Crotalus horridus Anhängsel


[ABC Homeopathy]

Snake poisons are supposed to be chemically Can. hydrates of Soda and other salts, is the natural solvent of these salts and an antidote. Has a profound trophic action. Old age nutritional troubles. Low septic states. General disorganization of the blood, Hemorrhages and jaundice. A crotalin injection decreases the rate of coagulation of the blood. In epilepsy the average rate is far greater

than in normal conditions. Blood decomposition, Hemorrhages (dark fluid that forms no clots), tendency to carbuncles, malignant scarlatina, Yellow fever, the plague, cholera. Hemorrhagic diathesis. Acts as a sedative. Sleeps into his symptoms. More right-sided in its action.


Anxious, labored breathing

Bilious vomit

Black-water fever


Craves – pork/stimulants

Dark or bluish parts Petechiae

Dark, besotted face

Deathly sick, tremulous and weak


Distorted face on waking



First one limb then the other is numb


Gangrene - Putridity, rapid decomposition and MALIGNANCY

General burning

Grinds teeth

HAEMORRHAGE; slow; oozing of dark, thin blood; pharyngeal Bloody pus or sweat

HEART, weak, trembles, feels loose or turns over; sensitive to lying on l

High fever; with scarlet skin

Horrible dreams; of the dead


Mistakes in writing

Mouldy - breath/excretions

Occipital ache; in waves from spine

Oedema about affected parts

Perineal abscess

Plaintive speech

Septic; tonsils, goitre, ulcers, abscess, etc

Stiff palate

Swelled tongue

Timid; fears evil



The symptoms are peculiar in Crotalus The remedy stands out by itself. There can be no substitute for it, as there is no other remedy, taken as a whole, that looks it.

The other poisons form the nearest resemblance, but this one is the most dreadful of all, excepting perhaps, the contortrix (Copperhead).

In the case of bites we get the most dire effects; we see death itself, we see the ending after a very rapid course, the very highest type of zymosis.

These poisons are supposed to be cyanhydrates of soda and other salts.

It is known that alcohol is the natural solvent of the cyanhydrates, and because of this alcohol has been used in great quantities in bites, and it has frequently prolonged and even saved life.

If he lives through the violent attack he goes on forever manifesting the chronic effects, and from these we have collected symptoms.

Dogs that have been bitten manifested the chronic effects of rattlesnake bite, and in them a peculiar periodicity has been manifested, viz., every spring as the cold weather subsides and the

warm days begin  I once had the privilege of tracing up a dog that had been bitten by Cenchris and had survived. It was bitten in the region of the neck, and in that region a large abscess

formed every spring as long as that dog lived, until old age, when he died from that disease. The periodicity in the poisons is related to the spring, to the coming on of the warm weather.

Another marked general feature in Crotalus, as in most of the other Ophidians, is that the patient sleeps into the aggravation

It is yellow, pale, bloodless. The body looks like wax. Hemorrhage from the ears, eyes, nose, lungs, from the mucous membranes everywhere, from the bowels, from the uterus,

A haemorrhagic constitution.


Crotalus is indicated in disease of the very lowest, the most putrid type, coming on with unusual rapidity, reaching that putrid state in an unusually short time. One who has been poisoned

rapidly sinks into, this besotted, benumbed. putrid, semi-conscious state. There is a feeling as if death were coming over him. As the blood oozes out it becomes black, It is sometimes fluid.

An awful state of nervousness prevails. Trembling of the limbs, tremulous weakness. On protruding the tongue it comes out quivering. Tired by the slightest exertion. Sudden prostration of

the vital powers. A paralytic weakness prevails throughout.


The loquacity is so rapid that if anyone in the room commences to tell something the patient will take it up and finish the story, although he has never heard anything about it, so active is his mind.

No one is permitted to finish a story in the presence of a patient. One will commence to tell something. He will say,

"Oh, yes; I understand it and he will go off on another line and finish up with something entirely different.

Crotalus does that, too, but Crotalus will take it up and mumble and stumble over his words in a clumsy manner.

It is a low passive state like intoxication; in it is wild excitement.

"Delirium with languor, drowsiness, stupor." That tells it.

