Ferrum metallicum Kind Anhang




Type A: eher Mädchen/lange Geburt mit Blutverlust/Schwach/oft krank/Alpträume nach spannende Geschichte + fasziniert davon;

Type B: eher Jungen/starke Wehen/Geburt kurz/brüllt/gedeiht gut; Verfrorene Buben/erröten (bei Anstrengung/Emotionen) + verblassen schnell/liebt spannende

Geschichten, Pubertät = Krieg mit Eltern + cool wetteifern mit Kumpanen, Mädchen = Walküren/= Lach-ähnlich + verfroren, nässt ein während Bewegung + nicht

nachts, ohne viel Angaben, strenges Elternhaus + fühlt sich unter DRUCK, Zahnung = Qual


[Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea]

Apprehends, sudden blows, as had sudden beatings as a child: Ferr-met.

Violence, unpredicted mood of father: Ferr-met.



Family-oriented children; at a young age will stand as a watchdog for the family’s reputation in society.

Irritability at the slightest of noise, such as crackling of paper, dishes, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, etc.; drives the child to despair (Asar).

Angry (Anac), disputative (Nux-v. Sulph), easily excited, and quarrelsome children.

Children frequently have a delusion that somebody is behind them when walking in the dark (Sanic).

Confident and egotistical children, yet sober and well balanced.

Haughty (Verat.), self-satisfied expression.

Tales of an injured, wounded, and fragile ego; the child is always right, and is excited by the least opposition.


Anemic, delicate, and weak children, with fiery red faces.

Children are perfectly healthy and feel fine when they are in the house, but the moment they go out of the house and play outdoors or run around, they become exhausted.

Chronic diarrheas (Phos. Thyr), which are non-infectious in origin (malabsorption syndrome), where the child has to run to the toilet during meals.

Easily fatigued (Chin.) and tired; gets out of breath, feels absolutely exhausted and often faints and feels giddy, especially when undertaking sports, physical training,

playing games, talking too much, with slightest overexertion, etc.

Extremely chilly children; infants feel cold intensely, have cold extremities, and very troublesome cramps in the feet.

Haemorrhagic diathesis; bright red blood that coagulates easily (Ferr. Ip. Phos).

Paleness of face, lips, and mucus membranes, which become red and flushed with the slightest emotion or exertion.

Sensitive to pain from the slightest in jury; cannot tolerate any injection, vaccination, or dental work.

Tendency to faint when the child is exposed to crowded places like railway stations, airports, theatres, fairs, etc.

Vomiting immediately after breast-feeding or while feeding, or as soon as the food is eaten; vomits everything taken, very forcefully, all in one shot.

Easy blushing (Aml-ns. Coca).

Regurgitation of milk and food in mouthfuls (Alum), without nausea.

Summer diarrhea of babies, which occurs immediately when they start to feed.

Useful in haematological diseases of newborns and infants especially (thalassemia/hereditary spherocytosis/sickle-cell anemia/ iron deficiency/anaemia/

idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura/hemophilia/lymphatic leukemia.

Other important symptoms


Ailments from emotional excitement (anger, happiness, or pleasant surprises).

Fear of open (Calc) or narrow spaces (Arg-n. Stram), thus fears travelling in a train or crossing a bridge.

Fearful and sensitive to the slightest noise; startles even from the crackling of paper (Asar. Coff. Ther.).

Obstinate, headstrong (Cham. Tarent), rude, and abrupt children; easily become red and irritable from the slightest contradiction.

Timid and bashful children.

Very competitive children, with a fear of failure (Lyc).

Alternating states: Strong willpower # easy and immoderate weeping; mirth # sadness; mental symptoms # physical symptoms.

Awful anxiety when the child does not pass stool.

Dullness in the morning on waking (Chin. Mag-m).

Feel guilty very easily on disobeying his parents or neglecting his duty.

Likes to be busy and occupied all the time.

Sensitive to the opinion of others and to criticism.


Congestion and heat of head from excitement (Phos), anger, coughing, laughing, etc., with a pale face.

Hot perspiration on the occipital region (Calc. Ph-ac. Sulph).

Violent, hammering, and pulsating pains in the head with epistaxis, loss of appetite, and red face (Bell. Glon); < becoming cold/coughing/emotional excitement/jar/

stooping; > cold applications (Bell. Bry. Glon. Spig)/external pressure/on lying down/in open air (Lyc. Puls. Zinc).

