Comparisons of heart remedies



Adonis vernalis.

Convellaria majalus.










Heart tonic

> outdoors

< morning when waking up


Heart tonic

< slightest motion





Crataegus. Rosales




Heart tonic








Tired, listless discontent

Pressing pain in the heart

Stitching in chest, < deep breath.







> outdoors, in the sun


< waking up in the morning

Heart tonic

Reduces blood cholesterol

no cumulative or toxic action as from Dig. Indicated for low and high

blood pressure, slow progressing heart failure and hypertrophy of the heart.

Irritated, hopeless, despondent (of cure)

Tendency to collapse, confusion.

“As if heart was

constricted by an iron hand”,

released and constricted again

stitching in heart with extreme dyspnoea.

> quiet, outdoors, sitting in open air

< exertion, night, closed warm room





Strophantus. Apocynaceae












stitching in chest < deep breathing

constant strong nausea > fresh air,

eating little, outdoors

< mental exertion

Useful for functional heart affections of

alcoholics, smokers, tea drinking persons;

palpitations in young nervous


dyspoea, cold hands and feet

stitching and twitching in apex of heart

pressure in region of stomach and liver

with eructations and hiccough < pressure/after eating, > lying on back





Digitalis. purpurea Apocynaceae




extreme tiredness/apathy

tiredness and warm feeling in chest

Lack of concentration

Mistakes in writing/uses wrong names

Thoughts wander

Feels connected to nature


Heartbeat is felt very well and precisely

Pressing pain in heart


Chest: weakness/stitching/

Pressing/radiating feeling

> fresh air/walking outdoors/pressure/after eating

< 3 – 4 h. waking up/motion/mental work/reading full moon/deep breathing


Valuable in functional and organic heart disease

Fits our present lifestyle

Coronary diseases, dilation or hypertrophy of the heart,

Valve disorders, high blood pressure

Hypercholesterolemia, diabetes

“As if heart stopped” when moving. Must stay still or sit.

Puls: slow/weak/irregular with weakness


> crying/deep breathing/alone/sitting still


< lying down, lying on left side, motion,

after eating, music/slightest motion


Very sensitive to and < noise and music
































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