"Loquacious delirium with desire to escape from bed."

It is passive, however. His motions are slow.

"Muttering delirium of typhus.


His thoughts dwell on death continually.

"Excessive sensitiveness.

Moved to tears by reading.

Melancholy with timidity, fear.

Anxious and pale, with cold sweat.

Irritable, cross, infuriated by least annoyance."

On motion there is vertigo, dizziness. On keeping still there is pain. On going to sleep there is pain, and he is roused by violent pain. The longer he sleeps the more severe that pain in the head.

"Headache extending into the eyes.

Bilious headache every few days."

Severe sick headache, together with dizziness, throbbing in the top of the head. Dull, pulsating headaches. Dull, heavy, throbbing, occipital headaches or the whole head is in a state of congestion.

He is confused and dazed. Head feels too large.

"Blood exudes from the eye, burning in eyes; redness with lachrymation."

Pressure in the eyes as if the eyes would be pushed out from the head. Paralysis of the upper lids. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the lids.

"Sensitive to noises."

Dull aching and throbbing in the ears. Foetid, copious, yellow, offensive, bloody discharges from the ears. Blood oozing from the ears in drops in zymotic diseases, low forms of scarlet fever,

or of diphtheria where there is oozing from the eyes and ears, and copious bleeding from the nose.

The nose is the most common organ to bleed in zymotic diseases. The rush of blood seems to get relief from bleeding from the nose. In this medicine the congestion to the head is violent with bleeding from the nose. It has cured all forms of foetid discharge. Horrible, foetid, putrid discharges from the nose. Ozoena.

Inflammation of the parotid gland. Blueness and discoloration of the face. Yellow appearance of the face, a marked condition of jaundice. In girls who appear waxy or anemic, yellowish green,

have for a long time missed the menstrual period and break out in pustules and pimples.

Those cases of diphtheria that ooze blood from the nose and mouth are very low types, and are sure to die without a well-selected remedy. The throat will be filled up under such circumstances

with a diphtheritic membrane that looks dark. There is bleeding all around it. Sore mouth with bleeding. Ulcers in the mouth. Ulcers

after in those who are pouring forth saliva on the pillow at night. Bleeding ulcers in the mouth. Difficult swallowing. Malignant diphtheria.

Cannot lie on the right side or back without instantly producing black, bilious vomiting. This is a wonderfully bilious remedy, sick headaches, vomiting of bile in great quantities.

The various low forms of disease calling for Crotalus often, begin with vomiting great quantities of bile, sometimes bile mixed with blood.

Crotalus has cured ulceration of the stomach. It has greatly restrained the growth of carcinoma when there is much vomiting of bile and blood. Vomiting in many instances where the blood has no tendency to coagulate.

Feeling in it as if it were made of wood.

"Stool black, thin, like coffee grounds.

Dysentery of septic origin from foul water, food, etc.

Diarrhoea from noxious effluvia."

Inflammation of the ovaries and of the uterus. Low form of putrid fever.

Women Hemorrhages, Either dark clots or blood that has no tendency to coagulate and keeps on flowing. There is great trouble at the climacteric period. Hot flashes. Jaundice.

Hemorrhage from the uterus or from other parts.

There is some reason to think that this will be more or less a heart remedy from the great cardiac weakness it produces. But the other poisons like and have had more clinical application than this one.

This one seems to prostrate the heart, but also to prostrate the whole body, and its complaints are more general. Mottled appearance of the limbs. Gangrenous appearance of the extremities.

Around the boil or carbuncle for many inches there is oedema, with pitting upon pressure. The boil, or abscess, or carbuncle will bleed a thick, black blood that will not coagulate. Carbuncles that come upon the neck and upon the back begin with a pustule, and then several come and they are surrounded by little pustules and papules and there is pitting upon pressure.

For these carbuncles you will need to study particularly

, , ,


and Crotalus. They are the medicines that have in their nature malignancy and manifestation.

Crotalus may save her life. Would it be possible to think of graver states of sickness than such as are produced by the ophidia?