Migraine, almost every 2 weeks, lasting continuously for 2 or 3 days.

Examination findings:

- Cannot hold the head up straight; head drawn to the right side.

- Hydrocephalus.

- Scalp is sensitive to touch (Chin, Mez).


Lachrymation from writing (Calc. Staph) or with pain in any part of the body (Sabad).

Examination findings:

- Styes on the upper eyelid (Ph-ac, Puls).

- Astigmatism.

- Conjunctiva injected.

- Contracted pupils, insensible to light.

- Edematous swelling of upper and lower eyelids.

- Icterus.


Acuteness of hearing to slightest noise (Asar. Borx); child wakes up from even a slight rumpling of paper.

Examination findings:

- Eustachian catarrh.

- Otorrhea from the left ear (Graph, Puls).


Chronic epistaxis (Vip) in congenital and acquired hemorrhagic disorders. In small anemic children, of clotted or bright red blood, daily in the morning, < blowing the nose.

Catarrh ext. the frontal sinuses.

Purulent nasal discharge, worse at night, forming dry crusts and scabs in the morning (Kali-bi. Stict).

Examination findings:

- Fan-like motion of the alae nasi.

- Dilatation of nostrils during expiration.

- Postnasal catarrh.


Sunken (Ant-t. Ars), pale, Hippocratic face, becomes flushed and red very easily from the slightest bit of excitement, during pains, or with fever.

Examination findings:

- Distended veins on the temples (Bell, Chin, Sang).

- One side red, the other pale.


Constant grinding of teeth

Slow and difficult dentition.

Toothache better by sipping ice-cold water.

Examination findings:

- Halitosis.

- Pale white gums due to anaemia.

- Tongue trembles when protruded (Gels, Hell).

- Whitish or dirty yellowish coating of the tongue.


Recurrent tonsillitis.

Sensation of lump in the throat with choking, impelling the child to keep swallowing, which gives no relief.

Examination findings:

- Swelling of cervical glands.


Capricious appetite, sometimes ravenous, at other times wanting, but always associated with increased thirst.

Children refuse to bite their food; the baby y always want food to be mashed or pureed (Lyc. Merc. Staph) (Didier Grandgeorge).

Indigestion with cramping pains in the stomach, < after taking cold drinks/eggs (Colch)/meat (Ptel)/milk.

Sudden and violent nausea and vomiting of sour, undigested food by mouthfuls until the stomach is completely empty; < after midnight/

after every cough/from taking cold water/eggs/meat/sweets; while eating/while travelling by a car or bus.

Every particle of food taken during the day is vomited (towards midnight).

Foul, bitter, or sour eructations and waterbrash after eating fatty or rich food.

Slow digestion.

Vomiting of food, with a fiery red face.

<: Butter/cold drinks or cold food/dry food/eggs/fat/(sour) fruit/meat/milk/rich food/sour food/sweets/tea (Chin. Nux-v. Sep)/tomatoes/vinegar/warm drinks or food;

Aversions: Cheese/eggs (Puls. Sulph.)/fat (Chin. Nit-ac), fruits (green or sour)/herring/meat/milk/nuts/solid food/sour food (Bell. Cocc)/tomatoes/warm drinks or food;

Desires: Bread (and butter) (Bar-m. Merc.)/butter/delicacies/sour fruits (Ars)/indigestible things (chalk/clay/earth/lime/slate pencils)/liquid food (warm soup)/

Meat/pizza (Nat-m)/raw tomatoes (Ign)/sour food/sweets/warm drinks or food (Bry, Ph-ac);


Gurgling in the abdomen from flatulence before stools.

Examination findings:

- Ascites.

- Hard, palpable liver and spleen.

- Tympanitic distension of the abdomen.


Cholera infantum with rice water stools.

Itching of anus at night.

Prolapse of rectum while passing stools (Ign. Sep).

Examination findings:

- Oozing of offensive moisture from the anus.

- Excoriation of anus.

- Stool: Ascarides, pinworms.

Stool: Chronic, obstinate, sudden, gushing, painless, exhausting diarrhea of dark brown or black watery stool, with mucus, undigested food particles, and offensive flatus,

< at night (Ars. Chin. Merc)/after drinking/during dentition/from nervous emotions/in warm weather/on motion/while nursing or eating (Crot-t. Kali-p)/eating meat or fruit.


Involuntary urination from sudden movement.

