Comparison Capsicum and Eupatorium purpurea



Time: 17 - 18 h. every day. 10:30 h.

Prodrome: Thirst, without bone pains. Thirst during chill with pain in back and limbs. Chill: Commencing in back between the shoulders, < after drinking, > putting jugs of hot water to back,

must have something hot to back. Violent chill with general coldness of body. Heat: Light, transient, or mixed with sweat. No thirst in heat. Headache, intolerance of noise, sleepiness after.

Sweat: General, copious, or alternating with heat. Chill, heat and sweat, all relieved by motion.


Eupatorium purpurea

Time. - Different times of day. Every other day.

Prodrome. - Bone pains in arms and legs. Thirst for lemonade, and acid drinks - not water.

Chill. - Commencing in back, lumbar region, passes up and down spine with bone pains, blue lips and nails. Nausea as chill is leaving. Violent shaking, with comparatively little coldness of body. Heat. - Protracted and well marked, with thirst. Head light, as if falling to left side. Sweat. - Light, mostly on forehead and head. Neither stage relieved by anything.


Capsicum is a valuable remedy in intermittents occurring in midsummer, its symptoms are clearly defined and ought not to be confounded with any other remedy. The chill beginning in the

back between the scapulae, relieved by hot irons or jugs of hot water and lessened by motion, is characteristic. It is oftener indicated than used - just the reverse of Quinia.


Caps., Chin., Eupat-pur. and Nat-m. have thirst some time before paroxysm begins, “knows the chill is coming, because he wants to drink.” It is a chief symptom of the prodrome in each.

Both Capsicum and Chin. wanting in the bone pains and backache so characteristic of Eupat-pur. and Nat-m.

Analysis: Thirst before the chill (Cinchona, Eup., Nat.) but no bone pains.

Chill, with great thirst < after drinking. Shivering and chilliness after every drink > heat to back.

Heat, without thirst, amelioration by motion. Sleepy after fever and after eating (Apis, Podop.).

Sweat (without thirst) acrid or after chill or heat with sweat (Ant-c.), > by motion.

Midsummer fevers.



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