When a physician sees these symptoms coming on he immediately thinks of a class of remedies that can cover such a state, remedies like, , and the Ophidia, and sometimes , and

While he is awake he is tired, he is stupid, he cannot add figures, he makes mistakes in writing, he transposes sentences, and in words he transposes letters. He is unable to take care of his own accounts, for he cannot add up things that are at all particular. Sleep # long and tedious periods of wakefulness.

He is disturbed by any change to warm weather. Great irritability, sensitive to spheres, easily disturbed by his surroundings and easily wrought up into a pitch of excitement are also features

of this remedy.

Following this up he is suspicious of his friends and is unable to reason upon a rational basis. He craves intoxicating drinks and is unable to resist the craving. This wonderful resemblance to old inebriates has led to the use of Crotalus in delirium tremens; it has the besotted countenance, the purple aspect of the face, the peculiar kind of hunger in the drunkard, the craving by spells for stimulants.

There is every reason to believe that in fat, robust, besotted drunkards it may, if properly used, be a remedy deep enough to remove the appetite for strong drink.



Cerebro-spinal nerves




Right side



<: r./evening and morning/awaking/spring/coming on of warm weather/yearly/open air/damp and wet/jar;.


[Otto Leeser, M.D., Ph.D.]

The two species of the genus Crotalus found in our materia medica: Crot-h. by Hering and Crot-c. by Mure, should be well distinguished from each other.

Unfortunately, we cannot be sure whether the extensive symptomatology of Crot-h. has been obtained solely from that species, the "timber rattler" of the eastern and central states of the USA, for in other parts of

N. America different, though closely related species are encountered.

Moreover, it seems that Crotalus durissus terrificus of Central America has not always been distinguished from Crot-h. Mure's Crot-c. was almost certainly what nowadays is known as Crotalus terrificus terrificus, found in Brazil and Argentina. (As Crotalus durissus terrificus in Central America is also called cascabel, further confusion may arise; but the latter species need not concern us here.)

Venoms of Crot-h.  and Crotalus terrificus terrificus show marked differences in their composition. The "crotamine" separated from the proteins of Crotalus terrificus terrificus (Cascavella) is not found in the venom of Crot-h. This may explain why the bite of Crotalus terrificus terrificus has less localized effects, less pain, inflammation and necrosis, but is more lethal through protracted action on cell respiration and nerve centers than that of Crot-h. acts more rapidly and appears to deploy foremost proteolytic and hemolytic properties. Among the numerous cases reported of bites by the N.American rattlesnakes remarkably many have recovered, though the condition appeared most alarming. Whether this was due to the much used and liberally dispensed whisky as an antidote is another matter.

The tendency to hemorrhages is an outstanding feature of Crot-h. (exceeding Lach.) used in differentiating the 2 remedies.

All kinds of hemorrhagic diatheses may come into the orbit of Crot-h., to be differentiated with other remedies (Phos.). In purpura haemorrhagica and in haemophilic extravasations is considered foremost. Intra-ocular bleeding in particular shows Crot-h.

In infectious conditions by severe disorganization of the blood, extravasations, adynamic remittent fever with muttering delirium show a "septic" character. the site of origin is frequently found in the fauces, but carbuncles with blue-black and yellow discoloration are also cited. The ulcers with unhealthy granulations and discolored margins (Lach.).

In thrombotic processes Crot-h., in contrast to Lach., is hardly ever mentioned, but unjustly so, it seems. At first sight the strong anticoagulant action of the Crot-h. venom may be taken to indicate

a heparin-like use of the venom rather than a homeopathic one. It has, however, to be kept in mind that the formation of thrombi, and thrombophlebitis in particular, constitute processes very different from extravasal coagulation.

They involve a lesion of the intima of the vessel first and subsequently an agglutination of platelets. Both are well within the potential actions of Crot-h. It is true that the provings in this direction have not brought out much more than cramp-like pains (legs). In thrombophlebitis Crot-h. can be as effective as Lach. The cramp-like pains in the legs in such cases are so as to make standing almost impossible and become < stretching.


