < Morning 10 h./< afternoon/< evening/< before food/< after food

> after food/> lying down


Vergleich: Siehe: Fabales (Fabaceae)


Wirkung: anti-bacterial/anti-coagulant


Allerlei: Quelle von Sappanwood

dye called brazilin for fabric/paints/inks.


Phytologie: Emmenagogue/astringent and sedative.

Skin diseases (lichen).

Wounds/haemorrhages/disturbance of menstrual functions.

Dysentery and diarrhoea 

Ayurvedic: vata/bilious/fever/delirium/ulcer/strangury/urinary concretions/mental disorder;

cures boils/blood complaints; improves the complexion

Yunani System:  The wood is bitter; stops bleeding from the chest and lungs; heals wounds, ulcers; improves the complexion; useful in rheumatism

Vertigo associated with hypertension. Reduces blood pressure to 80/50 mm of Hg

Tincture from

Sphere of action: It has prominent action on the gastro intestinal system, eye and head. Other  important sites are the nose, throat, urinary system, locomotor  system, and  respiratory system.

Side affinity: Predominantly Left sided.



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                            Impressum