Comparison Haemachatus haemachatus + Elaps corallinus



Hemachatus haemachatus

Elaps corallinus


intense irritability, caused by perceived inefficiency, incompetence and poor planning. Disgust with hypocrisy. Anger with violent impulses to harm the offender – to punch them in the face, or rip their heads off, but these were controlled, and frustration was mostly vented by shouting. Feelings of frustration, and of being deliberately harassed or picked on. Provers had a feeling of being trapped, and a need to get outside, into nature or go for a walk on a field. Displayed aversion to company and a need to be alone, in a quiet restful space, but home was identified as that safe space, and provers retreated to their homes or rooms to pursue their own interests. Provers experienced a sense of anxiety, as if something bad, such as an accident, might happen, or as if something was just not quite right. There was a fear of driving, a sense of danger on the roads, even dreams of a massive accident. Carefree, bemused, happy, bubbly feelings, the enjoyment of the company of friends and the irritation felt by one prover at that fun being spoiled by a member of the group. Joyfulness, vivacity and a desire for entertainment seem, qualities common to all the snake remedies.

desire to play (in the grass), a need to get into the country away from people, black discharges, a craving for oranges, salads, ice and yoghurt, and dreams of falling.

feeling of isolation, of being separate and not belonging to the world as central to the remedy. There is a strong sense of independence, a need for freedom, with an aversion to being domesticated, held back or obstructed. Elaps displays intolerance to the pretence, dishonesty and lies of humanity, an inability to live in the city for too long, and a deep connection with nature and the outdoors. They are critical of themselves and others, and intolerant of others who are unaware and careless, hurting others because they are not mindful of their actions. They may feel rage, as of the blood boils, with a need to shriek or break things, together with a fear of losing control. Elaps may also be fastidious, and particular about cleanliness and order.

strong aversion to company, they cannot bear even the sight of anybody, with a need to get into the countryside away from people. At the same time, there is a fear of being alone, due to a fear that something may horrible happen. There is moroseness and taciturnity, and a tendency to sit wrapped in thought, dwelling on past disagreeable occurrences. There is anger and irritability, felt especially when disturbed or spoken to.





























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