[JJ Kleber]

Fraser: fühlt sich angegriffen (von allen) und reagiert mit offen bösartig heftiger Gegenattacke o. Rückzug an ruhigen Ort, wo sie alleine sind (DD Lach ist mehr hinterhältig verschlagen); körperlich und emotional nicht so empfindlich wie Lachesis, zeigen aber Emotionen ehrlicher (zu Tränen gerührt, Eifersucht nicht so treibend wie Lach)

Olaf Posdzech Verreibungsprüfung: Misstrauen, Hass, Gewalt bis Mordlust, kalte Atmosphäre; Einsam wegen Feindseligkeit gegen alle; Themen um Tod, Verlust, los lassen, Abschied nehmen; kalte Sexualität mit Beziehungsproblemen.

Richter + Mangialavori: fühlt sich isoliert alleine; fühlt sich zum Helfen verpflichtet will aber eigentlich nicht (DD Naja mehr zurückhaltend + schüchtern); macht alles für andere, obwohl diese die

Hilfe gar nicht wollen und ist böse wenn die viele Hilfe nicht anerkannt wird; fühlt sich durch diese Bindung in eigener Entwicklung behindert (Bild von sich dauernd einmischender Schwiegermutter); wegen Beziehungsstörung kann er eigene Wünsche + Bedürfnisse nicht aussprechen wird dann sprachlos; hat Grundangst, dass ihm nur Schlechtes angetan wird, dass ihm nur Schlechtes widerfährt (deshalb empfindet bei jeder Behandlung nur Verschlimmerung, phantasiert lauter schlimme Unglücke); im Endstadium aufgeopfert für andere, nix dafür bekommen, ausgeblutet o. blutend aus allen Öffnungen.

Ursache: Eltern benutzen das Kind für sich o. Kind muss sich um Eltern kümmern, dadurch wird später zum Helfer, der eigentlich nicht will; fühlt sich benutzt ausgenutzt;

Verführt durch Dienen, Unterwürfigkeit, sich Klein machen; zeigen wie nützlich man ist.

Fraser: fühlt sich angegriffen und geschlagen (DD.: Lach fühlt sich eingesperrt und behindert); empfindet andere konspirativ gegen sich gerichtet.

Blutung aus Körperöffnungen (Menorrhagie nach unterdrückter Menses); Angst [dass etwas Schreckliches passiert/von allen angegriffen (Traum)]; aktives Stadium mit Redefluss und evtl. Aggression weniger deutlich als andere Crotalidae; in Erschöpfung schwach (kann Kopf nicht halten wegen schwache Nacken), Intellekt benommen, zögernd bis verwirrt + stupid; Sex ist Sünde; beständige Angst; empfindsam + fühlt Atmosphäre (aber weniger als Lach); plötzliche wandernde Schmerz, wenn etwas an ihm getan wird, kommt der Schmerz, Gedanken wandern; immer sind andere schuld, gar nix hilft oder tut gut; immer Furcht vor Bösem; spricht schnell + viel oder langsam + viel und schweift vom Thema ab, o. spricht unter Stress gar nicht mehr; spricht mit sich selbst (DD.: nicht so geschwätzig wie Lach); unterwürfig aber voller gestauter Wut (Narben/Wunden gehen wieder auf, sind rot + entzündet, Asthma, Schwellungsgefühl Herz Hals); viel Streit + Konflikte mit Nähe stehenden (im Traum).

Schlaf: viel Angstträume (verarbeitet Tageseindrücke); Ängste [von allen angegriffen (Traum)]; sehr müde aber kann nicht einschlafen;

Auge: Netzhaut-/Sklerablutungen, Ikterus

Mund: nächtliches Zähneknirschen, Zahnfleischbluten +-Abszesse; Hals wie zugeschnürt (Crot. allgemein)

Nase: Ozäna; chronisches Nasenbluten dunkel + flüssig

Bauch: verträgt keinerlei Druck (Kleidung) Magen-, Leberregion; tagelanges heftiges Erbrechen (auch Galle, schwarzes Blut); starke Übelkeit < Anstrengung + Gehen; Verlangen fettes Schweinefleisch; Hepatitis mit Blutungen, Druckempfindlichkeit; brennende Magenschmerzen mit Durst auf kaltes Wasser (Phos.); gesteigerte Appetit.

