Negativ: A. Nagenden Hunger;
Gemüt: Bewusstlos (vorübergehend)
Reizbar/gereizt (während Hitze)
Kopf: Schmerz einige
Sehen: Trübsichtig, trübes Sehen während Kopfschmerz
Ohr: Schmerz [r. (drückend)/mit Zahnschmerz]
Mund: Steife Zunge
Zähne: Schmerz
Innerer Hals: Entzündet
Magen: Appetit nagend/Durstlos (während Fieber/während Hitze)
Schmerz (schneidend/stechend)
Übel (mit Schmerz)
Vergebliches Würgen
Bauch: „Wie Stein“ im Bauch
Rektum: Durchfall
Stuhl: Grau
Urin: Wolkig
Männliche Genitalien: Sexverlangen vermehrt
Kehlkopf und Trachea: Trockene Kehlkopf
Glieder: Frösteln im Knie
Rücken: Schweiß - morgens
Brust: Angina pectoris
Schlaf: Schläfrig < nach Abendessen
Allgemeines: Speisen und Getränke: <: Alkohol/Bier;
Vergleich: Siehe: Ericales
Allerlei: flavoring in candy/soft drinks (root beer).
Phytologie: Stomach/kidneys,
skin/lymphatic system.
more relaxing than stimulating
the astringent principle is
scarcely obtained: by long boiling or with some alcohol. Mildly increases the
flow of urine (chronic weakness of kidneys and bladder, cystic catarrh,
weakness and aching in the prostate, and in spermatorrhea).
Relieves a sense of weight
and uneasiness through this entire portion of the organism (may be combined
with caulophyllum/convallaria in the treatment of leucorrheal and gonorrheal
scrofula and cutaneous
Given in decoction, extract,
or compound sirup.
The decoction is prepared by
boiling an ounce of the leaves in 2 pints of water, straining, and evaporating
to one pint. From 2 to 4 fluid ounces of this may be given every 3 or 4 hours.
A fluid extract is prepared
in the usual way, of which one fluid drachm would be a dose.
A better preparation would
be a concentrated sirup, a pint of which might be made from eight ounces of the
ground leaves, with twelve ounces of sugar; and four ounces of rectified whisky
afterward added. The dose of this would be from two to four fluid drachms,
three times a day.