Nocturnal enuresis.

Urine dribbling all day; dribbling ceases when the child lies perfectly quiet.

Urine leaves yellowish sediment on the diaper.

Examination findings:

- Urine: Albumin ++, increased specific gravity, pus cells ++, and RBC ++.

Male organs:

Disposition to masturbate.

Female organs:

Acrid, milky leucorrhea in anaemic children with intolerable itching and burning of the parts.

Larynx and Trachea:

Roughness and tickling in the larynx, causing cough.

Weakness or hoarseness of voice from talking.

Respiratory organs:

Dysponea and asthmatic breathing worse after midnight, in the forenoon (10 – 11 h.) and on coughing; > being fanned/talking/sitting upright/moving/walking around slowly.

Severe oppression of the chest; the child feels as if something heavy is pressing on the chest; < midnight; must sit up, or better still, walk around for relief.

Asthma after suppressed eczema or scabies (Ars. Cupr).

Breathing arrested when coughing (Ant-t. Cupr-met).

Examination findings:

- Hot breath (Sulph)

- Abdominal respiration.

- Child finds it difficult to take deep breaths.

- Rattling respiration.

- Wheezing.


During cough: Gagging, must sit up, pain in the abdomen, perspiration, retching, and vomiting.

Spasmodic coughing fits with vomiting (Ip) and epistaxis; drinking or eating anything makes the child vomit everything he has ingested; < from crying/talking/evening to midnight/

exposure to cold air/in the morning on rising; > better by walking/being carried around slowly

Cough seems to come from the stomach (Bry. Sep).

Dry cough in the evening, which becomes loose only in the morning.


Examination findings:

- Empyema.

- Pneumonia with hepatization and hemorrhage from the lungs.

- Systolic murmurs.


Perspiration in the cervical region (Calc).

Swelling of the cervical glands around the nape of neck.


Cramps in the calves and toes at night in bed.

Weak joints.

Examination findings:

- Cold perspiration of the palms and between the toes.

- Icy coldness of the distal limbs (toes)

- Restless legs (Med. Zinc).

- Contraction of muscles and tendons of fingers.

- Warts on the hands and fingers.


Can sleep only on the back (Rhus-t. Sulph).

Sleeps easily when attempting to study (Gels.).

Sleeps with his eyes half-open (Lyc.).

Sleeplessness in children suffering from worms; sleepless all night, sleeps heavily by morning.

Sleepy after eating or nursing.



- Ailments from exposure to draft of air or rain

- During chill: Dry cough, heat and redness of face, icy cold feet and increased thirst.

- Frequent short attacks of violent chills (< l. side), beginning in the hands and feet, occurring at regular and distinct periodicity (< after 3 h.).


- During heat: Bitter taste in the mouth, cold feet, cough, desire for uncovering, distended blood vessels, dysponea, headache, intolerance of clothing, irritability,

pale skin, red hot face with icy cold limbs (hands and feet), restlessness, thirstless or unquenchable thirst, vomiting.

- Localized heat on the abdomen, back, cheeks, eyes, external throat, and head.

- Dry, burning heat that comes on in the evening and in sleep.


- Cold, clammy, and profuse sweat, which stains the linen yellow, with a desire to uncover.

- All symptoms worse during perspiration (opposite of Nat-m. > perspiration).


Skin is burning hot to the touch (Bell.), but child feels cold internally.

Examination findings:

- Ecchymosis.

- Icterus.

- Small warts.

- Waxy skin.

- Wrinkled or flabby skin.


Anaemic, weak children with marked pallor and faintness; from nutritional disturbance, after exhausting disease or haemorrhage; face flushes very easily from the slightest excitement; > being fanned.

Chilly and obese children; catches cold easily; < least exposure to cold or open air and in cold or wet weather.

Great emaciation (Ars. Calc. Chin. Nat-m. Tub).

Hemorrhagic tendency; profuse, bright red flow with dark clots from orifices or from slight wounds.

Ailments from change of weather (cold to warm), cold or wet weather, during convalescence, loss of blood (epistaxis, bacillary dysentery,

hookworms) or vital fluids (gastroenteritis, chronic diarrhea).

Hot flushes from the slightest nervousness or exertion.

Late in learning to walk. (Calc. Calc-p)

Rapid emaciation, in spite of canine hunger, in children with juvenile diabetes.

Rickets; soft bones; slow repair of broken bones.



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