Rektum: Durchfall mit Übelkeit, dunkle DarmblutUNG; Verstopfung: mit Blutandrang zu Kopf

Blutungen: dunkles nicht verklumptes Blut; Ecchymosen, Purpura; Blutung + abnehmende Kräfte während Zersetzungsprozesse.

< im Frühjahr/morgens/im/nach Schlaf/vor Menses/Druck am Bauch + Hals; Schmerz + andere Beschwerden sind wechselnd, kommen + gehen plötzlich, erscheinen häufig wieder.

Blutungen, Stauungs- + Einengungssymptome (Hals, Leber, Herz- Kreislauf) wie die meisten Schlangen, bei Crot-h. oft im Abdomen < nach Essen; Mamma, Menopause (Lach); Apoplexie (Aphasie/Taubheitsgefühl/Lähmungen); Gelbfieber/Sepsis.;


[Amati Holle]

Die Farbe ist dem Lebensraum angepasst.

Meist Bodenbewohnend, wenige Formen auch wasserliebend. Winterruhe haltend. Sie injizieren blitzschnell ihr Gift, ziehen sich dann zurück, um dem Opfer nach einiger Zeit zu folgen. .

Hautverteidigungsstrategie ist die Tarnung.

Kein natürliches Lebensrecht haben. Extreme Bedrohung.

Gefangen sein im eigenem Gift. Züngeln mit indirekten Botschaften.

Lebt in völliger Isolation, (Jeder kämpft für sich allein)

Rückzug. Hat Angst, sich zu nehmen, was ihm zusteht oder zu zeigen, weil es zu angreifbar macht. Ergeben sich im Leiden angreifbar sein. Melancholisch. Eingeschnappt.

Geschäftemacherei. Klappern gehört zum Geschäft (Opfer und TäterIn)

Oder Angreifende sein, Feindselig gegen jeden, Hass, nimmt sich Eiskalt. Spaß an Machtgefühle. Berechnend. Spaß am Wissen tödlich zu sein. Der kleinste Fehler kann tödlich sein

GG: weinerlich, melancholisch und träge.

Furcht: Lampenfieber.

Körperliche Symptome: Müdigkeit und Schwäche.

Blutungen u.a. der Netzhaut (Ham./Phos./Lach./Sulph.), Bluthusten, Alkoholismus, rechte Seite, Ohnmacht bei Fieber, Sonnenstich, Gehirnschlag.

Unterdrückt Äußerung, Harnsperre, Kehlkopfnekrose, Kropf, Blutung aus Körperöffnungen.

Sexuelles Verlangen ohne Erektion.

Atemstillstand Neugeborener(geht das Leben nicht an).

Mund-, Magen-, Leber-, Bauchspeicheldrüsenprobleme.

Konfrontationsscheu: Augen-, Ohren-, Zungenprobleme.

Impfung-/Operationsfolgen, Gangrän.

Blutungen, Sepsis. Bluthusten. Schlaganfall nach Blutungen wenn Arnika nicht hilft. (Blutungen nach Heparin D12). Sogar die Tränen bluten.

Diphterie, Myokardinfarkt. septisch auf Blut und Nervensystem,

Hauptsächlich rechts.

<: im Freien, morgens und abends, Erschütterung.

Verlangt: Schweinefleisch/nach Wein.

DD.  ähnlich  Lachesis, mit starker Neigung zu Blutungen und Sepsis. Centrix concortix


[Lori Foley]

Massimo Mangliavori: They say “I am unable to grow” - they are impeded by their family

They are compulsive, obliged to take care of their family, but no real sympathy or pleasure or real desire to do it

The classic mother-in-law does what she thinks is best for you—then complains is never recognized

The family is a BURDEN

Who could be the subject of their generosity… then they suffocate this person

They impose their presence

Seduction: to show how useful or generous they are

They look like someone who knows how to take care of others professionally

This generosity takes away all their energy

Eroticism is not so clear: Considered a kind of sin.

They may be stuck in relationship w/father or mother– Oedipus Complex

They give out all their energy, all their breath to people and are not recognized

Betrayed as poor victim asks somebody for help

DUALITY: Sense of duty to family, keeps them

from doing something

Allowed to “poison” the father or mother

Dark side is their expression of RAGE, seen at


Sometimes they dream about killing the parent—

”At least in my dreams I’m allowed to kill them and

get rid of them”


Is mainly about the “know-how” of how to manage

relationships, may read 20 books about child psychology

The main persecutors are the few members of

their family who don’t allow them to grow

They BOND to these people strongly

Can’t trust the doctor (they are like father and


Suspiciousness: each new person is a possible


Each new person may oblige them to take care of

another person and not themselves and this is

very dangerous


Male 71 years old

High blood pressure

Doesn’t say that much (restraint)

Sizes up the whole place

Notices everything (strategic)

“I’m a strong family man”

“But my wife is an individual”

“I like to know what’s going on with my wife” (jealousy)

She still has breakfast with ex

He insists she quit seeing ex

She continues, He’s pissed off

I also have financial stress, loaning money to wife’s kids

“I’m tired of financing the whole goddamn family”

(Feels he’s surrounded by enemies)

Military background

Also in law enforcement

In 1955 I had Hodgins (severe pathology)

Had chemo, harsh, He recovered completely, outlived 2 wives

History of headaches, overcomes with his will (has an iron will)

Varicose veins, also on his nose

Very dark red face



• Blood stuff really important

• Circulatory system

Hemorrhages from anywhere, unusual places, blood out of ears, out of pores…

• (Ebola virus)

• Blood broken down

• All Liver stuff

• Jaundice, hepatitis

• Severe inflammations, internal abscesses where the blood turns black

• A lot of constriction

• Both syphilitic and typhoid feeling (in acutes) but constitutionally more syphilitic

• Face

• Burning red with lachrymation

• Yellow colour of eye

• Retinal hemorrhage

• Blood oozes form the ear

• Nosebleed esp. during diphtheria or other septic diseases

Ozaena; syphilitic, from exanthemata (a chronic disease of the nose characterized by a foul-smelling nasal discharge and atrophy of nasal structures)

• Tip of nose, blue and red

Varices on nose

• Lips; swollen, stiff and numb

• Dark, besotted face

• Face yellow, death like pallor

• Mouth

• Tongue, yellow swollen protruded, to the right

Crot-h Page 2 of 3

Crotalus horridus (Rattle Snake) Viperidae

• Mouth fills with saliva, Saliva bloody, frothy

• Throat

• Tight constriction, difficulty swallowing anything solid

• Throat gangrenous, swollen

• G/I

• Craves pork, stimulants

• Vomiting, bilious; grass green, cannot retain anything

• Cannot bear clothes round the stomach

• Vomiting, purging and urination simultaneously

• Swollen, hot, tender peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum (the serous membrane which lines part of the abdominal cavity and some of the viscera it contains).

• Inguinal glands enlarged (from twelve to twenty in number, are situated at the upper part of the femoral triangle where leg meets hip.)

• Bleeding from anus when standing and walking

• Stools, black, thin offensive

Perineal anscess

• Jaundice, haematic, malignant

• Coldness in stomach or abdomen as from piece of ice

• Pain in the liver and top of shoulders

• Intestine hemorrhaging

• Weak, trembles

• Horrible dreams of dead, suffocation awaking after

• Fevers

• Malignant fevers, high fevers, yellow fevers, cerebrospinal meningitis

• Black water fever

• Skin

• Sweat cold, bloody

• Yellow, jaundice, septisemia

Purpura hemorrhagia

• Blood boils, carbuncles (carbuncle is a cluster of boils that often occurs on the back of the neck, shoulders or thighs, especially in older men. Carbuncles cause a deeper and more severe infection

than a single boil.), felons (Felons are closed space infections of the fingertip pulp)

• Old cicatrices, break open again

• Oedema (Accumulation of fluid) about affected part

• Skin, cold and dry

• Skin shows every hint of color


Feeling of being surrounded by enemies

They have to defend themselves by themselves

Feeling persecuted


Darker than Lachesis

A strong kind of control feeling

As much intensity as lachesis, but doesn’t all come out so extroverted and sexual

It is for jealously

Prone to violence over jealously, suspicion

The physical symptoms are expected

The toxin affects the blood system and the heart

Strong affinity to physical



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