Cochlearia officinalis (Coch) = Meerrettich/= Crausan/= Horseradish/= Löffelkraut /= Bitterkresse/= Skorbutkraut/= Scharbockskraut/= Narikela/Wurzel/Blätter


Gebrauch: Magenschmerz/Durchfall/Nierenbeschwerden;

Negativ: A. Bauchschmerz erstr. Rücken/seitlich; Leberprobleme (Magnesiums); Augenentzündung nach Verletzung/Hörverlust tiefe Töne; heiser, Halsentzündung

mit Schleim schwer zum Aushusten, weiße Zunge; Asthma < Feuchtigkeit; trockener Kitzelhusten < liegen;


Denken schwer, unentschieden, Schleimhäuten, Schmerz = Unverträglich, Neben-/Stirnhöhlen;

Feststecken akzeptieren und verbergen/besteht kein Ausweg;

Antiscorbutisch bei entzündeten Schleimhäuten (Mund/schleimiges Asthma; Durchfall, schleimige Stühle, Uretritis); Verdauungsprobleme (Aufstoßen/Magen- + Bauchschmerz); Bauchschmerz erstr. Rücken/seitlich;

Akute Bronchitis/Brust/entzündete Phyrinx/Schnupfen/ Aphten/Venenentzündung vor Thrombose; Zur Dynamisierung

der Wärme- und Gestaltungprozesse im Aufbaustoffwechsel.

Salbe: Sinusitis, Thrombophlebitiden.

Selbstempfundenem Pflichtbewusstsein sich um Angehörige kümmern, (ist zu viel/hat genug davon), dadurch gebunden + eingeengt (Cimic. fühlt sich von Gesellschaft gedrängt/Kalium tut es einfach); fühlt sich innerlich unzufrieden, enttäuscht vom Leben, ärgerlich wegen der übernommenen Pflicht ohne dies auszudrücken (unterdrückter Ärger: Magnesiums/bitter: Am-s./Cocc kümmert sich mit + aus Liebe), weil Pflichtgefühl Jammern verbietet; empfindlich für Kritik (auf übernommene Pflicht-Aufgabe).

< 7 h. + 19 h.; >> frische Luft, draußen, Bewegung; << Berührung; Aversion/Verschlechterung Kohl-Gemüse


Urin: Spärlich

Allgemeines: Speisen und Getränke: Verlangt: Eier/Fisch/Choc; Abgeneigt: (Rosen)kohl;


Repertory: [Mrinal Mohapatra]

Mind: Difficult thinking in evening.

Melancholy is changed into merry mood.

Anxiety. θ Hydrothorax.

Driven to despair. θ Cramp in stomach.

Great irresoluteness, stupid feeling and inability to collect one’s thoughts.

< nervous excitement; from vexation.

Vertigo: Dullness of head, is unable to collect his thoughts quick enough.

Buzzing in head, with weakness, < forenoon and when walking.


Head: Dull pain in frontal sinus.

Sore, uneasy feeling in frontal sinus.

Dull, heavy headache.

Pressing, boring pain in head, as if frontal bone would fall out.

Pressure deep in brain, < by opening eyes (wide), but not by reading or motion.

Headache, now in one, then in another side of head; < when opening eyes widely.

Headache, with nausea; < when sitting up.

Violent headache, with vomiting.

Acute pain in head.

Fullness of frontal sinus and antrum highmorii.

Eyes: Lachrymation.

Spots on cornea.

Swelling of eyes.

Inflammation of Meibomian glands.

Sore and scrofulous eyes.

Rheumatic ophthalmia.

Traumatic inflammation of eyes; blearedness and cataract.

Vision: Obscuration of sight for some minutes.

Ears: Pain in left ear, deep in.

Nose: Sneezing.

Chronic catarrh.

Inflammation of nose. θ With eye complaints.

Face: Pale

Twitching of left corner of mouth, 4 h.

Soreness of upper lip.

Mouth: Slight metallic taste in mouth.


Dull pain in left sublingual gland for a few moments, followed by a flow of saliva.

Burning biting sensation on tongue.

Tongue furred whitish. θ Cramp in stomach.

Very offensive odor from mouth and lungs.

Clotted blood filled up the open mouth. θ Apparent death.

Teeth: Toothache (a rheumatic character).

Dull sensation in teeth, “As if they were soft and became bent on chewing).


Scurvy of salt eaters.

Toothache in carious teeth. θ Scurvy.

Dental fistula.

Throat: Dryness of pharynx, larynx and posterior nares.

Scraping in throat, with nausea.

Hawking up thick, viscid mucus, consisting of mucous corpuscles and plasma, with little granular matter.

Inflammation of tonsils, with difficulty in swallowing.

Warm water put in mouth seemed to go no further than throat. θ Apparent death.

Stomach: Little appetite for breakfast.

Fearful hungry feeling, unnatural craving for food, with profuse painless diarrhoea.


Troublesome belching of a sulphurous odor similar to garlic.

Scraping in throat, with nausea.

Slight nausea, with irritation of pharynx.

Retching and vomiting of bilious fluid.

Highly stimulant, exciting stomach and promoting secretions (stomach).

Crampy, tensive pain above epigastrium, apparently in diaphragm; > bending forward.

From region of stomach pain draws through both sides towards back. θ Cramp in stomach.

Dull pain or soreness at scrobiculum cordis.

Violent cramp in stomach beginning towards morning, continually increasing, driving to despair; goes from region of stomach through both sides ext. back.

A slight pressure on last dorsal vertebra increases pain very much.

Cramp in stomach after taking cold.

Abdomen: Griping pain in bowels (epigastric region) for a few moments upon lying down upon back.

Colicky pains in left side below short ribs, similar to that which she has with her monthly, on right side

Spasmodic affection in abdomen.

Griping pain around umbilicus.

Tearing pain from belly through to back, down back and settling in sacrum.

Borborygmi in morning.

Loins ache.

Rectum: Stools increased in frequency.

Profuse painless diarrhoea, not sick with it, but craving food.

Twenty movements of her bowels in one day.

In afternoon two stools, first profuse and thick, later less, not thin; four or five times during evening, with a great deal of straining; very weakening.

After great nervous excitement, looseness, six or seven times during afternoon, with much pain; took gin to check it; fever followed.

Tenesmus all night until morning, sometimes discharging a little blood.

Intestinal catarrh.

Involuntary passage of mucus from anus.

Straining at anus, with burning and stinging.

Itching and burning at anus.

Stool: Mucous stools.

Urinary Organs:

Uneasiness in region of kidneys, as if congested.

Increased inclination to urinate.

Increased secretion of urine.

Urination eight or ten times daily, instead of four.

Strangury very severe; frequent and scanty urination; water thick, like jelly on standing, yellowish color, although neither yellow nor white.

Ischuria and bloody urine.



Nephritis albuminosa, with great paleness, and atony of kidneys.

Frequent desire to urinate; the urine is discharged with difficulty, causing burning, tenderness and inflammation of the urethra, as in the first (inflammatory)

stages of gonorrhoea.

Urine: Urine pale and limpid.


** Calculi.

Male Organs: Impotence, torpidity.

Burning or cutting at glans during micturition, felt also before or after.

Inflammatory stage of gonorrhoea.

Gonorrhoea, with violent smarting and burning, difficult micturition, and a rather scanty discharge from urethra.

Gonorrhoea, after cutting and burning pains during micturition had been nearly removed by 1st or 2d dilution, the 6th acted with good effect.

Chronic and neglected gonorrhoea.

Female Organs: During night pieces of coagulated blood pass from vagina.

When urinating stringy black blood from vagina.

Menses every ten or fifteen days.

Suppressed menses and chlorosis.

Leucorrhoea and menostasis.

Since climaxis, cramp in stomach.

Milk tastes and smells like horseradish.

After vexation of mother nursing child vomits milk.

Larynx and Trachea: Loss of voice; whispering.

Aphonia, with blood-spitting.

Hoarseness and roughness in throat.

Dryness of larynx.

Used by singers to clear the throat.

Respiratory Organs: Oppression of breathing, with hoarseness; scorbutus.

Pituitous asthma.

Increases activity of respiratory organs.

Cough: Hard or loose cough, < from supper-time until going to bed.

Hawking up of thick, viscid mucus, consisting of mucous corpuscles, plasma, and but little granular matter.

Pituitous consumption.

** It relieves cough and promotes expectoration.

Chest: Inflammation of lungs.

Pleuritis, with painfulness in scapular region, < afternoon and leaning back.

After violent cough, haemorrhage and apparent death.

Oedema of lungs.

Mucous asthma.

During convalescence from pneumonia.

Relieved pressing, stitching in chest, bloody sputum, anxiety and oppression (external application).

No pulsation of heart; apparent death.

Pulse small. θ Cramp in stomach.

** Accelerates pulse.

Grasping pain in left side and both shoulders.

Chest painful to touch.

Back: Pain in back as from incarcerated flatulence.

A slight pressure on last dorsal vertebra increases pain exceedingly. θ Cramp in stomach.

Pain from abdomen through to back and down into sacrum.

Limbs: Painful twitchings in third left phalanx.

Pain in adductors of both thighs, upper part; it almost drags her to pieces.

Twitching in leg (r.), outside of tibia, middle third.

Pain in left gastrocnemius.

Twitching in right foot, third metatarsal tendon.

Suppressed foot sweats.

Towards morning pains in all joints when lying still; < lying on side, passing off on motion and when getting up.

Sleep: Sleep very refreshing.

Heavy sleep.

Awoke with a clearer mind than usual.

Sleepless nights, with bearing down in abdomen.

Skin: The rubefacient effect is shorter than that of mustard.

The skin is reddened and irritated, sometimes blisters are formed.

** Erysipelatous affections (the leaves).

** Eruptions of skin.

** Freckles and liver spots.

** Scorbutic ulcers.

Fever: ** Increases warmth, local and general exhalation.

Causes perspiration.

** Intermittent fever.


Rest, Position, Motion: Towards morning pain in all limbs when lying still, < when lying on side, passing off on motion and when getting up.

Bending forward: > cramp.

Lying on side: < pains in joints.

Lying on back: pain in bowels.

Sitting: < headache and nausea.

Motion: > pains in every joint.

On widely opening eyes: < headache.

Rest: < pains in every joint.

Nerves: General prostration. θ With backache.

** Palsy.

Apparent apoplectic death after a hemorrhage from lungs and nose, with a child suffering from whooping cough.

It raises vital forces when sunken to lowest degree.


Time: Night: tenesmus; coagulated blood from vagina.

Morning: borborygmi; pains in joints; cramp in stomach worse.

Afternoon: 4 P. M. twitching of corner of mouth; stools.

Evening: difficult thinking; stools; cough.

Temperature and Weather: After a cold: cramp in stomach.

Locality and Direction: Right: twitching in leg; in foot.

Left: pain deep in ear; corner of mouth twitches; dull pain in sublingual gland; grasping pain in side and shoulders; third phalanx, painful twitches; pain in gastrocnemius.

Pain draws from stomach through sides to back.

Sensations: Bloated sensation “As if everything was distended without being actually larger”; “As if frontal bone would fall out”; “As if teeth were soft and would bend”.

Externally applied, causes violent pains.

Violent pain: in head.

Stitches: in chest.

Cutting: and burning during micturition.

Burning: and biting on tongue; and stinging at anus; and itching at anus; in urethra; and cutting in glans.

Pressing: and boring in head; deep in brain; in chest.

Tearing pains: from belly through back into sacrum.

Grasping pain: in left side and both shoulders; in right foot.

Griping: in bowels; around umbilicus.

Cramp: in stomach; crampy, tensive pain above epigastrium.

Soreness: of upper lip; at scrobiculum cordis.

Sore, uneasy feeling: in frontal sinus.

Scraping: in throat.

Smarting: and burning, gonorrhoea.

Aching: in loins; in all joints towards morning.

Rheumatic toothache.

Tensive pain: above epigastrium.

Dull pain: in frontal sinus; in teeth, as if soft; in left sublingual gland; at scrobiculum cordis.

Undefined pain: in head; in left ear; with looseness of bowels; in scapular region; in back; in abductors of thighs; in left gastrocnemius; in joints.

Dulness: of head.

Uneasiness: in region of kidneys; in frontal sinus.

Fulness: frontal sinus and antrum.

Buzzing: in head.

Twitching: left corner of mouth; in third left phalanx, painful; in right leg.

Dryness: pharynx, larynx and nares.

Itching: at anus.


Pains in all the joints.

Rheumatism, wandering, chronic.

Gout; also in suppression, followed by colic and retention of urine (used in footh bath).


"Mucous" diseases.

Torpid, chronic catarrhs.

Anasarca after intermittents.

Dropsy, with albuminuria.

After pneumonia, during reconvalescence.

Beginning enteritis.

Beginning pleuritis.

Chronic catarrhs.

Touch, passive Motion, Injuries: Touching abdomen and small of back gives pain, which extends into right leg.

Chest painful to touch.

Traumatic inflammation of eyes.

Slight pressure on back: < cramp.


DD.: Contains an aetheric oil, very similar, if not identical with Sinapis.

DD.: Canth. Caps. Rhus-t. and Sin-n.

Taken in gin for colic, and for fever following it, Bell.

Vergleich: Liebt Salz; Enthält: Asparagin + S + Vit. C;                        

DD.: Cocc. sorgt aus Liebe, Coch. aus Pflichtgefühl um Angehörige, Magnesiums um Angehörigen nicht zu verlieren;

Cochlearia officinalis w

Stomatitis (aphthosa), Mundsoor

Dosierung: 4x tgl. bis 2-stdl. 5–7 Tr. D3 im Mund zergehen lassen.

Wirkung: Nach 2–4 Tg.   Dauer: 7–10 Tg.

Komedikation: Mundbalsam flüssig wa

Kombination wirkt deutlich unterstützend, die Heilung erfolgt rascher als mit Mundbalsam allein.

Siehe: Brassicales


Unverträglich: Schilddrüse Unterfunktion/Schwanger/Nierenbeschwerden


Antidotiert von: Jun-c,             Wacholderbeeren,                                     Antidotiert: Salz,


Wirkung. Sykotisch                        gifTIG                       

Allerlei: Sumpf/Bach Strand-/Salzmarschen             frostunempfindlich            Marsgeprägt


Phytologie: Zähnen/Harnwegen            Harn-/schweißtreibend

Durch verreiben entstehen antibiotische Stoffen/als Brotaufstrich bei Heuschnupfen/

auf Frostbeulen/zieht Blasen

Verdauung fördernd



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum